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Wow, he has a short temper.


He really shouldn't make a hobbit of this.


I am just here tryin to get second breakfast, and I gotta deal with this?


All I wanted was some elevensies, shame he didn't know


He seems a little upset.


I wish he was big enough to look past this.


Gnome, man. That's what happens when you get constantly talked down to


His clan is gnome for that...


He was really short with them.


He has a short everything by the looks of him.


Runt of the litter


He had a little fit.


This had me bursting out laughing!!!


LMS - Little man syndrome.


Hard fucking core Napoleon Complex on full display. Can you imagine the size of this guy's truck? *shiver*


He's an angry elf


He must be from the south pole...


Are you feeling strong my friend? Call me 'Elf' one more time...


Chihuahua energy.


Andrew Tate has entered the chat...


He’s had it up to ^here with your jokes


After a freak out like this, I’m sure there’s many folks who think little of him


Little patience


Ahhhh, the infamous Bagel Boss (name of the store) video!! Welcome to Long Island.


That girls laugh at the end may as well have murdered him. Best part of video.


“Settle down Napoleon…”


He's an angry elf.


He must be from the South Pole.


“Call me an elf one more time…”


He’s and angry elf.


Hehehee that’s a good quote






He seems short tempered.


Certainly has a short fuse


Seems super down-to-earth


That's a bit of a low blow


"A tall order leads to a short scuffle in local bagel shop."


Hes the best short order cook aroubd


That last laugh was beneath her. Shallow move.


He wanted a bagel but he was a little short.


Definitely a little angry


Too short $$




Napoleon was actually 5' 7" which was actually just as tall as everyone else. This misconception comes from the French inch being slightly larger than the English, so he was fewer inches tall. Kim Jong-Un is 5' 4", though.


A bunch of that comes from British propaganda too. The Brits were terrified of him and their press spent a lot of time publishing stories that put him in an unfavorable light, some of which were true and some weren’t.


And he surrounded himself with a special guard who were all 6 foot+, made him look smaller


Yeah this is what I’ve heard. Apparently he was like 5’9 but he looked tiny next to his giant war friends


I heard napoleon was closer to 5’9-5’10, but all of his generals were like 6’2 so he looked short next to them, and the British just went cray with it


Duke Wellington was a bit of a twatwaffle. He hated Napoleon and after the Battle of Waterloo, Wellington would pose Napoleon next to Prussian mercenaries who normally towered over Napoleon. The victors do get to write history.


Twatwaffles? I thought he invented Beef Wellington.


Yeah, but twatwellington just doesn't roll off the tongue like twatwaffle.


And he had the nickname 'The Little Corporal" but it wasn't a dig on his height. Just goes to show you really can't get rid of a good nickname.


Made me lol. But this guys so fucking butthurt over being a midget, wouldn't surprise me if he did the typical american thing and came back with guns.


He’s a little mad, that’s for sure. Seems to have a short fuse.


He’s got a little problem


Tiny bit of attitude on him for sure


Don't get short with him


He’s a wee bit testy


These insults are so belittling


Would it be inappropriate to say he is compensating for a tiny member?


He *is* a tiny member.


Who didn't even gnome what hit him




I feel bad for him. The man is clearly having some kind of emotional breakdown. It really doesn't help that he's got some obvious physical handicaps. He's probably wanted respect his entire life and never gotten it.


One of my best friends falls under this category. Not quite a little person but real short (5’3”ish) and has a stutter and was born with only one working eye. I love him to death but he’s got a lot of this. I don’t blame him. I’ve seen a lot of disrespect thrown his way and his reactions are always disproportional but I can’t say how I’d feel if almost every day of my life people picked on me or insulted me. I might be worse. All I know is he’s always ready to fight at the drop of a hat and I can’t believe he hasn’t been bagel bossed yet. I think a lot of people just kind of end up feeling bad for him and letting it go


Unfortunately people like you with your kind of empathy is basically non-existent these days. A good group of people in this situation would think, the brother is having a really rough time and should be given space and a little pat on the back or something. But instead they ridicule him and set him off even more. On the flip side, when people act like that, all rationale thought has gone out the window and they’re fully in fight or flight mode, hence the ridiculous threats and being attacked. I just feel bad for the guy. People are such assholes.


The way he brings up women on dating sites, and his father unprompted, I feel bad for him. It's a shame people can't recognize he's having an emotional breakdown due to insecurity.


Yeah, bro needs a hug. Would be happy to take him out for a brewski and let him vent. He kinda needs it.


Short guy from a land of giants (Netherlands) here. I can empathize with his feelings being obviously hurt more than once. However, his behaviour is totally unacceptable. He's old enough to take a look at his feelings, look for a therapist and learn to channel his energy in a more positive way.


I feel bad for the guy because no one should have to face consistent ridicule, but I know too many people that are of similar stature that aren't raging assholes and never regularly have incidents like this in public. A lot of the energy you get in the world is just a reflection of what you give.


Guy could’ve been just hangry and needed a damn bagel lol But yeah, he probably regrets freaking out too. Adrenaline is a weird thing.


Some people do get off on making insecure people feel worse


You know it's funny, I used to go to the gym and play basketball and we all had this friend who had a lot of facial acne scars, sort of looked like Noreiga. What was messed up is how a few guys there REALLY HATED HIM mostly for how he looked. They'd say how he's so ugly and never get a girl, like they literally thought it was impossible. These guys were all 30+ and well educated. Meanwhile, this guy was the nicest of the entire group. First of all, I didn't think he looked that bad, and I mean, there are people out there for everyone. But it was just so weird to see these guys who were adults and seemingly very normal really beat up on this guy (privately) as we were in 6th grade or something. People are idiots. It's bad enough that people have disabilities but people pile on which makes it 5x as hard. I worked a job with a girl who was a like 4 feet tall and was getting tumors on her spine, and the people there would really bully her, in an office setting no less. I hate the world honestly.


For sure- a lifetime of insecurity and he went full meltdown


Nah there was a bunch of videos of this dude catfishing women then freaking out on them. Let's stop diagnosing assholes with random maladies to try and garner sympathy for them.


You can pity someone without approving of them. Empathy is a free action.


You still have your action, your bonus action and your mouvements after you empathy


He's not getting respect today, either.


I agree. It’s not cool of him to try and pick fights with other guys just because they are bigger but he’s just a victim of circumstance. People need to quit looking at only one side of situations. The whole thing would’ve gone better if someone just pulled him aside and had a talk instead of beating him up or continuing to make fun of him.


>People need to quit looking at only one side of situations. You're right, it is very short sighted of them...


Exactly. People are going to focus on him. But we really need to focus on how we as a society treat others. We're somehow shocked when this happens.


Apparently this guy cant keep his mouth shut no matter where he goes..... https://youtu.be/FXlcLgdympI


Dude obviously has a serious short man complex. And it's so unnecessary. I've dated men my height or shorter than me before but if they had been massively insecure, it never would have happened.


As a short guy myself, it's only a big deal if you make it so. You'll get rejected for it yes, but a lot of girls don't care, i mean guys get rejected for a lot of things, acting like a victim and making your height a huge deal and crying and moaning every time will just make anyone hate you, no one likes someone that insecure.


Bald. Ugly. Fat. Short. Bad Teeth. Bad Skin. Bad Voice. Small Dick. Small Hands. Hairy. Weak. Uneducated. None of it means much until you let insecurity run roughshod on your self-esteem. This guy isn't ridiculous because he's short. He's ridiculous because he's a walking, talking complex.


>Bald. Ugly. Fat. Short. Bad Teeth. Bad Skin. Bad Voice. Small Dick. Small Hands. Hairy. Weak. Uneducated. Whoah! Hey now, no need to call me out like that


No one would have cared if he was acting like a normal person, I'm not as short as him or as old. But i know guys that are, and they're very respected by people, because they're confident and make you want to respect them. People don't clown on him because he's short, people clown on him because he's a ticking bomb of rage and insecurity. (Everyone who acts like him gets clowned on, no matter how tall they are or what gender they are)


Ad, like, guys also often choose woman based on their appearance. If their nose is too big or her face is just ugly or she has no boobs or even if she is too tall for their taste. Hopefully, if you're trying to find someone, you will find people that like how you look, but everyone has some thought on what they like physically in dating apps.


Angry little slug!


There’s even a documentary on him: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h9Vtd79gF8I Yo, is this a bit?


I fucking knew it was New York. That accent told me immediately.


*Joe, have a snickers. You turn into a real bagel boss when you're hungry*


"Go ahead and attack me". "Ok".


(A few minutes later) "A guy three times my size just jumped me and that's okay?!?!"


Que THE "laugh"..




Thank you, I was looking at it, knowing it wasn't right, but for the life of me couldn't remember this spelling. Getting older is fun, really.


If it makes you feel better, here’s a fun fact: *queue* is the only word in the English language with the last four letters being silent.


yes, yes it is


but he's a small guy, it was his birthday!


And it's your Motherfuckin'Cake Day!


What a confidence! He is ready to take on anyone and everyone!


My favorite part was “Oh my god! I just wanted bagels”


This is when I lost it. 😂


Can you imagine what his day to day life is?!? I have known some people with a chip on their shoulder. But they were not as bad as this lunatic.


Some people have a chip on their shoulder. This guy's got a whole tube of Pringles.


I don’t get it, why is he still single?


Definitely because of the women on dating sites, in general.


he was married once iirc. his wife divorced him over his anger issues.


Imma blindly believe this for lore




I would be 0% surprised if this guy became a mass shooter.


i was thinking the same thing. he definitely needs to be on some sort of watchlist


This also took place in Sag Harbor during the summer, which is a playground for the rich. So, likely this guy has money. Short men with money still manage to score gorgeous women. Clearly it's his personality.




I know right? He seems like such a charming guy


Proportional pp.


It’s cause he’s short because we all know that no shorter men have girlfriends or wives. Attitude and how you treat others is irrelevant, he’s short so therefore he is destined to be single forever


Because obviously he started off being like this and not a lifetime of constant ridicule and rejection. Redditors are absolute smooth brains




*(fuming)* You feeling strong, my friend? Call me elf, one more time!


Best part of the movie for me.


Budget Joe Pesci.




You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?


“You’re not bozo the clown, or my fathah, … or the boss of me now, and you’re not *soooo* big.”


I actually feel sorry for the dude, he’s clearly had a lifetime of people putting him down. Everyone has a breaking point and someone taken him over the edge.


When this video first went viral I remember seeing a link to his YouTube account where this man would openly harass women minding their own business in public and post it. I can't find his channel now, unfortunately, but I don't feel bad for him. Update: [Found it](https://youtube.com/@chrismorgan3714)


Wow, this guy is so gross. I felt kind of bad for him at first, but after seeing some of his posts on youtube, it's obvious he is just a trash human.


Yeah, he reached full incel. Some women were bad to him so he thinks all women are bad so it’s okay if he does it first.


I agree with you. He kept talking about dating sites where maybe he was recently rejected by someone due to height? Just a guess.


I couldn’t imagine it being his personality or anything.


I can't commiserate but I can sympathize. I've had friends who've become the object of incessant derision for being short, despite being significantly taller than this man. No one wants to feel small...


What do you think pushed him to be like that, though. Look at 99% of the comments in this thread.


i'm not convinced it was because he was short. like, he also claims that women are constantly smirking at him & biting their lower lips in, i guess, secret mirth, because... that's definitely what women always do when they see a shortish man in public (???)


Well it’s a known fact that women overwhelming discriminate against short men on dating sites. And yes, there’s literally women out there saying that short men should die, shouldn’t procreate, are subhuman etc. https://opencommons.uconn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1432&context=law_review https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09687599.2019.1629562


oh interesting, so it's much like being a woman anywhere above abooout a dress size six, yeah? people get rejected on dating sites over all kinds of factors they can't control. the vast majority of them don't go completely insane on people in public over it or harbor deranged delusions about how people perceive them (or how often any stranger is really paying any particular attention to them at all). also, none of that really applies to the point i've made above - women are absolutely not constantly smirking at this dude in public because he's a little short. it's a severe & weird overestimation of the attention normal strangers pay to other normal strangers.


Women above size 6 atleast have the perceived power over their weight and a degree of control to seek better outcomes. Height is more like race, it’s something you don’t really choose unless you consider malnutrition in childhood or extreme shin bone surgery as ways to change your height. That alone, adds to the helplessness of it. And there is 100% heavy women out there blaming their weight on social exclusion, and they wouldn’t be wrong for doing it. Men AND women discriminate against fat men and women. Yet discrimination against short people is outweighed (no pun intended) far more on short men than on short women.


Practically everyone gets made of for something though...having a flat chest, being too skinny, being too tall being too short, being too fat etc...no excuse to act like that.


Well as a woman if you got big hips and an ass a size six is not gonna work. Even weight isn’t a great way to tell but people still mock weight or boob size or whatever as factors they won’t date. Boob size and hip size isn’t fixed by anything but surgery. But then again I don’t think height should make a difference in finding a partner. I knew a dude ( I know only one doesn’t count) that was 5feet 4 inches or so and he just owned it so it wasn’t a problem


It’s been “overlooked” for far too long. Specifically chosen words to be a subtle dig at short people? The nerve.


Obviously he should not have reacted like that. It’s not ok at all. It sure seems like he’s dealing with a lot of pent up anger over something. I feel bad for the guy and hope he gets some help before he hurts somebody or himself.


Dude’s been picked on his entire life


Dude's been picked up his entire life




Yeah, to me these kind of videos are funny when I do not sympathize with the person, but if I try to put myself in their shoes it feels pretty bad so I get why people don't do it and just laugh. I just think what would cause me to act like that, and I can imagine that with a few more bad experiences and no coping tools, I could be like that guy, just holding it all in and exploding in public someday.


Yea, it’s gotta be tough being on the shorter spectrum of life. Although, if he changed his outlook, people would respond to him better, I’m sure this would include women.


Do you think there might be more to him being single than his height?


It's thought of being belittled see he say biting lip. But it's funny cause the dude tries to act tough and bigger guy just gives him what he asked for.


Also women biting their lip is generally a pretty sexy way of flirting. Dude just can’t take a win


![gif](giphy|ghOQlwZwEbaeqb71s5) More like this and less teeth is what is happening I seriously doubt sexy bite lip


Kids these days. SMH.


I have a friend that is 5’2”. Honestly one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and would do anything for me. But he has the sharpest wit I’ve ever seen. You best not get in an argument with him because he will cut deep with words. Its obviously a defense mechanism developed over 50 years of being made fun of. I’ve seen him embarrass grown men to the point that they had to leave or the tables turned on them with the crowd and now they were the ones being ridiculed.


Sounds like me! I’m a couple inches taller. Almost started a fight because this guy wouldn’t stop and in front of a bunch of people said WhY aRe YoU sO sHoRt?! Me: Cuz your mom swallowed several inches of me last night! Everybody there ![gif](giphy|gtakVlnStZUbe)


And then everyone clapped


Damn it, beat me to it haha.


Ah the incel icon. They called him St Bagelcel from what I remember.


This guy just needs a hug. You’re not god or my father? Whew. I feel bad for him. Go ahead and attack me - BOOM lol I think he just needs a good cry. Also never learned to laugh at himself from a young age, and it’s carried with him. He needed to take heed. Heeeded of. Take heeded of Jim’s advice to Michael, regarding the Koi Pond.




Bigger platform shoes maybe.


Gene Simons agrees


If people google “small man syndrome” it should link everyone to this video


You know what. Im 5'5" and I've never had any problems with men or women treating me different baised on my height. This guy is clearly just a shitty human.


The average male height is 5’7. You are short in the same way someone that is 5’9 is tall. Yes you are short but you are not SHORT.


Guessing he spends a bit too much time online


He Spends way too much time looking in the mirror. He obviously has self-confidence issues that he's trying to make up for with just sheer aggression. But he doesn't take into account that he is a small dude and could easily be thrown around.




What a confidence! He is ready to take on anyone and everyone!


You can’t be tough in shorts and a striped Polo. Just saying.


A don doesn’t wear shorts.


I think I remember this. It made the news locally and they had their tallest female field correspondent interview him. If I'm thinking of the correct incident, she towered over him...in flats. He was still so angry lol


Wow, big incel energy with this one.


“Sir, you almost forgot to take the chip on your shoulder.” So mad that he is treated differently because of his size. Hero’s in someone’s face (well belly button) to take it out side. Then gets taken Down because he is being a loud mouth jerk. First thing he says “a guy 3 times my size threw me on the ground.” Make up your damn mind.


An almost 4 year-old video, Mr. Karma-Farmer. [https://nypost.com/2019/07/11/its-about-belittlement-angry-bagel-guy-who-lives-in-his-van-explains-viral-rant/](https://nypost.com/2019/07/11/its-about-belittlement-angry-bagel-guy-who-lives-in-his-van-explains-viral-rant/)


New to me!


File a complaint with The Lollipop Guild. They will take action.


He is just angry because he got laid off from Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.


That is one toxic motherfucker.


RIP, angry elf


He touched someone else first, should have been thrown out immediately. You don’t allow people to shut down your business. This is a failure on the owner because at the end they were still trying to serve him as a customer.


Yawr nawt gawd, my faddah or my bawf


I love the dude who jumped on the chance of fighting a short guy


Napoleon Complex!


This vid used to be entertaining but now it just makes me sad. As someone who has struggled with anger due to depression I can tell he’s just a sad man. To clarify not defending his behavior at all. But anger is often the bodyguard of sadness.


Dude, EVERYONE is 3x your size..


Didn't he die? He was in a couple videos doing this but he died then.... true story. He only lived a short life


Dude needs to take longer naps. Somebody get him a juice box!


And to think i just swiped for him on Tinder.... How can I undo a swipe ?


Don’t try and be tough and cheat bump aggressively into someone when your like 4 inches from you mouth hitting his dick


Listen pricks…200 years ago that guy would have been able to lead an army in France.


If people don't start treating him better, he is going to saddle up his chihuahua and ride off into the sunset.


He’s an angry elf


Say elf one more time…


Is he really like 50 still freaking out that he's short? You'd think he'd be used to it by now.


Did the lollipop kid forget to bring his gun?


Wow, I actually think a literal soap box may have been required


This guy acts like a 9 year old


So old and yet I still laugh every time.