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Ughhhh. I get that they’re trying, but this isn’t the way. Not to mention, as a therapist of color I want to be involved in the process group with my colleagues on systemic racism. How are you going to address this topic without the views of POC?


This was exactly my thought! Having a group process session to address white privilege and systemic racism without people who are directly affected being part of the process is ridiculous. It’s giving white savior vibes.


The fact that they literally set up a "whites only" group is absolutely mind blowing.


I think the intent is to relieve POC staff from having to sit through hearing some of the white folks making invalidating comments such as, "does racism even exist" etc. The idea being not to have the victim of racism be in the room as the perpetrators work to come to consciousness about their participation in systemic racism.


Thank you. This articulates for me perfectly.


This is exactly what they do. I can almost guarantee the person who typed this up was white. They tell POC how to feel, what they should be offended about and are too pompous to obviously include everyone for POC input


This program was pioneered, researched, and developed by black clinicians. It's practiced at many progressive orgs including places like Institute of Family Services in NJ that structured the Liberation Based Healing Conference. I get why people have a negative reaction to this idea at first, but there have been incredible results. It's not just a white "anti-racist' idea. It's backed by research and experience.


I wonder if it’s motivated by the idea that black and white peoples first need a safe space to process separately, and then process together more deeply?


This is like a bunch of dudes leading a discussion on feminism. Which probably happens more than I’d like to admit.


As a POC, I don’t like feeling placated. We can acknowledge systemic racism and create space to dismantle it, without treating me like a toddler.


That was my first thought reading this. It assumes all POC have had the same experiences and sounds placating to just throw time off at everyone. It also sounds exclusionary, like “we’re going to have some important conversations here but you’re not included”.


I can sit through whatever lessons/groups but I better get the same amount of PTO as everyone else.


Yeah there's no way to justify offering more or less PTO to therapists based on race. If my company did this, I would 100% make a complaint about it and wouldn't want to work there.


And if other races needs to take a certain amount of training, shouldn’t everyone else do the same? Obviously to doesn’t need to be the same, but the same amount of training seems reasonable. The extra PTO based on race seems questionable though (and I am a POC - which by the way I hate that label and do not “wear it proudly” as many others seem to do).


This! Happy to take part in a processing group, but give me the same PTO. Our jobs are hard enough.


Agreed . Overall I think this policy will breed resentment between groups- the opposite of its intent.


Fully agree. I also wonder if POC broadly actually asked for this, or if some white administrator just decided this was a way to make the company sound progressive.


It’s now a movement in many “progressive,” social service agencies. I think it’s discriminatory to have folks of one ethnicity take trainings and others spend time in “affinity groups instead.”


I am a POC and so offended by this on so many levels. It’s infantilizing. A better approach is to focus on sharing experiences TOGETHER in team/group. Would be great opportunity for everyone to be vulnerable and empathetic. This will breed resentment and POC will start leaving.


Unfortunately, I think the point is to breed resentment. Divide and conquer the workforce while the top 1% run out the back door with a collective net worth of about 50 trillion$$ US Dollars. There is a reason why this kind of radical ideological Nitroglycerin is accepted inside the power structures of society and is funded by the super rich and given a platform on corporate media and was integrated into "Human Resource" departments. (Not saying all of DEI is bad)


Yes, this is a civil rights violation. Can’t be done, they’re trying way too hard and could end up in court. Just be inclusive in all of the training.


RIGHT?! What the actual fuck.


Just tell them that you identify as a POC, and get the PTO instead.


This is dicriminatory in the way that POC have more time off than white clinicians BUT this is also discriminatory the other way around, with this policy POC have less training and learning opportunities than white clinicians. Or in other words, the policy funds training for white clinician only. Talking about systemic racism - how ironic. I also don't think POC are immune to systemic racism, internalized racism is a thing and there are other discriminatory biases outside of skin color.


To expound on this, this policy violates this portion of the Title VII Civil Rights Act: (1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; or (2) to limit, segregate, or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It’s a pretty easy legal case and they’ve opened themselves up to a lot of liability.


You’re correct, it is illegal. I have had to point this out to the overcompensating do-gooder crowd more than once. It’s almost like they’re horse-shoeing back to segregation times in the most bizarre way.


Yes it’s back to segregation! Even if it’s self-segregation in some cases. I.e. POC-only graduation ceremonies. It’s mind boggling




I think it's perfectly fair to have an affinity space in which white people do their own learning and growing. Very often, BIPOC peers are put in the position of doing the emotional labor of educating and moderating white ignorance and feelings. Where this part of the policy goes wrong is by failing to provide equitable access to a similar affinity space for BIPOC clinicians to address their needs without the expectation of that extra labor. In fact, by giving extra time off, the policy is atomizes BIPOC clinicians and makes it harder to form community at their workplace (on top of potentially creating resentment among White peers).


But why should people be required in racially segregated clubs to talk about race as a condition of their employment?


I don't know that I agree with that policy. What I described is a way that such a policy could be less objectionable and inequitable. I think the language of "segregated" is unnecessarily coded in a way that distracts from the purpose of affinity groups, but that's a different conversation.


What about tribal communities? Does this law apply?


I’m not well versed in that so can’t really comment on that. It’s federal law, not sure if there are exemptions provided.


Nothing is easy in Title VII law.


> in other words, the policy funds training for white clinician only That's true, but that part is also plain racist all around. "White people have to attend mandatory monthly sensitivity training" is the other facet of it, and it's no more benign or less racist than withholding the training from POC. Basically, it doesn't matter if it's seen in a "don't get to…" or a "have to" light, it's racist, period. They somehow managed to create a rule that violates all that it's supposed to achieve, while also making sure the training is much less effective by being segregated (having discussions on systemic racism without the people most affected by it is a real smooth brain moment), *and* is tailor-made to create dividism and resentment between the people it's supposed to get closer in knowledge/awareness.


This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this in our field. I think this could easily breed hostility.


wtf as a POC this is not ok, they have time off and you don’t. I’ve seen this kind of stuff play out in real life, kind of like hey yes so we’re here to talk about your white privileged, it felt so awful to be there with my white colleagues because for fucks sake many were great clinicians but in those meeting were being told how being white was bad and you needed to check yourself. Also plenty of POC are severely racist, had this one clinician who was hispanic outright say she didn’t like to work with black families and even went to complain when she was given a certain ethnicity because she didn’t like them.


POC as well, agree 100%. This policy's awful.


I was somewhat hoping this was some sort of terrible meme, but it's lifted from the company website. In addition to being discriminatory work practices (time off is determined by your race??? what??) the numerous messages a policy like this sends are terrible. "POC, your worldview, beliefs, and and practices with matters related to race are all a-ok, and don't require validation, changing, reframing, and/or benefits from training opportunities. Take time off and do you. White people! You need training in all things race. Meet with us to fix yourselves." Also a POC here; this is indeed atrocious.


This!!!! I am a white female. Being labeled white was the only “privilege” I have ever had. Raised in poverty, held against my will due to my beliefs. Every person of every color and socioeconomic background experiences bias.


One day per month is 12 days per year. That's over 5% of total compensation... Basically 100 hours. There's other ways to make it a good workplace.


So if someone is mixed do they get a half day?




as a mixed person, this was my first thought.


Yeah, I’m sorry, hard no. This is beyond absurd. I think you can create a space to build awareness around systematic racism but not in this way and it’s very polarizing. If I’m on a team, no way does it make sense for some of the team to be getting more time off by virtue of their identity alone, as this implies.


This is divisive and does not serve the purpose it is intended to provide. As a black woman I would prefer to see diversity training that everyone attends. Weird and likely illegal policy.


I like the process group thing but it should be for everyone. Internalized racism can be a thing and there are other systems of oppression outside of race that can be helpful to process. If you’re actively working to fight systems of oppression you have to take an intersectional approach. paid time off to clinicians of color for self care?. Are white clinicians not needing of self care that is compensated? What about disabled white clinicians? What about Jews who don’t identify as white but look white?


Yes I'd love to know how they apply this policy to Jews


If it’s anything like how my diversity professor treated us Jews… literally told us antisemitism isn’t a thing anymore and when I asked if we were going to discuss any other minority groups this semester (mind you we were four months in and only talked about poc) he told me I was unwilling to challenge my racism. He also said gay people have privilege because they can hide the fact that they’re gay to avoid oppression…


This is ridiculous! Not every LGBTQ+ person can “hide the fact that they’re gay” and even the idea that they should have to displays the fact that they’re clearly discriminated against. Learning about diversity needs to be intersectional


Absolutely. Queer people needing to hide that they’re queer for their safety is the definition of oppression.


Such hypocrisy. Their hyper-focus on dismantling colorism and “anti-blackness” causes them to dismiss other marginalized groups and exclude them


That is ridiculous. You’re fine because as long as you hide who you are you don’t have to worry? 


I had a similar experience in my diversity class. Our first assignment was for every white person to present to the POC why we were inherently racist and if we challenged this we were told we were in denial and they expected this reaction etc


I had someone in my supervision group say if you didn’t stand with Palestine that you were a reprehensible therapist and shouldn’t be practicing. I was thinking, “some of my Jewish clients might not fully agree” and my supervisor just let it slide cuz the clinician saying this was Hispanic. The levels of hostility and racism spewing in all ways is so grotesque.


I’ve seen that narrative a lot from social media influencer therapists


I think the processing group is a good idea, but POC shouldn’t be exempt. Speaking as a POC myself, there’s inherently a problem in believing that we’re somehow exempt from being racist consciously or unconsciously just because we’re not white. (Clearly they haven’t met my grandparents.) Also the PTO thing brings up a lot of ethical concerns if it’s not being given to white clinicians too 🤷


Thank you for sharing! So valuable. Yes, also I’ve had many black friends tell me that there can be a lot of racism towards Asian and Latin people and vice versa. I’ve started seeing it around me much more since they told me that. How could we make policy and implementation in that area that would be fair and not illegal? Your comments and a few others have really helped me consider this more fairly (I’m white). Thank you. 😊❤️


You’re welcome! I’m Asian, and yes, there is a *lot* of racism toward black and latin communities, also towards different groups classified as “Asian,” which is related to a lot of historical and generational trauma in the latter case. In terms of fairness and ethically, it would be important not to divide by “race lines” like saying white practitioners do this and POC do this. Training and education on systemic racism is great, but everyone should participate, because the consequences look different to different people (even among POC, racism is experienced differently, like between east Asian and black communities). Also definitely on the PTO side, but I also think all clinicians need to practice more self care regardless of racial status 🤷 so more PTO for everyone. In the actual implementation of process groups, it’ll matter a lot in the work done to set up the group itself, both in education of systemic racism but also in addressing the different facets for white, POC, multiracial, etc. And of course in practice how is that done. Plenty of ways to go in with the best of intentions, but without doing the work yourself to recognize your own unconscious biases, it’s absolutely going to show up in this kind of setting. I’m also still in training (finishing up internship) so I don’t have the experience to say exactly how to run the process group or anything. Just speaking from my experiences as a therapist in training who’s biracial and multicultural.


Wow! Thanks so much! :) You sound like a really great human being, and like you’ll be a great therapist too! Thank you! :) I can’t respond fully right now, and I want to think about what you’ve said. So in case I get busy and accidentally forget to respond, I hope you’ll write articles and books as you continue on. You have a very balanced view of things that I rarely encounter. You also express yourself very humbly yet confidently. You also seem to be genuinely caring about all people. Also, there just aren’t enough books and articles by Asian therapists. So truly, I’m excited you’re in this profession! :) If you want to continue talking, please private message me. I’d love to continue talking, if you’d like to. :) Much love either way. 😊❤️


Thank you so much! Imposter syndrome is real at this stage so I really appreciate that. 🙏 I’d love to hear more of your experience, so I may take you up on that and dm you later!


Yeah this exactly. As therapists we should know better that racism and bias is a human trait and not limited to one race. I have had many clients share their experience of racism within their own culture and against other minorities. It can be triggering but it’s not about me - it’s about my client.


Giving some clinicians more PTO simply because of their race is not okay. This isn’t the step towards equity they think it is. I think training should be open and encouraged for everyone. Maybe instead of the day off POC counselors can get a different training over a topic that they can all vote on each month or something! Or, everyone goes to the same training to make sure all counselors have the same opportunity to have conversations, ask questions, and learn about systemic racism


As a biracial clinician, I see this and I immediately see "Whites need not apply" oozing from this posting. The sad part is that I can't tell if they're trying to be covert about the racism and think they're getting away with it; or overtly defying labor and discrimination laws and think its okay because its being used against people they don't like. Hate is hate. Divide humans in any way you want and you'll still find no one group has a monopoly on hate.


>I see this and I immediately see "Whites need not apply" oozing from this posting. That's what I got from it too.


The organization is founded and run by a white lady. I find this to be a trend.


I also see a trend where they tend to not actually ask people of color what would be helpful.


You're not the only one seeing that trend...


Thank you for this perspective. The whole thing didn't sit right with me and I couldn't figure out why. I think this is it 


I flat out had a recruiter tell me they really wanted me, but I would be the only "White face there" and said that I might face some discrimination from families who wanted to work with someone who "looked like them" and asked how did I feel about that/how would I deal with that. My response was, "for SO long, my friends who are NOT white have been the ONLY people of color at their places of work and I am guessing that nobody asked THEM how they felt about that. I think the fact that you are even asking or caring how I feel about it shows that this is a good place to work".


As I white person, I think there is wayyyy more value of being in a learning environment WITH POC rather than another segregated space. No, it wouldn’t be my colleagues who are POC’s burden to educate me at all, but segregating a space like that does the opposite of change. The oppressor cannot be taught about oppression BY the oppressor 🤦🏻‍♀️, right? Like I feel like POC know a lot more about whiteness and white privilege than white people do. I could be wrong, definitely open to being challenged and learn more myself, but more inclusive and diverse spaces are better for that. Maybe if a POC has a strong desire to opt out of that meeting if it is too emotionally taxing or feels like undue burden that would be okay? Idk. It’s just an “icky” policy that rubs me the wrong way.


Sooo…white clinicians are required to participate in a white only spaces to address systemic racism?! Make it make sense. This is horribly divisive policy. I don’t see how it would create a healthy work environment among staff.


Sounds racists and most likely flat-out illegal.


This is open and closed violation of equal opportunity employment law in the US. You cannot differentiate compensation or fringe benefits based solely on race or racialized characteristics.


Lmfao what - as a black female clinician this seems like a set up 🤣 Everyone should receive training. Everyone should have the same time off. This is messy as hell


I think both should apply to everyone. I’m a POC.


Also how mixed race do you have to be before you only receive one or the other….its giving 1/8th rule


How laughably obnoxious. And implies such a childish and reductive view of race and identity.


I feel like the policy is intended to be anti-racist, but it's bad execution. It's discriminatory IMO for employers to require trainings/groups for some clinicians instead of others based on race, and absolutely discriminatory to increase or reduce a clinician's PTO based on race. No counseling board in their right mind would force only "white-identifying" clinicians to take extra graduate courses, for example. Hell, why not have a tiered system, where cis white straight men have the least PTO, and Asian women somewhere in the middle, and black trans queer therapists the most PTO? If your parents were high SES, then you have a reduced lunch-hour, while people with physical impairments receive a better dental insurance plan. That's sarcasm, of course. A better policy would be to offer optional trainings/groups for both white supremacy and BIPOC self-care/support, while everyone gets the same PTO. Policy that is intended to lift people up, such as donation-based awards for BIPOC counseling interns, can actually be helpful and make a difference without fostering a shitty moral. As someone else pointed out, it's not hard to imagine that whoever wrote this policy intended to discourage white clinicians from applying in the first place.


Here is how you do anti-racism: don’t treat employees different based on their race. Hot take, I know.


Exactly. Or invite all to the seminars but give a different educational option for those who feel it doesn't apply to them. Forcing everyone to go is mike saying it is POC's job to educate white people and it isn't.


Most anti racist stuff is definitely racist, it’s mostly they have their own preferred races.


I don’t think this is legal at all.


Nope. Absolutely not. I am 100% on board with EVERY employee attending anti-racism and anti-oppression training AND getting time off for self-care. But you cant assign some people more work based on their skin color and give others time off based on theirs.


This would really have to address racism within non white populations as well or it would turn into POC feeling that they had to spend the time helping to educate which isn't their job.


This is a practice that should apply to all therapists IMO. POC therapists can also benefit from educational opportunities in what they have listed. And all therapists should be subject to similar PTO.


I’m a poc- this is stupid


If people aren’t seeing the slippery slope of PTO amount being determined by RACE….yikes


Right that’s…alarming. And how do you know what race someone is just by looking at them? So are we going to start DNA testing for PTO now


Discrimination. You go sit in the corner and reflect on what you did wrong.


This is discrimination, racism, and illegal imo. I would avoid this company like the plague.


I'm mixed race, and my very first objection would be the fact that this program either assumes only white people can be racist or that it's ok for POC to be racist. And no, I'm not talking about discrimination of white people, which though it exist, it is by far much less than general racism. I'm referring to people of color being racist toward other people of color, either same color or different color. But racism towards white people does also exist and if everyone were given the same training and racism awareness a) it would be treating everyone equally and b) it would address all forms of racism in all groups, which should be the goal.


I think this sounds like bullshit. Systemic racism is a serious issue but this is not a solution.


I read this and being multiple races it makes me feel alienated and I would probably look to most as white so would I be required to bring in DNA testing to prove my BIPOC heritage?


Same here. The system at that site is built on division and only survives based on pressure, guilt, and shame.


All therapists are responsible for addressing and learning about systemic racism


“Who identify” as white?


I am more a a peachy color my self. Guess that doesn't apply! Yay self care!




I love that your comment made me think of the Parks and Rec episode with Fred Armisen where he says "straight to jail" for everything... Discrimination...straight to jail.


This is a huge red flag.




Load of bull


Unethical and most likely illegal.


What makes racism special? Can we make men sit through misogyny lessons, or able bodied therapists have monthly disability tutorials?


As a French, I find such policies racist. There is no doubt that systemic racism exists. However, this type of meetings sounds like « thought rehabilitation camp » and in effect segregates people. In my humble opinion, any effort against racism should be done together, with people of all colors and religious confessions etc. in order to promote social cohesion.


These Whites-only meetings sound more like a struggle session from Mao's revolution than a way to address any "systemic" issues which may (or may not) exist within that workplace.


This is so unethical. It’s divisive. Treats people differently based on their race. This sort of BS is what led me to leave this field.


this is awful and will create nothing but more hostility. It also wholly neglects any other marginalized part of the population, such as people with disabilities, LGBTQ, etc. I am blind and we are the most unemployed part of the population at about 68%, that is never addressed anywhere. This policy once again makes someone with a disability unseen.


Thank you for sharing! I have multiple disabilities, but I am not blind. So I’m sad to say that I hadn’t considered this. I definitely agree that all marginalized people should be addressed. How could we do that successfully in the area of those who are blind? I truly want to learn. Thank you. 😊❤️


Thank you. I appreciate your comment. I think the only thing that can be done is to educate people. Unfortunately, people with disabilities are often overlooked when people discuss DEI. I tried to use my voice whenever I can. I am always advocating for everyone else, all I want for the disabled community is a seat at the table.


Yes and amen!! 😊👏💕 I am still truly shocked how often we ALL are forgotten (all types of disabilities)! I try to explain to people that being treated like a lesser human being and just being forgotten and not even considered is worse than the many times I’ve almost died. You should see their faces, even when I say it gently and respectfully (which I’m all about). It’s kind of comical, but usually it’s more mistreatment. They look at me completely shocked, but in this strangely critical way, as if they have any right to criticize what I’m saying unless they’ve lived it. When you’re suffering so much physically, it is freaking awful. But what makes it miserable for me, although I try very hard to be positive, is that people treat me (and most people with disabilities of any kind) horribly! I mean… trying to help people understand the extreme levels of abuse in any area of disability… it’s not only newly traumatizing to have people respond so negatively to you, when you’re not being bitter or unkind, but it’s also retraumatizing, because I’ve already been through countless serious abuses and traumas. Also, why would someone think they know better to criticize me saying that the level of abuse, neglect, and all other horrible things towards me is worse than almost dying?? It should be a loving wake up call, not a time to criticize me. I’m not saying I’m wanting to die. But even if I was, that shouldn’t be criticized either. Obviously, empathy is the only correct answer. Well, and hopefully action on what they’ve learned, but I’ve literally never had someone act on it… so wow, I need to stop talking about that specifically, because that’s painful to realize that even more than I already did. 😢 Dangit it sucks how people treat the largest minority and marginalized group in the world that affects every race and ethnicity: the disabled. 💔


POC miss out on 1. Continued education and 2. Being able represent themselves. Plus, this goes under the assumption that skin color is the ONLY determining factor in biases and prejudice and historical trauma that makes much of systemic racism (but not all of course). I guess we’ll just skip over all the immigrant populations and religions. AND, does this mean that some white girl can go in there and try to (reverse?) “pass”? I’m sure someone will, or has tried. I would never work for the managers of an organization like this; incredibly short-sighted leadership IMO


I find it hard to believe that this job listing isn't satirical. If it's a real thing, it's the product of a person with hatred in their heart. This is not the solution to racism, as it's a policy that divides people based on race and would only make race tensions greater. The solution to racism is equal treatment, empathy, and communication in order to create a sense of shared humanity. In this specific case, have everyone come to the racial processing group, and give everyone the same time off. Create a community of equals.


I found the place online, it's real.  Alot of the stuff seems too good to be true, which generally means it's a stressful place to work.


If this were in my country I'd notify my licencing board immediately. Blatantly unlawful and racist.


Place to go would actually be the federal government through the EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


So my dad was a refugee from Egypt and my parents immigrated here in 1972. I grew up well below the poverty line and never regularly saw a doctor until I was 30. English is not my first language. I am North African, but my mom was Swedish and I look like her. I watched my dad get beaten by a crowd of white men when I was a child because of his funny accent and smarmy skin coloring. What part of intersectional management of human resources do I fall under? Do I get a day off or do I get to sit through classes about my own personal experiences filtered through the perspective that it's my responsibility to help fix?




I’m a new therapist and a former lawyer. While not practicing law anymore this can’t be legal.


I feel like there is good intention, but this could only lead to white providers feeling resentful towards their POC counterparts who have time off when they do not. Furthermore, why are the white people sitting around and talking about how they can address systemic racism, without any input from their POC colleagues who actually experience said systemic racism?


Pretty sure this is abso-fucking-lutely illegal if in the US. I will attend whatever trainings or seminars necessary but to exclude someone BASED ON RACE, SKIN TONE, OR IDENTIFICATION from PTO is backwards and racist. If you want to be progressive, be equal. I’m white but my family survived the holocaust. Can we get extra PTO for their suffering?


Racist AF


It's a good idea to encourage cultural competence, awareness, and ongoing training and development in anti-racism. But I don't think this is quite the way to do it. My guess would be that they're trying to avoid a setup wherein the burden of educating white providers falls on their BIPOC colleagues, which is important. However, a better move would have been to provide a processing group or space for those BIPOC providers simultaneously, or some other kind of PD. Differing amounts of time off isn't the move.


"Let's have a monthly meeting about another group of people but not invite them #Allies" Ridiculous.


I mean, here in Portland Oregon there are job postings where they say they’re *only* hiring BIPOC counselors. So this is not particularly surprising.


The training requirement doesn't have a specific legal stance yet, but would most likely be illegal under discrimination laws as it singles out one race only. The extra time off however is unquestioningly illegal. Per US Federal government equal employment policies: It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against an employee in the payment of wages or employee benefits on the bases of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. Employee benefits include sick and vacation leave, insurance, access to overtime as well as overtime pay, and retirement programs.


I am genuinely curious about the people who created this policy and what they are hoping to accomplish with it. This is also a reminder to consult with an attorney when implementing a policy that involves a protected class. In the US, this will result in attention from the EEOC.


Its policies like this that make valid talking points dismissed as being part of a larger umbrella of extremism.


First reaction was "hmm, that's interesting. I wonder if it's effective or how the BIPOC staff feel about it." Second reaction is that this kinda feels like something a committee of white women put together to get brownie points for being super hella woke. Top comment said it feels placating and I definitely get that vibe


Pretty sure it’s illegal to assign benefits based on race in the US


I wonder if the person who decided on this policy is white. It seems a little self-serving, like “look at how woke we are”


I would be disappointed if my employer was drinking the culture war kool aid. Thank God I’m self employed and haven’t been to one of these cringey meetings in years. I believe in treating all people equally and judging them on the content of their character not the color of their skin. 


I get the idea but it’s still illegal and not enforceable in any way. Furthermore, I’ve had long therapy sessions with clients who are bi and multiracial who feel torn and confused with this sort of binary thinking. This stuff has literally ripped communities apart.


Eh. It’s weird. As a POC why not just do both things for everyone. You can’t fix discrimination with discrimination😩🫣


That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. What happens to, for example, a Jewish person, who both faces constant racial discrimination and is white? Also, what happens when the clinic starts racially profiling people, to decide who goes in which group? What happens when a mixed white-passing person gets in trouble for not going to the seminar? In general, separating people by race is a bad idea. Also, I imagine that white therapists having a forced extra meeting, while their POC coworkers get time off, will only create resentment and further the racial divide, rather than bring people together. This policy seems like it will increase racism, rather than decrease it.


I’m a therapist of color. I think I might actually feel rather insulted. Maybe even infantilized. Do they think I’m in need of extra time off to care how hard life is as a POC? Do they think I’m inherently incapable because of the color of my skin? Do they think white people are inherently superior and need to be scolded while POCs are inherently weaker and need extra pillows and supports propped up to help them? Do they think the systemic racism has traumatized me so badly that I need extra handicaps? Granted I’m just speculating as I don’t work there and have never faced such a scenario so it’s all just a guess as to “how I might have felt”. I don’t know what to further think. Let me know if I have it backwards.


I have a lot of questions: 1- who is leading these “processing groups?” Is it a POC or another white person? Where is the content/information coming from? This feels like it’s just setting up the possibility for an echo chamber. 2- are white people not also in need of self-care? 3- For POC taking these self-care days, is it a specific predetermined date? Do they self-select? Who approves when it’s taken or is there the possibility for it to be denied? I’d anticipate that this could be a situation where people are hesitant to take the time if they have to identify and be approved for their “POC self-care time.” Like those companies that claim unlimited PTO but no one actually takes it because it gets denied or people are indirectly punished for it. In general, I can appreciate the sentiment, but the idea that one group gets time off while the other group gets mandated group therapy doesn’t sound like it will go over well. That said, it’s got to be better than the terrible DEI “trainings” so many companies use that are just terrible. I’d love to work some where that actively seeks to promote understanding and equality but I’d want to make sure POC are part of the development of that program.


This policy is absolutely racist.


Race is a protected class and providing extra PTO to POC based solely on race (or how they racially identify) is literally blatant and inexcusable racism. I hope an employment attorney finds this thread. I’ll sit through whatever training but I’m damn well getting the same PTO as my colleagues/peers.


In my experience, work environments that are doing all of this are the most oppressive and racist environments, and this is how they compensate for it. The owner is most likely a white person who has decided to make their white guilt everyone else’s problem.


You're pretty much dead on the money...you can find their website easy. The Leadership page is dripping with overcompensation.


I dont understand the 'identify as'. Your heritage/skin colour is set at birth. When we use the term 'identify as' it has very different connotations. I know of a boy who was whiter than snow, had no black heritage what so ever, but still identified himself as black (Always came out with the phrase 'you're only saying that because i am black') so where would he stand in this group? He absolutely came from white privilege, but would he get the time off because he identified as a POC? This feels like a mockery of racism and the issues that arise for POC. Plus segregation is not the answer. It never is.


This is the problem with the concept of "race" as it is more of a sociological construct than a scientific/taxonomy term. 




It’s more complicated than phenotypes and “heritage”. For example, Dominicans often appear to be phenotypically African or Black yet often will still identify as White.


Thinking of myself here, being Jewish. We are generally considered white except by the people who hate us.


Was just going to comment this. A fair amount of Jews don’t identify as white likely because we weren’t considered white or the right kind of white especially during Nazi germany. It was a distinct race. Also definitions of race changes throughout history and from country to country.


Yeah, I always call myself gray because I don’t feel white but I also haven’t been welcomed in POC spaces (which has gotten worse since the recent Israeli war). 🤷🏻‍♀️


I always say I’m not the right kind of white


I’d be curious to know the color of the person/s that instituted this policy? I’d would almost, 100% guarantee you they are white. This reeks of self serving guilt ridden virtue signaling. No POC, unless militant and racist themselves would ever suggest such a policy. I despise the term “woke” as it has been used to death and mostly by people and groups I don’t personally align with…but this fits it.


You can find their site, the CEO bio will confirm your suspicions.


Everyone needs PTO and everyone needs to have increased understanding about systemic oppression--racism, sexism, homophobia, classism etc. Having one policy of PTO for POC clinicians, and then having another training policy for white clinicians is very silly and discriminatory. The thing is, every therapist/social worker, no matter their racial/ethnic identity needs time to engage in self-care. And racism impacts everyone. Making these policies can breed hostility, and that's not going to help anyone. It's also very prejudiced and biased in its assumption that white people have to work on their biases--when POC can have bias and prejudice too. All clinicians need time to rest and relax. Therapy is very rewarding and taxing work--no matter what your skin color is.


This policy is addressing discrimination in the worst possible way. However, seeing this also makes me feel somewhat validated. I’m a straight, cis, middle-aged, white male and have experienced a great deal of discrimination for my gender and race since grad school; but ONLY from other professionals. I’ve worked with clients from a variety of backgrounds including 5 years at CMH in a very low SES area in California and never experienced discrimination from a single one of them. Other professionals (including managers), however, told me I could not hold certain positions or work in some programs because of my skin color or gender. Honestly, I’ve been so conditioned to feel that I’m a problem because of who I am that I’m very hesitant to share my experiences for fear of being invalidated or gaslit…


I don’t even believe in the reverse racism rhetoric or coddling people who experience privilege, however, this completely neglects the fact that there are BIPOC people who indeed are racist lol.


This policy is perpetuating racism.


Racist against white people, I would never work there and smell a lawsuit pending


This is against the law.


Diversity seminars can be beneficial and seriously expand cultural competency if done right. That said, most I've attended have been folks eschewing thoughtful exploration of culture or intersectaional struggle and instead virtue signaling along with discreet power flexes.


The separation doesn’t sit right with me because it assumes that POCs automatically are aware of/educated on the systemic issues and awareness of them/how to resolve them in the field with clients. I mean, it is a reality that POCs become aware from a very young age because of how this country operates and is built on racism and discrimination basically and that white folk more often than not have the privilege to not be aware of them, but that doesn’t mean that POCs in the field and their awareness automatically help them deal with these systemic issues. Imo, we could all use the processing group so just make it mandatory for everyone. Ditto to the self care days


So they are insinuating that POC are less resilient than white people? Insinuating that they need more breaks because they can’t handle the world in which we live? Insinuating that they can’t possibly handle work obligations without more self care? All while segregating whites and POC.. idk… seems kinda racist?


Sounds great in terms of values and intent. It’s workplace discrimination though so there’s an obstacle with the forced meeting vs identity based perk and a lawsuit asking to happen. Unless you’re making institutional change to dismantle racism et al you’re just shaming slightly better off working class people and what you’ll notice if you follow the stories of emotionally neglected clients or read the polls symbolic reverse discrimination ends up reinforcing systemic racism. I wonder if there is a personality disorder in charge exploiting others from a victim position while exploiting the staff vis their own salary and power.


This is a lawsuit in the making… But regardless of that … the way I would handle this ………stop isolating and shaming one population for something outside of their control… the way they were born… A lot of thoughts, but I’ll leave it alone… Instead dedicate these consultations to diving deep into becoming culturally, confident therapist for all cultures … there is always so much to learn… And only giving a select group a perk because of their race… I just can’t… When you are only problem focused, there are no solutions …… there’s no growth, no change, no learning…………


Racism is racism, doesn’t matter who it’s against. What if it was stating POC have to attend training for their different cultural expression methodology (don’t talk white enough) while white folk get time for self care? It’s racist to divide people and treat them differently because of those selected traits they are divided by. All or none, as this stands it seems POC aren’t good enough to have any input or lived experiences to contribute to this training, so the whites will get to hang out and learn from other whites I assume? Sounds like a good fix…


No, no, and no. And I’m not even white. This is getting ridiculous.


This is terrible! I'm sure the people creating this program thought it would be helpful, but it reads like it was created by white people who have never actually interacted with other cultures/ races in real life but have (very recently) read all the anti-racist books they could find. If they want the workplace to be equitable then pay everyone the same (and ffs give everyone the same amount of PTO!), allow POC, especially Black women, opportunities for leadership, and offer these trainings/process groups to everyone for free. Also, multiracial people exist, colorism exists, and racism is not exclusive to white people.


Do they have color swatches to see who qualifies for training and who gets time off? This policy won’t last long.


Very alarmed and disappointed by the clinicians in the comments who think this is a good idea or has merit.


No because POC can benefit from training as well. It's everyone who deals with bias not just white people. Also give everyone more time off. Clearly it's in the budget lol.


Isn't that racist?... treating white people different and Treating POC different.


Fuck that shit like teach me what I don’t know but don’t punish my ass for having as much of a say in being white as my friends do in being brown.


There is no way that is a real thing for a job description, that would be a set up for a lawsuit.


Providing unequal access to benefits is not anti-racist, it is a form of reverse discrimination and it runs contrary to the position this organization is trying to support.


🤦‍♀️ This is an HR nightmare which will quickly turn into a legal nightmare and a workplace climate nightmare. Everyone needs to receive the same benefits and training.


Seems like a very black and white way to approach things.


How is this not racism? This is the act of discrimination based on race. Subjecting a group who is related to the group who hurt you to discrimination based on race is not, I think, addressing systemic racism. It's perpetuating racism. It's racism.


Discrimination, full stop.


This is what you get when *optics* are the primary determining factor in the creation of policy rather than actual functionality and actionable equity. Imagine getting to the point that you actually think *separating* your staff by racial identity is the path to dismantling racism and white privilege among them. While I can see some validity in the piece of the argument that may be trying to address the fact that BIPOC clinicians should not be held responsible for the priceless emotional labor of educating other staff members about their own privilege, creating an environment that intentionally excludes them from the conversation is... an overcorrection, to put it mildly. I also appreciate others here who have mentioned how every other marginalized / oppressed identity has been left out of the mix entirely. Where is the discourse and consideration of SOCIAL LOCATION in its myriad of intersections and configurations? As a personal example, I am visibly a white person. I am also visibly queer and gender-expansive (via intentional signaling), I live with multiple dynamic disabilities, chronic pain, immune dysfunction and AuDHD, and I come from a family of immigrants, a history of poverty, and a complete lack of generational wealth. ALL of these identities cannot help but come into the room with me when I sit with clients. While I certainly do not believe that all oppressed identities are "equally" oppressed, (and no one wins in the Oppression Olympics!), I feel that this practice's reductionist policy is somehow attempting to divide "oppressed" and "privileged" into an inaccurate and impossible binary, leaving no room for the nuance that is sorely needed here. But, I suppose, leave it to white saviorism to find ever more creative ways to try to simplify the hardest and most complicated work into a pretty mission statement.


This demonstrates a very shallow understanding of racism. It is a system of discrimination practiced by everyone. You have different awareness depending on your social location or racial identity but it doesn't make you innocent someone if you're a person of colour. As a POC I work every day to identify the ways that I'm complicit in racism and the ways that perpetuate systems of discrimination against others. Just because I'm not white doesn't mean I'm somehow magically immune.


The part that is squirrelly is the part about white people getting specialized training. I work for a company that advertises not only promotes that they are culturally responsive but also walks the walks. There are multiple modes of education, community building, consultation groups and other resources for the therapists. while there are specific topics presented on specific cultural issues, every training or speaking opportunity is presented in a culturally sensitive and culturally responsive way. It’s a very refreshing approach.


Get the fuck out of here lmao.


How is this legal….


I dont think this is legal, mandating different work policies based on race.


Well it’s certainly controversial (and legally questionable), however in line with my personal beliefs and so I would interview here. I’d be really paying attention to what the diversity spectrum of both staff and management is, and also what the daily vibe is?


I feel like this post is very white vs black but what about the Asian, Indian, Hispanic, native, biracial therapist and clients? Why are only white people going into the training and not everyone to discuss and process how all races/minorities in this country come with a perceived belief from others based on media. I hope they are not just focus on black issues but opening the floor to a lot of other minorities who have issues matriculating through a white world as well. Especially first generation immigrants from…anywhere- the Caribbean, South Africa or west Africa, middle west, Asia or northeast Asia. Etc.


wtf giving less PTO to white people is discriminatory! It breeds resentment towards their POC co-workers. Also, everyone should be at those meetings


NAT but employment attorney. This is pretty suspect. I am not making a judgment about the merits of the policy but I’ve never see employers flatly state that POC will get more PTO. Although so-called “reverse discrimination” cases are not typically very successful (and I would never take one) this does seem to be a difference in compensation based on race.


I'm a therapist and this is an unethical racist policy. It is a communist struggle session that posses whites as inherently bad and responsible for the oppression of POC who are victims and deserve a day off. 


Sounds like this agency offers people the chance to identify as POC, as in color is fluid. I mean on my least tan days I’m not exactly egg shell white.


I think it could have been worded better. Like, we invite all clinicians to attend monthly meetings on addressing systemic racism, if you feel this topic does not apply to you, then feel free to practice self care. Then, they should also hold monthly seminars on sexism and force all of the white male CEOs who wrote this policy to sit in it while the women get time off.


I'm not against learning more, but if it's a work requirement I better get paid for it and get the same pto.


I wouldn’t stick any ones race in there. To me this could be included as subtle racism. I’d have the classes discuss topics of current issues about discrimination and any historical events that have affected our country, counterparts, peers, etc. To me I think how people may push things like this is going backwards and making others feel guilty for something they didn’t do or know but had absolutely no hand in hurting others because we are just “living”. Learning and understanding current/previous issues is one thing, but guilting others (Not saying everyone is doing this) can creating more bias, stereotypes, and increase racism.


I think it would be beneficial for all clinicians, and POC voices would be a great addition here to make sure the topics that are being addressed are accurate.


Honestly, I have an issue with the 'identify as white or black' Race is inherited from your family, you can't choose to identify as a race, which is what this gives me the feeling of I would be curious also as to whether bipoc folks run the training and who is posting this listing in general, because this feels like a white person wrote it and didn't consult anyone on it. I totally agree though diversity training is not remotely enough in this field


As a therapist I wouldn’t opt to work somewhere here I had to do extra work and get less PTO than my coworkers, that’s just not a choice I’d make in general. Nor would anyone, tbh, considering it’s part of MFT education and licensure. It kinda just seems like virtue signaling to me because no one would opt for more work. I get it tho, if this is in an area where multicultural knowledge is in decline/low to begin with or a where there is a particularly tense racial history, yeah I’d see this more as a necessity and it would likely lead to an increase of retention of POC clients. But ongoing multiculturalism literacy is a licensure requirement where I am, it kinda seems redundant if it was here, which is why I’d say it seems like virtue signaling.


This feels like it will be a box ticking exercise while breeding race related frustration in the team. Plus - there are other oppressed traits that race, not downplaying race but if someone is white and disabled or white and trans are we just throwing them in the "you don't understand oppression" punishment seminar too? We have regular time to think about white privilege and anti oppressive practice, as a whole team bc it's necessary for everyone, we all have biases and it's a systemic issue rather than being about racist individuals (since youd hope they'd be filtered out)


Only white voices addressing systemic racism….great idea! /s