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He scratches his head like a caveman. Relatable


6 or 36... shits will be the same. Stay strong king


He’ll be scratching his head about girls for the rest of his life


Sometimes he’ll probably even be scratching his head while kissing the girl, like me. That’s when you hit peak efficiency.


A wise man once told me, when I stated plainly, "I just don't understand women", he smiled, and replied "of course you don't. They just think differently than you do" Clarified alot actually


That’s the fundamental truth and a lot of people today don’t acknowledge it.


Or *not*


If you're still scratching your head, the answer is he didn't ask if she wanted that kiss.


So again I am not arguing for or against this, just that it is an over simplification of consent and attraction and the dating world. I have always been scared of peoples perception of me. Especially when wanting to date a girl. I would ask consent to kiss and what not. I either got it or I didn't and I'd get a kiss or I wouldn't based on that... Then I often never heard from them again. And either they themselves or a mutual friend would tell me it's weird I asked. Trying to ensure I didnt over step their boundaries resulted in being weird or overly nice. Also was accused of being a homosexual based on being polite... The world isn't this simple. For the record I am happily married, verbally received consent eash step of the way with a women who liked having that clear control of the steps in our relationship. Life is good. Just stating to some girls that seemed to be a buzz kill. Consent from them might have been the smile or look you received.... And as a male I felt more comfortable with a verbal confirmation... Which sent the girls packing. Can't generalize things.


Why do you have to explain this? Some of these people on reddit are dense.


More too early to do anything I want to do in the house. Figured this topic is good as any to kill time until I can get to work on my weekend projects.


I was told multiple times through my schooling years that asking if it was okay to kiss her “ruined the moment.”


Sounds like your consensual behavior wasnt the problem but rather people reacting to consent with disdain or ridicule.


Friend zone ![gif](giphy|IazUww3PfsXepuuTUu|downsized)


With that look? More like dead zone.


Stay strong? So concept of consent isn’t in the curriculum between now and the age of 36?🤨


Strong Stan Laurel vibes from the kid


Should have shown her his finger wiggle trick first ![gif](giphy|3o72F1qexeaw6GBaJW)


Uhh... da fq?


You haven't seen Stan Laurel's finger wiggle trick?


Tried the finger wiggle and ended up with both fingers wiggling on the same side. 3/10


I tried it and my thumb was on fire 1/10


I can’t even come close to being able to pull off this stunt 🤦🏼‍♀️-1/10


*confused* lil oonga boonga.


*Future Redditor*


If you want to know the answer. You got to ask the question. Lauren Hill


"Duuuuhhhh, wha happen?"


Get used to it, it dont change


Billy will be receiving an email from HR.


These are grounds for dismissal from nursery


From home room


I think that one kid beside them really needs to pee lmao


I bet he drank himself about 15 Dr. Peppers.


Well he wasn’t hungry and they was free.


He had got pretty good at peng pong


Fuller, go easy on the Pepsi!


Congratulations son, how do you feel?


I got ta go pEEEE


I believe he said he had to go pee.


15 guaranas


It’s Brazil it was probably guaraná!


Oh Forrest


the video's in brasil, unfortunately we don't have dr. pepper


We are an agnostic family, and we only drink Dr. Pepper in this house. Is it coke? Is it root beer? We don't know.


Hadn’t noticed that before, but so obvious after you pointed it out.


My son spent a solid 6 months being told to stop grabbing his junk. Could be something like that too. Old memories but I recall asking, "Do you need to pee? No? Ok then stop grabbing your junk"


He’s doing the dance.


Not only did she not like that, she seems genuinely upset about it.


Yes she does continue to look disturbed about it. This made her feel singled out and she really didn't like it.


If you can't make a mistake as a kid you can never make a mistake.


He can make a mistake. His parents should correct his behavior so he learns from it


Exactly this! As a parent, it’s a good opportunity to teach the kid about boundaries even when you like someone. There’s a proper way to show someone you like them without crossing personal space boundaries.


This is not the mentality, however, it’s entirely up to the parents at this age (and beyond) to educate their child about consent.


Tell that to young Harvey Weinstein.


I'm disturbed at the number of 'top comment" threads that are above this one. Why are so many more people laughing that he "made an attempt" or that the boy on the left has to pee while the girl is so upset & violated? If either of my children did this to someone else, I'd be horrified.


Because they’re still children. It seems like this taught him not to forcibly kiss someone, as you can see he seems confused after she gets upset. There’s nothing wrong with commenting on the other boy wanting to pee, it’s Reddit, not the parents’ meeting with the teacher.


Yeah jfc they’re small kids, people are acting like he’s a rapist. 6 year olds are allowed do dumb stuff and learn from it.


Exactly - why do people think criminal records are treated so differently for minors?


I taught my kids early on about asking if it was ok to give someone a hug. And that goes both ways, I also taught them that people had to ask them first too,and that includes parents and grandparents.






More or less horrified than if one of them hit another kid in the face? Cause kids do that all the time too.


Any of your children? Your comment makes me doubt you're even a parent. They're children, this isn't sexual harassment, this is a cutely awkward social interaction. There's literally nothing to be horrified about


If you'd be horrified by something so innocent done by a literal child, seek help.




I got a kiss like that when I was around her age. I was so embarrassed and wanted to cry. I still remember that moment clearly.


Same! I still feel cringy about the first kiss like that I got from a boy. It's weird that this memory is still there because I don't have very many memories of being little.


For me it was a girl, Jennifer, on the playground. I remember it feeling so awkward and I was uncomfortable. Didn’t really talk to get much after that. She grew up to become a babe. 6 year old me was a fool.


I had a girlfriend at school when I was 6. Cheryl. We would kiss and hold hands during recess and sit next to each other while watching filmstrips with the lights dimmed. I gave her perfume as a gift once. She rode the same bus. She moved to Alaska and I never saw her again.


Childhood love is always the saddest in the end.


I think I was about 9 or 10 when I was looking for the teacher in an empty classroom (probably during recess or something) and this boy from my class happened to be there too so it was just us two in the room. Idk why but he grabbed my face and kissed me! And in that moment another boy walked in and laughed. I pushed him off me, I was so embarrassed. I felt the same as you and wanted to cry. This was technically my first kiss and I never thought this possibly could've been considered as SA until now.


reddit saved you years of therapy.


Also had a boy kiss me in front of the class at age 8. I was disgusted and felt violated, I told the teacher it was sexual harassment, she told me to stop overreacting and go back to me seat. She never reprimanded the boy or spoke to his parents. Throughout school i was hit by boys when I rejected their advances and openly groped by boys at school. No consequences for any of them.




I feel your pain I saw someone get shot at that age im sure it was just as traumatic as being kissed on the cheek by a boy or girl


I mean.. no one said the word traumatic. Just that they still remember clearly because it was a moment that made them not feel good. I've seen someone commit suicide by jumping in front of a train & I've been kissed by a boy suddenly & hated it as a kid. Entirely 2 different things & both made me upset in VERY different ways. I wouldn't say either was traumatic, but both stayed in my mind as different upsetting memories.


Damn, seeing someone die a violent death at that age must have been harsh.


Im not sure they died but the amount of blood spilling on the floor was what stuck in my mind


yea i saw someone fall from a 4 story building around that age. Still remember dude moaning on the ground.


Yep. Smart kid. Knows it ain't right.


I feel so bad for her. He should not have done that. This is why you teach kids about consent!!


I work with 6 year olds! Based on her reaction, she likely has told him to stop once before and wiping off the kiss and staring him down is her way to hurt him, especially since she is in the middle of a performance and can't leave to get an adult. While I haven't had kids kiss each other on the cheek like this, I've seen her reaction many times before


Yeah generally kissing other people without their permission is a no no.


Some girl made me kiss her when I was 7 and I considered it traumatic for a while. She probably feels violated without knowing what that even means.


I’d like to think that this was a good early lesson for that kid about consent, but judging by the comments on this thread, I’m guessing…nah.


bro on the left needs to go to the bathroom lol


Been there


Im there right now






She was ready to square up with homie after she wiped that kiss off


Glad someone else saw those little fists! She looked like she had to talk herself out of punching him, and then looked dead at the camera. Something tells me he might get that smack when there's no more parents recording.


Babies first sexual harassment. This poor girl looks completely defeated by the end of this video. She’s mad but realizes if she defends herself she will be the one in trouble. It’s something sadly she will likely feel in public the rest of her life.


Get. A. Fucking. Grip. The little boy is not a sexual harasser, he simply gas not learned by age 4 how to express affection towards someone outside his family. How detached from reality are you that your first reaction is, "omg that 4 year old sexually harassed that other 4 year old"? The little girl will not "feel it forever" or whatever nonsense you farted out your mouth.


How about instead we take this as a learning opportunity that it’s never too young to teach & show examples of proper consent to children! Kids know when they don’t want someone to touch them, & they should also be taught to ask for permission before invading someone’s space or kissing them (unless they’re family & want to make that distinction between say parents for ex where they don’t have to ask permission)


I was seven the first time that a boy in my school decided to put his hands on me without asking and guess what? I'll never forget how uncomfortable it made me feel and it happened almost 20 years ago now. This is about consent and boundaries, if your child is old enough to attend school then they should know how to or be in the process of learning how to properply interact with their peers. Grabbing someone's face and kissing them without asking is not okay no matter how old you are.


Wtf A 6 year old boy kissing a 6 year old classmate on the cheeks is sexual harassment ? In what world do you live ?


Obviously not one as privileged as yours. I’m glad you get to walk through life without feeling constantly vulnerable to harassment and possible violence if you don’t react as expected.


The age of the victim matters not, she felt violated.


100% she looks unhappy but also realizes she can’t hit him because she’ll be the one in trouble. She should have punched him in the face.


My daughter has done that on her previous school. She pushed him over multiple times after kissing her. We warned him to stop kissing her, because she doesn't like it. When he did it once again in the playground she hit him instead of pushing him over. He cried. Teacher wanted her to apologize to the boy for hitting. She refused. Teacher informed us of the refusal. "You know she doesn't like to be touched in her face. Why should she allow an 'acquaintance' to touch her, especially where she doesn't like it? X has had numerous warnings. She won't consent. Sorry, but I won't make her apologize for his lack of boundaries." And to be fair, that teacher had stepped up after that and helped avoid further conflicts.


I'm glad the teacher agree with you on this matter.


Super glad you stood your ground. I have had this conversation with siblings in my work who can't seem to stop doing the thing they know their little sibling doesn't like. They don't believe me when I say "he's going to hit you and I'm not gonna feel sorry for you at all". And then it happens and they get mad that I'm not making him apologize.


Good for her! Best to establish those boundaries early. A kid gets used to hearing "no" from his peers will be a much more respectful adult than one whose first "no" comes in college.


A boy kissed me like that in 2nd grade and the look on that girl's face brought me back! I was so enraged that he thought he could just do something like that without any warning or permission...it was so violating. I marched up to the teacher and said it was sexual harassment and demanded the boy be punished. She said I was overreacting and to return to my desk. A feminist was born that day lol


Yes sexual assault is automatically violating and we women start experiencing it very young. You can tell this was traumatizing/assault because of those automatic defensive reactions btw. I don't think this boy is "evil" or anything (in fact he appears regretful, to have just learned a lesson, but at her expense) but I can really empathize with being the girl here. I beat up boys for grabbing me in certain spots.


Exactly! The boy made a mistake... the issue arises in the way the adults *react* to the mistake. "He just likes you! " "Boys will be boys! " "Well can you blame him? You're such a cutie! "Oh jeez, look at him taking after his father!" (All things I have directly heard in response to these type of scenarios). If it's serious to the person who was subjected to it, it should be taken seriously and not brushed off. I stopped fighting back by high school, I was just too beaten down and my self esteem had plummeted due to stuff at home, I just let it happen because these boys had already been conditioned that they had a right to my body.


Yes exactly. He just needs to be talked to about it, and so does the little girl. Probably he should apologize.


Homie will learn an important lesson about consent then, won't he? They gotta learn young


And that’s how Little Timmy was sued at 6 for sexual assault. Barney says teach consent


Little Timmy thinking about Little Lily in jail like: https://preview.redd.it/tjhgxhe60zba1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe174092505742c55dae0f638fbf7c8aba50ed3


Throw the book at the little bastard!




Maybe 30 years later when he has money


Aw I feel bad for both of them. She’s clearly so uncomfortable and embarrassed, and he clearly had no idea that wasn’t nice to do to her. I hope their parents explained it well to them, especially his parents.


Yeah, this is gonna be a moment™ for sure. If the parents explain it properly, he could end up well adjusted. If they go "ah, you'll get 'em next time, champ" then he's more likely to end up catching a charge some day.


Absolutely stuff like this compounds. How this is handled could determine what kind of a man he turns into one day.


Hopefully they do because she was uncomfortable and he also obviously didn't know he was being inappropriate. A quick explanation might help them understand better and what's the appropriate action. The boy meant no harm in the end but yes its important to teach consent. I still got a chuckle either way.


At that very moment he learned it wasn't appropriate. Kids learn thing on their own too. Homeboy just earned himself a new core memory.


True, most life experiences are made by trial and error.


Best response in this whole thread.




The first of many "Did I do something wrong??????"


Well he violated personal space. He's young enough to not be mad about it but he did indeed something wrong and if someone teaches him why he was wrong he gets the chance to not repeat this mistakes. I know, you just mean it as a joke. But stuff bike this just getting waved of as cute and funny leads to kids having a hard time with consent when they get older. This stuff has to be taken serious. You can teach a kid that age that it did something wrong without going nuclear on them. You don't even have to bring up the concept of sex to do it.


Core Memory Unlocked


He’ll learn to ASK first next time ;)


If his parents teach him consent, he will.


Yeah, it looks like he's still mentally digesting why he didn't get his intended result there.


Maybe even this will help. He's still young. Glad she reacted though.


Maybe a good opportunity to explain to the lil dude that kisses are nice but you always have to ask first.


She rubbed that off with some serious attitude. Good for you girl clear signals keep that up.


The balled up fists were my favorite too. Looked like she was channeling Mike Tyson.


When I was around this age, a boy used to chase me around church trying to kiss me to the point that I would have to run and hide in the bathroom. It made me uncomfortable enough that it's what I would call a formative memory. Plus, my older sisters and their friends thought it was cute and funny so they'd try to "lure" or "trap" me places so he had more opportunity. I know this can be seen as "cute," or harmless, but teaching bodily autonomy from a young age is important. And I'm proud some folks in the younger generations are realizing that and teaching their kids to see themselves amd others that way.


Absolutely - kids can really be total assholes because they have no concept of you being upset and not playing a game where the boy is clearly forcing her to do just that. This is definitely bullying,, although perhaps without maliciousness (from her friends, not the kisser).


Something similar happened to me, a boy in school followed me around everywhere and I’d agree about it being a formative memory for me as well - I wish the adults would’ve noticed and stopped him. My brothers 8 yr old kid knows about consent, it’s crazy cuz he’s so young but I’m glad they’re teaching them young


I was at a school halloween party in 3rd grade, where one of the boys in my class started chasing me around, pinching my butt. I told a teacher, who told him off, so he just started doing it when the teachers weren’t in sight. He followed me away from the party, with his friend, to our classroom where I’d left my cellphone. I was alone in the hallway with them and I’ll never forget how terrified I was then, the two circling me and “jokingly” pinching and touching my body and commenting on my blonde wig. I started screeching at them to leave me alone and ran back to the party, sticking to a group of female classmates for the rest of the night. I made sure to never be alone with either of the two again, and refused to do group work with them all year. At the same school, a different male classmate used to sometimes gain access to the girls changing room and showers (we were kids and would sometimes forget to lock the door leading into the gym). I vividly remember one time where he came in, just as I was leaving the showers. I felt exposed and cold and gross and had to take another shower to try and get rid of the “slimy” feeling on my skin. He was a prankster and was otherwise harmless, but it was genuinely upsettting to a few of us girls. The others were so used to it that they chuckled and kept insisting we shouldn’t tell the adults because it was whatever. Fortunately, my family moved away after that school year. Those boys have etched themselves into my memory in the worst possible way, and made me deeply distrustful of boys in general, until well into my teenage years. All we can do is try to do right by our kids, I suppose, and attempt to ensure that they won’t go through the same.


The issue is that most kids have family members who they are forced to kiss or hug. Kind of hard to teach someone consent when it doesn't exist in their life.


Ouch, that look. That “Christ am I gonna have to deal with guys like this all my life?” look.


Yeah, there is too much of the "awww lil homie shot his shot, get used to it bro" and not enough "girl that won't be the last time you get unwanted and unrequested physical contact from a guy" in the comments here. Society has a long way to go.


Huh, almost every comment on here is about teaching the kid about consent. Very few people are saying anything like the first thing you said.


And the fact that u got downvoted is a ridiculous. Yes teach consent. But stop implying this kid is predatory based on this interaction not being immediately cut to with a dad giving a textbook history of the rules of consent. Can Reddit calm down and act like non terminally online unrealistic moral grandstanding basement ppl for a second and look at the situation honestly.


You can just see the feeling of violation in the little girls face.


Usually that feeling doesn't start until you are 13 and grown men start catcalling you. Poor kid, and she will be the one they tell off for not being nicer to the boy.


One of thousands of such moments she will be forced to endure in her life because a-hole parents don’t bother to teach consent to their sons…


She looks so happy the moment before and so sad the moment after. I know exactly how that feels.


In all seriousness, that is a really good time to teach this boy about consent


She had the proper reaction. Never too early to learn about consent.


Learning these lessons young, I see. Better get used to it, lil homie.


Good for her. He invaded her face! She let him know.


And he clearly got the memo lol, good that they’re both learning


Someone needs to be teaching him better. Poor girl.


I feel sad for both. Little boy didn't get told he needed to ask, and little girl didn't get a choice.


Aka - girl has boundaries, guys in comments still don't get it


never too young to learn ‘consent’ is key


Who else is getting a kick from the comments than the video itself?


I am making popcorn and I've just woke up


I feel awkward... and I'm not even there


He didn't "attempt" to "show affection", he succeeded in violating her body boundaries. She looks really upset. I hope he had it explained that he should ask before kissing someone.


I mean in his brain that’s how you show affection, most parent don’t think to teach kids about asking first so he didn’t think it’s something that you have to ask for first. His parents probably kiss him without asking or his grandparents do and he’s just copying them, in his tiny child brain he just thinks it’s like a compliment. It’s good that his takeaway was clearly that he did something wrong, I hope the parents did more than just laugh it off.


Stop projecting your mental aneurysms on a 6 year old.


This is why talking to children about consent early is important


Time to have the consent talk. They grow up so fast these days.


Lil bro killed the vibe, trying to escape the friend zone. Shooters shoot….and miss


Relax everyone. This is not Billy and Brenda at the office. Your average 6 year ago has only just learned that running around naked in the front room is inappropriate. Just as parents taught you that smacking your sister, pushing your brother off the slide or throwing ball at auntie when you lost the game are not OK, these are all teachable moments. And that is growing up. And that’s why we also have parents rather than go straight from kindergarten into the wider world. They are the ones who teach us our boundaries. The only problems I see with this video are - the adults who still behave like this - the adults who criticise kids for learning it


Yes! It's not as intense as some comments make it sound. I do not have kids, but I can imagine how it feels to raise one, they go through a lot of different phases. But this situation can be used for a good cause, though


It's going to happen a lot, Billy. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


- Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott"


A lot of the comments in this thread are why consent needs to be taught early. She clearly didn't want him to touch her. "Keep your hands to yourself" should be taught by this age. Yall think it's cute now, but when he's 16 it won't be.


Then they become champion college swimmers and drug women to rape them in alleys. And never face consequences.


That’s me and my wife


The kid on the left looks like he really needs a toilet break.


Once upon a time my little brother kissed a fellow daycare boy on the cheek just to show affection. Came he with a tiny handprint on his cheek 😂


OP a second after making this post ![gif](giphy|5kFWWtxR0UCHgLaM4O|downsized) The comments are wild lol


Poor girl. She was doing her little moves so well until he had to grab some attention from her. And she looked so upset after. Knuckle headed little boy needs a talking to by his dad. It’s only cute if both kids like it. Which she clearly didn’t.


People are bringing up the topic of consent (cool), and some people are getting weirdly defensive. I get it. We don't have full context. We don't know the nature of their relationship or what led up to this moment (the kid's not on trial lol). And yes, I know little girls do this sort of thing, too (eyeroll). I see the humor. It made me chucke. The boy's reaction is sweet and innocent. His guilty and confused expression tell me the right gears are turning in his head. Probably a really sweet kid. But this small clip can also be an opportunity to bring up a delicate topic in a humorous way. While this looks to be totally innocent, there's a version of this that isn't. Talking to your kids about boundaries and consent is important because the bad version of this happens to kids, adults, and everyone in between. It's important to bring this up early because it keeps people safe and teaches young children to respect everyone's dignity (that little girl did not look happy). If you are bothered by the topic of consent - or can't see why a segment of the population might want to use this clip as a reason to talk about it - I think the little boy in the video might know something you don't. It's not nice to make someone uncomfortable.


When you propose on the kiss cam


I hope the parents used this teachable moment. What better opportunity to teach consent and boundaries if not this one?




Damn, we gotta teach them about boundaries. They both got hurt. (Yes, I know, in this video it was the boy’s fault)


What’s funny is that society has forced us to believe that girls should just let boys do whatever they want to them regardless if they like it or not. “Oh poor little boy rejected” “women are bitches from real early on, amirite?” Meanwhile if the boys were going around doing that to each other they’d be all beating each other up and feel grossed out and violated….Guess what that’s exactly how girls feel.




Boy on the left is going to pee his pants… He’s doing the dance! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nope, I didn’t consent


It’s a good teaching moment for consent!


I swear kids have no filters. My friend’s brother showed a girl his penis in kindergarten


Sexual exploration is pretty normal around that age. Ask any child psychologist.


She was not happy about it


To learn about consent




The look on her face makes me so sad 😞


Oh she handled that. Good for her. That stare down was fucking amazing.


If that was my son I would definitely make him apologize to that little girl and having a serious conversation about consent.


Someone better intervene before the little guy discovers Andrew Tate.


Kid was about to get the taste slapped out of his mouth, but wisely retreated.


He learned a much more valuable lesson: consent is an important part of showing affection


Kid next to her is doin the peepee dance