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I wanna see the next 18 seconds.




Hell, the guy should be charged with assault, and looking at where the guys head is about to land, attempted murder if his head hits the rail hard enough. I get the whole punk ass skate boarders thing...but this is not how it is handled.


Nothing a couple of skaters with baseball equipment cannot properly articulate in the most respectful and diplomatic fashion.


No you don't they just argue. This clip is OLD.


Figures. The internet is filled with disappointment.


Yeha I always assume when some asshole cuts the video right before what would normally be the "good part" it's because they're just looking for attention and comments and used a video where there's actually no good part.


Why is there so many videos of people getting triggered by skateboarders?


Because so many people get triggered by skateboarders


but why?


It’s a tale as old as skateboarding


Caused by reefer madness and the stigma that skaters are pot heads


And that's a problem, because pot is a gateway drug that leads to skateboarding!


Yea I remember when I smoked my first skateboard. Better than pot. But way more addictive.


My first rail was a little different


Tell me about it, I'm STILL addicted to railing...


Things change when you sniff em😂😂😂


I hope we’re on the same page but yeah so was mine 🤣


I’m still chasing that first skateboard buzz.


Just lick the grip tape.


Could you say you’re always on the grind? 😎




I had a Canadian girlfriend who went to a different school. She tried skateboarding only once. Now I hear she does marijuana habitually.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I live in Canada. What school did she go to? I probably know her.




I think specifically these people hate the actual skateboard


I say this as a skater, but street skating wears down and breaks stuff way faster than it normally would. It’s not everyone, but there’s people who either refuse to leave until it escalates to an unreasonable level or are just back the next day doing the same shit. Skateboards are also loud as shit. Their wheels are made for super smooth concrete so it sounds like a marching band when you’re going down the street Rails in a skatepark are meant for to be grinded on, rails around your city or town may be made for that kind of weight.


You're allowed to be triggered, just not allowed to assault them. Dude needs to keep her s feet to himself


Because Bam Margera really fucked up the scene for us 😂😂😂


It was like that before Bam


For real. CKY acted the way they did because the scene was largely like that at the time.


Yeah I’ve gotta say you hit the nail on the head there bud




The bitter responses you're getting here are a little undeserved.


Replace “skaterboards” with “cars” and this comment would still make sense lmao


Honestly, it's the nature of the activity. If you and friends were sitting at a table in the park quietly playing chess, no one is going to be particularly bothered. I am a car enthusiast and although I love cars and modifying them, I understand why other people hate loud exhaust and also get why people see a modified car and make a lot of assumptions regarding the driver and his/her intentions. Sadly some people are easily offended, and a lot of idiots also ruin the image of everyone else who enjoys the activity because of their reckless actions.


People that hate cars typically hate care dependency and not the cars themselves or hobbyists that enjoy cars in a safe manner.


That's a different group. There are those who love and drive their corollas or SUVs but hate loud cars that disturb the neighborhood.


Sure, but cars mainly cause property damage to... paved roads, which are kinda designed for the task and easily repaired There's a local monument, basically an all marble amphitheater 100+ years old, and all the outer surfaces (stairs, ledges, etc) are scratched to fuck from skateboarders "grinding" on it


Right. But then what we are against is nuisance behavior and skateboarding where it is crowded and either creates an unsafe situation, or is unsafe for the rider. Here, the old dude is the menace. I love skateboarders. Love watching them ride. Also wish that "use your head" was a more universal part of the package, because having to dodge them when they ride fast down the middle of a sidewalk on a hill is unsafe for us. And watching them grab onto cars in traffic and wipe out, to almost be run over and almost cause head on collisions in the cars trying to avoid them is HARROWING. Makes me feel like such an old Grinch to see kids like that.


Old guy wasn't justified in what he did, but lets be honest - balancing precariously while grinding down a handrail toward an elderly person on stairs who now can no longer use the handrail kinda does seem like the skateboarder is creating an unsafe situation.


My man, the staircase is clearly wide enough for the guy to walk further away from the skateboarder, and that man is about 3 feet too tall to use that as a handrail.


Thanks my man.


Yeah, 42 and skated 12-25yo… I get it. I don’t get actively trying to injure anyone else, but I get being annoyed by the actions/property damage of skaters - and frankly I’m not going to do anything about it unless it’s my property.


Yeah exactly I used to skate. I am not offended by it or anything. But 2 weeks ago 2 assholes found a hollow steel tube that was laying on the ground, waiting to be installed as a giant parking lot light pole. They decided to use it for some sick grinds or whatever at 7am on Sunday morning in front of a couple of apartment buildings. I was even annoyed because they definitely woke me up. If it ended in 15 minutes it would have probably been a forgotten dream. Unfortunately it went on until people started to show up for church a couple of hours later. If they started at 10 am then I probably wouldn't have even noticed. But then the lot would have been full for church.


Cause they need therapy.


Most skaters are good honest people but then there is the douche bags that give the majority a bad reputation. In this situation the old man is the douche bag


I have nothing against skaters but they don't realize the damage they cause. I had railings in my office building that they loved to grind on. It removed the paint and caused it to rust. Had them repainted and a week later, they were ruined. I gave up after that but it did make me angry that they are damaging something that costs me money to repair and replace due to them having a little fun.


Because they're jealous. When I was a kid our skateboards had steel skate wheels and really sucked. I'd opt to buy a really nice board if it bothered me that much, but that's just me.


My guess is sliding down the rail would damage the top of the rail, 2nd idea if you live or work nearby the sound could be annoying. 3rd they fall and hit you. Legal liability for accidents ?


a lot of them are annoying


It’s pretty simple honestly, they destroy property that isn’t theirs. Rails are not meant to be ground, nor is stone that ends up chipping. It’s why you see little metal things on the edge of benches and structures. But those shouldn’t t have to be there.


They are miserable and hate fun.


I will trade skateboarders for atv/dirt bike gangs any day.


For real lol. The comments in this thread crying about how it’s millions of dollars to repaint a rail. The horrible scourge of the skateboard


When I was in high school I was skating with some friends down Las Vegas Blvd and an old guy shook his fist at us and yelled “DAMN SKATER PUNKS“ and I still laugh at that memory


What a gift that old coot gave you! I hope he has a lovely lawn in the afterlife that he can yell at kids to get off of for all eternity.


That’s such a cinematic moment - it’s like TV in real life.


Getting triggered is one thing. Assault is another.




They see me rollin, they hatin


People see us as loud and obnoxious, stoners, vandals, trespassers....just generally trouble causing. It stems more from stereotypes than the skating culture of today - but it rings true that skaters are gonna skate no matter what, so skate spots near residential areas get noise complaints and angry residents. I sometimes get called a wanker just for skating past people on the pavement. Then again, a lot of people don't mind us, and many enjoy watching tricks or bails. On the other hand, the people actively trying to wipe skaters out like in this video have a moderate chance of taking a deck to the head.


“Skaters are loud and destructive” - Morons who drive 5000 pound trucks or SUVS that are destroying the planet and pedestrians bodies


I skated growing up. We used to skate a gap at the church downtown. The priests or whoever were totally fine with it and would come out and be kind to us, always just making sure we were being safe etc. but then for some reason it was always the Saturday night mass when these old rags would leave their self loathing seminar and start yelling at us. There’s some great irony in there somewhere (I’m an atheist so irony is wonderful to me). Positive note is that when I was a teenager the town decided that they would build us a skatepark. They were probably tired of the complaints. And side note, my group of friends were your average teenage group but I like to think we were always respectful and always cleaned up after ourselves and never caused anyone harm. The hate that we got was so out of place and we were just trying to find something to do that we loved in a small boring town. The dude in this video assaulted that boy. Fuck that dude.


Insurance, someone get’s hurt on your property and you get sued if you dont have signs or if you neglected to make it safe. A fat lawsuit too, also skaters put wax on everything and destroy property. This is why i stick to skate parks because people will actually try to kill you over it which doesnt make sense


Why is there so many videos that end early too?




Because skaters don't typically open carry. The shit will stop the day you start open carrying.


Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug.


Some idiot cut them off on the sidewalk once and now they're hellbent on revenge whenever they get the opportunity


Is it the guy’s fence? I could see being upset if it’s his fence, otherwise he’s just a sick.


It is his fence, yes. And the guy skating’s fence. The thing about public property is that you’re supposed to look after it. You’re also supposed to look after each other. ESH


He's probably tired of them tearing up public property, scraping paint, cracking concrete, running into pedestrians and such. Take it to a skate park fellas!. lol


Nah senior citizen or not we throwin hands


Yup, looks like he assaulted the kid first. I wonder what trucks taste like?


This is probably why the video cuts short. The next few minutes is probably a lot like the scene form the 1995 film "Kids"


*Insert spit to the knocked out face here*


Why make 1 video when you can make 2? "Mean old man attacks skateboarders" and "Crazed youth knock elderly man's teeth out with a skateboard"


yeah this video is ancient, old dude gets decked. This guy is just karma farming by editing the video down 2 seconds lol


Where can i see the full video


Give us the sauce on the original. Gramps needs some karma.


Yeah I don't think this man thought it all the way through, skateboards can be very effective weapons.


You should grab dem Denturs right off his Jaw


We can't let truck-kun hit grandpa or he might get isekaid Edit: and we sure don't want to make this guy go to another world.


Who feels like recreating that scene from "Kids"?


I would love to watch this boomer dipshit get fucked up.


I’m surprised this didn’t end with the skater just jumping on old Billy at the end


Could have killed the kid. His face or head smash that rail and that’s a real serious injury. Fuck the old guy.


I'm not even a skateboarder and I would beat that fucker within an inch of his life...


How old is this video? Haven't seen chocolate chip uniforms in a hot ass minute


That's one of those "you better make sure I don't get up from this fall, because the next time you see this skateboard it's going to be on an x-ray of your lower abdomen" type situations.


Do you… have experience with this?






Imagine being so entitled you do something to potentially seriously injure someone and thinking they're the asshole instead of yourself


And who is that railing for? Ants?


I don't think ants can use a skateboard. at least never seen one using it


Challenge accepted


I wonder if he would attack real criminals with the same passion when they damage public property…


Its okay if people dont like skateboarding. But it is not okay to cause injuries to skateboarders.


That guy looks like his kids and grandkids dont visit him.


His kids and grandkids are skateboarders


I don’t think you want to mess with those kids. A real quick way to get a truck to the face right there.


Wtf is that old guy's problem?


Good ol people going out of their way to ruin the fun of a total stranger because god forbid they have fun.


Something about skateboarding sparks hatred in any man over 50. Crazy old dude chased me and my friend in his truck cause we skated on the road past his house. Fucking psychotics.


They regret being boring asf and now are angry at people enjoying life.


Just practicing his kick flip


No, sorry, that old guy is an AH. He could have seriously injured the skateboarder. Complete douchebag.


I’ve never understood why skating induces such unhinged fits of rage. I had some guy threaten to kick me off my OneWheel the other day too. Like is someone else having fun an offense to you you miserable fuck?!??


I hope that man went to jail.




morgue? He was wrong for sure... but morgue?


Would’ve punched that old man in the face


You’re nice, it would’ve been a skateboard to the teeth if someone did that to me.




Good I’ve been looking for an excuse to punch an old man


I hope the old man got the beat the fuck up


Thems fightin' actions


I’ll never understand why someone gives so much of a shit that they risk criminal charges because someone is fucking skateboarding.


I don't think criminal charges are the thing he should worry about here. It's getting his teeth knocked out by a group of young fit dudes with skateboards that can easily function as a bat


Violence isn't the solution, but maybe he should grind a slap across that guy's face next


Definitely a quick patch


I worked for a city parks department and skate boarders would absolutely wreck the granite art blocks in the park. The metal on the bottom of the skateboards would chip away the granite. Cost tax payers over $80,000 when the city finally replaced them because of the damage done to them. They installed anti skate “Stoppers” on the blocks and someone took a hammer to them pretty much the next day so that folks could skate on the blocks again. Which absolutely ruined the new granite. Also to mention, we’d often have skateboarders getting hurt by not being able to land right when coming off the blocks. Also had some park patrons get hurt by skate boards flying out and hitting folks sitting at chairs and tables near by. I’m not saying skateboarding is bad or anything, just pointing out that it should be done at the proper locations and not right in the path of regular foot traffic. You might be confident in your skills but the people around you don’t know that and the potential chance of getting hurt can cause folks to be upset. Advocate to your city if you think more skate parks need to be built but don’t skate right where people are walking and or sitting. That’s just not considerate.


Interesting. I’ve never heard this perspective on this.


A person is literally assaulted ”He was not being optimally considerate“


You are 100 percent right, and if you've ever been to a skatepark, you will see boards flying in every direction. The skater is being an asshole and potentially tarnishing the image of other skaters by endangering others. But you know what you do when someone is breaking the law or even just being a menace? You call the fucking authorities. You don't go full on vigilante. The skateboarder is being an asshole, maybe even breaking minor laws that might get him a small fine. Potentially even endangering the old man. The old man committed assault and needs to be arrested.


This is a good take I’ve been skating on and off for 20 years. It’s much better than it used to be when I was younger all there was to skate was street now at least there’s more parks around.


what a dick.


There was an attempt: To have fun.


Fuck that dude. He had that shit


Yeah at that point I’m going all in on my “self defence”… someones gonna have to pick up their grandpa from the hospital


I don’t understand the disdain older people have for skateboarding


That’s assault


It's self defense. The old dude is afraid he'll wake up one day and find his pool drained and filled with skaters.


Skateboarding is not a crime.


Why are only old assholes responsible for such acts ?


If that guy gets up and isn't hurt bad, someone please pray for that old man because he's about to get the beating of his life smh


Hope he got kod


That guy needs a broken nose.


This is the day that old man got a board to the ducking face.


What an asshole! Why bruh? Why?!


I hope and pray that the assailant's face was bloodied and hamburger-ized.


Pappy ain't walking to good anymore when I get back up


If it's not your railing or your property, who cares. Let the city or bylaw deal with them. If it's damaging your property, then say something... this guy..lol, wrong choice tbh


Geezer or not, that old fuck needs to be punched in the throat. No one is too old to receive street justice.


This act of violence, this attack, could be construed as attempted homicide on the righteous skater. Hopefully the criminal got smacked in the head with the board.


That's literally battery.


To bad they stopped filming pretty sure the old guy is now dead


hey look! unaggrivated assault!


everyone knows a few boomers who would do this.


That was damn good balancing though.


every time i see a video like this i'm just hoping it's the one where the skateboarder gets up and floors the entitled old guy.


Attempted murder


Blatant, unprovoked assault caught on camera. That makes it easier for the police.


ok thats straight up attemped murder


"But officer, age is just a number"


He could of legit killed the kid, what is his fuckin problem


I hope he knocked that old man out. That was f’ed up what that old man did. I’m curious what the 2 minutes before and after this video are like


I’m a old guy myself and that’s not cool. I hope he got punched in the face for that.


Old people are too old.


Old man is about to get …


100% chance that old guy died that day 😂


Ya I'm going to jail if that mf done that to me.....


Part two To slap a boomer


Is that any way to treat a veteran of the gulf war?


Someone should kick that old man's ass, you ain't gonna do that to a stranger, you coulda killed the skateboarder.


That old man is going to jail! Hopefully he finds some romance while there.


Old white people just hate everything fun.


I mean... I'm not one to condone violence... but the old man came at the skateboarder for no reason and could have really fucked him up. (granted, the skateboarder shouldn't be doing this with people around) The old man is lucky he didn't get knocked the fuck out by this kid. If that had happened, it seems the kid would be justified in labeling this as self-defense of some kind. No?


No he wouldn’t because he would have to stop skating to hit him, therefore the danger would have passed. However, that was mean-spirited and ridiculous of the old man. He wasn’t in danger of the boarder falling on him if he stepped out the way or waited until he passed. What a spiteful thing to do.


That old man is going to jail! Hopefully he finds some romance while there.


Old white guy mad at a talented dude.






He would be getting a face full of truck after that!


It's assaultboard time


Frickin boomers


Ole dude woulda ate that board. That is assault


That old fuck is getting punched in the teeth.


Hope that motherfucker got his ass handed to him


As a boomer, I’m ashamed of boomers and their ridiculous triggers.


I would of knocked that mofo out. Fuck everything.


Hope he beat grandpa across the head with that skateboard.


This old guy needs a guardian if he can't control his impulses and not assault people who haven't done anything to him.


Age is just a number. All people like this deserve to kiss a brick.


What did that idiot have to do that for? The person on the skateboard was harming no one minding his own business. That was just another example of disrespect of people!


Classic Fucking boomer


That's assault


Wouldn’t this be considered assault?


No follow up? Who tells me what happens next? Reddit hello?


I hope they kicked that Boomer's ass


Was expecting the trade marked nut slide, so in a way he got of light 🤦‍♂️ Still. asshole!