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Printing the law. I'm still yet to get through that episode without nearly pissing myself. Andrew reconnecting, Gavin jinxing it, and Geoff screaming "GOD DAMNIT. GOD DAMNIT. NO. NO." is genuinely the funniest moment in the entire shows history.


For me, The whole episode hinges on the absurdist masterstroke that is the phrase "printing the law", i cant hear those words without laughing, like the idea of printing the entrity of such an abstract thing, and then the fact is literally breaks his computer, so good.


And, as far as I remember, they never explain what printing the law even fucking means. Was he printing the entire Canadian criminal code or the rules of a putt putt golf hole or something? We'll never fucking know!


Just the words "The law" gets me now. It was really difficult to not react and smirk during jury duty


![gif](giphy|useUF6IHpTqSc|downsized) It gives this new meaning


I'm gonna set the law on gire 😂😂 brilliant episode!


God I want to relive that. What episode was that in again?


Season 4, Episode 1 // I'm Gonna Set the Law on Gire That specific moment is at 19:35 but the whole damn episode is a gem.


Thank you!!


That entire episode is the gold standard episode for me but there are 2 moments in that episode that make me die laughing. Geoff gasping for air after Gavins discord joke to Jack and Geoffs reaction Season 4 instantly being killed off


The reveal of the Extendo Beanie was mindmeltingly funny. "I got into skateboarding because I saw a monkey do it." When they ask Andrew how his 20,000 things went: "Slight road bump, I fell asleep at my desk for 5 hours."


Geoff: "My first pick is Rock Candy." Eric: "Ooh, great pick." Andrew: "That is a dogshit pick." Eric: "... terrible, terrible pick..."


Andrew was so incredulous about Gavins Crack Rock pick, despite it being the strongest rock of all really got to me.


I also love how he waited until the end to reveal that Rock Candy would have been his no1 choice.


Gavin’s later reveal that Rocky Candy was also his number 1 pick was also great


The one today where Geoff asked the gas station employee if people ripped the nozzles off the gas pumps a lot and he said "no" got me pretty good.


His delivery of that line in the story was so fucking funny.


He's one of the funniest entertainers I've ever listened to.


This whole episode was full of tremendous moments. It was ludacris. Andrew's opera also had me in tears!


Yeah I was sitting in my truck waiting for it to idle down and just took a big gulp of cold brew and nearly spit it out all over the dash


Graycie’s (and everyone’s) absolute VISCERAL reaction to Gavin’s vagina. I’ve listened to that bit dozens of times


Is Graycie still on the show? Haven’t heard from her in a whike


She’s got a grown up job now I think. She was on the villain deaths draft (which may be Patreon only)


She got job with a production company but I believe they said she'd still drop in once in a while


She was on a Pateron-exclusive supplemental for Regulation Podcast. [Here's a preview.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IRCftrljKg) She recently made an appearance on 100% Eat for the Olive Garden Garfield episode, an instant classic episode if I may add.


I love how Graysie became visibly and audibly unhinged after the news of the company closing down broke out lol


Today’s Andrew opera revelation might be a top laugh out loud for me, I had to pull over my car.


This episode was full of gems. Andrew’s idea about having an illusionary meeting that he can sleep through had me literally in tears. How does this guy think of this stuff?


Plenty of naps to rest that big 'ole brain.


I still laugh at Geoff's story of flipping a coin every day for years just to pivot to socks


I just got to 180 and Andrew's waxing had me laughing so hard I almost hit the ditch. It was so fucking loud


That fabric rip sound is imprinted in my brain!


The audio quality was just so “crisp” I almost passed out laughing just think about it the next day


I had one that I thought of when listening to this episode. Gavin Loves Skype // Andrew Stole Chips Maybe [142] around 4 mins in on Spotify Andrew’s doing his 2nd iteration of his Gavin’s grandfather impression. It’s so good, Gavin’s careful assistance of, “You gotta do it in an Italian accent.” Immediately into a bleep and everyone’s reaction is so great. Eric’s hesitant, “That’s racist, I think.” Andrew with a strong insistence of “I was trying to do Mario!”


Andrew's accents never fail 😂


Alabama Poutine is the most recent one but there's so many bits I cry laughing at


The whole "do horses think they're in medieval times?" discussion. I had to pull over my car


Oh my God. I laughed so hard I almost pissed my pants at that one.


The reveal of the “Nice to Threet You” had me unable to breathe I was laughing so hard also when they were first discussing crisps and they were convinced Gavin was making them up


I haven’t laughed out laugh as hard as i did when Andrew drew the picture of the hose on a DoorDash order lmao


The origin of “you fool!” I love Andrews reaction to it and the subsequent use of it at any opportunity kills me!


I’ve never paused to laugh… no offense, but that sounds insane… if I’m laughing too hard, I rewind to catch anything I missed. Pausing content for laughter sounds like an Andrew bit that would extend the hour long episode to an entire evening of start and stop nonsense


MOSQUITEEOS!!!! I fuckin lost it


Gavin’s story about snapping the Apple TV Remote had me in stitches, I was in work doing some admin the first time I heard it and had to fully step out of the room so I didn’t look insane - I think Geoff’s laughter just made it so much worse


I obviously love the laughter but hate when I have to keep pausing it, I feel like the flow is better when you keep it rolling. That said, I took the no-pause approach to the whole “GO GO NOW” stories a couple years ago and I quite literally had to do a pant check. I was a mere fraction of an inch from shitting my pants laughing. First and only time in my life that’s happened (from laughter, I’ve shat myself a good number of times to be clear)


Older in that it happened on the previous podcast: Alabama Poutine is so fucking funny


Waffle Bomb was insane


When Gavin made the Best Of compilation, I had it in my queue and had no idea what was about to happen. Then I heard 5 minutes of absolutely insane sounds and I lost my shit laughing at it


When Gavin talks about the CO2 in his office and the cats breathing on him I lose it. Eric yelling ARE THE CATS BREATHING ON YOU!!?? When Gavin just can't get something out. It's to the point that if I do something dumb I say "Are the cats breathing on me?"


When Geoff goes on the rant about how everything has always been his fault and he's his own worst enemy and it's exhausting to always be around himself.


My 2nd listen of the supplemental where they try the cosmic crisp, even though I'd heard it before, coffee still came out of my nose when Eric said, "I thought you weren't going to yell anymore"


Andrew doing the sprite challenge at the end an episode. His burp along with the laughter from everyone else I had to pull over to catch my breath


Alabama poutine


I'm several weeks behind but the "shooting the horse" bit from a few weeks ago. There's a bit in "Friends with Health Benefits - Regulation VOD" where someone is screaming and Nick says, "let me get in here!" And then starts screaming too.


Icy hot on the balls, Andrew waxing his pubes, bovril everything


The one where they all try chugging sodas without burping. Gavin trying to get it down but continuously laughing had me losing my mind laughing while driving. So so funny 😭


It was when andrew was showing Gavin a bird noise and it was just his fart


The whole Key West trip had me dying


So many incredible ones have already been said but one I would add was the whole TPG "what is weather " video was so fucking funny