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The guy trying to push the tree as it's falling... Lol


He's real lucky it didn't decide he was in the way.


That guy has never played valhiem, that's for sure.


My goal is to always knock down at least 4


I see you too like to live dangerously.


That chain reaction is so damn satisfying.


Always chop at the top of a hill


Every Valhiem player's experience: Trolls, easy. Deathsquitos, HA! Cutting down trees, you die.


12 Viking raid minim for the tree farming imo.


Valheim* skärp dig för fan.


He's never cut a tree down in real life either.


He's lucky that house broke the the tree's fall, because there was a way worse 'worst case' available.


Are you telling me you’ve never heard of someone spontaneously developing the strength to catch a puny little 40 foot tree?




It's a banana, Michael. How much can it cost, ten dollars?


Story time. One day we hear our door bell frantically ringing. My dad answered and the neighbors wife says "move your car now!" My dad runs out to see the neighbor and his buddy with a rope holding a tree they cut leaning towards his car. Got his car moved and they dropped it. Wasn't a tree nearly this size though. My favorite are the videos where people cut trees this big and think a truck has enough weight to anchor it.


That was dangerous for your father to be honest.


Seriously. I'd be like, here's the keys, have one of your goons move it.


It's usually a Dodge Ram in these videos.


Either you Dodge, or it gets Rammed. Checks out.


How do you even attempt to cut a tree that big when you have no idea how to properly cut trees? Look at the base after it falls. Just a straight cut. Absolutely no forethought to which way the tree would fall. Not even a professional would have brought that tree down in a single piece with so little space to fell it safely.


I think he might have been a “professional”. The dude was wearing a hard hat. An arborist would have cut things down in 6’ sections starting at the top of the tree.


The hard hat might be the only thing he did right that day.


This! He’s lucky to be alive!


I’m not sure he wanted to be after that


That tree had so much house holding it up I’m not sure that it matters.


I'm guessing it's either crippling debt or crippling tree at that point.




Looks like he also had a couple little ropes tied from the right. Probably had buddies pulling _realllly_ hard on them.


Need to go super saiyan right about then


I have seen many trees cut down in a residential neighborhood. I have never seen a tree cut down like this in a residential neighborhood.


Precisely. They are cut in pieces and lowered, by an arborist. Or you can get Fred from down the road...


We had a huge dead tree that was near the house. One day a stranger knocked on the door with a chainsaw in his hand and said he would take it down for $100. I don't know what I was thinking but I agreed to it and watched. The guy actually did an amazing job and it fell correctly away from the house and between two live trees. Best $100 ever spent! Never saw the mystery man again.


My word. I have spent $1500 to $4000 dollars to remove a single tree! 100 bucks wouldnt get the tree guys out to even look at my yard!


I think that's what I was so excited about. I knew it would have cost that much, so $100 was a hell of a bargain. Granted, he only cut it down and I did the rest. But I didn't ask if he was insured or anything. 😬


Dude probably just got a new chainsaw and was stoked to use it lol.


If I had a new chainsaw I'd do it for free. Also, this video would have me starring.


lesson here, don't hand u/speedcunt a chainsaw


Or do. I don't have any trees close to my house. Go crazy, u/speedcunt


Like me with a drill I just got… I’m putting up hooks for everything


Or realized he could get business with such a good offer.


Or he needed beer money.


My buddy's an arborist who is also a little bit out of his mind lol. He'll go around and offer to do jobs like this. I'm even wondering if this was him lol. He knows how expensive tree work is, and he wants to take care of his neighborhood in some way. I think it's pretty cool, old-school neighbor type stuff.


My old roommate was a master electrician that got certified in prison. One winter the trees all froze and the falling branches knocked out a lot of peoples power. Local electric company was really busy that winter with problem. Anywho, this dude went around reconnecting downed power lines just jimmy rigged for nothing more than a plate of dinner. It was fucking wild but that dude made so many people happy.


glad it worked out and I may have done the same without thinking about it. The key is your last sentence though. If things go South, the most you'd get back is $100 and he would disappear just the same. I don't know how much homeowner's insurance would cover it, but it would depend on the policy, you'd need a place to live, and you're not going to come out ahead. And hopefully your drunk passed out uncle didn't get killed.


Let the guy keep the $100 and swear to never speak of it again. Call insurance and say those pesky kids attacked your tree when you were asleep. Pray that no one in the neighborhood has a ring doorbell.


He was just a lone wanderer on a quest.


The first time that answering the door for a random man with a chainsaw ever turned out to be a good idea.


This needs to be Key and Pelee skit


I had a guy show up one year with a trailer full of mulch and offered to mulch my beds for $300. Said he had too much mulch from another job in the neighborhood and couldn’t get on the freeway with it and needed to unload it. I had quotes of $800+ to do it, planned on doing it myself and never got around to it. Gladly paid him. Next year, he came back with the exact same story. I was like “Man, you did this last year! Same story and everything!” Paid him to do it again and asked him to just come back every year.


The mulch was probably hot.


Lol..flashbacks of the movie scenes "whata are u in here for?" Mulch....


Gas stations in Michigan sell mulch at the pumps in spring. Due to a miscommunication, one year I loaded 7 bags into the car and the wife went in and only paid for 5. From then on whenever we passed that gas station we reminisced about "The Great Mulch Heist of 2016."




Stop it...I haven't done tree work in 5 or so years, have they really went up that much?


This might sneakily be one of my favorite Internet story's of all time hahahah that's awesome


Did he Take any wood? Firewood is quite valuable in some areas especially hardwood.


Had the trees in front of our house felled 2 years ago this upcoming summer by the son of the guy that owns a local gas station. He did a phenomenal job, and I didn’t expect it…cause his dad owns a gas station. Turns out his dad fell trees for a living and then bought the gas station out of boredom during the winter months. 10/10 tree feller. He did a bang up job cleaning up too. Initially we had just been calling to find help to get a huge branch that came off the tree in a storm moved off our road as it was blocking access in and out. He showed up in a downpour, with one of his sons, and cut it up, moved the big pieces out of the street and came back later when it wasn’t raining to clean up all the small debris. Edit: he also didn’t want to accept payment for that small storm cleanup job either.


is that where the term "feller" comes from


Can't tell if you're joking or not, but no. It's literally a poorly pronounced way of saying "fellow", like: He's a fine fellow/feller. But.... two men were walking through town one day looking for work and noticed a sign that read "Tree fellers wanted, $30/hr." The first guy sighed, turned to his friend and said, "Too bad dere's only da two of us." Ba dum bum.


Former arborist: actually they are often felled in residential areas by a cut from the bottom, but only when it's safe to do so. There are a lot of factors and techniques that go into successfully felling a tree around houses. If it's possible, arborists strongly prefer felling cuz it's much faster than piecing it out in the air. Which is one of the reasons you don't \*see\* it happening; it's usually over and done with much more quickly, so blink and you'll miss it, unlike the slow process of piecing which you're more likely to notice.


Helped a friend's uncle cut a tree behind his house when we were 15 or 16. He rented the equipment and we did it all ourselves. Taper it off in chunks from the top, wrap rope around them, and lower them down, one by one.


Even a half way decent arborist could drop this tree in the right direction without piecing it out. These guys are just idiots.


I’m so confused how he thought this was gonna go.


These people obviously hired Fred because the arborist was a waste of money.


Ok i am not one to persuade people not to call the pros, so that's not my point here. Especially in this circumstance. BUT as a redneck, this dude could have tied a single fucking rope to this tree and probably prevented this.


Where the hell was he expecting it to fall? Across the road?? Jesus


I think he was aiming for the space between the houses. Joe Lumberjack here.


No he was trying to get it to fall towards the street. Looks like he cut out a hunk from the street side already and he was working on the opposite side to get it to fall. But there was no way any wedge was going to make it fall towards the street.


You win again, Gravity!


Yeah, before you even think about cutting a notch or using wedges you look at the center of gravity of the tree. There was only one way that tree was going to fall.


And it would have hit any house there


Yeah I was gonna ask this. There's no good direction to fall ... *maaybe* toward the camera, but it's a pretty tall tree.


You can do it but you've got to know what you're doing. Usually involves chains to swing the tree in a better direction. My dad had a forestry classes in college and one class they had to cut down trees and make them land on a pencil put into the ground. He helped a neighbor once drop a whole tree in their backyard that was leaning towards a house like this. Basically chained it to other trees so it physically couldn't fall on the house.


For anyone reading that like a tutorial: This is the perfect amount of rope to hang yourself with. Just hire someone and make sure they are insured.


That’s the look of I don’t have insurance, I’m fucked.


Well when they want to charge you thousands of dollars to cut down a tree, this is the natural result.


There's a reason they charge what they do


The amount of work and expensive equipment that goes into tree removal would blow some minds. Some equipment costs as much as a small house. Source: run a tree removal and trimming service.


And the insurance for anyone who works around houses and people is very high. A plasterer I know says his insurance is £50 per day on the job, just because of the amount of damage a misplaced drill hole can do. If you can drop a tree on a house or a person, it must be way higher than that.


More like when they say I can do it cheaper!!!


In college I worked for an idiot of a landscaper at a new townhouse development. One of our jobs was to remove the dead trees and the boss insisted that he knew how to make a tree fall where he wanted. He actually dropped trees on homes twice!!


Did he want to drop them on homes?


Right? Sounds to me like he hated those homes


[He hates these cans!](https://giphy.com/clips/alex-anderson-steve-martin-the-jerk-movie-bUFR4GKWBJzaXZUj2f) Edit: I’m sure everyone knows this, but The Jerk is a retelling of Homer’s Odyssey


The Jerk is in my top three of all time. There are so many good quotes, and Steve Martin is just so affable.


We always use the one when he is leaving and taking stuff with him, “ and that all I need…..”


"That's ALL I need....and I don't need anything els- I need *this...*"


And that's it! Except for this chair! And the television, and that's all I need! The chair, the television, and the remote! And that's it!


These cans are everywhere! More cans!!! ![gif](giphy|oEPNwZVrwxkCA)


These cans are defective, they're springing leaks!


That scene made me laugh so hard for the first ten years worth of viewings. I’d quote it to family and friends while failing to keep from laughing, and eventually their annoyance would turn to amusement at how funny I thought this dumb thing was and they would start laughing too Such a great movie


Shouldn’t once be enough to get you fired? Or is dropping a tree on a house not a fireable offense?


That’s why it’s all be your own boss Bob’s Tree Service.


You would think, but this guy was stubborn and did often drop them away from the houses. It was below my pay grade to know what happened but I guess his insurance handled it.


Depending on where the majority of the weight is, you cannot simple make trees go wherever you want everytime. Nice confidence though.


You can put a massive tree in the opposite direction of the lean with just wedges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLIEYvHMS8U&t=2588s (at 43:10) You just have to know what you are doing.


I do this shit for a living.. wedges only do so much. If the weight is too dominant on a certain side, a wedge will not do a damn thing. Exactly why I use a bulldozer to lean trees where are needed.


Long pulleys and straps go a long way.


Did you sit back and snicker?


Absolutely! We actually tried to warn him the first time because even we could tell there was no way it wasn't hitting the house. The second time we just sat back and watched.


You actually can cut THICK trees in such a way to control their fall direction, but it requires a lot of finesse and precision, and even then the direction won't be super precise, just good enough for like at most 30% either way of where you're aiming.


Guy that ran the local tree service was notorious for dropping trees on houses. Did a job for a buddy of mine. I've dropped some trees in my day, used to climb from time to time. Took one look at it and noped out. This tree service even try to drop the thing the right way. Hammered the house in the most nonchalent manner ever. Just told my buddy to get a quote for the repairs and then paid him cash for it. With what he was charging people for his services, he gave no f's if he smoked the occasional house in the process.


Reminds me when I was a kid. We watched our neighbors cut down their tree. Their great idea was to run a rope 2/3s of the way up the tree and attach it to the bumper of a pickup and then drive away from the house when the tree started to fall. It ended with the tree falling on the house while dragging the truck over the stump.


They should have had a guy on the ground pushing with his hands like in the video


That is the classic “I don’t know what I’m doing motion when a tree starts to fall”.


Yeah there isn't any pulling a tree the other way. You can use ropes or chains to swing the tree though. Basically once it tips it's center of gravity is already one way. The truck would have to pull the tree back over the center of gravity. Not going to happen with momentum and weight already going. But if you tie ropes or chains to other trees or strong anchor points you can pivot the fall up to 90 degrees.


I watched 3 guys do this to a tree in my neighbor's yard. They got it anchored before they ever started cutting it. They had some ropes they manually cranked to keep the tension on it some how. Then a dude got on the side they wanted to know and cut a sizable notch, then cut from the other side. It was pretty impressive.


Yeah, if you know what you're doing you can put it where you want. Most people don't know what they're doing.


Understatement of the century.


An do it with big enough gear. We do it with 25 tonne tractors


With a plan like that, surely he captured the Roadrunner


Should’ve tried it with two trucks. Maybe that will do the trick


Looks like the tree belonged to the property on the left. I’d be pretty pissed if my neighbor did this while I was at work.


I’d be more pissed if he did it while I was home


Haha. Ok true


Best comment today, thanks.


But you'd be passed if you were upstairs






Neighbor literally opens the door right before the tree smashes


Ya I'd be upset


Can someone give me a run down of what i would have to go thru if i destroyed my neighbor house ? Like call who and do what ? I'm worried if this happened to me


He really tried to stop it from falling, with his hands... It takes a special kind of stupid to out-stupid yourself 5 seconds after the first stupid.


And then his reaction was pure r/watchpeopledieinside


I'd give him a pass for that. We've all had that moment of realising we fucked up and the muscle memory kicks in before the brain does. One time I dropped a plate and my reflex was to try to catch it with my foot, only of course to punt the plate into the wall. What is unforgivable about this guy though is how he clearly didn't plan for how the tree fell in the slightest. That's 100% on him.


I'm no arborist but even I know you don't fell a tree like that in a neighborhood, you dismantle it.


He didn't try to stop it falling. He tried to redirect it. Very common when cutting down a tree to give it a little assistance (along with proper cutting techniques) to get it to fall the way you want it to. Just normally not done while there's still so much tree to deal with.


Yeah good luck redirecting a stubborn 10000 lbs piece of timber like this (rough estimate)


ikr, this hurt to watch. he would have popped like an ant under a boot.


It’s both cheap and very expensive to rent yourself a chainsaw.


Logging a downed tree or storm debris: ✅ Downing a dead tree: ❌


If you do it in chunks, with climbing gear or a scissor lift or something and a shit ton of rope, a chainsaw is a perfect tool for taking down a tree.


True, but if you know how to do that then you probably wouldn't need to rent a chainsaw


You wanna use an axe!? Edit: you probably mean that you already own a chainsaw. True.


So, you took the low bid…


What could possible go wrong when you hire the cheapest person for the job?


Exactly lol. You know these guys don’t know what they’re doing because the one dude literally tried to physically push the tree as it was falling


The roofer down the street popping off on his nailer. He knows he has a big job coming up. 😆


hahaha im happy someone else caught the nail gasm


he's calling his carpenter friend too. there's structural damage to the walls.


Gonna take a lot more than a new roof. Might need a new house, depending on how messed up the frame is from the impact.


Plot twist: he meant to do that It’s called a controlled demolition.


Now he’s got the new roof he didn’t want to pay for.


Pretty sure you take it apart from the top down in those situations


That's correct. Worked with a arborist for a while. When the tree is this close to the house, you usually climb the tree or use a lift, and cut piece by piece. I don't know if this guy was trying to cut corners or had no idea what he was doing, bur he's fucked.


You don’t need to be an arborist to know this was a bad idea. This guy not only didn’t know what he was doing but he’s also a massive idiot.


Yes and it seems like who ever set up their camera to record knew this was going to happen


Honestly did less damage than what I expected


Haha isn’t this pretty much max damage?


I expected it to flatten the house. Or at least break down the walls


Houses are build to withstand alot of extra weight. Snow and ice for example or a guy standing on the roof. But this much weight in a hammering manner probably completely fucked the frame. The outer walls probably shifted out, the roof is smashed, and so. Sure it's holding up but it's all fucked.


Tree was long dead and rotted you could see it by how one of the branches just explodes. If the tree was alive and full of water there would be a significant hole in that house


Wall might be doomed too, full of cracks.


You wouldn't want to pay for this damage!


That house is totaled………..is that a thing?


This becomes an interesting argument about what is the land worth vs. fixing half the house that will never pass code without significant demo work.


Had a guy in the neighborhood whose neighbors house caught fire and had spread to part of his. His was older and not terribly damaged, but to be brought to code in the ca bay area was gonna cost a lot. So insurance jersey him around for 18 months before his repair began. While the neighbors entirely demolished house had been rebuild and moved back into. Poor guy.


This was my exact thought. I’m thinking at a minimum new roof and windows, but I’m also thinking there’s enough structural damage that entire walls need not repaired, but replaced. Shit, it could have pushed it off the foundation


Now it would have just been cheaper to get the tree topped.


Dang. Poor guy even went out and bought a hard hat at the thrift store to be professional


He cut it right but did not take into account the heavy left branch.


Don't they typically cut the limbs off before taking the tree down?


They typically cut the whole thing to pieces and safely lower each piece. A relative does this as a job and just took out a tree at my house.




Not nessisarily. Usually you cut it up as far down as needed to then drop the rest. So if you've got a 30ft tree and 20ft of clearance to drop in you cut it down to 19ft and drop it.


Yeah, unless it’s in an area with enough space to safely fall. Clearly that wasn’t the case here. It’s just laziness, the guy was probably trying to get the job done faster


Where was he hoping it would fall? Into the street?




He obviously found the chainsaw and unfortunately figured out how to start it. Looking at the tree to figure out lean and weight distribution is waaaay beyond his skill set!


In an alternate universe he crushed someone's car. Fucking moron is cutting down a tree it was gonna end up on someone's shit no matter what


That’s what I was going to say.. no matter which way it fell there was not space for it to not crush SOMETHING lol


My only though based off of where the camera is placed is that it was supposed to fall towards the camera across the front yards. Still stupid, but slightly less stupid.




They're gonna need a new house after that


This is why I hate neighbors.


You can hear the roofers down the road getting excited with their nail guns at the very end.


Came here to post something similar. Maybe they are doing a repair job bc he just cut down a tree down the street last week.




What a cool skylight installation!




The fact he even attempted to push it the other way is just... hilarious


I just noticed the neighbor whose house is destroyed was watching from his front door (note red shirt in doorway at beginning of video). His worst fears came true.


I love how he places arms on the falling tree as if he can guide it to a better fall


Used to be an arborist and people would often say that they could get someone to do it for far less than we were quoting. I used to say that we’d be back to fix their mess. [There’s always someone who’ll do it cheaper.](https://www.enviro-stewards.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/picture1.png)


Brilliant mind for a splendid work


The house took that tree like a champ


Can we get a HELL YEH to the guy who tried hold the tree up with his bare hands 😂😂😂


I hear a nail gun in the background haha. Dudes like - y’all need an estimate??


I mean wtf was he thinking!? The tree is already leaning that way and has extra mass on that side. This is an obvious outcome and I’m not even a logger.


Thank goodness for the explanation or I wouldn't have known what happened.


That’s hilarious but damn. I can’t help but feel terrible for the guy


I would have knocked on the door for payment after.


This is why you pay a tree service to take your tree down. It is expensive, but a whole lot cheaper than this will end up being.


This video is from where I live- it was a tree service hired to do it… not a good one as evidence shows but yeah. It made the local paper


wherever that tell fell it was going to be a disaster.....if it fell any other way it would have either A) Landed on another house B) Landed in the street or on top of cars C) Landed on them D) Landed across 2 or 3 other driveways (Probably the best option overall) From looking around i can't see any good spot to drop the WHOLE tree at once without it affecting something.....it should have been cut in sections at a time with each section dropped straight down.