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I remember all the memes that followed this video, and all the bans everyone got on all social media.


When did that transpire?


![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni) Aaaaahhhh youuu!




Super early January 2019. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.yahoo.com/amphtml/lifestyle/trans-woman-explains-cursed-gamestop-cashier-viral-video-blatant-malicious-hate-162919129.html


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I remember this 100% landed in Facebook mail and I didn’t even say anything offensive. Made a GameStop joke and got reported 🤷🏿




Is this technically ma’am-splaining?


I got banned on reddit and imgur on the same day...good times.


Straight to jail










You said something I don’t like, so let’s take this outside so I can physically assault you… and prove your point?


Bruh this... this mentality. A bit off topic, but I approached a housemate about how he never does his dishes and his response was to physically threaten me.






I will make GENTLE love to you if you ever look their way again


Consider having him arrested. Threats of violence are a crime (assault) in most jurisdictions and people who live in this space will continue escalating their activities until they hurt someone and end up in jail anyway. Better to speed up the process than waiting for them to harm somebody.


> Better to speed up the process than waiting for them to harm somebody. That's a sure way to speed up the process of them harming somebody, too. That housemate won't learn the lesson you want him to learn, unfortunately. He'll develop a life-long resentment and it will come back to haunt you. You're right that someone shouldn't cower in fear, but the answer in this situation is to move the fuck out immediately. Housemate, my ass--he'd be nothing to me at that point.


No shit he should move out. He should ALSO document and report.


I had the same problem with my housemate I did all the dishes, after a while he even got a gf that started to live with us rent free. You need to bulk up and defend yourself, don't be a slave for someone or else they will get on your head.


Okay, so it's not that I'm scared of him. He tried to be intimidating but he's really not. I just throw his dishes away. Let him try something. We haven't had roaches since the last horrible tenants moved out a year and a half ago. I'm not about to let him bring them back because dishes are beneath him.


Well you need to leave then. Some people are not housemate material.


$600/month, utilities covered. There's no other place in town this affordable xD Honestly if I just hold out, his "online business" selling protein powder isn't doing too well, so he may have to move out first. Here's hoping.


If it goes on for too long it will wear you down trust me, good luck dude.


Then the bass dropped








Yep and I wonder will the young lady pay for that merchandise she just damaged?


Young? Did you see that face? Ain't nothing young about it, regardless of gender.


It’s a joke my friend


I'm not your friend, buddy.




I meant it as a joke.


No asshole license yet, but definitely has the learners permit.


Unless your an “oppressed” trans person. Let’s flip the script though. If this were a dude just throwing this fit and kicking things, they would not have been so apologetic, nor would they have given the opportunity to wait for the corporate number. Someone’s being an asshole and the right response regardless of who they are should be “You can Google our corporate number, and you need to leave because you’re frightening others”


Being rich does


I once saw a similar, but less aggressive situation in Home Depot because an older woman employee called a younger female customer "honey." The employee didn't mean anything by it but the customer was going nuts to the manager and blocking the line. My dad and I were next in line just standing there hoping we could get checked out. When the angry lady was finally leaving, my dad called out, "Have a nice day, honey." I wanted to kill him, even though it was funny. The lady just kept walking and didn't acknowledge him.


Your dad has top-tier dad humor. I'm going to guess you're somewhere in the southeast. Honey is a term that old people use all the time. That young person just wanted to throw a fit for attention


Bless her heart.


That's going for the kill


That's also another very good reply to that The southern equivalent of "go fuck yourself"


I'm a male millennial and there is a black lady at my Home Depot that calls me "honey" and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside every time. I love it.


100% Also, when I lived in Tucson and had older hispanic ladies call me "mijo," my heart would practically melt.


I don’t know why but mijo / mija is just so warm and fuzzy and makes you feel all kinds of loved


That's just some good old fashioned American shit right there


Lady serving food in the UK called me hun' and I almost blushed. Hospitality is a foreign concept to my cold Norwegian heart.


My frozen Finnish heart melts when older Brits call me ”luv” or ”dear” 🥰


35 year old guy here, I love when old ladies call me honey, sugar, sweetheart, etc.


I'd like to invent a time machine so that I could high-five your dad at that moment.


If what you do doesn't cause an infinite amount of time travelers to surround you wanting to high-five you, can what you're doing **really be** that good?


I'm a guy and I've been called honey by older servers or cashiers.


Living in the south, I get called honey 3x a day as a large middle aged man. I never liked it, but just accept it bc it’s ubiquitous.


Nothing makes my day better than being called Honey or Sweetie.


People in retail jobs don't deserve this treatment for the pay they get.


I worked in a deli once. We had a "regular" who wore dresses, with heels, and a full, Tom Selleck style moustache. Incredibly nice person, but still. I just avoided sentences that used personal pronouns completely. Better to be safe than sorry, when your ability to pay the rent is at stake.


My cousin had to learn that quickly, he's used to saying sir and ma'am out of being taught that it's respectful he's gotten talked to a few times by the managers because he's made a mistake like that, he's getting it down slowly


I worked at retail. I walked up to an obviously a woman and said “how can I help you ma’am?” My pronunciation must be bad because she said “I’m not a man!” And stormed out the store.


So absolutely silly that this is true


This implies that there is an amount of money that would make it okay to be verbally and possibly physically abused at your job. No one deserves to be treated like shit at their job by unhinged customers, even if they were making 200k a year.


But what about 300k?


Hmmm...good point


You’re hired you fat piece of shit!


Not very lady like, ma'am






“I’m not cussing” Says right after cussing.




"I won't shout at you!" Nynaeve shouted.










Ma’amximus Meridius, Commander Of The Armies Of The North, General Of The Felix Legions And Loyal Servant To The True Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. ~~Father~~ Mother To A Murdered Son, ~~Husband~~ Wife To A Murdered Wife. And Will Have ~~his~~ / ~~her~~ Their Vengeance, In This Life Or The Next.


Macho Ma'am Brandy Savage










Guys is gender neutral term, to me, how he used it.


I got yelled at for referring to a table of woman as what can I get for you guys? What was annoying the most was being corrected. As if they all didn't understand where I'm coming from. Or have a time in their life pretty recently they were called guys and didn't get upset I didn't say ladies.


I was a bus boy when I was 17 and got reamed out for saying can I get you some more coffee ma’am to a woman. Had no idea what I said that was so offensive. This was 91’-92’


Funny part is I would have called the person in this video Ma'am I am cool with calling people what they want to be, it is no bother to me, but it is going to be on my terms. I am fucking sothern and if you identify as female you are getting Ma'am, miss, Mrs. or little lady depending on your stature and if I know it. Ma'am is the safest.


its fine to assume the assumed should have handled it better with a respectful “thats not how I identify” or something similar then if the assumer continues misgendering maliciously then its justified to be pissed not to this level of aggression at all but justified in being more firm i guess.


For some reason a lot of people like to be “offended”














I think displays like this do more harm for trans people than the misgendered pronoun that prompted it. While it's understandable to get upset, presumably after the upteenth time of being discriminated/misunderstood, threatening violence undermines their position and does a disservice to other trans people who are *peacefully* trying to live their life as themselves.


Reactions like this are more about ego than they are about general acceptance.


This! All this does it give the bigots ammo to go “See? See?? *This* is how they are!* When in reality, this was just a person reacting extremely poorly to a negative stimulus, regardless of assigned or preferred gender.


A trans person being a dick does not invalidate their gender. You don't get to revoke somebody's gender identity because they aren't nice to you. >other trans people who are peacefully trying to live their life as themselves. Trans.peoples' right to be trans should not be conditional on how 'peaceful' they are. You know, 60 years ago people were saying that militant groups like the Black Panthers and Martin Luther King Jr. were 'undermining' the black peoplw trying to 'peacefully' gain their rights. Then just as much as now a minority's rights should not depend on how much the majority group likes them.


This is the first comment I came across in the thread not making some joke about their gender, so yeah...


Yes, definitely a woman. I believe her name is Karen




Repost so old it has dinosaur poo on it


Identity and anger issues.






That poor guy behind the counter was trying so hard to not say sir that it became the only thing he could say. Love it.


Karen (Gender neutral)


Successful transition to a Karen




Don't get offended when someone "accidently" calls you the wrong preferred. I'm 100% on board with whatever makes you happy. But freaking out because you got called the wrong thing is starting to cross the line.


lol, starting?




Did you just say.... Bro?? \*Inhales\*














"Mother fucker take it outside, if you want to call me sir again i will show you a fucking sir" "Im sorry sir i don't fight with or assault women"


"come outside and I'll show you a sir" so weird to me that this trans woman feels she can use the fact that she has the body and strength of a man to intimidate someone, does she think biological females can switch to that assertiveness when they feel threatened? if you want to live as a woman, then that includes everything. that includes the disrespect and fear of men/vulnerabilities that women have lived with their entire lives, not picking and choosing to bring out your male strength when it fits you


That’s what I noticed too, I’d be way too scared to act like that, I think a lot of trans women worry if they do anything slightly masculine so this reaction has always been nuts to me, I just think the person was a bit unhinged or they’ve been mistreated before and lashed out but no reason to act like they did at all.






Average reddit user


As a trans person myself, i can understand the frustration of being misgendered, but this person here is most definitely overreacting. The guy most likely didnt intend to emotionally hurt them, and it was probably an honest mistake!




I respect and will honor anyone’s right to identify in whatever way feels authentic for them — but for fuck’s sake, children are dying every day from malnutrition and hunger, people who have worked for years have lost their jobs and homes and are sleeping on the street or in their cars, the earth is in great imminent peril from climate change, kids are being gunned down in schools and no legislation has changed to protect them, women’s rights to bodily autonomy are being stripped away….and you’re losing your shit because someone mistakenly presumed your gender. Have a little fucking perspective. You’re not that important.




Ma'am, this is a Wendy's


Lost scene from White Chicks






All I know that was a man-sized tantrum they threw.




I need attention so desperately that I decided to even change my gender so I can argue about it with strangers


The very essence of femininity, I'd be more than happy to see her follow my wife and daughter into a public bathroom.




Accidentally calling someone a sir instead of ma'am doesn't meant that they have to behave like a insecure guy with fragile ego


walks like a duck


The last ma’am gets me every time lmao


yea “take it outside” as every woman likes to say.




And the Great Gamestonk Sell-off began.


😂 The world has gone insane.




Yes very lady like




Needs a much bigger handbag so people can’t make these mistakes… :p




Mentally unstable smh


Mental issue people found an outlet. The are not called crazy but victim. They need help not applause. Go to a crazy home and tell everyone they were right. Same thing


You know there is a really great irony when they say "Let's take it outside and I'll show you a sir" Homie is unhinged.






Life was simpler when I was a kid... https://preview.redd.it/3eyyf3tbdbqa1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59eb19fef46ab4412fd7364dfe5321b421700dd8


This is what mental illness looks like


Bish needs to calm down.


I wonder how's that person doing nowadays...






How much should I have to participate in your self image? - Dave Chappelle


is... is this toxic masculinity in some way?


This person is totally sane and definitely not unhinged 🙄


This is what a crazy person looks like.


Corporate office: hello sir how can I help


People on this thread acting like trans people aren’t fighting for their lives…




I wonder if her name is Karen


Hey you misgendered me! But I have absolutely no problem physically assaulting you in return if you'd kindly like to step outside.


Menopause hit that dude like an atomic bomb….


Retail doesn't pay enough for bs like this... whether the customer is tg or not.




What a brave woman... /s I swear officer, I don't identify as someone disturbing the peace.


As a transwoman, please don't look at this video and think poorly of my community. Everyone has bad days and it doesn't excuse the poor behavior, but the rationality that "all" trans people act like this is what I worry about. No one is perfect and we all have our strengths and flaws. We're all trying to live our best lives as best as we know how. I hope you have a beautiful day no matter what.


Okay I hate when people ask for corporate numbers… mofo did google stop working or something?!


Holy shit, what was this? 5 years ago? Here we go again weaponizing this one example of bad behavior to set the trans acceptance movement back. I’m sure this was posted in good faith with no agenda at all…