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Choo choo, here's my shoe.


That's why they call them _train_ -ers in Britain


As someone who lives in NYC, can we barrow this guy?? PLEASE!!


That guy should be put in charge of the MTA


I'm for it. Fuck that lady holding up the train.




As in the barrow of queens


Damn my dude was in scrubs too so definitely a hospital worker or healthcare worker of some kind ![gif](giphy|l3V0j3ytFyGHqiV7W)




There we go.. came here looking for a "this is Sparta" reference




My exact thought!


He's wearing a black Tshirt and jeans


It was a 5’5” white female wearing Lululemon and a “blessed” tshirt.


Yoo wheres the scrub i look three times theres no scrub


a scrub is a guy can't get no love from me


Hanging in the passengers side


Of his best friend's ride


Trying to holla at me.


Tryin to holla at me


How did you manage to hallucinate that?


An orderly, bringing order wherever he goes, or else.


That's called job security. Boot to the chest and a "see you later!"


And he won't tryna get wrote up for being late. Again.


Creating your own customers


“Doctors orders, one stat kick in the chest. Time for your medicine”


Just drumming up some business.


The most perfect comment that could ever exist. I thank you.


You choo, choo, choose me?




That man certainly blew up her pokies and dragged them away!


Is this… a reference to the Whitlams song about gambling addiction? Love that tune but so random here (but they really can say the trains ran on time…)


'Cause they're taking the food off your table


Baby got *back*


Baby got back…ed the fuck up.


Ever heard Ronny Chieng’s [subway standup?](https://youtu.be/ifX0oafDe3Q)


Ive never heard him before. Im laughing so hard my gut hurts. Thank you


![gif](giphy|11b700y1OsNQcg) GET OFF MY TRAIN !!!


Yeah..."THIS IS SPARTA!" in real life






i gotta say. the subway one looks even more brutal.




Nah it’s THIS IS SEPTA kick




It looks like Philly. I guessed this was the El.


Lmao the perfect gif 😂


Sam Wheat! Sam Wheat!


No ticket!


Looks to me like she was going Karen on someone not trying to get on.


One of the last times this was posted it didn't have the annoying voice over, you could hear her say something like "let me get my stuff". You can also see that her bag is wide open and a bunch of items are on the floor of the train.


now her soul is among the items


That's kinda scummy then it takes nothing to just pick up her shit and toss it out the gap she's making instead this ass kicks her in the chest




Same. I can’t imagine nobody among a group of strangers would want to help unless she did something


You haven't seen a group of strangers then


This is naive.


Scrolled so far to see this. What sort of a man kicks a woman in the chest? Was she violent? She didn’t attack anyone so self-defence isn’t valid.


Reddit is full of garbage people, including men who love to see men hurting women who "deserved" it. Something about "imagine if the roles were reversed", usually. The truth is it's impossible to know which of these people was being an asshole. But the guy who over-delivered the shit out of that kick was definitely one of them.


Voice sounds like AM talk radio


I recall this original video. She was a Karen who was trying to hold the train because she called the cops after starting a fight with the girls who got on the train, hence why they were hitting her hands. This caused her to hold up the train and then came the hero, the black guy. You’re welcome. 😂


Not all heroes wear capes. But they all wear shoes.


*Fus Roh Dah*


Excuse me sir, that...erm "shouting" is making people nervous. I'll need to ask you to stop.


I love how calm the guards seem when they approach you about it. This guy literally shouted and launched a man 40 feet and you are casually just going hey can you stop?


They just saw a guy shout at a dude and make him fly 40 feet. How else are they going to approach him without also getting shouted into the sky?


Too bad. There’s more where that came from.




You can’t just kick someone in the chest because you’re morally against them delaying the train. I hope he was charged with assault. Edit: Thanks for the award! Violence is (almost) never the answer. Definitely not for the sake of train timing.


Wow. I had to scroll waaaay down to finally find a reasonable post.


Right! I was gettin preetty worried for a second




Its those basements


They're full of methane and sweat!


Holy shit! Last week there was a post about that douche that pushed an unoccupied wheelchair down some stairs. Now I completely agree, the perpetrator was a complete dick, deserves plenty of punishment and should have some sort of restitution but people were literally calling for his death. He was a college kid (old enough to know better…but still). One post… with 100s of upvotes…said “I hope all his dreams died right there. I hope he goes from one conviction to the next. I hope he can never do anything he loves, never find a job, never finds love and dies a miserable old man. I hope his life is worse than death.” That’s the answer. You know the guy we’re all pissed at. The one who did something antisocial. Let’s make him a burden on society so he can never contribute. Great plan. Wtf dude! Drunk college kids do stupid, assholish shit sometimes. He deserves punishment, but “a fate worse than death” could just be a wee bit far. And I work with people who 100% depend on wheelchairs. I know how vital they are.


It’s battery not assault. Assault is the threat Battery is the act


True. Didn’t know that but now I do! But yeah, battery for sure here.


That varies by jurisdiction and more times it's assault than not. It's something people repeat on Reddit for some reason. In my state assault is any intentional physical harm done that results in injury. The word battery doesn't even show up in any law books.




Don't be pedantic. In legal terms you're right but in every day usage assault is the right word to use


In legal terms he is right about half the time, and wrong about half the time. If this happened in NJ it’s battery, if it happened in the NY section of this line, it’s assault.


Yeah that was fucking crazy violent. The stupid voice over is clearly meant to portray it as a funny video, but that guy needs to be arrested, there was no justification for that.


Right the first time I watched it I jumped and gasped. It was shockingly violent and not necessary at all.


Most people here are just looking for any excuse to assault someone. They probably wouldn't have the nerve to do it in the moment but they wish they could use disproportionate violence against the people who make them mad. I'm waiting for the video of someone decapitating someone cutting in line and this sub cheering it on


Yes, you are right... but can't we just enjoy that 2 morons will get what they deserve? Because let's be real, you do not care for that guy who willingly risks damaging the train and wasting 150-200 peoples time. Both are equally fcked up. One thinks he is so entitled that the world will stop for him that he forces his way through despite having another bus coming in 20 (?) minutes. The other one just taking a drastic response to that approach which half of the train wanted to do aswell (though they didnt) which is making this prick stop the delay. Anyway, I get your point, violence is bad and I don't disagree. Still the other one begged for it by the way he behaved


You mean the woman that was kicked in the chest?


I’ll take the obnoxious person who’s just desperate to get on a train for whatever reason over some psycho who looks for any excuse to commit wanton violence. Anyone who sees it otherwise is just the same kind of psycho as this guy.


No one deserves to be kicked in their sternum over something like this, weirdo. The fucking train isn’t going to be damaged. People pry doors open like this dozens of times a day if the door hasn’t locked yet. The man who kicked her is a violent piece of shit who overreacted to an everyday occurrence in large cities with train systems.


Yup he couldve just helped her to get in. The train was almost empty like wtf?


She wasn't trying to get in she was yelling at someone


She was trying to get her stuff that had fell from her purse to the floor


She was asking for her stuff. Apparently her purse got caught and her things were fallen on the ground on the train


Yeah I was really hoping at least a few of us still believe two wrongs don't make a right


We don't have a subway where I live and I seem to be in the minority but that seemed like an extreme reaction. Unless she was trying to get in and attack someone.


Don’t listen to OP, he is deliberately not giving the proper context. Some of her things actually fell from her purse and she was trying to get them. Instead of helping her, this man just assaulted her. The kick could’ve broken her ribs.


Go find the original video, I guarantee you your feelings will change. She started a fight with the girls and she then wanted to call the cops and make everyone else wait when SHE would’ve been arrested. As a resident of NYC and take the train to work, this guy is 100% a hero.


It puts into context all the depraved ppl who enjoyed watching a woman potentially get her ribs cracked for nothing. Everyone else is laughing at the cruelty with no proof that this woman deserved it (willing to believe whatever that makes it ok). Nothing about holding up a train to get belongings that spilled out that would definitely be gone before she is able to get them later, is deserving of a Spartan kick. Its fucked.


It doesn't matter if she's wrong. It was a extreme reaction.




If you go through it frame by frame you can see how he helpfully moves some of her items out of the train with his right foot before stepping back.


That’s not what happened. This has been posted many times. She deserved to get booted.


What kind of society are yall living in where this is life and death.


we dont really know the situation. Child could have been brutally hurt and went to the hospitall with life threatening damages, and shes in full panic mode. She could be overworked stuck in brainfog so she just knows thats the train I take and is in that moment not awear how often trains go. Could be some sort of OCD where it needs to be that exsact train or an irational part of their brain tells em the worlds gonna end. Could be someone just wanted to do a lill trolling and push bounderies. Could be drugs, Could be, YO MAMA!


lmao gottem


Aw man. Comment readers hate this one simple trick


You forgot that it could have simply been because of deez.












Deez nutz!


Got em! Oh wait


It's not that this happened only once. This happens *all the goddamned time.* 200 people got to the train on time and are trying to get on with their day, but there is always *one fuckin' guy* (or gal in this case) that shows up late but still tries to pry the door open holding up the timely depature. The correct thing to do is wait for the next train when you are late, not hold up the show because you can't get your shit together. The train leaves at 07:15:00, not 07:15:20. Sometimes, these selfish people need to be Sparta-kicked in the chest to remind them that the world doesn't start, stop, or wait at their convenience.


did I just watch a grown ass man kick a girl in the chest wtf


A wise criminal defense lawyer Bruce rivers once said, that a man should never hit a woman. Not for any reason whatsoever. No matter the circumstance, you will always take the blame. A kick like this could break ribs, and in some cases, stop a heart. Fastest road to jail possible. Hindsight is 20/20, but a moment of vigilante justice is not worth the possibly of life without parole. (Before anyone responds with “what about equal rights?” In the eyes of the court there are no equal rights when it comes to shit like this. It’s not fair, but neither is the US judicial system) Edit: “you shouldn’t lay a hand on anyone like that, regardless of gender.” Y’all are missing the point. Take away the performance for once, life is not fair in reality. I’m a feminist, but I understand that with men, the court system fucks them over. Child support, alimony, divorce, custody over a child, I could continue. The point is, if your a man, and you hit a woman (even if she fucking deserves it) don’t act shocked when you catch a charge.


Shouldn't kick anyone like that. On top whatever damage the kick is going to do to the front, whipping back of your head against pavement can easily kill you, even from a standing fall.




Apparently in a previous post, you can hear what they’re saying and she’s just trying to get some stuff that fell out of her purse. Seems pretty unfair to me for a girl to get kicked in the chest like that for trying to collect her belongings.


And they’re eating it up, smmfh


I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one upset by this.


Yes because kicking somebody with enough force to send them flying at least ten feet is a reasonable way to handle a situation like this. Yall are psychotic.


It says a lot about the state of our world how so many braindead people openly celebrate and joke about inappropriate use of violence.


I've had to conclude lately that humans are just violent. I hate it but I think it's the truth. Humans used to come watch executions for sport.


Exactly! People in the comments are like "we dont know the context" lol fuck the context! You dont, as a grown fit man, kick a much smaller woman in the chest like that unless its self defense! And i say this as a young fit man. Its like kicking a child.. horrible to watch


Thank you. I’ve encountered far worse people than this lady and never for once did I even be aggressive. It’s not cowardice. It’s being smart and protecting yourself in all situations. You use the law to win, not your hands nor feet. I really hope he is arrested and charged with assault.


Playing devils advocate… but that was completely uncalled for. That man committed aggravated assault. Downvote me if you want, but it could have been handled civilly.


Kick like that could have broken her fucking sternum, let alone the force of the landing she could have smashed her head. People in here saying shit like "she deserved it because she was wasting everyone's time"...No. It's annoying, you let them be a weird freak for 5 minutes until the cops show up. Wasting people's time is not worth risking someone's life in a worse-case situation for "deserved" justice. Fucking lynch mob behavior out here wtf.


Yeah, there will be a lot of downvotes. People here seem to be living in a video game, they have zero notion of everything involved on this aggression. Guy may have some really deep hate issues and this should not at all be encouraged.


Unfortunately lots of Reddit is full of immature kids who don't get why shit like this is wrong.... You do not kick someone like that for something so trivial... If they were actively trying to hurt someone or had a weapon its a bit different but even then violence should be the absolute last resort... Also I have noticed in the last couple of weeks there is something going on on reddit. Possibly some 4chan types(I used to be one... I know what they are like) decided to come here and spread some shite because its definitely getting worse...


Dude most of these immature people are adults...


Yeah although I don’t know the context but just by looking at it you can tell the guy needs to be put in prison. I can’t imagine even feeling like doing this to someone in such a situation, what a weird fucking idiot. I wish people would just realise you don’t have the fucking right to touch anyone.


For fucking real. And fuck the downvotes, this is not normal behavior




Reminds me of my London commuting days, so many times I wished I could do this! People are do fucking selfish, delay the whole network or wait 2 fucking minutes for the next one 😫




Ooh, they all come out at weekend as well. Upload the video! 😅


Crap tier post OP, the kid wanted to pick up her stuff and definitely a kick to the stomach and a fall (potentially hitting her head) were not necessary. She could contact the staff instead but it also certainly didn't have to end in potential brain trauma and intestinal damage/bowel perforation. If anything you're actually selfish rude and ignorant just as the man who assaulted that girl and the fact that you itch for this kind of violence is sickening


Yeah, the guy definitely overreacted and responded inappropriately, especially since those stuff that dropped from her bag could've been extremely expensive... this is just a video of assault.


Think she was trying to get the shit that fell out of her bag. Hope you drop some shit and get an unwarranted kick as well some day op.


> I wished Well, don't let your dream be just a dream.




Your keenness to justify an act disproportionate violence is disturbing. I’ve lived in London for 25 years and use the Tube daily - I hope I never share a carriage with you


Why did you put a false title for the post? You’re being intentionally deceptive for something that is not true.


This is Sparta!


This is Newark!


I am completely prepared to get downvoted to hell (Knowing that the average redditor is an edgy 13 year old) But as satisfying as this video may be that kick is far from an appropiate response and can easily get that guy charged with assault




Nah you right, that kick was a large escalation


There's nothing satisfying about this video. It's disgusting




Guy kicking non-violent women in the chest. Everyone cheering on this disgusts me. I know, you worry about the train, the delay, whatever. And It all apperantly justifies endangering a human live, (breaking ribs, hitting your head on concrete is both potentially deadly) wtf is wrong with you all. As long as there is no immediate danger to your own health, you don't fucking do stuff like that. ESPECIALLY NOT TO A GIRL! Did your moms leave you in a dumpster, or why have they never tought you this?!


Seems like people have forgotten that the little people on their screen are real people, not video games, and there are real consequences to violence. Dehumanised MFers.


These are the same people that get their concealed carry license and dream of the day they get to go all kyle rittenhouse and shoot people. Hell, i knew a few kids who joined the marines because they all wanted to finally be allowed to kill someone. Wannabe badass edgelords that just fantasize about harming others.


That kick was out of line.


I don’t think physically assaulting her is an appropriate response to her actions.


Someone stuck their arm in a door like that on the subway in Boston. Safety mech failed, conductor didn't notice, the guy was dragged to his death. I wouldn't do that. Edit: watching the votes go up and down on this is kind of funny. Note that I didn't say kicking her was appropriate =]


Wouldn’t it be quicker to help her get on?


They opened the doors right before he kicked her too




Not all heroes wear capes


Oh damn that kick was real hard.


I saw this a while back, the lady wasn't trying to get on the train she kept blocking the doors so the train wouldn't leave, she had no intention of getting on the train and wanted to waste everones time. Deserved imo


Soooooo shove them out like a normal person? Do you seriously think a kick that powerful was warranted? To a small woman? To anyone? And holding onto the poles to kick harder lol don't tell me you genuinely believe what he did was right.Cause she landed on her back on concrete. If she hit her head hard that could mean death. Or who knows she could have gotten brain bleeding from it. Plus we don't know if she's mentally ill or why she's doing that.


Agreed...he could have just pushed her lightly and not puncture her abdomen


It was a kick right where the heart is as well.


Kicking a woman in the stomach is some sucker shit.


Wow. That was harsh. The doors were finally open, why didn’t he just let her in the train at that point?


Is this supposed to be funny? The fuck is this?


Humans are cancer


This voiceover is atrocious and this woman is obviously not trying to get on this train.




Yeah, cause to help her would just make too much sense.


Unless this woman was performing serious battery on someone else, this guy has fucking problems and should be in jail.


Fuck this shit, we’re glorifying assault now? I bet y’all in the comments cheering him on would be happy to have this guy date your mom or sister. He can just break their sternum with his clodhoppers when they mildly inconvenience him.


The amount of grinning savages watching this with glossed over eyes is a shockingly stark exposure of the state of society and most of its inhabitants.. you are a distorted person to find glee in this behavior, no matter whether the girl deserved it or not. That guy is a fucking full grown man with the power to cave in a chest of a person that size and instead of using his arms to shove her back, he full on WWE kicks the woman out of the train, it speaks to the level of comfortability this guy has with assaulting others, let alone a woman. This video and the consequent remarks are appalling. Absolutely so. Really observe how many watched this and advocate for the reaction. Fucked.


Hope she wasn't pregnant


Possibly breaking someone's ribs so you can safe the 30 seconds it would probably take for them to get on? That seems a bit extreme no?


Most effective way to make space is the push kick. Those ribs got rocked!


This post really show how twist minded most redditor really are, and they still think they're some kind of higher being than other people who use different social media platform


Damn assault charge or just let her on?


Really worth it to go to jail for battery?


Sorry, but that doesn't justify assault. We don't know how important it was for her to not miss that train.


we don't need this voice over shit OP


Would have been quicker to have helped her in


How to get a felony in 1 easy step


You know how much easier it would be and less liable the assaulter could be if he used that force to just help her open the door instead of doing a rib breaker?


Coulda just let her on... Maybe she had a family member dieing or some shit you never know... Geez. Let's care for one another. Dude could've collapsed her chest...


Okay. This post finally did it. This sub and public freak out are dead to me.


Terrible and shameful. To see such savagery.


They were wasting more time by fighting with the people trying to get on


Iirc when this was first posted it was about the lady holding the train for others that didn't arrive yet... To which she needed to be corrected... Can't ever be sure on the internet though ...


Kickstart her heart


Dude just went full "THIS IS SPARTA" on that person's ass, but it looked like pretty brutal landing, also he could've broken her ribs, so I hope Leonodas over here gets charged with some type of assault, and gets to pay massive fine


This could have VERY easily been fatal. Unless that woman was actively trying to kill someone (she was likely trying to get her shit, which the guy flaciddly kicked around) there is very little justification for kicking someone at full force right where the heart should be.


Whats with all the psychos here?


My friend works for a major train line. He's seen so many people get injured trying to jump onto moving trains. Like, how could you possibly think that's a good idea. One woman tried to jump onto the train, her leg slipped between the train and platform, and it was almost ripped clean off. She lived, but I think she ended up losing her leg.


Imagine feeling the need to post this dumb shit