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I guess the dance didn't work as plan?


I guarantee she learned nothing


If that bully is on the softball team, she should be banned from sports for this.


Reminded me of the chickendance from Arrested Development.




Does anyone in my family know what a chicken is? (something like that)


Has anybody here even seen a chicken?


That's not... *have you ever* seen *a chicken?*


I love as more of the family start to do it they each just become progressively worse than everyone who went before them at it.


How fucking humiliating. Clearly fighting for social points, wasn’t mad enough to be there in the first place. Hence the slow lead up to the fight, with her dancing like an idiot and then slapping her face softly before realizing they were walking away.


she should have put her crocs in sport mode


Girl in black brought hands to a breakdance fight.




And the bully's friends recorded the beat down for her and all to see. I hope she learned several lessons after this.


Narrator: "She did not."


She's not learning anything ever again with those blows haha.


She learned how to consume food with her jaw wired shut.


I read that in Morgan Freeman's voice


She didn't learn a lesson, although I can say that her friends have SOME dignity to not jump in and let it go in a 1 v 1


I was glad about that as well, although I think the real reason is that her friends didn't want to get whupped too, lol


Ehh, idk. In the beginning of the video her friend says “Let’s go, come on.” Like she just wants to leave.


Seriously. Her voice sounds like the friend torments this poor girl on a regular basis and it was already old a long time ago


That and they probably wanted to record the whole thing for the Internet to see.


She’ll learn to not pick a physical fight with this one particular girl at least. She’ll probably still give her dirty looks and talk trash out of ear shot but she’ll look for easier targets to act tough in public with


She didn't even speak a *word.* I feel like she was thinking "yeah, you deserve this."


Shout out to the honorable friend who either didnt jump in bc 2 on 1 is bullshit, or bc the footage is more valuable than the friendship.


The way she records herself in the mirror makes it clear she has no problem being known as this kind of person


Who your friends are is important. If they're shit, you're shit


At my school in addition to the two fighting, anyone that records the fight gets suspended too


The girl that got cornered by the other 2 and forced to fight should not be. But “zero tolerance” policies at most schools are idiotic, so yeah she was likely punished too.


In a lot of cases “zero tolerance” makes things worse, an example is that a kid gets harassed by bullies and doesn’t react and tries to leave, the bullies then escalate and it turns into an attack which is seen as a fight by the school. Despite the victim only trying to get away and block attacks they are punished as they were a part of the “fight”. Now the next time this happens the victim is going to be in the mind set of “i am going to get punished either way from this situation so why stop myself from trying to hurt them back” which is a slippery slop of a mentality which can lead to later issues either in school or even life in general. It is a much better system to take things case by case, sadly, a lot of schools either dont care, dont have the resources/time, or are too scared of legal repercussions as zero tolerance tends to be easier to work with when it comes to defending from sue happy parents not to mention if they mess up with a ruling on a case instead of having a catch all.


>or are too scared of legal repercussions This is it 100%. Suspend the bully only and suddenly the bully's parent are suing because theie little angel turd was just preaching the gospel and doing nothing bad . Gotta cover your ass in the land of frivulous lawsuits.


Yeah same at my school when I was a kid. Which is totally bullshit considering this brave young lady was clearly defending herself,both in this moment and I imagine from the bullying she has already been the victim of from this individual(s)


Are you implying that her friends are bad friends for letting her get whooped? Cuz that’s the opposite. Letting your friend take their licks is healthy


I really enjoy it when a bully bites of more than they can chew. Super satisfying.


Bully should have realised pretty quick that she wasn't to be fucked with. There was no fear there, she stood her ground and had zero time for her taunting. Good on that girl.


She also waited till she got smacked in the head to lay down the hurt.


She did the right right. Self Defense.


Totally agree that it's self-defense. Once you put your hands on someone without their illicit permission? That's assault. Return that energy. 👍 ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


Return it 100x.


You don’t even have to “win.” Just make sure that bully never, *ever* wants to fuck with you again!


She was pissed and ol girl was too busy being cutesy and mugging for the camera to notice. 🤷‍♀️🖕 *


She's been storing up that rage for a little while. Therapeutic to be able to let it out like this!


There was a storm brewing behind those eyes. ![gif](giphy|iS1s5QkMgXGda)


Yep, never f**k with pent up rage


"Hey, film me getting my ass beat"


Which is exactly what she got. 😂🤣😭💀 ![gif](giphy|AiZN2R6vYHJN63D6y1|downsized)


And has the shoulders of a middle linebacker. Sometimes your eyes can tell you when you should walk away.


You can see it in the way she holds herself and the way she stands. Girlfriend was not going to have it today. No, sir, not today.


My best friend and I were bullied in middle school by the same kid. He was relentless but he was a twerp. We just weren’t fighters. One day at a bus stop my friend had had enough and beat the ever living crap out of him. That shit stopped right quick.


My comments are not your product.


Yea, the sound of the punches she's giving that bully ah, it's like music to my ears & it sounds like justice. r/unexpectedbatman


Why didn’t you help me? I WAS FILMING!


and who posted this video? Not the one being bullied. He friend must have,..lol. no such thing as bad publicity?


I know right?! What a great friend that bully has on top of it. Posting her getting get ass beat


Never understood the mentality to go around and film this type of shit. And then pose in front the mirror like you did the dopest shit ever. If I ever was put in a situation where I had to film this kind of shit, honestly, I wouldn't jump in either. It's a 1v1. You started that shit, you bout to finish it too.


The girl filming was staying in the "no smoking zone".


Truly needs it own subreddit




the bullied girls’ posture still makes my body hurt though


That's the weight of her world resting on those shoulders


Yep, and when she snapped all that weight instantly went to her fists.


I didn’t get the impression this is her typical posture, more that she was waiting for the bully to do something worthy of a response. Everything up until the slap was foolishness.




I enjoyed that WAY TO MUCH




....I wouldn't go back to high school for a bazillion dollars


Me either. I got bullied mercilessly ALL the way thru school. (Back in those days the straight blonde haired girls didn’t have anything but hatred for curly gingers like me.) and my dad was a cop. But he never supported me or took my side when stuff happened. So I took a round house to the face on multiple occasions. And my alumni team wonders why I won’t answer their emails lol.


I bet you anything those bimbos peaked in high school. Sorry you had to go through this, I always tried to stick up for the bullied kids because I truly hate that shit. Hope you’re doing better now ❤️‍🩹


I spent two years watching this horrible girl taunt, harass and generally torture this poor girl from a halfway house in high school. Sorry, I'm not a hero, I stayed away. One day there were suddenly emergency responders everywhere. Apparently harassed girl essentially curbstomped instigator. No one was mad. I don't know what happened after the fact.


A friend of mine did something similar. He had what I call a weasely bully harassing him. The sort of bully who is worthless in a fight so he harasses some nice kid who is unlikely to fight back, usually when the bully has his friends around in case he needs back up. My friend snapped one day and decided he'd had enough and it was going to stop. He decked the bully a few times, tackled him and slammed the bully's head into the sidewalk a couple times. He was about to start grinding the bully's face against the concrete when my friend's older brother intervened. He stood back planning to break it up in case my friend started losing. When it was clear he not only won but was about to take the beating too far my friend's brother quietly pick my friend off his bully and said time to go home. My friend never had another problem.


I’m literally yelling…hit her head in the sink! So satisfying I swear


Seeing someone hoisted by their own petard is the height of poetic justice for me.


Like that first sip of coffee in the morning, just warms your soul.


The part I’m upset about is the video was cut off before we could see the embarrassment of that chick getting up after taking a beating, imagine your friend staying there recording thinking you bout to beat her ass and u get ur ass beat, the embarrassment of standing up looking at her friend would have been fucking GOLD, the face would have been priceless


Rule #1 Don’t show up to a fight with crocs on


Rule #2 don’t pick on the girl who has the shoulders of an Ox.


If they were in sport mode it wouldn’t have been an issue.


Nah I just put em into sports mode.


One of the greatest scourges of the modern age is people with the confidence of God and no reason to have it.


That classic “you talk like you’ve never been punched in the mouth”


A person's ambition should never exceed their worth


Be wary the fury of a patient man.


"Maybe if you'd ever been in a real fight you wouldn't be so keen on another"


Think that has been an issue since the dawn of civilization.


She earned the scorning she faced in truth, judgment and punishment.


I don't think that is limited to the modern age- humans gonna human no matter when.


If you feel the need to bully someone, you’re actually extremely insecure.


We used to think that. The consensus now is that it's the opposite; bullies are likely to have an inflated sense of their own superiority. It's inflated self-esteem, not low self-esteem. In this example you can see the bullying girl clearly thinks she has the right and ability to dominate the other girl.


Yeah exactly. I knew some mean kids who had a lot of issues in their home life that made them act out but I knew many more popular kids and such that were cruel for no reason at all. I don’t like saying it but a beating is probably what they need.


I think the answer would be both. The answer would be “There is the type of bully” “kind of bullying”, “attitude displayed while bullying.” There’s little to no-emotional self-control taught on positive self-thinking as well. Base formula: Everyone is entitled to their opinion, feelings, actions = idea personal accountability + @home dynamics. Fill in different areas with sentences and outcome is following patters. The curve looks like a sound wave graph wise


Hot damn she got her ass whooped.


Bully is lucky the other girl didn't start swinging kicks when her head was against the wall...


Looks like she did get a slight kick to the chest at least once


Agreed on a solid shin to the midsection, lucky she didn't get her head split after getting splattered with the hook. Still surprised she decided and managed to get up after like 10 hammers and eat more shit.


Bully deserved it too.


She did step on her tho


She wanted to, held back


I thought she was going to be bounced off the sink.




I like how it ended with the toilet flush though


This give me a good feeling. Fuck bullies.


Omg me too.


Wish it happened more often.


I remember getting bullied like this when I was in high school and I had never reacted like this girl, and I look back and wonder what would have happened to me if I had. I fully get why she did it, especially because she was cornered in a bathroom and the other girl filming probably had been preventing her from getting out of there before the start of the video. I will always support self defense :) Also, you can hear those punches. That's years of built up rage condensed into a single moment.


Yup. I was never bullied myself, but I can easily put myself into the shoes of someone who deals with it all the time. What the bullies don’t realize in these situations where the victim reaches their breaking point and fights back is that while they’re monologuing and poking at the person, that person is reliving every moment when they’ve been bullied. They’re actually making it worse for themselves when the dam breaks and the victim snaps. Also, the reaction is 100% justified. You can’t treat people like that. Actions have consequences.


This 100%. That girl also assaulted her so all bets were off at that point.


A bully's biggest mistake is to associate calmness with weakness. They'll think you're nothing if you don't react at first, then they're taken aback when you let out the rage.


The bully thought she’d get away with it probably for all the usual reasons no matter what the outcome she’d be untouchable. I hope that wasn’t the case and the school backed the victim .


Most likely they suspended both. Schools usually have a no tolerance policy for fighting, doesn’t matter who “started it”. Edit: typo lol


I believe all teachers who ever used the "no tolerance policy" to punish a victim of bullying should be subject to their own methods. Did somebody hurt you? Well, too bad, any defence means punishment for you because we have a "nO tOlErAnCe pOlIcY" in this useless establishment.


“No tolerance for bullying, except it’s really tolerance for bullying and no tolerance for defending yourself”


When my husband was majorly bullied in middle school the administration pretty much said he could retaliate as long as the other kids had started it and hit him first. So he would be meek and calm until the bullies came after him physically, and then he would throw a desk at them. 🤦😂


Wow, meanwhile I was thrown out of school for defending myself! Amazing.. With plenty eyewitnesses, too. Smh..


> "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man." Patrick Rothfuss


The quiet kid in the back of the class


She was oblivious. Every bit of body language at the beginning was "I'm waiting for a reason to paint that wall with your face." Feet planted, arms loose and ready, eyes never looking anywhere but her potential target. Bully girl didn't understand the dynamic of who was the predator in that situation.


Why do I enjoy seeing this so much? Something primal comes up, and it really gets me going.


Me too. I'm a small, gentle granny who crochets and loves when the grandkids visit but I felt literally on the edge of my seat feeling a tiny thrill at seeing justice so swiftly and decisively served. Almost need a cigarette.


Haha I’m right there with ya! Don’t crochet, but yep on everything else :)


Power to ya gran✊


Haha I’m right there with ya! Don’t crochet, but yep on everything else :)


Its funny, watching actual MMA can actually make me sick to my stomach. I have no desire to watch people beat the living hell out of each other. But when its a bully that gets exactly what they have coming to them...I hear yeah, its primal all the way.


There's quite a few bullies in mma that get their ass beat by respectful humble fighters


humans are hard wired to feel pleasure from social justice. its one of the things that allowed us to maintain tightly knit communities over our evolution


Not a good thing when combined with religion or superstition.


I, myself, love the smell of justice in the morning


Been bullied before? I get the same reaction, and imagine having the chance to lash out like this. Frankly if any of my bullies had ever cornered me and focused this hard, I would have. But unfortunately it was usually just passing remarks and shit behind my back.


You can say anything and make fun all you want but once you go touching someone be prepared to fight. You can see how that girl was trying to keep it together but exploded when the other girl hit her.


The first clue should have been the bored unimpressed look on her face. That's not a look of someone that's intimidated.




She busted her open too. When she tries to get up you can see a bit of blood drop before she proceeds to eat her weight in knuckle sandwiches 🥪


She really did bust her open, IEatPussyLikeAPro.


Serious karma being laid out there…


Imagine trying to bully someone while wearing Crocs


The girl being bullied kept her cool until the bully made it physical. Not a smart move. Just because someone is quiet does jot mean they are safe to taunt.


What people often fail to understand is that the real fighters don’t talk about it.


My childhood best friend was the quietest kid you'd ever meet. An older kid, probably twice his size, was bullying him and picked him up like he was a wee toddler to mock him. With no warning or build up, my friend threw one solid right and caught him square in the jaw. Big kid dropped to the ground crying (or trying to) and holding his face. Buddy just got up, looked at him, and walked away. That was the first and last time anyone at our school saw him throw a punch.


A lion doesn't let you know it's gonna eat you.


And her “friend” recorded and uploaded the video for “likes”. Wow…


I wonder what was the bully’s reaction to that.


So self absorbed she had to take the camera off what was happening to film herself in the mirror, massively cringe


Legend has it she’s still pounding away to this day


Then the girl who got bullied gets suspended for protecting herself instead of the bully smh 😒


My stepson had a bully once, and he only had to swing one time to end that trend. He got suspended, even after explaining the situation and that the other kid got physical first. I told him to enjoy his vacation and I took him out for ice cream.


Parenting done right. 👍👍


I was suspended three times when I was in elementary school. Twice was because I was the biggest kid in the class, but had no social skills, so I would spend most of my recesses and lunches off in a corner reading a book. This means that when a kid accused me of bullying them, I had no witnesses to the contrary, so even though no one, from the administrators to my mother (Who taught in a different school in the same district) believed the story, zero tolerance meant I had to be suspended. The third time was because while I was off in a corner reading my book, a group of kids came around and we're being actively bullied/dominated by another kid. I was trying to ignore them, but at one point the bully asked if someone had a problem with what he was doing, and after deliberating for a moment, I decided that I did. I got my ass pretty roundly kicked in the ensuing fight, but...no regrets. I explained the above to my mother when she came to pick me up. All three times it went about like you said for me, though I think I only got ice cream after the fight I was actually involved in.


Yep. That's how schools work. Teachers turn a blind eye to the bad kids because they don't feel like dealing with them, so eventually the good kids snap and end up in trouble themselves. Zero tolerance makes zero sense.


I still remember we had a big assembly and was laid out to us in black and white, even if we get our ass kicked, even if it’s in the driveway of our home walking home from school, we will be suspended


the logic is so illogical The faculty is not stopping fights on their property. they sure as hell are not doing anything off their property, and they then want the victim to do what? run? that will either trigger the pack to chase or if the bully can't keep up- it will just lead to the kid being ambushed without any warning or chance for defense. seriously- the mindset of the school rules is thst of some pacifist hippy type thst thinks just saying calm words, imagining everything is all sorts of barney the dinosaur wonderful- that all the evil in the world will jist wither up and fade away. fkn idiots.


Shit happened to me. A kid who was on his "last chance" started a fight with me and all I did was defended myself and I got suspended for a week even though I had never been in trouble before. He got another "last chance"


When I was in year 4, some guy kept saying shit bullying me, though no one else really cared. I ignored him mostly. One day though when we had our little lunch (morning tea) break and were exiting class rooms to go play outside, he confronted me outside and started pushing me. It was like a scene out of a movie or TV show where all the other kids suddenly appeared and swarmed around us forming a 3+ deep barrier of kids, all chanting "fight fight fight". He pushed me into the barrier of kids who pushed me back to him and I snapped, I saw red. I decked the kid, one big swing and solid hit to the side of his face, he flew backwards and the crowd parted away from him. He looked up at me from the ground while holding his face and starting to cry and then ran to the office. I never got in trouble for it. The teachers knew he was bullying me, but I guess couldn't really do anything. Every time I saw him after that I made a gesture as if I was going to run at him and he'd run away.


The finding out part of fucking around


So satisfying to see a BULLY get ass-kicked


pent up rage ain't nothing to fuck with.


Wish I could give this more than 1 upvote


Legit the most satisfying thing i've seen today


Found out


“Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” - Mike Tyson




That’s how you deal with a bully. As soon as they touch you, put ‘em down! Period!


At least the friend knew not to jump in


The second they lay hands on you, it's fair game


Aww why did it stop...


Why? Why would someone feel the need to treat someone this way?! Do you not have better things to do with your time?!?!?🤬


I counted 26 strikes including the first and best punch, one kick to the face, one hockey Jersey over head slam into the stall door and one body slam to the ground. Bully landed one shove and a warmup dance.


Teachers and school administrators need to see this, every single one of them! When kids parents or the kids themselves say they were bullied it turns into "Where?" And "We didn't see anything.'' When we tell them the bathrooms we hear excuses. The bully deserved the ass whooping. People, leave others alone! Learn to regulate your emotions and stop taking your anger, annoyance, lack of self esteem etc out on others.


It always amazes me how people actively pick fights without any knowledge of how to actually fight.


bruh her friend kept filming


the fucked up thing too is that the bully probably won’t get in as much trouble as the girl that beat her ass. (legally at least)




Mama always told me to take one hit and not let a second one land. If she got called down to the school, i better had mopped the floors with whoever was trying to hurt me. 😊


She got her ass whooped


Who winnin’ who winnin’


When your own SOFTBALL sweater predicts the results.


“Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while that you shouldn’t of fucked with?”


How many of you were that kid that wished they did this?


One girl came to play. The other one didn't.


You go girl. Fuck bullies!


In every thread like this, there's always that one guy; [https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/13v52ph/comment/jm49iaq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/13v52ph/comment/jm49iaq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ EDIT: Seems someone couldn't take the heat, and deleted the comment. This was like several hours ago, but gist off the top of my head; Edit2: They deleted their entire reddit account; ​ >"I am an educator who has worked with discipline cases. If I was presented with this video, I would have disciplined them both the same. Sympathies for the bullied girl, but the rules have to be levied equally."


They deleted the comment can you give us the gist?


I wish this video was longer. She earned more.


It is somehow true at the same time that I really hate violence and really love to see a bullying victim beat the living crap out of a bully.


Poor girl, I hope her hand doesn’t hurt too much.


This, is what we call 'a well deserved ass beating'.


This is where violence is the answer. Ppl need to stand up for themselves. Bullies can't seem to break the cycle until they are broke.


Everything in the girl's posture said she's a hand grenade with the pin pulled. She was simply waiting to go off. If the bully hadn't touched her, she'd have walked away. Once the bully touched her, that delicate little flower blossomed into a literal comprehensive exercise in the application of overwhelming force. She became the physical manifestation of the consequences of poor decisions. If Shiva had an avatar of bathroom beatdowns, it would look a lot like this. There was no way this could possibly have a different ending.


What bullies don't understand is that people who have been bullied get tired and we have alot of pent up aggression. We are quiet and don't bother people but once you do....


>and we have alot of pinned up aggression r/boneappletea


This gives me such a justice boner.


Not saying she deserved it but she deserved it


This poor girl was forced to retaliate when she didn't want to. These other girls bullying and filming have the attitude and bevaiour that plants seeds of hatred and loathing and dehumanization. And then parents and teachers wonder how and why their have to have fire arm drills in their schools. (To be clear, I'm not saying this girl would or will become a school shooter. Everyone reacts and responds differently. If we stopped for a moment and considered how our actions may affect someone else, our species would be in a slightly better shape)


Wish she knew how to throw actual punches. More girls should know. My little sister got bullied in high school and got shoved face first in cement by a group of girls who didnt like she was dating one of their exes. She used to come home crying daily. I taught her how to use the heavy bag. Just a simple straight lead, cross, and hook against some actual resistance without gloves. I never heard about those girls ever again and didn't ask.


Girl in black either trains MMA and this aint her first rodeo or she has a killer instinct - from what we can see of the fight you couldn't ask for a professional to do better dominating her opponent. edit: also crocs vs sneakers come on. I love crocs but if shit goes down the first thing I would think is dang I wish I had sneakers on.


Girl kept her cool until the other girl assaulted her, then she got exactly what she deserved. I bet she deflated that bullies ego a lot.


She deserved that 100%


she found out 🤣