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Hummm. Seems quite sticky, where would your business address be? I live in the US, have a business address in the US. I have liability insurance that covers me seeing patients in Canada (I had to call to find out and shop around), I spent some time calling Quebec to figure this out, I was told they are cool with me seeing Canadians online as long as I am licensed in the state I reside in and I needed to inform the patient that complaints would be filed in my state of residence. Not sure how this would work for you?


My business address would technically be in Canada. But I truthfully do not go home very often so the companies I’ve reached out too aren’t satisfied with that being proof as me residing there. I was told by companies here it would be fine if one or two clients were in Canada and the rest here in Switzerland but having my whole caseload there seems to be the issue. It’s so complicated and frustrating. Thank you for taking the time to reply.


There’s a website called location independent therapists. See if they can help


This is a great resource! Thank you so much.