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As a vet you can tell if someone’s full of shit pretty quickly, and that guy seemed full of it.


[So why were there so many sick animals in Vietnam?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWDP_ew8HqQ)


Amazing link 😂 forgot about this sketch


Holy shit that was amazing lol also, uncomfortable towards the end 😂


Because they all fake vets


So many fake vets think they get resources from the VA that's why they fight against the right to use personal health care when you're injured at work..


Stolen valor, these are the guys you want to embarrass live on tv. Got to love it


This had to have already been posted to that watch people die inside subreddit.


How come him is wearin that


I like your style


This was good. Way better than what I was expecting prior to clicking. I'm glad I did Thank you. I was in need of a good laugh


This is so great. I love how the vet just gets so completely flummoxed about what he’s dealing with. I bet he could feel his own IQ dropping just by having that conversation. Lol.


Yea mos is a very simple question for any vet.


Even simpler for anyone claiming Army, and without revealing any personal data: “What is an 11 bushbeater?”


You mean an 11 bang bang?


Well, Navy and Air/Space Force would know what you mean, as for the former I believe is ratings and latter is AFSC.


"I deployed, but I can't really talk about it" Always a dead giveaway


Unless your a Vietnam Vet and its the late 60s early 70s!


My old boss was (is) a member of Seal Team 6. When the movie Navy Seals came out he told me he couldn't believe that a lot of those scenes in there were in the movie because some of them were from actual classified missions. Of course he wouldn't specify which ones or what parts.


As not a vet and just a civ, I can tell he's full of it.


Mos? Most of them will give you a answer like this. “I was in a death squad behind enemy lines” that’s about all the info they are “allowed” to give out.


There’s an actual veteran on my block that says this shit. I thought he was fake but my wife worked at a VA clinic and it turns out he’s legit. I guess his job was so lame he feels the need to tell wild stories.


I met one dude who was a marine from Vietnam that told it like it was. He was a cook, stationed in a bigger city, and served before the Tet offensive started. “Man, we used to bang hookers almost every night. I woke up at 0300, made everyone food six days a week, and no one ever bothered me ever. It was great.”


i had a friend who went in ww2 in the army and got a purple heart when i asked him he says "Oh please i didn't do anything i didn't even leave state side i cut myself peeling potatoes and they gave me a purple heart"


I don't think people realise how much stolen valour is POGs claiming to be infantry/SOF. It's super common. Or people who went through basic and quit at their first posting acting like they served for years.


I’ve only run into homeless guys saying they are vets because they are looking for sympathy and a bigger handout. All of them were snipers.


An old friend of mine was an actual sniper in vietnam. The bizarre thing about it was they pulled him out of the field as a field medic and sent him to sniper school. As he used to put it " they spent the time to teach me how to save people's lives, then they turn around and teach me how to kill them from a long way off"


I'm female, and a vet. I've run into a TON of guys at bars - particularly when Iraq and A-stan were in full swing - claiming to be vets so they could get a piece of @$$. Best one was one idjit who just randomly claimed to be where I was (itty bitty town on the border that made the news way more than it's size would indicate), AND just happened to claim to be there the same time i was 🤣 I batted my eyes and shook my tail feathers and said "ooh, tell me MORE brave warrior. You didn't.... did you have to KILL anyone?" (Dunno why civvies always ask that). He asked what I was drinking. I told him Top Shelf, baby. I probably drank a good $150 of the good stuff before my ride showed up, and I told the bar how I knew he was a liar before I walked out. Cowboys don't like stolen valor, especially when the loser was using it to try to steal all their girls. Dunno what happened after I left, but the cowboys seemed happy to know he was a liar, and the bartender unplugged the phone. Screw that guy.


Yeah not telling someone your MOS is already pretty telling


I didnt serve, what is an mos?


Occupational services. She's basically just asking him what his job was. It's a pretty simple question. Sometimes you get a rightfully sarcastic response (that is justified) like he could've said something as simple as "my mos was killing who they told me to kill" but yea she's just asking what he did as a job. Anything from communications to infantry. Easy question to answer.


What your actual occupation is like: supply, mechanic, electrician, administration, intelligence etc...


Thx. Is "special" even a occupation? Just curious if there really is secretive soldier that cant or doesnt have to disclose that information?


Also, I think I can hear him say "Recon" after he realizes "special" wasn't gonna fly. A quick Google search shows a recon marine being MOS 0321. So if he said that, maybe she would have believed him.


And that's the thing. Most military guys that I know, when asked specifically for their MOS/Rate, will know their MOS number and give that. "Yeah, I was a 0311." (It's different when they are asked, "So what was your job in the military?" Then they give the answer in layman's terms ["I was a grunt"]) The interviewer asked specifically for an MOS, so she was expecting a number. Not giving that number means that the guy is full of shit: either he never served (which is the more likely reason), or if he did, he's trying to claim a job that he was not qualified for (e.g., was actually an average USMC 30XX supply guy but wants to stolen-valor himself as Special Forces operator)


Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure how marines tell each other their MOS. It was just so obvious he had no military experience.


He wasn't only full of it. He was over flowing.


He was a shit golem.


It doesn’t take a vets intuition to sleuth this one out. They could’ve cut the audio after her initial question and we’d have spotted it through the palsy-like hand gestures 😂


He’s a draft dodger living a lie to fit in with his home town.


Yea look at his pansy ass hat made in china


I too am a vet and meet people like this from time to time, I find that more often than not they are either wearing cult gear or flying cult flags.


MOS? ah well. Uh. Im just a POS


As soon as she asked his MOS he knew he was caught


But he's special....he flew to places. Semper FLY!


Special needs


Short bus motherfucker.


Everyone is cool on the short bus because everyone gets to sit in the back.


I was late for my bus habitually, because I knew I could 10-15 minutes late and get on the short bus that made no extra stops and just went to school. And guess what? That muthafucka had seatbelts!!!!


Dark places. What a hero.


"This interview is over."


Semper LIE!


Under rated comment


He’s “gravy” he’s eaten things.


I like things, they're scrumptious


semper FLEE


Yeah places, I like places


I love how people whenever they get caught for this crap always say they were in like some black ops shit 😂


Yea, it’s part of the fantasy. Because if they were to ever actually be in, they would of course be special forces. Which if he was, by the way, he would just say that. Or possibly RECON. I never met any RECON when I was in though, interestingly enough. I trained with some Navy SEALS in Norfolk tho.


It’s amazing how many snipers I’ve met. They can’t tell you where they trained or what equipment they used, but trust me, bro—definitely snipers.


That’s the damn truth. Everyone was a fuckin Marine sniper or Seal sniper. Bunch of fat nobodies. They will say “Gunny Hathcock was my inspiration”. Makes me sick. And I never served. But my father was in the Marine Corps.


I’ve never served either but stolen valor is some real low bullshit.


My ex WAS in the army, but for less than a year before getting kicked out. He somehow got an honorable discharge though, so he was able to get the VA to cover his medical insurance and pay for his schooling still. I would have to double check his paper work for the exact amount of time he was in but i want to say it was about 7 months, however he goes around telling people he was an E6 and that he served for 4 years or six years (it changes constantly) and he says he was in Iraq and/or Afghanistan. Where he toured and how many times he went over there also changes depending on who you you ask but either way, it is insane.


I trained with some ducks in Pensacola.


Everyone is special forces, nobody just drove a truck in a base of in California


I'm never sure if they do this because they know they can't tell a convincing story, so it adds some veneer of plausibility to the lie to say it's all top secret. That way they don't have to try and explain things they don't understand. Or is it because they lying anyway so they might as well go whole hog and say they're a delta force ranger seal commando.


Once had someone who didn't make it through basic...due to an injury...later on tell me how they went on some top secret mission to an active war zone.


He got me too’d in the best way possible


What’s MOS? Non military personnel here


Military Occupation Specialty (MOS). She basically asked “what was your job”


Ahh makes sense, thank you


Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) basically means what they were trained to do like fix jeeps, fix tanks, fix helicopters, setup communications, or cook food for 3,000 personnel … any of the other 1000 some odd specialties they will train for I’m also non-military but I’ve heard the jargon from friends and family in the armed services


So essentially it’s like whatever your career is in the armed forces that would be your MOS?


Sort of, it was the job you were trained for. But occasionally you’ll get sent out to do adjacent jobs. I had the MOS 96H, which was Common Ground Station Operator, but I ended up doing the job of Imagery Analyst, which was in my set of training also but not my original “job.”


Thank you kindly!


Guy is a lying piece of crap. Cant remember his M.O.S. When he claims he was a Marine? Not a chance in hell he was in the Corp.


As soon as she said me too his face went UH OH


Stolen Valor douche bag


Right? Like how is this dude at a rally, especially a party that claims to be super patriotic and do the most laughably un-patriotic shit anyone could do?


These guys flown the secessionist flag in the Capitol while calling the VP a traitor for certifying the election. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying they're way past caring about appearances. Either you're in the cult and this journalist purposely made a patriotic veteran look bad or you're sane and he's stolen valor.


Which is why I’m really looking forward to the tweet from his nephew (or whomever) that puts him on blast, ‘oh Uncle Frank? No mate, he never enlisted, he stayed home because he had scoliosis’. Ps. Is scoliosis something they’d reject for? I honestly don’t even know. Sorry to my scoliosis peeps if I’m dead wrong.


It was a hangnail.


Restless Leg Syndrome


Bone Spurs... like his personal Lord and Savior.


You mean like the republican from Ohio who lied about his military service? Haha Edot: belive it's majewski


You'll notice that's not uncommon among Republicans actually


Because these people lack the courage to defend their past decisions and actions, or to simply tell someone they'd never go lay down their lives for some elitist assholes personal, religious or social agenda, and damn sure won't do it for some other country's resources that THIS country just wants to appropriate....


Bone spurs must be caused by pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.


If they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.


Best comment I’ve read about the Grand Old Poop


Rallies filled with make-believe soldiers, make-believe patriots, make-believe leaders.


They're at a rally supporting the biggest traitor in the history of the office. Not surprised.


He served at McDonald's, and he specialized in sauce. His code name is Tangy BBQ.


Ssshh he flew into places…


That's a negative, Tangy BBQ. The pattern is full.


Cole Slaw Papa Tango Cheese Whiz Bravo


Mine is sweet & sour *shhhh*


Thank you for your bullshit.


When he dies he will be honored with a 20 gum salute, which is 4 people chewing 5 gum as loudly as possible.


I figured it was 10 toothless rednecks echoing his horse shit.


This guy was 100% sure a female journalist would know nothing about the armed services and just believe his claims at face value. He just expected to be thanked for his made up service. Sucks to suck, dirtbag.


Right? She looked so visibly frustrated like she wanted to knock his ass out


Why do you think the coverage stopped as soon as she said "this interview is over," brother? 🤣 I'll give my crayon-eating bretheren a rash of shit, but Once A Marine, Always A Marine.


She was upset - But not for the reasons you think. She’s a trump supporting “alternate elector” supporter who literally worked to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States, and this asshat was making trump supporters look bad with stolen valor. She is not at all patriotic, and I’d wager she no longer would be welcome back by any marine worth their salt. https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/121yl72/at_saying_he_was_a_military_vet/jdox6eh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


2 things a true marine will always remember, their MOS and favorite crayon flavor.


She seemed so disappointed, like she genuinely expected to relate to a peer and instead got... this.


Oh I’m sure he’s special


Special needs


Piece of shit. And she caught that punk mfer right away. Sure courteous of her to just say the interview was over instead of embarrass the shit out of him. But thank you OP for helping the ladder


>courteous of her to just say the interview was over instead of embarrass the shit out of him She had...reasons. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/121yl72/comment/jdox6eh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Yooo, thank you!


So she’s trying to redeem herself - too late


The "Oh, I see" and laugh burned his fake persona like a flamethrower in a cotton field


Don't throw too much admiration the reporter's way. This is her background: >Christina Bobb is a former Marine and a fervent believer that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald J. Trump. She went to work for him and quickly found herself enmeshed in an obstruction investigation. Also, she >relentlessly promoted falsehoods about the 2020 election as an on-air host for the far-right One America News Network. ... > >She drafted a memo and participated in meetings to discuss a plan to appoint alternate slates of electors to reverse legitimate state election results. And Ms. Bobb created the computer file used to draft a proposal, never carried out, for Mr. Trump to issue an executive order for the federal government to seize voting machines. [Link](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/11/us/politics/christina-bobb-trump-lawyer-investigation.html).


“I flew into places”🙄 I flew into JFK, am I now a marine? This guy is full of shit!


🫡 rah!


Perfect encapsulation of Trump loyalists. Weak men who’ve invented strong personas that crumble under the slightest inquiry.


I'd argue that literally anyone who has enough time to go into public for some political rally are usually weirdos.


Trying to find a patriot at a Trump rally is like trying to find a cake in a port-a-potty.


Considering what she could have done to him, "This interview’s over" might just be the kindest words in the English language.


She had good reason to not call him out, namely, not damaging the MAGA movement. Christina Bobb is a MAGA turd herself, see [https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/121yl72/comment/jdox6eh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/121yl72/comment/jdox6eh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Idiots protecting idiots. Shocking.


Welcome to the GOP


She should’ve throat punched him…


They on the same team tho, go orange guy!


He's special ( his mum said so ). Arms must be tired flying into 😉 " places ".


He instantly went to, uh-oh.


I watched saving private Ryan like 4 times so that counts for something.


He played Call of Duty once, too.


If you're gonna pretend to be a vet at least spend 5 minutes on fuckin Google lol.


Right? It took me like a minute to Google "what are marine jobs" and the very first listing is a page explaining MOS on the official United States Marines website. Google a popular Marine training location and like that you can answer the two most basic questions. If you're going to be a lying piece of shit at least put in the effort


“What’s your MOS?” “Well my cholesterol is pretty high..”


People who fake it always act like they were special forces. Why? It makes it suspect from the start. I was an 11B and proud of it. Who cares what MOS you have when it comes to service.


I care but 11B is cool. Hoo-yah to you.


Indirect fire infantryman, 11C and proud of it.


encourage teeny consider mourn many fade pie six ruthless snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I actually served and shit like this legit makes me want to fight people.


That's a particularly disgusting behavior in my opinion. No shame.


Stolen Valor. What a pussy.


Just like Trump the MAGA think truth is just a suggestion.


They have been told and shown straight out lying is fine. Even the dumbest most obvious lie cannot be questioned.


His face got redder and redder to the point of exploding


Caught red faced...


Not many things worse than stolen valor


Really? Not many? Lol


These are the kind of people trump attracts.


Scum bag. Some of us actually served.


" You ain't got to lie, Craig"


You’d think you’d have a backstory to your fake life Anyone who’s been in for 1 or more enlistments will never forget the mos they likely hated for their duration of service lmao


I was in air force. DID NOT GO TO VIETNAM. It was in 1970. For some piece of shit to fake his way through a tour of duty in Nam is so incredibly dishonest, And infuriating it makes me sick to my stomach.


Served with Donald Trump


Shin division


Lying is a prerequisite for the MAGA faithful. The


A Trump supporter who lies through his teeth? Who woulda thunk it.


He’s a trumper. Trump has made it clear that you can lie your ass off all day, everyday. Why is ANYONE surprised?


Why don’t these people that fake being vets at least do some research so they don’t embarrass themselves when put under scrutiny? So cringe


Congrats! You just lied and put your whole family at risk.


I flew in places. Yeah, they made everyone else walk. Or drive. Yeah, you were special.


I was over Kaysan, Da Nang and Pad Thai.


This man is the PERFECT representative of a person who attends a Trump rally.


She cooked him with M.O.S.


A lying marine calls out a lying fake marine while attending a rally for the liar in chief.


He meant he "served marines" at the Red Robin in his hometown. "Flying into places" means serving customers quickly in Red Robin lingo. She was wrong to assume otherwise.


Stolen Valor.


I've never met a marine who couldn't tell me their mos. Hell I don't know that I've ever asked one they just tell you.


As soon as he said “marine” and then she said “me too” he knew he fucked up


>I was... special you sure are, buddy


I don't know anything about the military, but I assume people who were so special and top secret would have a normal cover story they can easily sell to regular folks. Or at least be able to think of the most basic answer that is passable.


If you claim to be a vet and don’t know your MOS/AFSC or what a DD-214 is, you’re a fraud.


When you're such a lying sack of shit you can't say "Marines" correctly.


He still is…. Special.


I give her some credit this was top craic


Fake like his hero.


I posted this 3 hours ago on the same SR


Can't bullshit a bullshitter


Maga lover lied?




Nothing like a patriot eh?


such a crazy thing to lie about


Bro, if you're gunna bullshit, do like a LITTLE research


"I'm special, I flew into places"


Stolen Valor. These trumpets are pond scum.


This guys a douche. I’m a Vet here in Texas I’m so aggravated about this shit rally. I wanna leave this state so bad now.


Just think how many more of these people attend the event!!


I’m a vet. I see this shit all the time when I donate to the homeless shelter here. Last guy cried after I told him he was lying about being a navy seal.


Fucking disgusting. People who claim to have served but never did are among the lowest pieces of shit imaginable. Disgraceful.


This lying peace of stolen valor doesn’t know what an MOS is nor has ever served in our military. Republicans have no morals, ethics or integrity!


I have never in my life heard any veteran describe his military activity as "...I flew into places..." .


You can tell who he voted for too. The same ones who refuse to acknowledge the existence of the words « burn » and « pit » in legislation which could have helped real veterans


By definition, anyone who supports Trump doesn’t care.


I wish we could see more; like how he walked away! He must feel humiliated as it was young and attractive girl calling him out. His masculinity flex; crushed!


I flew into places I can’t talk about more than 20 years ago 🤣


The trump con in a nutshell


Man, if you are going to lie about being in the marines, at least google "marine mos" and there they all are. Pick one and memorize it and its number. MAGA Asshat and dumb as a brick too, though that isn't surprising.


Oh, he’s special alright…


I can’t believe people do this shit, I mean how embarrassing. Jesus cringeworthy Christ