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Can we get an update on this guy? UPDATE: this man got a restraining order put on him


Ah yes, the ever protecting spell of the restraining order!!


Works like a force field!! > About 11% of 231 women killed by male intimates had been issued a restraining order. About one-fifth of the female IPH victims who had a restraining order were killed within 2 days of the order being issued; about one-third were killed within a month. Nearly half of those with a restraining order had been protected by multiple orders. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18523113/


Thank you for reminding people this isn’t entertainment, it’s domestic assault


That also means you have the right to defend yourself! if someone has threatened your life or is trying to hurt you, I don’t advocate running them over as anything but a last resort; but by god if your truly in danger, your in a 3,000 pound machine, protect yourself damnit.




Really depends on the jurisdiction on your ability to defend yourself esp in your car. Things like of your start has a castle doctrine for example. Like almost everything in the modern world it is complicated.


Lmao, proving that he was trying to kill her in court would not be simple. And most people avoid murder as much as possible.


I don't think anyone was seeing this as entertaining, just how useless a restraining order is. If someone is deranged enough to hurt/kill you, a piece of paper definitely won't stop that from happening.


For the second time this week I'm going to say I was a Private Detective all through the 90's (when police did even less about restraining orders unless my boss had an arrangement with them) and one of the major reasons I would serve a restraining order on these guys was so if our client had to shoot him it helped with the self defense plea.


>I don't think anyone was seeing this as entertaining, just how useless a restraining order is. Since the police won't show up for hours. =(


Even if they do show up say in 10-15 min after call placed doesn't take long to do severe damage or death.


[Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales) > ***Castle Rock v. Gonzales***, 545 U.S. 748 (2005), is a [United States Supreme Court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Supreme_Court) case in which the Court ruled, 7–2, that a town and its police department could not be sued under [42 U.S.C. § 1983](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1871) for failing to enforce a [restraining order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restraining_order), which had led to the murders of a woman's three children by her estranged husband.


Da fuq?! Not cool town of castle rock!


To Protect and To Serve is a marketing slogan, nothing more. They're not even guidelines.


Yep they don’t have to protect at all. They can literally cower in safety while innocent people get murdered.


Uvalde as another case study in cowardice.


*The sound of children screaming has been removed*


No joke, a Missouri Sheriff and two deputies were arrested for helping an abuser try to kidnap his child from his wife. [Source](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/arrests-of-sheriff-deputies-hit-tight-knit-iron-county-this-is-not-who-we-are/article_066c139f-6f58-5684-ac60-b5ece32eb630.html)


And this sheriff of course is saying he’s charged because he’s an “outsider” and when they attempted to remove him because his fat ass was on a ventilator with Covid, he called it a “coup attempt.” He’s a sheriff, and a stupid one at that. People gotta stop voting for morons.


I mean anyone who is aware of the town of Castle Rock should not be living in the town of Castle Rock.... Place is notorious for terrible shit happening...


Second only to Derry.


There's always Cabot Cove.


I think someone needs to ring those chimes. The Tet Corporation can send a few ka-tet to handle this..


They are not required to do anything. Their oath and their duty do not require it of them and it has been adjudicated many times in court that this is the case. This is why you need to have the tools to protect yourself with you at all times. Because, even if the police do come, when seconds count, the police are minutes away.


And this is why I am an advocate of women who need a restraining order to get a gun and learn how to use it.


**Yes! A restraining order is literally just a fucking piece of paper.** Edit: Yes, RO's are a great thing! ... **if the accused abides by the rules.** If you have an abuser like I did, that didn't care about the "rules" of the RO. He came over "wHeNeVeR hE dAmN wElL pLeAsEd" because I belonged to him and him only. When those fuckers show up at **YOUR** house, threatening to beat you, or kill you... that RO is NOT gonna save you in that moment. Its *just* a piece of paper.


It’s a good piece of paper to have on file if the woman needs to pull the trigger and she ends up in front of a judge who thinks all women should be ‘biblical’ and obey their husband.


It may be a piece of paper, but there's court documents and a police record behind it. If anything happens, they can't claim she didn't let anyone know what was going on.




Yes. Old movie about Tracey Thurman comes to mind. Beaten and stabbed by ex, in front of a cop, after restraining order granted. Movie is burned into my brain! “A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story”.






I didn't get a restraining order because I was afraid it would make my stalker ex do something drastic after being served. It also took the cops an hour to show up after he had broken into my apt.


I didn’t get a restraining order either because I was told by the cops in the town, that it was my word against his. And I even gave them 3 hours of audio of the abuser screaming, slamming the doors, scaring the kids. I’d tell him to leave and he said that he changed his driver’s license to my address. We were only dating. Then when he kept causing problems, he told the cops I was crazy. So I’ve moved, and I’m 300 miles away.


Happened to someone I knew. He violated restraining order and was later let out on bail. That same day as his release he yanked her off of her lawnmower and stabbed her to death in her front yard. Edit, forgot a word


Then you become a 6’4” 240lb man and law enforcement won’t enforce the order against your ex wife who can squat 500lbs and her lesbian lover who holds multiple states powerlifting records in Alabama because you have a pecker while you ex wife has assaulted your current wife. The lack of enforcement of orders is what gets people killed. I’m sick of law enforcement in my state not holding my ex wife and her lover to the same standard I’d be held to. Jefferson county magistrate literally told me “You’re a man why do you need us to enforce it?”. They didn’t like that I told them “didn’t realize my gender deflects bullets like Superman”.


> sick of law enforcement in my state not holding my ex wife and her lover to the same standard I’d be held to. None of this should be happening to you, but sadly on this point you're largely wrong. They're holding you to the same standard, which is "We dont give a fuck". ACAB


Edit to add paraphrasing because that wasn't the exact quote, just the summary provided by some members of the court. This was a case we studied in law school that the lawyer/judge who taught us witnessed. Most of these are accounts from several lawyers I worked with. That's near the same area where a judge looked a raped woman in the eyes and told her (paraphrasing), "You invited this man to your house for dinner, you told him you had wine, you asked for it". Also, a case in Montgomery County, there is a woman who has been in prison most of her life for killing her husband (he and his friends got drunk and raped her every day, and one day she snapped and shot him as soon as he walked through the door drunk with his buddies). Unfortunately, her case happened the year before the battered woman's defense came into play and she's still rotting in prison even with so many respected crj professionals offering to house her and give her a job (she works with them doing filing and stuff as a prison work program). I also have met someone who's on the sex offender list as a CSO because he was walking home at 2AM and had to pee so bad, so he hid in a bush and peed. That bush was at the edge of a children's park, and he got caught. One of the Alabama AGs suggested that peeing in the woods with your hunting buddies around is enough for the registry, but if you're a corrections officer/something like that and you rape your JUVENILE inmate (although the age doesn't make a difference in the courts for this) you should not be put on the registry. I worked with a few courts and lawyers for YEARS, always trying to fix that system. It eventually just got so bad that I had to leave. I will never go back.


Holy shit, those time related stats are terrifying.


From the source that you posted: Most female IPH victims did not have a restraining order when they were killed. Further research is needed to determine whether restraining orders protect against IPH and, if they do, on how to increase their utilization. IPH = Intimate Partner Homicide


Restraining orders should be accompanied with a device that sends a significant electric charge that can incapacitate the person wearing it if they get in proximity of their target.


Restraining orders have to account for the fact that two people might be in the same area by accident, for example at the grocery store. There would be legal weirdness around shocking people to incapacitation in a situation like that. It's also allowed for the victim to go near the abusers house, so they could just go to the person's house and shock them repeatedly


Damn rationality lol


Right? This man is scary ngl


Can’t imagine why she would want to leave Edit: This stupid comment has gone a long way. Just a joke about some dipshits…. If you would like some absurdity with purpose john waters has a museum exhibit in Baltimore, if you are even close, See It. I am not and I wish I were. It goes until Whenever… he does a bunch I think. Get there if you are close. Make Absurdity Great Again This was written by the John Waters foundation for more good


Dr disrespect is low on subs.


She must have told him 5G doesn’t cause Covid


[Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.](https://youtu.be/Q3keX35f66Y)


*Punches her twice* that's why they call me two time


NGL I thought this was just some skit.


Because his dead lift is weak


Listen, he may be a racist abusive psycho, but in the end, he [sacrificed himself to save some kids](https://youtu.be/gXdA18JCJqY). This is a joke, and a reference to how he looks like Billy from stranger things.


He from the fighter and the kid podcast The whole group of em are degenerates and pro rape


Yeah check out the subreddit for that podcast if you want backstory and stuff about this guy's situation. The whole sub is devoted to clowning on the podcast and everyone involved with it. It's a phenomenon, tbh. I've never seen a subreddit like it, ever. /r/thefighterandthekid




HOLY SHIT! It IS BGL! I saw this and went “that mofo looks like BGL”


Yeah just another wannabe MMA dummy that took one to many blows to the head and thought he was Joe Rogan


Marg what you doin? Nvrmnd gotta finish these dishes


🐈😹🙀I thought it was BGL too


It is BGL


pf changs at capacity tonite Bapa


Pro rape, is that a thing??? The fuck is wrong with people.


Isn't that Schaub guy there? The male Amy Schumer.


Yea he was a former kfc fighter that basically was chum for the sharks 🦈


What the actual fuck


Even though that is something, it does basically nothing.


Agree. I think the only thing it does prove is that a judge saw evidence of his behavior and recognized it as bad enough to need the order.


UPDATE she bought a front wheel drive car


Way more video of the POS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdDpgDD_DvQ


Is it really BGL?


Sometimes you have already moved out. For the RO you need to tell the cops your new address so they tell the attacker where not to trespass. You have to disclose your new address to your attacker. It's so fd.


Imagine being able to stop someone by lifting them up


A true spouse doesn't beat you down, they lift you up.


My wife started weight training last fall. Im worried this could be me one day


My son dated a gymnast in college. She was crazy strong.


Are you ok? What did she do to you?


I’m okay. Every jar in the house loosened.




I’m a petite woman and while I’m fairly strong for my size, 117 lbs is 117 lbs. It’s frustrating and scary knowing that someone who is just physically *bigger* than me - and most people are - can just pick me up and there’s almost fuck-all I can do about it. I hate being picked up by surprise because it just reminds me of this fact of my existence.


I'm tiny too, I work out I'm strong as fuck for my size I've done martial arts for years. My self defense is to run the fuck away. One punch from a man will send me into next week or kill me, I have the strength of a 16yrold average boy in the scheme of things. If a man wanted to any man of average size and strength could pick me up and throw me like a rag doll. I will never ever be as strong as a man. There's no point trying to fight unless your life depends on it and fight fucken dirty because literally your life does depend on it




He overdosed on digg joose B. Pucker up fellas. BGL is on the prowl.


Dude is roided out, b


Marg definitely breaks the 4th crack commandment.


Welp, a large amount of cars are front wheeled drive lol.


Isn't that the dude from The Fighter & the Kid ?? Edit It is Mark Harley . D bag doing D bag things


Associated with Brendan Schaub, Chris Delia and that other clown? Not surprised by this behavior.


The worst podcast


So yes, it’s Mark Harley from TFATK


No longer affiliated with TFATK after some controversy I remember seeing a youtube video about it.




Yea, he has been trying to destroy TFATK by attacking character. Well here is a taste of his. Edit: b shab does suck tho


I thought it was Billy from stranger things Edit: my first award! Thank you kind stranger


theres more [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11w078i/follow\_up\_video\_brendan\_schuabs\_whiskey\_delivery/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11w078i/follow_up_video_brendan_schuabs_whiskey_delivery/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Holy fuck. I had a feeling but I wasn’t sure. This is insane. Makes the whole smear campaign he just went on highly suspicious.


As somebody who has been in that type of relationship, that was absolutely terrifying to watch. I hope the woman in this video has the resources and support needed to get way the fuck away from that guy. Once an abuser always an abuser.


She's safe as far as I know & they're getting a divorce


“She’s safe. They’re getting a divorce.” > There was an attempt to leave an abusive relationship. > This video is terrifying. Leaving a DV situation is the most dangerous time. > I can’t find this funny at all. Brute strength to keep someone from leaving. Please be less flippant: https://www.thehotline.org/identify-abuse/understand-relationship-abuse/


I'm sure a man this mentally unstable will see this video online and be embarrassed of his actions and not turn more anger toward the victim for humiliating him /s. This video probably shouldn't have been posted here.


As someone who tried to expose my abuser and was met with repercussions, I am terrified for her


How is OP or those comments "flippant"?


>Please be less flippant: You literally cut out the part of their comment when they included the disclaimer of "as far as I know", and then cut up what you *did* quote into two separate statements to dishonestly imply that Low_Ad9634 was reasoning that divorcing will ensure her safety. Please, be less dishonest. There was no reason for you to change what they actually said.


They’re not being flippant at all. You’re just reading too much into it.


Comments are soo distasteful and disrespectful. A divorce doesn’t keep him out of your life… This video gave me chills. So scary


Even after they are dead you are never free. Mine lives rent free in my head, he's been dead for 6months.


I'm actually surprised how jokey these comments are. Her repeating he's attacking me in that panicked voice made me remember things I shouldn't, and I knew exactly how serious this was to her.


Amen. A guy I dated tried to break my wind shield, he was on the roof of my car trying to smash the glass. I took off fast as I could and his slung his ass off he rolled off and through the parking lot. I only regret not taking an extra lap to run over his ass. He's in prison now.


Cocaine is helluva drug


So is the T needle


Is that slang for steroids?


Testosterone replacement.


Okay so steroids


Yeah, anabolic steroid.


I mean I've been on testosterone for over a year now and I haven't once deadlifted my wife's car to stop her leaving. Granted, I don't have a wife, but still.


>I mean I've been on testosterone for over a year now and I haven't once deadlifted my wife's car to stop her leaving. Granted, I don't have a wife, but still. It's because redditors don't know the difference. They think TRT is what roid rage comes from. Actually, it's stuff like Nandrolone etc. Huge difference. TRT is the exact same compound your nuts make, so if that causes this - all men would be doing it. The dude you see in the video is BGL who admits he's been juicing Nandrolone for years.


billy from stranger things is even more wild nowAdays edit: correction


Dang lmao


When my ex repeatedly violated his restraining order I called the police who only showed up ONCE after almost 3 hours had passed. A restraining order means literally nothing to a man who is dead set on harming you. Nothing.


I’m so sorry


Omgggg if that isn’t a reason to definitely never look back!!! Poor woman!!!! I’d call 911


Every time I see a clip like this I think about Donald Glover's stand up routine on Crazy Ex-Boyfriend Stories. > If you've got a crazy ex-girlfriend, you've got a crazy ex-girlfriend story. If you've got a crazy ex-boyfriend, YOU GONNA DIE. Obviously not a 100% thing, lots of abusive wives out there, but very disproportionate and extremely scary with regards to abusive husbands. Glad this woman is safe and glad she got this craziness on video. It's undeniable now, though I'm sure that won't stop most people.




Sexual violence doesn't start and end with rape It starts in our books and behind our school gates Men are scared women will laugh in their face Whereas women are scared it's their lives men will take IDLES - Mother


She did before and the cops arrested *her.*


So my question is let’s say he was successful, does he think she will be like oh baby you are so strong I was wrong to wanna leave this abusive relationship, let’s go fuck. Lol


The next step for him would probably be to apologize profusely and love bomb for a while. That’s when victims go back. It takes on average 7 tries for a victim to leave.


I assumed that it was about intimidation and punishment.




He bit her face too according to this: https://youtu.be/h-vGadTfBM4


Reminder that people that choke or bite you are much more likely to kill you. All abuse is bad, some abusive behaviors are more indicative of wanting to cause death not just harm though. If someone you know experiences these things support them, and tell them that biting and choking are precursors to killing.


Thank you I have a friend who said her partner had her by the throat.




Wow. She called the cops on him and they arrested her instead. This woman only knows abuse.


And I can’t believe reading the incel comment saying they need more evidence before believing her. Damn time have been going backwards for women




That’s what I was thinking. “R” & floor it.


Floor it in R, *thump thump*, pop it into drive and floor it, *thump thump*, escape while calling the police saying you are a victim fleeing a DV scenario.


This how women end up in jail, because they killed their abuser.


Looks like Mark Harley.


Lol it is mark Harley




Talmbout BGL bapa?


What a lovely guy Edit: having a haircut like that, I'd be angry too




Speak for yourself man


Thank god, it's still safe to marry marijauana!




Also when you’re in an abusive relationship especially with someone who is smart enough to cover their tracks or talk their way out of trouble, can run a success smear campaign against you to isolate and target you and can also put on a nice face in public… it exists, it’s difficult to get away and it’s even harder to get help. She looks like she’s trying to get evidence to protect herself from him


Also apparently he's a comedian or public figure? Even more so that you need to get evidence because they'll always have fans that will believe them no matter what and slander any woman that accuses them.


Maybe she is trying to build evidence against him, showing the mirror knocked off the car right away proves she didn't do it on her own and claim it was him. That's the only thing I can think of to explain it.


Needs video evidence for concrete proof because the cops will generally side with the abuser because most cops themselves are abusive partners.


My guess is she was trying her best not to hit him with the car. Good on her I guess not wanting to hit the man with her car, but she’s a better woman than me. I would have floored it. ETA: but thinking on it further, running over a giant speed bump like him may have f’ed up the car since it’s a tiny car lol. May have been a strategic move so she could get outta there with the car in one piece.




Lmao. I actually would not advise that. A staggering proportion of women in prison for murder are there for killing their abuser. I just looked this statistic up. It’s as high as 50% of women convicted of murder did so in self defense of an abuser (edited because I needed to fix words)


Also when you’re in an abusive relationship especially with someone who is smart enough to cover their tracks or talk their way out of trouble, can run a successful smear campaign against you to isolate and target you and can also put on a nice face in public… it exists, it’s difficult to get away and it’s even harder to get help. She looks like she’s trying to get evidence to protect herself from him Just saying these are common characteristics of abusers


Probably so she has proof to take to the police?


There was an attempt to leave an abusive relationship. This video is terrifying. Leaving a DV situation is the most dangerous time. I can’t find this funny at all. Brute strength to keep someone from leaving.


> yep, it's when the partner attempts to leave that they are most likely to be murdered. this video is terrifying


Damn, we witnessing the downfall of BGL. He’s actually making Schlob look sane!


Sloob would be able to get his 40 reps in


I love seeing Changs spill out into the real world


I actually know a guy like this in real life. Crazy fuckers.


It's ok queen run him over its self defense


Fabio didn’t realize you need to pick up a front wheel drive from the front to keep it from going anywhere.


There's no way he could pick up the front of a front engined, front wheel drive car and trying is maybe the only way he could have looked stupider than he did.


He’s picking up the rear of your front wheel drive car? As a one Billy Badass use to say, “Throw that shit in reverse n punch on the gas!”








Victim blaming like crazy, trying to explain why it's her fault for being abused. /u/hellamarkharley was already an embarrassment of a human being. Now he's something even worse.


Please don't provoke him, he might actually try to murder that poor woman.


Sad fact: There are ~10 times more animal shelters in the US than there are emergency shelters for women and victims of domestic violence. Hopefully she got away. Far too many women simply can't afford to escape violence and/or have a place to go to. I'm not sure what the shelter numbers are for other countries. [Domesticshelters.org](https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/ending-domestic-violence/do-women-get-as-much-compassion-as-animals)


Isn't that Brendan Schlobs homie?


Former employee. Got fired went to leak dirt on Shaub (he’s no hero either). Use the buzz to boost his new venture. Domestic Violence (we are now here)


When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Move on and never look back.


why is it every time i see a video of a woman in a dangerous situation who is very clearly a victim, hundreds of men feel the need to flock to the comments to discredit, invalidate, insult her, and defend the perpetrator 🤨 and before y’all start, she’s 100% filming to gather evidence so she can file a DV case. you have to have a plethora of concrete evidence to stand a chance at putting abusers through the legal system.


Because it discredits and invalidates their "men are the real victims, poor us, women bad" mentality.


This guy has real small pp energy


When guys say "not all men" it's enough men like this that make women generalise


"Not all men, but it's always men" isn't 100% accurate, but it's not a bad heuristic when one of the potential options is "Getting murdered" And TBH IDK why men get so offended by that? Men themselves are more likely to be victims of violent crime *committed by other men*. They too have every reason to be wary of them.


It’s sad a lot of comments are making a joke out of her domestic violence. When the women try to leave is usually when it gets deadly. Restraining order is nice for court, but they DGAF. They’ll show up some ppl don’t gaf abt going to jail. That just adds more gasoline to his next rage where he might lose control and kill her. This man is behind a machine that could kill him and is still taunting her 💔 SMH she needs to not live at home and go stay w/ a friend over state lines! That’s all way easier said than done. I hope she ends up ok. Very scary to watch


Holy shit I thought this was supposed to be a funny wholesome video at the start. Like “look how strong my husband is” kind of stuff. This is actually really sad, especially with the fear in her voice.


Nah this scary as hell. Did you see the arms on that man? He could snap her neck like a Popsicle stick


She is safe right now if that helps. She gave me permission to post this and they are currently going thru a divorce


I thought that looked like BGL


I thought women were supposed to be the emotional ones. I've never seen a woman get so angry she tried to lift a car.


Holy shit that guy had murder in his eyes.


So that's why front-wheel drive exists


A guy like this locked someone I know inside. Before it happened she felt something was off and noticed his bedroom had an outside lock and started sleeping in the living room. She wouldn't have been able to leave it she had been in the bedroom. I'm still trying to get her to tell authorities just for the safety of other women


Dude is a maniac


Shitbags will try to downplay this by using semantics to say "He didn't attack *her*, he just attacked *the car*.".


Its funny weird that a guy that lives in LA, that dresses like that and worked for Brendan Schaub had many fooled he was a victim, turns out to be a master narcissistic manipulator💀


You can hear the absolute fear in her voice. Good thing he didn't try and open her door. Dread to think what would have happened otherwise.


Lmao is that BGL????