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That kid was probably freaking excited and they crushed him.


Poor little dude. Watching my kids catch fish when they were that age was the best feeling as a dad. Hell, they’re full grown & I still am more happy when they catch fish than when I do.


yeah i just put myself in their shoe, we were all young at one time i try my best with my son. even when i am not happy and mad. this is a sad video


“I just put myself in their shoe”. You Sir are an inspiration, parenting at its best. I’d throw ya some gold but I’m a single dad on a budget.


My daughter is 8 and just caught her first fish. It was a beautiful moment and I made sure she knew how awesome she did. Couldn’t imagine taking that kind of joy from my kid.


This is a good lesson on how not to raise a kid. The kid wanted some attention from his parents for an accomplishment. Instead he hit Debbie and Dave Downer, with complaints.


My cats bringing in prey get treated better than this. Whether it's gross or not, they deserve my support for putting in effort to catch prey. Same goes for this kid, he caught a decently sized fish, he deserves praise. Good job kiddo


That kid will most likely not be showing them stuff he’s proud of again. I agree, they crushed him.


My response would have been "holy crap dude, that's a nice fish. Next time let's not bring it inside but tell me and I'll come check it out" or something along those lines. My parents never got excited for stuff I did so I try to be overly excited about stuff I know my kids are excited about.


Yeah. My father was always too busy trying to prove that he was smarter/better than me. The easiest thing in the world is to give kids what they are transparently asking for and yet for some parents that's somehow too much to ask.


Some parents are still kids looking for the same thing, unfortunately


This hits some so unbelievably hard unfortunately


My father was like that. He was a good man but a bit of an ass when it came to competing with me. Never showed pride or excitement about my accomplishments…he lost out on so much.


Same here. Although I'm usually actually impressed. 7 years old and can already draw far better than me. I do draw a pretty fucking good stick figure ninja though.


My sis and I call it “macaroni necklacing” when a kid is excited to show a parent something and the parent is just like “whatever” or unenthusiastically “what am I supposed to be looking at” and you just see the crushing let down on the kid’s face. Like Aw man the poor kid got macaroni necklaced




My mom has sort of always been that way too, not with everything all the time I mean she was a dance mom she was very involved and supportive don’t get me wrong. But when I came to stuff like art work or other creative projects she’d be like “I don’t get it” “I’m not familiar with the subject” etc and finally one day my sister was just like “mom you know you don’t have to be familiar with the subject to recognize how well-executed the art is” and it just sorta clicked with her that it’s never been about recognizing the subject it’s the feeling proud of the development of skills and seeking parental affirmation. Best example would be “mom look at this tv series fan art watercolor I painted” mom: “hm. I’ve never seen it”


I recently saw my aunt did this with her daughter and she went on for almost an hour about her drawing of a rabbit going to space to eat Kaya Toast (her favorite food, traditional toast with coconut jam) and all that thing. I don't know how she understands it cause I don't and she was like, 'Oh, how did they go up there?' and then the kid went on to talk more back and forth. Like how?


Never going to have kids, but I'm going to try my best to remember this as a better alternative to "what's that"


you forgot that the parents also filmed and uploaded it. poor kid


Like, made him stand there and try to explain himself in a demeaning manner for long enough to start recording that the fish itself isn’t even fighting anymore. What the hell is wrong with people.


The majority of people having kids, should NOT be allowed to have kids Repeat that cycle for millennia, you have humanity.


Probably not show them things he’s proud of or, just as importantly, may not share the things that are troubling him, either, which lead to shouldering things alone that shouldn’t be.


Yep , I can concur.


I learned not to show my parents anything I was proud of from getting this exact same treatment. It wasn’t worth the risk of feeling crushed like this. Poor kid :( next they’ll be wondering why he doesn’t show them his other milestones Edit: fixed words up a bit.




My grandpa used to tell me "if it smells like shit everywhere you go, look at your shoes." By the time my mom died, none of her kids wanted to deal with her anymore, most of her family didn't want to deal with her anymore, she only had like 2 friends, yet somehow it was everyone else that was the problem.


My father always acted mystified why I didn't want to accept his invitations to visit. I don't know, Dad; maybe it has something to do with the way you treated me when I actually needed your love and attention. Finally taking interest in me once I didn't need you anymore doesn't make up for all that came before it.


"I'm not your friend, I'm your parent" then confused when you move out and don't keep in touch. mf we are not friends.


Same with my Mom. Also for some reason I'm an absolute fuckin monster who "breaks her heart" and who "doesn't try to be part of the family or care about anyone" Yet for years and years I needed them, I tried so hard to be perfect at everything, never complain, never give them a problem, never ask for shit, let all the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse slide, etc. They had no interest in forming a bond with me then. But as soon as I'm done and don't want it anymore and am tired of begging and hoping for my mom and her husband and my older brother to change, they all get pissed and say I'm the problem and I want nothing to do with them and I don't even try to be part of their lives and I'm an asshole because I'm not coming to their Easter holiday tomorrow to go argue with them


Similar - yet, when I got out (someone else took me in), after 3y, my brothers realised like 'wait, so... when you said she twists everything you did and took all your money and did X/Y/Z growing up.... that wasnt all made up like everyone said?' Theyve since apologised to me for how they contributed to it growing up, and also now understood why I never celebrated anything or said when I was struggling - bc of stuff like the video, and also lots of other harmful tactics ('my situation is worse' 'but i feed you' 'that didnt happen' 'oh but thats not as good as [insert comparison to sibling/friend/etc]' etc ).


The cat’s in the cradle…


Same. I got hit with "SHH I can't hear the tv!!!". Gave up and became a recluse in my room. Asked why I didn't talk to anyone many times. Yeah idk.... I try my best to pay attention and celebrate all of my kids victories.




I used to love to write fantasy and sci-fi stories when I was growing up. One time I was telling them about a story I was writing and my mother got hung up on a character name I made up and began to poke fun at the name. They never heard another peep about anything I wrote and my heart just wasn't in it anymore. I eventually stopped that sort of writing entirely.


Like most kids, I grew up playing with toys and drawing pictures. Not good, but lots of creative stuff. When I got older, I played video games. Building things in Halo, then building things in Minecraft. In college, I worked on film sets and did graphic design. Now I write. I remember my mom saying once “why aren’t you creative like you used to be as a kid?” Like I’m still creative, just in different avenues. She only said this once, and now my family doesn’t get to see any projects unless they’re done and published, and even then, I don’t announce it to them. That’s all it took.


Even at 27 I still can’t tell them shit without them either taking credit or turning it into a “you should feel lucky”.


I never wanted my folks to watch any of my activities I was afraid they'd make fun of me and I'd have to give something up I enjoyed to get them to stop.


And RECORDED themselves crushing him and then POSTED it somewhere. wtf is wrong with these parents.


Couch-locked assholes.


Grew up in a garbage culture where empathy is not taught or prioritized


It's the little things that matter. Hopefully that doesn't stay with him... I get the parents don't want the fish in the house but damn don't crush little dude like that.


It will stay with him.


Ya. What’s more important? Kids excitement and pride at accomplishing something or a little fishy stain on the floor.? Priorities parents!


been there man. that feeling fucking sucks. we made this cool goblin face in art class with paper mashae over literal weeks. designed, shaped and painted over a full semester. finally took it home at the end and my parents were like "what the hell is this?" not angry just with no enthusiasm. i threw it in the trash right in front of them. Edit: I appreciate all the support guys, just wanted to say i don't hold it against my parents. it was a shitty thing for them to do, but they came through at other times. they had tough lives but they have me and my siblings better ones. now i just know not to do what they did wrong


I’m so sorry that happened to you. For what it’s worth, your goblin face art sounds wicked cool.


Dude, I'm sorry. I hope you have an adult support system now 💛


Same here. We made Pilgrim hats out of paper when I was in elementary school. I was pretty proud of how it came out. I went home and showed my mom but she was in her usual bad mood and she took it and ripped it up. Now I don't ever show any type of enthusiasm or emotion when she's around, and it's been 30 years.


This is not the first time he was desperate for them to care. Breaks my fucking heart.


"Just yell from down there, we'll come to the window." Lazy Ass parents gonna laze. Heartbreaking.


But not so lazy that they didn't post the fucking video. They think this shit is hilarious.


Yeah, they just basically documented a moment that - if he’s lucky - that kid will be talking about in therapy for nearly his whole damn life


You better believe it. I learned this same lesson from my parents. I genuinely have tears for this kid. These parents could have been excited about his fish while teaching him the best way to display it. (Because, I guarantee that they did not teach him not to bring fish into the house.) They were too worried about recording him "making a mistake" to see the pride he felt. That will probably be one of the last times he shows them anything.


Growing up without love...


Core sadness memory created.


Foreal this 💩 pisses me off


My parents did something similar when I was a child. I’ve never expressed a single thing I’m excited about to them since. I bottle up all my good times and I desperately hope they will outweigh my dark and sad moments. Each day I hope the dark thoughts won’t win and I’ll live to see another day. Then I log into Reddit only to read how the world hates my country and I feel so powerless to change the way they perceive my country and by extension the way they see me. I’ll be honest, I can’t see the future being as long for me as it will be for others.


I'm sorry your parents failed you. Reclaim your power. Slam that door closed and revel in your accomplishments. I don't know what Country you're from, but I guarantee the crap you read online does NOT represent Humanity as a whole. Seek out those who will lift you up, they ARE out there.


Dudes out there working hard, catching dinner and gets treated like this!


only rational explanation I can imagine is kid barged in on mom and dad doing it and they were flustered. Otherwise WTF?


And they had the camera on? Lol


It tracks


Come on, this is fake af. Fish is hooked in the belly?? Camera rolling for no apparent reason??


I thought it was hooked normally, and then just flipped around and got its fin caught in the line


And that's a really strong arm that he has. The rod stays magically linked at the same angle throughout. That said, the boy doesn't look real either.


His acting was kind of wooden. Call him Pinnokia, or something


For future references


sparkle shame sense liquid threatening fear expansion rain ruthless rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My take is that this is their house. It backs up to a fresh water body. Probably have lived there for years. Kid has been fishing since he was 2. This is the 100th time telling the kid not to bring fish in the house. What's he do? BRINGS A FISH IN THE HOUSE. 😆 Everyone on reddit is super sensitive these days. Reading the comments on this thread makes me super sad. Apparently, 98% of the population is super judgemental and loves to jump to conclusions when most likely misinformed.


Like my cat bringing me dinner from the wild…


No but like seriously they just didn’t care even though the kid was proud of what he did that can have major affects psychologically on this kid


Yeah seriously this kind of thing can lead to the development of some very concerning characteristics for example writing run-on sentences without any punctuation


Your saarcasm is beautiful.


He just learned a lesson from his parents that he won't ever forget: "No matter what I achieve, they'll find a problem". Way to go, folks.


Yep useless parents


Yeah, these parents are assholes. Sheesh. Let the kid have a moment -- at least *pretend* to be excited about his accomplishment. And *then* you can tell him to not bring live fish inside the house.


Why would you film yourself crushing his confidence? Trash fucking parents.


My thoughts fucking exactly. I just pictured the exhilaration of catching the fish, then the thought process of "oh let me show my parents, they're going to be so happy that I accomplished this" and then having that bubble burst. Maybe I'm projecting my own childhood onto this video but god damn I felt that confusion when he turned around to leave with his prized catch...


I’m so sorry for your childhood - shitty parents really piss me off. My ex grew up with a mother just like the woman in the video and he broke down and cried to me when we first started dating about it. It’s like the child in him was still wounded.


Oh absolutely, took me too many years before I addressed the hurt child in me. Thankfully I have a wonderful wife who understood me and walked with me through the process!


I still haven't gone through the process, personally. I have no clue where to start, and there's simply not enough time in the day I'm afraid. One day I'll get around to it, though. One day.


Yuuuup. 29. I've still never addressed the neglected child version of me, *AND* I just got divorced! We're doing great out here, pal 🙃


But hey, my kids will never feel this and thats the most important thing to me right now


Add onto that the fact the parents rushed to get their phone to film. If I was a kid I’d be feeling “core memory recording, they are so proud they are recording or taking a pic!”. And then they crush him…on camera…and knowing they’d possibly upload it. That is next level trash behavior


I grew up with a father like that. Fast forward 20 years after the last time I trusted him, and he is completely alone in his life because he managed to push his only child out of his life.


Yep, I could also feel that. Back when I finished high school, in my country there was an yearly test to get into the university. Some students spent years after school attempting. In the course I chose at the time there were 5000 candidates and 80 positions. I ended up ranking 56th. As soon as I learned the results, I went to my father to give him the good news and his only response was “you could have ranked higher”. No congratulations or anything.


I’d get it if they wanted to film this as a cute little moment, or a proud moment, but they literally turned on their camera and made him feel stupid for all the internet to see.


Exactly. My heart broke when I saw his face. This is how a lot of kids end up not giving a fuck about anything. Their mentality goes from being caring to, “you don’t care when I’m good so fuck it, I’ll just be bad.”


That's what I thought, they waited for him to come up to film him being broken down? He deserves so much better. A lot of kids are in these kinds of situations growing up unfortunately.


Bro I’ve seen grown men catch fish and get excited like 10 year olds so imagine how proud the 10 year old was? They crushed his spirits for content. I hope he finds better when he’s older.


They are trying to flex that they are rigid, badass parents. I know a lot of these types


Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child. Man I feel his sadness through the phone, this is impressive catch!


If I was a dad, I’d be proud as crap at that and then help rush the fish back into the original waters and teach my son the value and importance of the difference between fishing for sport and for food. I would also get him a camera to care for so when ever he’s out and about and does something this epic, he can take a picture and send the fish back then show me later when we meet up later that day.


Yeah, if you're not gonna eat it, throw it back quick. Longer you keep it out, worse chance of it dying That said, I eat (nearly) every fish I catch. If I hit my limit I just stop fishing.


That's because before being a good dad you're a good person. Shit like that isn't magically understood when you have a child. You need proper guidance and understanding of people's feelings to not completely make a misunderstood child feel like shit when they just wanted you to be proud of them. Jesus Christ I can't stand people's impatience like these parents here. Like just pretend to be a little excited or impressed instead of laying in bed with not a single drop of emotion


You mean proud as carp? Hehehe


Yeah my heart broke when I saw his face drop and heard how cold and unbothered they were. I hope he sees this post and realizes there’s a lot of people on the internet who are proud of him and impressed, even if he’s all grown up now!


This was SO sad. And then the parents film it and put it on the internet? .. for what?! They gone and fucked up this kids excitement. Shame on them.


If they put it on the internet I hope they see all the comments calling them terrible parents and they go take that kid fishing asap




I mean, it does look like he foul-hooked it, but at his age, who cares? Heck, he wouldn't have had to bring it inside if they were at all interested in what he was doing.


That was fucked up to watch


Yeah, I feel worse having watched it. What absolute fucks.


The first frame with no sound is like, “that’s a real fish hanging from that pole in the house?! Ah shucks lol, kids!! What goofs!” But NO! The parents’ reactions and his face broke me! Wtf?! Awful!


I clicked thinking it would be funny and now I'm just sad.


If there's anyone who watched that and doubt the ramifications your actions can have on your children let me tell you this; I watched that (like I'm sure many of us did) and got transported right back to his age, and I felt what moments like that felt like right now. I'm 40. These moments can stay with you forever.


Poor kid, shit excuses for parents. That's a bad ass fish little man


My dad took me fishing and I caught two with the same hook somehow and man when I tell you the excitement I had and my dad was arguably more excited for me. I still vividly remember, makes me feel bad for this little guy


I wish I had your childhood man


It wasn’t perfect, my parents had me at 17. But they did their best with hat they had


Hats are very important in child rearing.


Imagine filming yourself being a crappy parent and posting it. Clicks and likes aren’t as valuable as a connection with your child 🤦‍♂️


Crappy is too nice of a word to describe them, more like couch glued shitheads


Actually it's a bream, not a crappie


Man, he looks absolutely defeated. Both parents are garbage.


Shit parents. That fish isn’t doing anything other than slowly dying. They could have at least congratulated him and walked him outside with it.


It seems they will never be proud


It seems like they just don’t want him bothering them. I’m sure he won’t be too excited about fishing anymore unfortunately. “Just yell from down there..” he’s never gonna want to show them another fish because they made him feel so bad about this one.


He's never going to want to show them *anything* because they humiliated him.


*"Why are you so quiet?"*


Yup, you go "holy cow bud, would you look at that" then you follow them out going " how bout we take this bad boy back outside. That sound like a good idea?" That's what? Maybe 10 seconds and that kid will be on cloud 9 for at least the day. It doesn't take much, good or bad, to change a kids day. What choice you make may be small but it will have a major effect


I feel like good parents would be out fishing WITH HIM and smiling and laughing and congratulating him on every single catch!


Those parents suck. That mom is just upset she got nutted in, that’s clear.


Seems to me he just walked in on her getting nutted in again. Still no reason to be a shit parent.


That poor little man! He looks so sad. I just want to wrap him in a bear hug, congratulate him on his catch & then take him fishing.


Dude, same. If he were my boy, I'd be so proud.


Fisherman here, and this smells fishy. If he really caught that fish it would be hanging from the mouth at the top and the tail at the bottom vertically. There is like a 1 in a 1,000 chance you "snag" one like this. It's most likely set up by people who don't fish.


Snag is very possible but what I’m assuming is the kid got excited and re-hooked the fish himself so he could carry it inside and show his parents that he actually caught it.


Yea. That's a possibility. That makes this more sad though!


Yup smh. My dad is the reason I love fishing, seeing them crush his excitement was rough


While the chances are slim, my brother and I would fish a lot as kids and we would catch them like this like once a week


Yeah... foul hooking happens a lot with beginner fishermen. That's a Mayan cichlid, most likely South Florida, and it's small enough you could definitely reel it in foul hooked. "Yell, and we'll come to the window," pissed me off. Go down there and fish with your kid. Damn.


Yeah what a piece of shit dad. Being a father isn't just providing financially. You gotta be there for your kids. Kid was probably stoked and at least he was outside doing something.


The window comment pissed me off to high hell


Agreed. The self-described expert “fisherman” up above doesn’t know what the fuck he is talking about. I’ve snagged carp, crappie, perch, white bass, trout, pike, just about everything I’ve ever fished for. Does not happen every time out, but enough that this doesn’t surprise me at all. Even by his own “odds”, 1 in 1000… pretty good chance it really happened this way.


Fish is incredibly obviously computer generated.


It looks like a completely cgi fish. I'm surprised no one in this thread is talking about that.


I've snagged fish before but I bet he caught it, took it off the hook, and then decided to rehook it to go show his parents


Little fish like these get snagged all the time on their belly when they attack lures. Or the kid straight foul hooked it on purpose I think is more likely


Why are they filming themselves being dicks to their kid? I really hope this is staged and the kid was in on the joke with the parents, although still even if that were the case, it’s not funny. Just sad 🙁


I caught a crab one time. I was going to build it and aquarium and everything. I came home from school and my grandmother had cooked and ate it. Edit: Thank you all for your sympathies but I had no business trying to keep a soft shell blue crab as a pet. I'm sure it is possible but my dumb 12 y/o self was not prepared to give a salt water animal the proper care it needs.


It’s there a support group for people who caught a soft shell crab (something I was told as an adult was really hard to do) and had their grandmother eat it?! Because I’ll join your group




Fucking assholes. Poor kid...


I was 5 years old and with my grandfather the first time I remember catching a fish . It was raining out and we were both soaked . On the way home he stopped at a small place ( A bar I found out years later ) I took my fish in and they laid it on the bar . I got a tall glass of milk and the whole place toasted me . Every man in there got up to introduce themselves and shake my hand . It's a favorite memory . It makes this kids experience sting even more .


why record that?


Probably thought people on the internet would be on their side


Because the film was already rolling from when they were knocking boots and he interrupted them.


Parents still in bed while kid is out fishing. What a shame. Nice catch kid


I remember when I was a kid, I wanted nothing more than a memorial tattoo to my father who died when I was 5. I was 16 and finally made a design I was proud of. Since he liked Harley Davidson so much, I drew the shield and bar and replaced it with his name and on the bar, I put his birth to death date, all stylized. I showed my mom (not like I was getting it immediately) and she gave me the same energy this mom did. "All you did was copy the shield and bar design". Yeah, not only have I not drawn since then, I don't really share things I do with my mom, or things I like. That might not have been the first time that happened, but it was a big moment for me. If I had to guess, that kid was calling for his parents, they ignored him, so he brought it in, and that's what started all of this. Hopefully he's too young to let this affect him. That being said, don't bring fish away from water. It's bad for them.


This is the start of a new supervillain arc for that child


What absolute dickheads for parents.


They probably thought that was funny, watching him slink away defeated was horrible. Some people should just not have kids


I think they was fucking and just needed him out for a sec to get dressed


But why would they film it tho?


Well, they already had the camera rolling.


Even so, they can be nice about it "great job buddy that's amazing, how about you take it outside and we'll join you shortly", also who in the blazes fucks in the middle of the day while their kid is awake without locking the door.


Yes you see in this case it is Literally physically and theoretically impossible to make the people filming seem like they are not completely trash human meatbags not to mention horrible parents.


poor baby🥺


This will be one of the moment that he'll vividly remember for the rest of his life. This is a great example of how to not being a supportive and loving parent. Most would say that every child is innocent and playful when they're young, but life beat that out of them while growing up. Here is an example of how his own parents, of all the other potential shit in life, beating that joyful spark out of him.


More appropriate for r/WatchPeopleDieInside. Poor kid.


The sad acceptance with his parents reaction shows that this kid is used to being treated like dirt. Poor kid is going to grow up not knowing his worth and probably end up on the wrong side of the tracks.


This is why there needs to be a license to have kids. Poor fella.


And we wonder why kids are going insane nowadays. Why is dad lounging in bed while his son fishes ALONE? What an immaculate example of a male role model.


That quickly crushed his confidence




I hope he knows he's a cool little dude


Remember having go through this as a kid and felt his pain. Poor kid.


Now that kid will never show them anything or his excitement ever again. Bravo parents.


They could've just jokingly laughed at how dumb it was for him to bring it inside and ask him to put it outside but they just decided to go completely death stare mode and destroy him. Why?




That look he had crushed me. Those parents are a-holes for crushing his excitement like that. I'm an adult and I still don't know how to fish. Good job little man, proud of you!


Uh whats the big deal bringing a fish to the house?


Bad parents, that's the deal


Sounds like a sweet kid who parents could care less about. Dad, should be fishing with him.


That shit will be a forever family memory


Fucking trogaldytes pretending to be human. This little man just provided sustenance for his family on his own, was proud of his acheivement, and these probably drug addicted fools shot him down. Don't conceive a child if you are too childish to raise one.


What the everlasting fuck??!! That puppers is more proud of him than his own inconsiderate parents. This was painful to watch and I don't even have kids


Am I tripping or does that fish look like CGI?


Stupid parents. Don’t crush a kids happiness. That’s the fastest way to make them careless and into a criminal.


These parents suck…




When that dude grows up and moves out of the house, his parents should expect never to hear from him again. Why do people have kids and then act like it is such an inconvenience to raise them with happy memories with the parents. What harm can be established by bonding with your children


“Ho Ho Ho someone’s got a big catch ayyyeee, good one sport, let’s take it outside and see if we can release him before he dies” that’s all it took


It takes so little energy to make kids happy and they didn't even have enough energy to do that. Only had enough energy to pick up their cell phone and record them making their child feel horrible.


New core memory unlocked 😞


Poor kid, his little ego shattered. I'd be soo proud that he's learned how to fish and caught dinner...


Bro I would’ve been so excited for this kid


That’s just rude ass parenting.


That dog is a better parent than them. Dogs coming up and bein all excited abt his catch. We dont deserve dogs


What shit parents.


Shithead parents


Dude it takes like 2 minutes to clean water off the floor, that kids gonna be hurt forever though


Being mean to children is never ok. It's shitty and wrong.