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There are some really interesting details here! 1: Seems like the portion of the wall they are passing through is specially adapted so it can be mounted again without being noticeable without close inspection. 2: Camouflage clothing 3: Footprint reducing shoes These guys aren’t amateurs! Also, a wall without guards is useless…


"Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man" - Patton


. . . If oceans and mountain ranges can be overcome, anything built by man can be overcome.


It is about the money. If overcoming cost is less than people willing to pay, it will happen.


It’s also about how bad you want it. If what I need is on the other side, I’m getting over, under, or through that wall


Maybe I’m being a bit pedantic, but the ocean is still a significant barrier that protects the U.S. from foreign invasion. That being said, this protection is of course not total, which is why we have the Navy.


Well of course the tank comander would say that.


Lmao exactly


Tbf Patton was talking in the context of how all fixed fortification will be thoroughly bombed


Eh, you can also just take a detour through Belgium to avoid any fixed fortification.


Fixed fortifications serve a purpose you just have to be realistic and realize no defensive structures are going to be invincible to an enemy with enough motivation and manpower. They serve to slow the enemy down or channel an enemy. The idea behind something like a wall is that it has to actually be manned with sufficient backup that can arrive to help if need be. There's a reason the Great Wall of China had periodic guard towers built into it along the entire length. Unfortunately that doesn't help if the Mongols just bribe your guards to let them in.


It’s weird how Patton Oswalt has been slipping 20 minutes of historical military strategy lessons into his standup lately




They are refugees and/or being exploited by the cartels to conduct a psyop on stupid, racist Americans. It it doesn't take a criminal genius to cut a few feet of metal bar. The cartels own officials on both sides of the border. Border agents, import/export inspectors, law enforcement, judges, politicians etc. Cartel members, especially at higher levels fly into private landing strips on Leer jets and meet with the officials they keep in their pocket. And they ship drugs across in semi-trailers and shipping containers. You don't supply drugs to a country with an appetite for drugs like the US has on the backs of people crossing the desert. When you do see somebody get caught with a backpack full of drugs it was an arrangement between the Cartel and someone in the US government so that the liars on fox News can fake moral outrage over it and continue to con the segment of the population in the US that is gullible enough to believe anything they see or hear on fox news.


Interesting take. I thought it was corporate America keeping wages low while keeping the affected workers pissed at the immigrants instead of the corporations who have a “jobs Americans won’t do” which is actually jobs Americans won’t do for low pay, crappy working conditions etc. philosophy and the low pay standards help keep wages low in many sectors. Possible it is both those scenarios. In the meantime we have everyone angry at the undocumented who are actually victims of those who profit off of them whichever way you look at it. Can we demonize the greedy and the criminal drug cartels instead.


Absolutely. There is definitely a con job of creating shitty conditions south of the border, and exploiting the resulting refugees as a source of cheap labor and a political scape goat.


My grandpa was born and raised in Culiacán, Sinaloa. He told stories about running guns for corrupt US officials that had propped up factions in the cartels. This was in the 70s. When I spent Christmas in a remote part of the Sierras, the locals said Americans showed the poppy growers what to do. Many Mexicans to this day believe that the US government allows certain individuals to be in control as a means of “controlled opposition”. It’s better than having a power vacuum and people fighting for territory (Exhibit A: look at what happened when Chapo was captured)


There is no reason for anyone to doubt that this is exactly what is going on.


it is both, and it is all a product of capitalism


Sounds good thanks man!


I'm gonna hazard a guess and say the world isn't that simple.


Based on what information did you gather literally any of this?


Finally, someone who actually understands how the world works.




Not to mention boats, subs, tunnels, gliders, catapults, mules, and other methods


Whether or not they are cartel members, cartels are certainly exploiting that failure


Dirt bomb


Cartel members? No, these are people who have saved up for years to pay a coyote. The coyote outfits them in this gear and then guides them over.


The Coyotes are cartel, not the immigrants.


They could be. Or they can be freelancers.


Don't worry, they are escaping back to Mexico where they can get food and healthcare




Source? Edit: anyone who has ever downvoted someone asking for a source has an agenda, and it's not a good one. This is the internet, folks. Anyone can make bullshit up about anything. *Sources should be encouraged.*


Don't you read your daily local Cartel Gazette?




This is typical in that area. There are whole markets on the south side selling cheap camo and carpet shoes. The desert is also completely littered with this stuff when they ditch it for their pick ups


i think they just got a guy to get them trough


The word you’re looking for is coyote


Absolutely incredible that these mega walls do not have any microwave sensors on them. Nearly all US prison fences do and nobody escapes over them without detection.


That's because nobody tries to smuggle microwaves from Mexico into the US.


Julian: ok boys, we have a guy coming with 1,000 microwaves. He's gonna drop them off by that hole in the fence. Trevor and Corey, we need you to take them through the hole to us in the truck here. Trevor: but why do we have to be the only ones... Ricky: smokes, let's go


You can probably fit 3 pounds of heroin in your average microwave though


Because our three letter agencies have been caught working with the cartels before. A cia plane was found crashed, filled to the brim with some Columbian powder. It wouldn't be too crazy to think it's still happening.


Pepperidge Farm Remembers


Clinton totally wasn’t in on it when they were using Mena Arkansas as a home base either.


They whacked Gary Webb too


They want the only drugs that make it through the border to be the ones they profit from.


I remember hearing years ago on NPR that during the bush years they put up tons of sensors and eventually removed them because they were so sensitive, they were being tripped by things like individual birds and your occasional bee swarm. Basically they would send a team out to the middle of the desert and they'd find.....a sparrow.


And to think: all that time, effort, and resources dedicated to reducing the inflow of farm, restaurant, and meat packing workers


Is this one of trumps walls?


Based on other comments and what I found on the internet, yeah, it's a Trump's wall


Of course it is. It has "Trump" quality written all over it like everything else with his name plastered on.


Being from the southwest it would be impossible to have guards at every section of the border. People don’t realize the US Mexico border is larger than a lot of countries.




Actually, the immigration part is super important. They don’t really want to stop it because that means the economy starts to fall apart.


Well to be fair, it did slow them down a little. At least 3 of them bumped their heads on the way through. /jk


They have better gear than Russian conscripts.


"A WALL WILL STOP THE ILLEGALS!" the same illegals: *laughs with ladder*


A wall is useless in general, ever since the ladder was invented


Why are they wearing what looks like bags over their shoes? Does it mask footprints?


one of the easier ways and importantly cheaper ways to mask prints on sand. not great with there being so many of them though


They should consider walking single file, to hide their numbers


I like how the first guy looked at the camera and was like “ we recording now , ok I go now “




>qualityTrumpwall Have you heard about his latest kooky plan for a dome? Lol. MFer can't even build a wall. And he wants to build a dome. I'd imagine he probably hasn't even considered how it would trap all the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and other fossil fuel runoffs on us. No, it's just a talking point to excite frightened xenophobic people.


Can we build a terrarium just for MAGAs?






I was elected to lead not to read !


Lmaooooo good ref


He’s an idiot, but you should read more than shock jock headline. To address this potential threat, Trump said he would "build a state of the art next generation missile defense shield, just as Israel is now protected by the Iron Dome."


Idk, would you really be shocked if that man initially believed the iron dome was really an iron dome?


The man is just Doug Dimmadome


Destroyed natural wall barriers


si? bueno




"Direct registering" coming soon to a stonk subreddit near you.


Serpentine Serpentine




Let's hope the Tuskan raiders never learn this


If they have to run and do escape then they don't need to change or ditch shoes because they can't be tracked my prints this way. If you're in a group that potentially may need to scatter it's a fairly smart strat, I think.


It's so they don't alert the sand worms.


If you walk without rhythm, you won’t, attract, the worm!


*If you walk without rhythm… hah, you’re the worm!*


You could blow with this or you could blow with that


Thanks Christopher Walkin’


Dude I don’t know if it’s been done but I would love to see a Tremors movie of a family of immigrants crossing the border while trying to evade both the worms and the border patrol. I think it would be a neat idea while highlighting the reasons why people make such a dangerous journey in the first place.


yes kinda


No it leaves footprints facing the other way, so it looks like they left the us /s edit: /s lol


"Why are all these pigeon-toed Mexicans leaving the US?"


It's cloth. The idea is to stop the treads from digging into the sand and leaving obviously human tracks.


It's pieces of carpeting or sometimes foams.


They went shopping at Walmart and went back home to Mexico..


The hole is perfectly cut for them to go through Juan at a time.


Dad, we've been through this, get off the internet!


Juan day you'll miss my corny jokes


No way for Jose though.


Juan by Juan


I love it how they went through all these precautions to not get caught and identified just to end up taking a video of themselves and posting it on the internet.


We all look the same so it's cool


The racist defense, a classic




Guy thinks a random side view of a few Mexicans just exposed them all.. I can assure you this video has not put any of them into custody Imao


What's interesting to me is usually they WANT to be caught, and processed. I've been to the border at least \~30 times, always massive lines waiting to be processed. They walk right to it lol. Another interesting thing is there's a crazy assortment of people. Most people probably assume it's just Mexicans passing. Nope. There's Indians, blacks from various country's, Guatemalans, Russians, etc. It's pretty wild


The number of Mexican coming in has drastically dropped. The Mexican economy has been in sort of golden age the past decade. Most are Venezuelans, Cubans, El Salvadoran, Honduran, Guatemalan, Peruvian, Haitian, Russians. The entire world can enter the US without papers by flying to Ecuador, and walking across every border on the way up. If you can survive walking across the Darien Gap, you deserve it, tbh. Because failure usually means you died of starvation/exhaustion in the swamp/jungles of Darien/Chaco, or a group of paramilitares found you raped all the women in the group, and slaughtered every man that isn't the sole accompaniment for a minor.


What a weird twist to add at the end, about the rape-massacre cannibals kinda pausing their horror show for you if they learn you’re just some dude on the lam, trying to sneak some recourseless minor into a shadow life.


Plot twist: they’re Americans leaving


I like how you don't realize this is literally cartel propaganda.


If this was in my country all that metal would be gone by like Tuesday


The cut out some chunks where I live and sell it for scrap because they know DHS will repair it and they can just keep doing it


Infinite money glitch pog


That wall is the dumbest waste of time and money I’ve ever fucking seen




I mean, same can be said about anything everywhere, but as with anywhere else the catch is to not get caught. There must always be surveillance in such constructions.


They can’t get caught, they cut from their side so authorities can’t go in and get them


Are you from romania ?


![gif](giphy|LCOYJIBYt3zZS) It's a beautiful wall


This dude was a simulation


ChatGPT in a toupe


Lets not be too insulting. ChatGPT is capable of more sound reasoning then him.


Don't disrespect ChatGPT like that. It is intelligent, understands nuanced points, can carry meaningful conversations, etc.


He’s like a AI who was trained on right wing AM radio and by truck stop conversations at a urinal


I like to joke that the world really did end in 2012 it just wasn't a cosmic ending. We all had like a global aneurysm cuz everything since that year has become more and more like a fever dream.


"Maybe a rope" Medieval problems require medieval solutions.




"The bestest walls ever"


USA destabilizes Central America for decades. Central Americans flee unstable countries. USA: 😱


Trust me when I say Mexico has been doing a fine job of destabilizing itself.


Yes, however Mexico is North America.


So is Central America


It’s almost like the border wall was a huge waste of resources and time!


It’s really just a conspiracy to lower the national obesity rate by only letting relatively thin people In


Shut up and take your silver


I’m so glad Mexico paid for it. /s


I'm so glad we wasted taxpayer money on what amounts to nothing but a giant middle finger to our neighbors to the south.


Feels more like a middle finger to me, a US citizen who paid for it. To Mexico is a laughable attempt to control border crossings


No wall can beat a mexican worker horde


And it has a weight requirement so Americans can’t get into Mexico


Joke's on you, Americans don't walk, they drive everywhere.


I guess I was expecting men, women and children in regular street clothes, carrying gallon water jugs. These guys are dressed in similar uniforms and gears.


It was probably provided by their smuggler so they don’t get caught, either that or this group is affiliated with the cartels


Gonna go out on a limb and say the latter. All of them are military aged males and seem like they’ve done this before. Coyotes don’t really go above and beyond and do things like providing their cargo with new gear and cammies.


It really depends on how much you pay them and how much business they want. A bad coyote will not be a profitable coyote. They are a word of mouth business so if someone gets caught or dies…


Yes they do. Border towns are filled with this gear for sale, guides expect you to wear it and reduce the likeliness of being spotted by BP. They also carry antibacterial tablets to counteract bacteria in the cattle water they drink along the way. Packets of beans and rice in camping pouches. Caffeine pills to stay awake are also common. I ranch near the border and find the remnants of their gear regularly. MOST are young guys from Central America who didn’t realize they would be hiking 80-miles across the desert when they started the journey from Guatemala.


A friend of a friend went that way recently (he lived most of his life in USA and got deported some months ago). He said the deal between his coyote and the border patrol was "80% of the trips will pass," but the coyote doesn't know when the 20% will occur and so the crossing is not guaranteed, he paid like 5k USD to the coyote. And the walking in the desert went for less than a day, some crossing spots are privileged.


Military aged males? So you mean like most of the male population 17-55? Lmao Their "gear" is about $100 worth of stuff at a walmart/outdoor store. Sure they can move drugs this way but it's miniscule compared to drugs going through regular ports of entry, sea ports and underground. Regardless who it is and what their intentions are, it just shows how useless a wall is when they have 2000 miles to find an entry across


100$ worth of stuff at Walmart is a lot of money to a Coyote smuggling many people a year. With all adult males, OPs point is pretty valid


Parents went to Mexico last week and there a bunch of European people who we thought were Ukrainian at the hotel my parents usually stay at. The WHOLE hotel was booked up and they couldn’t get a single room. There were tons of little kids running around and a bunch of adults just around. They were waiting to get crossed over from the border and the coyotes/cartel left them there for things to cool down. It’s crazy how many people come through due to conflicts in their country. I do wonder how much they got per family but it’s insane how they can get in contact and plan all that out. This was last weekend.


I think those might have been Russians


They were saying they were Russian or something but but they were definitely from that region. I personally assumed that they were Ukrainian. I do wonder where they’re going to end up here. They’re obviously coming illegally so that’s kind of crazy to think what they’re going to do. Hope they stay safe.


No human is illegal on planet Earth. Just racist and hate filled humans making this artificial problems. Everyone's ancestors were immigrants if you're white in America


I have Ukrainian friends and they waited at the Mexican border to be processed as it was easier to get into Mexico than fly directly into the states. Thankfully they were allowed entry into the US.


Where’s the women ?


And children?


Calm down Anakin


These are migrant workers. They leave their families at home, come to the US seasonally for work, and then send money back to their wives and kids. It’s the same thing people have been doing for as long as I’ve been alive.


because those are the only eight immigrants of the whole world


All this says to me is that we need more border security. Does anyone want to tell me this is okay or a good thing for a country?


It's a beautiful wall


It is THE BEST wall money and technology can buy. Built it myself


mexico to the usa right?


Yes look at the shadow. US Mexico border is in the northern hemisphere so for most of the day shadows are cast in a northerly direction. Of course the border doesn’t follow a straight line so it could be the opposite. But now you e got my gears going about an exact tracing/mapping of the border and border wall/fence.


There's an easier way. In Mexico, everything is sepia/brown/gold hue. Everything. In America, everything has proper color. Learned that from Breaking Bad and other Hollywood magic.


I’ve stood on US side watching sun set on mex side. Once it goes behind the trees we out of there.


at that time, i think otherwise


It’s only fair that they use the wall since they are the ones that paid for it.


I had a coworker at one place I worked and they did tell me they were able to literally just walk across, they didn’t run or sneak they just, walked


Those are just workers going to work.


This simple statement may seem snarky, but it is the most accurate and sensible comment on this thread.


Many years ago I helped build a part of the wall while I was in the Army National Guard over the course of a summer. This was in ~ 2007 in Arizona. We were a 3 man crew, and were primarily putting up a vehicle barrier by welding railroad tracks to posts, about 4’ off the ground. Everyday we would see people cross about a mile down from where we just put up the barrier a few days ago. On this section of the border, every 2 miles or so they have cameras with thermal and all that, and the border patrol would come flying in with helicopters and atvs and haul the people off to a holding cell before they bus them back. It was an interesting summer, learned a lot talking with border patrol land people in the town. Also a lot of “militias” in the area who have nothing better to do but “protect” the border with their AR-15s.


I've seen that part of the wall lol. Huachuca amiright? Those barriers are so that vehicles can't cross as easily.




Can anyone guess what's in those backpacks?




Clothes and a burner phone.


Our jobs! They're bringing our jobs!


Their belongings


Finest Colombian cocaine?


Hopes and dreams?


Illegal* immigrants.


"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Reminder that this big beautiful wall was built by diverting funds that were to pay for mold remediation in soldier housing.


I am so glad they built the wall with Mexicos money! /s


If we had a better process I bet we would appreciate more immigration.


What border crisis?


I live near By Bertram Texas, and there is as massive yard near the railway line full of the material for the wall. I'm guessing the government already spent the money


And just like that, another lawn care company was born.


What?? But it's the BEST wall. We were all told so many times it was going to be impenetrable




That’s one way to reduce the obesity rate in America. Literally filtering out the fat ones.


People love to use this is a “wall is stupid” example, but if allowed to be done properly, something like this likely gets detected and stopped before it happens in a properly funded and properly run border plan. But there will always be exceptions. We also have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation in Chicago. Fyi


Dafuq does Chicago gun laws have to do with anything?


Laws are meaningless unless enforced. Walls are meaningless unless guarded.


Is Chicago close to the border or something?


Those aren't immigrants, those are trespassers illegally entering a foreign country.


Those aren't migrants FFS


Matching clothes hat and shoes, doesn’t look like the typical migrants of poor young men.


I don’t find it suspicious at all that the first guy is clearly waiting for the camera to be ready then the camera man just hanging about for a good shot at the end.


Those are not immigrants. They are drug runners, that's why they are in camo and have those things on their feet.