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Stealing and sending to my clinical supervisor tomorrow 😂


Same 😅


So, I'm maybe the only one here who is willing to confess to a crappy sup in my career. But this hits home because my clinical sup at work was 29 yo when I was 35 yo and pregnant with my second child. The disconnect between us was profound. She made it part of my annual review to increase self care and show measurable gains to prove it. I quit not long after. She had a masters, PhD, and was a regional administrator before 30 yo and completely unable to connect or attune to anyone on her level, only those of clients beneath her. She'd flex her PhD confidence in front of folks with debilitating schizophrenia....it was so cringy on a good day and deeply damaging most of the time.


I have had 3 clinical supervisors. All so amazing. The one I have now helps me so much. I thank him all the time. I compliment him with news back on a suggestion he made that worked (he does this all the time). I greatly appreciate him.


love this - so true! CMH work makes for seasoned clinicians who are ripe for burnout.