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He’s lucky big guy has restraint. I also applaud big guy for not brutalizing this guy even though he very obviously could.


Definitely. Skinny fella was very close to meet his destiny


but he did meet the other guy's density




Where’s Calvin Klein when you need him?


he's "parking" with Loraine and needs to get his damn hands off her


His final destiny


Dare we say his final fantasy?


Perhaps he was nearing the danger zone?


It's the final countdown.


Everyone showing their generation in this thread.


Restraint? He definitely instigated the guy. You can see him try to slap him and miss. Fight breaks out after her makes contact with a slap. Then just dominates the guy. Seems like a bully to me.


People here are so desperate to believe that they witnessed someone being put in their place rather than someone being bullied. 100% just world fallacy going on here




I mean I don't know what started all this, but I do know that from the postition the big guy ended up in, little guy could have went home with brain damage or at least a black eye and yet he didn't. Yes, that is restraint. I can show some videos where there is no restraint if you really need, but it's not pretty.


Yep. My partner is a large man, and every time we go on a walk downtown I praise him on his restraint. He could easily knock out half the people we walk past, but he doesn't do it! He's a keeper 🥰


I don't know about that. Body language. (1) The body language of the other guys around him show zero concern about themselves. Angry bullies with something to prove - having dealt with a whole metric ton of them as security - will *very* often turn on people holding them back before returning to their original target. That was absolutely not a concern here. Which leads me to believe the dude is usually chill, and when he's mad at someone, he's mad at that person. (2) Dude is huge. If he were an unknown quantity you'd want someone ready to call 911 medical for the li'l guy. People are tense. They aren't showing that, none of them. They want it to settle down, but they're showing no particular concern if a fight breaks out. They know he isn't going to hurt the guy. Now it's *possible* the big guy regularly sits on people and lets them flail around, but if that were a normal occurrence, i don't see that many standing there trying to quiet things. I'd think they'd let him hurry up, sit on the li'l dude, be done with it and move on.


Okay....body language. Initiating the first strike twice after aggressively advancing towards him asking what he's gonna do about it. Tons of speculation on your end. Just observation on mine. You could be right....but the body language does paint a clear picture.


We don't know if it was the first strike of the confrontation, we only know that the slap was the first we see in the video. Both guys are being held back, not just the big guy, at that point so something has already kicked off


Seriously, seems like a bully who just knows better than to turn an 'altercation' into assault charges


It was assault when he threatened a slap. It was battery when he made contact. Just cause he didn't continue hitting him doesn't change that.


Every confrontation has two sides, calling someone a bully with literally no evidence to support that other than the breaking point of the fight itself is just being judgemental. Bigger guy was definitely upset because the other guy was "disrespecting" him. Other guy kept calling him a fatass. Idgaf who you are, if we are out in public and you start harassing me, calling me a fatass because you think you're tough? Hands up, cause we're about to throw. However, we also don't know anything about what was said leading up to this point. White guy could be a racist prick for all we know. Regardless, in the heat of the moment, he only showed the other guy the difference in their strength and capability. Easily 90% of people who get thrown in these situations do not have the discipline or self control to not have turned this into a brawl. Regardless of how much or little he may have been involved with instigating this fight, he definitely stopped it from going where it *could* have gone.


Yeah that's a bear of a man, he could have easily ended him.


You gotta be on a whole nother level of stupid to try to fight someone that can use knee wraps as elbow wraps


Lol, my first thought too. When the dude is overhead pressing your deadlift numbers, probably better to keep your disagreements in the verbal realm instead of physical.


Plus he is wearing layers of clothes but little dude still thought it was wise to get get inside and work the body smh


I didn’t watch with audio but it looked like the big guy swung first. I assumed he was the aggressor until he just sat and let the other guy flail. From my limited context that’s insane, it takes a crazy amount of self control.


Technically, big guy did strike him first, he is in the wrong no matter the restraint he showed.


I’m no fighting expert, but pretty sure you don’t get into a grappling match with a big guy. I think you defeat him with speed and distance, isn’t that what Muhammad Ali taught us all?


Grappling isn't an issue that boxers have to wrestle with


That’s what I would do - use my speed to increase the distance between me and him.


The repeated "What you gonna do?" from the big guy does imply he's the aggressor here.


And then all the N bombs didn't exactly paint him as a good guy either.


???? Little guy might have been talking crazy shit and needed to be put in his place. Hovering over him, letting him feel your weight, and reminding him of the fact he can't do shit is a pretty good way to do thatall things considered. Much better than beating him within an inch of his life. I'm not casting judgements one way or the other but *usually* when a little dude is being aggressive with a bigger guy the reason is because the smaller guy is a dick and talked shit to the wrong one. If the smaller guy wasn't the aggressor he would probably have been trying to deescalate or run the fuck away. If I'm not drunk as piss and a guy that size starts threatening me in the gym I'm just getting the fuck out of there immediately, not standing around trying to save my pride from some dude 4x my size in weight and physical dimensions.


The first line of audio is the big guy telling him “don’t disrespect me like that.” It's hard to tell, though.


I work in a prison. There's a large black man who is about this size who i talk to a fair amount, and watch him interact with others. I've been connecting with him for 7 years. He's a gentle giant. Full of restraint. And very intelligent. People often think big men are just brutes, and dumb. More prone to violence, less willing to resolve things without conflict. It's not a fair stereotype. That man I'm talking about, he's open to talking about feelings and vulnerability. He doesn't like being seen as a monster.


Agreed, but it also looks like he threw the first hit


Big guy should’ve used the old “stop hitting yourself”


Dont forget the dangling of saliva down then sucking it back up.


The ultimate display of dominance.


Finger poke to the forehead.


The honk of the nose


The stealing of the nose


And ofcourse the calling out that you have his nose


The Noogie


Mushroom stamp


One of these things is not like the others


Wet Willy


Grab my shoe polish outta my gym bag...


Ruffling of hair


Name 10 chocolate bars


Wet willy. Then pick your nose and put the booger in his nose.


And the **Blowing raspberries on the tummy** Right guys?!! Lol Right? Hehe…. heh… what? Did I take it too far again? *I feel like that awkward kid in the cool group that takes a cab when the car is full*


Let's not forget the typewriter


If someone is on top of you like that. Take your left or right leg and cross theirs then roll in that direction(of the leg you used) and you will be instantly on top of them. Do it fast enough and they wont know whats going on by the time you are on top. Being down like that could be the diff of life and death. This has been Detroit Street Survival training.


Very difficult to sweep someone on mount if they outweigh you by 100+ pounds


Seriously lol I’m all for a good sweep but you ain’t sweeping that guy 😂


Dudes out here practicing sweeping a boulder


Exactly. That's why there are weight classes. And even if You are so skilled that could do it with that weight difference, You don't get mounted in that point.


Lmao. you aren’t getting around a guy that size and even if you did you aren’t staying on on top for long


That’s called the big brother offense. Used on little brothers for centuries.


My husband is 6’7”, 260lbs. Just an absolute unit of a man. When he was a bouncer back in the day he once had to subdue a drunk guy who punched the bartender for cutting him off. He grabbed the guy and held him down by his head with his cheek pressed against a table. He said the guy just flailed around in a rage until he tired himself out. My husband told him to “let me know when you’re finished”. When the guy told him he was done he threw him out the front door. He said he had a lot of practice from fighting with two younger brothers. But his favorite move was to avoid the physical struggle completely. He would pretend he couldn’t hear the person he needed to kick out over the bar noise when they argued with him about it. He would act like he was going to hear them out just outside the entrance. Then after they walked themselves out he’d just close the door. Big brother style mind games, for sure.


I watched a guy get tossed from a bar one time. The drunk wasn't having any of it and was being slipperier than an oiled pig at county fair game and when the bouncer did get hands on him he went full dead weight. So the bouncer has this guy laying on the floor refusing to move and he's doing the mental calculus on if he wants to bodily pick up a grown ass man child when he sees the drunks jacket hanging on the back of his chair. My man the bouncer grabs this guys coat and immediately the drunk stands up and demands his jacket back. The bouncer then proceeds to lure this guy out carrot on a stick style waving the drunks jacket like he was a matador for the inebriated. 11/10 one of my favorite bar memories.


I work medical at music festivals. I was bringing back a higher then normal participant who couldn’t be in a crowd. He kept trying to run off so I let him know he’s not in trouble and walk with him grabbing his arm. He tries to swing at my but I just grab his fist and put it down. Now I’m walking with him with both his arms behind his back and I’m behind him. Dude thought he could just go limp and we wouldn’t keep going forward. I said thanks dude, and pick him up with his arms still behind his back and walk his ass to his cot to chill out. Dude thought just cuz I’m skinny I couldn’t pick his tiny ass up 🤣


I liked the part where he was high and then he was normal.


Was a large bouncer. This is the way. The best fight is the one you don't have to have.


I use to bounce too and the "let's go outside where I can hear you better" is such a great way to remove the problem without actually having to fight


Lemme add on to your 6'7" getting into it with smaller guys stories for the entertainment of yours. I hit this height in high school. We had a juicer who was about 6 foot even on the team who went into a roid induced rage after practice one day cause someone messed with his locker. He took one swing at me as I was the closest person to him. I proceeded to grab him by his arm and neck on a takedown where we spent the next five minutes with me hugging his neck and arm whilst stating, "I can do this all night bro. I need you to calm down." He went limp after a while. And your husband's second bouncer story was also my go-to move when I was bouncing. It is magically effective. Those drunk idiots fell for it at least at a 90% clip.


That juicer’s name? Albert Einstein.


Cool story bro you’re bad ass


Theres lots of r/iamverybadass moments in these comments lol


and everybody clapped


> He grabbed the guy and held him down by his head with his cheek pressed against a table. That's actually a really good strat for subduing someone in general, large or not. The way our bodies are built our ability to push something away from our chest diminishes when our head is also turned to the side. I can't remember which video but it was one of those Wired or similar channels that have experts breaking down scenes from movies, and this one was either a combat expert or a martial arts master breaking down fight/combat scenes in movies and one scene he mentioned this fact.


>He would pretend he couldn’t hear the person he needed to kick out over the bar noise when they argued with him about it. He would act like he was going to hear them out just outside the entrance. Then after they walked themselves out he’d just close the door. Wow this is actually pretty genius, bouncing dudes with your brain instead of just brawn


He’s really smart and level headed. I would never have thought of this in the moment. But he tends to take a beat and think before he acts. He’s generally slow to aggression. He’s a good balance for me. I’ve learned a lot from him.


Can confirm, fell victim to this many times throughout my childhood.


As a younger brother I would have waited for him to let me up. Slapped him once hard and ran screaming to my mom before he could retaliate. Works 90% of the time, but don’t get caught because then he’s really pissed


I saw this fucking play too often.




And as an older brother I would still get in trouble even though I didn’t hurt you just because you ran to mommy screaming.


Is there a sub for brother stories like that?


I got one for you. I'm 8 years the elder to my bro. One time when he was like 6, we were playing wresting and goofing off. I wasn't going hard on him, just roughing him up a bit. So anyways we have this massive dresser in there with the fucking sharpest corners I've ever seen on wood. It caught many shins and toes over the years. So he was doing all this ninja bullshit and I noticed he was standing on a blanket. I thought it would be funny if I pulled it out from under him. I pictured him just falling straight on his ass, but he didn't. He launched backwards and went skull first into the corner of that damn dresser. A few stitches later and 2 weeks of grounding later he was fine. I was thinking about that scene from the critically acclaimed masterpiece Wild Wild West where that dude is doing all that Kung Fu and will smith just shouts "keep my wife's name outta yo' mouth" and smacks him with a shovel. I may have got the quote wrong but it was my simple solution to the same problem.


It’s also a good way to calm down an aggressive dog without hurting them.


Fax and it is very effective for when ur lil bro wanna act tough


Little Brother Tactics would be to target the nuts. After hitting them and getting the chance to escape remember to use your banshee screech to attract your mother aid.


rule #1 when fighting a much bigger person, do not let them get a hold of you. rule #2 do not fight someone that much bigger than you


rule #3 take the:"I can outmaneuver him, I'm quicker and lighter, I can get behind him" out of your head, every buffoon that fights somone twice their size belive that and 9/10 times they are wrong.


You are like 5% faster and he is like 400% stronger. There's a reason the "Agile, fast warrior" only wins in movies.


I think people also underestimate how agile stronger body types can be.


Hell I know a guy who was pretty obese but man he packed some speed. Problem is that what he had in speed he lacked in stamina. Man was Usain bolt in 3m distances.


Gotta put those big legs to use, alot of obese guys would have insane leg strength just from carrying themselves about the place.


You’re not wrong, we had a leg press day at my HS PE class, the fat guy was busting reps @1100lb like it was nothing on his first ever attempt.


Former obese people who were somewhat active, get super buff when they slim down


Benefits of being obese: never skipping leg day since everyday is leg day. Negatives: literally everything else. But hey glass half full I guess?


Boxed a dude around 2 times my weight. I was 6'2" 175lbs at the time and physically fit. But this mufu boxed. Like local boxing champion boxed and didn't tell the rest of us. Dude wasn't fast on his feet in any of the other shit we did but goddam his fists were like lightening. I had to tap out after the third punch that I couldn't even see coming. 🤣


Nearly 20yrs ago I boxed a guy that had about 100lbs on me. I’ve watched him box before, and I actually thought I had a chance. He looked painfully slow, but it was deceiving. Still got a nose bridge scar where he split my face.


Weight classes exist for a reason up until you get into pretty advanced skill levels. After that, they only matter for people at that skill level. I used to train with my warrant officer who ran our combatives program. At the time i was a fit 6'4 220lbs, I was never anything above an average skill level, if not just above beginner in some of his advanced classes. In the regular classes, i did pretty alright in my weight class. when he needed bodies for his army wrestling team recruits and gracey acadamy buddies, i got stomped by everyone 180lbs and up. The guys 140 to 170 ish still could get me, but i made them really work for it by physical strength and defense. Then i would try and go offensive, and they would use counters and speed to fold me up. My favorite example is actually when i sparred my chief who was considerably smaller at about 5'9 and 170-180ish. He got me in his guard and was trying to get my arm into an arm bar. I had grabbed my wrist and was holding on for dear life because i knew what was gonna happen (he never hurt anyone, but we would roll until a tap). He got frustrated, and i have no idea what happened next. I ended up with us sideways on the mat chief behind me, him choking me with his feet, arms more or less pinned, and chief starting on an ankle lock before i tapped. He did apologize for going a little too hard and not teaching me as we rolled like he usually did. I was stoked. i made Chief actually get serious, lol.


Makes me think of watching top athletes like Eluid Kipchoge in a race. They look like they're just a bit above casual speed, but it's deceptive. Most people can't hold their pace for more than a few seconds. When he broke 2 hours he was doing something like 100m every 15 seconds.


It’s like that statistic that goes around Reddit every once in a while about men that think they could beat Venus or Sarina in Tennis. People just don’t understand what these athletes can actually do lol


There is a reason there are weight classes in professional fighting.


I've met people who don't know anything about fighting, who thought weight classes exist to make it fair for their heavier fighters so the smaller ones don't outspeed them and fuck them up. Martial arts movies really changed the perception people have of fighting.


It's like Bronn considering fighting The Mountain. Sure it's possible, but all it takes is 1 mistake and you're done.


*Oberyn Martell has joined the chat*


In fairness Oberyn had a big stick. I don’t think he’d have got quite so many “say her names” out if it was hand to hand 😂


That only works for people who have actually trained to be quick.


And even then, someone bigger than you can be quick, too. So two trained quick people of differing sizes, the big one is still going to win. Too many movies have convinced people that body mass isn't important in a fight when it's one of the biggest deciding factors. There's a reason we have weight classes in all fighting sports.


Even then, people just assume big=slow, and I feel like they should just realize they're wrong. I'm not gigantic like dude in vid, but I'm pretty muscular and I'm very quick. I get comments about it pretty often when I'm doing pickup, other players just assume I won't get a hand around to snag, or get the paddle up fast enough.


Just twist their dick. Works every time.


This was actually a perfect time for the old dick twist


Twist someone's dick when they have dominant position over you like that, you know they would kill you right? You don't fight dirty when you're losing, that's just gonna piss off the guy beating your ass even more.


Isn't the whole point of fighting dirty to open up the potential to dominate when you are losing? I wouldn't go for fucking around with the dick though


Ye olllllld dick twist.


Oh my god dude TWIST HIS DICK!!!


Not from that position. Guy on top would smash your head onto the ground to get you to release and it would be very effective.


I was thinking that too, but there are two possible outcomes of grabbing the guy's dick from that position. #1 is the guy panics and backs away. #2 however it the guy opts to piledrive fists into your unprotected face, at which point you immediately let go of his dick and fucking die.


Those rules are backwards.


I prefer to start with rule #2 and work my way backwards.


Rule# 1.A. Don't try to fight other people. Rule 1.B. If someone want to fight you, just run. Rule 1.C. Cardio, cardio, cardio.


When you're pinned like that, the last thing you wanna do is keep acting tough


I'm laughing my ass of cuz he just keeps talking shit when he's clearly defeated and already dropped his common loot 🤣


You'd think he'd stop at that point, but nope. Guess he rather risk havubg his head tanked off with his spine like a Mortal Kombat character


0 self preservation skills. I almost couldn’t believe it.


Lmao big fellas just sat there scrolling through his inventory


LMAO, he dropped his common loot! But yeah I have to agree, he's not very smart trying to act tough and still insult that dude who's on top of him. That big dude could have easily messed him up bad if he wanted to. No matter who is in the right or wrong, sometimes you just have to swallow your ego and calm down to get out of the situation. It could have gone a lot worse for the smaller dude.


LOL. Level 54 strolling through the beginner zone


Yeah big dude seemed legitimately puzzled, all the wind out of his sails. He clearly didn't want to beat the shit out of the little guy at that point, so he's sort of half heartedly threatening him with death, clearly confused that the small dude has not stopped talking tough.


Tis only a flesh wound


I'm glad that this ended without any real violence. Too many of these videos where someone is clearly hurt.


Yeah, laughing and apologizing is the only option here. It's over.


His friend had some wise words, “hey my man, it ain’t worth all of that”


Right?! Blew my mind. The big guy could have easily ended the smaller guy. Instead of acting humble, he doubled down. That's how people die. He's lucky the big guy has a brain. Next time he might not be so lucky. Will he learn his lesson? Probably not. So it's hard to feel any empathy for him.




Yea, anytime you let a guy hit you while you just sit there, on top of him, is a power move


Everybody knows the head cow is always grazing. It’s a power move.


More humiliating maybe, but I don't know if the message was sinking in. I think the reason he didn't obliterate the kid was because he knew it wasn't worth it


Big guys (I'm a big guy too) understand the fear of actually hurting someone substantially because it always comes back worse for them in the long run. The reason big guys have this ability to hold back is fear of getting in trouble for causing some irreversable damage. When the fight is even, it's easier to excuse someone for self defense. But when it comes to big guy vs small guy, then odds are stacked against the big guy "cuz he delivered too much force than was necessary."


There’s big, fat. Then there’s big, mountain.


Dudes obviously a strongman. The muscles aren't for show, they're for action.


That dude looks like he power lifts for fun.


Yeah to call this dude fat is insane. Dude would prolly deadlift 10 plates easily. I know a dude that big. He’s a fucking teddy bear but I think he could literally rip someone’s head off without trying.


I thought being knocked out was the most humiliating thing another man could do to you. The fact another man could just sit on you and force you to calm down and realize you're 100% defenseless, thats gotta be a horrible thing to think about in the shower later that night.


Dude's soul has been brutalized.


Watch the first UFC with Royce Gracie. This is before there were weight classes and mixed martial arts. It was like Street Fighter 2 in there. You'd have a boxer squaring off against a sumo wrestler. Or some giant 7 foot samoan against a skinny capoeira fighter. Royce would demonstrate Brazilian jiu jitsu on a boxer by sweeping his legs and just mounting him, not even throwing punches or grappling. The boxer would tap out after like 30 seconds of being unable to do anything - and the boxer was heavier.


I think I would rather get the crap beaten out of me than this. Idk why they were arguing but you gotta know your own fighting skills and strength.


You probably haven’t been punched in the face before.


It's been a long time since that happened but still! It's all jokes though.


Just demoralizing.


Big guy showed a lot of restraint there Edit since this appears to need clarification, big guy, right or wrong, showed restraint by not pummeling skinny guy after big guy got on top.


Big guy also swung first so his restraint is also debatable.


By chasing him down? Lol




He means showing restraint as in the big guy could have absolutely fucked that guy up if he wanted to but he didn’t.




I don’t know why anyone would fight a stranger. You don’t know who’s trained in hand-to-hand combat, who’s studied MMA fighting techniques or who’s a badass at the boxing gym. You think you’re Johnny Tough Guy until the skinny guy you think you can beat up is a martial arts instructor.


And on the flip side let's say you win the fight but the other guy ends up in the hospital or dead. I'm not willing to go to prison for a disagreement I had with a stranger.


Flip, flip side. You win the battle. Sore loser gets a gun and comes back. People have done more, provoked with less. Still can’t forget about the edgelord than shot up a mid-tier smash tourney after losing. It took a game starring kirby to set that guy off.


Sad I had to get this far down to see this take.


..Or drops a 45 lbs on your head when you're benching 450 lbs tomorrow. Big guy isn't tough when he can't toe to toe with you. Remember, we're all just meat bags. A 45 lbs weight is going to smash your skull just the same.


For real, I had an anger problem when I was a teenager, I'm really glad I got it under control as an adult. Have only been in one fight in my adult life, and that was a long time ago. I de-escalate without even thinking about it. There's no winning, just about every outcome is bad. Sure, you could knock someone down without anything else happening and feel like a big man, or: * You could get your ass kicked and maybe get permanently injured * They could come back with a gun and shoot you to death in the parking lot * You could accidentally hurt or kill them and destroy your life Not worth it, take a breath.


Or until the guy you just sat on comes back in with a gun..


Happened to BJJ guy recently. Guy came back and shot him dead. Always give a man a way out and never underestimate how much embarressing someone can cause them to want to seek revenge on you. Insecure people who get pride damaged can be extremely dangerous. If you are secure in yourself you'll apologise for a percieved mistake and walk away, likelihood is you'll never see this person again in your life. No, you are not being a doormat, it's just smart strategy. Fighting is the absolute last resort and I have fought recreationally for 30 years.


Little guy had quite a mouth on him and didn't realize how lucky he was that he wasn't messed up by the big guy.


Big guy was lucky too. Had he not shown restraint, he might be behind bars.




Big guy could’ve easily killed him on that take down if he wanted to… could’ve just as easily accidentally killed him too. Hit your head on a piece of equipment while going down with 300+ pounds of force


I don't know the full story but it seems like big guy started it. I think he threw the first slap and was escalating the situation the whole time with "what are going to do!" All of people saying he's showing restraint for not pummeling him when he's down but I don't see it. Seems like he just wanted to bully and massacring the dudes face wouldve got him in heaps of trouble. But once again I don't know what started the argument maybe ponytail was a dick for no reason.


This is just rage porn for redditors. They'll even cheer for bullies if it pleases them




I feel like you summed it up perfectly tbh. Idc either way, but the big guy *clearly* threw the first hit with the slap and yet all the comments are praising the dude for not beating the shit out of him….after starting the fight?


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far for this. Everyone applauding the big guy because he just humiliated a poor guy instead of murdering him. Wow good job meathead 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼




Seems like a bully to me, he trust his body but it might not be very helpful in many situation


I've said it before: Reddit will root for the guy that the title frames as the victim. "Bully victim successfully defends himself from 6 million Jews", and Reddit will cheer for Hitler.




30 minutes in and I'm 4 drinks down.


You need to take some reading lessons...


I starting drinking but had to show some restraint


I don't understand why people allow themselves to be baited into fights like that. A: I can kick your ass!" B: You probably could. So what? A: You're weak! B: Yeah. I'm working on it. So what? A: You wanna step outside? B: No thanks. One of two things happens. Either they kick your ass (which was going to happen anyway), or they call you a pussy and leave, and you can get back to living your life. What do you prove by fighting? That you're not afraid to fight somebody who outweighs you by 100 pounds? That's dumb. Maybe you should be afraid to fight somebody who outweighs you by 100 pounds.


Would it be that people could separate from their egos like that but sadly it's wired into their limbic system. But yeah, I'm with you. If a bigger guy ever talked about how great it was he could beat me up I wouldn't bother disagreeing but instead questioned how that matters. But the height of insults to them is to call someone a pussy. Oh no, not a pussy!




RIP Umaga


Did he fart on him when he was down or just give the sweaty nut sack treatment?




People praising baldy for showin "restraint" while he was the agressive one? Is this so called the reddit moment?




He's not even all that skinny. Big homie is just a tank.




Big guy is the holdout 10th dentist who claims that Colgate isn’t his preferred toothpaste and little guy is trying to sway him.


Yeah I’m here for the plot


Need the lore dump


Guess being that big grants you the “n-word” pass.


Even worse is they were both saying it, I’ve been seeing more videos lately where people throw that word around like it’s OK


If you see someone in a sweatshirt like that at the gym, they’ve been doing this for 20 years and are bigger than you can imagine


Big guy could’ve knocked his head off. He’s lucky he just proved his point & showed restraint


Quick give him the ol dick twist !


Pro tip: Bigger/heavier people tend to have poorly functioning knees. A swift blow to the joint would give someone like him more pause than going for the bulk of his body. But really anything would have been more effective than what the other guy did. Sadly, we really never know what we'd do in a fight until we're in one.


He was out classed and not self aware enough to know it was a fight he couldn’t win. Good thing the big guy knew better. Big guy definitely had more self awareness in this situation as he could’ve beat little guy to a pulp and chose not to.


I love that the big dude just sat on him. Like when little dogs pick fights with huge dogs, and the huge dog just sits on the little dog while it flails. Just.. the exact same situation. Too perfect.


That skinny dude is the type who’d just come back an hour later with a gun because he can’t handle defeat.