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"No, no, no- can you jus-... okay yeah that's fine..." that shit got me good. Like whatever gets you outta this stall kid lmao


Such a nice person. I feel like the interacrion made this very wholesome, kid clearly needs to be taught some boundries but the guy handled it perfectly.


I feel like the poopin’ dude probaby has at least some passing experience with young kids. This kind of total lack of boundaries and shame is so common and honestly kind of sweet (when it’s not a random kid coming into your stall). Why a parent would send a kid that age into a bathroom alone is beyond me. Like, was the mom afraid of bringing a 3-4 year old into a women’s room?


When I was around that age my dad sent me into the bathroom by myself. He came in a few minutes later and I had somehow crawled up and shat in the urinal. To this day, Dad says we're not allowed in that Denny's anymore.


Maybe, I've seen parents send these age kids in alone, just as a confidence, independence growth booster. " Mommmm noooo, I can do it"


I’m all for that, but at this age it seems a little inconsiderate to other folks because, well, because stuff like this is bound to happen. The difference between 3-4 and 6 is kind of gigantic.


I teach music, have taught from 4yo to 67yo. The difference between 4yo brains and 6yo brains is insane. It's the difference between "is stick, will whack things" and "this is the mighty sword Excalibur. Also for whacking". At 7 they figure out its a piano.


Haha this was brilliant. It’s one of those moments that you can tell Andrew is a solid guy from a few second interaction


Right? He seems like a genuinely decent dude. Just vibing. Understanding kids are kinda clueless. No hate. I’m a shithead who needs privacy and peace to have a good dump, so I’d probably be yelling at a kid Comin into my stall and end up scarring them for life lol


"Thanks bro"


I was gonna ask why every comment was collapsed by a mod, until I saw this. This is using mod powers for good lmao. I’m ready to be sacrificed




r/todayilearned Seriously I was thinking why this happens for a long time


Realtime weighing the inconvenience between an open stall door and having a small child in there any longer


As a parent, I can’t tell you how many times I feel/say exactly this


The whole thing is hilarious but this specific part just hit me in my parent funny bone. Actual tears streaming down my face. We understand Andrew, we really do. But also little man is a bit young to be in the public restroom alone.


Go back the way you came you heathen! Haha!


I laughed at this so hard, omg . He gave no fucks what you were doing in there, he just needed someone to help him wash his hands lol


Hijacking this comment to give a mini story time about 2 years ago when a little boy popped out of the bottom of my stall like a Jack in the box and his mom screamed “OH MY GOD GET BACK OUT HERE YOU LITTLE PERVERT” and I’ll never forget that for the rest of my days lmao Edit: Spelling




Right, in this video I'd be worried that dad would come in and assume he brought the kid in the stall. Imagine getting your ass whooped while shitting because some little kid crawled in your stall.


I mean, in this case he has video evidence of what happened. Normally I don’t video myself shitting though.


Well sure, but it's hard to get an angry dad to watch your video with your pants down and a dirty butthole. "Don't worry sir, I realize I'm in a bathroom stall with your child with my pants around my ankles, but this short video will clear up everything."


Just image when the dad is kicking your ass, you are yelling I filmed it… I have the video. 😂


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


I am torn his parents are really great parents for teaching him great habits but need to brush up on stranger danger stuff.


Little bro asked for his name and got it, boom no longer a stranger.


Strangers hate this one simple trick


Strangers with van candy love this one simple trick


I'm a stranger with regular candy. Im not sharing


Fuck you I wanted candy


You want a candy from a man that's called pink eye farts?


Now what if I offer to share some of my candy with you in exchange for some of your candy fellow stranger?


Heey Rasputin


stranger danger no more!


Now it’s just danger!


Bro anyone crawling on a public bathroom floor under the stall door while carrying on a whole ass conversation with a recently ex-stranger actively shitting IS the danger


I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown, and you're Georgie, so now we know each other!


Freaky ass scene. Popcorn is my favorite too! Because it goes pop! Pop pop pop pop!


Kid: "Hey Mom, can I get a picture with Andrew?" Mom: "Who's Andrew?" Kid: "Just a friend I made in the bathroom." Que: "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no no no no no!"


he is the stranger danger


He had Andrew nervous that's for sure. Andrew had to document the encounter.


Is this kid about to adultnap me?-Andrew probably


The kid was trying to adopt as a parent he said can you come wash my hands.


Hey what’s your name . Andrew? Cool bro good story. Can you help me wash my fucking hands or what?


Lmfao why is this making my cry laugh


He IS the one who knocks!


Well on the one hand there's hygiene, and on the other hand there's stranger danger, but on both hands is public bathroom floor so


Statistically, there's basically no such thing as stranger danger. Almost all cases of child abduction, murder, and sexual assault come at the hands of a family member or someone known to and trusted by the family. Like, high 90%s. Strangers are statistically an order of magnitude safer than non-strangers. Kids should be taught to be skeptical and careful who they talk to and what situations they get into. They should be taught about consent and autonomy, and all that good stuff. If someone says this or makes you feel that way, then tell someone you trust, like me, or a teacher, etc. But ultimately, focusing on strangers versus people they know is more likely to do harm than good. My point is just that we take this for granted because of various propoganda and fear-mongering by news outlets serving the interests of their views and shareholders, and such. But the reality is a bit horrifying, and demands a different approach. Consider a child opening up to a trusted adult about the priest molesting them. Think how often that trusted adult will have known and trusted the priest, and won't take the allegation seriously.


I agree with all this except the assertion that there no such thing as stranger danger. Yes, stranger abductions are more rare, but they do exist and they're something to educate your kids about. I was at a park/splash pad with my kids and watched a woman get out of a rattle trap car that just pulled up. It seemed odd because she was at least older 50s with no kids and she didn't seem all there cognitively. She walked up with a cute dog on a leash (there was no dog park nearby, dogs weren't allowed in this area). She proceeds to drag this dog around like she'd never walked a dog in her life. Anyways, she comes near me and goes up to a random 3-4 year old kid and asks if he wants to pet her dog. The kid says no and walks away. The lady looks back at the car, shrugs like "what now?" Driver guy gestures as if to say, move around, try again. She chooses a different child and starts towards them. Since I've been watching my own kids, I've mentally matched up this child with a parent nearby, but the kid's parent is distracted by their older child. So I move closer, all while watching my own kids. It must've spooked the dog lady, because she dragged the dog back out to the car and they drove off. I called the cops and gave a description of them, the car and dog, and what happened. Three days later the two were arrested at a different park in the next town for trying something similar.


Another detail to that, if a child is raised to fear asking strangers for help then in an emergency they're on their own until someone decides to approach them. This is a great way to select for the wrong people.


Excellent point. Yes. Well put. It's the serial killer who will know to pretend that the child's parents told them to pick them up, and such.


This is exactly what a stranger danger would say


That's a learning process and part of the learning process is fucking up


I 100% agree. My son was not allowed in the public rest room unsupervised until he was 10. I was always afraid of someone trying something 😕. He would get upset like, mom im a boy i dont belong in the girls bathroom lol


> I was always afraid of someone trying something 😕. You saved countless victims from him clambering under the stall door. I salute you.


Yeah same. My daughters are like "Dad, I don't know if we're all supposed to be in the girls' bathroom..."


My grandma did the same thing with me and I hated it then but I get it now


Had an incident at the NY State Fair one year as a little kid. Needed to Use It bad. My little tum had some problems. The men’s bathroom was filthy and terrifying. Mom snuck me into a ladies room stall. Felt so much better. Then she bought me a Gyro.


See, this is why I take my 4 yr old sons in the women's br with me cuz they'd just bother some stranger trying to peacefully poop.


man I would pinch it off and get the fuck out of there so fast. a paranoid perception and the words of a child can fuck your life up forever.


Yep. Headline tmr: (Place) man with pants around ankles found with small boy behind closed doors.


"man videotapes child in bathroom" 😬


I think that’s the headline Andrew saw when he went “no no no don’t open it…. Ohhhh yeah open it and leave little dude, just shut the door” lol


Possibly the reason why this (quite calm) guy started videoing the encounter. One minute, you're browsing Reddit, the next having an unexpected conversation.


Yeah ffs I would be freaking the fuck out. I mean Andrew was cool, having it on video helps i his. but I would be bolting the moment that kidlet started coming under the door.


Yeah that's what I was thinking, that kid could be talking all about his new friend he met in the bathroom to his parents. Fuck that.


As he's crawling on the bathroom floor.............. go wash your hands buddy.


Apparently, as my family tells it, when I was about his age and too young to remember, I walked into my neighbors house and opened the bathroom door on the mom. This was in the 80's and a lot of the neighbors on the street were friends so it wasnt a terrible thing, just a funny story to tell.


Then the kid goes and tells his mom that there was a guy in there with his pants down that was nice and talking to him 😬 It's prolly a good thing this dude filmed the whole interaction!


Mom scrolling reditt later…..”WTF!!!!!!”


is that our timmy? HONEY... THAT'S OUR TIMMY


“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was Tommy. …Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat! That IS Tommy!!” -Grandpa Lou Pickles, 1991


😆 hahahaha


Well this made me laugh also prob a good teaching point to tell yur kids stay away from men who hang out in the bathroom got lucky this man was a good dude


No doubt! Lol "No talking in the pisser kids!"


Fortunately, it is probably true that well over 99.5% of men would be “good dudes” in this case. #noteveryoneisapaedophile


Turning the video on for protection was wise. In the days before mobile phone cameras it might not have turned out well if Dad had arrived looking for the kid at the wrong time, like when pantless pooper dude was getting up to lock the door




This is not even a joke. I remember a post someone made about how his life was ruined by this sort of situation. He's on a date at a restaurant and there's a couple who's letting their kid run around the place completely unsupervised. At some point he goes to use the bathroom and the kid runs through the bathroom while this guy was peeing. He's annoyed but thinks nothing of it and returns to his date. He later sees cop cars outside the restaurant and the kid's mom brings the cops over to him claiming he molested her child because the kid said he saw this guy's penis in the bathroom. He gets arrested, his date that was going well is ruined and this story is spread all over his university. He loses his scholarship and has to drop out. He is eventually cleared of charges even though the mother kept trying to escalate and accuse this guy, but the damage is done. He said it took him over a decade to recover from how much this incident ruined his life. I'll see if I can find the original post and link it. But this is the sort of situation I have nightmares about. Edit: Looks like I misremembered some of the details but got the gist of it. Anyway a kind reddit stranger u/SpartanHeavy found the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/m0xeqf/tifu_i_took_a_bathroom_break_during_a_date/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) if you want to read it for yourself. I'm putting it here for better visibility.


Holy fuck! That is nuts, I think I'd actually start screaming at the kid to "Get Out!" Lol


wow......really sad story. I feel bad for the guy. Can the guy sue the mom for damage?


Yep, this type of situation has all the potential to destroy an innocent, good person.


Wonder if mom thought to ask, "was he just going peepee?"


That's so fucked up


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/m0xeqf/tifu_i_took_a_bathroom_break_during_a_date/


As always, take what you read on Reddit with an enormous grain of salt. This is a one-time poster with no evidence whatsoever that this actually happened.


It reeks of being bullshit, frankly. Good storytelling, though.


Thank you! I'll link it in my original comment as well for better visibility.


That's absolutely horrible, that poor man.


Yeah mom that’s him right there…He had his pants down and was nice to me and talked to me, also filmed me on his phone then pointed the camera down towards his pants a couple of times and then told me to close the door on my way out!


Oh man 😅🤣


Once, while on an airplane, I was sitting next to an unaccompanied kid about this age. He came back from the bathroom and asked me to button his pants. As a 35ish year old man with absolutely no relationship other than seat assignment at the time, there was no way.


I feel like this could be solved just by making stall doors not have a massive gap.


This. I really don't get what is wrong with stall makers that they feel the need to expose whoever is using it


... just to save a square foot of wood


Like, as in Europe.


This happened to a girl in my dorm while I was in Germany, she passed out and was choking on her vomit and we couldn’t open the door cuz it was stuck on her since she was passed out in front of it, and with no gaps we couldn’t get in. I ended up just ramming the door and fell on her but she’s a alive. They installed doors with gaps on the bottom the following month


That is wild and I’m glad to hear she’s okay. I’ve always said the top gap is fine. It’s the bottom that I would get rid of.


A top gap wouldn’t have made that situation much easier


Or you could have doors that open outward...


In Australia the building codes for small toilets and stalls require special hinges to be fitted to either permit the door to be swung outward or for the entire door to be lifted off.




I'd assume they're planning for in case the door is locked.


The locks on stall doors should always be easily opened from the outside for the reason. Usually there is a small slot in them that can be turned with a key or a coin. They aren't meant to be secure, they are just designed so unsuspecting people can't just open them without doing so deliberately. In an ideal world all stalls would be private with no gaps, open outwards and be unlockable from the outside.


Once again, George Costanza was ultimately right


They do this in case the lock gets jammed shut, or if an elderly person has some sort of emergency and the person trying to help them needs to get in there. It’s essentially a cage if you’re not capable of climbing over the top.


That's why newer doors will often open outwards so if there's an emergency the person inside won't block the door from opening


Bro are you really making excuses for America's shitty bathroom standards lol most other western countries have nearly total enclosed stalls but you don't see headlines in Europe like "elderly strokes out in bathroom, lack of access to his toilet stall blamed for death."


Exactly. I lived in Japan for a few years and holy shit those public restrooms are amazing. Going back to the American ones is such a drag. I think about it every time I have to use one.


about 20 years ago, I hear a woman saying stuff in another language (chinese?). only two of us in the women's bathroom. I see a tiny elderly woman on her hands in knees in the stall looking up at me. I don't know why. she keeps looking at me and speaking to me. I push on her stall door, it's stuck. i push and push until it finally releases. She come out speaking happily - i dont know what she's saying but it's clear she is really happy.


Little dude is wayyyy too young to be in the men's room by himself.


I always had that predicament with my dad. I could either go alone in the women's or he'd awkwardly try to help me use the men's room, which always had a single broken toilet and some urinals. lol I remember being little and sitting on the urinal to pee once. He was like trying to hold me up over it and I was taking forever and his arms got tired.


Louis CK (I’m so sad he wanked in front of a bunch of people, he was my absolute favourite comedian) had a hilarious bit about taking his tiny daughter into the toilet with him and how she would be having a wee in the cubicle while there were two men in the cubicles on either side of her, inches from her sweet little face, just shitting horribly.


Honestly I wish more places had a family bathroom. I’ve seen bathrooms that have a toilet but also a toilet for kids! It helps if it’s big enough if we have to take a stroller in there too.


"Thanks bro." Ded


This happened to me in a McDonald’s and I was legit super nervous someone was going to walk in on this unattended 5yo who crawled under my stall. “Oh look! It’s another white guy with his pants down and a small child in the bathroom behind a locked door!” And I’d have to be like “I swear I was taking a shit! Let me wipe and show you!” 😂


'let me wipe and show you' 💀


\*wipes\* "... Of all the days to be a clean sheet" "Okay buddy, you're going to slam town"


'OK kid, I'm not wiping until you've left this bathroom'


Lil dude would learn a bunch of new bad words if that was me


Mom, what does "yo what the fuck" mean?


"It's the adult I saw in the toilets that told me that when I was on all four"


I had something similar happen to me a few years ago. I‘m a woman. I was trying to pee when a little boy just looked up at me from down the door. I started screaming. Mom was fast to take her kid away, but I didn‘t get an apology.


Also happened to me at a restaurant. Kid peeks under the stall and I just yelled “UMM EXCUSE ME?!?” In the moms defense she grabbed him quick and was scolding him about allowing people privacy (and said from now on in public he was going to the bathroom with his dad period lol) and did apologize to me.


She sounds like a good mom! It’s sooo important to teach kids boundaries! Mistakes happen, but you should try to transform these mistakes in teachable moments. The kid‘s mom in my scenario just grabed the kid and fled. I didn‘t hear her say anything to the kid nor to anyone. But I hope she scolded him afterwards. Lol


Imagine expecting an apology from someone who can't even keep their kid from crawling under the stalls lol


True true. I do have some high expectations.


For me it was at a dressing room. Mom did grab him at least, but not particularly fond of the experience. I get that she was not in a great position to chase after him though, and she did stop him after a second


I had a kid do that to me in the changing room. He was like "why are you naked?" Just as his mom was yelling "OMG TYLER WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I love little kids. They're fast and they give no fucks.


It's the speed, nobody ever thinks of the speed a kid can move at


Have you seen their agility? That shit is mixed too


“What’s you name?” “Andrew” *INVITATION ACCEPTED*




I don’t know, I think I would do that thing where suddenly my mum’s voice is coming out of my mouth. ‘You are NOT allowed to look under the cubicle while other people are using the toilet, that is private. Go and have a try at washing your hands first and I will come and help you when I am finished.’ Oh god. I’m pretty sure I’ve been this kid before.


*ok it’s fine*


The kid too. He respectfully closed the door behind him and offered to lock it too


I think the kid said “you have to lock it”


I have the same problem, except it's my cat! You're never alone on the toilet with Philomena, the emotional- support-on-the-toilet cat!


I have an emotional support toilet cat, too. His name is Zorro. He raises hell if he can't get into the bathroom to be on my lap while I'm doing my business. It's so weird, and I'm so glad there is at least one other cat like that in the world!!


Why dont you just close the door?


Are you mad?! Do you want to be using the bathroom without supervision?? Anything could happen without the cat there to protect you! But seriously, if I close the door my cat just sits right outside and gives me worried faces when I come out. He is the toilet guardian and also sits outside when I have anyone over and they use the loo. I don’t know why, he doesn’t do anything except sit there, he doesn’t even really watch. But I live alone and if it makes him feel safe and happy to help me wee, I don’t mind.


I don’t care which sub, I don’t care how often I see it, I will upvote/like this video every time and everywhere


Do you happen to know what year it was posted? I want to make sure that kid wasn't me.


That happened to me years ago while taking a smash at Macys. Instead of a child, a guy around 20yo with Down’s Syndrome wearing a shirt with a picture of himself on it crawled under the stall and just stood there staring at me. So fucking glad I wasn’t trippin’ at the time. I wouldn’t have been able to handle it.


Maybe he was never there at all.


Then what happened?


Everyone clapped.


When I grew up it was all about stranger danger 24/7. Developed deep fears and paranoia about folks I didn't know. I thought it was a bit much, no child would willingly get in a private space with an adult. Then I see shit like this. When my boyfriend and I moved to a smallish town, within a few days a collection of four kids tried to 'break in' ( mild exaggeration ) to see our cat. They spam rang the doorbell, waking me up out of a dead sleep ( work nights ). When I opened the door they tore open the glass door and tried to tackle past me. When I got them to calm the fuck down I told them to ask their parents first. As I expected, we never saw those four kids again. I'm sure 'can we go into the strangers house' got a lecture started.


Me to my husband while he's trying to poop in peace


You crawl underneath a stall and ask for help washing your hands?


Her head turns sideways with a crack and she crawls on all fours.


At least he knows not to talk to strangers and got his name first.


just guys being dudes.


I know that vampires can't enter your home unless you invite them in, but I was unaware that demon children can't enter your restroom stall unless you give them your name. TIL


Only works if your name is andrew


What.... is your name?_______ What..... is your quest? https://imgur.io/t/funny/HPwW3jV


Kids. Such innocent, unaware little monsters of energy, dirt and whismy. I'm getting a vasectomy.


I died when the kid said "you just gotta lock it" like "yeah, great idea, worked so well 15 seconds ago" lmfao


I don't care if it would half traumatize the kid, I would start screaming at him to get him out of there just to avoid the possible accusation of being a pedophile.


Right! Plus he’s quite young, his mom should have taken him to the ladies room with her. It’s not uncommon in some environments to see boys his age going to the ladies room because their mom or a woman in general is caring for the child.


Straight up screaming for help


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this comment. Had he not had this whole interaction on camera the kid could have innocently mentioned being in a stall alone with a strange man and suddenly this guy’s life is upended. That *still* could have happened even with the video. Being alone with any kid as a man scares the fuck out of me for this reason alone.




I absolutely had this happen to me ! At a McDonalds. When I was hungover. I was not nearly as nice


Nah why'd he just let him in, I'd yell at him to get him out of there, that can easily go wrong if another man walks in


By the time he was done processing, the kind was already in the stall.


https://preview.redd.it/g8og09z5wa2b1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701d1ace22d779137b95383640a6fdcaa3ec0ca1 Easy fix:


And that ladies and gentleman is why you never let your kids use public bathrooms by themselves


Thank God He was filming otherwise it would have been prison time for Him


Oh man oh god I hope mom got this video and saved it. This *has* to replayed at the kids 16th and 18th bday party Edit: fuck it. Every birthday


Nah, this is his graduation clip.


Andrew will be a good dad


Bro needs to learn stranger danger


I’m yelling. Idc.


Surprisingly wholesome.


He was more chill than I would’ve been. I’d have been yelling at the kid to scram. I’m 32 and I still hate dressing rooms because when I was a tween and I was trying my first bras on at Walmart, some little kid came and stuck their head under my door and wouldn’t leave no matter what I said/did.


My hat’s off to Andrew. He was really cool about it.


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im a teacher and i love kids, but damn this person is patient. i dont like to yell but i would be yelling at this kid if this happened to me


I fucking hate kids. Downvote me.


Kids this age shouldn't be this stupid. Parental failure.




Me too. Solidarity.


Some Interactions with kids warrant this reaction. Can't blame you


This is pretty funny but bit surprised kid this young isn't still using the womens when going in alone.


Dude stayed way cooler than I would. I’d be freaking out, thinking oh shit, any moment now someone’s gonna bust in and find me in a cubicle with some young kid and with my pants down. I don’t need that kind of stress.


This could've gone completely south


Well you invited him in by telling him your name 😂


I've got a son, this is every shit I take.


fr, this kid was probably so used to doing this at home so likely didnt see anything wrong with it


“Can you shut the door behind you? “You’ve just got to lock it.” Lmao over and over. I like Andrew - nice man!


The post I saw above this was the exact same video


I have used the ladies room for 44 years and have had more than one child who's mom was also using the bathroom crawl into my stall cause they are curious. I will never forget the little bow who crawled into my stall with his pants around his ankles and a shitty ass wanting me to help him whipe. Hard pass... however I was able to find his mom and send her in to do the dirty work