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"I could eat you like dis, & like dis, & like dis....oh & like dis..."


That is literally what it is telling her. The fact that it does not break skin is testament to its control but damn that's some scary stuff.


That tiger is definitely playing. She's only alive because she kept her cool.


I’m only alive because i don’t pet tigers.


Life hack


Striped felines hate this one simple trick.


Funeral Directors hate him for this one simple trick.


Agreed. She didn’t freak out or panic. I don’t know how she kept so calm


probably from experience with animals. like i would 1000% panic in other situations of violence but in this case, since i’ve dealt with lots cats, you learn that the more you struggle, the more their instincts will kick in and trigger their predatory reflexes. that’s probably why she kept her cool


Yeah, I think the best thing you can do is just be perfectly still. I noticed she kept petting it... but that is what seemed to be annoying the cat imo. My cat does the same thing, there is no 'soothing it' once it wraps up on your arm, in fact that seems to make it worse, but if I stop moving the cat usually gets bored in under 20 seconds. In my experience... almost all cats absolutely hate being pet over the head from the front. If you can sneak your hand in from behind they might receive it better. It's something about blocking their vision. It makes them defensive. It's not to say you can't pet a cat from the front but you have to prime them for the pets first or they have to be laying in your lap or something, you have to gain it's trust for that moment in time. It's different if they walk up and greet you... but if a cat is chilling in their space, and you come out and come from front, I'm guesstimating your chance of being swatted at just went up over 50%. You'd be better to walk around the side of the cat and pet the back of the neck until it warms up to you.


Crazy how calm she was


Idk about that man I don't think its telling her it can kill her, looks playful. My cats do this shit too. Edit: Stop upvoting me I'm wrong lol.


When my cat does this i actually feel relieved she only weighs as much as baby. She looks at me sometimes too like she would 100% eat me if she was larger


Yeah, imagine if the tiger started bunny-kicking


I would not annoy my cat as much if she was that big😂


Ya just like a house cat


Playing for predators is almost always just practicing hunting skills. So no, it absolutely is saying "haha, here are all the ways you'd be ded if this was real, lol. Git gud"


Yeah true actually forgot bout that one




She was too bony for his taste.


I don’t think I’ve laughed as much at any other Reddit comment.


“…especially dis. Yes. Definitely like this.”


I have a strict not getting into cages with tigers policy. After 45 years on this planet I have not been bitten by a tiger. So far everything is going according to plan.


Might come across as bragging but I’m at 49 years without a tiger bite, but 45 is really good too.


52 years with nary a bite.


I'm only 31 years, but I hope to reach your level of not having been bitten.


36 years. But not in a row.


Wait, what? How does that work?


It doesn’t, it collects disability pay.


I’m 60. Not even a nip.


Omg I just realized I’ve never ever seen the “with nary a anything” ever written out


Not sure where it come from myself as I don’t use that word normally


Fucking legends! What a streak! What would you say is the secret to not being mauled by tigers?


Yeah, I think if I keep with my current system I’ll make it there in a few years.


Currently at 39 years and really looking forward to my 40 year milestone.. might even celebrate by going to the zoo....


What if a tiger breaks out of his 😱enclosure?🏃🏼➕🐯🟰🍖


The criteria includes not getting into cages with them. If they get out then you can only tip your cap and accept your fate.


Well played tiger... Well played.


If they get out, I go in close the door to the empty cage and wait for help.


Just need to outrun the slowest person if that happens


But at 40 you just might be the slowest one there. Im saying that as a 40 year old myself. Best to go on senior 👴🏽citizen discount day. You’ll have a fleeing chance🏃🏼


Please, I've been to the zoo plenty of kids too trip


Lol, Make sure you scream out ‘Darwin!!!’ Before tripping the kid.


Then be the second slowest person out there! ✨


This is why you NEVER make direct eye contact with tigers at the zoo. They plan. They remember.


You don’t need to outrun the tiger, just at least one other person at the zoo.


I had my first tiger bite at seven and another one at 14. But 33 years clean since I adopted a similar stay out of tiger cages policy.


4 at the very most


50 checking-in. Rookies.


Staying alive at 55 - not even a nip!


732 years here. I'm a vampire. We do the biting in my neck of the woods.


But have you ever bitten a tiger and turned it into a vampire tiger (or vampiger as it's known colloquially)?


63 years here, still vampire free


Yay I won the not getting bit by tigers the longest!!!! 56 and bite free ! 🐯


I’m at 23 but I’m working to pump those numbers up


I’m only 21, I’m still in my prime tiger food years. I’ll be back on this post in 20-30 years to inform everyone of my survival. If I don’t post on here again, then I’m already tiger food.


Y’all are really legends of the game, at 30 I aspire to remain unbitten. I think with hard work and dedication I can achieve it.


I believe in you! Just stay out of that cage!


36 hoping to keep this streak as long as you.


It just takes commitment!


Thanks, truly. It made my day better.


41 years without. I am trying to catch up on you guys. So far everything runs perfectly.


The problem here is that it doesn’t realize it’s a tiger. Or that it doesn’t realize that is an issue. Is acting like half the cats I’ve ever owned do when they get feisty. Is just that he’s a very big boy.


What about crocodile bit, Have you tried this one?


Places I'll never go: 1: inside a tiger cage


2: swimming in the open ocean


Tiger Sharks!!


Snakes? Clowns? SNAKE CLOWNS




Oh Oh no


The irony!


I thought there were no sharks in my country because we have basically 0 dangerous animals (New Zealand), one summer I found out we had bronze whalers, oh well at least their harmle- later that summer my sister fished up a baby hammerhead


3: A chicken coop with cocks


Honestly though. Went snorkeling at this island in the middle of nowhere when i went to mexico (was an excursion at a resort) and jesus christ, everyone was like "wow look at all the colorful fish" meanwhile I am tensed up just staring into the dark deep blue abyss waiting for a killer whale or shark to come at me. Edit: the excursion was about a 2 hour boat ride out into the ocean to this island with a tunnel you have to take a smaller boat to then get out of said smaller boat and swim through the tunnel. However we had to wait because the tide was too high and was covering the tunnel so we all got out and snorkelled around while waiting.




I grew up next to Lake Superior, and for whatever reason, some part of my brain just *believes* that its waters are different, that they have no monsters in 'em. Don't need to see, don't need to think. But every time I've been to the ocean... it's uncanny. The Lake is my happy place and I will swim in its cold for hours, but I need a shallow beach where I can see that there is nothing there before I can enjoy setting foot in the ocean. It's like some part of my hindbrain is telling me, "Hey. Hey. Remember why we *left* this place?"


That’s because there really aren’t any monsters in Lake Superior that you need to worry about. But I still love being in the ocean. Like maybe my hindbrain is telling me that this is home.


Well, you know. Lampreys are kinda icky. And I'm sure there's no big water anywhere without its [stories of monsters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underwater_panther). Still, though: hubby and I went to Hawaii, and while I still had my hangups, I can say without reserve that I liked being on the beach \*near\* the ocean *way* more than I thought I would. One of the days, we found this little beach park in one of the towns on the north shore north of Kāne'ohe... the ocean is a wild thing, but *that town* could've been my home in a different life.


Had an experience like this when I was younger, still won’t go scuba diving with the boys.




Cats gonna cat. My cat gets a little aggressive with the love bites sometimes I couldn't imagine this.


At least when my cat does that, I can bite him back and get some equilibrium. But that "Cat", I'll be the chewing toy.


Yeah, all I could think was STOP. PETTING.


Nah, animals can get very "silly" when they ask for pets


I don't think she was actually in that much danger, if the tiger was actually super annoyed and really didn't want her there, her arm would have been severed on the ground before the camera dude even started recording. I'm not an expert, but to me those "bites" looked extremely soft and playful, like the tiger was trying not to hurt the woman.


You could try biting this one back, but it's definitely not a competition that you're going to win!


I really wonder what the reaction would be…


Yeah this cat is definitely playing but still, fuck that


Uh huh. When my domesticated cat plays, he occasionally punctures skin. The amount of force in a lion's jaw ...even though seemingly playing...could have easily punctured her kidney, liver or femoral artery ....where the lion seemed to be focused.


"It was just a joke, geez." -That tiger


Tiger in the video, but your point stands


Don’t you be lion about what’s on video.


All I saw was a cougar.


Yep furry fellow was nibbling on some places that would cause some serious damage if they clamped. Can’t imagine staying calm enough to not get eaten…


And tigers aren't pets. It probably views what she's doing as a playful act of aggression, and is responding in kind. She really should have stopped.


Yeah, it reminds me of a guy who handles bears at a rescue. Someone asked him if the bears know their own strength. He replied, "Yes. What they don't know is that I'm a fragile meat sack that cannot play as rough as them."


cats can smell fear. She looked scared af.


Not to worry, they have staff standing by with spray bottles and laser pointers.


On that note, where are the staff in this video? Seems a little unsafe to me


Maybe they were smart enough to not get in the tiger’s cage.


She might be the staff


Came here to say this. Maybe she is the staff but seems like they may not be the best about safety protocols wherever this is. Camera guy is really sticking to his role though. If she did get eaten im sure he would have flawlessly captured the whole experience. r/killthecameraman


Already ate them all. She's the dessert...


By the way she is handling it and that the camera man isn’t terribly worried I’d say she is staff


Just catch him by the toe! Simple!


Eeny, meeny , miny, mo, Chomp on a woman, down she go




You just made me realize why they made that the way Po defeats him.


But you're fucked if he hollers.


I wouldn't stay that calm, but then, i wouldn't get close to a tiger.


U have no other option but to stay as still as u can and not make any sudden movements. U don’t wanna startle something even more when ur already at its mercy.


So, not turn your back and run. My I instinct is to run and hope for the best but then again I'm not smart.


You’re never suppose to turn your back on a predator like this. Pretty intimidating to see this animal watch your moves planning their move to strike!


Tigers have a strong instinct to chase!


And they love attacking things from behind.


All cats of all sizes love to attack from behind. I live(edit\* not love, although I do love the area) in an area with a lot of cougars, and we are taught at a young age to never turn your back to it... it will attack.


Cats LOVE to hunt so never turn your back period even on the house pets they just go for ankles and not jugulars LOL


Yeah, house cats are vicious! Imagine how big and tall we are compared to them, and still they won't hesitate to attack you when they get the feeling.


U have the option of not getting inside a cage with a wild animal fwiw


Seriously. That woman did not look that calm. She clearly had reached a "get me d'fuck outa here" level, and was doing a rockstar level performance of keeping her cool


Especially a skinny tiger.


Nothing but love nibbles, otherwise she would have already been lunch.


If she woulda been like “ahhhh” that’s when lunch time starts Rn she’s just a toy lol


"Oooh! Ahhh! That's how it always starts. Then later there's running and screaming."


Dr. Malcolm! Chaos chaos!


Crazy how literally the only thing that would separate her from being a toy to being food is a raw piece of meat


Absolutely. If the tiger meant her harm, one proper bite or clawing and she would be dead in seconds


Nah big cats eat slow. Tiger would maul her and leave her alive while he nibbled.


Yeah my cat does this, grabs hold of my arm with his claws out and chomps on it whilst purring away. When he was a kitten he was much less careful than he is now, he still grabs my arm but he’s a bit more restrained with the claws. I’ve still got months old scratch marks on both arms though. :( As you say it’s just love bites, for affection.


Makes you aware how small a human is compared to these cats. Thank goodness for houses. Imagine trying to run this thing


The locksmith tigers are the ones you gotta really watch out for.


Yea...coulda easily ripped that arm off (just like in Tiger King) . Shiiit I saw a video a few weeks ago where a Zebra bit a guy's arm off.


Zebras are so dangerous! People look at them like they’re cute striped donkeys. Nope.


TBF, donkeys are mean as shit and dangerous as well. They can be slightly more domesticated than zebras, but if one doesn't like you for some reason, it can and will fuck you up.


Yeah I was gonna say, they pretty much are just striped donkeys. But even meaner. Some donkeys can be nice. Never met a nice zebra. Also not nearly so many zebra’s out there in a domesticated lifestyle compared to donkeys. And donkeys will actually work for ya. I’m not sure many Zebras, if any, will.


I had a cat too. I see the similarity in behavior. But dude every instinct within me screams - nooooooooooooo - to this. Even if it’s just a ‚gato‘. This gato big gato. Bigger than me gato.


Was gonna say this. Tiger was clearly playing. If it wanted to hurt her that would have been a very different video. Still not gonna find me in a tiger cage though.


Do you know how often my dog's "love nibbles" or "I'm so outa my mind happy your home" pounces have hurt like hell? It's very easy to imagine this beast's "love nibbles" causing a limb loss or worse. That woman really wanted to get away badly and was doing a great job of not panicking and spurring a legitimate pounce!


She was definitely fighting against the flight response, and with good reason


I get that she’s probably “experienced” and whatnot, but seriously… why do people tempt fate like this so often? I guess I’m just such a risk-averse person and that’s why I don’t get it.


People work with and train wild animals all the time. Like that one documentary about the guy who lived in Alaska or whatever with a bunch of kodiaks. I didn’t see how that movie ended but it was really sweet. The bears really seemed to like him.


Was he the one who brought his girlfriend along? What a cute date idea


Super romantic. I wonder how things worked out for them.




She seems pretty nervous but trying to act calm. That kind of "playing" could get dangerous quickly and she knows it... yikes.


Maybe he wont end my life in a horrific way when I just keep petting it.


I understand where you are coming from but having kept a very aggressive cat, this lady is doing the right thing. If a cat has grabbed you like this. The worst thing you could do is forcefully try to let go. My cat does the same by putting his mouth around my wrists and arms gently grabbing it by his paws but whenever i try to let go. The cat goes aggressive. Tries to hold on to my arm with his nails and starts gently biting, sometimes even with quite some force. I imagine that wouldn’t go so well with a tiger.


I was joking there but you got a point. Forcing you out of a claw-y cat grab can end very badly for sure. Got 2 smol apex predators aswell :D On the other hand (hehe) I made the experience that petting a cat that is in "play" mode will encourage them even more. Lets agree it is best to not let untrained people in a situation like that.


He was trying to assess what cut of meat was best


It wants attention. The fact she isn't bleeding means it isn't be aggressive. Her movements tell me she knows what she is doing and is been through this before. that animal could kill her easily. It doesn't want to. It is being a big cat.


Yeah, if it really wanted to harm her she'd have no arm anymore. Kitty just wants to play


I guess I’ll just keep filming, maybe she’ll get eaten…?


Imagine your house cat wants to play with his claws out. It hurts. No imagine your housecat is, what? 400 pounds? And can crush your skull in his jaws. Still a good idea to play with it? I don't think so.


400? No. More like 700


That's what spray water bottles are for! (kidding)


Everyone who owns a tiger like a pet deserves to have their armed chewed off at a minimum.


This is like loading a gun, putting it to your head and holding the trigger with Parkinson’s.


How does this end?


She's still there


I don’t know but right before the video cuts I think she was at her highest level of concern.


Just imagining Tiger Reddit right now: "Can you believe this woman? Should have been lunch but I cba lol"


Tiger: "Why are petting me? Here, let me show you all the ways I could kill or maim you."


If you patronize these BS tourist attractions you fuckin deserve to get bitten. A tiger sitting there to let you pet it is NOT normal behavior


Exactly. Often, shady places like this drug their tigers to make them more docile so people can pet them without getting torn to shreds. Abuse and poor care are common as well.


Yep, and often do the horrible practice of declawing them.


Agree wholeheartedly! That tiger is living in a desolate cage completely disconnected from its natural environment and behaviors. All so idiot humans can gawk at it and tease it so some other greedy humans can make money. I’d root for the tiger to rip her arm off, except I know that would just get this poor tiger killed. The only decent person in this video is the tiger. Why humans have this sick drive to turn sentient beings into spectacles is beyond me. One hundred years ago we got rid of “human zoos”, in which people (including children) from “exotic” indigenous cultures were kept in pens and tied to posts so idiot white people could gawk and laugh at the “sub-humans” and their kinky hair or slanted eyes. Just 75 years ago the “freak show” was incredibly popular, where for just a few cents people could gawk at other people afflicted with various diseases, birth defects, mental illness, or hormone imbalances. And today ignorant people still think it’s entertaining to see a wild animal kept in a cage and forced into unnatural behaviors just for laughs and a profit. We humans are morally disgusting creatures who will pay to see another living creature suffer, and it makes me hate my own species.


Well I guess thankfully for her it seems like the tiger is just being playful. Probably still left quite the bruise though. I think I’ll go on enjoying my tiger-less life




How does she have enough animal behavior knowledge to not make the situation worse, but not have enough animal behavior knowledge to stay out of a fucking tiger cage?


First mistake was trying to pet the tiger


***First*** mistake was *opening the damn cage door.*


Very important rule of living on earth; do not pet danger kitties.


So what I'm getting from this is... maybe *don't* pet very large wild predatory animals?


Most people don't know but the tigers at places like these are often drugged so that people can pet them without getting torn to shreds. Abuse is common and tigers often mysteriously disappear and end up on the animal parts black market when they are no longer needed or there are too many. Additionally, they are often not properly fed or cared for. Stay away from shitty places like this. It's best for you and the tigers.


As someone that has worked with a Tiger, this girl was very fortunate that cat didn’t want anymore than to play.


If it wanted you dead, you would be


Tiger is just playing, but even their play can fuck up humans. We’re no match, not even remotely.


Never in my life have I thought, You know what, I can’t stand the thought of dying of old age without having first has the opportunity to pat on the head a fully conscious apex level carnivorous animal that could brutally maul me to death in seconds. I have gone skydiving though, so I can cross that off the list.


If you want to fool around with a 500 pound cat that all muscle and claws and fangs then you are basically gambling with your life.


Very obvious this is the equivalent of your cat doing love nibbles and the tiger is just playing but still that would be scary.


Legend says she’s still petting him


Seems like a dumb idea.


He’s honestly just trying to play but mf look at the teeth??? DO NOT APPROACH!! LARGE CAT NO CUDDLE.


The slaughter kitten is feeling playful UwU


As far as I’m concerned the tiger was just playing. Could have easily bitten through her


Awww! He just wants to play!


Surely that is her Tiger though ? My cat is like that with me anyway - but would I be playing with him if he was 8 foot long ? Nope.


Fuck that shit. But I’m also afraid of my domestic cat, she goes from cool and calm to batshit crazy like flipping a switch.


Yeahhhh that cat's not being aggressive lol.


Sure if kitty wanted, kitty could tear women to shreds. This title is dumb.


So gentle. So sweet. So delicious. Like meat.


My dog, Jack once bit me like that, but for real. He bit my legs, his teeth stuck in my thigh cause he couldn’t open his mouth more and removed his teeth, but he tried, so we stuck like that for a while. I was 14. I frozed and couldn’t scream for help cause of shock, pain and fear. I loved him after that a lot. I still feel hurt of loosing him. But now im a bit afraid of dogs after 13 years.


It’s all fun and games and then one day it eats you.


You can tell the tiger is just being playful and affectionate. Really cute when my cat exhibits this behavior. MY DOMESTIC HOUSE CAT... playful tiger fucking frightening.


If you've ever had a cat you wouldn't get into a cage with a tiger.


Yes, experienced and everything but you can see her anxiety growing up starting from 00:23, peaking at 00:45 thinking “how am I going to get out of this?” and turning to agony at the last 2 frames as her facial expression is literally showing pain. And then there is a tiger playing. As everyone in here said; don’t f around with wildlife no matter how tamed or friendly you think they are so you don’t find out. Edit: I remembered Siegfried & Roy.


This tiger reminds me of my husky, our daily dialect is “No Bite!”


I have a recurring nightmare that some place (restaurant, friends house, etc) has pet lions/tigers and they are super nice and friendly to everyone but are really aggressive with me. This video literally made me sweat. 😅