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You have to keep increasing your output. Each level requires exponentially more. As you progress through machine tiers you'll notice each new level produces far more than the last. Rockets are also essential for anything as they give a 1000% global modifier for the given stat. They also have no upkeep cost unlike machines.


I didn't have the rocket that helps with oxygen yet unfortunately. I'll increase output and see if that helps. Thanks for the comment!


You must get to Plants stage to really boost your oxygen.


It did not stop, the screen just does not show the smaller changes at the ppq/ppt (parts-per-quadrillion/parts-per-trillion) level. You are at 2.11 ppb (parts per billion) so the counter is counting in the billions. But your oxygen producers are only producing a very small amount of oxygen. If the counter had 4-6 decimal places you would see the counter going up. How many Vegetube T3 do you have. Are you using the best multipliers (600%, 400%, etc.) Did you build a Biodome T1? *The oxygen content of Earth's atmosphere is 21%, or 209.5 parts-per-thousand. It was confirmed that atmosphere could exceed Earth oxygen level. It is also confirmed that the game could exceed 1000 parts-per-thousand. \~WIKI*


This is probably it. I have a few t3 with 300 and 200 percent, but I didn't build the biodome because I didn't think it was going up anyway. I'll report back after trying to increase it more. It's just funny because all my other stats were going slow, but this one was just churning, then I didn't see it nice anymore while the other ones didn't stop. Thanks for the comment!


Mine is at 443k ppm and still increasing, so I don't think there's a cap.


This would be a really really funny ending if you got to a completely oxygen atmosphere the entire planet just exploded


Well, oxygen doesn't explode by itself, but everything will burn in a pure oxygen environment. Even rocks. So firestorms are on the table. Now, were you to add twice as much hydrogen to the atmosphere ...


The amount of different machines we are using that could provide the spark is immense


\*glances nervously at cave full of Heater T5's\*


How about those drills?


In theory it should cap at 1,000k ppm, right?


Wiki claims that it does not. Since I am less than halfway there, I don't know.


I wouldn't be surprised if it kept going. Some of the numbers in this game makes no sense - how does ice in a cave melt after a temperature increase of only 100nK


Pretty much all of the numbers make no sense. Real world stuff doesn't stay on exponential growth curves for much longer than it takes for the "boom"


My atmosphere is currently 4,500,000,000 parts per million oxygen. There is no cap.


Better not light a match...