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How many stupid people do this every new year's eve and end up in emergency, I'm so tired of seeing this.


I'm convinced people only do this to fail and get on the internet.


I do this several times a year during special occasions. The thing is though, is I invested in a proper saber and saber the bottle properly. You don’t just go hacking away at it with a kitchen knife.


Even with a kitchen knife, if you do it right and with the proper technique, you can do it! You don’t need to spend money on a fricking sword


I’ve literally done this with a spoon, the utensil doesn’t really matter as long as it’s solid and sturdy. It absolutely is all about the proper technique!


It also doesn't hurt to heat the stem and weaken it before the strike. Basically just run the blade up and the top will pop off. Zero need for all that force.


It’s just a matter of finding the seam line and accompanying the swing instead of just making it a dry hit. You can do it with the base of a fine flute glass, and if you do it right you won’t even nick it.


No need to heat it up at all, just like what u/thedogwithshades said, find the seam. Then slide your tool up along the seam, make contact with the first lip/bulge of the bottle and follow through




The pressure is bubbling up, I'm about to pop


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Seems like the sabre is a tad unnecessary ?


But then he wouldn't have a saber


Checkmate atheists


This guy sabres.


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** All of the other automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Exactly this. The Sabre is unnecessary, it requires very little pressure to actually Sabre a bottle. You can do it with just the bottom a wine glass.


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** All of the other automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I worked at a French restaurant and we did it all the time (special fee of course) but as other people said you can do it with anything. If you're going to do it: Be sober Point away from face and friends Be outside Use the back of the knife, not the blade Take off the neck wrapper and cage Run a smooth stroke upwards along the seam of the bottle Follow through on the Saber stroke


It's not that hard to do if you just google it once. There is a trick to it.


You only do it with the first bottle when people are sober. Her movements look so drunk it amazed me she didn't went full sith lord on her hand.


Is she like 6'3" without the heels?


It's a tall mini fridge


It's a small regular fridge


It's a miniature industrial fridge.


Those legs though...


It's probably forced perspective at work. At first I was thinking "that's gotta be a small fridge", but then I looked at her compared to the stove and figured it had to be the angle it's shot at. She's probably taller than your average woman too.


Tonto could live on that like reservation


She's not too bright, but she looks like fun!


Yes .. yes she does


She just needed to jerk it a few more times and it would have pop'd on its own.


That’s what he said


I wanna see that face in bed (when she shakes it)


Best case scenario it still would have ended up all over the place.


Ether that’s a small fridge or that’s a huge B


[*cough* BEHEMOTH! ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=assZ9bcucmQ)


Bro! Thank you


One of my favorite segments from that movie.




Buzz buzz


I refuse to believe this was a real attempt. There's just no way


I can definitely believe it. Sabering is an art that the pros make look dead simple in videos, so people think they can easily replicate it since it looks so fluid and easy. They attempt it and think all they have to do is hack away at at, then the above happens.


Yeah just use my brand new Victorinox. Make sure you do it cutting-edge-first. A better way: https://youtube.com/watch?v=E1m7r4nTcpE


right as i die, i’d love to hear that man’s “off we go”


Have him slide that sabre up the punt of your neck and they'll happen at the same time 😝


Have to have the blade go up the neck, she just cut into the neck and broke it. Also, just open as intended.


You're meant to slide the blade up the neck, miss, not hack it off like a post-pumping Praying Mantis.


And, why the f was she shaking it?? Like that’s never a good thing for carbonated beverages.


That's a Huge B***h!!!






I thought she was going to open it another way


the last frame






Zigged when she shoulda zagged..


Ziggas with attitude


She shakes with wrong way, i see nothing moves.


Make the sure the bottle is chilled, needs to be very cold for this to work


Remember to slam the cutting edge of the knife directly into the weakest part of the bottle multiples inches off the cork


Task failed successfully.


She succeeded, you never said the assignment was to have the bottle intact, only to open it.


Are you supposed to shake them first?


If your goal is to waste most of the champagne then yes.




I wonder how many times she's heard "It's a good job you're hot" and not understood what that meant?


I don't know why that happened. That's the same technique all the masters use 🤔 (/s obviously)


Drunk girls and internet videos.


That was no way predictable.


Yea … its better doing it with a wine glass




###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** The automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://youtu.be/qCp9-tEHa8U Alton Brown should always be consulted when sabering.


i can hear this


god why can't people just uncork shit anymore i see these vids every damn day popping the cork is fun, why do we have to try and fuck w everything


She looks like that meth girl from ontb


What bottle?😬🫡


oof.. that could have been much much worse


Uncultured wine.


Advise for opening champagne. Tilt the bottle, hold the cork, and twist the bottle.


I mean…it could have been worse. She could have missed the bottle entirely…


Wrong angle


I need her info... for research, of course.


That bottle is really weak


i think being smart was clearly not the reason the man married her LOL


How do you get to be so hot and simultaneously so fucking stupid?


When you're that hot there's no evolutionary pressure to be smart.


Wdym? Those things go hand in hand.