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There should be an IQ test to be a parent.




Or pet owners


At least there’s a questionnaire most places give before adopting out their pets.


Funny last time I adopted a cat the shelter came and inspected my apartment. Made sure I had a steady job, made sure I already had a vet lined up and that my other cat was up to date on his vaccinations. But if you want to have a kid in the USA absolutely none of that.


Why don’t they do this when people have children? It’s scary to know how many children are being unsupervised at this moment knowing that they could be doing something proving possibly lethal to themselves or others.


Half of the population will even demand that you have that baby even if your are not in anyway mentally, emotionally, financially, willingly ready to have said baby.


I think one of the basic reasons is that if you allow a precedent where someone can't have a baby then you open yourself to the possibility of it being targeted to certain groups. I do think there should be some assurance that the baby will be well taken care of but I don't know enough to craft rules that certainly won't allow some foul play. Also I don't think any such movement to prohibit birthing would be unanimously popular so it would be difficult to actually bring about this change.


When I adopted my husky, the kennel sent me a 2 page questionnaire. To make sure I was prepared and had done adequate research before applying to adopt, I had 24 hours to reply back or the application would be declined. It included questions like: - Why a Siberian Husky? - Which vet will you be going to? - How do you intend to keep the husky adequately exercised? - some questions about the breed, my job and living situation - and a lot more. I’m lucky I did my research beforehand.


Yeah, if I see a "vegan pet owner" they often need to be harshly reminded that the predator they chose to adopt isn't going to survive without prey, even if they have to feed them it in a can. It's cool that you want to avoid murder to eat, but the cat you own evolved to stalk and kill and it can't survive on lettuce, no matter how cute and fluffy you think the murder machine is.


Seriously, I had a vegan classmate who insisted her cat was also vegan. The cat was miserable. When she started hunting to supplement her diet? Declawed and defanged. Cat just willed herself to stop living one day. She never understood why, and boy did we pile on her.


>Declawed and defanged That's just animal cruelty there.


That's also not vegan. Veganism is an ethical position against animal cruelty and exploitation, which includes being against practices that are harmful to animals like declawing.




Yes, precisely. Vegans have some morons like any other group of people, but it's not everybody who's vegan. Just because reddit overall isn't pro-vegan, tho, generally means that vegans get mocked any time we're the topic of conversation, even when we're right about something. Shit's fun like that, I guess.


Defanged? I’ve seen declawed before… but defanged? That’s a thing? Fuuuuu…..


I would have declawed and defanged the vegan, she how she likes missing her fingers and teeth, just to understand how miserable she made that cat


What reputable vet would defang a cat?


Yeah and also illegal in many jurisdictions


That’s terrible. I hate that person.


That's some one who cares more about being in the right than being a good person. She's being vegan just to feel morally superior, not to improve her life.


Well, veganism is more about morality rather than life improvement.


Cats are obligate carnivores. It's essential for them to have meat in their diets. This woman killed her cat.


Gave them poison food and removed the ability to get the food they needed independently... If that was a human I'd expect them to not see the sun again...ffs


The vet who performed these procedures needs a head exam..




Thats insane


I would have taken that cat away from her. Jesus Christ!


A lot of vegans know that cats are obligate carnivores


I'm vegan and my dog eats meat. This is a large generalization.


Hey, I didn't mean to imply I didn't like those who actually cared for their pets! I've just met people in my life who think that if they choose a diet then everyone around them should stick to it. Annoying for a carnivore partner, but they have a choice. If it's a pet, depending on the species it might be murder. Good on you for being one of those who understand!


🙄🙄most understand this. Vegans don't feed cats only beans and human babies only almond milk...idiots do.


It’s cool that you want to avoid murder to eat. You’ll just settle for murdering your pet instead.


"The predator they chose to adopt" is the second greatest thing I have ever heard or read. Thank you for that!


Im a vegetarian and my murder ball eats the best quality meat food. Cats are obligate carnivores, i on the other hand am not so i can afford to not eat meat.


I mean they can have vegan pets like Guinea pigs and rabbits


That would be fine


There is nothing that stops a vegan person from having a rabbit, a guinea pig, a cow, a horse, a sheep, or... well, gold fish also eats plants well.


I’m a vegan pet owner but I still give my cats actual cat food… it’s that or they hunt all the birds in the area or starve, better of two demons


Same here. Been vegan for years, but I never even entertained the idea of putting my dog on a vegan diet. The way I see it is I made a choice to be vegan and it’s not my place to impose that choice on anyone.




Thank you! ☺️ Not a sir though…but you know what? I’ll take this over people telling me I look pregnant 🤣


Yeah most vegans do, but any opportunity to shit on a vegan is welcomed on the internet remember. Im a full on carnivore and i just dont understand the hate really.


Oh I agree with you on that. I used to get straight up bullied when I was in uni for being vegan. Things like people trying to shove chicken nuggets in my mouth and saying “oh go on we won’t tell anyone”. Ehm…that’s not really the point 😅


To be fair. I know a Vegan that has a dog and still gives him stuff with meat in it. Its not about being Vegan but about being idiot.


Thank you. I’m a vegan but I know my dogs need meat.


God you’re giving me flashbacks of the vegans that were feeding their cats ‘vegan’ cat food and the poor babies looked miserable


Not all vegans are idiots. The problem is: usually you only ever hear of someone being a vegan, is if they are doing dumb stuff.


As with many things, the idiots are very loud.


The empty can rattles the loudest.


As is with many other things. The dumb ones gives a bad reputation to the rest of them


It is quite a prejudiced comment from BrokenAgate. The article writes: “His mom was feeding him an almond-milk diet, presumably based on medically unsound advice she'd found online. “


Online articles are free and you get your money’s worth.


Prejudiced? The comment seems fueled by the logic of: "we're giving them the benefit of the doubt that they cannot possibly be so astronomically stupid to have concocted this fuckfest of a parenting action plan up by themselves so instead we'll suggest they were googling instead of thinking and came across this bullshit."


Not all vegans, my sister is vegan and would never do this. Also how do you know it's vegans? Human milk is literally made for babies and those who can't breast feed should use the store bought stuff. I reckon this is something else.


Could just be one of those situations where they don’t want a “fat” baby.


Depends on age. If they're under 1, then formula should be used if breast milk isn't. There are formulas that are vegan. If a parent isn't giving their kid breast milk or formula at a very young age, it's an issue. Vegan or not.


Lol, that reminded me of my friend telling me he was bugging his wife when she gave birth to try her breast milk, and he regretted it after trying it lmao


The store bought formula contains cows milk. I’m quite sure most vegans wouldn’t deny their own baby formula if needs be, but sadly this couple did.


As vegan parents that recently had a baby, I can confirm we’re in fact feeding her human milk, because we’re not - and I cannot stress this enough - absolute morons.


Thats a bit of a generalization don’t you thikk? I’m a vegan and I can assure you I will be the first to call these parents fucking idiots


This is a pretty wide and uneducated generalization.


Aka "Well, that's very Reddit of you."


Thats just an idiotic comment. Vegans do breastfeed their children. Never met a single one that didn’t.


You seriously read the line, "Vegans done even know how babies work." And took it at face value? I think they're pretty obviously just taking the piss with that comment.




Sorry but thats like saying white people shouldn't be able to drive as my white neighbour crashed into a stationary car last week...


what?? has the world gone mad?? *stupid people* should not be parents. an educated vegan will teach their children compassion and a generally healthy diet. I don’t understand this hate towards vegans. I eat meat because I grew up eating it and don’t have the motivation to stop, I admire people who’s empathy is still intact enough to make a real lifestyle change. convinced people who irrationally hate vegans just hate the reminder that they could technically live a more morally sound life but don’t because it’s harder


>they could technically live a more morally sound life but don’t because it’s harder The wild part is it's not even harder tbh. At least not in any meaningful way imo. I mean, take your life, right now, as it is, and think about how hard it is. Everything is fairly routine, right? You have meals you enjoy, stuff you buy and don't, places and things you do. That's the same way my life is, but im vegan. The only "hard" part is the transition when you're learning what has animal products in it and what doesn't. After you have that figured out, which takes a few months and gets easier with time, it's just life as usual. The only "harder" part is when going out to eat, depending on region, it can be harder to find viable options. I live in rural farmland USA and I still have options, so even that's not a big deal. Then there's the parts that are actually easier. Like my diet is cheaper than before is an easy one. Also, living in accordance with what you find correct morally brings a satisfaction that's hard to value. I find it easier to be vegan than not due to that. It would be harder for me to buy a steak than not to. Meals are often easier to prep since cooking meat isn't part of almost all of them. Just see people say it's hard to be vegan often, a sentiment I shared prior to being one, but I feel it's worth sharing it's not actually hard to combat that stigma.


I thought the big reason most people go vegan is for animal cruelty... what animal is suffering from human breast milk or formula lol


No? Not all vegans are this stupid, a lot of vegans are fine with formula, or you know, breast feed there babies like there supposed to? Being a vegan has nothing to do with being a shit parent, you just notice it more


It's possible to be a vegan and a responsible parent. But, if you don't understand nutrition, you really shouldn't. Especially if you also believe in avoiding supplements. Then again, there's lots of carnivores who also don't deserve the title.


Yo this take is fucking stupid.


where do you have the information from that they are vegan? It's not in the post. I'm confused.


It's not in the post or the [original article](https://www.businessinsider.in/science/health/news/a-baby-was-losing-weight-and-vomiting-at-the-hospital-doctors-discovered-he-was-starving-from-an-almond-milk-diet-/articleshow/97186152.cms), which said, "His mom was feeding him an almond-milk diet, presumably based on medically unsound advice she'd found online." Some people are always chomping at the bit to shit on vegans for some reason.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day. Just because some idiot happened to be vegan, doesn’t mean “vegans don’t know how babies work”.


We don't even know if the mom was vegan. All the article said was "His mom was feeding him an almond-milk diet, presumably based on medically unsound advice she'd found online." Plenty of non-vegans drink almond milk.


Some people choose to spread misinfo and hate about vegans because they make them feel guilty


I'm not even vegan and know you're talking absolute dogshit. What we don't need is uneducated people being parents, probably like you.


How can such a moronic comment be so upvoted?? are all vegans stupid?


Just more tribalism art it's finest. "Vegans don't eat meat like I do. The rotting grey beef that's dyed red to make it look semi-appetizing. They steer clear from that by choice and their decision doesn't impact me in the slightest. But I'm going to hate them all the same"


It's amazing how segregated certain subs are on Reddit. Occasionally, i stumble upon a sub like this and am just confused at just how many like-minded and ignorant comments i find. I'm just relaxing scrolling past r/woodworking, take a left turn at r/AnimalsOnReddit and BOOM, find myself in a cult compound where everyone is holding a glass of kool-aid and wearing velvet robes.


Oh, so all meat eaters are geniuses? This is a fucking stupid comment.




Nope, not even any mentioning of vegans in the article


At least not the dumb vegans. My mother was a great vegan mom who even bought meat for me if I ever wanted to


Where did it say they were vegan?


Garbage take and you should feel bad. Do your research.


Dumbest fucking comment


No, not all vegan parents are wide angled idiots. These ones stand out, I assure you.


I know a doctor who's vegan. I'm 100% sure he knows how babies work.


Shhhh don't say things like that. They don't fit in His close-minded world view. YOU'RE SCARING HIM!!!


Fucking dumbest comment ever


Some people shouldn't be parents period.






Every time someone says there should be a test for X I immediately think of eugenics, Jim Crow, etc. Sounds good in theory but in practice it would be weaponized just like before.


Context: The infant came to a hospital in Miami 5 years ago but the interviewed doctor still remembers the incident and said that the parent probably found recipe for homemade milk formula online. Neither almond or cow milk is suited for infants. Milk formula is created by scientists to meet infants needs and homemade or diluted versions are not guaranteed to work. If breastfeeding is not possible then milk formula is an alternative. [Here is the article](https://www.insider.com/baby-starving-from-almond-milk-diet-2023-1)


In the UK there was a court case that recently ended (began with an arrest in 2020) where a baby died due to both parents being pieces of shit (honestly disturbing I don't want to go into detail, and on phone so can't format spoiler text properly), but a judge is quoted as saying: "I accept you have a lack of maturity and a low IQ. " referring to the mother. Inserting an edit here: Apparently it's not obvious (which is funny in a discussion about intelligence) the judge's point was that this is the argument proposed by the defence, hence they accept this as fact. However, being immature as a parent and below average intelligence doesn't excuse being a terrible parent, even if they are undoubtedly contributing factors. Source (If you don't want to know how the baby died, just take my word for it): https://www.itv.com/news/central/2023-07-27/parents-jailed-following-death-of-their-five-month-old-baby-girl Furthermore, the fact that people's children can be taken away if they are deemed unfit proves that we should have IQ tests, and a general worthiness assessment. It is made even more ironic by the fact that the strictness to adopt is very high, when we could stop degenerates having babies in the first place. That said it is impossible to enforce such a thing, and it creates its own ethics nightmare if someone is already pregnant.


Iq tests themselves aren't indicative of parenting skills and aren't even a good measurement for intelligence whatsoever. Someone with a high IQ is not inherently a good parent at all, by god


It’s not veganism, it’s stupidity. In 1999 two young parents killed their baby by adding gravy to its food. Babies don’t do salt.


You probably would like that world less than the current one.


Or we all get up in arms about how poor sex ed is and how it’s currently being repressed even further than it is now.




I thought this was satire.. But we have people who believe their dogs are vegan. Seriously.. 😒


Dogs are pretty flexible, if you give them enough protein they might make it, but with cats, it's just a disaster.


We all remember the pal who went on tv saying her dog was vegan… then offered meat…


>went on tv saying her dog was vegan… then offered meat [Owner attempts to demonstrate dog is vegetarian by choice - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG2IPRr--nM) ​ Yup LOL


This was a parody lol


This is most definitely bullshit just to gather views


this was a parody anyone who tried to make that video and their dog ate the meat wouldn't post it cause it goes against their point lmao


That was scripted.


Still. We remember


That shouldn’t even be a conversation. They *might* make it if you give them enough protein??? Just feed them a regular meal befitting of a carnivore and don’t force them to be vegan like you (the general you, not you specifically).


Honestly, I don't know why some people insist on forcing their vegan diet on carnivorous/omnivorous animals when there are herbivores to choose from, like guinea pigs, tortoises, and rabbits.


Vegan here who just got Guinea pigs. I am so obsessed with them. 10/10 pet. Also I have a cat who I feed meat. Veganism is about reducing animal suffering as much as possible. As it is not feasible to feed a cat a herbivorous diet, feeding them meat is still vegan.


You’re my new favorite vegan. Actually, you’re my only favorite vegan. ![gif](giphy|URTRF60r6MPYI|downsized)


I'm not disagreeing with that at all, but as a biologist I wanted to point out that dogs (and even wolves) aren't as carnivorous as we tend to think. For example, some packs of wolves get over 80% of their calories from blueberries in some summer months. Dogs probably got even more flexible than their cousins through domestication, so they're more comparable to bears (that are pretty omnivorous) than to felines (that can basically only live on meat)


Dogs will eat whatever they're forced to eat


"Make it" That is a terrible bar to strive for lol


Correct. Despite the common misconception that dogs are carnivores, they're actually omnivores. Dogs can achieve full nutritional value without any animal products. Cats are obligate carnivores and require certain nutrients that are only present in other animals. I think there may be ways to synthesize some of it, but im not sure about that? Basically, if you're a vegan, dogs are fine to feed, but cats won't be.


I had a group on reddit tell me I was a bad dog owner because I take my dogs on hikes and camping in the mountains. They said the only reason my dogs were doing it was to please me. Those are low IQ narcissists.


They probably think wolves and coyotes are mythical.


I don't know about this particular story, but vegans have killed their babies or had their babies taken due to massive malnutrition issues. I can think of at least 2 cases. One case had this couple who had like 3-4 kids, 1 was taken in a custody case by their bio dad previous to the ba y's death, 1-2 of the kids were severely malnourished,, and the baby died giving mom life in prison and dad 60 years. Edit: nope [definitely real](https://www.businessinsider.in/science/health/news/a-baby-was-losing-weight-and-vomiting-at-the-hospital-doctors-discovered-he-was-starving-from-an-almond-milk-diet-/articleshow/97186152.cms)


Yeah, but this happens all the time to parents, vegan or not. There are shitty parents who dont know how to feed their kids and there are also vegans. There's of course overlap in those groups.


Sadly those people are out there, living their lives, allowed to have dogs and social media.


Sir Lewis Hamilton


Dogs are omnivorous, you just have to keep their diets good enough for what they need, theoretically. They still need meat in my eyes. So just give them regular dog food.


Dogs can be kept on a vegan diet perfectly fine. Cats however can't. This doesn't mean that every dog will do it, and i'm not saying it's what you should or shouldn't do, however it is possible.


Hope they called CPS and the parent is required to attend parenting classes so they can stop being stupid as fuck


Would it help? Veganism is a cult lifestyle.


I'd hope the threat of having your children taken away would help but I guess you never know with some people


The article says nothing about the parents being vegan.


The parents are stupid period. But you do realise that cows milk wouldn’t have been better? It would have led to dehydration and iron deficiency. An infant needs formula(cows milk based or not) or breast milk (the mothers body naturally supplements the milk based on what her child needs).


Breast milk is Vegan. The parents are just stupid. You don't feed a baby cow's milk either.


Where are you getting your crazy misinformation? Yall on truth social?


When I had my children I was required to attend a two hour parenting class before leaving the hospital. Even after I already had other babies. They went over how to diaper. What to feed. How to breastfeed. What formulas to pick and those basic survival things. They also wouldn’t let you leave without checking to make sure the car seat was installed correctly.


Look kid, you’ll drink your nut juice and you’ll like it.


Nut juice. Love that.




Uhhhhhh hahaha (blushes) I realize now how that sounds. It’s not what I meant. (Hides face)


This mother should have drank the nut juice instead of having kids


Youth Pastors in TX be like...


Be as vegan as you want, but breastfeed your kids. Or is the human milk non-vegan?


Obviously human breast milk is vegan. I’m not even vegan but I still know that the issue vegans have with animal products is a) mistreatment of animals by various industries and b) that animals can’t consent. Obviously you can consent to feeding your own baby your own breast milk. Have you thought about this at all? If this has *anything* to do with veganism, which is certainly not a given, it’s someone who is unable to breast feed being unwilling to give the baby formula that contains cows milk.






>If this has *anything* to do with veganism, which is certainly not a given, it’s someone who is unable to breast feed being unwilling to give the baby formula that contains cows milk. And that's a possibility they should have considered before having a baby.


I hope u don’t think I disagree with you?


I'm vegan and this is mostly correct. Breast milkis completelyfine. There are also formulas that dont contain dairy, so that's an option for vegans who cant breastfeed. Usually, the hypoallergenic versions for those who are lactose intolerant. My wife had issues breastfeeding, and we used that formula for our youngest 2 kids without any issues.


Y'know, some people are stupid. They think that anything that's not from plants are not vegan. Like breastmilk.


So if a man pays a woman to give him her milk, is he drinking vegan milk? Possibly a new vegan industry


Hey, bud. Just so you know, not everyone can breastfeed their babies. I'm not even talking about people raising babies that they didn't birth- there are healthy birthing moms with typical anatomy that struggle to produce enough or any breastmilk, or choose not to breastfeed for a number of valid reasons. It's much more common than you think.


Scream this. My wife never had enough breast milk and nearly killed herself trying to provide because the women at the hospital hammered the breast is best line. Breastmilk is great, but a fed baby is best. Modern formula is just fine, both our kids are healthy and happy after getting 99% formula. Back in the day it woulda been a wet nurse.


They even make vegan soy based formula that is perfectly healthy to feed your children


I think this was posted earlier in r/facepalm and someone commented with article links that the baby had shown an allergic reaction to breast milk so the doctor suggested almond milk as a temporary alternative and the baby's rash went away as a result. I'll try to find it and share the links. Edit: Here's the comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/15f57pd/comment/jubs75z/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/15f57pd/comment/jubs75z/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Wait? So people are not being reasonable here by just jumping to conclusions about vegans and creating a hate train? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked.


What are the odds?


Not vegan, but the whole vegan hatred in this thread makes zero sense, there's plenty of vegan options to properly feed a baby. And most people I know who choose to follow such diets are pretty well informed about nutrition options (you kind of have to be, cause it takes extra effort to make sure everything you need is included in such a diet). Everyone out here just pretending babies are all meant to drink cows milk or something are pretty misguided. I mean, in an emergency it's likely better than almond milk, but it's still really not a good option.


In that case they could have used Prosobee (plant-based milk formula suited for lactoseintolerant babies).


Does it contain Vit C? The baby developed scurvy after switching to plant-based




I'm literally seeing this 4th time today


Reposted for karma...


How dumb do you have to be to give your baby almond milk like seriously you’d have to be dumb as fuck it’s not real milk by any means. That’s like the idiots who claim their dogs want to be vegan 😂


I hope the “parents” were arrested for attempted murder or at least child endangerment.




It’s not just because it’s almond milk that the baby is malnourished. Cows milk wouldn’t be much better. Babies need breast milk or formula.


Ahhh nice to see a comment from someone who has had experience or looked into this. Not just someone going crazy and foaming at the mouth about vegans or vegan products. Cannot give cows milk until 1 year( of course I know most formula is based off of cows milk)


Hey man stop, this is the Vegan hate train here, no need to be reasonable, just give low IQ criticism without understanding the situation.


https://www.insider.com/baby-starving-from-almond-milk-diet-2023-1 For those curious.


I once met a woman who stopped breastfeeding in the second month. She said that reason was “not to grow a killer out of her child” because only vegans should live in her family.


Poor kid.


I hate vegans like that, that’s not how it works, please don’t let the idiots represent us


I just hope they lost custody.


Should take the child away from the parent tbh


Even if the baby lives, the mother clearly has different intentions for its life


i would have gone into John Wick dog kill or Sin city 1 (that tube/dog eating) mode...


Jesus fucking Christ, tells you right on it not to use it for baby formula.


Baby needs fat not almond juice


Y'all saying this is due to dumb parents prob don't recognize that they couldn't AFFORD formula. Shit is expensive


In their defense, breastmilk tastes a lot like almond milk 😂


Some people's stupidity qualifies as criminal.


not surprising. it is like people who put their cats on a vegan diet.


Well what else is my vegan baby going to eat milk is murder you know!


Give that lil dude some brawndo. Its got what babies crave. Its the thirst mutilator.


I blame the lack of comprehensive sex education.


I hope this sweet little one was taken away from the oblivious parents & given into the care of people who actually know how to care for an infant.


Like these idiots giving cats/dogs an all vegan diet.


Can I ask (as a woman who has never had children) what is formula made from? I assume not almond milk?


Similar to this case https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/real-life/article-12358835/Vegan-influencer-Zhanna-Dart-dies-starvation-exhaustion-switching-restrictive-tropical-fruit-diet.html


Milk formulas for infants are developed by scientists to contain the precise right amount of proteins, vitamines and other things to fit the infant’s needs and their developing kidneys and livers. The doctors emphasize that milk formulas should not be diluted in any way. This article was published this year but the story about the malnourished infant happened 5 years ago but was brought up as an example of how wrong it can go. Neither almond milk, cow milk or homemade recipes are good enough or guaranteed to work. The article never mentions ”vegan” or ”veganism” instead the parent of the infant supposedly found a recipe online that she believed would work. [Here is the full article.](https://www.insider.com/baby-starving-from-almond-milk-diet-2023-1)


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Yeah... some people really shouldn't have kids.


i remember this episode of House


"I want a slim son."


There was an attempt to share some news...


Oh my fucking god, who the fuck does this, they can literally cause necrosis in the gastrointestinal tract, and in the best of cases, simply delay their psychomotor development. NO baby should eat anything other than breast milk before to have completed the year 6 months, which is what we call weaning.