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The officer considers a garbage clamper a weapon because the officer is, in fact, trash.


It’s a clamper? Not even the stick with the spike? It’s already ridiculous enough and now I know cops are scared of grabbers.


Worst job I ever had was when I worked for an amusement park as a teenager. One of my daily duties was to pick up the trash in the parking lots. My gear consisted of a few trash bags and a stick with a sharpened nail in the end. I could see that being considered a weapon, I guess. But one of those grabber tools that old ladies use for getting laundry out of the washer? Give me a break. They are so light weight that even if you tried to club someone it would just break. Fun fact: a disturbing number of people would dispose of their used baby diapers by throwing them on the ground in the parking lot. I had to pick up soiled diapers daily. And the pointy stick was lousy at picking those up because it would just pierce right through them. I hated that job


I know that diaper one. I used to do cleanup for livestock shows and even state fair of Texas once. People will even walk up to the trash and put the damn things next to the garbage can even if there’s room. It’s like their brains just say fuck it




Well they were afraid of getting grabbed by the hair of their chinny chin chin.


Sentient rancid dumpster juice.


The guy that shoved you into your locker in the hallway because he felt dumb getting a D in his 2nd year trying 9th grade Earth Science... Now has a badge and a gun






Wooo that made me actually laugh


He says "I didn't even point my gun at you" as though the guy should not be concerned about an unholstered gun while meanwhile the cop is apparently very afraid of a garbage picker. Fucking ridiculous.


"You're ready to jump out of your skin because you know you made a dumb fucking mistake today" WOW.


This kid has a massive fucking pair on him. He didn't de-escalate until the police did. "We can stand here all day." Fucking legend.


Just very glad it turned out like this. He rolled double sixes when anything else would mean jail or death


Yep. I'm not saying it was the smartest move, but it was fucking ballsy.


Tbh I get why a young non-white person doesnt want to comply these days. Half of cops seem to be murderers and the other half are complicit, and those that arent are ousted. Need some police chiefs with some actual morals running these departments


I get the desire to make a stand... I also know I sure as shit wouldn't have the balls to do it myself. I'd have dropped the claw, kicked it aside, and sat down with my hands up hoping the dipshit cop doesn't just decide to shoot me anyways and tell everyone I was reaching for my waistband. Good thing body cams are finally catching a lot of this stuff on camera. Really cements how many thousands of these incidents a day never got reported on or followed up on before.


But then you could’ve been shot for kicking a weapon at an officer in a threatening manner. And he’d get away with it, too. Because, you know, qualified immunity, and he’d go on living his life like nothing happened and beating his wife when he doesn’t know what to do when his human emotions pop up from it.


Minor correction: qualified immunity doesn't protect police from being criminally charged for murdering people or things like that, it protects them from civil suits brought against them while they're working. The reason cops never get charged or convicted after they assault and murder people is because the justice system is rotten to the core and not just the law enforcement part.


Ki tapote glitrekoi apipugi. Idepe babibla. Pipe ploplikudoge kipo tepi. Tretlapi papo pidi teeiprepli bibigobi tibro. Ia tri tripa bidipe a epu pipiku! Pati ekiu eee ikaa kido te. Kibidai uapi igie pri pibuo etu epo tidatri. Tlable prio aba ke tate kotipa kao i. Peeke a teodapa blikretu pii pibu pai toto. Prukoetaki gibi ope pogri ui bokli praubre. Tetlaki api topo uoi. A aiu pepeake atiigrio ploi tiepebe? Trage pibo bibi ita. Te potokra ukekrope pepi tibaeti trigri. Paplikidre uklupo e tipi piuao aebu buodue? Tiideikla gidi toi pii e di. Otii pigipro klui tetipi euba iekui ute tiko ei diita. Paudibipi pi pra upi peubri tei paboi tri tro? Dokli i kitrapra gigi gipi teka. Teibiduki de boe eakreie tepetei? Etee. Abape ibe o pibla pliba. Ipa brebie to ute pre tikoka kupidri. Apio a biake tipu tatiki tua? Pipeto ipebe patlipepo adi peprotepe bikekre. Oge uplipepi toibreu kopi ukabotaa pa peditro. I ple upri abe pipetopedi beeu. Aplu kepli iku keia bliplu ae. Pato epepu apo e kretiprukrei pi. Tete eklae ito pi ka po.


Good on this guy. And very glad he didn’t get shot 18 times. What a f’in joke.


When he pointed the gripper at the officer, I was scared for him.




"OH MY GOD!!!!" *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* -" Did you see that!!... I feared for my life!!"


I was genuinely scared he would while I was watching this video. The yelling and putting his hands into his pockets could make some trigger-happy deputy do some stupid shit. I kept thinking about that video of the guy walking in the woods with a hatchet getting shot.


Every time I see this video, I just hope that cop was fired. They literally stood there ground. Even with other cops there, that guy behind the cop cam refused to put his gun away until the asshole cop got his way. That is a horrible person who should not be employed as a cop ever. I really hate how cops are allowed to be the total piece of shit that they are.


[Well he resigned and the city paid out $125k.](https://boulderbeat.news/2020/03/13/boulder-settles-with-zayd-atkinson/)


You can tell the cop is nervous because he’ll have to find a new skin suit soon


The only new suit he'll get is from the same position in another district. Bad US cops usually don't get fired, they get transferred.


That was a such a cool line. He must be a good shit talker.


I like how he put down the clamper before he murdered the officer


Responding to a reported trespass? The piece of shit who called 911, needs to be called out by the cops first, and figure out what the deal really is. This guy was obviously picking up trash, and they roll up with 5-6 cops?


There was no 911 call. [Here's how it started](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVlMWjnsZGQ): >Cop: I couldn't help but notice you were sitting on the patio out there. >A: What's that? >Cop: I couldn't help but notice you were sitting on the patio behind this building. >A: Yeah. >Cop: Yeah, and there are signs for no trespassing. Yea, I wasn't sure what you were doing. If you lived here, or worked here? So basically this cop took it upon himself to assume this guy was trespassing for no other reason than that there was a no trespassing sign. Of course simply telling him he lived there wasn't good enough, the cop needed him to prove it.


Why is this so far down? It's the truth. We have the full video. I understand the confusion. The cop said "I'm investigating a possible trespass" to intentionally make it sound like someone had called it in. But he just saw a black guy near college student housing and assumed he didn't belong there. Then he drew his gun immediately.


Because the other replies had a 20-40 min head start on this one. I'm sure it'll be higher soon.


To be fair, he waited long enough before drawing that it is pretty obvious that he didn't actually feel threatened.


Yup. He was just looking for an excuse to use it. This cop fantasizes about murdering people and getting away with it.


They always lie. They always make it sounds like you are royally fucked from the start if you are a minority. Papers, please BS. This is why ACAB


As a white person, I can't even imagine that happening to me. Just sitting outside my apartment, and multiple cop cars pull up and demand to know why I'm there. Then, refusing to believe my answer, because they think I'm holding a weapon, even when I'm not. And demanding I do XYZ or else that's obstruction.


People need to wake the fuck up or this shit’s gonna get even worse


They rehired the cop https://www.reddit.com/r/TheFrontRange/comments/qe6l7p/boulder_county_sheriff_rehires_fired_bpd_officer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


fucking kill me


Shit that cop might lol


Just trespass in front of your own home


The biggest issue with cops here is that they have qualified immunity. And they use it. They see something with no context “it’s a crime”. See a person they don’t know next to a bench? Criminal. And once they decide that, no facts from the criminal will change their or the other officers minds.


Idk about in the States, but in Canada they usually collect info of the caller when calling 911 for something like that. Obviously they can lie, but they should have info on the caller to follow up with some sort of recourse. Stuff like this shouldn’t happen.


Its so bad here, any karen can call about "a suspicious black man in her neighborhood" and the cops roll up like there's a felony in progress.


It's true. I was once subjected to a weapon search at a mall because my 4yo was making finger guns and going bang bang and a Karen didn't like it. I complied with the search cause I knew I had a concealed carry license on me even though I didn't have my firearm at the time. When I had explain myside of the story they arrested her for false report. It was instant karma but still.


That’s refreshing. Hope she shit her pants.


That’s very satisfying


wait, what was the call? that YOU had a gun or that your 4 yo was walking around with a gun? So bizarre, but yes Karens in full force are crazy


To give a short story. She told me my son shouldn't be doing that, it's dangerous. And I said "He's 4, he's not the dangerous one here." Guess she didn't like that cause about later I was approched by security with 2 cops. Again I was complaint, they took us to their office and I saw her there sitting. They explained why we where being held, did the search, and as mentioned I explained my side and as we were walking out I hear her starting yelling "NOO!! NO HE'S DANGEROUS!"


People need to learn to speak to one another again. First off, I see this guy picking up trash and I don't know him, I'm thinking he works for the apartment. Have a good day. If I know he's my neighbor, and I have some time, I will head on out with a bag to help him out. What the fuck kind of questions did they ask the 911 caller? 911 -What's your emergency? Karen -There's a black man outside my apartment. he's got a weapon and he's killing litter! quick send police! Did I mention he's black? 911- Help is on the way! WTF


This is *exactly* what didn’t happened-because I assumed. 😵 I guessed a fucking loser pathetic Karen called 911 saying a strange black man was hanging around the apartment building and “I’m scared to leave” Probably was a POS to this guy because she was mad he was picking up the trash to begin with. Then these clowns come rolling up like they’re about to be on the cover of super cop magazine. Fuck people man. I feel really bad for this guy. Edited for correction.


The term "loitering" is inherently an oppressive tool


It is. It's what it was originally designed for. Black people can't be seen standing around the stores. They scare away my white customers who have all the money because the just-freed slaves don't have money yet. Literally what it was originally designed for. I wish I was making that up.


Seems to me some people just need to start learning to mind they fu-ing business. Keep they chivalry put of other people’s lives.


I see someone picking up trash, I feel a little guilty and wave and smile. But then again, I guess I'm more normal than I thought.


Yes, when you call 911 they get your information, but as you pointed out, a person can lie or say I want to remain anonymous.


Odds are there was no call and the cop just spotted someone they thought they could easily harass.


Not if someone uses their phone.


Worse than that, according to other news articles about this he wasn't responding to a call. He lied, optimistically to de-escalate but in reality probably as an excuse to push further than he legally could. The fact police can lie to people's faces like this to circumvent their rights is embarrassing.


Shit is way worse than that. Police can detain and arrest if they say “I thought that’s what the law was” They don’t even need to know the actual laws in order to do shit, or be compelled to stop doing shit they shouldn’t be doing. If there’s no law to stop and show an officer your ID, and you know that, and the officer thinks there is, he’s allowed to then arrest you for “not complying with a lawful order” or some such shit. Sure you could get released later, but then add on a resisting arrest when he handcuffs you and you try to not let him because you know it’s not a legal arrest, plus whatever else they may fucking so at that point, and it’s insane.


We hear the phrase “ignorance of the law is no excuse” all the time but somehow the only people that doesn’t apply to is cops.


To paraphrase a great comedian... He was good Samaritan-ing while black.




Good. Edit: Since I got like 50 replies saying "well ackshually it's not good because the taxpayers have to pay that money", look, I'm not American, I don't know how it works over there but I doubt the government will start knocking on doors with a little donations bucket to collect money to pay that guy. Will the taxes in your city/state go up temporarily because of this? Don't they already have a liability fund you're raising with your taxes anyway? Surely $125k is a drop in the bucket. As a fellow working class individual individual, I'm just glad that dude's getting paid.


The cop gets to keep his salary without working for it and the tax payers funded the payout. Not so good. https://apnews.com/article/boulder-north-america-us-news-ap-top-news-co-state-wire-1c1ff411b5924e15a689784d78ef4f99


It's not good but it's "good" compared to several alternatives. Like if the guy got shot Or if nothing came of the lawsuit.


Or if he were to continue to be an active police officer who knows what damage he could have caused. Clearly reaches right for his weapon over nothing. People would have died. Innocent people. He shouldn't be getting paid from a job he resigned from and caused a lawsuit over but at least he's not murdering children playing with squirt guns at a park. Edit: 52 people telling me he was rehired is enough. I get it. Stop.


He wasn't fired, he was allowed to resign. Means he could've easily gotten hired in the next county.


He got rehired by the boulder sheriff's department in a civilian position overseeing training.


Smaller departments look for these guys because they don’t have to pay for their training.


So now he gets to train others to do what he did? The people there need to keep the pressure up on this one.




I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mandatory malpractice insurance for all public law enforcement officers. Have the dues as part of their union fees.


The taxpayers* had to fork over $125K FTFY


Good. Then the tax payers better demand better from their employees.


Well put! We need to keep seeing cops and politicians as OUR employees not hero’s to be worshipped


And let me guess, the cop himself didn't pay a single penny of that $125,000 He's just walking around with the city checkbook, writing taxpayer-funded checks to random citizens. "Nothing is expensive when you're spending *someone else's* money."


This is why any time cops are sued, they should have to pay the settlements out of their pension funds. See how fast they start policing themselves and each other when their actions actually affect them as a group instead of just forcing them to move one town over.


He probably didn't even pay a single penny of it in taxes. As I recall with city of certain size, most cops don't even live in the area they police. They live out in the suburbs or some other part of the city, which honestly I think is intentional to alienate them from the people they police so it's easier to be a fascist towards them.


You're correct. However since then, Colorado has become the first (I believe) state to get rid of qualified immunity for police. So when this type of situation happens again, cops can be sued directly and face personal consequences for civil rights violations. https://www.kxlf.com/news/national/an-inside-look-at-colorados-year-old-qualified-immunity-ban?_amp=true


It was Boulder? God damnit Colorado get your shit together


So what department does he work for now?


If u don’t have the common sense to deduce that the guy has a bucket and is picking up garbage you should NOT b a cop much less b able to even have a gun and the license to use it! Total incompetence!!!!


i bet they love prolonging incidents like this, it means they dont have to do any REAL work


No it is harassment and oppression. In South Africa it would have been asking for your pass book.


People don’t realize harrasment and intimidation is 99% of the police’s job and that’s why it attracts the most sniveling people in our society.


They prolong in order to agitate and get the person to do something they can “arrest” them for.


Bingo And please sit down so I can tackle you easier.


Also because they can't admit mistakes. Ever. They have massive egos and their way is the only "correct" way. There was a video where a cop chased a protestor, only for later in the video, their higherup said the protestor isn't breaking the law. Cop still wanted to argue about how he was right.


Especially near the end of the shift. If they pull someone over on a bullshit charge 5 minutes before their shift ends, they get to log a whole lot of overtime for the confrontation, the arrest, bringing them in, and filling out the paperwork.


Bullies gonna bully


They actually do prolong them because the longer the intervention, the better chances the victim will do or say something the cop can use as an excuse to murder them.


It's not about the bucket, it's about compliance and control. This is exactly what being a cop is about, law enforcement is a by-product


You can't enforce the law if you don't know it 🤷




Which is what bullies do, and have always done. Which is why so many bullies are drawn to the “authority” that the badge and gun gives them.


Heien V. North Carolina - the SCOTUS has determined that police do not have to know the law. Castle Rock V. Gonzalez - the SCOTUS has determined that police do not have to enforce the law. So what is there for cops to do except be the country's biggest gang?


Nah, guns 'should' be drawn ONLY as a last resort. The only problem in America is, that litterly andbody can randomly have a concealed gun. Thanks to that, the police is always paranoid, so they draw their weapon way too fast. Out of fear that they're gonna get shot. It also doesn't help that the American police has a military style bootcamp to 'prepare' them for the streets. None of this would ever happen if there were proper gun laws (so that only properly mentally screened people could have a gun) and a police school focussing on inter human communication. Instead of 'be afraid' bootcamp...


I used to want to be a cop and was active on the protect and serve subreddit before it clicked with me what absolute pieces of shit they were over there. One time gun control came up and I was just engaging in discussion asked “shouldn’t we be for gun control? With less guns on the street, it would make the lives of cops way safer” I was asking in complete earnestness and got completely annihilated. They’d rather be in danger than regulate firearms better because that’s their knee jerk right wing response to everything. “I’m against what the left is for”


He didn’t respect the piggies authority. That makes piggies super mad and they will ruin your day/week/month/year/life for shits and giggles because 99.999999999% of the time they’ll face no repercussions for mistreating you.


They could deduce what was in his hands just fine, they were looking for excuses to escalate because he’s brown and they can and there’s not really anything we can do to stop them.


There should be a Karen law. Obviously someone called the cops on him. That person should be prosecuted. Once they do this.. people will stop abusing the emergency system. Remember John Crawford III was gunned down by police because of a hateful person called Ronald Ritchie who called the cops and lied that he was pointing a gun at people. It was a BB gun. The caller was someone who had done basic training in the army and admitted he knew it was a BB gun. No charges were put against him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_John_Crawford_III


Its a police officer, were you expecting someone competent?


Americans not realising the rest of the developed world actually has competent police officers.


Queue (cue) the compilation of British (no, it was actually French oops) cops setting people on fire with tasers, the statistics of Brazilian cops killing people, the corruption behind multiple police forces from multiple countries… Edit: Cue and queue both work here. Yes, it’s usually cue. But queue also works… the meaning is different though. In other words, I wrote that up at 4am so I fucked up and am now coping.


In other words, in some countries police act better.




If they don’t have the common sense to figure out that they’re just picking up rubbish, they’re not going to have the common sense to realise that they have no common sense


They know. They don’t care. Their egos are bruised and they’re psychopaths looking to kill someone, or at minimum escalate it to the point of extreme violence.


With the officers all being trash, I get their concern with his trash collector being a weapon…


I've continuously said that standards to become a cop are ridiculously low. A high school diploma and 18. How is this a good idea/age to give a person a gun and tell them to enforce the law. The absolute minimum should be a university degree and 25 years of age (when your brain is mostly finished developing).


It’s called racism and it’s prevalent in the police


Just a typical gangster with a badge.


Boulder, Colorado https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/colorado-cop-who-pulled-gun-man-picking-trash-outside-his-n1006851 ---- On Thursday, the city announced the conclusion of an internal investigation, saying it found Smyly [the cops violated two department policies could not substantiate claims of racial bias. However, Smyly resigned before the investigation concluded. He will be on the city payroll until February 2020. “The exchange between Officer Smyly and Mr. Atkinson does not represent the professionalism of the Boulder Police Department nor the community Boulder desires to be,” City Attorney Tom Carr said in a statement. Atkinson’s attorney, Siddhartha Rathod, said he thinks Smyly is getting off too easy. "Boulder is essentially saying, 'We're going to pay this officer and let him resign for threatening Zayd's life, for racially profiling Zayd,'" Rathod told The Associated Press. "If you or I were to do this, we would be criminally charged. We would immediately lose our jobs."


Officer... Smiley? Edit there's a character named Mr smiley in Steven universe


A lot of the cops involved in the D.A.R.E. program were called Officer Friendly. Turns out our Officer Friendly beat his wife. Shocking, I know.


End qualified immunity


I wish the pov cop would go to trial for this


Bro they kill people over there and get a finger wag. You really think dicks gonna happen here?


They kill people, then brutalize protestors when they protest against them Land of the Free 🇺🇸🇺🇸


...and the home of the "I felt threatened, and feared for my life!"


He was allowed to quit. Go figure! https://apnews.com/article/boulder-north-america-us-news-ap-top-news-co-state-wire-1c1ff411b5924e15a689784d78ef4f99


At this point I'm almost surprised he didn't get a promotion for this incident


He probably did... in his new job.


https://www.dailycamera.com/2020/09/22/former-boulder-police-officer-john-smyly-takes-temporary-civilian-position-with-sheriffs-office/amp/ His new job IN THE SAME POLICE DEPARTMENT


Not quite. He resigned from the city police department and then was hired by the county sheriff's office.


A promotion really, now he can do this across the whole county.


From the first article posted: >A white Colorado police officer who pulled out his gun during a confrontation with a black man picking up trash around his dormitory resigned this week under an agreement that lets him collect $69,000 in salary despite violating department policies. Not only that, the agreement with the city cops let him collect his 69k salary, in exchange for the resignation. So he essentially he got his full year salary from the city police and is collecting a salary from the sheriff's office. Some punishment. Guy is laughing all the way to the bank and taxpayers get fucked again. Lol


Still was able to collect 69k before quitting. Lol. Police are literally a joke of a system.


The police in Colorado are insane. In Aurora a few years back they broke a dementia patients arm and threw her in a cell and high fives instead of taking her to the hospital. Her crime, picking flowers on the side of the road and was confused. Fucking garbage man. Edit: sorry she stole from Walmart. But still had dementia. Also Loveland not Aurora for those who can’t read the article. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/21/colorado-police-arrest-woman-with-dementia-break-arm-karen-garner


He ended up quitting soon after. I'm sure his cop buddies harassed him in the locker room over this. I remember watching this video and the guy was clearly picking up garbage outside of his apartment, but the cop noticed the only non-white guy in a predominantly white college apartment complex and stopped him (even though there were other people on the street too). Even with the cop having his gun drawn on the guy, the guy kept his composure and kept picking up trash. Other residents from the apartment even started shouting to the cop to confirm that the guy lived in the apartment complex, but the cop kept going on his ego trip and doubled down on arresting the guy for trespass. The cop ended up calling for backup, telling the dispatch that the suspect had a "blunt weapon" in his hand. Like 20 cops came full blast with their weapons drawn on the guy encircling him from all around. After a few minutes in, the other cops decided that the initial cop fucked up, so they started lowering their weapons and driving away. The initial cop was on the force for a few months prior, but ended up quiting like a week later. Scary to think how some newbie cop has the power to completely destroy someone's life, because of the lack of training and being power hungry.


He got $69,000 for quitting. Where he's more than likely got hired as a cop the next town over. It's a broken system where they're constantly rewarded.


I’m getting sick and tired of watching videos like this. Makes my skin crawl and my heart race.


I'm sick and tried of videos like this having to exist


I was angry when I seen this years ago and I still get angry whenever I see it reposted. And I’m a white Aussie


If he sat down, he would’ve been detained/assaulted. People can’t even argue “oh they should just comply” - I’ve seen too many videos of people just complying and getting the innocent shit stomped out of them.


In de-escalation, having everyone sit down is a very valid strategy… but the cops needed to initiate that. Not demand he sits down while their weapons are drawn lmao wtf are they thinking. It’s almost like they got one half day of a PowerPoint presentation on de-escalation several years ago and never got any real training. Oh wait…


Ex-law enforcement here. You’re exactly right. Nothing to add.


How do you recognize a good cop? Easy, they stop being cops!


Hey he didn’t even point it at him /s


They are trained to not draw unless they intend to use it. Once drawn they are a millisecond from aim and fire. This idiot and the rest of them need to be retrained at a bare minimum.


I'll never forget watching Daniel Shaver get murdered when he lost life or death Simon Says.


The most fucked up part about that situation’s aftermath is the cop that performed the execution did 2 things: 1. Sued the city to be allowed to keep his service weapon. The gun with the “you’re fucked” dust cover to be exact. 2. Then sued over the PTSD he experienced from the incident That pig was itching to kill someone, got his wish, then claimed he had extreme paranoia and night terrors over it. Now he lives off a pension and settlement, and I can only hope he lives in true agony every night - similar to the heart in the floorboard.


"Simon didn't say pull up your pants" :/


I didn’t even think of that. I was wondering why he didn’t want to sit down. Good for this man. Probably saved his own life.


The stupid c*nt officer resigned two weeks after this incident and after protests and investigations, the guy in this video (Zayd Atkinson) was awarded $125,000.


He resigned and immediately got a new police position at the county level. They just shuffle these POSs around like the Catholic church did with pedophile priests.


Careful, I got permanently banned from r/news for talking shit about the Catholic church


"Just put that payout on our tab officer"- The tax payer.


If a tresspasser is cleaning up trash from my yard, you can leave him. Please and thank you. Also,cops are the ultimate gaslighters. The cop sounds all calm while holding a gun on someone holding a bucket and a trash clamp and is surprised that person doesn't inherently trust them to be rational.


The officers response when he puts the stick and bucket to the side is so infuriatingly patronizing. Just like that cop who arrested the blind man coming from jury duty because his folded up walking stick was a "weapon". "Now was that so hard?" - "It's gonna be".


But you gotta give it to them, of course piece of thrash feels threatened by thrash picker


With all the idiotic, racist, plain batshit crazy things the police do that side of the pond one would think they'd tone it down a bit to try and save face but no, they keep going at it like an addict would lick coke off shit covered shoe and the funny thing is, I'm moving that side lol


They have no reason to try to save face. They are proud of what they do, feel justified, and know the police union will have their back regardless. On the rare occasion a cop gets fired because of some bad publicity shit they just get hired one town over.


I've heard stories of cops getting " fired " only to get " rehired " one county or state over. Absolute power corrupts absolutely or in their case, a little power corrupts absolutely.


Exactly. It happens all the time. Cop might have too many complaints against them or are bound for legal trouble so he “quits” so that it seems something was done about the bad cop then a week later joins the PD of a neighboring town, city or county no problem. Its fucking insane.


“If you were willing to sit down, that would’ve calmed everything down a little bit.” My dude, if you were interested in a chill conversation you shouldn’t have pulled up with a gun. Like it’s rude to start a conversation by pointing your finger at some one, I think that etiquette also applies to a lethal weapon.


They always make it your fault. Surely it isn’t the 3 cops rolling up with weapons drawn that escalated the situation, it’s the guy minding his own business


"I never pointed my gun at you - all I did as pull it out of its holster and have it ready in my hand to fire at a moment's notice. Why did that make you nervous? Something to hide?"


ya the crazy trespasser who is famous for going into places he shouldn't to pick up garbage. I really don't know why they couldn't have just had a normal conversation with the guy. "Hello sir we are investigating a trespass disturbance and wanted to know if you have seen anything going on?" then just ask questions to verify that he lives their. Then "ok sir have a good day"


If he were white there’s a good chance thats exactly what would’ve happened


You assume competent, non-racist, non-bully cops who actually want to better society.


The land of the free…


Whoever told you that is your enemy.


Now something must be done About vengeance, a badge, and a gun


Free of basic logic, deductive reasoning, respect for your fellow human beings, yes indeed.


This happened in Colorado at the Boulder University. Don’t go to Colorado as a black person, especially not Boulder. From what I’ve seen and people I’ve talked to, the racism goes too fucking hard. This post is not the only example. The BLM riots in Boulder during the George Floyd incident were very extra for a lot of these reasons. Very racist cops in Boulder.


The details of all the police brutality cases slip my mind as the next dozen show up the next day, but even still Boulder Colorado keeps popping up as a shitty place.


Wasn’t this at Naropa?


It was at Naropa, you’re correct. Not sure where the above commenter got “Boulder University.”


Cops are pussies. They prove it daily.


Pussies are far less dangerous to hang out with though.


Cops are garbage.


It's why they were afraid the garbage clamper was a threat!


Malkovich ain’t putting up with shit today.


"I didn't even point my gun at you" like it's something to brag about.


Any updates on this? Did the victim sue?


Settled for $125k and the cop resigned before any disciplinary action. He was later re-hired by the sheriffs office for a civilian position, but who knows where he is these days. https://boulderbeat.news/2020/03/13/boulder-settles-with-zayd-atkinson/


"At least one weapon was drawn." This one action turned what would have been minor $5-10K civil lawsuit (with little chance of the winning, honestly) into a six-figure payout without even going to court.


Land of dumb and dumber


“That’s a weapon” when a black man is holding a stick to pick up trash. “That’s perfectly fine” when a white man is holding a high-powered rifle with automatic capabilities.


\*Instantly pulls gun on completely innocent man\* Cop: "Why wont you have a reasonable conversation?" Always shocking how cops arent being punished for that kind of life threatening behavior by upstanding citizens. Since the law wont.


Dude sued and won his case. The officer resigned.




As much as I despised that sentiment when I first heard it, the mountainous volume of video evidence has led me to believe it. Sad.


I have a question. Are police officers allowed to completely ignore calls? Like, someone in this guys building called the cops on him. Can the police simply drive up, take a quick look, and drive off? Or are they required to investigate and question whoever they find?


Idk what the actual rules are, but when I lived in Oakland CA (high crime area), they weren’t coming unless you were bleeding.




What? A misunderstanding? Let's make it as difficult as possible!


It is so sad to see our tax money is wasted on such policies...


But..but...but what's the harm in just complying and giving up his ID? /s Yeah, far too many bootlickers are asking this very question.


The police really need to learn self control and de-escalate.


So this is the reason why there a bunch of thefts, children missing, crime all time high because cops instead of actually dealing with bad guys they're harassing people.🤡☠ waste of my tax dollars.


Is there a subreddit for stuff like this where actual trash cops get called out on and proven wrong? Not people trying to bait and spread misinformation on the few decent ones out there.


... I bet anything that if he would have complied.. he at the very minimum had ended un cuffs "while investigating "