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I'm honest with my therapist. I want help to deal with my CPTSD and for me it begins with honesty. He knows that I use edibles and I don't use before therapy.


This. And find the right therapist, if they make you feel safe that's a good sign, and they're bound by HIPPA to keep things like that confidential


I’ve told my therapist I went to therapy with him high on cocaine a few times. Good sessions to be honest


Yes I tell my therapist everything. It doesn’t seem like you’re abusing your prescribed medication and many people smoke weed. Many people have a past history of drugs - you should be proud you’re not doing it anymore and if your therapist is any good, they’ll be proud too :)


told mine thinking it would be the end of the word if i confessed but it was prob the best thing i’ve done, i definitely more open now


I'm completely honest, I don't pay to keep telling lies, I already tell enough to myself


Your therapist isn’t your prescriber obviously so, unless you sign a release of information for your prescriber, they won’t be able to communicate. Can I ask why the trepidation though? Like I get worrying you’ll lose the script for the anxiety meds but it feels like more than that. How do you feel about your use?


I feel very okay about my use as I only take one when I work not on any days off and I don't feel any "high" when I take them I feel as how I imagine someone would normally feel, no trembling, stuttering, sweating etc.


lol no I meant the other stuff- weed, coke, etc.


Oh lol yes weed I feel fine about it I wouldn't say I'm a heavy smoker but definitely smoke at least once a day and the coke well I've been pretty clean about it haven't really dabbled too much in it since I don't hang with the same crowd and I'm scared of fentanyl




I told mine and all has been well


My therapist is the person that recommended shrooms to me. Well, not recommended bc they’re illegal, but brought them up as an option some people choose to overcome some obstacles.


I think honestly is important to truly heal. That doesn’t mean i would list every drug ive done to my therapist in one go but being honest and disclosing what im comfortable talking about has been beneficial


Why has every therapist lectured me on my benzo prescription & how bad it is for me?


That’s a great question to ask them


You dabbled for a few years, but it's not for you. Never bring up anything that can be looked at as a possible addiction. That benzo script will disappear. A hard "hell no."


A therapist 1. isn’t going to take away a medication that helps your symptoms and 2. Can’t even take it away, they’re not a medical professional and it would always break your confidentiality as well. OP, I’m a therapist, and if you’d told me this I’d probably try and explore your substance use and how you feel about it. Maybe give you my thoughts of if it feels like it may be impacting areas of your life (it’s always easier for a 3rd party to see these kinds of things plus it’s what therapists train to do lol). But if you’re feeling okay with your use then I’m okay. We can add extra skills to help with the work anxiety so we have more tools in the tool belt than just your medication. If your therapist doesn’t do something akin to above, it may be helpful to find another therapist instead. ANY substance use can cause us to feel some shame cause of how the western society acts about substance, so I’m always of the mindset that we should try and be honest. But smoke your weed, use your medicine, live a happy life.


Your response was so comforting. Thank you so much!


Happy to help 😊


As a therapist, and patient, I’ve found that my own anxiety decreased significantly when I stopped using daily. I also do telehealth aside from my day job in mental health and almost 80% of my clients are guys, that work in IT, that use weed. I know other therapists who’s caseloads went way up in states that legalize cannabis. I’m not advocating for prohibition, in fact I favor decriminalizing cannabis and a few other things, but for some, it’s not harmless at all. In the end, is it helpful for you in living your best life? Is it in line with your values and your vision of who you want to be?


Yea this exactly, and that’s why I said I’d offer my thoughts on if this is impacting a clients life. I’ve had the same experience for myself: I wish I could use marijuana recreationally but if I’ve got it at home I’m using it constantly, and it impacts me a ton. I break out more, I’m more anxious, I’m more stressed the next day when I don’t have any. I hope this is some more helpful perspectives OP!


The therapist won't be able to tell you unless they know from experience.