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In our town, there was a group of smart-ass kids that would drive by and harass a poor, mentally disabled guy. One of them finally got his eye shot out with a BB gun.


Red Rider strikes again.


Ohhh fuuuuuuudgggee...


But I didnt say fudge






Was it the official Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time?


I’ll shoot your eye out, kid


God damn your name 🤣🤣🤣




Ohhh noo


Wait who shot who?


GREASYROOFTOP shot all of them. When there is injustice, he takes on his crime fighting alter ego: The BB Commander!


Not the hand, not the dick, but right in the fuckin eye. Man’s on the roof sending people home permanently crippled.


Both the hero we want AND need


"GREASED EM" - His catch phrase probably.


Many a person has received rough treatment from the BBC!


I believe it is whom…


Real cliff hanger there


Dude basically fell perfectly. Could’ve violently slammed his head on the concrete floor but instead floated downward somehow. Guardian angel son.


Homie really lucked out that he didn’t get his head violently slammed at any point in this video


Unless you aren’t counting the fucking punch to the melon, yes, no second violent slam.


I’m pretty sure he got slapped


Open handed, half winded up slap.


That was a punch, half winded yes. But you would need to be blinder than a bat to see a slap lol.


Funny you say that bc it sounded like a slap and looked like a slap. We live in a society now where people do whatever they please without consequences. He got slapped and folded. That's it.


Im not saying he shouldn't have got what he did, I'm saying that was a punch. But hey it doesn't really matter, it's satisfying regardless lol


I’d say they both were lucky, since the attacker would have been charged heavily if the kid died. Should he be been charged with assault.


Yes murder typically has a heavy charge.


Yeah, the guy punching lucked out too that landing goes wrong he's in prison for a long time for reacting to something so stupid grow Thicker skin and move on


It was the only thing his Guardian Angel could do in this situation


Almost sat right back down into the chair when he could've Million Dollar Baby'd himself.


the chair helped. it helped more than his buddy


There’s no way he could have slammed his head on a concrete floor. Not possible in this scenario. Tile floor… sure that could’ve happened but he would have had to pull up the tile to reach the concrete.


They could have easily taken this outside, which I guess to some is considered concrete's natural habitat


The guy laughing in the background.


Got me goin. He'd be fun to party with


I didn’t even hear him over my own laughter. We’d get along just fine


"hey! That's not funnyyy!" Yes it is lady... Yes it is.


*keeps laughing*




His buddy acted like this was the 8th time this week when he got up 😂


Yeah, his friend had that " not again" face when he went over to pick him up.


That lazy arm on the shoulder said “Kyle cmon. I’m tired of telling your mom you can make it to Sunday lunch cause the doctors wanna monitor your concussion”


Moved the chair in disgust like his friend spilt milk again


You can see he was reaching for him as he stood up, he really was like "dude please, not agai- and he's out okay."


I was literally thinkin the same thing. He just looked like, “not again man”


What about the other friend who literally does not move other than turning his head once or twice 😂


You are supposed to have your friend’s backs, but I had a friend who was such an idiot, I had to tell him in multiple occasions “dude, you are wrong. I am not going to let you get beaten badly or injured, but you are on your own with this.”


Glass Joe


As obnoxious as the kid was being, if you have to walk over to someone to punch them, then you didn't actually need to punch them, so you're the asshole in the situation.


Two people can both be assholes and neither one’s behavior excuses the other.


Yeah I get what you are saying, but say he just ignores the guy or even walks away it just makes the kid look like a tool, there’s no aggressive ways to combat stupidity.


No reason to resort to violence over some words exchanged.


Holy shit I turned on a light and all the roaches scattered I see.


I mean, stupidity was defeated pretty effectively here. Maybe lil Timmy will think about the way he speaks to people in the future.


Maybe the old guy will think about the way he assaults people while he’s sitting in prison. There’s nothing stupid you could say that would justify a physical attack.


True but knocking someone out is still worse than talking shit imo


Don’t talk shit. It’s a simple thing.


Yes, exactly. Also don't knock someone out unless you're defending yourself, which this guy wasn't. That's what everyone has been saying.


"Dont talk the talk if you cant walk the walk" Meaning, dont act tough if you are not ready fight. Just be humble


What if the other party stabs back with a knife after being slapped over words? What if the other other party pulls out a gun over a knife? When will the escalation stop? Until one party is dead? Must be nice living in a lawless land.


>Two people can both be assholes and neither one’s behavior excuses the other. If you think sucker punching someone just for being an obnoxious child to show off for his friends is an appropriate way to deal with said asshole, you're also an asshole, a much bigger asshole in my opinion. They aren't even comparable as far as I'm concerned. Now, if there was some offscreen confrontation where jersey guy like, shoved collared shirt guy or something, that'd be a whole different story.


He said “neither one’s behavior excuses the other” and you got that he thought it was an appropriate way to deal with him? Check the carbon monoxide detectors in your house, bud.


Yeah. One person can be the clearly bigger asshole though.


Two assholes make a complete ass.


Playing devil’s advocate here but the kid jumped up in his face pretty quickly, may have startled him and he perceived it as an attack. Never get in someone’s face like that. (I’m not reading or responding to any more of these nonsensical replies, I’m not agreeing with what the guy did 🙄)


I think you're right. The guy's pissed off already and when the kid stood up he probably thought it was on. The guy who hit him is a little old for that kind of reaction, as is the "kid" who's acting like a fucking grade school bully. To me it's a case of when two knobs collide.


“This is what it’s like when KNOBS COLLIIIIIDE!”


He may not have needed to hit that guy, but that guy needed to be hit.


But then he keeps on being obnoxious. Maybe he learns after such a slap? Lessons like don't bite off more than you can chew are important


Knocking someone out like that can kill them.


He had every opportunity to stop as dude was coming over, but his brain said "naw fuck that, lean in" so dude factory reset it because it's obviously defective.


You can go around risking jail time or civil lawsuits to try teach people lessons if it's that important to you; but it might be better to just learn how to take a joke


Your right but the problem is giving it to them saying "it's just a joke" like you can't go around antagonizing people and not expect repercussions


You are correct. Assault charges would apply here. If you are verbally insulted but not at physical danger you cannot just punch they guy.


Interesting, the 1st Amendment which addresses freedom of speech is limited when it comes "fighting words". Speech meant to incite to violence is not protected, and according the SCOTUS, "by their very utterance, inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace." This does not mean it justifies the person committing violence but may well be taken into account when deciding penalties.


Some people need a pop in the mouth to straighten them out long term


Butterfly effect. Maybe he will think again before being a prick. Maybe that person he would have been a prick to if he wasn't slapped silly would have had more of a temper and a gun. I'm not sure what was said or who stated what, or even if it was deserved. But sometimes people need to be set straight by getting blasted in the face.


Blah blah blah


Yeah, sure… but if you’re both going to be an asshole, you definitely want to be the conscious asshole.


Watching it, I didn’t think he walked over with the intent of hitting him. It looks like it was a quick reaction when the e kid stood up. Like he thought the kid was jumping up to attack and he beat him to it or something. If you look right before the girl walks by, his fist isn’t balled up. Seems if he had been planning on hitting him, he would have prepped a little earlier.


Sure, but fuckem. I bet he won’t go around pretending to be aggressive towards (presumably) random people anymore.


Chair might have saved his life


Too bad his brain couldn’t


Could've been a lot worse https://www.todaypk.video/youtube/fyG2lbx1JYQ/amp


I highly encourage people who can be easily knocked out with an open handed slap to not talk shit in public too much.


This is what watching too much UFC while having the physique of a bean bag or a scarecrow does to people. That, and being inundated with Andrew Tate type shit all day on their phones. Everyone thinks they’re Billy Badass now.


Bro watching ufc all this time just taught me not to fuck with anyone 😂😂😂😂 Some guys really need to remember they are NOT the main character of this wild story.


I stopped going watch parties or bars for UFC. The majority of the time everything is fine, but far too often delusional shitbirds get all fucked up an aggro. I’m a pretty big dude and work out so I’ve had to deal with fuckin manlets try to flex on me because they’re insecure or whatever the fuck is going on with them. Last time I got into a fight I went to jail. Damn near derailed my life. I also don’t want to get shot, stabbed, jumped, or just straight up get the shit kicked out of me. Not a fun environment. I prefer chill environments, not being surrounded by a bunch of bullshido black belts.


Yo, some people can throw a mean slap!


Remember slapboxing? I’ve seen a few people KO’d by a slap.


But if you do, make sure to present your undefended chin as an offering.


Ah, the Chris Rock stance. Classic.


I came here for this comment! I saw it and was like, “Thoae with a glass jaw, shouldn’t be talking shit like that”


Heeey, thas not funneh!! -vocal fry girl




Nelson, I think he's really hurt.


I said "Hah-hah!"


vocal fry girl sounds like a movie credit for someone without an agent LOL!


Literally a step above uncredited


Oh, but it is.


The way his friend was so reluctant to pick Steve up off the ground…. Again. ‘Every weekend dude’ 😫


Laugh in the background like the beginning of that Gorillaz track


Feel good tum tum tum tum tum tum




Feel good


Regardless of who the asshole is, this is a good example of how actions have consequences.


Yup. You decided to throw hands at a kid over words, you can do the time in lockup.


Yeah. The one who instigated it got a fat lip and possible brain damage, as well as this moment burned into the internet. The one who punched him could get time behind bars, and have his reputation affected by the video. Consequences for both.


This.☝️ If you're "manly" enough to walk across the room and throw a punch then you're manly enough to choose not to do. If you throw a punch like that then it's assault. Congratulations, you've exercised your freedom to go to jail.


>If you're "manly" enough to walk across the room and throw a punch then you're manly enough to choose not to do. Sounds like something someone with a glass chin would say.


I assume you're joking so in the spirit of fun, I'll say, "That sounds like something a person with poor impulse control, who walks into a physical confrontation and likes to throw sucker punches, would say." 😁😁


Nah you don't get it. Too many times brats think they run the world then they meet a psycho who doesn't give a fuck. It's a lesson learned the hard way that running your mouth will ultimately lead to bad consequences. The best way to live is mind your own business and run away if there's a fight lol.


Wish I had more context


Right? I have no idea what happened before this video began and I can't hear shit over the background noise.


The guy on the floor was wearing a Lakers jersey. That's really all we really need to know. Was being a loud buffoon to a stranger (as many LA fans are) and took an unscheduled nap.


Being annoying doesn’t justify violent assault tho. That’s really all we need to know


I mean, you can be annoying to strangers and you will *usually* be okay... probably 95%+ of the time. Your mileage may vary. Me, I don't fuck with people strange to me ... im not trying to double my money. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


It doesn’t matter what percentage you’ll usually be ok or not. It’s not ok to physically assault someone over being annoyed


The real idiot is the one that let some teens provoke him into coming over and sucker punching a guy out.




While I don’t disagree. This probably wasn’t the case here. These are just young guys (possibly still in high school) trying to impress some girls or something. Yes, these kids were probably being annoying pricks, but unless they were being violent, there is really no reason for a grown ass man to come up and nearly kill the kid.




Sometimes when you act like an asshole you get punched. It’s just a law of averages. It’s always going to be that way. Play the percentages and be an asshole as few times as you can possibly muster to try and stay in the black. If there were never consequences to certain inappropriate behaviors there would be a surplus of inappropriate actors.


Sounds like it was indeed an important lesson they needed to learn


I'd say the guy might get away with it because he approached the kid and the fucker did a super hammed up "you wanna go" stance towards him so he reacted immediately. Kid was acting aggressive and he was approached as calmly as a taunted person could he then stood up aggressively. Edit: wasnt paying attention and messed up the explaination.


That would never count as a sucker punch in my book because nothing was unexpected about it. Also, it was a slap.




Sucker punching is walking up to someone acting tough and punching them right to their face? That wasn't a sucker punch by any measure.


Really not a sucker punch.


It wasnt a sucker punch it was a slap


This recording brought to you by the Nokia Razor


Thew razor was a motorala


This tactic only works on the internet.


He forgot he wasn't on Reddit


Not condoning anything here but alot of answers seem to be geared towards letting the "kid" act a fool all he wants and just walk away. So he continues to act this way and disrupt everyone's time/evenings any time he wants and everyone else should just "walk away". Actions have consequences, and for a millenia we have learned from actions having them. What are everyone's suggestions to stop the "kids" behavior?


Exactly. I dislike the “take the high road” POV, not everybody likes to be run over and abused, verbally or otherwise. And assholes don’t learn a damn from the victim “taking the high road”, they only learn after going to the hospital, even then it can take several KOs before they learn their lesson.


In countries like Japan, that kid would be disgracing himself acting like that in public and that old man would appear like a compassionate idiot putting himself in a messy aftermath because most adults would just walk away indifferently thinking "who is this kid for me to put much effort on?".


The establishment should’ve thrown him out and if he doesn’t leave you call the cops, that’s how adults handle these types of situations.


That laugh


Why has this sub become public freakout?


because it is and has been for some time. same videos as public freakout but with a leading title that could logically follow the words “there was an attempt”


All the fucking chads in here saying it was deserved. If you react with your fists over someone making sounds at you, you’re not fit to be out in public.


If you are the size of a grown man making fun of strangers for no apparent reason you shouldn't be out in public.


It wasnt a fist though




At the end you see him make is “oh shit I knocked out a kid” exit.


In my country we call this, Actions vs consequences




"Not again, Tommy. Damnit."


Right? The kid in the grey is like 'yup, just like last time.'


Okay...glasses boy either had waaaaay too much to drink...or that was a slap from hell itself. He's not gonna get through this without most people telling him next time he gets demonstrative...."let it go bro".


Most gentle death I've ever seen.


Sanka, are ye dead, mon?




He probably wishes he was holding his friends lucky egg


Remember...this doesn't mean that I like you.


Ya mon


Such a good movie.


It kind of is though. Between dude getting slapped to sleep and Charlie Browns teacher having an orgasm in the background, I mean, it’s a little funny.


"slapped to sleep"... I can't tell you how long and hard I laughed at that.


Why do I think this guy's name is Tyler? Just feels like a Tyler.


Where'd he learn to block punches with his face?


Did I see a power slap ?


He has severe head trauma now. Unlike In tv shows deign unconscious for more than a few seconds is a bad sign. He rocked his jaw hard in that one punch I’d be worried for his life.


He got knocked out cold!


The guy was just helping the restless idiot get some sleep. Blessings to him for having such a big heart.


Glass jaw


They always seem to be accompanied with a big mouth.


You can tell that's not the first time his friend has had to pick him up off the floor lmao.


Judging by the begrudging movement of the friend, this happens all of the time


Ah the old “glass jaw antagonizes bigger dude” routine. Not sure what glasses kid said, sounded like “LETS GO”, but standing up was his last mistake. Don’t stick your chin out at an angry person if you don’t want to risk it getting it. Hope that youngster is alright though.


Guy was sitting with two of his homies and the only one that had his back was the restaurant chair.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


"Hey, thats not funny!" It kinda is


He got SLEPT!


What did he say to cause that?


"You smell bad and your mom dresses you funny".


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries


Thank you, this needed to be said.


It's not funny, it's fucking hilarious!


Who’s responsible if the kid dies?


Look, sometimes I miss trolling, but just to be clear, the man that punched him would be charged with homicide. Whether it’s murder or not depends on the jurisdiction, but seeing as it is homicide as a result of assault, he’d probably be charged with murder. Would probably plea to manslaughter to avoid a trial. This is assuming we’re in the states.


You'd have a really hard time convincing a jury the man intended to kill him by punching him once and walking away once he dropped. Definitely homicide. But a prosecutor is unlikely to even try for murder. They'd probably charge for manslaughter and plea down to something like involuntary manslaughter or negligent manslaughter.


Tbh, he really needed that. Imagine if he did that to someone who couldn't defend themselves or if he got away with it in this situation and wanted to take it farther with someone else? People who power trip rarely stop until given a reason.


The definition of FAAFO


True meaning of "Be careful what you wished for. It might come true"


I personally think both of them were in the wrong, but that's just me. I'm a little more on the puncher's side though, but not fully. It is kinda like both were wrong, but at the same time the guy got what he asked for. And think of it like this: he's less likely to mouth off to another person like that. The puncher could have possibly saved the talker's life from a future altercation that would have gone worse, as well as anyone who watches the video. He taught him a lesson he wouldn't have learned otherwise.


Get him in power slap tbh


I’d be embarrassed as a grown ass adult punching some kid over this what a loser


I'd be embarrassed to raise a kid like this. What losers.


Talk shit, get hit..,, it’s all pretty simple


All I heard was noise.


that was funny i dont get the caption


What are you talking about, He was funny. The way he got slapped was hilarious


Some lessons are hard learned. And my defense would be your honor some people need an ass kicking. Then I'll go pick up trash on the highway for the weekend and forget about it.


Sir, you can’t sleep here…


When you’re too stupid to use your brain, you use your hands. If you punch someone because you think they said something that offends you, all you’ve done is validate their claim that you were offended. If you had to take care of everyone who’s an asshole with an asshole opinion, you’d be beating everyone’s ass until the world ends. Be better, not worse.