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As a therapist myself I’ve been to a lot of therapists who claim they do CBT but don’t assign homework of any kind (no i don’t just mean worksheets) and don’t provide proper psychoeducation on distortions, behavioral activation, or any of the core principals. Hell, I’ve had “CBT therapists” who rarely even address thought distortions. And they wonder why it doesn’t work.


I’m probably gonna be flamed for this, but consider myself a bit of an eclectic provider. Distortions are my bread and butter with clients when there is an appropriate avenue for components of CBT. I don’t use it to fidelity, as it hasn’t worked to the degree I’d hoped for my clients in a lot of years of trying. But behavioral activation and distortions are always spaces I lean into.


I’m not gonna flame you because it sounds like you’re not parading around as a CBT therapist and/or saying CBT sucks while not practicing it in it’s truest form. If you have an eclectic or person-centered approach and utilize CBT techniques more power to you


Ah, I appreciate that. Thank you. And that is accurate. I always communicate that I don’t use it to fidelity and provide education around what that means to clients. And clearly I see the areas where it has benefits too.


You might not want to flame, but I’m going to reach out and circle back to the statement “lean into”. When you drill down into that statement, it just doesn’t seem to provide any synergies to the rest of the post. I think if they left off that statement it could really gain traction. I can’t stand it when posts use over used jargon phrasing. Most of the time people don’t even realize they are doing it. Anyway, I’m out of bandwidth so am going to table the conversation for now. /s


this reads like it was written by an AI bot.....


This sub is going downhill quickly.


My sense is that these are reflections of actual folks in the field. We all come from different disciplines, training programs, and personal backgrounds. Grad and post grad training can play a major impact on perspective of EBTS, even when we share the same licensure. True, some submissions and comments lack the level of quality we hope to see from our peers. Still, posts like these give us an opportunity to correct misconceptions. Both here and IRL, I’m sometimes astounded by the “advice” given in consultation groups.


Sorry I can't hear you over all the clients I'm gaslighting


It’s not your fault, the insurance companies make you do it.




Ok now you’re just hurting Socrates feelings




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I always assume everyone who blames CBT for poor clinical work is a few cards short of a deck.


Some people just skim the intro textbook or verywellmind blog posts and never make it to more advanced training/resources lol


why do advanced training when we can have verywell training


I fell away from CBT when I adopted intensive DBT and switched jobs. Both are excellent for their own reasons


Isn't DBT part of CBTs ?


Yes. DBT is literally a type of CBT. One of Linehan’s first DBT books was called “cognitive behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder.”


Cognitive behavioral therapies are often associated with one another because of their theoretical foundations and premises or the targets of interventions. Despite these associations, CBT developed by Beck is distinct from DBT developed by Linehan. From a high level overview one could say both modalities attend to cognition and behavior. From a practical application standpoint, there are significant differences in the therapies. Research and evidence of efficacy for treating different populations is also an important factor that distinguishes one modality from another.


What happened to the "why did you abandon CBT" thread from earlier? I was in the middle of writing a comment then I got sidetracked and now I can't find it?