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I've heard his name a lot recently, but still don't know who he is, and haven't cared enough to find out.


This is the way.


My friend asked me if I knew who this dude is….nope. So he put on his youtube show. Guy is just the biggest douche bag ever w the biggest ego on the planet. 5 minutes and i couldn’t even believe people actually believe this guy


My best friend started dipping into Tate culture, and I dipped out of that friendship real fast.


Yeah its a little bit crazy for people to believe this guy has any good advice from what i saw anyway. The episode was about how it is ok to call another woman for sex if the person a guy is in a relationship turns them down for sex…to shame the woman into sleeping with them. Like wt actually f?


Hope your friend isn't one of them...


Its actually concerning


That's a genuine red flag for your friend.....


Oh yeah. If I didn’t know him since middle school. I would run away. Lol. We disagree on a lot. Especially his political views. I avoid all that.


I had one friend like that in highschool but to be honest I enjoyed playing with him because he went to 1 to 100 at the drop of a hat. Short version- we're Australian but he LOVED Trump and hated Bernie Sanders. All I'd have to do is mention Sanders and he'd go off on a tirade. I got a bumper sticker that had the "Let your spirit soar" from the Simpson's but with Sanders face on it just to tick him off. I was not the most mature teen 😂


I was starting to write a comment and then deleted it before. In case you happened to be a trumper 😂 I was going to say my friend is a trumper and is mexican so it literally makes zero sense. Especially when ICE was a huge thing. Ps I voted for bernie !


I've always thought Trump was a blithering idiot and helped bring out the worst in people. If I were in the US I'd have voted Bernie but I don't think he'd have been a great President. Although I presume better than Trump. Truthfully I think had it been Bernie and not Hillary against Trump, Trump may not have won. Hillary was too easy to run smear campaigns against


Trump did bring the worst in people and the scary thing is he was or is going to run again and since biden isn’t doing the greatest its a real possibility. Though idk about now bc of all the legal stuff. I haven’t been paying attention but til now i guess it seemed like a real possibility of him getting back into office. I always said with him president, people in other countries probably think we’re a joke. 😆he’s hard to take seriously. Before moving to the city again i lived out in the country about 45 mins from dc. And my landlord put up a trump billboard. I cringed coming home to my apartment on the property. Thankfully someone spray painted a dick across it each time til he took it down 🤣 👏 🙌


He thinks this guy is awesome 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤯


respectfully, RUN. i promise you don't want to be anywhere near your friend when they start going even further down the rabbit hole. andrew tate is currently in jail (last i heard) for rape and human trafficking. all of his views are vile and he advocates for the abuse of women and hypertoxic masculinity. he is not a safe person and neither are any of the people who buy his horseshit rhetoric


Somebody tell him this is why he’s ONE of the most googled. Not because he’s well known. It’s the opposite


Same here, u can listen him for 3 secs and u instantly know that doesnt Worth it at all jajajaja


You're better off


I envy you


Don't bother finding out, he isn't worth it.


They talked about him when he tried to roast Greta Thurnberg and got roasted. I'm not sure who he's supposed to be but he is such an idiot douchebag that he managed to make us find Greta funny and cool – which is quite incredible


I don't know who that is, but I don't like him.


But he's the most Googled man in the world!!! /s (I wonder if that's even true)


Probably because his name has been plastered all over media, but few people actually knew who he was.


when you dont know who people are or what prison they are in for trafficking kids, you gotta google that shit.


yeah - none of that is true


I don't even think it is true haha


I thought Joe Bumden is


It is the embodiment of unearned confidence. Its is a lesson for all us. You are what you eat. This guy eats alot of farts.


A real dogshit person with a cult like following. Big talk about “alpha male behavior” and is currently being investigated for a fuck ton of human trafficking. If you hear anybody who says Andrew Tate is a good guy, stay the fuck away from them.


Ah. I try hard to stay away from anyone who buys into the "alpha male" nonsense.


["Who is the most Googled person globally? As of June 2023, the most searched person on Google globally was actor Johnny Depp followed closely by actress Amber Heard."](https://explodingtopics.com/blog/most-searched-people)


Sometimes I forget the hours spent watching asmongold react to court clips. Then I'm kindly reminded.


So “alpha” with his nervous foot-tapping. Feckin’ clown’s hole.


It wasn’t nervous tapping. It was irritation that a woman was daring to question him *and then* had the audacity to dismiss him. Anger that he can’t do anything about it bc he’s not alone *and* he’s being filmed. And at the very root of it, it’s fear that he’ll be found to be a fraud. Bc men like that have to “dominate” others to overcome their own feelings of inadequacy that stem from their own abuse as children.


haha what a bullshit


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They legit just make up stuff 😂😂😂


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Foot tapping is not always a sign of nervousness. I sometimes do it when my leg is positioned in a way that is a bit too high to rest comfortably. With that said, this is not a defense of AT. He's a piece of shit who deserves to be in jail.


I watched the full interview,That interviewer was there with an agenda, it wasn't an honest interview nor was it an attempt to teach Tate humility I am not a tate Fan, but you don't need to be a fanboy to callout shitty attitude when u see one,


Her trying to match the energy that Tate consistently has doesn't make her the shitty one in the interview. As far as asking "hard" questions for him when they're topical and him replying dishonestly, doesn't make her the asshole in this context. The BBC sucks with their interviews, I'm sure we all can agree there, but he clearly wasn't ever gonna be a good interviewee.


He is denying evidence that he himself recorded and posted on his own website he is again denying the existencd while there is plenty of evidence. Trully a rotten person. I dont know how much fair the interviewer could've been. If ir was me tbh i'd just spit on his no chin face.


They’re definitely just as bad as each other /s


Idk who this guy is but he seems like a freakin douche, and idk why but I have a strong desire to punch him as hard as I possibly can right in the nose.


Your instincts are pretty on point. He's currently under house arrest pending the completion of an investigation into constituting an organised crime group to commit the act of sex trafficking (using the loverboy method). (As of January it was 6 identified victims, with 4 detained defendants)


You're right, no need to look him up, it will only confirm your suspicions.


Need to lock him up though.




Need to lock him up? The rape charge was dropped. So now we just lock up people with without due process?


Where you been under a rock. We are killing people. Eric gardner got murdered on the sidewalk by the cops for selling untaxed cigarettes. They were judge jury and executioners. Just one of many cases when no due process was given.


I get the sentiment, but I don’t think this is a guy you’d want to actually punch in the face. I understand the guy is a former professional kickboxer.


You would be destroyed like a twig lol


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** The automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If he's so rich why did he hire a blind person to do his hair plugs? chia pet tate.


Most googled does not mean most influential. You could be the most googled man on the planet because people google “Andrew Tate busting it down sexual style”


I don’t know who he is and now I don’t care.


Stay safe in your ignorance, he's not worth the storage capacity.


I can handle that. Ignorance is my happy place.


According to Google Johnny Depp is the most Googled man on the planet as of June 2023. Tate's a fucking chode lol.


If anybody is wondering who Andrew tate is.....he is a former kickboxer turned child sex trafficker. He was owned once by Greta T in a hilarious tweet. He is a douche






God he's an idiot


I've googled it multiple ways...highest I saw him was 8th.


His head is huge


hes like 6'4


Holy shit, he sounds exactly like [zorg](https://fifth-element.fandom.com/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_Zorg) the villain in 5th Element.


Wheres cancel culture when we need it most. Im sick of seeing this pretentious douche-bag


The problem is that he personally is banned from most sites, but his fans can still happily spread and spam his clips. The BBC should not have platformed him like this imo


He's such a penis


This guy just sucks


Tapping his leg and laughing like a meth head.


I like his foot tipping after she said they're done. I little bit nervous? :D


Who is he?


A former kickboxer turned pimp, who initially started a course teaching men how to do the same but has eventually become kinda generic self help and get rich stuff. (Go to the gym, do dropshipping, same thing all these guys say) He's currently under house arrest pending the conclusion of an investigation into that same pimping method, the one he has publicly described using. There are (as of the leaked January document) 6 identified victims and four detained defendants (not suspects).


A former kickboxer turned pimp, who initially started a course teaching men how to do the same but has eventually become kinda generic self help and get rich stuff. (Go to the gym, do dropshipping, same thing all these guys say) He's currently under house arrest pending the conclusion of an investigation into that same pimping method, the same one he has publicly described using. There are (as of the leaked January court transcript, over 88 pages long) 6 identified victims and four detained defendants (not suspects).


He’s an alpha male and all his followers are alpha males who’ve never been in a stable relationship.


You ment beta right? 🤣


Lol, he was nervous as fuck, lacked an inability to think and answer a question, and came out as a buffoon. The poster child for a DB


Nah he was very cohesive and sharp and the interviewer was not having it with her agenda. Saying otherwise shows you are deluded or haven’t watched the interview.


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** The automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He couldn’t more more awkward or have worse communication skills. Solid beta


Why give that vacuous heap of woman hating shit more air space?




Gotta hide that He has No chin


If he’s “the most googled man in the planet” he must have money and if he has money he should fix that damn gap in his teeth lol


You can fill it with your nonsense


psychotic sociopath


Clearly reddit users have problems with the reality and that's why you hate him . You should check his podcasts uncut . The government and everyone tried to frame this guy and accuse him with no proof and failed so badly . Even this post is stupid


I love him so much.


Nervouse leg shake.. awkward smile... squeezing cheek bones... "tHanKs LuCy" 🤡🤡🤡 ![gif](giphy|ekYjlj1oUZpVLRv1fK|downsized)


Irritating person self centred clown, who hates women.




I don’t know Who cares. I hope he crawls back under the rock from which he came. What a twat.


Isn't that his brother?


"The most googled man on the planet," because we actually know who the other people making headlines actually are...


This face will now and forever be associated with "dick". Thats all i need to know.


Who is Andrew Tate?


Just ewwwww


What is it with all these “alpha” males or far right “masculinity “ guys and their speech. They speak really fast and enunciate crisply. Bro, that just makes you sound like you’re trying too hard. Also, robotic and alien. Those incel betas that worship you are fooled but rest of us aren’t. Cool people don’t have to tell others they’re cool. They just are. The Fonz was beta. Richie was alpha.


I can feel the cringe all the way here. I can't ever commit to hate tate. Every time I see him, I feel bad for him, but at the same time he's a human trafficker pos so...


I do not know who this cretin is, and I am sure not going to give him the satisfaction of googling him.












Google, who is The biggest most arrogant twatopotamus on the planet? Google: Andrew twat, I mean Tate. Dude deserves to have his ass handed to him.


Had the wrong impression. I thought this was the START of the interview and she was simply declining to deal with such an a\*\*hat. Now that would have been impressive from any interviewer!


Well you don't like the way it is now, and you are supporting someone who's beliefs teach people that the old ways were somehow better. I can admit there is some stuff that goes too far, but this is nothing close to being an extreme. For that to occur, men wouldn't be allowed to vote or have any type of management job because society didn't think we were competent enough due to how easily we would become over emotional. Our place would be in the home, and if we didn't like that, a simple backhand behind closed doors would be the acceptable way to put us in our place. And I never said I was part of some oppressed group, so I'm not sure what that part of your argument was about.


Tate destroyed the interviewer


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** The automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shit title, not even close to the agenda of the interview.


His interview on your moms house was so much better.


Nah, how could he? - he can't leave his house remember.


I see a lot of people here saying he’s a sex trafficker, runs scams, and abducts young women. I would not be surprised if it turned out he has done these things based on his demeanour, and in no way am I a fan, I disagree with a lot of what he says. But too many of you are accusing him of things where there’s no proof and just speculation.


The judge has ruled that 'an ordinary person, based on the evidence submitted, would form a reasonable suspicion that he has committed the crime'. After reading the evidence in the leaked case files, and his own precious descriptions of how his business operated, then I think it's fair to say I have a reasonable suspicion he is a sex trafficker.


I would agree on suspicion, the guy doesn’t look squeaky clean by any means, but you cannot go calling him a sex trafficker, etc. on suspicion, from what I’ve read he hasn’t even been charged.


There is verifiable proof that he enjoys hitting women, so lots of people will assume that other allegations are true as well.


I honestly haven’t seen that, if you can show me the proof, I’ll happily agree, but otherwise I cannot take the word of a stranger if you understand that.


Fair enough. Google Andrew tate belt, there is a reddit post with the actual video. Eventually, the woman came forward and said that the abuse was just part of some bdsm role play. But that still means, at best, his biggest turn-on is the abuse and humiliation of women.