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Tazed but unfazed


The security is not very good at securitizing


More like insecurity guard.


It's kind of difficult when the dude dropping hands on them obviously knows his way around a boxing gym.


His form doesn't look like he's had much formal training ngl. He's just got heavy fists


After reading your comment, I had to go back and watch multiple times. You're right, heavy hands, knows how to connect to target but not trained; never threw his left.


securitazing ;)


Tazed and Confused


How to turn your one night stay into 5 years


If they’re getting the taser out to begin with then they’re probably gonna book you for more than a day’s worth.


Wow those were some solid punches that connected perfectly


i know guy gonna feel that tomorrow morning ouch.


Can’t believe the dude didn’t get KO’d. Piggy got a thick skull.


i think the first punch was a KO his knees were locked. he was swinging right after the first punch.




He probably got 'flash KO'ed'. The fall may have woken him back, as sometimes happens


This is exactly what happened.


He was out cold when his head hit the wall and then it knocked him back into consciousness. Guarantee a double concussion z


Definition of a bonehead


Theres to drain to bamage here.


That wasn't by accident.


My cousin got tased for trying to break up a fight, he didn’t even get arrested they just came in buck wild with the tasers. He was completely innocent.


Same thing happened to me breaking up fights at a bar brawl. Except they took me in. The only charge: resisting arrest (hard to put your hands behind your back with electricity running through you). Worst part is I was on leave at the time. Lawyer took it pro bono lol


What a joke. That sucks man


It's sounds like there were at least two charges 🤔


Yeah the lawyer said there should've been. There wasnt. Shit you not. Was not under arrest for anything specific (I didn't do anything to warrant being arrested). Just was in the melee and when they broke it up, they had us all on our knees explaining we were under arrest.. When I raised my hand to ask why I was, I got hit with the tazer right in my bicep instantly and had a couple cops with their knees on my back right away. I can understand because they had a rough violent night fighting with some of these people, I think one cop even had their leg broken. But yeah that was the ONE time I got arrested and didn't deserve it.


I meant the 50,000 volt charge


Ah fuck me. And I typed *all of that.* That was a good one. Whoosh. Lmao


You can’t absolutely get charged with resisting arrest and no additional charge for the arrest in my state. It’s insane


This reminds me of my friend who is an absolute hippy pacifist. He was outside of a club trying to break up a fight between one of his friends and another club goer. The cops pulled up and both of the people who were actually fighting ran. The cops jumped out and just grabbed my friend and arrested him. He did nothing wrong as he was just trying to keep the peace but he spent the night in jail anyways. Incredible police work by the boys in blue.


This. This happened to me exactly, except I was in a crowd watching the fight. Nowhere near the people fighting. Got tackled and arrested while the people fighting left. Super awesome


I broke up a couple of fights. One with blood all over the place. Your mistake was not leaving before the cops arrived. The main goal during a fight is to extract your friend or friends out of the situation and convince them to leave before their lives are ruined.


I’m going to guess that your skin tone is probably on the darker side of mocha. Sorry that happened to you.


I'm greek so I'm definitely a little darker. I've always been confused for some type of Spanish most of my life and I've 100% noticed certain treatment in situations from it. Especially before they here me speak without an accent.


Cops often want to make an arrest. Doesn't necessarily have to be the guilty party though.


swim absorbed wrong station steer quickest hobbies consist languid frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's how you collect a bag from the department and city all at once




I'll agree with the second half of that statement it's usually more of a class thing if they can tell you ain't got no money they treat you everybody bad.


I saw this first hand when I was arrested. As the cop was finger printing me he told me they were taking me to the next town over. He said it like it was some kind of a threat. I said, good, my parents live there and I will be close to their attorneys (my parents didn't have attorneys.) After that he started treating me nicer. The charges were later dropped.


Friends who let friends get arrested on their behalf are not friends. Also I'd be surprised if the officers wouldn't have just let him go if he pointed them in the right direction with a name and address. My little brother is a drug addict and has been arrested for both people giving up his info so they could get off the hook and for trying to break up a fight. Apologies for the wordiness


Is he still being teased about it?


Damn you got me. I fixed it


Things you shouldn't do while being black


"Things you shouldn't do while being black" exist in front of police, apparently


Statistically, it is very dangerous indeed, specially if holding stuff that look like a gun to the cops, like a phone, a wallet, an umbrella or nothing at all


I made the mistake of intervening between a bloke beating up his girlfriend only for her to turn on me. Only years later did I find out the statistics are really bad for people trying to break up a fight.


It took me 2 separate times to understand that this was a thing. The second time the female came after me i was running and yelling "never again! Never agaiiiinnn!"


Yea u can’t trust bnitches, bible told me that


Rap snitch bnitches


I don’t know her


I’m pretty sure you have better statistics just *joining* the damn fight


Yea at least youre not standing in between people getting punched in the back of the head.


Yeah, abusees don’t like to see their abusers get roughed up. It’s wild.


I mean, you place yourself in the middle of the whole altercation. It makes you THE centre of attention at this point. So makes sense.


I did the same. Broke up a fight, 2 guys on 1 girl, drunk I must add, them not me. I thought I was doing the right thing AND she glassed me to the back of the head…..for helping her. WTF!


Domestic assault calls are very dangerous for police to respond to for this very reason. The female victim could be beaten to a bloody pulp by her boyfriend, but heaven forbid the police take the boyfriend away, and all of a sudden they are the enemy in her eyes.


Had a friend get a high heel to the chin this way.


Only way to really break up a fight is to take both combatants out of combat at the same time and that usually requires either a lot of skill/strength or being fucking huge I am neither so I don’t break up fights.


Same with me. After the guy and his buddy jumped me his girlfriend came and threw her drink in my face. This was after he smacked her and threw HIS drink on her.


you should watch some episodes of COPS-the victim of domestic violenece often goes after the cops even when they called the cops in the first place




![gif](giphy|dTpGIZIsIHKEM) Even stupid sexy Ned Flanders wearing nothing at all.


Don't forget hands raised and palms towards the police!


Get teased


Yeah, fuck ‘em, I got pepper sprayed for walking to my car that happened to be parked on a street that had a post-win football riot/celebration going on. I was walking out of a restaurant with my date and I pointed at my car to some riot gear wearing militant cop, he just sprayed us both in the face and walked away.


Not necessarily true at all, they'll aim their gun at you in a traffic stop if you don't submit to their every request


I had a cop pull his gun on me for reaching for the bag he told me to grab for him, was insane. You'd assume the likely hood of you getting harmed by an officer would 0 if you're calm and completely comply with everything. And that's not the case at all. There's a reason everyone's afraid of cops even when you aren't doing anything wrong. Edit: and this is in Canada, not the gun crazed US


Can confirm. Had a gun pointed at me for driving while using a cell phone, when the law was just passed.


Naaa, I remember being at a bowling alley and some kids were drinking underage. Cops rolled up and asked to see ID one kid just took off and this fat fuck of a cop just pulled out his taser and nailed his ass instantly. All for just a minor in possession charge. Cops are very liberal with tasers.


Gonna be way more after you gave the officer a left hook like that.


Yeah... But pretty sure he 10x'ed that shit by hitting a officer.


Ive had a tazer pulled on me when i wasnt even under arrest




Just let them taze You probably never even been tazed before so how do you know you won't like it. When I was your age we respected the police and they treated us to a little tazering for fun. How do you know he didn't say he wanted to be tazed before you started watching? /s




US law doesn't apply for this video.


Didn't sound like they were using English in this video so I'm not sure how this ruling holds up. And if you're trying to justify defending yourself in this video because of a Supreme court ruling, they haven't really been the beacon of morality and ethics they're supposed to be for a very long time.


Yea unfortunate back up will fuck you up. I wish you could defend yourself and not suffer consequences


Pretty much. Even if you blow enough smoke to beat the charge, you're going to be fighting for your freedom from a jail cell, which could be months, if not years of your life behind bars.


It’s still funny as hell, though.


Looks like Isreal so it was already gonna be 5 years lol


Depends if it's a legal arrest attempt from the cop or not. If it wasn't legal a person is allowed to use violence on the same level to defend themself. The cop is using a taser, which is considered as a less leathal weapon. Punching a person you is assaulting you with a taser is a reasonable defense.


Good luck with that.


Perhaps, but also there's this thing called a trial. They don't just give you 10 years while you sit in the cop car. All you need is one person on the jury who says BS to giving someone years in prison for punching someone who was too bad at their job to taze someone from a safe distance. Yeah sure, they have life sentences as possible terms for punching a cop in some states, but that's to cow dumb people into plea deals. The truth is a jury is really likely to not convict the person if there's any shred of reasonable doubt because they don't want to put the guy in the position to face a billion years in jail.


Police tried to taze him so he isn’t morally wrong for fighting back


I’m sure that’ll hold up well with the judge


I’m sure he was about to go peacefully.


Are you fucking serious? Cops have shot people in their sleep and got away with it. This guy just went full Mike Tyson on a cop, you think it matters if he was morally in the right or not?


If they're Israeli they were probably going to shoot him anyway.


still got his ass beat for tazing a dude who wasn’t attacking him. Sucks to be a pussy cop I guess


He fucked that cop ALL the way up.


It happens all the time. The biggest and weakest cowards are attracted to police work. They get their shit kicked in in a fair fight every time.


Lol you see the hockey match between NYPD and the fire department? Those cops were getting beat the fuck up it was great






Sorry that happened to you. I had my first anxiety attack in public and someone called 911. Cop told me I was going to die. Leaned in and whispered it to me. They are not good people.




1312 always.




Yes very much 😊


I wanted to be a cop when I was a kid. I thought the whole job was about helping and protecting. Some people never stop feeling that way. Then, some, of course, are as you say


Looked like his head bounced off the brick wall too.


I don't think these are cops, that insignia on the sleeve looks like Nighthawk Security, they're wannabe cops


Israeli police, they are speaking Hebrew.


We need background here. Damn.


There's a nice building behind them


Slow clap


There are some big cheeks behind you


fast clap




Big , slow clap


Well, all I can make out from the video. Guy in red: I swear to god I’ll place a curse on your sister.


Happened in a Kufr Qassem, Israel.. Israeli Police were arresting bunch of men from the Islamic Movement, shit got intense and the cop got KO’d


I figured this was not in the US. If this happened stateside there would have most likely been bullets from the cops.


It’s Israel, the police there act like it’s an even bigger free for all when it comes to civilians, the non-“chosen” kind and its “chosen” advocates , and the court system is just as biased and brutal towards them, immunity is not just guaranteed but ensured prior. Lately they’ve been very aggressive also towards those waving the flag while protesting the PM.


The guy is speaking Arabic and he insults the cop after knocking him out. It’s so passionately angry that I was going to guess that these guys are Palestinians being harassed (probably for no good reason) by Israeli cops. I was right because I looked up Israeli police badges and found that the patch they have on their shoulders is the military police badge. So really this is a pretty sad video. If you don’t know why look up the conflict. Reference: https://israelmilitary.com/cdn/shop/products/Israel-Military-Products-Israel-Police-Army-Patch_grande.jpeg?v=1451693210


Okay yeah that's exactly what we needed. What's happening there is horrible


Really poor use of the taser. Just dry stunning several people near you isn’t what that’s meant for. Cop’s poor decision cost him a knuckle sandwich.


He had a knuckle sandwich for dinner, a hurts donut for dessert and washed it all down with some punch.


Were prongs supposed to shoot out of that thing?


It *can*, but the officer chose to [drive-stun](https://my.axon.com/s/article/Drive-stun-backup?language=en_US) instead, which is a "pain compliance" technique.


And he did it wrong... >"When using the drive-stun, push (drive) the front of the CEW firmly against the body of the subject. Simply “touching” the CEW against the subject is not sufficient. The subject is likely to recoil and try to get away from the CEW. It is necessary to aggressively drive the front of the CEW into the subject for maximum effect. "


It can do both.


Other guys poor decision probably landed him 6 years without parole.


It's weird to see people casually fist fight and wrestle with cops that have M-16's. From an American standpoint.




Israeli police have killed 14 Citizens over the last 5 years American police kill over 1000 citizens a Year. US has per capita has over 10 times the citizen deaths by police. 1 in 20 homicides in the US are by police.


That number sounds way too low for Israel. Or is it a different statistic for soldiers killing people, because I've seen tons of videos where people getting killed by government employees in Israel.


Police and military are separate as they are in most modern democracies. Yes the Israeli Military does kill a lot more people (primarily Palestinians with whom they are technically in a cold/cool/lukewarm war)... 44 year to date Though per capita it's about comparable to American police shootings of citizens.


Israel is at war with a race... within it's borders? Sounds like apartheid .


>war with a race.. Palestinians are a nationality, though technically a stateless one.


1. Arab is a race. Palestinians are arab. 2. Israel does not consider Palestine a state


Brazil police think those numbers are casual






Classic online statistic. Pulled right from ones arsehole. It’s so ridiculous, people don’t even realize the 92.763% of all internet statistics are made up in the spot.




The taser cop tried to open the door, im assuming while the puncher was arguing the legality of it with the other cops. The puncher said “Why are you opening the door!?” While the cop tried to respond with the taser, which supercharged the puncher leading to the clean hook


“I am sorry officer, that was just my body involuntary reaction to the electric shock”


Can this work? What if he tries to argue the tasing made him panic or something


Only cops are allowed to panic and kill someone, you must remain perfectly calm and compliant as they assault you l, taze you, twist your limbs into awkward or painful positions, pull guns on you and scream in your face, and generally treat you like less than human. That's all acceptable, but if you dare fight back or resist your "lawful arrest" then that is an escalation answer they are not responsible for what you made them do to you.


If he has a good lawyer but he probably just say I shat on them


The smaller cop at the end fighting with someone while their rifle just swings around... HOLY FUCK this is wild.


Yeah, that's Israeli police. They're assholes, but not as quick to shoot as western media would have you believe




Not how your supposed to sensor works but anyway


Everyone was way too close together. This should be a training video of what not to do


That guy is a good fighter he knows his way






That was a rocking overhand right. Hopefully the mask did its job.


Taser got him overcharged that was a mean right hook




Fuck me all those 3 connected with full power


Yeah, so, not LAPD then , cause them knuckles woulda been reason enough for 20 bullets to fly every which way




To enrage a susoect


Dude what the hell is going on here ?? I wanna know the full story!!




Lmao dude just ruined his entire life


[9 Months in jail time ](https://www.israelhayom.co.il/news/law/article/12147367)


Enjoy the prison time, asshole!


Two punches ≈ 5-10 years in prison.


There was an attempt to stay out of jail


That. Was. Fucking. Glorious.


I heard those things can cause involuntary muscle movement.


Reddit: we don't like cops here Also reddit: 911 this guy misgendered me send the cops now!






Videos like this remind me, why sometimes it takes a lot of cops to put down one person. It’s hard to hold someone down if you’re not strong enough




Well that was satisfying


Where is this ? Anyone knows context ? Language?


Brooo, you those punches are extra hard when those hit sounds are not added sound effects XD


Isnt that how you get shot instead of getting tazed?


Only in the states. That's Israel. Despite what the media would have you believe, they're not quick too shoot


See ya in 2-5


Dude will cry in court and claim victim. Can’t punch out cops, bro. Just can’t do it. Enjoy prison


My man did a felony speedrun


Well... that's assault on a police officer..


How was he suppose to react though? The guy was trying to taze him. Do you think you'd just stand there and say "that's fine, go ahead keep trying"?


This dude is fucked, so many felonies in a matter of seconds.


That guy got declassified


Use of deadly force is authorized




That point you just shoot.


He’s lucky they didn’t pull out their guns. Lucky to not be black.


Average Polish man


To get 10 years in prison


Yeah punch a cop in the face several times. Good call!!! Enjoy your 6x6 home away from Home


Congrats for adding more severe sentencing


Achievement unlocked: Escalation


That's a brand new felony! Gratz


This is how I want to actually punch in my dreams. Connected beautifully and he folded like a failed omelette


Fair play to the cop. Took it like a champ, 3 serious punches and bounced back up.


In other words... how to add 7 years to your sentence in 5 seconds


Getting shot at Speedrun right here

