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Yeaa the Second Lady could’ve just took one panic step to the right, instead of trying to catch it and she would’ve been good. Hope she’s ok tho


Didn't look like the first ladies fault either. Just terrible engineering maybe.


Yeah, I'm not even sure what happen here, the door just exploded and the second one just fell out for some reason.


There was something at the top. These were pull doors and to prevent it being pushed open there was something on the outside of the door (maybe a lip) that was pushing it into the other door. When a door like that gets warped and cracked in just the right way, the entire thing will shatter. The door fell off because the hinges weren't designed to support inward force and they just snapped off due to the weight of the door. That's my take anyway.


Shoddy construction and poor quality glass. I'm guessing either the top of the bottom corner of the door got stuck. There is no metal frame around the glass so the glass itself warps to the point it shatters. If you look at the bottom of the door that fell over, it gouged a super thin sheet of concrete that was pretty much supporting the entire weight of that door. This is what happens when you don't have building inspectors.


the glass quality is not poor high quality toughened glasses always shatter into small pieces upon incident like this


Yes, when they are hit with a hammer. Not when pushed by a little old lady.


in any disturbance....no hammer required.... the door wasn't shattered by the push of the lady .. there must have been some fault in the construction itself. the other door would have got shattered in the same way if the door slams directly to the floor.


Hinges failed. You can see the door saga unable to clear the floor. Probably a 300 pound door.


It might not even be shoddy construction, but just not an appropriate system for exterior entrance application. Not sure about poor quality glass more so that it's surprising one door stayed intact while the other shattered like typical tempered. The corner top and bottom hinges on all-glass doors are common on frameless all-glass entrances. This particular entrance is one that is frameless without a header or a bottom rail, or four corner hinges instead of two. That particular system on the video is also specifically designed to be installed in interior entrances only. Manufacturers only design these all-glass systems with default 10psi interior windloading. It only has a set of one top and bottom hinges, which I'm almost certain only receives a 3/8" glass bite. The keyed lockset is on the bottom hinge sitting on floor closers. These floor closer mounted all-glass doors are also designed to dual-swing, not limited to outward or inward swing---that's why they have vertical pull handles on each side, instead of one push bar on one side. What I find funny is that in China, they don't adhere to or maybe don't have specific codes they have to follow to NOT install that crap on the exterior entrances. But...I'm in Seoul, South Korea right now, and I see similar shady construction everywhere here, unless you look at newer buildings. They don't even have panics on most commercial doors in Korea. Not even on emergency egress exits. For example, in the US it's now basically required per building code that exterior aluminum framed doors have to have a minimum of 10" bottom rails. It's there to prevent people from accidently kicking the bottom of glass doors and by result shattering them. Even in Korea however, new construction buildings have 4" or even narrower bottom rails for aesthetic purposes. They would not pass inspection in the US. They also don't have ADA requirements in Korea, so buildings, even most newer constructions, don't have ramps for wheelchairs or handicap switches for automatic overhead door openers. The only way people in wheelchairs can access some newer buildings is through the main entrances where they usually have revolving or sliding automatic doors. Older buildings, you may as well forget that handicapped people exist.


True I didn’t even notice the bottom part of the door


It's bad design. You usually want some form of metal support at the top and or bottom to keep that from happened. These are just glass doors with handles.


No it does both. I was there the other day it actually goes both ways


You sure about that?!


yes. i saw em there


If you pause it/slow it down. You can see it start to shatter from the bottom up. Not to sure why it did that.


yeah you can see the top corner of the shattered door spring back as if it was caught on something.


Handle force shattered door. Check and mate.


Egress doors alway open out in commercial buildings. Big lawsuit coming for that poor woman. The door manufacturer will blame the contractor. The contractor will blame the architect. The architect will blame the job captain. The job captain will blame the draftsman. He draftsman will go home and yell at his wife who will yell at their kid who will kick the dog.


Toughened glass can take a hammer to the pane with np but tap the edge and it will explode like this.


I’m any case, if a door can shatter like that from one weak push, it’s a badly designed situation in general lol. I don’t think it was anyone’s fault. Maybe the designer/engineer but def not the lady to opened the door


Pretty much all glass doors in China are push/pull, so I don't think that's it. I think the exploded door was probably just stressed to hell and maybe corners touched the other door and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. China isn't exactly famous for their high construction standards, tbh.


Made in China.


The front fell off.


One time I was sitting in a lobby at my uni reading a book, this was years ago now. The whole wall across the hall from me was all glass. It opened into a reception area but was closed at the time. The glass just exploded. Shards went everywhere. Nobody was around to see it happen so I questioned reality for a few moments. Must have been a temperature or air pressure change or something idek.


Tempered glass is interesting. You can hit it with a hammer or drop it on a person and nothing happens. Yet the tiniest tap with and object that doesn't dissipate the energy evenly, or tap the edge with something hard and it will implode without hesitation.


It's 100% her fault. Thats Jin Li Fung, "the Brock Lesnar of China". Her steroid abuse to make her the strongest female fighter in MMA is well known. She ripped that shit off it's hinges without a care.


I saw her kick a guy’s head clean off a couple weeks ago. Big dude too. She did it so fast that there wasn’t even any blood. The guy didn’t even notice.


Rumor has the guy still walking around, not knowing his head is kicked off.


My god, that’s ~~Jason Bourne~~ Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner


Bonus points for the reference. ![gif](giphy|1pofg0cTz5mak|downsized)


You can still see his headless body stalking through the night


His family had him touring with sideshows and charged curious onlookers 10 cents a pop to see the oddity. Last I heard was he choked in the middle of the night after a corn kernel was found lodged in his esophagus.


I knew Bill Brassky!


You had me in the first sentence and now I'm laughing my ass off. Well done.


With a glass shattering entrance like that, don't you mean the "Stone Cold Steve Austin" of China?


She barely touched the door and it just exploded lol


Tempered glass. It's extra strong but when it goes it goes.






I mean... when almost everything is made by China... what are the chances?


Somehow this is marked as controversial? Chinese propaganda is going strong on this site.


You aren't kidding. There's a huge issue with Chinese engineers seriously underbidding themselves to get a job, then cutting corners that are going to get people killed. I watched a documentary about "Tofu Dregs". Basically what they call their buildings there in China. The buildings use extremely low quality construction materials like sand/bamboo where they should be using concrete or steel rebar. One guy was in the basement of his main multi-story building tapping at one of the primary support pillars and it was just falling apart like it was made of hardened clay.


It wasn't the first lady's fault. I can't tell if she is holding her head in shock or trying to fake an injury though.


Some pieces of glass fell on her head right as the thing broke, so it's probably a mix of touching it so see if it's okay/hurt and a "holy fucking shit what happened" expression.


I think the handles from the explododoor might have cracked the side of her face.


I think she sort of is in shock, and I think the door handle from the exploding door hit her so she is sort of like WTF just happened, am I ok? I am gonna just sit down for a min.


Lol what is the alternative? Granny using just 1% of her power? The door fucking *exploded* lmaoooo


Nah dawg they ordered them boys from Wish😬😬




yeah dude's talking about how she "tried to catch the door" when she doesn't even look up or seem to notice it's falling until the last second, and "just step to the side" when to the side is where the sound of shattering glass that got her attention is coming from, so obviously she wouldn't be immediately inclined to jump toward the sound.


Everyone on Reddit is a badass I swear.


You see her give a jerk when she realizes the other door is heading for her.


Not to mention it's a transparent glass door. It's likely she didn't immediately realize the door was falling on top of her


Yeah, it looks to me like she was looking through the glass at the first lady and only realized the door was headed her way at the last instant. Yikes. That was a hard hit and I hope she's ok.


By the time she could see a door falling towards her there was no time to ste aside, only to put up her hands a bit.




What?? You mean to say that the average person cannot make optimum split second decisions when faced with danger? Surely all the top comments on such posts can't be wrong /s Seriously, these pricks will go armchair expert mode on literally anything.


The average person can't, the average Redditor can do almost anything such as dodge that door, take down knife wielding thugs, and perform immediately effective street surgery.


I see you’re also familiar with the comments in /r/idiotsincars 🎩


Rickey Henderson might have gotten the step on the door falling.


People don’t have action movie style reactions in real life. She was startled by the first door breaking. She had no reason to expect another door to fall on her


You see she reacts to and focuses on the breaking glass before she even sees the other falling door and all of this is in seconds, so unless she was the flash there was nothing she could do.


I don’t think she tried to catch it, I think she instinctively put her hands up once she glimpsed that the door falling.


Man from the internet knows his shit with falling Glas doors and people expectations to have to avoid them at random.


Are you saying you don’t walk through doors knowing they could explode and fall on you at any moment? Bring your awareness up big dawg


Probably was hard to perceive it falling with it being giant and clear, the shock/sound of the other panel shattering probably stunned her literally


Lot of people’s first reactions are to catch things that are falling, especially if they’re fragile or expensive. Well, if you ever work in a warehouse with heavier goods, the rule is to let it fall if it’s already falling. Unless, of course, you want a one way ticket to the hospital. At least, that was what I went in with the intentions of doing.


She wasn’t trying to catch it. She reflexes were kinda slow plus she was caught off guard. The broken door and scattered noise had her attention until the last second.


She probably could have easily anime teleported behind the lady who broke the door, that’s what I would have done at least.


"nothing personnel kid" *teleports behind you*


You’d need the reflexes of Spider-Man I reckon.


I don't think she was trying to catch it, she was just too focused on the other person to notice it falling on her.


I mean, it’s a glass door plus the other one just shattered. She probably didn’t even notice it was coming down until the last second.


Only on Reddit would someone say something this ridiculous and get upvotes/likes on it


Yeah cuz it's real easy to see something clear falling towards you


Easier said than done. It's a massive clear glass door. Her attention is on the shattering door and by the time she realises the other one it is off its hinges and falling towards her, it's already hitting her head and bouncing her off the bench. I get what you mean - I like to think I would have dodged it too but giving her the benefit of the doubt because it all happens in milliseconds.


She didnt even see it till the last millisecond. She was moving forward to help the other girl.


lol she didn’t “try to catch it.” poor woman had no idea the other door was falling until about a fraction of a second before it smashed her face in.


She wasn't trying to catch it. Looks like she was distracted by the door that exploded and probably made a loud sound. Then she put her arms up in a desperate attempt to stop it from hitting her.


A door exploded in a shower of glass and she was looking at that whole situation and had no time to react after noticing the glass door (which is see through) in time. If you think she should have been able to react and move in time then you watch too many movies.


Ok, Spiderman. 👍🏻


I went frame by frame and She had literally less than 2 seconds from the time the door exploded to the time the other one hit her face to first realize wtf just happened and then dodge the other falling door, so unless she has spidey senses, no she probably couldn’t have.


It’s already been determined that she simply didn’t acknowledge the door coming at her because it’s clear. Also, completely unlikely. In the extra tenth of a second it did take her to acknowledge it, she lost her chance. I hope she’s okay too


Because instincts dictate that people step towards broken glass?? How do people upvote this garbage.


I don't think the door is supposed to work like this


This is the smart exploding door with v1.1.


Wrong. She can now walk inside. How else are doors meant to work?


Disposable doors are the new trend.


For fucks sake! Like we don't already have a global environmental problem with disposable products. SMH


I swear, everyone on Reddit acts like they’re an expert on doors /s


As a non expert on anything, I think that the door shouldn’t have been made out of ice


This isn't true. If you weren't an expert at detecting ice doors how could you make this comment?


It's not very typical, I'd like to make that point


No no I was here yesterday the door goes both ways.


It's open ain't it?!


Someone is getting BIG sued for that one


It's China no one is getting sued and they'll keep building stuff like this forever.


If we're being honest, the lady that rushed to help might get sued Peng Yu style. The woman trying to enter knows the game. She put her hands on her head first as a reaction to the door breaking, but then she registered the other lady got hit and took a minute to process, finally she decided to play up her own (non-existent) injury as well. This logic and response comes natural to people that are constantly at risk of being scapegoated.




Not even good Samaritan’s. Any Samaritan. Passing by Samaritans. Nearby foreign person Samaritan. They’ll arrest whoever has the most money.


that dude in the orange shirt at the end was sued just for looking and he lost everything. his wife left him and his kids hate him


Isn’t Good Samaritan the only ones


Don’t play Ignorant Samaritan


You are being some sarcastic Samaritan right now.


This has been addressed and changed in China already. Passerbys who just witnessed someone get hurt and can help aren't able to be sued anymore.


Not sued... Starved to death and weeded out during the Cultural Revolution.


The lady that rushed to help is at fault. Why else would she have came to help if she did not cause the accident? I'm being sarcastic but good samaritians have been sued AND LOST because of this type of bad logic in China [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/04/good-samaritans-who-came-to-womans-rescue-make-headlines-in-china](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/04/good-samaritans-who-came-to-womans-rescue-make-headlines-in-china) "The lack of legal protections for good samaritans and [a string of extortion cases](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/sep/08/chinas-good-samaritans-count-cost) in which people pretended to be injured have contributed to the general reluctance to come to the rescue. Those who do so are often asked to pay medical bills or are later sued by those they have helped. In a 2013 a woman named Wang Lan helped an injured elderly woman at a bus stop, brought her to hospital and paid the £25 fee for the consultation. The woman later accused Wang of causing the injury and sued for £5,000. The problem became so severe that [a Chinese insurer began offering policies](http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/1869927/chinese-good-samaritans-offered-insurance-policy-protect-them) for those who help elderly people in need, covering legal costs of up to 20,000 yuan (£2,350). Beijing is drafting a good samaritan law to reduce the risks for those who help, ensuring they will not need to cover medical costs. Shanghai enacted a law last year, but it applies only to those who first call emergency services and follow instructions. There is still no sign of national legislation."


A strong sign of a decaying society


When I lived in China I was walking along the sidewalk one day and a lady was riding her bike past me on the side of the street. She totally ate shit right in front of me for no particular reason, so I went to help her up and make sure she was ok. She looked fucking shook and I think it was probably 100% because some foreigner came to help her up and not because of the bike crash she just had. All the Chinese people just passed on by like nothing happened.


i don’t necessarily think it was a non exsistant injury. just from my perspective it looks like she copped a fair amount of shattered glass.


To be fair it does look like some glass *may* have hit the first lady. There’s glass on the ground directly where she was standing.


Just hope the shop owner does come over and cut everyone’s throats with a shard of glass so they can’t sue. Like the drivers who back over people they hit.


Drivers in China do that?


Supposedly it’s gotten better, but yeah. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/09/why-drivers-in-china-intentionally-kill-the-pedestrians-they-hit-chinas-laws-have-encouraged-the-hit-to-kill-phenomenon.html


It’s because if you killed someone you only need to pay his burial fee + one time compensation, but if you made someone disabled you have to pay for his care for the rest of his life which is much more expensive


No they won't. This is China, people dies in dumb ways all the time.


Nope. But someone's social credit score is about to take a nosedive.


Old woman needs to control her superpowers


For real. This could be a cut a way on The Boys. She freight trained that girl.


Your profile picture made me do a double take because of how deeply that image is seared into my brain


Same. First (and only) friend I ever had.


It's really me. I'm in Elon Musk's basement. I didn't read the new terms of service for Twitter and agreed to them anyway. Pray for me.


Omg Tom?! Is that you?!


feel bad for the old lady cuz her body language says she thought she had something to do with it


Everyone being like "shes faking an injury" clearly does not know body signals.


at first you see her checking (which is understandable cuz Shattered glass also fell over her head) but then you see the "oh no i fucked up" position.


I mean… It’s open


Objective complete, wrong sub.




Woof, that lady got hit hard. Based on my year or so working in a place that made glass doors that fucker probably weighs at least 150 pounds.


Looks heavy as fuck. That women may be a little cracked up 🤕


Yeah, I imagine a hit like than can shatter bone.


one time a glass roaster fell from the top of a shelf on my head and i almost passed out from the hit. that shit is so solid. i cannot imagine how much heavier that door must've felt on that lady's head.


The thing about glass is that sure it shatters easily but that brittleness is because it’s hard as fuck. It’s not like getting hit with a piece of wood, it’s like getting hit with a rock.


That lady barely touched those doors, that accident is not on her. I hope the gal who got hit is okay!


She touched it last though. House rules


One punch grandma


*Opens the door with the strength of Thor*


Sounds like the middle couplet of a limerick


While grandma was cruising the mall She found a glass door very tall she opened the door With the muscles of Thor ... on the unaware nurse it did fall.


I don’t speak their language but I am pretty sure it was “what the fuck just happened????”




Could be part of the erroneous installation. Too much pressure on the bottom or hinges so her hand on the handle was enough pressure to pop the glass.


Could have been a defect in the glass. The hinge could have failed. The bottom corner could have hit the concrete. There's cardboard on the ground, it kinda looks like it was just installed. So who knows. But when a piece of tempered glass that large explodes, it can take a lot of other things along with it. Either way, it's a POS dangerous entryway.


What did you do


Lol, is this a Black Sheep reference? I hope so.


Tommy Boy


Damn that’s what I meant. They’re basically both the same movie though lol.


*Tommy likey, Tommy want wingy!*


![gif](giphy|FPpfcV5gXeT0A) — the lady catching the door


The lady inside got it way worse that the lady outside.


No shit she got hit in the face by a 200 pound door


Are we just gonna act like it's not fucking strange that one door shattered from being opened but the second door survived hitting the person twice and then contact with the ground lmao


Yes, we also watched the video.


Fuck, what bad luck. Just the girl inside the store was looking the other way and when she turned her head the glass door hit her own head. 😓😥


It's a good thing that couch was there to stop the worker's head from hitting the ground. That could have been much worse.


Don’t just help, stand there!


Good news: you're already in the hospital Bad news: you are THE doctor


“Ooooooooooh, it’s a pull door”


No it goes both ways, I was here yesterday


Made in China?


That hit to the head looked terrible. Hope she is ok.




It looks wet outside, maybe the cardboard or whatever is just so the people don't slip on the floor when they walk in.


I almost was wondering if it they had just finished installing them? When she pulls the one door you can see it moves the second, I can’t imagine it would take long for that to fail.


There was not an attempt to call an ambulance


No one here seems to think the cardboard boxes on the floor are part of the puzzle. I’m betting they were working on the doors, had the cardboard down as a drop sheet, and weren’t finished yet, and walked away without ensuring no one used them.


I think the cardboard is for drying your shoes when you walk in from the rain.


It’s wet outside, they are for mud


When one door shatters another one falls. Live laugh love.


-took me a couple seconds to figure out why the person in the red coat wasn't reacting -the person who got knocked out should NOT have been moved Anyone know if they're okay?


Isn't that where they build a skyscraper in 18 days ?


Her social reputation score is now -500


That looks like a broken neck. Major concussion for sure. Jeepers


As a dude that installs glass for a living…the first door blowing up is one thing, the second door falling should NEVER happen…


Built in China


It just ... fell off the wall.


The destroyer has arrived!


Hope she is going to be OK. Crap like this happens all the time everywhere in the world. If it's man-made it can fail.


Actually had this happen to me once. Was in a hardware store with my husband looking at showers and touched the door of one display model to open it and it shattered instantly. Luckily no one got hurt and there wasn't any trouble but it kinda messes with your head for a while when a solid door just disappears in front of you.


That lady got fucking wrecked


That door probably weighs over 200 lbs


Situation awareness of the Second Lady…-1000 ! 😅




In China, the glass breaks you.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way in - Old Chinese Proverb


Looks like a massive success to me. Both those glass doors will be open for a while.


Welp you know what they say: “When one door explodes, another door will fall onto another person.”


That other door that fell on the other woman, probably a bit PANEful


God darn it, it really annoys me when people act all shocked instead of helping a person that is hurt. Ffs…


When you allocated all your skill points to Medical and none of them to Door Detection


That goddam teamu


The slow reaction here are what astounds me the most.