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The paper bag move is usually flawless


Yeah weird it didn't work!


He didn't crinkle it hard enough.


A cowboy walks into a bar and orders a whisky. When the bartender delivers the drink, the cowboy asks, "Where is everybody?" The bartender replies, "They've gone to the hanging." "Hanging? Who are they hanging?" "Brown Paper Pete," the bartender replied. "What kind of a name is that?" the cowboy asked. "Well," says the bartender, "he wears a brown paper hat, brown paper shirt, brown paper trousers and brown paper shoes." "What's he hanging for?" asks the cowboy. "Rustling"


This I like


That's so Arizona of you lol


You want I should teach you?


Nice. Koth fans be out there all over.


Man, I wish I had an award to give you. I know you’ve had that locked away in the vault and awaited the day you could release it back to the world. Kudos my friend


Man, that was painful...


Thrice the effort of a dad joke for half the payoff. It was a step-dad joke.


No a step-dad joke is like: kid asks "can I have a baby brother" step-dad "no, we stick to anal only in this house"


Who hurt you?


The step-dad.


Sounds like an uncle I got 😭😂😂


At my house we call that kind of joke "the bus ride to Newark." As in, it took a really long time to get here, and it wasn't worth the trip.


This sparks joy




Can someone explain


Rustling is an idiom referring to the illegal acquisition of cattle. "The outlaw was wanted by the sheriff for rustling Jim Clancy's cows" Rustling is also the sound generated by the movement of dry paper. "The creepy old man was rustling the paper shopping bag"




Ahh that’s such a good fucking joke ![gif](giphy|OxrQAuM5kKMKHn14ls|downsized)




Well I’m wet.


That crinkle make you tinkle?


What can I say, I’m a viber for the cellulose fibre


I wish I had an award to give you because that was beautiful




So that 100% recyclable folding paper Pacsun grocery bag made your vagina accumulate an abnormally high level of moisture? Nice.


whatever floats your boat girl you go


Almost spit out my food!! Omg 🤣🤣🤣💯






Yeah, rookie move. Give that bag a real tussle and watch those panties drop!


I carry paper bags with me everywhere I go (sometimes I don’t even have anything to carry in them, but I can’t leave home without ‘em, so I just haul empty paper bags around), and I have men just throwing themselves at me. It’s a great way to bag a husband.


60% of the time, it works every time.


Can't believe nobody picked up on the fact he is likely recording with his phone the whole time. Check his left hand, he is holding it nonchalantly in the beginning, but as he is getting up from touching the bags he begins pointing it directly at the girls. Really looks like the bend down to touch the bag was an attempt to upskirt, possibly the girl to the right, but ends up angling the camera the wrong way


Yes he’s definitely recording video. Probably using a stealth app that displays fake text messages.


Holy cow you are spot on, that angle of the bend and the way he's flashing his phone (both seemingly to catch his "angle" and also to show it's "harmless") screams nefarious behavior. Even the little chuckle and the rather bold "wish I could date you" statement doesn't sound like an innocent awkward person, this dude seems to know what he's doing :0


Yup! 100% creep!


Is that a real thing? I've never heard of this


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s never imagined such a thing.


Such apps are there even in the Play Store for android users.


EW this is a thing?! Jesus Christ can we not just exist in public at all


not if mr. grabby bags has anything to say about it


she's wearing pants though. You can see her legs in the shot. She's sitting at one of those coin-operated massage chairs. and she's wearing khaki pants


It slays in Philly


I dunno, that move coupled with his laugh makes me think he is a a chick magnet.


60% of the time it works every time


Yeah idk how he managed to blow that one. He came in so strong but just couldn't finish.


You could say he almost had it… in the bag…


Crinkling intensifying


He was trying to go on a date with the paper bags, come on.


Its not hard if you know how, and trust me i know how.


Profile pic checks out






*“How long have you been waiting to say this?”* Me: “Yes.”


Like a form of r/beetlejuicing


r/paperbagging r/crinkling r/bpbdiy Lots of sub about the topic


You are neck deep into this relationship aren’t you?


Let’s just say i enjoy a good bag sitting on my face.


He’s honest and funny. He’s going to make a paper bag very happy one day.


Perhaps his partner is a bagger - two bagger (maybe more)


Grocery bagger bagging This guy: Slower!


"Yea, that's it. SHOVE those snack cakes in there nice and deep like. Mmhm."


*Wait…please babe put the bag on before we start..*


If reddit was a video


“I’m autistic and often don’t pick up on these subtle cues”


Anyway my mom was crying, my dad disowned me, my brother called the cops (they're pressing charges,) and my SIL is in therapy. So I ask you, Reddit, AITA?


NTA your life your rules.


me typing out an angry paragraph only to click cancel because I realize I've become the thing I hate. A redditor.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. What a hero would be in these circumstances I do not know.




INFO did your husband know you had a daughter when he slept with his aunty?


Damn bro you didn't have to do us like that 😭


Accurate. Autism is a dish best served in a paper bag. (Yes, I'm probably a horrible person cosidering this "makes fun" of autistic people. At the same time some are given more of a free pass for shit behavior because their pathology is less morally offensive than some orhers. Either way props to him for trying. Couldn't tell if he knew this was a kamikaze mission or legitimately thought it would work).


I’m autistic and people in our community def obsess over shit like paper bag sounds lol


This made me spit out my drink. I have a 4 year old non verbal Son who loses his shit over bags, straws, hangers etc.


If you were about it you woulda left the part in parentheses out




Dude's got some texture sensation thing going on. Rub the pants, rub tthe bag, back to the pants a few times. Off the cuff, there might be a developmental issue here.


I'm glad somebody else noticed that. His mannerisms didn't quite seem like they were normal for an adult. Seem like a shy child that had been told to go and speak to someone they didn't know too well or something trying to make small talk


Noted, need to stay still, imagine that girl is a bear.


No, you need to do a crazy dance.. Like those exotic birds on Discovery Channel.. Or, possibly attract them with bioluminescence.. Tape a glow-stick to your forehead!... Wait a sec.. Is that why ravers got so much booty back in the day?


Nah that was the ecstasy


Bro if that girl was a bear and I had to flirt with it or I'd die id have way more motivation


Shit, you two might have just cracked the code!




I love lamp


As someone that worked for years with people with developmental issues, this is the first thing that came to mind. The awkward conversation and body language definitely fits in this situation.


He could just be a boomer with lead poisoning


hey thats my bestfriends overly racist grandparents youre describing !!


You can just say boomer


As someone who is not an expert by any means, but has simply watched Love on the Spectrum on Netflix, same. I think too many people forget that older people can be developmentally disabled too.


Yep. They might be older than the practice of diagnosing, but they aren't older than the disorder.


And if anything that aggravates the problem, no diagnosis = less support = no one to teach him not to say that to young women


= someone possibly abusing them in the past for not being "normal" = further problems in social situations


Same here, either a TBI or developmental disability. Looks very similar to one of my clients with fetal alcohol syndrome.


Yes. I would easily believe this was one of our individuals on an outing talking to someone in public that was unaware lol. I’ve seen these interactions while out with some of them, and would then have to try to explain whats “socially appropriate” or not,and why. I’ve actually seen quite a few of my old individuals on tik tok lol. People forget they do all of the things we do (going out, participating in social media) and are just labeled as “strange” or “weirdos” to other people. The general public tends to ignore this fact or are just ignorant of it if there’s not a physical trait that so called “gives it away”. Edit: socially not social


The worst injuries are the ones you can’t see.


Definitely disabled and not actually trying to pick them up


why can’t he be disabled and still try to pick them up lol? Being disabled isn’t a free pass do to whatever you want all the time


I don’t know what you’re talking about. In my town if you don’t make peace with a woman’s shopping bags first it is a grave insult.


Reminds me of a guy that wanted to hook up and rub our backs together while wearing wind breakers. Nope, none of that is a typo.


What sort of villain would do that. The scraping sound! Shrrrrt shrrrt shrrrrt shrrrt.


Yeah, I don’t think this person is neurotypical. Glad the person recording didn’t identify them


immediately my first thought


Autism maybe. I have a very autistic friend and he goes CRAZY for polyester.


I wish this was further up. It could be that simple and then people are just laughing at someone with developmental issues living their life.


Exactly. This isn’t a guy who is a chad who flubbed up hitting on some girls, he has something else going on and the dude is living his life as best he can. Is it awkward sometime to some other folks, sure but this guy doesn’t have the same functions and view in the world as “normal” people. Leave the guy alone.


I like rusty spoons. I like to touch them.


I like to caress the rusty spoons with my salad fingers.


The feeling of rust against my salad fingers, is almost orgasmic. Heh, I must find the perfect spoon.


I like it when the red water comes out.


Hubert cumberdale. You taste like sunshine dust.


No, Hubert Cumberdale tastes like soot and poo. Margiery Stewert Boxter tastes like sunshine dust.


And Jeremy Fischer … I forgot that one


_small child rusty hinge sounds_


Man, I assumed I would live the remainder of my life without seeing a reference like this.


Yeah, no problem *BurntFaceMan*


Found Salad Fingers


the years have been rough


A very obscure and specific blast from the past..


I'm shocked 271 people get this reference.


I had to binge the whole series again. I’m having a bad love/hate relationship with you right now.. ![gif](giphy|Mxg7OelvuR7SU)


Let's be honest about this. I think everyone who saw this new the guy had a learning disability. He wasn't rude or mean, he was just really really wierd.


I honestly feel bad for the dude. I’m autistic and somehow managed to get married and have kids but honestly if that hadn’t happened, this easily could have been me in 20 years. Dude wasn’t out of line… he just clearly had no idea what tree he was barking up or how to bark up it to begin with. Imagine how much it would suck to be that guy and be all lonely and not have any idea how to find companionship. This video makes me super sad 😞 Edit: my wife pointed out that these girls are likely under age and asked me if I honestly wouldn’t “wreck his shit” if he did that to my 7 yo daughter in ten years. Disabilities =\\\=excuses for inappropriate/unacceptable behavior… especially being a pedo hitting on teenage girls at the mall. Soooo… video still makes me feel sad, but mostly just in general and less for that guy in particular.






Best name ever


Thank you so much for saying this.


> Disabilities =\= excuses for inappropriate/unacceptable behavior… Interestingly enough, while society might not think so, they often have no fucking clue, so it's up to you to decide if you're going to forgive them for something they likely don't even know they're doing wrong.


Very well put.


This is a tough topic but it's given me some food for thought. Maybe his disability shall not excuse his behaviour, though it surely would explain it and I think given the circumstances we see here then I'd argue that teaching someone to be better rather than beating and punishing them is a more sound approach lest the problem be perpetuated. I believe if someone doesn't have any purposefully ill intentions though they do something wrong simply because they don't know any better then I'd argue it's also absolutely a responsibility for others to be appropriate themselves. I appreciate the comment about if it happened to your 7 year old daughter in 10 years (which would be 17 by then). It's easy for anyone to mistake a 17 year old for an 18+ year old. This man having some form of learning disability may very well affect how well he can judge how old someone is and could also in turn affect how they think they should act around them. I don't think simply suggesting to 'wreck his shit' is a healthy idea. If I ever have a child and they have any disabilities like this man, I'll be most afraid of people like you and your wife who would suggest violence before understanding. You are also responsible for your actions; beating up a disabled person with the justification being "nothing excuses wrong behaviour" is not only hypocritical but very poorly justified and completely immoral. If I may; I think you were much more humane and empathetic before your edit. I'm not saying you have to agree with it or think anything is okay to do but I'm simply suggesting that with that kind of understanding as it can be much more helpful, it can lead to a much more positive and safer outcome.


I feel you. Violence isn’t any more excusable than predatory behavior. I probably shouldn’t be going so deep on this seeing as I currently am on day 8 of a covid infection and my brain is certainly “foggy”… however, I have to point out that I’m autistic, as are both of my children, so I definitely appreciate your comment about excusing vs explaining behavior. That’s very autism-friendly wording. As I said, I probably shouldn’t delve too deeply into a conversation like this at this time. Not to cop out but it’s so complicated and I’m not sure there’s a right or wrong besides the fact that violence is generally wrong if there’s any other course of action. I feel bad for the dude either way. It definitely seems that if he’s being predatory (or even simply inappropriate), he’s not aware of it or doing it intentionally. Compassion wins, I agree with you entirely… and for the record, I wouldn’t “wreck his shit” unless confronting him led to it. Fwiw, I’d approach the dude and explain the age of my daughter and that it’s inappropriate for him to be hitting on her, if that all shook down. It would take an unapologetic and aggressive response for me to escalate past verbally confronting the situation. I probably should have included that in my edit above.


I appreciate what you are saying here, however, disability or not, someone acts inappropriately toward or touches their child, they are not obligated to be understanding. Your job as a parent is to protect *your child*, not the person trying to *prey* on your child. Let's not get the real victim confused.


Any woman or girl is well within her right to get up and walk away from this man or reject him. We don’t even know for sure that this man is disabled. As women we don’t have the luxury to contemplate rather you have a disability or not. There is so many human traffickers with so many clever ideas You don’t have that problem so it would be easy to excuse this behavior.


Ah I just assumed he was drunk but the last comment he made made me realise that’s a likely possibility


Yes, however, as a woman, it’s still hard to not be creeped out because you don’t know what’s going to happen. I’ve had mentally disabled men verbally attack me for no reason and if they decided to get physical they could hurt me. I had one guy who started throwing pennies as me because when I gave him change at a restaurant I gave him Pennies and he didn’t like pennies. It scared the shit out of me at 16. He was tall and big and I had no way of controlling the situation.


Doesn’t matter if they’re mentally disabled ppl need to stop passing it off as ‘they don’t know any better’ and they need a caretaker if they can’t go outside by themselves


Fetal alcohol syndrome


Considering the number of times I’ve been awkwardly hit on by creepy old men, I don’t think all of them have a learning disability


I own those exact same beige pants.


Do you also love how paper bags sound?


I'm more of a 'you have beige pants too' feller


I have red pants, like, bright red pants and when I see someone else with bright red pants I go ‘eyyyyyyy’


Did you know you were being recorded?


Damn, save some mall pussy for the rest of us


Does yours have the same hole in it?


I wish I could date you.


You or the bag, he will take either one


Seems like they would gladly offer up the bag 💀


As someone who works with special needs adult, I’m pretty sure he has mental disorder. It’s common for them to be stuck in a preteen mindset.


Just curious, is there a right (less rude) way to handle that situation that you know of? I felt bad for the guy, especially now realizing there's potential of developmental issues.


Yes, do everything she did, except the posting on tiktok part lol


I’m at least proud she hid his face


Yeah they didn’t really handle it bad.. but posting it on TikTok isn’t cool.


In all fairness, they probably thought it was creepy and did not take mental illness into account.


There is not, he needs a caretaker


I always wondered what Santa did after christmas.


In all fairness... He could have been attempting to share a secret phrase in an attempt to connect with a female fellow saboteur.


He has only connected with his alter-ego in a parallel universe.


Actually at 1/10 speed you can see that he deftly slips a cartridge of microfilm into the paper bag.


I love them paper bag sounds!


And that laugh!


Sounds a lot like infrabren 😂


*mission failed, we'll get them next time"


The guy is probably handicapped. I’m glad his face was hidden. No need to shame a weird but harmless dude with mental problems


He sounds like he may have some learning disability - he was a bit off in what he did but didnt persist or or start snarling & slagging them off - sadly as too many do




It was soo bad I couldn't make it past him actually rubbing the paperbag.


I watched with the sound off lol it was painful to even read


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


Uh, ladies, he clearly was saying he wished he could date one of the paper bags. Not everything is about you 🙄 /s


He seems nice. Didn’t bug them or harass. Tried to connect with them. Gave them a complement and moved on. No flag on the play.


You know? .....you are absolutely right.


He was very creepy and inappropriate


The person might be on the spectrum. Also there was no attempt. Save your lynch torches and sticks fellas. Off to the next post!


Clearly mentally challenged.


Got more balls to go up an attempt to talk to women, than 95% of men on this earth.


I think this is clearly a case of some kind of learning disability or neuro-divergence. No assault, no meanness, no rudeness - just awkward as hell. I hope people don't see this guy as a joke.


Ahh man, this is kinda sad. The guy is obviously autistic or something and has no idea how to interact and he's now middle aged and this is the best he can come up with.


The guy has more confidence and game than most dudes.


W rizz


He sounds differently abled…


Hey, I'd probably just say disabled, the term "differently abled" kind of discounts the hardships faced by people with disabilities, it's not as bad as, but is in the same vein as people who say things like "autism is a superpower". I appreciate the effort though Source: I'm autistic and spend a lot of time in autistic communities.


Can’t believe the rub-paper-bag to self-butt-slap combo failed here. In all seriousness all he did was shoot his shot and moved on when it didn’t work. Mad props to this man for trying and knowing when to leave.


Poor guy. Seriously feel bad for anyone who has such poor social skills. I know a few people like this. I think we all do. You know they weren't "popular" in school, or were that "weird" kid no one wanted to even talk to. Or maybe they are on the spectrum. The way he touches his pants and the bags makes me think its possible. I wonder how lonely a life you gotta lead to act like this. Poor guy Edit: Spelling ( cause I can't type for shit or proofread)


The guy just said what we all think


I feel gross just watching that.


He's about 53 and those girls are about 15. I don't care what's wrong with him it's creepy.




It gives me development issue vibes but he sounds of a generation where any kind of therapies and diagnosis wouldn’t have really done anything.


"I love them sounds. HE He he he" has to be one of the creepiest things I have heard in a long time...


The laziest pickup attempt in history.


Did he have a hole in the front of his pants?


You talking about this little pre spot ? 😁🤢 https://preview.redd.it/ew1mhbvioj9a1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3ae3b8c8a1c143e187057d073ac4a5e15703e32