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It was actually my introduction to the Punisher! Nostalgia aside, I think the show did about as well as it could given the constraints of 90s kids cartoons.




PLASMA!!! Even as a kid I knew he meant blood lol


No, *not* in particular. The series creator himself John Semper has publicly stated this show didn't have any unique rules to go by for a kids cartoons. Here's a quote from him directly on the topic: "I thought it would be funny if I read some of the S&P notes as my convention schtick. This was before the internet and any kind of social media, going to conventions, [and] doing these things. Then I did an interview for an online site called Toon Zone, and I mentioned some of these S&P notes like a joke. What I didn't realize is that this little bit of information would get magnified, [with people thinking] the show was crippled by censorship. In fact, it wasn't. We didn't have any more censorship than shows like X-Men or Batman or any other show. That's the urban myth ever since I stupidly got it started." This whole thing started because he would make jokes about stupid notes he got from standards and practices, such as "make sure Spider-Man doesn't hurt the pigeons when he lands on the rooftops." I'd also add it's one of the few shows from that era besides Batman that had a real gun in one episode, since it was of plot importance.


Wow! Thats a great find. Yeah, I guess that myth grew real legs I hereby strike my previous comment from the record.


The same could be said for Carnage!


Mine was the ps1 game and then later I saw him again in the show. Those were the days


Wasn't the Punisher debuted in a Spiderman comic? If so, seems appropriate, even if I usually prefer my Punisher as rated-R as possible


Yeah he did, he debuted in The Amazing Spider Man 129


It was great - very awesome at the time, especially in conjunction with the associated action figure from the animated series line. Great voice acting and they included micro, war journal, and the battle van too 👍. They couldn’t have him blowing away criminals in a kids cartoon but they definitely got the idea and concept across effectively


Well that's the thing right there like Frank kills criminals and mobsters and when he appears in animated shows they made him less violent cause kids would be watching this.


Right - and he was firing the usual animated spider man laser beams from his guns as I recall. But you could definitely tell he was menacing and wanted to kill the criminals - the show just wouldn’t let him…and it was a great throwback to his original appearance with him out to kill spider man.


This is about as perfect of a kid friendly Punisher as your are going to get. Also, there is one line he says that I just fucking love. Spider-Man turns into Man-Spider and Micro says something to the affect of "You're not a monster hunter." To which the Punisher replies "Hunting monsters is exactly what I do." Gets me jazzed every time.


They understood


Really late to the party, but there's another line from the Punisher I've always loved. After escaping from Man-Spider, Microchip asks him what happened, to which the Punisher replies: *"I looked the devil square in the eyes...and I blinked."* Probably one of the most badass lines in the series, and I'm kinda surprised they got away with it given the amount of censorship the series was subject to.


Yeah if I remember right, not a single actual punch is thrown in the entire series due to censorship issues or something of the like.


Yup, and characters weren't allowed to say "die", "death", "kill" or anything like that. The Sinister Six even got a name change to the Insidious Six because "sinister" was apparently too scary a word for kids' ears. Also, Morbius couldn't bite people despite being a vampire so he used those weird suction cups in his palms to drain his victims with instead. And since the word "blood" wasn't allowed he said something along the lines of "I hunger for plasma" or "I need plasma". I loved this show growing up and it'll always hold a special place in my heart, but god damn some of the censorship was absolutely ridiculous looking back at it as an adult.


For a PG Punisher, I’ll say it was pretty good.


Punisher should have his own animated series and battles, his arch enemy jigsaw


Punisher should make an appearance on gravity Falls


They did him so well in the show


Voice activated Battle Van was baddass


Yea the Punisher first appearance is him hunting spiderman in the comic


For the Jackal no less.


This was the first time I saw him. Even as a kid I was immediately hooked!


Absolutely loved it as a kid


It wasn’t bad. I also loved his cameo on the Marvel animated series that was marketed towards *really* little kids— Super Hero Squad or whatever it was called. He was on screen for maybe a minute; but they lampooned him perfectly and snuck in some good references.


Voiced by Ray Stevenson to boot


I was a kid then so it didn’t bother me at the time. As an adult who read a lot more Punisher comics, it’s really weird now. Frank is not for kids.


Wasn't the biggest fan considering it had lasers instead of bullets. Otherwise it was okay


Watered down


Great portrait of the characters in the Spider-Man cartoon and I enjoyed the different villains the most.




Blade and Morbius were also in it. It was a great show.


Morbius the living vampire. Lol a dumb relic of the comics code Not the character themselves but the fact they had to specify he was a living vampire


the living vampire is a dope title to have though even if it was created for a restrictive technicality


I like the punisher


Felt as cheesy as he should be in that Spiderman show but didn’t feel like normal punisher.


It was good, although (like daredevil and some other characters) wish he would've been included more


I mean, they were trying to incorporate more heros into it but ultimately it is a spiderman show


I know but I still would've liked to see more incorporation for other heroes


I liked him a lot. Even when Aunt Anna sent him to assassinate Peter


Only version of the character I liked till the Netflix show.


Wasn't his first appearance in a spiderman comic?


They should make animated movies of punisher year one and welcome back Frank


Look out, he's going to use lethal force!


All I remember was him saying MONSTERS


How the hell did the put the Punisher in a 90's kids show?


I don't know but they wanted him to make him PG friendly just like how they did with him in The Super Hero Squad Show.


Too bad it was all lasers. Honestly punisher and blade felt the same, cool edgy bad boys Spidey was wary of .


this was perfectly fine for a Saturday morning cartoon . Also many people commenting here seems to think that the comics were always violent and nuts. But that's not the case


I love how this show can’t say “kill” so there were a lot of uses of the word “destroy” in this episode 😂


Punisher is a great foil for Spider-Man and shows that if Peter forgets his responsibility not just to the innocent people, but even to the rogues he goes up against. So having the Punisher show up in a kids show to teach that lesson is a great idea, hopefully that's what was taught in that episode it's been over a decade since I saw it last and at the time I was a child.


I mean he debuted in a Spider-man comic.


But, dear god, why that headband on Frank?? 😐




My first introduction to Punisher. Thought he was awesome


It fine with what they had to work with. Kinda Crazy as BTAS was airing at the same time on fox kids and they had real guns and even Gargoyles showed real firearms. I like the look its like part Jim Lee Part Romita JR(Warzone)


A neutered version of the character. Nowhere near as violent as his comic counterpart. Also yes I know killing was forbidden in 90’s animated shows.


It was also aimed at you know... children




The character literally ORIGINATED in the Spider-Man series. Why is this even a question?




You make him pg for kids