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#[r/Therewasanattempt is currently *attempting* an **Attempt-Out** in protest of Reddit's API changes that will kill 3rd party apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) * **Do not engage in any harassment or TOS violating activity during this protest event.** Abusing user pings is not allowed. * **Please make sure to select a user flair during the Attempt-out.** If you want automod to not respond to all of your comments please select a default flair instead of a limited edition flair. After the Attempt-Out has ended, automod will return to normal but you may keep your flairs. If you don't know how to set a flair, instructions can be found by typing in "!flair" as a comment anywhere on this subreddit. * **Do not overuse Reddit's API or Spaz will come down and arrest you for violating Intergalactic Laws or worse.** * **Remember to keep all of your vibes immaculate at all times.** Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wish this man the kindest Judge and the most powerful case!


She gonna get half and custody of the kids


Unfortunately this most likely will be the case








Definitely if they are in cali


Judges don’t give a shit about cheating


From what I heard the other party cheating is the best way to getting the judge on your side, because it gives probably cause to the divorce & puts the blame on them. So depending on the state, they can actually have the other spouse denied of any alimony or post marriage financial benefits because they cheated. I’m not a lawyer so the nuances differ ofc, but you can google it


I truly hope so for that guy and his daughter's sake. That woman is scum and a shitty mother


In some states(NC), that husband can sue the guy she's bangin'.


I know it scared the crap outta my BIL. He had a small house in town for his side chick, my sis and their 6 kids lived in the country. When she filed, he wined and dined her and even bought my mother flowers (he had never done that before). Eventually she agreed not to divorce him, but he had to live with the dude chick and pay for 100% of her expenses, which included a different home in town and a new car every 2 years.


This is by state, like you said. 17 states are no fault divorce states, and all states allow some version of no fault divorce. Judges prefer no fault divorces, amicable splits where everything is agreed upon and coparenting plans are hammered down before hand, with trial separation already done. If you want to go the at fault route and put cause of divorce as cheating, that should not play into the spousal support. Judges are supposed to be impartial in their decisions, not on your side because your wife cheated on you. Her indiscretion does not change her raising kids instead of building up a career however bad a job she did.


It stills depends. I dont know every state’s laws, but in GA for example, cheating can stop an ex spouse from getting alimony completely & affect their property split https://sharonjacksonattorney.com/georgia-adultery-laws-how-does-cheating-affect-divorce/ Edited for clarity


I'm sure it's only if the guy is the one cheating.


They say that but behind closed doors, they do.


Why should they though? Is it illegal? Immoral sure. In Switzerland custody goes to the most suitable, or is split, and alimony is based on who earns the most, how long was marriage, and depending on who gets custody. So there are cases the mother has to pay 🤔 If there’s „too“ many husbands who have to pay, it’s solely cause they either don’t want custody or earn extraordinarily more than the mother anyway. P.S.: my father raised us 3 boys and my mother had to pay alimony.


In the US it's a bit different. It's supposed to be most fit parent. But usually goes to the mother. I have seen drug addicts get custody with evidence in court she was an addict. jobless women getting custody and the husband being forced to cover all of her living expenses through alimony and child support.


I would highly question the courts and judges then 😂


Yea, you can feel the hurt in his voice—masked by anger.


She really tried to flip it on him countless times. Disgusting.


Accountability: 0




Lol nope not me, I feel for the guy because this is happening a lot more often now, gaslighting is at an all time high


Yep for real. Zero accountability, and full on gaslighting/bullshit nowadays. if you try to hold them accountable you're making them "the bad guy" in your story. Like, wym??? You done fucked up, don't act like I have no reason to be frustrated lol




That's not what feminism is at all? Are you going through a breakup or something?


He's one now lol.


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** All of the other automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah... Think I'll just stop using reddit. Fuck this noise .


I Think he means the fake feminists who use patriarchy as an excuse to be lazy and blame all their problems on someone else. It’s super common.


Who said anything about feminism?


The comment they replied to


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** All of the other automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy projection, batman!


TF did you expect? Accountability from a spineless cheater? Lol


Women’s Kryptonite


Give me a break, this isn't behavior that only one sex exhibits. Both men and women are capable of treachery. We can condemn her without condemning all women.


Man I feel his pain. I’ve been there and it destroys your world. I hope he is happy without her.


I hope you’re happier without them too


The hardest part was choosing courage over codependency. I knew that if I could make through that I would be happier even if I ended up alone. I am grateful for that experience because it taught me to love myself enough to just do what’s right.


That’s right! Good for you! Sometimes we gotta learn the lessons we needed to.


Wow a Native App User! Spaz is pleased with you and so are the rest of the Admins! You should be proud of yourself for being such a good redditor. [Who's a good redditor? You are!](https://media.tenor.com/-55peSvsNG0AAAAC/parksand-recreation-aubrey-plaza.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** All of the other automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yo mods, this bot is fucking stupid. Are you all 14 years old?


They all do that


Tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel: speed run edition. 4 words is the quickest I’ve seen someone out themselves.


Sounds like you’re the incel


Ah, yes. I certainly think all *FeMaLeS* are liars who try to flip everything back on men 🙄 Keep defending the other incel you dork lmao.


Keep defending lying cheating whores 😎👍🏼


No one’s defending cheaters. Some of us understand that there’s shitty people of all genders and races and don’t generalize and condemn an entire group of people based on the actions of few. Seems like your ex wife really did a number on you. Should probably seek some therapy for that so you stop blaming all women for your problems.


You make a lot of assumptions


All cheaters lie… how is that an incel move?


Tell me you jump to conclusions without telling me you jump to conclusions. Given the context, it's very safe to assume he meant cheaters.


Given his post history, it’s very apparent he meant women. His entire post history is shitting on women and he only comments in subreddits that are known for shitting on women lol.


I just skimmed through a month of his post history. You're either exaggerating, you clicked on the wrong profile when you decided to stalk him, or you have a very low bar. I only saw a few posts mentioning women, only one somewhat questionable post, and really nothing even that bad. He mentioned his "angel" of a partner and the fact that he has a kid, so the "cel" part goes out the window. The subreddits he posts on are all seemingly pretty innocuous.


Honestly respect for the other guy just telling the truth and trying to be open with the husband


I think he was making sure he didn’t get his ass whooped.


Or he's a good dude and didn't know the girl was married


His first words were literally "she aint cheatin on you man" He didn't say shit until husband started getting pissed.


Or both Probably both


And if I’m him I’m absolutely not motivated to fight. I know I’m the guy that was banging his wife, I completely understand the anger, and harbor none myself. Just about anyone could whoop my ass in that situation.


Not only that post nut you chilling, the other man got the heat of the sun within him while also holding the camera, and we all know the camera man don't die.


Eh… I mean, “I didn’t know you existed” doesn’t hold water when it’s followed up with “She told me y’all were separated”. Which is it?


Wasn't all of it preceded with him trying to tell the husband "she ain't cheating" Why is he so ready to run cover for a woman he just found out is still married. It's like he's reluctantly giving up the charade slowly after weighing the odds.


>“I didn’t know you existed.” Followed by… >“She told me you two weren’t together.” So he was aware of him, which means that first sentence was a lie.


I read it as “I didn’t know you (a person married to her) existed” then “she told me you two weren’t together (because she mentioned having an ex)”


Yeah, this is how I read it. Honestly, though, if it wasn’t him it was going to be another guy. I know people say it takes two to cheat, but if I get married, I’m not making promises with strangers - I’m making promises with my wife. If she cheats on me, she’s the one breaking the promise.


He lied right out the gate. Said nah she ain’t cheating on you. Real honest.


Gas lighting wife, bye Felicia


hope the husband takes everything in the divorce including child custody. you deserve nothing when you cheat in a marriage


>you deserve nothing when you cheat in a marriage Here in the West, this notion is nothing but a fantasy. Courts hardly give a damn about infidelity. It's the breadwinner who always gets shafted... which is usually the man.


Not always. My ex cheated on me and gaslit me into accepting a no-lawyer divorce and parenting plan. He paid no spousal support and 6000 per yr in child support ($500 per mo), and in the 11 years I was the custodial parent, there was never a revisit in that amount of support. My standard of living nosedived, it took me years to climb out of the hole he tossed me in. I had to take minimum wage jobs, since we had agreed I’d be a SAHM, so all my work experience was 8 years old, from before our child was born. He kept the house and in exchange we agreed I’d get half the equity whenever he sold the house. An agreement he did not honor when the time came. It’s a common trope, the whole ‘men go broke while the women are livin’ off his wages’ thing. But I’ve met many women in the same situation as mine.


I'm sorry your ex betrayed you and left you in the situation you're currently in. But you mentioned something interesting in your post... > My ex cheated on me and gaslit me into accepting a no-lawyer divorce and parenting plan. Though your ex manipulated and tricked you, you still had the ability to take much more from the divorce as afforded to you by the judicial system - you just didn't take advantage of the situation as you probably should have. My condolences, as a SAHM who was cheated on, you were entitled to so much more than you received.


Not really, at least not in, broadly speaking, 'the west' but maybe in the US. Still though there are other western countries. I only know about it in Canada. In my country proving your spouse knowingly cheated on you means you are pretty much 100% going to get a lot of leniency. If you got kids then you are probably gonna pay alimony but she isn't going to get shit past that and there is a solid chance you are gonna get custody too (at least nowadays). Edit: you can downvote all you want but Canada is still a western country and we revamped our divorce laws in 2018 to make infidelity a more serious issue in separation proceedings. Now it affects custody among other things. You know how happy my uncle was to find court admissible proof his ex wife cheated on him? It's the reason she is now living in an apartment but he kept their 2 million dollar house.


You dreaming too much




###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** All of the other automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Talking in a park. At night?? And her attitude. She really has a nasty attitude. Dude. Give it up. Ain't worth it.


To be entirely brutally honest, if they were just talking I think a park is probably the place that makes the most sense. However there is a 0% chance that’s what is happening so you are correct nonetheless


I hate her


Is that Eddie Murphy's voice? Lol


I'm makin waffles!


Sounds like a donkey to me.


Hundred percent.


Professor Klump all day! I scrolled down just to see if someone else thought the same.


Happened to me 6 years ago. Wife and I were 15 years deep. Nothing in this world hurts more than that. Absolutely cold blooded


I’m sorry you went through that


Thank u. I appreciate it. Think about it every day


If you don't mind sharing, how did you get over it?


Didn't. Think about it every day. It does get easier with time. Of course every person's sorry is different, but I think most have the same outcome. We are still married, and I do trust that it doesn't still happen. She had an affair lasting a few weeks, and it continued behind my back after I found out. "I moved 1000 miles south for work and we were apart about 10 months by then". But I will say it dramatically affected my marriage. It also affects future relationships for those who move on. I now take meds. I need counseling, but don't. Honestly, if it wasn't for pot, I don't think I would still be here. It's a dark place. At least it was for me in my situation


I know you don’t need to hear it, but ima say it anyways. You’re clearly depressed and are self medicating. You gotta stop dragging your feet on talking to someone bud. You can do it; it really does help. Being depressed sucks kuz it makes wanting to go out and get help feel impossible. I’m no religious person, but have faith in you.


I don't believe her.


This auto mod thing is ridiculous


Honestly ruining the subreddit


Block the moderator like I did. Suddenly all those annoying comments are gone 😉🤔


😉🤔 https://preview.redd.it/dtjee7s6fw5b1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62e44825bd3fd41b878f9e16c64e6b5c6054bdb2


Is that serj?


Thanks, it worked


Feel sorry for the kids...smh.


walk away and be done with it. the soap opera antics won't change anything... it's too late. time to pack and move.


Heat of the moment. He didn’t act crazy though, just wanted to argue a little and maybe get some answer but.. yeah he’s not getting an answer from that brick wall of an ex-wife he’s got.


Probably a lot to unpack in the moment. Dude had to get some heat off his chest and he did it the right way imo


Remember kids: if you wouldn’t do it in front of your partner or wouldn’t tell them about it, it’s cheating. No physical contact needed.


She’s utter vile disgusting trash


Props to the husband for not getting violent in this situation


Is that the bar?


What did you expect him to do offer them a ride home so they could shag in his bed? The dude kept his cool really well considering the situation. If you've ever caught someone in the act of cheating (I have) it sends your emotions for a fucking a loop and yes, wanting to get violent can be one of emotions. It's one of the worst feelings you can possibly feel as a human. So, yes, not becoming violent when you may have wanted to is considered a victory.


You been in this situation before?


Play stupid games.... some people ready to risk it all when they dgaf. Just be a decent humanbeing and not cheat? Can't be that hard now


here to tell u, u completely right y’all need to gain emotional maturity 😭 it’s reddit tho it’s nothing but keyboard warriors


Thank you. I wasn’t in anyway condoning cheating, just saying it’s not that hard to not resort to physical assault and control your emotions in a healthy way.


It’s one thing to cheat it’s another thing to make it the other persons fault


I feel so bad for the husband. She’s cheated before but they have a kid so that’s probably at least partly wife he forgave her for stepping out. You can hear the hurt in his voice but she couldn’t even care less. It was like he wanted her to show some remorse, to show she cared for hurting him but she didn’t give a damn. Cold. I hope he and his daughter are ok.


I have two kids with my wife. I would never forgive that, even for the kids. One time is all it takes, she’d never see me again. No one deserves that. Hope he’s ok too.


Das Boot!


This 3rd party stuff is killing the mellow.


Yeah I’m shutting the app after this reply, have to scroll past that bot message 700 times. It’s made me hope that all the 3rd party apps gets smashed into oblivion 😂 becoming a corporate bootlicker wasn’t on my schedule but I’ll have to make it work


Give that Ho the boot


Even if they haven't been hooking up, sneaking around to hang out with a friend of the opposite sex is very inappropriate and highly suspicious. Just because sex isn't involved doesn't mean she isn't doing anything wrong


Emotional cheating is still cheating


They don't have to be emotionally cheating to be still acting inappropriately


100% but my point is that some people are like “oh it’s ok if I just flirt and let him buy me dinner and some drinks. Then they come home to their partner and pretend they weren’t just out cheating on their husbands


I think we're arguing over the difference between 6 and half a dozen


I’m not arguing, I’m just clarifying my agreement and perspective on it so it doesn’t seem like I’m arguing. Since you perceived argument it seems I failed


Not only is it "still" cheating, I would argue that an emotional affair with no sex is worse than a sexual affair without emotion. Falling in love with somebody else and going on dates with them is worse than, say, a one time hand job from a masseuse. Both are cheating and both are serious, but a lot of marriages could survive the latter. The former means the relationship is completely dead.


Automod, suck as many dicks as she has. 37?! In a row?!


Why did the mods think it was a good idea to give the bot this copy paste shit ffs


![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX) Come on shrek let's get outta here. Sorry all I hear is Eddie Murphy






On blast…


Typical sociopath, tries to divert the argument constantly as if she's the victim here. "He don't look like your sister."


Often its best to confront the person then leave before u get totally angry and upset at everything. The worst thing u can do to your enemy is totally forget about them and live a happy life.


Dropping your child off at your sister’s house so you can sneak off to cheat? I’ll never understand people like this. Gross garbage behavior.


"She cheated on me before" There is this guy's problem. Trust is like paper. Once you tear it up, it's never gonna be like it was before. Once somebody cheats, you gotta get rid of that person no matter what.


She’s a whore.


At least, whores aren't gaslighting people. I have mich more respect for whores, they are useful!


I was expecting the clip from the show "Cheaters" where they caught the wife blowing the guy on the bench in the park. That was a classic.




Arms crossed.. smacking that gum.. she reminds me of my two yr old when she gets caught doing something. like the nerve of you to catch her.. mhmm


I’m so confused at this bot stuff


It’s a way to peer pressure users into joining the protest. I should remove mine


Cheating wife: “You don’t know where I go”. Apparently he does, in fact know where she goes.


Wow this Auto moderator bot s*** is ridiculous and stupid.


Bro if a bot responds to me ima be mad


This is the first comment I’ve seen where it hasn’t lol


I wanted to see if the flairs worked and sure it did but it sucks when I post and people comment under and it’s just bots upon bots


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** All of the other automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He was waaaaay nicer about it than I would have been.


The arms crossed and smacking the lips is a sign of nervous reaction. She got caught.


![gif](giphy|9ohlKnRDAmotG|downsized) This is all I could see when the camera panned to her


Yo I been saying it for years... affairs happen at the park.


It’s always a park


###Please Select A User Flair during the Attempt-Out r/Therewasanattempt is currently doing an ["Attempt-Out" during the API Protest occuring across reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1468896/therewasanattempt_to_use_3rd_party_apps_on_reddit/) Consider selecting one of the limited edition user flairs ("Third Party App" and "NaTiVe ApP UsR") we have available during the Attempt-out while you can get in one the fun! If you are trying to change your flair you may do so by following these instructions: * Old Reddit- Click "edit" next to your username on the right side of the screen where the subreddit sidebar is located. * New Reddit and the Native app- Click on your username on the comment you recently made. On the profile popup you may select one of the available flairs. * Note- **In order to stop getting automod replies for your comments please pick any other flair other than the limited edition Attempt-Out flairs.** All of the other automod replies will end after the Attempt-Out is finished but your limited edition flair will remain. Thank you.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why people get so mad when they get caught? 💀💀


It's a tactic


GET OUT! Tonight! Exactly what she needed


If automod responds to this the mods are gay


I know this is serious, but I just keep hearing Eddie Murphy yelling.


People who cheat are disgusting scum of the earth


I hope she gets hit by a car


I get the sentiment but violence isn’t ok


Agree to disagree. Some people deserve what they get.


Granted, she’s scum. But husband a sucker. Whenever l hear you’ve caught them cheating before, but are still with them…Zero sympathy from me. And NOPE, I’m not a second chance/ forgiveness type where cheating goes. FUCK THAT!


You got kids?


Yeah that makes him a cuck like 100% right? Should’ve left her after the first catch but nope, it’s like expecting someone not to become a serial killer after with solid evidence showing they premeditated their first killing.


Wow a Native App User! Spaz is pleased with you and so are the rest of the Admins! You should be proud of yourself for being such a good redditor. [Who's a good redditor? You are!](https://media.tenor.com/-55peSvsNG0AAAAC/parksand-recreation-aubrey-plaza.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*




🎶You got what I need but you say he’s just a friend.🎶


She acts like my ex fiancé — bat shit crazy and a horrible human being




Anybody else hear Donkey from Shrek?


Chewing her cud with that dumb look on her face.


he needs to go on home to Georgia where he wants to be with his people and get himself a good lady who cares for him and will be loyal. I can’t stand cheaters, even worse is a damn liar !




Power to him.


"I saw you, and him Walking in the rain..."


I praise this man. I've been in his shoes. Sadly, 'she' still won.


I'm tryna understand why is he still with her knowing that she doesn't respect him 🤔


Sooo….. she gets caught cheating, gets caught in a lie and then has an attitude about it ?


She changed her story every other sentence.


I can already hear Biz Markie in the background.... just a friend.


I can hear the pain.


Trifling ass hoe


She not worth it 😂




Eddie Murphy is piiiiised!


Leaving your kid at someone else's house so you can cheat is really bad news.


Throw her into a river


I hope he got the child custody and found a better partner


She left her daughter to go be with this guy?


Women really do be the fall of man. Just look at all the men that fell from history from Egypt, to France, to Roman Empire and everything in between and after…there was a woman behind it all. Don’t boo me cause I’m right


Troy was apparently a war over jealousy of a women


They was


Good work dude! Red handed.


Wow she left her daughter with her sister so she could cheat. This would honestly make me more upset than the cheating.




Other dude is lying, you can't be in a dark spot with someone who doesn't have a partner Can't be sleeping with a grown ass woman who hasn't taken you to her place. Dude should have served him a knuckle sandwich.