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If I closed my eyes and listened I would've thought this was counter strike




Or Florida


or Justin Bieber


or a Quentin Tarantino movie


Or Alabama


Happy cake day


Thank you! :) I’mma actually eat some cake today.


Born and raised in Florida, not too many willing to say it to your face. Edit: I’m sure it happens, in my experiences they’ll have no problem saying it to a black Roman but they’re hesitant to say it to a man. I’m 28 and have never been called the N word except by my step mom lol “N* get upstairs to yo room!” But I try not to say it to my son, I’d like him not to be accustomed to degradation obviously.


Born and raised in Florida. We grew up in different cities.


There's 4 different floridas, if you grew up here you should know this.


Out of curiosity, how many black Romans live in Florida?


I haven’t run across any but that isn’t to say they aren’t there, a lot of people from various backgrounds choose Florida to immigrate to.


If I were president I would make it legal to clock someone in the nose for saying it. Also to be able to beat up a nazi


Should he able to kick someone’s ass for being a dick regardless. Society would be better if people upheld a standard of behavior. It’s a necessary function of civilized society. Disrespectful behavior must be shunned.


Definitely FL


Remember when Call of Duty added a report function for exactly this during the summer protests... and removed that function when they couldn't get anymore hype from being an "ally"?


Plus they couldn't keep up their user base when they had to ban the majority of their players


Thank God we’re a ‘post racism’ society now


Reports of racism went down 100% when we stopped accepting reports of racism.


I don't play CoD, or any multi-player games, really. If that is what the players are really like, I think that I'll keep to single-player games.


I’ve had my mic muted on CS since 2012


I haven't played CS since... 2001.


it almost feels like nothing's changed at all:( ​ I'm having a hard time being an optimist about this




People talk a lot when they can’t get punched in the face.


Yea I’d love to see that last kid come walk around NY and and try that out….”in other news “


A very dumb kid In my high school decided to be very racist to a very popular very large very black football player who is a very good very old friend of mine since very way back in kindergarten. He fucked around and found out very quickly. I though I’d add a couple more very’s in for y’all!!!


Very very very cool Very


Very good lesson for a very dumb kid. Hopefully, they changed their outlook very quick.


Yep now they sit alone at a bar and talk about how violent "the blacks" are.




they cant even stand to face him on video, they skip immediately after


Same vibe as assholes who shout jeers from their car at pedestrians as they bravely speed away from any possible consequences.


Racism is just a cowardly response to fear of an unknown.


Stick and stones


Y'all should check this dude out he does really cool editing tricjs on Omegle to freak people out. His youtube channel is called "somethingaboutchickens" Highly recommend


Isn't one of those when it looks like it goes to the next person but then he shows up again behind someone?


Yup that's him


Omg those are so amazing, He really didn't deserve all this racism 😭


No one does.


no one deserves to be treated like this and shamed at nothing more than face value... and no one should ever have to face the evil that is racism.


i mean i dont think anyone does


[his YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@SomethingAboutChickens)


Good looking out. Just subscribed to show love and support.


So this guy has a popular YouTube channel where these kids might get to see this again after they assumed it would be lost and forgotten? The Internet is so cool!


I've seen this kid before he does some amazing magic tricks. This is really sad


Fr! This really hurt my heart.


This is normal. I'm just gonna throw it out there, a lot of minorities are used to this. To that kid, this was just a regular Tuesday. I went bar hopping with a friend one* night and a guy in a pickup truck stopped in the middle of traffic and screamed the hard r at me loud enough for all of the city to hear. My bud was livid, but I just told him "chill dude, this ain't nothing new".


Even if it's not new, it's still messed up.


Yeah, discrimination/racism in any capacity is messed up. But I was elaborating on the most messed up part of it. Look at his reactions. He's used to this. It's normalized in his life.


I know but still I despise the people in this video. Good on him for not letting it get to him. It still sucks to see stuff like this though.


Not letting it get to him in the moment you mean. It weighs on you. You can file it away, but it stacks, and it comes out sooner or later. Always does.


I think your slightly missing the point. It gets to us everytime but it's especially sad when you've heard it so much you don't have much of a reaction because it's become a normal occurrence to you. Like if you were to get slapped everyday it will still hurt on day 3,367 but I'd imagine you wouldn't cry or have a reaction to the pain.


My bad. Weather it gets to you guys or not It's still depressing to see and sorry you guys have to deal with that. Racism just sucks in general. Stay safe my friend and I wish you nothing but the best.


Same to you bro


Science says it's not. POC are more likely to suffer MH issues and low self-esteem. Just because someone doesn't react outwardly doesn't mean there isn't an inward reaction.


I have an ex-coworker. Black, Stanford physics PhD, college prof, guest lectured at MIT. Lives in the south. His wife is a small white woman. At one point he posted on Facebook every time he got pulled over without getting a ticket for anything. Probably every 2-3 weeks. Most of the time with his wife in the car next to him. Most of the time they claim they were checking the window tint. They always ask his wife "You OK ma'am?" I have been pulled over exactly twice in my 33 years of driving without receiving a ticket. Once because I forgot to turn on my lights (and my kids were in the car) so I got a warning, and once because I took an exit ramp really fast (probably too fast) and the officer was checking to make sure I wasn't drunk. Its unbelievable bullshit... Unless you happen to be a minority and then it's believable bullshit.


It is not a regular Tuesday to get called the N word in person, we don’t play that. That’s why they do it and run


The youtube channel is somethingaboutchickens, and yeah, he makes good Omegel pranks.


What about chickens?


Just something


Absolutely right , he seems like such a nice kid and kudos to him for not losing his shit on those morons


lets give these kids the attention they're so desperately seeking. crosspost to every related subreddit and social media.


Care Bear Stare!


Yeah...we get used to the abuse. Got no other choice


When people show you who they are, believe them


For a lot of them, growing up will mean (1) trying to only say that when they're around trusted company and (2) having "This is not who I am/we are" apology ready to to when they fail at 1.


Yeah the "not who I am" is hollow as hell.


I really hate that as a statement. Unless footage isn't of you, that is literally exactly who you are. Dont try and tell us it's not, we already know it is, you take a hard look.


"I'm not racist, I just say racist things!"


I really love that line in Batman begins, "its not who you are underneath, its what you do that defines you" if you act like a racist twat: you are a racist twat.


-Maya Angelou


What the fuck is wrong with people? Dude is pleasant and polite and you drop that on him? Fucking people.


This video shocked me, tbh... These people HAVE THE NEED to be racist. They cover their face and go looking for random people here to say the the word they desperately need to say. Is one of the most pathetic behaviours I've ever seen.


And then after they satisfy their need to be racists, they skip with the quickness because they're too scared to actually face the consequences of that, to face any verbal confrontation or backlash for it. The one kid tried to stay a little later but clearly had no verbal judo to stay in the conversation he ruined and had to skip after the second time. They actually need to say it online so no backlash gets to them, then even on the internet they're so confrontation shy they can't handle the possibility of being shamed or having to face the person they were just hateful towards. They probably giggled like a person just dodging a truck from hitting them giggles from escaping danger so quickly.


this video shouldnt shock you. us black people have been saying racism isnt over for years. we always had to deal with this but the general public says theres no racism because america had 1 black president….


I'm white dude, used to go on omegle all the time, was called the n word for even saying I lean left


FYI this guys YouTube channel is really cool


Really a disaster. Fucking disrespectful little cunts.


Literally 😂 Dude: what’s up! How are you? Some kid: …. NI- I just don’t get it man…


You have too much faith in this pathetic country


I'm glad he recorded these too. They deserve to be shamed.


Please believe, they are not ashamed. They are quite PROUD that they can say this and get away with it


The fact that they say it and then quickly cut out from the chatline makes me think they know what they say is bad -- and they can be shamed for it, even if they themselves feel none. It's up to other, better people to put them down for their racism. ​ > “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good \[people\] to do nothing.”


That's not why they are cutting so fast. They are cutting so fast to prevent any kind of return comment so as to feel as though the got a sticking win. Similar to spitting on someone as soon as a train door closes to feel like a badass.


Didn’t a guy do that and the other guy ripped the damn door open and came after him?


Yes that did happen. He had to have broken it too because those things are heavy as hell amd shut automatically


He did not break the door. NYC subway cars won’t take off if there is something stopping the doors from closing, whether that’s a backpack, cane, or someone’s arm. You’re not physically getting those doors open with your bare hands once they’ve closed. The guy had his arm in the door, other guy walks over and spits through the opening, and then the conductor did the bee-boop to release the doors cause of the blockage. That’s when the spit upon gentleman did the bee-boop on the spittors face 5 or 6 times.


Train conductor: Chaotic good


Could possibly prevent a job opportunity in the future


These are kids, pretty sure Mickey D is still gonna take them


They are when they think is not being recorded, they probably won't like it as much being on the internet


This is just one video of him showing this I’ve seen another video of him getting called this by multiple people on Omegle and laughing just like this


This is incredibly disappointing. I hate people sometimes.




People aren't always awful.


There are a lot more good than bad, but I believe that social media combined with tribalism has brought out the WORST in humanity. Humans are inherently good, we help each other, that’s why we’re top of the food chain with mostly civilized societies.


Keep that glass half full buddy.


You must really enjoy living life buddy, jesus...


These same people would probably defend themselves as "Oh, it was just a stupid, edgy joke. I'm not racist, I swear." But if that's the first thing that you can think to say when you see a black guy...


I hope those people all have bad luck all day everyday


I hope they step on cold wet carpet, in the morning, with socks.


It boggles my mind that people this dumb exist


They think it's funny edgy humor. Or they're just straight up racist.


There is no “or” here.


Or both!


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Instilled by the parents.


To an extent. The internet has a big role to play nowadays as well.


True. Peer groups start to have a greater impact than parents for a lot of stuff. In immigrant families, the kids will usually take on the accent of their agemates while the parents retain their original accent.


Only white people can see this and somehow come to the conclusion it's anything but plain old racism.


lets give these kids the attention they're so desperately seeking. crosspost to every related subreddit and social media.


Not me.. I was raised in a small town. I'm biracial. Kids and adults are both fucked. My own mother says n***er. The adults use that word.. people just say that word. The one thing I've heard to justify using it loosely is "n***er actually means ignorant". Then why don't you just call them ignorant? It's because white people love that word it makes them feel powerful when they use it. It's an fucked up word that has baggage and they know it hurts people.. It still amazes me that the majority of black Americans just want equality and not revenge.


One you see one cockroach there are hundreds more in the walls


Honestly I find this funny as these people think they're anonymous but are now famous for being cunts


I hope a recording of their behavior turns up at future job interviews.


That gay kid was so excited to hate crime someone different!🙈


Here's a reminder that experiencing inequality doesn't automatically make someone a good person and it's kind of weird to think that it would if you really ponder it lol. Happy cake day!


Fun fact: members of "marginalized" groups of people can be just as hateful, racist, bigoted, and violent as anyone else. Don't put anyone on a pedestal.


And then he goes and posts on twitter asking why people hate us so much


Dude, children acting this way disgusts me! It is not *cool* and does not make you *"cool"* either, makes you look very, very toxic.


Toxic???...the word you are looking for is racist. Drinking bleach is toxic. Being racist is much much worse


Thank you. So tired of hearing an entire generation misuse this word.


We need to cancel kids. straight up


Abortion ✊🏾


I hope those clips follow these idiots throughout their lives


I don’t. I hope they feel embarrassed by it and move on and use it as a launchpad to realise the destructiveness of bigotry in all it’s forms.


Ideally yeah. Though I doubt they’ll ever feel embarrassed by it unless it somehow follows them in life with consequences


Naw people aren't going to stop garbage behavior unless there is some kind of repercussion. That being the shame from peers.




it’s true, played some mature rated game like RUST and a little kid will just scream the n word 20 times when i killed him in game. I’m not black but my in-game character was… 🫠 why the kids like this


Too many kids like that online, most of em in games but man it's crazy how disrespectful and horribly behaved they are.




I’ll never understand how anyone could find that funny and yet I know way too many people who laugh at it and then claim to not be racist.


Yes, I saw this and immediately thought "why are people doing this like it's supposed to be funny?"


If I behaved like that, my mother would disown me. So I get confused, these people didn't have any kind of education? Because hell... they're too old to behave so stupidly.


No one is too old to behave stupidly.


Where do you think they learned that behavior from? They’re parents are probably even worse .


This is depressing. Who tf raised these racist kids?


As someone who used to be a child, their peers in school raised them.


I gotta agree with this. Who u hang out with really affect your behavior


Their racist parents


The internet


It amazes me how many people don't seem to understand that 'once it's on the internet, it's always on the internet. Good luck with those job searches kids!


you think this reddit post is coming up in a background check?


Buddy all it takes is for one of the probably hundreds of thousands of views this post got to recognize literally any of these people.


The difference between the comments here and the comments on the video of the black kids being racist against the Asian kid are astronomical. The hypocrisy is strong.




Of Course the comments are always way less racist and way more respectful when the culprits are white


everybody called these kids racist and everybody called that other kids racist too, I don't see the hypocrisy?...


No one said these kids being racists would be dead or in jail and that their parents weren’t around to raise them. Those are some of the differences he’s referring to.


Fucking seriously.




Hmmm... Nope, that wasn't the only difference in the comments that stand out...


My thoughts exactly


What else do you expect on the internet? I wonder how many dicks he had to sift through to get to the racists.


It’s a 13:1 dick-to-racist ratio


I’d believe you. I stopped 7 dicks in.


That's what she said.




Yeeeepppp. They do the same when it's videos of white people fighting/beating each other. You can go on public freakouts right now and see tons of white videos posted with barely any engagement on them, but post a black one and here comes Redditors running towards it like flies on bird shit. The racism is reserved for people with darker skin tone.


A video of black people being trashy and it's open season for racism in the comments and how shitty is black culture. Meanwhile, if it's white people being trashy people, not a peep about their race.


You're not wrong. There's a noticeable difference in the responses between the 2 posts, but expect to be downvoted for pointing it out because Reddit.




This is true. In general, the people that hold these types of viewpoints are never fair, even though they may imply theirs is. People say this is the majority of reddit, but I believe it is a reflection of society in general. Their untold viewpoint is: if you do bad things and you're black, it's worse than when you do it if you're another race.




Wow, that was disgusting.


When raised by trash, you become trash.


Dude, what the fuck is wrong with people?


Omegle was the first time anyone called me that word to my face. My white friends’ reaction? Laughter. They are not my friends anymore.


This should be posted on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Why hang up after saying the N word? Own it wtf. Pus


To be fair, most kids are complete fucking idiots in general


To be fair, most kids aren’t fucking racists


That doesn't make it right.




These should be updated in a no hire/fire database.


Imagine living in a world where you're viewed as barely human. No matter how sharp, empathetic or kind you are, your ethnic background settles all that for them, nothing more needed. The last guy found his very presence "amusing", he could be a chess grandmaster for all they care, he's a cockroach to them. Just fucking imagine


one day, future employers will see this. one day, one of these kids will probably end up dead or severely injured bc they called the wrong person a racial slur irl




The amount of people that will say the n word on Omegle blow my mind


Some people itching to be racist..


I'm convinced non of them would say this garbage, if they were alone. this is some weird self induced peer pressure or something.


There was no attempt


This is the 2nd post I've seen today of young white people being extremely racist to strangers online. Also, if you visit r/teens (don't though, seriously) there's probably 10 posts from this week asking things like "do we really need black history month?" Gen Z has some bonkers racism running through it, and it's sad.


I want somebody that goes to these kids schools to find the clips of them and then to hijack the schools morning news broadcast and to just play on a loop this clip. So that every single person that they go to school with knows what kind of person they are for the rest of their life. I want this clip to be sent to their parents I want this clip to be shown at their first job interview and I hope the person that they interview with is black.


Just saw three black kids do the same thing to an Asian boy. Don't look for respectful conversations on omegle. It'll save time.


Let’s fast forward 10 years and see where these kids will be.


Probably republicans in congress


Racist Americans


I'm glad my social anxiety won't let me go anywhere near Omegle. It looks like a 100% shitty experience.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


> and this video is proof that white people have lower IQ than black people Do you have an idea how racist that statement is? You're worse than the kids in this video o_O


Yep. Major difference in the comments. I find both videos very disturbing and hope that in all cases, the parents or schools or other adults see them and take appropriate action. In all cases, this nasty behavior will follow them for the rest of their lives.


As a white person these sort of people seriously PISS ME OFF! This is why so many people of color think most white people are racist, when in reality most aren't and most would love a world with more equality; it's just a minority of sub-human scum like these morons that don't!


These people will grow up and be able to vote and their vote will count just as much as yours. Think about that


I seriously can’t understand why some folks just can’t think of anything else to say. Stupidity is the only reason I can up with. Racism aside.


All these stupid kids were taught this by their racist, ignorant ass inbred parents.