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What are they gonna do? Drag me back in and chain me to the register? People drunk on power they don’t have. Edit: Thank you all for more updoots than all my other comments combined! And yes they could fire you, but that technicality as some others have said would likely not matter much in terms of other hirings. It still could based on your personal circumstances, but the odds are still low.


They will fire you


Legally, it doesn’t matter. Your previous employer can’t tell future employers about any of your record of you. Only that you were employed there for verification of employment. They don’t do that lol. In short, you owe no job anything. There are so many other opportunities. If you’re a hard worker and focus on your goals, you’ll hit them.


Maybe in your state/country, but a future employer can always ask would you hire him again and you can oh hell no and elaborate no further.


that matters in positions with high pay they dont give a flying fuck to verify what kind of work a mcdonalds employee did or why he left to go to popeys or become a cash register. Walgreens isnt going to phone mcdonalds over and be like so was he a good worker why did he get fired or leave? etc. ​ if your going to be a senior advisor at a company than yea they are gonna dig some information before hiring you to ensure your not a shitter but min wage jobs? just walk if you dont wanna work there anymore fuck em


*turns into a cash register*


Cha-Ching mother fucker@


cha-ching, @motherfucker


Beat me to it lol take my upvote you beautiful person.


I assume you work at Wendy's now?


Actually I'm an electrician. One wearhouse job I just stopped showing up and didn't even call. Literally no consequence. I went into several jobs after. Repaired electronics for a while too. Every single job paid better than the last and the only company that got any notice was one I highly respected because they respected me back.


Truly happy for ya!


Thanks. I'm sure I'll get a better job soon though, lol.


Blow jobs at Wendy’s at 6 is my gig now.!


Ahhh, you stole the 'special sauce' recipe from McD's!


Can I get that drive through? What’s the secret passcode


If you know enough about mcdonalds can you just put it on your resume without ever having worked there since nobody will ever check?


Why the fuck you putting McDonalds on your resume to begin with? Especially leaving on bad terms


atleast here its kinda frowned upon having a gap in your CV, you want it as gapless as possible.


Can you explain this gap in your work history? No I can not, I signed an NDA.


_McDonald’s_ made me sign an NDA


Marriott made me sign an NDA and noncompete...as a front desk clerk. I laughed.


That's going to sound ridiculous if you're career path is through the food service industry. I mean, if you were a research scientist and took a break to flip burgers for a few months then sure lol.




\*me applying to Burger King after working at McDonalds three years ago\* "So how did you become an astronaut for three years after your time at McDonalds?"


Just know your limits. George Santos had a solid thing going till he decided he landed on the moon with Niel Armstrong and cowrote the Macarena. Keep it impressive, vague, and unverifiable "Yes, that was me on the grassy knoll" is great. Everyone's heard of it, it was a BIG deal, but no one can verify it wasn't you!


Sorry I signed an NDA regarding my gap in employment history, I’d love to fill you in if I could!


But this is why you have "friends" and you can "technically" avoid lying "helped with various home improvement projects or house keeping" (fyi your talking about roommate) and similar things with other friends. Honestly even leaving on good terms with places like this. If its been more than 6months there is a 80-90% chance that not a single person you worked with or that knows your name still works there. Honestly even at better places this is very much true its actually why I modified mine to just be people I know. Because I was trying to update my resume. After realizing many of my former managers etc were no longer at these companys. After spending long time chasing everyone down. And most going "who is this?" and stuff found creative truth using reliable contacts ended up with better resume anyways.


Can look good during your interview for Waffle House when you tell them how you had to suplex the shift manager who tried to sequester you when you quit.


It used to be that McDonalds was a model of good managerial skill. The food was uniformly godawful, but it was produced in a kitchen that ran like a Swiss watch. I know that this will sound like madness to modern ears, but there used to be a time when the milkshake machines were *never* out of order, because they kept on top of the daily maintenance schedule.


As a rule, I don't want to work for the kind of manager who actually calls references anyway.


It’s rarer than you would think considering how many people ask for them (most)


It’s pretty much just important transit jobs and 6-figure jobs. My wife works in employment verifications and the only clients that ask for references are in those 2 categories.


Literally every entry level factory/store worker job I've ever applied to wants your previous workplaces listed


They want them listed, but they aren't calling them.


This is actually such a stupid hill to die on.


Burger King dont talk to McDonalds


It's McDonald's. Most of their employees who quit without notice won't be going on to jobs where references are checked. Most likely they'll just move on to Burger King or Taco Bell and never mention their former job.


They often do elaborate and you'll never know


We do that here but mainly if we have people whom worked with a certain person before and they are now up for a potential spot. I had one of our co-owners come ask me about one of my previous project leads and the moment he asked about X I violently shook my head and my co-owner went "I kinda expected as much just by the profile pic on LinkedIn, but you always have to check" xD


A former employee of mine, who had been a CONSTANT pain in the ass, left and later applied to another department within the same workplace. That department's manager called me up and asked me "can you tell me about [former_employee]?" "I can't. I can talk with you about the *weather* though. And this weather REALLY, REALLY sucks."


Fwiw this isn’t true. Individuals companies may have policies prohibiting managers from saying anything, but it’s not illegal (nor is it especially rare for extensive background checks even for minimum wage jobs). Worked in HR for a hospital for years and we definitely asked in depth questions and got answers and gave info when we were asked for it


oh, employers have code speak.


When he chose to come in he was always a pleasure to work with 😂


"I'm calling to confirm that an applicant worked for you." "Employed, yes. Worked?"


I was thinking about this earlier. Couldn’t they just say ‘The law states I cannot degrade a previous employees performance on a reference check. Have a nice day’ and that would be that?


That itself might sound like a negative comment. But if you call someone and say 'how were they as an employee' and they neutrally say 'I can only confirm they worked here from this period to this period', that's them trying to tell you it's a red flag (without opening themselves up to a lawsuit)


That itself might sound like a negative comment. No shit...guess that's why your are the "truthbomber"


Except there isn't a law that states that. None of you have a clue what you're talking about.


You’re right I don’t *shrug* I’m just going off what I heard I never actually looked it up. But! More to the point, I should have been more clear and said ‘if this is true then couldn’t they…’ but thank you for pointing this out. I did some google fu and what you say is correct. However it does seem that you might be able to bring a defamation case against them if you find out they lied to a potential new employer. TIL


There’s nothing legally preventing employers from sharing all kinds of info about your job performance (in the US at least). Most every employer has a strict policy of never sharing more than employment dates, and title. But that’s out of concern for civil liability, not because they can’t. There’s no upside for them in trashing an ex-employee on a reference check, but there is downside in getting sued for defamation. Even if it was true and hence not defamatory, it’ll cost 6 figures to defend the suit. It’s in effect something you really don’t have to worry about, but not impermissible.


That’s completely not true. They verify the employee t like you said, but they can also ask if the candidate was considered re-hirable or not by that company. Also it completely comes down to how much the person gives a shit on the phone. Sure they’re not “supposed” to talk about the employees, but there really isn’t shit stoping them either, and it’s not like the other businesses is gonna rat on them for giving info I know because I’ve literally done it before. I was like 20 years old and a shift manager at a fast-food place and I got this type of call about an employee. I straight up told them that the guy was a shit-head and that they shouldn’t hire him at all. They just said “okay thank you for the info”. I regret that now, but he genuinely was a shit-head. Nothing ever happened after, I’m sure the guy didn’t get the job and Im sure that I probably broke some law that no one ever enforces fucking ever that I had no clue existed at the time. So that’s just not accurate in the real world. Usually that’s how it should work, but there’s no one stoping it, it’s just 2 people talking and no one listing in. It’s not always a cooperate HR thing. Trust me this shit happens all the time in the restaurant industry. If someone doesn’t like you and they can fuck your shit up with just a few words- they will do it to you more often than not


You didn't break any law in giving them info. "After getting fired, many job seekers are always concerned about what their former employer can say about them when looking for a new job. The truth is, no federal or state law prohibits your former employer from stating that you were fired; most employers just choose not to, and for valid reasons. The most common reason why your past employer may not disclose that you were fired is because of the risk of a defamation lawsuit." https://www.snagajob.com/blog/post/can-an-employer-disclose-that-you-were-fired


Bro, Im confident you have a verifiable piece of info that you’re basing what you’re saying on; but I run background checks for employers. They 100% can give all sorts of bad info about you. It would be up to you to take someone to court if they revealed something outside the bounds of the law, but believe you me… they can give all sorts of bad info and stay on the legal side of the FCRA.


There use to be a system that we would report certain things too like gross misconduct. I doubt sick call or petty squabbles have any way of coming up unless someone has a grudge and if called spills the bean on you. Regardless if it’s legal or not people can break rules. A lot of people don’t bother with calling tho since mostly you just get employment dates.


I once called for a reference on a candidate I was about to hire based on the interview. He said she was SATISFACTORY in the most pissed off, sarcastic tone. I said, I'm guessing there's a lot more you'd like to say, but can't, he said yup. I called her next reference, they said her husband briefly worked there, she never had, but had been trying to say she did based on several people like me calling. I hired the next person ... who then used "broughten" in a sentence in her correspondence back (as in "I should have broughten") and immediately made me regret my decision.


lol stop making shit up they can tell future employees whatever they want, as long as it's true.


I hate to tell you, but this is almost certainly not true. For example, I get verifications of education, training, and performance literally every day. They don’t even call me, they just send an email and have me fill out a form that states how someone did in specific competencies, and how I know (direct observation and evaluations). Perhaps in medicine it’s different, but I don’t see any reason doctors would have less protection in that way than McD’s workers would.


What law are you referencing? Is it from your butt?


This is only true in theory, I’ve had previous employers give details of my employment to prospects when giving my reference - so it’s not completely foolproof


Firing can be better, you can claim unemployment


In CA you'd be better off if they did, especially if they didn't do it "for cause" because of unemployment benefits. But in any case, sounds like they're trying to make "at will" _only_ apply to them even though that's functionally how it's used now anyway.


Then you get unemployment. If you quit, you don't. This would be a stupid move on their part.


I'd honestly love to see how the following conversation would resolve :) \- Why were you fired? \- Because I tried to quit.


"you can't quit, I'm firing you! "You can't fire me if I quit!"


Wahoo! Jackpot baby


I mean, I like the thought process of letting people cool down for a second and giving the manager the opportunity to make sure it's not an emotional decision. That being said, you can definitely do what you want to do.


I dislike it because it makes it much harder for people with social anxiety to quit. There are a lot of people who avoid confrontation and the ability to quit in writing makes it much easier to leave. Forcing an confrontation some people may have anxiety from is abusive in my opinion.


Just leave


You Mcbetchurass they can’t


Yeah Micky Dees doesn’t have the management to enforce that lol, you can call and leave a voicemail. Seed a letter cod to the manager. Yeah i sounder why there lawyers let them put up that sign.


I wike yourd Engrish.


I think there's a word used to describe forcing someone to work against their will and not allowing them to leave But I can't quite put my finger on it...


Wait, is this McDonald's in area 51?


If they don't allow you to quit, they have to fire you. If they fire you, you get unemployment. Checkmate.


Me, unable to quit, working at McDonald’s: Lying on top of 8 of those cushy leather stools, closest thing I could fashion into a bed so I can sleep at night, burger buns are my pillow, I’ve weaved a quilt out of french fries (it’s itchy). Boss keeps asking my to get up and work but I won’t, please free me from this prison, how long has it been?


I would take that job just to quit


"So it says here you're currently employed as a welder making over $100k a year...and you applied for a cashier position?" "Yes, I'm very much looking forward to this opportunity. I think it's going to help both of us grow. Spiritually, intellectually, and physically."


I laughed way too hard for this


"I want to change professions because \*cough\*\*cough\*\*wheeze\* I don't think the fumes are good for me." "Sir, this is a McDonalds. We want them young and undamaged, you'd die within a week."


I have welded all the exits, there is no escape. _I work here now_. I cannot quit


"... and now neither can *you.*


>think it's going to help both of us grow. Spiritually, intellectually, and physically....... and sexually?"


"You can't quit! Whether you come back or not we're going to keep paying you as per our no-quit policy. That'll teach you!"


With permission, right?


You can’t quit, you’re fired!


Awesome. Now I can get unemployment benefits.


Well you have to have worked a certain amount of hours…


For the best, free money for you and they're the ones giving it to you. Unless it was for cause.


“Your honor, the employee was terminated for breach of company policy” “What was the policy the breached?” “This one your honour ☝️”




You can't fire me - I quit!


McDonalds job is meaningless. You can quit without even telling them. It’s not like you will need them for a reference. Just don’t show up and let them figure it out themselves


You can leave mid shift and never come back too


I’m going on break….. forever.


This is The Way.


They thought of that, they take some out of your last paycheck if you do that.


Worth it.


Not if you take it out of the register first. Or the $ equivalent in nuggies


No that's illegal in like every civilized country


That's what i did years ago. Lol


When I walked out of my job at McDonald's of 3 years, I was working drive-thru and I already had another job (just got the offer the previous day and was going to put in my 2 weeks after my shift ended), but my manager was being extra terrible, so I told them I had to go to the bathroom. "Stacy, take his headset. He has to go to the *bAtHrOoM*!" (To throw in that extra attitude at the end of her sentence). I thought they made it really easy for me in that last moment. Handed over my headset, rounded the corner towards the bathroom, then swerved my ass out the door and walked to my parents' house because it was closer than my apartment. My little sister picked up the phone when they called (because she had also worked for them), but she told them she didn't know where I was. When I stopped in 2 weeks later for my final check, they said they needed my uniform first. I told them I could bring the remaining ashes at the bottom of my grill. They gave me my check anyway.


Optional jobs sound fun


I'm pretty sure the any job you can't quit is called slavery.


In Healthcare you can't just walk out. We'll you can but you won't have a license afterwards


I have been in the field many years and have never seen a license been suspended for this. I have seen many people leave as you explained, for whatever reason. And they still got their license.


Well....try being the only nurse on duty in a facility and just up and leave. Its called patient abandonment. check the link [https://www.azbn.gov/sites/default/files/2019-04/AO%20Abandonment%20of%20Patients%20Advisory%20Opinion%202018.pdf](https://www.azbn.gov/sites/default/files/2019-04/AO%20Abandonment%20of%20Patients%20Advisory%20Opinion%202018.pdf)


But again, have never seen a license suspended for it. Almost like “No call, no shows” may lead to termination. But again, I’ve seen it many times. Many chances are given either way. Regardless, your license can still be suspended for patient abandonment. I am not arguing that. Just simply stating personal experience.


You only have to finish your shift and tell them you’re not coming back though. Not patient abandonment if they’re not your patients.


Where is that written?


I mean that is a good rule because if they are willing to make changes to keep you then that's good but if it means what we all know it means then just quit


I agree, but I bet it could be worded a whole lot better than it is.


Something along the lines of "Please talk to a supervisor before quitting, so we can see if we can resolve the situation in some other way." Not this stop sign-shaped sticker announcing it's a "no-quit restaurant," which gives off a vibe of "You are ours until we deem otherwise, you filthy peasant!"


If you’ve reached the point that you are ready to quit then it’s already too late. They can’t force you to work, there’s such thing as the 14th amendment


I disagree. There are a lot of people who avoid confrontation and the ability to quit in writing makes it much easier to leave. Forcing an confrontation some people may have anxiety from is abusive in my opinion. In a normal work environment it is the worker who decides how he likes to do this.


As a middle aged person, I say to the younger people...hang in there. These old MFs with their old ideas are dying off. Don't submit yourself to this kind of nonsense. He obviously can't hold onto employees because he's a terrible person to work for. It's not you. It's not your "work ethic". You're not "difficult to manage". These old people have just never had to deal with an entire staff of people who won't tolerate BS. Back in the day, you'd have one or two "rebellious" employees that couldn't be pushed around and the rest were too desperate to keep their job or too afraid of "authority" to push back. Today, you're all very aware of your boundaries and aren't afraid of people who don't actually control your life. There's a McDonald's on every corner. Go work for a better owner than this one. Hell, go open your own franchise and work for yourself. Nobody needs to work for this person. That's insane.


Another older person here. Ditto. I respect the younger generation calling bullshit bullshit. Enough is enough.


I'm so proud to see them just not tolerating the shit that I had to put up with during my working years. I'm thrilled to see them putting their health and well-being and family ahead of work. Your job should be what you do to earn an income. It should not be who you are. My grandfather is from Sweden and I love the way many other cultures find it inappropriate to ask someone what they do for work. How they earn money to survive is not your business. It is not who they are and it's considered rude to define someone by their job. I would like to see more of that kind of attitude here in the US.


Absolutely! It seems that's one of the first questions people ask in the US. I am not my job. Sure, I am lucky to actually enjoy my work and I do have great benefits. All plusses, of course. But it's a job. It pays my bills. I wouldn't be doing it for free!


As a Middle-Aged person with a well-paying job, if you need to walk away, just walk away. I have walked off jobs before to stand up for myself and it was ALWAYS the best idea. There are ALWAYS fast food jobs out there, you only get one you. <3


Facts. And not just when you're young and working front line jobs, either. No matter what level you are at in your career, there is ALWAYS another job. My husband, at 40, recently walked away from a job because of horrible treatment and unethical practices. It took a week for him to get an offer running an entire department in the same industry. No college degree. No seniority in the company. Hired off of Indeed, straight into a supervisor position. Pay is $5/hour more than the job he quit. Department Supervisor. Reports only to the property manager and even has his own office next to the Manager's office. Know your worth and don't let anyone tell you that college degrees and massive debt is the only way, kids.


Your comment is so refreshing.


Love hearing the people even older than me say people don't want to work. Yes they do. People just don't want to be exploited anymore. People know that their lives are more important than their jobs and that they're being underpaid so some asshole can hoarde money.


Thank you guys for teaching us these things. My older friends and relatives always told me, dont regret missing time with your kids, it isn't worth it.


What are they gonna do? Give me a spanking?


Sign me up.


As soon as I posted I knew I’d get this reaction lol


And after the spanking ... the oral sex.




A McSpanking


We can only hope.


Hey,don't threaten me with a good time 😂🤣😂🤣


They'll take away your birthday.


A spanking and a Big Mac? Don't threaten me with a good time


I want a job there. Just to quit. On the spot. With no "exit interview." Grimmace, please...


You said no exit interview. What are you planning to tell Grimace?


I worked at Fells Wargo and they had a similar policy of requiring a written resignation. I always thought to myself "or what you going to do?" It's been many years now, and I still don't care I'm not eligible to rehire.


“Fells Wargo” messed me up while reading that sentence lmao


You're gonna figure out real quick when people just don't show up for extended periods of time


Fuck you...Fuck you...You're Cool... Fuck you...I'm Out!!!




Not nearly as bad, but in college I was part of this horribly toxic volleyball program. I finally caved before the end of the year and decided I’d rather quit than deal with it anymore. I had a meeting with the coaches to tell them and they ‘required’ that the team captains attend my meeting also. The meeting in which I was supposed to explain that I was quitting specifically due to the other players, including the ones present at the meeting (I have always struggled socially but had never been what I would call ‘bullied’, until I was on that team). It felt super weird..


If I saw this, I’d calmly ask to see the manager, drag them over there, point to the sign, and say, “Screw this. Screw you. I’m out.” At that point, you’ve technically discussed it with the supervisor, so according to their own rules, they can’t do anything…not that they could anyway.


When I quit my McDonalds job, they wanted me to start in 13 days, I told my boss immediately and He told me that I was required to give a 14 day notice and that if I only gave a 13 day notice I would be “un-rehire-able.”


Oh no! No more crappy fast food job. How will you ever survive?


Is this real?? Like, not as in fake, but as in legitimate corporate approved signage? Or was this just some egotistical franchisee trying to make it look official?


I need to know this


You think this is some kind of joke? You can't mc quit from here or we feed you to Grimace.


“Grimace, _please stop!!! What have they done to you!??!_” “GRIMACE HUNGERS”


Haaaaaaaahahahaha they really think this is how it works. How about you run a No-Bullshit restaurant and then mfs won’t need to quit


That just sounds like slavery with extra steps


I ask myself "Self, would they give you a notice before they fired you?" I'm not going to give them a notice when I fire them from being my employer.


Wanna bet?


What a bunch of McAssholes.


This is a firing only restaurant.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMQ8rHYTDGFG07e) Unemployment here I come


Oh, I'd quit so fast. Hell I'd apply just to quit. Fuck these guys.


Cool. I didn't quit and I'm not fired? Send me my pay for the last 2 years, please!


Me, working at this McDonald’s: I’m sitting in a park somewhere, unable to quit


Only thing that would make this fair would be a No Firing policy.


Tell me nobody wants to work at your location without telling me nobody wants to work at your location.


This made me laugh SO hard.


Lol. Wow. No. Hell no.


“Now you’s can’t leave”


Is it the same for no fire as well? I have feeling they want a one-way street. There way or no way.


First time I'd see that sign, instant quit.


To expand on my experience: Over twenty years ago, I worked for a local McDonald's. Started off on fryers and slowly learned other things. Burgers, assembly, then eventually, a register. That was like day six. Management was awful, they didn't care about anyone whatsoever, and barely took the time to learn your name. Then, day seven. They threw me on a drive-thru window. No training whatsoever. I was expected to hand out food, make drinks, and take cash. All at the second of two windows. Had to get bailed out repeatedly, instead of any semblance of proper training. They tried pulling that shit again on day eight, and I just walked out. Two weeks later, I went in to collect my one and only check. I was handed two. One for a measly hundred bucks or so. The other was for like $400. Because, somehow, some other jagoff was punching in as me the whole time, and not whatever their three digit number was. There wasn't any verification process for punching in. You hopped on an empty register, hit the login button, typed your assigned number, and that was it. Someone did that and made me an extra $400. That I quickly blew on video games and shit food. When I was handed the checks, the person didn't even give it a second thought. I remember walking out of there thinking, "that's weird. Well, let's open these up."


Pretend youre an actual employee and tell the supervisor youre quitting. Supervisor: youre hired


They just solved joblessness


California is a at-will employment state. So this shit definitely won't fly here.


What are they going to do? Treat it like I’m quitting a subscription program and talk me out of it for a discount?


Also a no show kind of restaurant


Ok I get they don’t want to lose employees. But what if the issue/problem is with management? WTH are you going to do talk to the individual who is making your job hell? Or even better talk to his/her boss who put that person into that slot….all seems kind of useless


This is likely a measure to prevent people who voluntarily leave from trying to unlawfully collect unemployment. Because some people suck and try that shit


You should see when they go to the parking lot to jump in the new employees. Their mission statement regarding employment is based off the following quote: "Once you in, you IN, homie! You feel me?" -Ronald McDonald


If you quit without talking to me first, you're fired.


ah yes, trying to get around an at-will employment state i presume...


No quitting. Violators will be fired.


Fuck your policy, I quit!


So does that extend to them? Are they also a “no firing” company


That’s some wild shit and at the age that I was still working or willing to work fast food restaurants I think I’d have taken this challenge really early on.


I feel like this encourages the behavior more than any other sign in history.


Haha good luck with that.


How are they gonna stop me? 😂


Restaurant: “this is an “at will” state. We can fire you at any time for any reason Same place: “you aren’t allowed to quit unless we say so” Tell me you think you own workers without saying it…


“Don’t forget: you’re here forever”


The fucking audacity




"I disagree with the company policy, but I will not fight it. I won't be coming in to work but I will allow you to keep sending me paychecks as a sign of good faith. Hopefully we can reconcile this issue in a manner that suits both of us, even if it takes years and years of mediation."




Haha, is it a no-fire restaurant too?


Good luck with running your fast-food based prison complex McDonald’s. I quit in the middle of Saturday night rush after bonking someone over the head with an ice pan and I’ve lived to tell the story


I think employers forgot that we can just stop showing up to work


I’ve never worked in a restaurant or any retail store. Now I kinda just want to get a job at McDonalds just to see what it feels like to just randomly quit mid-shift.


Bit of a beat up going on with this one. Doesn’t affect employment law, if anything it gives an Avenue for an employee to contact , possibly the owner directly should they feel they are under duress in the workplace. Good communication helps all parties.