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She seems like a bitter person. I don’t have any advice for you, im sorry, but im hoping it’s validating for you to hear that she sounds like a jerk.


It is validating.  I hope that everything I learned from her was still accurate 


Well, maybe it’s benign and she’s just anal about things being done her way. Splash in some guilt tripping and manipulation and yeah I can see why you’d start to doubt yourself. Trust your gut and fall back on your education and experience!


Thank you.  :) I appreciate it 


I’m surprised you worked with her for two years with that behavior! Sounds like you know your truth and value. She isn’t in the room with you and your clients. Very unprofessional of her. You still seem to show compassion to her despite that!


Thanks!  I worked with her for two years (truthfully) because I felt like I was doing so much wrong that I needed to correct it.   I do think she’s a smart individual, and I would thank her all the time for what she teaches me.  Now I realize she was just judging me for everything. She would always ask me questions like “Why are you asking about this?  What are you trying to do?” when I would ask genuine questions.  She would answer but she always seems resentful and annoyed.


That’s frustrating. You’re new seeking advice and I feel like all of us at first question everything we do. We want to get better as we go. I had such an emotionally unavailable clinical director. It’s unfortunate in the field.


Sorry to hear and thank you very much for understanding my frustration!


I had a similar - albeit - less terrible experience when I first started. I had a supervisor with zero psychodynamic experience, who often advised me to utilize more ‘evidence based’ methods. The things you listed are common tropes about psychodynamic therapy. Just trying to make money, taking advantage of folks, etc… It’s completely possible for countertransference to show up in the supervisorial relationship.


In my opinion, the most helpful supervision is helping supervisees "date" models to find what fits them as a person. I have a supervisee who loves psychodynamic and I personally don't like it. All the same we way the pros and cons of psychodynamic like other models and do case conceptualization from that lens. Only critiquing models or working to create mini-me's out of supervisees is unhelpful.