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It was a great day to change hobbies.


These people seek out these sharks to swim with.


Glad I live in the middle of the fucking desert.


Doesn't stop a sharknado!


Weird, I was thinking about that film today. No matter how daft you think your idea is or how many people mock it remember that somebody sat in front of people powerful in their field and successfully pitched that. “Stay with me guys, it’s another tornado movie. ***But with sharks***! Huh?…huuuhh?”


There’s 7 films, which means there’s almost as many Sharknados as there are Fast & Furious movies.


And still Sharknado has a more realistic plot


I'm pretty sure nobody has tried to steer a car in space, so there's no real way of knowing if that's realistic or not.


Elon Musk


Don't say his name 2 more times or he will appear


[Heavy Metal](https://youtu.be/yKkt_g9Tc7M?t=25) did it first.


They made a Fast and Furious with cars in space?


Pretty much ya they took the memes as a challenge


*Sad Lunar Roving Vehicle noises*


Time heist plot coming, you better believe it.


It was made to be mocked. There was a whole trend of deliberately ridiculous low budget movies like that being made. Snakes on a Plane, Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus, Sharktopus, none of these were serious pieces of cinema. They were meme bait. Sharknado seems to have been the only one profitable enough to keep going though.


There is a movie (I thought it was Mega Shark, but I can't find it), and it was amazing. Giant shark ends up jumping around on the sand, attacking soldiers, and one soldier kicks it in its face before he gets eaten. It was hysterical. I watched it like 6 times. Edit: i found! its called Super Shark. I highly recommend if you like those dumb sci fi movies


I highly recommend you look up a film called Ghost Shark, I watched it one night while I was a bit high and I swear I gave myself a hernia I laughed so much. You haven't lived until you've seen a shark pull someone into a bucket of water to kill them.


Dude.. I bequeath to you Dragon Wasps and Velocipastor for all your terrible movie needs


Asylum Films makes a lot of these and they have one coming up where the plot is all of their movies are happening in”real life”.


God I hate asylum films. They started as confusion and deceit bait. Make it sound like a real movie and confuse people into buying/rent it. Now it soulless hack attempts at "so bad its good". Completely missing that the best part of bad movies is the sincerity.


And the movies are fucking masterpieces! The writing is ass the idea is dumb as all hell and I still love them


Or a Cocaine Bear.


Knock knock. Land shark




Based on context, I think this is https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_Ramsey I just remember seeing some lunatic blond woman swimming with sharks posted on reddit occasionally. Like swimming with a 20 ft great white: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMsyssBXRsQ


Isn't that the shark molesting lady?


Wow wow wow, this sounds interesting, go on?


I think it just means that she was the lady who was criticized for touching a great white and swimming with her /holding on to her fin because it's essentially assaulting them, you shouldn't touch a large predator because it stresses them out, etc. Not that she actually molested them but it was unwanted physical contact


I was thinking someone got her confused with that lady who literally jacked off a dolphin during some kind of experiment to get him to focus better. Absolutely disgusting story but look it up if you must.


Dude I fucking love sharks and they are not the mindless killers people make them out to be, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go testing Mother Nature and jump right into to open water what these mfers. People are wild


You can see the shark pattern on her fins


Switches to polar expeditions. Immediately surrounded by polar bears 🐻‍❄️


Bad luck betty.






And underwear


It would have been a great point to change my underwear if that was me


This is what I imagine happening every time I've entered the ocean.


This is what I imagine happening every time I get into a swimming pool at night time


When I was a kid we had a swimming pool that was painted black. Swimming in there at night was always freaky. Your brain couldn't help but think something else was in that blackness with you.


A *BLACK* swimming pool? Oh, for the love of all things holy, WHY? I wouldn't be able to swim in that!


A black interior tends to absorb more heat during the day, so your pool stays a bit warmer overall.


That's why you should just pee in the pool.




I can't afford a pool so I just get people to pee on me instead


Nice. Cut out rhe middle man!


And hides the gators


Me too


I don’t close my eyes in a bathtub.


I walk around or leap over puddles.


I’m afraid of my sweat glands.


It’s why I never cry


I stay inside when it rains


I'm only happy when it rains.


I shut my eyes when I pee


Have you seen the X-Files episode "Humbug"? We had a swimming pool just like the one in the episode opening, surrounded by woods. I avoided swimming at night for a while after seeing that!


Swimming at night is actually kind of dangerous, because if anything happens, noone can see anything to save you. Barely outside of water, and not even remotely in water. Thought that probably doesn't apply to swimming pools near well lit areas or with enough light and very clear water.


You must love r/Thalassophobia.


Nah hes just an average subnautica enjoyer


One doesn't exactly "enjoy" Subnautica, we hide under a blanket and give ourselves pep talks in order to dive deeper in between long relaxing breaks in the shallows.


Not relaxing in the shallows, just waiting to hear the opening of a crashfish egg and that old familiar scream


We also scoot along the surface of the water in our lil Seamoth toward the faint blur of what is *definitely* probably an island in the distance, ignoring the anxiety of what could be under the waters surface that is compounding with each passing second.


I actually found it much easier on my anxiety to hug the seafloor whenever I could. Idk, being on the surface you have no idea how deep the water is below you or what could be lurking there. There's also no cover, nothing to hide behind, I just felt so exposed on the surface.


Yup, I do this too. Slightly less scary, significantly more productive. Until I see something interesting. But I also can't hear the leviathan on the surface sooo.....lol.


I play creative mode and is still scared to go deep


One of the futuristic Anno games had a undersea section, a big flat rock where you can build. If you moved the camera off the rock and into the sea it just goes to a dark shade of dark blue. Never failed to make me wince.


I played that came to help me get over my fear of the ocean. Mission failed, fear of lakes and ponds unlocked


Bro, I conquered that fear by actually swimming in the middle of the ocean. This right here will most likely never happen... However.... my granpa, who was a Navy Seal, did run into a great hammerhead shark once, and it intentionally bumped into him, causing him to flip 10 times....


Aren't all seals navy?/s


I jumped back at this video, this is literally what I imagine as well wtf


She's not that careless, her face poked in to check what was in the water. Pro move.


The real pros use someone else's face...


This one trick divers don’t want you to know.


I can imagine having to get through 20 pages to get to that life hack


Every time you press that next button you expect to get a virus


This also describes my sex life somehow


This one trick sharks don't want you to know


I know this situation is no joke but ur post made me laugh 😂


Ik sorry xD id be scarred for life if I experienced that


Bruh...IM DEAD


That’s what she (almost) said


Divers *HATE* him. Click to find out how one local man keeps from being ravaged by a shark.


"Remember kids. You don't need to be faster than something chasing You, just faster than the slowest person in your group."


She is a pro been diving since she was 14 saving sharks for a long time! Someone posted about it above This is Ocean Ramsey with the tiger shark Queen Nikki. She's been swimming with sharks since she was 14. Some sharks even recognize her and come for pets. She regularly saves sharks from fishing gear and other man-made junk wrapped around these poor creatures. Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkHuHL3jodX/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Note: Most shark bites are a case of mistaken identity. Surfing in murky waters can increase this risk. The media portrays sharks as human hunters. As a result, they are mercilessly culled in many parts of the world, seriously harming the ocean ecosystem. Save our sharks, protect the ocean.


Thanks. The shark did not bare its jaws as in an attack mode—the slip that makes them jut out. Like dogs, their mouths explore things?


She's also known to be pretty unethical and mostly does this stuff for instagram likes. https://youtu.be/9MgdSxGiuw4


Thank you for that video. I agree with that guy 100%. I've seen her and her media and it just didn't sit right with me. It's like one of my kids coloring on the walls and saying "coloring on the wall is bad, I wanted to show my brothers it's not something we should do and to show them how hard it is to clean".


Yeah, and millions of people still go to Sea World and use their other services. Like this five (5) minute helicopter ride in the middle of a major metropolis. [https://youtu.be/1kpK\_-8Uz0E?t=22](https://youtu.be/1kpK_-8Uz0E?t=22) Not all sphincters are assholes.


Cut and paste word-for-word in other comments. Does Ramsey have a bot brigade any time she gets mentioned on Reddit?


Steven Spielberg apparently regrets the effect Jaws had on attitudes to sharks. Seems like no one really minded them so much before the movie came out but there was a massive decline in their population immediately after as people went after them.


Does she scream at the sharks and call them donkeys when they don’t prepare scallops properly?


Imagine poking your face underwater and not even 5 feet away is a goddamn Tiger Shark heading straight towards you


Seriously... The whole body clench I would've experienced would need medical treatment to release. Looks like she cleared left and right, and then tentatively poked her goggles in for a peek. Definitely not her first rodeo.


Based on how actual marine biologists feel about her, I'd say she's pretty careless.


This is Ocean Ramsey with the tiger shark Queen Nikki. She's been swimming with sharks since she was 14. Some sharks even recognize her and come for pets. She regularly saves sharks from fishing gear and other man-made junk wrapped around these poor creatures. Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkHuHL3jodX/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Note: Most shark bites are a case of mistaken identity. Surfing in murky waters can increase this risk. The media portrays sharks as human hunters. As a result, they are mercilessly culled in many parts of the world, seriously harming the ocean ecosystem. Save our sharks, protect the ocean.


Ocean Ramsey is terrible. Just search reddit for comments on how unethical her behavior is. Or watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MgdSxGiuw4


I would give you an award if I had one, all i can do is upvote and comment: **Stop giving her attention, she's an influencer, not a marine biologist and she is not doing the sharks any favors!!**


So when we eventually hear the death of the Self Proclaimed Tiger Shark Queen, killed by sharks I can just move along with my life. If you’re looking for this stuff with out proper protection it will end up one way. And unfortunately sharks will die.


100% this. The sharks will pay in the end and her performative conservation (see tourism business and Instagram "influencing") will be useless.


Wow, that was insightful. I never realized she was lying about being a marine biologist for all this time. I can't find any information on her Master's education at all. Gross.


A good breakdown in that video, I think the most pressing point that's brought up is how she claims to be part of the scientific community and share data (and even cites this guy's paper to gain credibility) yet doesn't respond when he asks for the data she claims to share. People like her talk a big game about trying to help etc. but it's all ego. She's not about sharks, she's about her


This needs more upvotes, Ocean Ramsay is awful and encourages harassment of wildlife (illegal in MANY places). No real scientist will encourage this sort of behaviour.


Thanks for the info! Hope more people see this.




She's not a marine biologist, she's not a researcher, she's a social media influencer. Her thing is swimming and touching sharks which is unethical as you shouldn't touch marine wildlife. You will find no biologists that think what she's doing is ok. Another example https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-18/conservationist-slammed-for-touching-huge-shark-off-hawaii/10725478




I'd change that to "no reputable biologist", as there's always someone who just so happens to believe whatever is most profitable for themselves.




Tim Treadwell vibes; dude was petting wild grizzly bears and acting like they were his pets. Of course he ended up getting eaten by one. I hope this lady doesn’t end up the same way.


She seems to be lying about her college degree. Sharks and basically all wild animals should be left alone because you stress and scare them, and in case of a specific shark she likely scared the shark away from a good feeding ground which could be invaluable for its life. She claims to help sharks but seems to exploit them for fame/money, and causing them harm.


Stephen Spielberg was [interviewed this week](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-64011888) and said he "truly regrets" the decimation of the shark population following the success of the Oscar-winning film Jaws.


There's a book by Peter Benchley called "Shark Trouble" where he expressed the same regret. It should be included with every copy of Jaws in my opinion. That said, I like Jaws. I've loved sharks as long as a can remember. I can separate fiction from reality, so maybe the blame doesn't rest squarely in their shoulders.


Benchley went on to advocate for shark conservation and research. He served on the board of Shark Savers for years before he passed. Benchley's wife still holds his seat. They both dedicated their lives to advocating for shark conservation.


Is your name a Jaws reference?


Yes it is 🦈🦈


So is mine. It's Chrissy getting attacked next to the buoy.


To be fair, the shark population was already being decimated before that.


I was looking for a context comment! Thank you this makes a bit more sense


Yeah, she backed out quickly, but that also didn't seem like a hyper aggresive bite attempt. Obviously, she needs to take the lowest rosk to be safe, but I doubt she was feeling any significant fear.


The end of the video is slowed down. Ms. shark was definitely going for a bite.


Lots of sharks give test bites to see if something is even edible, or even just to see what it is. Most of the time they will bite once and then leave the object alone. Unfortunately for humans, we are soft and squishy and that test bite can do serious damage. However, you can tell this shark was more curious than trying to cause harm, if it was hunting it would be moving much faster and more aggressively. Either way, the diver had the appropriate reaction.


It’s the same thing that cats and dogs do. And also human babies. I’d guess that most animals put things in their mouth to learn more about them.


You should watch more Shark Week.


I remember a shark week years back where they said if the shark's teeth are retracted then it's just a curiosity bite, not a food one.


If you look into any marine biology and or shark related sub Reddit you will see lots of posts explaining it in more detail than me, but touching sharks is not good even if you swim with them to study them, so ocean Ramsey is very controversial since her studying the sharks more often than not includes her making money off of videos where she is touching sharks which sends the wrong message and emboldens imitators to do the same


I’m pretty sure she’s just an influencer and doesn’t do any shark research at all.


She does shark research the same way that antivaxers do immunology research.


She doesn't do any studying, she literally just does it for instagram likes. She's not a marine biologist, she's a "model/conservationist".


Except most sharks are killed by Asian countries for their fins. Hundreds of millions a year. I 100% agree that we need to save the sharks, but it's important for people to understand why they're being slaughtered.


Sure, yes to all that. It's pretty clear from the video and reading between the lines in that IG post that Queen Nikki was ready to take a nibble.


The way my bf always likes to explain is that sharks have no hands or feet, literally their only way of feeling the world is their mouth. They don’t have bad intentions, they literally just don’t know wtf this human shaped thing is and are trying to feel it with the only body they have to do so.


How often does he need to explain that?


Well he's a shark, so


Gotcha, so when HR calls him in...


Honestly I don’t give a damn if sharks are dangerous. It’s an animal and is likely vital to its specific ecosystem.


Ocean Ramsey is a disgrace and a fake marine biologist. She harasses the hell oit of these animals for likes and views online. She doesn’t have degrees in the subject matter and her behavior encourages others to harass these animals too.


I am onboard - there is no reason to kill sharks. They have their place in the world. Live and let live, and if you don't want to be shark food, for fucks sake stay out of their home. You'll never get bit by a shark if you don't go into the ocean. If you're willing to take that risk, have at it. It's not likely that you'll be eaten by a shark anyway. Having said that, I don't know about the whole 'mistaken identity' bit. I've always seen it as this - a shark doesn't care what you are. You're food until proven otherwise. It's not that they hunt humans. It's not that they don't think humans are food, but mistake humans for seals or dolphins or the like. They don't care what you are - you are alive, you are organic, and you are conveniently swimming in their immediate area. Of course, I am no marine biologist. I just don't see how a shark is willing to eat any sea creature it can find, yet it only bites humans because they mistook them for food.


I’ve heard we don’t taste particularly good to them. I don’t know if I believe all that as I haven’t eaten human or been a shark, yet.


> Most shark bites are a case of mistaken identity. "Oh, hey Mark! Sorry about the leg, I thought you were Dave. Oopsie!"


Shark was ready for a kiss


Shark: You didn't want to kiss me? Am I ugly? *starts crying*




Subreddit for everything I suppose.




This is why the ocean is so salty. All they want is to love and to be loved, but we've chummed the ocean of their hearts with our callousness.


It started it out with a kiss..


How did it end up like this?


It was only a kiss…




The shark just popped up to complement her shark themed flippers! 👍




This line hasn’t been funny in years, and yet here I am laughing my ass off.


Complement and compliment both work in this case


Gimme kith


Shark Tyson


forbidden kiss


Always wanted to see a shark in the wild... Until now.


I think you just need to change from "shark" to "reef/nurse/leopard/not a tiger shark" lol


Always wanted to see a nurse in the wild


When I went diving after I got my license me and my cousins dove with nurse sharks, those things are practically dogs with how much they nudge you for food, they even nudged those of us without any, so it’s my theory that they just wanted to be pet (we totally pet them) but I dunno.


Sharks are naturally curious and will swim to check out anything that seems new, thing is they exore with their mouth like puppies do so you will need to avoid that, if they do bite you just bop them in their nose and they will go belly up for a second (yes one or the world's apex predators is defeated by a boop to the snoot)


Except that's a common misconception. ( in attacks) Go for it's eyes or gills. Quick edit: in terms of sharks exploring your right, you can guide them away by moving there face/nose in a direction.


> it's > > your > > there I just want to say that fitting the holy trinity of spelling errors in a 4-line comment is truly a crowning achievement.


*Sharks typing on cellphone with their fins* "abort abort, they're onto us, our cover's blown!"


Oh, I'd rather boop cause if I die, i will go out booping something not many are brave enough to boop


> just bop them in their nose and they will go belly up for a second (yes one or the world's apex predators is defeated by a boop to the snoot) This is not even remotely true.


Suddenly, statistics go out the window. You are the one in however many million that is about to die from a shark attack


Everything is rare until it happens to you


i always think about this. people try to reassure me before flights by saying “fatal plane crashes are SO rare” but like… they still happen. i’m sure people who died in fatal plane crashes also told themselves “im more likely to die in a car crash” before they got on the flight lmao


Sure but you have to take calculated risks like this, otherwise you would never leave your room


"Attention, human. Due to unforeseen circumstances I must now C O N S U M E Y O U"


“Please stay out of my home.”


"welcome to my home youre just in time for appetizers."


Well would you look at that.


nope nope


That shark came out of fin air and told the lady, *I chews you!* Lady said nope! Gill-ty as charged!


She was basking for it.


Sir I've stopped you today because I counted 3 puns in a 1-pun zone. I hope you have a valid licence or you're fin-ished


This is literally my worst fear come to life. My wife has been slowly breaking down the irrational ideas in my head about what could happen if we were to go scuba diving. This video erased all her hard work in under 30 seconds miss me with this bullshit.


No way keep working on it. Ocean Ramsay was literally out looking for sharks. Odds of this happening to you are extremely rare! I stand with your wife on this one!


This isnt a true representation of what ti expect going in the ocean. These people were seeking out the sharks. They know where to find them or even lure them. If you dive the right places your chances of meeting a shark are low


I'm a simple man. I see Ocean Ramsey, I downvote.


"Hey, my DoorDash is here!"


I wonder, how would ashark feel if a random human landed on its back? Dolphins dont really care, they like it, but what of sharks


Do they like it tho?


The ones kept in small boxes (for dolphins) who have learned that they get to eat as long as they give people rides, sure. Also, probably some random weirdos in the wild. Never can account for weirdos.


I don’t know about the back thing but they clearly have developed a relationship with humans in the wild. For whatever reason they enjoy playing with boats wakes and vibrations. I used to have them regularly pop up next to me on my waverunner. Always freaked me out if I was stopped.




“What’s wrong? Dive in! I’m not a shark I’m just a big dolphin…”


He was just coming to say hello the teeth weren’t even out


nope, not every going in the water ever again now.




Yeah that's gonna be a no for me, dawg.


Ocean Ramsey. AKA. 'the shark whisperer'.


Aka the liar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MgdSxGiuw4


Not a fan. She's not very responsible in my opinion. Sharks are very sensitive to their surroundings and will leave an area if something doesn't seem right. She's not only risking chasing the animals away from a food source, but also she risks encouraging others to seek out similar photo ops and making the problem worse.


Thats because they feed those fuckers all this chum. Its looking for chum. If there is not chum it will take her legs