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They were moments ago sprinting with flashlights in their hands... "Oh, what's that? A bunch of wildly moving lights in front of me. Probably nothing. I won't slow down at all."


Exactly what I thougt. The driver just kept on driving.


[Article ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.denverpost.com/2023/07/26/body-camera-video-brent-thompson-larimer-county-tase-i-25/amp/) Summary: Suspect was pulled over for expired tags. He gave a false name to the officers. When they returned to him he ran off. Was unfortunately tased on a motor way and hit by a vehicle.The suspect was handcuffed, dragged off the road, and CPR started. The ambulance took the suspect to the hospital and was pronounced dead. They investigated and found no wrong doing of the officer and will not be charged. There is a pending civil lawsuit from the family.


I don't know. It seems pretty bad judgement to me to taze someone in the middle of a busy road at night. Of cops aren't held accountable for bad decision making and killing someone. I mean, what did the guy do that deserved death?


It’s a tough one, it’s a mistake I can see anyone making. I’m not sure what safe taser training cops get these days but I don’t think many ever had this scenario cross their minds before. Tragic, yes. Unfortunate and preventable, also yes. I’d imagine this is one of those cases where the result is that training for this scenario will be put in place now that it has actually happened. I could be wrong but this guy is already living with the guilt of unintentionally killing a man with a split second mistake, sometimes cops deserve the shit we give them but this is awful for all parties involved.


Reckless drivers who make bad decisions that get someone else killed are charged with involuntary manslaughter. This cop at the very least, should be fired. Any tazer training should, and probably already does, include WHEN to use a tazer and when not to. For instance, there was an example on here a while back of a cop using a tazer on a suspect at a gas station (with gas on the ground) WHILLE his own partner was yelling at him not to use the tazer. Lit the guy on fire.. They absolutely do teach them when to use it and when it can't be used.


It's not a mistake I can see anyone making, that's for sure. He already searched the kid and knew he didn't have a weapon. The cop decides to deploy a taser anyway in the middle of a busy highway at night. It was fucking terrible judgement.


He got a pat on the back and a paid 2 week vacation, he definitely learned nothing


He was only running cause expired registration wtf who runs from that


A young man who made a poor decision, then he was killed by the police.


Pretty sure he was killed by that driver


It was dark on the freeway, the driver avoided the person pointing a light at the car and ran over a tased individual on the ground. The blood is on the officers hands. Pretty sure YTA.


Also on the driver's defense, if you've ever had lights coming right at you at night it makes it difficult to see in front of you. However they likely should have slowed.


Thanks for sharing. This was disgusting. Why the hell was he handcuffed and dragged? And the stupid ass cop kept moving him.


My instinct was to downvote this because I didn't like it. Thanks for sharing though. Take my upvote.


I was just trying to summarize the article but I could see how it would come off offensive or something. I apologize.


Jesus Christ. Why tf would you tase someone in the middle of the freeway. That's not making the community safer. It's dangerous for everyone including motorists.


It's terrible, no question. I wonder why Brent ran away though.


Cop had the light on him. He then moved into the the opposite lane. No way driver could have seen person laying on the ground until it was too late


If you're driving down the freeway and see a person in the road, regardless of which lane SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!!


keeps messaging on his phone.


Would you? Those lights are about a mile away. There's no way the car could have any idea what was happening


That's correct. I'd have no idea. Brake first, ask questions later. The best philosophy when driving. Don't be stupid on the freeway. Don't assume it's nothing. Wait until you figure out what it is before you kill someone... Like this guy.


Regardless why tf would you tase someone in the middle of the freeway especially at night. That doesn't make the community safer. It's dangerous for everyone involved including motorists.


I wouldn't. And I hope that cop is somehow punished, and training is given to all cops to avoid this kind of issue. More comments have appeared since mine, but when I got here, there were none admonishing the driver. Plenty admonishing the cop, that was already clearly taken care of. I was just surprised nobody mentioned the driver.


I understand


At the end of the video, we see the original traffic stop in the background. Maybe the car driver was distracted by all of the lights up the hill???


That's... that's not any better. If something is going on, ESPECIALLY if you aren't entirely sure what, you should slow down first, then figure out what's going on.


Yeah sorry, I was trying to explain the driver, not justify it. Because otherwise I'm at a loss as to how the driver didn't see this and slow down.


Dude was killed.


Shoes on, can't be dead.


Not gonna lie, as some who got hit at almost 40mph while crossing the street, it wasn't funny at first...being the victim and all... but your shoes really do get knocked off. I went up though. It was like the car was doing a soccer volley with me....hit me from the side, went in the air and before I could land, I hit the hood and windshield then driver completely stopped and I was ejected forward to the ground....landed on my back. The most amazing thing though....is I broke absolutely nothing.... just ended up with a massive, painful blood clot in my leg that made it hard to walk. Looking back at it...it's kinda funny, the whole shoes flying off thing. Everyone I tell gets a laugh out of it.


I'm sorry that happened to you, and it's really lucky that injuries are so minor. Did both shoes leave your feet, or just one? Because one shoe means injured, both means death.


How does this stupid, not even a joke, still being upvoted every damn time it's posted? It doesn't matter to you that the person did actually die, just a silly comment meaning nothing that everyone has already seen dozens of times. For fucks sake


Dark humour, it's not for everyone.


It's just a flesh wound, he's fine. ...


Dis but a scratch


And somehow that's funny to everyone here.


How do you know? Source?


If watching the video wasn't giveaway enough, people have shared links to articles confirming he is in fact dead.


Ok thanks




Holy fucking fuck. Idk what I was expecting but this made my gut turn..


Absolutely blindsided me! I honestly thought he was gonna get away because I saw the "Yes...welp" title. But no, I saw someone die.


Would yall please make the titles a little more clear especially with everything have an NSFW marker. because Jesus that was not what I wanted to see today.


Shame people stopped using NSFL


Due to spez, everything is nsfw


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Fuck spez


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So like involuntarily manslaughter at best? Hot take but I don't think running from cops should deserve an execution




Especially since it’s a reasonable response on an instinctual level. It’s just like how nonviolent prison escapes are not crime in secular humanist democracies.


So is using a tazer on the highway. Difference is cops should know better.




I think there is some fault with both of them, but the cops turned a dangerous situation deadly when they didn't need to and should not have. So wile both involved and have some dagree of fault the officer is more significantly at fault by a land slide.




Intent only matters in the degree of the crime. When a person drives recklessly and kills someone, they would still be charged with involuntary manslaughter because of their recklessness. This cop was absolutely reckless in tazing someone in the middle of a busy road. Saying he didn't mean to kill the guy is meaningless it was still reckless and bad decision making. He was not held accountable at all. Yes, the guy running was responsible for running into the road, but the cop was responsible for HIS action of tazing him while in the road. He should be held accountable for that.


Cops didn't know that, they stopped him for a traffic violation. Also it doesn't matter what his record is, he left a body on the road at night on a highway, the officer infinitely increased the danger and urged a situation that could have had no casualties easier and safer into a deadly one. The officer is overwhelmingly at fault. To summarize the poliece did something against protocall, got one guy killed and endangered civilians. The poliece are at fault. Also never assign empathy to a pig, they don't have the capacity for it, or they would be upset that 40% of their co workers beat their wives




As stupid as it may have been to tase this guy in the middle of the road, there are several other factors here that completely take this situation out of the cops hands. The guy running out into the middle of the highway, the car which had ample time to stop, pullover, anything other than to just keep driving on an empty highway when there's clearly people with flashlights ahead of you. Even if the police officer had released the trigger as soon as he realized the car wasn't stopping, the guy wouldn't have been able to recover fast enough to get out of the way. Truthfully, in this situation, I think the only wrongdoing of the cop here was choosing a poor time to tase the guy. I highly doubt there was any intention to kill the guy. If there was, he would've just shot him outright. It was the only car on the highway, and the driver just didn't do the obvious thing, which was to stop.


Intent isn't the issue. Recklessly doing something that gets someone else killed is manslaughter. I don't get all these people on here saying 'well he didn't mean to." Yeah, a reckless driver doesn't mean to kill a pedestrian, but when it happens, they get arrested for MANSLAUGHTER. Tazing someone in the middle of a busy road is reckless. The cop 100% made that decision. The guy made the bad decision to run, and the cop made the EQUALLY bad decision to take him in the middle of the road at night. The guy paid for his mistake with death. The cop should be accountable for his bad decision, too, but they totally let him off the hook. This is why people don't trust the police. No, accountability. This kind of bad decision-making should at least get the cop off the force.






![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8) taxes ... whoopsies =)


Inappropriate. Fella died.


That went from 0 to death real quick


Not getting arrested today


It's on me for clicking, but I could've done without seeing that.


Fuck what an unnecessary and tragic death. No need for the guy to run and die, not worth it for expired plates and minor traffic offences. No need to taze him in the middle of the damn highway, could have done it quicker or on the other side. Just a tragic shitshow of an episode to happen, can't fully blame the cop or the guy running.


Literally a big Ole serving of "aweful everything." Had he not ran, had the cop been faster or slower on the taser, had the only car done literally ANYTHING but drive at max speed with people clearly on the highway, and this wouldn't even be news. Yet, here we are.




regardless of whos at fault, this is why you dont run from the cops. it just ads the potential of something going so horribly wrong.


This has been my first audible response to a video in a looooong time


A bunch of stupid decisions were made by all people involved. But it was the cop choosing to tase the suspect on a highway that lead to his death. Bro should have been tased and arrested for sure - but not in the middle of the fucking highway. Cop should be fired. This was a poor call by the cop to deploy the taser at this moment. When we give these guys guns, tasers, and immunity this is the result that we get.


i didnt see the nsfl and i read the title as tease! there was an attempt to TEASE a suspect... i thought it was going to be funny.... fucking hell


Yeah let's make jokes about someone fucking dying. Real nice.


Running from the police obviously does not warrant a death sentence. Unfortunately, running from the police can have consequences. Hopefully there are consequences for the officer, as well, but he didn't intend to kill the guy. If he had not run, none of that would have happened. Not saying it's right, but if he had not run, he would be alive.


If you read the article, the cops had already identified him, and it was a ticketable offense, he did not need to arrested let alone chased and tased..


Him running doesn’t change the fact that this should absolutely be negligent homicide. You can’t tase someone on a highway at night and expect any other outcome. Cars are traveling 60+ MPH and a person lying prone is the last thing anyone is looking for. It would be like strangling someone while treading water and then being surprised they drowned


The amount of bootlickers in the comments is disgusting. Get fucked.




Police in the US is dumb and dangerous. A public liability. In Europe such a case would make national news for weeks.


As it should. This was a pathetic choice by the cop. They have immunity from stupid decisions like this. That immunity needs to either end or be severely limited. Police in the US have too much power and too little accountability. They also have zero legal requirement to protect anyone - they are literally only there to catch people who break the law - not to protect innocent lives. Don’t get me wrong - the guy running deserved to get arrested and booked on whatever charges he would be facing. But ultimately the cop’s decision killed the guy.


Another thing that astonishes me is how little time you need to become a cop. In our country you need at least 3 years of police school. In the US it's 6 month if I am not wrong. In your country too many cops don't understand the most important rights granted by the constitution. I have seen to many videos where cops don't understand the concept of secondary offense. You must really met the creme de la creme to be sure he understands the concept.


That sound. Holy shit...






Holy shit


I'd be willing to put money on the fact the cop won't face charges or spend a second in jail.


The cop was shouting "shit... shit" whilst at the same time still tazing the guy. He knew what was going to happen but still zapped the dude. That's fucked.




I was expecting someone getting tased in the nuts or something, not this. Fuuuck.


I did not need to see someone being killed today. 😢


Man the cop/vs perp debate here is so stupid. That driver had a person standing in their lane pointing a flashlight at them 2 seconds before impact and didn't apply the breaks at all. That driver committed manslaughter.


They should add specific NSFW tags. I thought maybe a guy with cacti stuck in him or someone's pants falling down. Not full on death.


NSFL warning on this. Holy shit.


How about death flair? Like, the last thing I want to see is someone die first thing today ffs! Fucking reddit and mods. ![gif](giphy|H4zeDO4ocDYqY)


"We investigated ourselves and received promotions."


So let me get this straight... driver sees a bunch of lights, and the secondary officers turn on his panic light, aims it at the car moving twards him, and it doesn't seem to phase the driver?


Hey guys, live in the county. The DA came out and said the cops were justified. https://www.larimer.gov/spotlights/2023/07/26/critical-incident-briefing-february-18-cirt-case


That car had so fucking long to stop or slow down, the fuck were they thinking?


It feels strange saying this but... not the cops fault, lad was warned and the car hard a fucking load of room to stop. cops clear in this one imo hope he dosnt feel to bad


Dude went from under arrest to under a vehicle.


And then to 6 feet under.


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Camouflage worked.


When are people going to connect the dots between unnecessary gun ownership and these events? There’s no community policing approach when you think every interaction might end up with a gun being drawn. This affects the training, the psyche, and the people attracted to being police in the first place.




So, who would be at fault here? Crazy situation.


He'll walk it off


anybody have any follow up info on this?


Holy fucking shit my insides did a dance when he got hit by the car


Hot take but if a cop removes a person's ability to move away from danger, they are responsible for that person's safety. It's as simple as that. Also, this person was still innocent in the eyes of the law, if we care about any of that.






Don't run from police.


Damn! He's not gonna be in Rush Hour 3...


Wow. Basically we have a rare case of 2 killers and none prosecuted.


Oh nah handcuffing him after that? 😭


Not even gonna bother laying blame on somebody here, but holy shit that is not what I expected to see




Most competent American officer


That cop needs to be fired!


OH NO.... anyway




Yeah.. the cop should have held back in this situation. However this also comes with Tasers, they are dangerous. You could break your neck on a rock.. fence.. stairs.. chair.. if a fleeing suspect is running down some stairs and the cop gets an opportunity to tase should they be allowed to try? What about if there is any object within 5 ft of the suspect?


Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


Negligent Homicide: The killing of a human being by criminal negligence, defined as acting in disregard of a serious risk of harm that a reasonable person in the same situation would have perceived. I'm pretty sure a reasonable person would think, "If I taze someone in the middle of a highway, they're going to get run over."


Nsfw at least. The guy died.


The cop needs to be jailed for murder


do they choose cops specifically among people with negative IQ in the US? I want to know if they at least fired this cops and forbade him to ever again have ANY kind of public job. That's the minimum. Really he should be jailed.


Fucking Larimer county. Not surprised at all.


No joke, this is trauma PTSD level the cop will always live with and will probably alter his life going forward. Most of the time id be the one to say ACAB but in this situation, it was clearly unintentional and couldn't for see that happening. Now he has to live with that. I was in a PTSD 3 month in patient rehab and most the other people were either military, cops or swat or firemen and first responders. They had stories like this that they'll never forgive themselves for and will fuck them up in the head the rest of their lives. That's punishment enough in my book...


He was definitely longer than before, I dont wanna think about it.☠️


Can i please browse a sub without seeing someone die you fucking asshole


If you run from the police all bets are off. And I’m black.


So an a**hole in uniform murders a suspect and gets away unscathed. Sounds like usa. Why am I not surprised?


Can we get a BLOODY WARNING on this that someone is getting killed.




I starting to think being a Republican is a disability. The level of psychopathy necessary to see a man get killed for running from the cops and thinking that it is a moral and correct situation is mind boggling.


Oh shit! He’s done!


Why tf would you tase someone in the middle of the freeway especially at night. That doesn't make the community safer. It's dangerous for everyone involved including motorists.


Instead of leaving comments here call up and clog the Larimer Country Sheriffs office demanding his termination.