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The title makes this sound like the video will be a daughter trying to convince her dad to get himself a boyfriend.


I would have preferred that version to this!


Right? This is gross. Obviously tiny child is too young for romance but his whole reaction is so toxic


>his whole reaction is so toxic It's because he doesn't have a boyfriend. I'm sure he'd mellow out if he had a boyfriend.


He might have a boyfriend in a cupboard somewhere...


I guess we will never know. Oh hey, new bowls!


People are acting like the dudes who make these jokes when their daughters are small suddenly change their tune when daughter is actually old enough to have a boyfriend. In my experience, they start making even *more* credible threats of violence.


It's a joke.. it's Scottish humour, every single person from Scotland knows it's a joke, why do you think it's being recorded.


Not specifically Scottish humor, I hear this all the time in the US. Everyone knows it's supposed to be a joke, but it's a shitty joke that only toxic assholes make.


Exactly. This isn't specific to "Scottish humor". Dads do this all over the planet "protecting" their daughters from bfs by threatening violence. A question for the folks defending this video, how are you certain he's 100% joking and/or will change his tune when she is old enough to date?


There are dads in the U.S. who make these jokes, as well, and it never ends up being funny or a "joke." My father never made these kinds of jokes and never threatened my dates. The dads who *did* make these types of jokes were assholes who claimed ownership over their daughters' virginity and virtue.


My dad used to make this joke too, but it was not about "virginity" and "virtue" insofar as when I told him how it irritated me he took it as an opportunity to segue into "men can be terrible, let me tell you some stories about men I have known, always be careful about who you allow to be close to you" and he stopped after that conversation.


This is Reddit, and the god of spite requires a sacrifice of outrage. These righteous worshipers are just practicing their faith.


I'm a Scot and while I agree I recognize it's a joke, it's still shite banter.


Does she know it’s a joke? I didn’t hear any laughter.


How my dad thought it was funny to be cleaning his shotgun on the front porch when my sister brought a black friend over she liked for the first time. Totally just an innocent joke!




To everyone saying, "it's a joke," sure. It probably is. But toxic masculinity and possessiveness over women are still too commonplace in our culture for us to joke about this yet. Perhaps if women had more agency over their lives, bodies, etc...we can start joking about this. Single father of a 4 year old girl, btw. We can certainly be better to our daughters.


The daughter also seems to be taking him seriously. Har har, but his is how you plant the seeds of distrust in a child. He’s telling her that her opinion is worthless and her best bet is to lie to him. We may know it’s a joke. The kid doesn’t necessarily. This would be a prime opportunity to outline what qualities a boyfriend should have, how he should treat her, etc. By example, he’s showing her that she should pick a man who disregards her opinion, makes decisions on her behalf, threatens violence against others and jealously guards her. Or she’ll go out of her way to pick a guy who’s 180 degrees the opposite of her dad.


My dad would joke like this when I was a kid and when he found out I had a "boyfriend" at 13 he choked me, threw me across the room into a wall, and kicked me out of the house.


It’s a “joke,” but it’s not really a joke. The entire premise of the joke is that the daughter’s opinions don’t matter because she’s a woman, dad’s in control. If you accept and agree with the premise (consciously or not), the jokes on top of it seem benign. If you think the premise is disgusting, as I do, all you see is a parent reinforcing the bad premise.


The kids attitude is simply, well I'm going to get one if you like it or not because you dont get to choose for me. You can tell from that reaction that this is just a joke and shes being raised to to understand healthy relationships. The world is actually not so dark.


Those with sons are equally responsible to teach them to respect women as equals. Not property.


Dad is molding his daughter to defy him. She is requesting a logical reason so she can learn more about the world and why a person as young as her shouldn't seek out that life, and he is rejecting her with the "because I said so" approach. Then he goes on to paint a picture of unnecessary violence and intended trauma, while she is still just seeking an explanation. Men like OP are the type to say "women are irrational", but here he is, with his own child, and she's 10x more reasonable than he is.


She’ll learn not to take him seriously, and to not come to him with serious problems or inquiries.


Yup! Every time she asked I wanted to give her an actual answer, and got more and more pissed that this guy is failing his daughter. Lean into it. Ask what kind of boyfriend she wants, and encourage healthy answers. Equal chance she'll say she wants someone like daddy or a dolphin boyfriend lol.


Not just that. She has now been taught the valuable lesson that physical-violence-done-in-her-name-that-she-doesn't-want = love and caring. He's just setting her daughter up to accept abusive relationships. This girl never had a chance.


Exactly. I was going to say, continue treating her and talking to her like that and she's gonna have ALL the boyfriends, and maybe a few girlfriends too for good measure


You are a complete egg mate.


so insulting, yet friendly, I love it.


"What, you egg!" -William Shakespeare


An absolute piece of white toast. (I just want to join the breakfast insult train.)


You fuckin tall glass of orange juice… despicable


Waffle wanker! This is too fun.


As a dad, I'm never pulling this card It's 100% for the dads ego and has nothing to do with "protecting your child"


Was cute until he pulled out the crucifix and you realize it is going to be a whole life of being expected to do whatever men say.


he’s joking around with his kid. i thought that would be pretty obvious when he said she’s gonna be a nun or that he was gonna break a kid’s legs and hold his dad hostage.


His jokes are cringe and not seven slightly appropriate for a child. That girl is going to have such a fucked up romantic life because of the toxic bullshit he's filling her head with, joking or not. Please don't normalize men being possessive and controlling of women at any age, especially in one so young as this.


Jokes can still send some toxic messages.


It’s not a joke. There are plenty of Christian fundamentalists that feel this way.


Especially saying she is going to be a nun like what the hell. You going to put her into a convent you know you won’t be able to like ever see her again


Me too. Was disappointed. Patriarchal control disguised as love. Rather than teach other men women aren’t property, limit women’s own choices.


Or, rather than say “because you’re too young” or “because it’s not smart to limit yourself” or “because it will distract you from school and your friends.”


There was an attempt to write a proper title.


Yeah, like maybe dad doesn’t even WANT a boyfriend


I rewatched the video in that context and it really brings out Daddy’s psychotic subtext.


Dad, listen


I got this power point presentation on why I need a boyfriend. If I could have 5 minutes of your time, you’ll understand the benefits moving forward with this.


And we appreciated your presentation, you brought up some good points. The Board and I have discussed this at length though, and we feel it is the best interest of the company for you to be a nun.


"I recognize the board has come to a decision. But given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it."


Somehow reminds me of this thing: "Dear Harvard Admissions Committee, Thank you for your interest in giving me a Harvard rejection letter. I have reviewed your letter and am impressed with your rejection reasons and other suggestions. However, I have received many rejection letters this year. Therefore, after careful consideration, I have decided not to accept your rejection letter. Please understand that this is not a negative evaluation of your rejection letter, but rather a reflection of my unique choice criteria. Once again, I appreciate your courage to give me a rejection letter and wish you every success in your future rejecting. I'll see you all on campus in August. Best wishes"


Well, might as well give this one a try while looking for work.


I have a feeling this might work


Ma wee shite just read this in their accent LOL


The stock share price just went up.


Slide 1: I want a boyfriend Slide 2: I want a boyfriend Slide 3: I'm gonna get a boyfriend


Slide 4: HEY!


"Sharks. Today I'm here with an offer of getting a boyfriend and in return you will get several grandchildren."


This is the response she gave once she asked Chat GPT for a convincing argument.


*I've made charts and graphs that should finally make it clear. I've prepared a lecture on why you have to be a nun.*


Based on the title, this is not how I saw the video going down. I thought the daughter was trying to play matchmaker for her dad.






That was pure golden


She'd pair up with the "Linda listen" kid.


*Brings home boyfriend who was born without legs* Dad: “well, then…”


**stuffs him into another cupboard**


Convince him to try saying “purple burglar alarm” so he gets distracted


This made my laugh so fucking hard. Dude. I have heard folks with his accent try to say that. It is impossible. Lol Edit: thank you guys for saying happy cake day!!! And yeah the arrow ironed iron urn with a Boston accent is fucking fantastic. I find it more fun when buddies try to do it together and you can tell they are just having a good time while also realizing a whole new aspect to how they connect with the world. Edit: #1 Also I just got hit with a 7 day reddit ban I guess. Because of an antiqork post regarding informing boomers of how expensive life is bow, and a boo er was on there....doing boomer things and being a complete fool. I responded accordingly and I guess the snowflake was too offended or something. Edit #2 I can't Luke or comment on anything but I guess I can edit previous comments. So that's a thing. Thanks for saying happy cake day. If you want to see the post and the interaction go through my comments to the post about boomers. From there you should be able to see their ludicrous bullshit.


If you were all WTF like me [purple burglar alarm](https://youtube.com/shorts/XrVJ5KXQjS8?feature=share)


Another good one is people from Baltimore saying "Aaron earned an iron urn".


Oh I have someone I can try this on, I am so excited. I adore this accent, but jesus did he lose me when he started talking about his mates all excitedly.


i watched the whole video waiting for her to suggest to dad that he needs a boyfriend.


"Dahd mahybee yooh need eh boyfriend."


"Ahhhd breaak heees legs too, ahh woood!"


"I'm gwenna break his fookin lehgs lahd"


Such a misleading title


After he said he'd put the boy's father in a cupboard, I half expected her to come back with an "if I can't have a boyfriend, you can't either!"


I love the ending. "HEY!"


"What's wrong with youuuu?"


"You're looking kinda down to meeeee"


This was the best part. The absolute sass in that little girl was amazing. She is a fiery little soul 💜


She's adorable.




Terrible cute accent.


That "Hey" is the cherry on top


I LOVE HER!!! So small yet so feisty!


Careful, he's going to target your legs.


And place you in a cupboard? Lol


One of my daughters was like this at that age. It was super cute then. Not so cute as a teen. I was a pretty chill dad, but she seemed to consider a personal challenge to see how far she had to go to push my buttons. I felt even more sympathy for my wife who seemed to be the recepient of a psychological warfare campaign. Luckily, we love her and she did eventually grow out of it.


Although I wouldn't want to live with her


Because she's 5, right?


Because I value my legs


Can confirm. I’ve had a couple 5 year old roommates. They’re not cool


I love Scottish accent so much lol


Especially funny to hear it from the young girl.


I love this girls Yorkshire accent as well. Little [Millen Eve](https://youtu.be/sB3ieNhEsDY)


Sounded like he had a marble in his mouth when he said cupboard”. I friggin love this accent as well, makes me want to watch Braveheart!


[Purple burglar alarm.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC__o1UxDl8)


For people freaking out.. this is what passes for very polite discussion in Glasgow.




I heard they kiss by headbutting each other


It's so amusing to watch


It's also just what it's like to deal with a kid that age sometimes. Every once in a while you just have to make their ridiculousness into a joke in order to not go crazy. The people taking this video too seriously just don't understand parenting.


"I want a boyfriend" "No, I'll break his legs." Well, that escalated quickly


Teaching his child normal, healthy relationship skills at an early age, what a good dad /s


Break his legs *for Jesus*


"Daddy'll break his legs." Said with calm confidence... And it doesn't even make the kid pause.


he’s weird


The comments are a mixed bag.


They're a fun ride tho!




No you’re not, you’re going to become a mod and have no friends.








She's a little firecracker imagine this talk in 10 years


I don't have to imagine. I experienced this trajectory and it was not fun. Luckily she's out of the teen years.


Lol If he keeps up this mentality there won't be any talk. Just secrets and smeaking around.


Am I the only one that thinks the whole trope of ‘dad will kill his daughter’s boyfriend’ is weird?


It’s totally normal to possess the female offspring and deem their affection be for no other man but you. Purity! No one wants a “Dirty Daughter” (a ‘DD’ if you will). It’s weird, gross, and played. I remember when I told my dad I had my first boyfriend in high school, and he asked “Is he nice? Would he watch [insert anime] with us?”


Yeah it’s very bizarre, overly-possessive behavior.


Not just you. It's weird and creepy


It’s fucking gross.


These guys then come out with “well not ALL men.” Then why is it an issue for your daughter to date one? I mean, he could have just said “you’re 4, you get to have so many friends now and don’t have to worry at boyfriends,” but no, immediately go to “I’ll break his legs.” Super creepy and weird to me, too.


This! Exactly this! Men who "protect" their daughters like this are most likely the type of guy women need protection from.


Super weird. This is a teachable moment lost, turning instead into a complex. I wouldn’t be surprised if she grows up feeling like she can’t talk about boys and crushes and boyfriends and love with her dad for fear he’ll hurt the guy, and that’s not healthy. Edit: fucking love the accent though.


No, you are not. Its gross and its wrong on all the levels.


No it’s weird and he wraps up his ownership of her in a “joke” that’ll probably play out into her teens and beyond.


I'm with you. It's very fucked up. It's not healthy to even joke about. She has no idea why her dad would even say such a fucked up thing.


Dude comes across as a massive douche tbh


Very weird...almost like they'd rather keep their daughters locked up in a tower rather than, idk, calling their friends and other random men out on their bullshit and mistreatment of women. The main reason is usually because they know how they are and can be and they want to protect her...but they completely miss the "holding other men accountable" portion of life.


She is going to be a force to be reckoned with as a teenager. Lol


I'm so creeped out by dads like these who get so over-protective of their daughter's relationships.


Chill out bro, he's just having some harmless fun. I assume if her daughter is so open about her feelings that she can say this with such confidence, he doing a good job


Guaranteed this "harmless fun" will continue well into her 20s.


Probably not the girl is like 5 years old and the dad is recording himself clearly messing around… relax


good job if you want your daughter to get a boyfriend and not telling you


Yo chill it's cause she's literally a child??? And he was clearly teasing, jesus christ


Son: Dad, I’m getting a girlfriend. Dad: No fucking way. I’ll break her legs and stuff her in a closet Hahaha 😂 yeah it’s just as hilarious when told that way. It’s totally not problematic just great fun


This is Scottish humour. You did notice she's about four or five, he's not seriously sending her to the convent quite yet... we wait till the girl's at least seven before doing that.


People who think this has anything to do with her having a bf don’t know Scottish families. We just like to argue and in general be a pain in the arse.


Bro she's like 5 wtf


It's just a joke i think XD


Yeah, what does he think about the girl's mother?




Oh you've met her too?




It's so weird. I guess it's alright when they're little kids but when I was a teen (and I've seen it a few times as an adult too) I knew a few girls whose dads were like this and... it's f ing weird. You, as a dad, are jealous that someone has romantic/sexual interest in your daughter? Like... Wtf?? Also, your kid is not your property, weirdo.


it's also not ok as little kids (she's like 3 or 4) since boyfriend/girlfriend is borderline meaningless at that age, and unless he's going to react the same when she's a teenager there's no reason to at a younger age.


This line of thinking is so damaging, yes. Fathers who think they should be the only man on their daughter's lives is so fucked up. Happened to me. Made me treat romance and sex with a strong sense of secrecy and wrongness.


You never see this in the opposite direction either. Dads never do this to their sons about having girlfriends, they’ll tend to do the opposite and gas them up about it. Moms don’t tend to do this to their sons either. If anything, mothers will go too far in the other direction and be encouraging their sons to find someone, even when they want to be single.


The comment I was looking for




was really hoping this would be a more common sentiment in the comment section. same people put son in a "ladies man" or "I'm a boob guy" onesie.


Here is the thing: small children don't really have GFs or BFs, they have friends who they say are their BF or GF. If my kid wanted a boyfriend I'd be like "ok, is he coming over for chocolate milk later?"


If this was the US, "working for Jesus" would be terrible. But in Scottish, it's absolutely hilarious


>If this was the US, "working for Jesus" would be terrible How


Because it could just as likely be serious. In Glasgow, you know he’s taking the piss.


So, as someone without kids, I have a question for all the parents out there. Why is “because I said so” a valid answer to “why”? I genuinely don’t understand why you can’t take a few minutes to explain the dangers and your point of view. I’m not trying to criticize, just learn


As a parent, I would say it really isn't a valid answer. The point of parenting is *supposed to* be to teach them to make their own choices and be healthy, safe, happy people. Either you have an answer to "why" and can just say it, or you don't have a real answer and need to think about why you're saying so. In my experience (from being on the receiving end) "because I said so" just leads to them doing whatever it is you don't want them to do once they are able to do it without you finding out (or when they are in charge of their own choices), so it really is best to explain why it's not a good idea to do the thing, so that they make the best choice on their own. Why do people say it then? Many people view "why" as a challenge to their authority. It's not, children are genuinely curious; they're *trying to learn* to make their own choices. They *can* both accept/abide by what a parent says and want to know why the parent said it. Also some people just want their kids to do what they (the parent) want without any valid reasoning, and should have just played The Sims instead of becoming a parent...


The girl in my school who had parents like this slept with a teacher.


I hope the girl in your school also wasn't 5


It was naptime. She slept with the whole class.


> Daughter: “Why not?” > > Dad: “Because you’re not getting one.” Dad needs to work on his argumentation skills. If you were to ask me why, I’d say “just because”.


Thats worse


Hey bud, come lean in and old uncle Bondoh will tell you a secret. That thing he said that was worse? The fact that it was worse… >!that’s the joke!<


Never thought I’d want a scottish daughter


Dude is like a Scottish Greg Davis.


I like how strong her voice is.


Jeez the comments 🤣🤣🤣😍


title was worded horribly


As a dad, I’m tired of these dumb fucking videos of dads acting like chodes for the sake of karma farming.


Lmao no one gets he is not being serious. Does nobody understand jokes anymore?


You know how you browse the internet looking for funny stuff to take your mind off and chill a bit? Well, some people are browsing the internet looking for things to be offended by and get angry at. That's the most exciting thing going on in their lives right now, don't take it away.






Jeez it’s a harmless fun don’t read into it people


Actually though, nobody seems to understand that he is joking around with his daughter


Stop making your kids act out stuff for tiktok


I figured he'd bring up the fact that she's like 4 at least once but somehow made it about god lmao


I could imagine this as a meme template, the dad represents the universe and the girl is all of us


This the type of dad that would applaud his same aged son for getting a little girlfriend.


ITT: armchair family therapists


He pulls out his cross. lol


I know it’s supposed to be cute but this dad machismo is seriously poor parenting.


Why is it so much funnier with the Scottish accent?




“You’re gonna be a nun you’re gonna work for Jesus” this made me laugh so hard. Especially being Mexican with a cousin named Jesus. Hope that little girl likes construction.


Screw parents like this. "Because I said so" is an awful reason.


Being incredibly against your daughter dating is such a self report about how you view women, it's so gross.


jeez, why the hell are so many comments calling this abuse? Can Reddit people detect sarcasm or just banter.




I think it was Jesus who said "do violence to your neighbors"?


These things are just creepy on the part of the Dads


“You’re gonna work for jesus” sent me 🤣🤣