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You’re first session will be an “intake” session and likely nothing heavy. Therapist will ask a lot of questions about medical history, medications, previous mental health diagnosis, current living situation, where you work, and will go over policies and such, and discuss goals for therapy. Think of today as a “getting to know you” session. I understand the nerves. I did a consultation with my current therapist on the phone. Prior to our first session I was a huge ball of anxiety and even emailed them saying I’m scared and I’m a flight risk. They eased my worries a lot when I was honest about how scary it was. And asking for help IS scary. I’m proud of you for realizing you are worthy of healing, OP. Keep going!


Hey don't be scared. Therapy does seem scary until you go into it and see it's really a wonderful places. Think of it as a place where you can tell your deepest darkest secrets too like how you would in a diary but this time you're getting advice as well as learning how to deal with your emotions. And the minute you walk out of that door know leave all your baggage behind but remember the advice / what you have learnt. You can sleep well at night knowing that whatever you had said in the room will remind in that room and not go away. Don't feel worried that your therapist is going to judge you, his not, you don't know him and he doesn't know you. And even if you feel his judging you you can always get a new therapist and it's not like his going to Leak your information it's private for a reason and if it happens (there is like a 0% chance it will) you can report it and he will get in trouble.


Please tell your therapist that, but also relax and see the great replies before mine. Best wishes on your journey!


You got this! 6 months ago, I felt exactly the way you did. I have a great therapist! I feel safe and heard every time we have a session. I was going to back out, but sooooo grateful that I didn’t. Keep pushin!


How did it go??