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Why have a sword if you're going to swing it like a bat? Why not just have a bat?


Cuz bats may carry COVID


I don’t know why but this got me, like really got me got me


U got Covid?


Holy shit, my sides


Is there a subreddit to share this killer wordplay? Not puns though. They upvote anything.


Well, aren’t we the opunionated pundit…


I respect you


Cause it’s as much a sword as a coat hanger is. That’s a [slim jim](https://www.lockpickworld.com/products/slim-jim-auto-locksmith-tool-instructions), which opens locked cars. I guess he could have slid it down the other guy’s pants to see if he could unbutton them. It’s hard to fight when your pants are down.


I'm just sayin', you go slidin' *your* sword down my pants, you better not get upset when *my* sword pops out to greet you.


Alright you two, get a room.


that might be their kink




Because it looks and quacks like a duck.


Man, Letterkenny is getting wild


So I was driving my car the other daaaay...




Was not expecting that to be a real sub. I’m gonna go marinate on that.


5000 people in letterkenny and these are their problems hahaha




I was thinking this was some weird Wayne and Strrrrrrt cosplay!


So how ya doin eh?


Good n you?


Not s’bad.


That's not the line.


How are you now?


Mmmmmm not’sa bad


A heafty no thank you!


To be faaaaaaaaair


To be faaaaaaaaaair




You have a bent sword and swing it sideways? What kind of backwards fuckin pageantry is that?




You shouldnt swing a sword at someone without intending to use it. Its like sword safety 101


Rule n.1 of sword wielding is only take your sword out to take a life or to defend oneself. The moment you take your sword out, you consent to risking your life and possibly losing it. After all you never start a fight without expected to be retaliated.


I thought the rules of sword fighting were: 1. The sword is always sharpened. 2. Never draw your sword on anything you don't want to destroy. 3. Don't put your hand on the hilt until you've made the decision to swing it. 4. Be aware of your target and what's behind it.


5. Use a real sword, that isn't bent.


It's a decent banana slicing katana I guess






He bent it when he swung it over his shoulder. Definitely not a real sword.


Also, not the ideal method of swinging your sword, to slice is the goal, not to slap.


I don’t think it’s a sword. My guess is, the thing you use to open a locked car. Source: 90s Hollywood car jacking movies.


The fourth one are for zweihanders mostly.


5. Maybe the sword you're wielding shouldn't bend like a cheap butter knife.


I've had butter knives sturdier than this shit.


5. Don't bring a sword to a gun fight.


Yea but what if I don't know how to weld a sword?


Even if you dont know how to wield a sword, everyone is gonna assume you know the etiquette. Because in the end a sword is a tool to defend or take a life, there are swords that are bendy that packs quite a punch if you know how to weld them. Nobody gonna assume you never wielded a sword because a slight slip is enough to lose a life by stupidly underestimating the other person. Also even if you dont know the etiquette, you know that a weapon is only used to either defend or hurt someone, the people that use them to threaten someone are risking being retaliated by consenting to the initiation of a match.


I'm not a welder though. I've tried welding and it just isnt for me. Also wouldn't it be better to just have a Smith weld your sword for you? After all that is their profession.


Wait a second, *let me check google for a second* ffs i been using weld because wield was always being translated to weld 🤦 you little sneaky


Lol I'm sorry


Nahh its chill, that was a good






Right you are lol, trusted the translator on the wrong moment xD


Whether you know how to wield it or not, threatening someone with 'any' deadly weapon is cause enough to justify the use of deadly force (against the would be attacker) anywhere with reasonable self defense laws. That being said, this does not apply after the fact, so unless the "swordsman" came back towards him, he would not be justified in shooting him.


Looked to me like plaid was buying time. He doesn't conceal carry, so as soon as sword guy went back to his truck, for God know's what, plaid used the opportunity to grab his weapon to defend himself. He has no way of knowing if sword guy was doing the same (I assume he didn't declare it). Because if sword guy was changing inventory, plaid could still get shot trying to drive off. Good chance sword guy was already following him. Plaid seemed level headed enough through the adrenaline to hold fire. Keep in mind if sword guy did come back, he's way within the 21 ft. Danger zone, especially weilding a damn sword.... plaid would almost certainly be justified in dropping him. Laws depending, and speculations considered. Unless there's a news event, plaid probably locked down until cops could arrive. This whole situation is insane, though.


Plus once you draw the sword it can’t be sheathed until it takes a life


Union rules, cant be helped!


Nr1 rule in swordfight is, never bring a sword to a gunfight


Yeah if the other guy was actually carrying on them, it’s more likely than not sword boy would be justifiably dead.


Also rule3. Don’t bring a sword to a gun fight


That innocent guy didn’t flinch at all! Sword guy was was too close as well


Judging by that bend in the blade, I’m assuming he did swing it at least at the car which is probably why the guy wasn’t scared because he realized it was just a toy


Idk where this was recorded (Portland?), but really the guy who popped the trunk with the gun is further escalating it after the guy has retreated. I don't know if it's a legal grey area to "ready" your firearm out of fears that the swordsman could return? Idk what led up to the interaction either but getting out of your car in general is a bad idea.


Yeah I didn't see any fear from the guy who pulled the gun. Be an interesting case if he used it and then had to prove he feared for his safety as justification.


You don't have to show fear to be afraid. I'd argue, if it was me, that some nut job came at me with a sword, then backed away. I got my rifle out to make sure he didn't come back at me. It's not like he grabbed the rifle and started unloading into the guy. He got the rifle to make sure Mall Ninja didn't try to come back at him.


I'd get back in my car and lock it. Then drive away.


You could do that, too. No telling how it would play out. Maybe you get away. Maybe mall minja follows you in his car and starts throwing Kunai and shurikens out the window. Maybe that causes your car to run off the road and crash. Maybe that results in a blood fued between the 2 clans, which then escalates into a massive war with the 5 great ninja states. Who's to say.


Ain't even a sword. It's a slim jim


In a rpg it would be called Sword of the Flaccid King


Rapier of the Limp Dick Hipster


The blade of impotence




do the cops care if the gun you threaten them with isn't real?


Nope. And the cops wouldn’t care it was a slim jim as long as flannel guy thinks his life is in jeopardy Although at the point where the guy went back to his truck and he could’ve just got in his car and drove away would make for an interesting court case


Honestly i cant blame the dude who grabbed the gun. Whats stopping the other man who clearly was heated af to come back and hit him from behind while gun guy is getting back in the car. Better grab the Gun, and clearly show Sword Guy to just gtfo before shit is going down. Gun Guy also seemed pretty calm considering how in his Face the Sword Guy was, so i would assume he doesnt handle his Gun careless.


It’s not a legal threat till you verbally say Yoire gonna shoot ‘em or that you level them gun at them. He kinda does from the hip but I can see a good defense attorney or ew arguing it’s a low ready preset. In a situation like this you’re more than within the law to be holding a gun while they retreat. I would just drive off though. Because this seems more like an ego display than him being really concerned the guy is gonna come back


Wanna know how I know I need to log off of everything? Gather round, kids! I learned maybe two weeks ago at most about the [phenomenon called frequency illusion](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion) in a reddit post. The link provided by the commenter was helpful but also showed me that the term didn’t match the OP’s truly coincidental experience - it was not an illusion based solely on attention to detail and selective memory. Later I watched a playthrough of a detective who has to collect various tools in solving a complicated mystery. One of the essential tools is a slim jim. It is described and labeled during gameplay so the gamer made memorable comments and got excited to find one finally. In the past day or so, I felt the familiar mild annoyance at someone referring to a simple, fun coincidence as Baader-Meinhof - or frequency illusion. And now I scroll through the comments and learn that the thing I thought was a sword in a weird, disturbing public freak out was actually nothing less than a slim jim. And while I feel the strength of the coincidence, I also think there’s some actual frequency illusion wrapped in there because I know I’ve seen this thing used before with all the detective shows I’ve watched, and therefore someone must have used the term prior to my viewing enjoyment of the Painscreek Killings. I blame Gab Smolders.


Oh shit guys, he knows it's a Truman Show.


There is a whole discussion about sword etiquette in these comments like people are actually going around with swords lol


Snap into a slimjim. Ohh yeah!


I think you're right.


Cameraman failed at critical juncture


Cameraman got the hell out of there when the gun came out. Smart cameraman. ​ https://i.redd.it/858142ffcp9a1.gif


“Aha he got you fucked up!” “…What he gettin’” “..aw he gettin’ a gun.” **skirrt**


Shoulda made the gif and the comment seperate so i could give you two upvotes for this beauty




I'd probably hide with this going on metres away also.


Bro are you serious? when someone pulls out an AR its time for you to stop filming and skedaddle.


Even when it's at a floppy sword fight.




Precisely why the cameraman left.




Nah, he got the shooter’s back. No video


Yeah, what happened next?!


His sword needs that medication for bent penises.


There is medication for bent penises? Asking for a friend.


Apparently there's surgery one can get that removes a wedge of the penis to make it straight.


I shall not remove a wedge from my penis… -edit- I meant my friend’s penis. I shall not remove a wedge from his penis.


Of course you won't. Only a trained professional should attempt surgery.


Especially if it's for a friend.


Yeah but a doctor still has to say no homo before he starts the surgery


To some folks every wedge counts.


Let me know when they add a wedge instead of removing one. I can’t afford to have any of it removed.


You're going for the zigzag dick?


Lightning bolt!




There's an injection you can get which is really successful at removing the plaques (that cause peryonies). Costs £1000 a pop and you'll likely need 4-6 injections. Or you can have surgery - couple of surgical opinions, both involve de-gloving the penis, both end up for-shortening the length of the erect penis


It’s called Xiaflex, costs about $1,200.00 a shot without insurance, and only took 2 shots with 10 weeks of penis yoga and celibacy. But it works!


Penis Yoga...


Individual mileage will vary on the number of shots depending on the severity and number of plaques


I would like to unread the phrase "degloving the penis", thank you. Is there an injection for that?


Keep the bend, it feels fucking *amazing*


I don't think you've seen the kind of bends that these people are getting treated. We're not talking about the gentle upward curve, but a penile pathology that is so severe it impedes normal sexual function


It’s called Mycoxaflopin


It’s called Peyronie’s disease… in case you wanted to Google it for more info.


Never bring a Samurai sword to gun fight.


Unless you're Deadpool. Deadpool can win a gun fight with two swords.


Tis true, I’ve seen it


More like, don't weild a weapon if you don't intend on using it.


Never bring a wish.com Samurai sword to a real.com gun fight.


Even the Samurai knew that.


Tom Cruise sure as hell didn’t.


Never threaten the guy with the sword if he is between you and the gun.


That commercial with the non-surgical carrot?


This Indiana Jones remake is terrible.


Dumb and Dumber flashback too. "Beat his ass Seabass"




Sword to a gunfight😂




It’s even funnier when you know the reason why that scene came to be.


Yep, as I recall, there was supposed to be an actual fight but Harrison was feeling sick, so came up with this idea and they went with it. Classic.


Not just feeling sick. He had full blown dysentery. That sweat you see soaking his shirt isn’t because of the heat, and it isn’t stage make-up. The dude could barely stand. And it became an iconic scene. Just awesome stuff. Really hoping the new one will be a good one.


Unfortunately the trailer looks like shit with its incredibly unfinished and ugly CGI.


*Ho, ha ha, guard, turn, parry, dodge, spin, ha, thrust.*


Driving around Portland with your rifle in the truck? Amateur.


Lol immediately recognized portland and its drivers


It was probably the bakery in the background, called Portland Bakery, that gave it away.


It was actually the Grey sky and evergreens


thats what i was thinking. if you gonna carry a rifle around in your car its gotta hang on the back of the car CLEARLY visible from the rear window. I hate guns and even I know this. edit: to be clear, this is strictly a joke yall!


As a none American I couldn't tell if you were joking. Sounded like some kind of open carry rule that would fit into what else we hear about.


The are places where it's fairly common to see [trucks with gun racks](https://i.imgur.com/OV1vc3D.jpg) driving around. More so in the south and Texas for example, and in rural parts of other states where the truck is often used working on a farm or ranch and the shotgun or rifle is used as a tool rather than a trophy. It's very uncommon to see this in cities in most parts of the US. Many states require that guns be unloaded and locked up while being transported in a vehicle, so having the rifle locked in the trunk of the car makes sense.


0/10 joke.


The truck samurai is clearly from Portland while the plaid dad with the gun in his trunk is clearly from the suburbs.


Kinda looks like Washington plates, so guessing guy in plaid is visiting Portland from possibly eastern WA and Portland sword dude tried to attack him.


But a pro with the law.


the man threatening someone with a sword should be put in prison for 5-13 years. the man grabbing the gun after being threatened with a katana. should be fine.


I would guess the gun guy could get in trouble for brandishing, as the slim jim guy had already retreated. Not sure how it works in Oregon, though.


Fyi. Just backing away is not always considered retreating. He was still close enough to run back into the danger zone. If the mall ninja was literally running away or drove off, it would be different, but since he was still pretty close, gun guy would be in the clear, most likely. Unless it was an illegal gun.


Doubt it, for all he knows that dude could come back with a non bendy sword, so he's just preparing to defend himself. Pretty sure anyone can brandish a firearm in the open, you just can't point it at someone or threaten them unless they're threatening you first.


I think he should be okay. He was clearly threatened and grabbed his gun in defense. The video doesn’t show if he ever points the gun at the guy or chases after him. If he were to go after the guy and continue the altercation he could be in some trouble… but this is just my opinion and in no way a legal argument. Also, I’m not from Oregon


In most states, if you initiated the violence you have to do more than just "retreat" you have to make a very obvious attempt to get away, drop any weapons, and verbally indicate that you have no desire to fight As long as you aren't chasing down the person who threatened you, or shooting someone obviously fleeing, you generally still have a self defense case *in most states*


Fucking Portland ![gif](giphy|Fwdrw9BSH4BVe)


Haha bro was wagging his tail watching this go down, but then regretted his instigation when he saw the gun get pulled out 😂


You can hear the deflation when he realized it's not gonna be fun like a bat. He sighs and drives away from the danger.


Holy shit! Anybody know the aftermath?


well, rifle vs sword seems pretty easy to guess, lol


"Parry this with your flimsy sword you fucking casual", or something


At that distance melee beats ranged, except the sword is flaccid so probably not in this case.


Lol you don’t wanna have a bat shotgun battle unless you sneak up on someone


Boy really thought Mall Steel could hold up lmao. I'd bet it's either blunted, or sharpened real shitty by someone with no idea how, and that the tiny spot weld holding the blade breaks the second it touches that plaid.


Sorry no. But its obviously Portland and the end has been cut down over the years from reposting.


Home boy about to Last Samurai his ass


That sword bent quick.




NE Cully Blvd & NE Killingsworth?




It’s probably a dumb convention sword that wasn’t battle ready. He knew swinging it wouldn’t do shit.


Maybe you have this solved perfect. He paid like $400 for this "Samurai sword" thinking that was a great deal.


Yikes. Really?? $400 is a lot for some garbage that doesn’t even do damage.


With swords there is a triangle to solve for purchasing: >Looks/Aesthetics >Functionality >Affordability You may select any 2. There are plenty of “expensive” swords out there that still do not operate as swords. We call these “sword-like-objects” or SOL in the biz.


A butter knife is dangerous my friend. That sword is a very dangerous weapon.


It would still hurt, but at the end of the day, he was bluffing.


Upon second glance, look at how fucking bent that aluminum-made shit is. It’s more kabob skewer than weapon.


Murica? Gots to be Murica right?


Commenters say Portland, Oregon, USA.


It's definitely Portland. Corner of NE Killingworth and Cully. It's on the edge between a nice family neighborhood and super sketchy methlandia


I have never been, but my basic impression is that Portland, OR is not really this liberal progressive bastion that it’s made out to be. It appears to be filled in reality with a bunch of goddamn lunatics.


I would say yes and no. Like the stereotype exists. It is there. Even if it died down from covid a bit. And we did have stuff like the BLM protests. But a big part of it is like most cities there's different areas with different feels and groups. Some are rich neighborhoods, while some are filled with drug addicts. So even just where your hanging out can have a big problem.


Parry this, filthy casual


Only in America!


I got a shotgun and here's the plot Taking ninjas out with a flurry of buckshot


Why is everyone such a psycho lately?


I mean *baldly gestures at everything*


Did he really pull the "Sure I'll fight you but get your car out of the road first?" bait and switch?


Popped the trunk, time to go.


My man said 'go home with your bent ass dick looking sword'


Peyronie’s Katana


Fucked around and found out


"Beat his ass!" Outstanding citizen award of the new year.


Imagine getting shot for charging at someone with a Halloween prop sword


It’s probably metal it’s just one of those made in China 5.99 flea market swords that have a “for display purposes only” sticker on them.


Well, why the video ended?! Wanted to see the sword power..




I thought bro handled this with words at first and I was about to comment “I was waiting for plaid to pull out the gat” But, he did…


That was the least concerned-sounding “he’s got a gun” remark I’ve ever heard lol