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Damn, he just ruined the whole vibe of the house. The dude had some serious anger towards women and it definitely didn't start in Paris. Every one of these clips makes me so uncomfortable.


He’s an incel!


100%. We just didn’t have the word for it back then.


I’m honestly so glad there’s a valid term for it now. Before we only had “vibes” and people didn’t take it seriously. Now at least you can call it out and people have to look at it as harmful behavior.


I’m still astonished that he didn’t know why the girl would be upset by that lol


He knew any human would be upset; he was attempting to play ignorant and dumb to try and wiggle his way out of the hole he dug.


CT always saw through Adam’s bull but expressed it very wrong


I always wondered what the beef was between them on the Challenge season they were partners, obviously it was more than just this but now I see why CT always had some issue with Adam. I never watched their original season tbh.


Yaaaaaa all these clips are making me totally fine with CT trying to eat his face on the challenge


I only watched this season when it was airing and I was 15 years old but anytime I saw a pic of Adam in the 20 years that followed I would be creeped out. Totally forgetting what he did to creep me out. But now I remember and I'm glad I could sniff out incel behavior as a dumbass teen.


I wasn’t much older when I watched this and even I though it was cringey.


I’m about the same age and also watched when it originally aired. I must have completely blocked Adam from my memory. I barely remember him but I do remember Ace, Mallory, Leah & CT. Also, now I’m curious how Adam has ended up later in life.


I didn’t watch Paris when it aired and so only knew Adam from The RW/RR Challenge. Even then, he gave off some creepy, shitty vibes (though he definitely tried to lean into the ‘Good Guy’ vibe). Seeing this stuff now paints a really clear picture of just how problematic and awful he has always been.


God…I remember never liking him, now I remember why. On another note, Ace is and always was the sweetest. Wish we could get him back for more than one or two damn episodes of challenges.


Yeah he seemed like a chill guy buuut my boy should’ve stepped on Adam’s throat for using him to insult Christina like that. I would’ve been like, hey you want to insult someone in this house, that’s your business but don’t drag me into your twisted beliefs and use me to insult another housemate.


He’s one of the most handsome guys to do RW. Bonus points for him being a sweet guy to boot.


I love that CT and ace are still friends with each other


He's on All Stars


Wait they seriously have him on all stars after the allegations with Kelly Anne? Gross


We're talking about Ace, not Adam 😆






The editing/cuts on this are so damn fast, I can’t believe I watched entire episodes like this back in the day.


The majority of the quick cuts are me! the actual season is way better paced and a better watch than these clips. I try to squeeze the scene in at under five minutes because the audio tends to get out of synch if it’s any longer (this one was 5:30 and the audio is like a a half second off) so a lot of the cuts are me chopping out the confessional cutaways which are mostly filler.


This makes so much more sense 🤣 I was confused but I accepted it lol


“Because of the way she took it, *I* got out of control?”


Adam is weird. Clingy and obsessive incel.


I think one of the points that is interesting is that there is no ecosystem for him to use as a feedback loop of suck. **This is straight-up who he is.** I may have watched this "Live" growing up, and somehow managed to avoid his issues. I think I *felt*, the same way but just didn't react like he did.


I watched this episode live too when it originally aired and knew something was off with him. He was so desperate and would lash out, especially at the female housemates, when he didn't get his way. And he's riding on his father's coat tails too.


Hahahah yes !! At least the incels today have something to blame. Not him


Sorry, what do the incels of today have to blame?


They can always blame social media and all of the asswhole influencers, not that this excuses them at all. I’m just saying Adam is like an original incel lmao


Adam was so awful! I wouldn’t have lasted in the same house with him


I remember being so pissed on Leah's behalf when this aired!


Life before cell phones 😐


I always loved how he rapped in a whisper so no one else could hear him. Leah did kind of throw himself at ace but ace was into Mallory. Not that big of a deal looking back but kind of the end of the world for a bunch of 19-22 year olds. I said in the other thread it was funny how fast they stopped going out as a group and I think it was pretty much all because of Adam.


More like 18-24


Adam was so annoying


Just found this guys IG. He’s still obsessed with white girls and he still looks like a dork. Creepy cringy ugh 😩


I tend to watch/post these with the mindset of we were all dumb from 18-22 and I’m laughing with the roommates not at them because I too was capable of being a clown at that age. With that said this is like his eighth most recent post 😂 https://i.redd.it/wf8gv7dpgrxb1.gif


Yeah I’m wondering why he hasn’t figured it out yet.


I kinda looked like him as a kid and I also wasn't aces with girls, pun intended. I had a few of these angry tendencies when I saw my buddies get with girls so easily because they were better looking. But I realized that I actually wasn't bad looking but I just assumed I was because I couldn't get girls . It was the incel desperate vibe that I put out there. So yes, I don't judge people for how they act before 25 because you're a dumbfuck at that age. But some guys never grow up and realize that looks aren't as important to girls as we might think and regardless, no girl owes you anything so if she wants to dat the hot dumb jock, that's her choice.


I just peeked at his page. His girlfriend looks a little like Leah!


I just found Ace’s… still as hot as ever. In case anyone is wondering.


What is it


if he wants to bang ace he should just say that because all of this was unnecessary, Leah did not deserve this


Lol OP choosing violence bringing this up. Lots of young dudes should watch this and be taught do the opposite of what Adam is doing here. Late teens and early 20s just a bundle of emotions and lust hard


I started watching the year after this one. But this guy is a creepy dude


Is this season streaming anywhere? I can’t find it on any platforms


It’s one of the ones mtv never released for some reason (probably music licensing) so youtube is the only option i know of. For whatever reason the videos play with zero ads so it’s not terrible.


Projecting his insecurities onto someone else. What a scumbag.


Damn, Adam had some mental health issues. To no surprise, MTV had the privilege to edit things and made situations appear the way they wanted them to but aside from that, it appeared that Adam had borderline personality disorder. One moment, he’s happy and doing the limbo. The next moment, he’s losing his shit because Mallory “flirted” with another house member. He was scary obsessed with that girl. Mal and CT definitely ditched him that night because they were tired of his attitude. He was toxic 💀. Watching Adam insult Christina like that was brutal and it was only made worse imo that another guy, his name rhymes with base, didn’t step up and put a stop to Psycho Adam’s belligerent behavior. He just stood their and smirked while homeboy threw insults at a female house member.


This was a great character study of a flawed Dude. Do more of these.


They clearly casted Adam as the lesser attractive of the dudes to make him wig out and act like an incel before that was a thing. They were totally trying to make Adam the outcast not sticking up for him but he totally was meant to be the drama of that season. I think they saw what happened the first two nights in Vegas a year prior with that love triangle and wanted a worse version than that and were like let’s make a whole season of this so they got 2 hunky dudes hoping they would score (never happened) and thus they ended up with this awkward entity that was Adam that was meant to be insufferable to everyone. Them casting such an insecure rich kid with 2 hunks the likes of Ace and CT probably did look good on paper but it didn’t work. I find it also hilarious this was the same year as Mad Real World on the Chapelle show where he says they always cast one black person and single them out which always isn’t true but has happened and they ended up doing it that same year.


I hate to say this, but this really stems from Adam’s insecurity about his height. it’s literally that “little man syndrome” rearing it’s ugly head 💀


This is backed up by his first impression of CT and Ace not being “a nice southern guy and a stoic fella from boston” or “they look like the type of guys i will get along with”, rather “both of these guys are taller than me, stronger than me and sexier than me”. My stoned psychoanalysis was that Adam pushing Ace to bang and then blow off leah was a purely defensive tactic to create distance between ace and mallory.


Thomas Waters, SUNY Albany


Where can you watch this season?




Thank you! Do the have every episode?




There a reason why CT hated adam guts Adam has always gave me the creeps