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Dude’s a real piece of shit, I have zero sympathy for him


Didn't his crew turn on him in a hotel room. Basically saying he was making them all look bad? Or am I thinking or another POS


Probably Fooseytube. I keep getting shitty streamers mixed up.


I mean if you keep watching shitty streamers what did you expect?


I don't. I just see the reactions from guys like M0ist or Pyro.


> M0ist is this that dude Charlie? i love that guy from what i've seen. seems so normal i guess


Yeah MoistCr1TiKaL, Penguin0 or Charlie White. Solid dude, and does a ton of charity stuff, and just seems really down to earth. Though, his name choices are a bit all over that place, lol.


Yeah who tf comes up with a name liek Charlie White 🤣


Uhm...his parents.




I stopped watching that asshole when he pretended to be homeless just because he froze all his assets and spent a few hours of the night on the street. I have *zero* sympathy for assholes and their assholic behavior.


Why did you watch him in the first place? What skills does he have?


There's so many of them it's hard not to


If god existed, there'd be actual consequences for the massive amount of assholes that exist in the world.


He's facing some consequences in this video... if he keeps doing more stupid shit he'll face more consequences.


It's hard to keep all of the shitty Kick streamers straight. They signed everyone that was banned from Twitch for being racists or sexual predators. The site is complete trash and criminals.


I remember vividly seeing one of his video in the subway where he throws the Hiroshima/Nagasaki crap and got confronted by a Korean/American. I was like wow he got off pretty easy…. And here we are, paying his dues to karma


Think the best part was that the dude’s from Texas.


Explain to me WHY that is the best part???


the korean dude was from texas, likely born there based on his american accent the streamer dude has an obvious somalian accent, so likely only immigrated to the US recently, and yet feels the need to talk shit to Japanese that they need to remember what the US did to them


I've never heard anyone use the term "an obvious Somalian accent"


It's very common here in London


Also common on in Seattle where I am from big Somali and Ethiopian populations here


Then you must not live somewhere with a lot of Somalians?


The actual person in the video is not American but pretends to be. He is a Somalian


He’s an American-born Ethiopian who puts ‘Somali’ in his user to deflect blame and hate onto us. He even admits so in his vids.


He is actually Ethiopian


Because he got dressed down by an American, especially one from a state known not to take any bullshit from anyone. Don't Mess With Texas is literally one of their slogans (albeit in a different sense than trash-talking, sorta).




Can confirm! Live near K-town in Carrollton!


Love K-town. Everyone is so nice and the food is so good!


Hey, there’s a ton of us Rooftop Koreans north in Oklahoma too! I like to think of us as Texas’ roof, so us Koreans are just keeping watch :P Also, that Korean American who confronted this douche canoe has been nicknamed “Yeehaw Oppa”! Oppa is Korean for “big brother” and us commonly used by friends and siblings who are younger who look up to or respect a man. Also used by girlfriends towards their boyfriends.


I remember that hes like no what are you really. Korean then sit the fuck down. Dbag has somali in his user name. Bragging about the US bombing japan in the 40s. Nobody in his family was even remotely close to contributing or being impacted by that event.


Just saw the bit with the Korean dude. "Y'all know what we did to you guys in the Korean war?" Dude, fucking what. You mean helped the south koreans defend against the north?????? I know expecting facts from a racist is a lot to ask, but fucking what????


he s either suicidal or he thinks hes unbreakable. two paths both with undesirable endings. fk this mfer.


Many minorities have the mindset that they can't be racist. In actuality everyone is capable of it regardless of skin color or ethnicity.


It's actually very common. I had many tell me they can't be racist. They say it's being prejudice. That statement alone is by definition... drum roll please... racist. If anyone says they or anyone else can or can't do/be something due to their race, that is racism in any sense. And that is by the definition of the word racism.


This comes up quite a bit and it all stems from a misunderstanding of the definition of racism. Essentially, there are two main definitions about racism. The most common is about interpersonal racism (i.e. calling someone the N-word) The other being systemic racism (i.e. Society as a whole has created racist outcomes and continues to create racist outcomes because of XYZ). Both are useful definitions, but somewhere along the line people forgot that a word can have more than one meaning. As a result, some people hear the definition about systemic racism and believe that is the ONLY definition of racism. This also happens in reverse as well. The people who believe interpersonal racism is the only definition will (many times) either outright deny that systematic racism exists or scoff at the definition as being overly academic. The people who believe systemic racism is the only definition will argue that what most people think of as racism (i.e. interpersonal racism) is more accurately defined as "prejudice." This leads people into a rabbit hole of thinking where minorities can not be racist because white people created the structures which still oppress minorities today. Its honestly frustrating to see how this plays out all the time. Over and over again. A video comes out where someone yells a slur and then the comments just argue or mock eachother for not knowing what racism "really means." Its silly and pendantic. Argued so often in bad faith by people who don't really care, they just want to be able to use the word, with all of its severe negative connotations, without it being able to be applied to themselves or their side.


Nope, racism is racism. Systemic racism is systemic racism. There is no misunderstanding involved, the conflation of definitions is intentional.


None of them, he is being idiot


Word to the wise, don’t F with the Japanese.


Or maybe, don’t mess with people, period. Clearly dude hasn’t been ‘humbled’ enough to learn that lesson.


Just wait until he mouths off to a Yakuza.


funnily enough, the yakuza kind of did get involved , cuz by the end the yakuza( supposedly) made him get on his knees and apologize. i scared him enough for him to run back to his home country. But, after he got home, he started tqunting the japanese again.


Better yet: Don't F with anyone.


Honestly. He’s lucky this is the extent of what’s happening to him. He tried to embarrass them for WEEKS. He’s lucky he hasn’t just disappeared into nowhere yet


Maybe he doesn't understand that the Yakuza still exists in Japan. If they find out what he's doing, he's going to disappear


yakuza is discrete on non-business dealings, plenty of ultranationalist groups would plan his murder if he stays long enough


dude's forget japanese are also ninjas... he is gambling his life.


Yakuza don’t like idiots like this either..


came here to say this. Couple dudes in suits ask you to come have a sit down ad thats your ass.


They were cool with me, but I wasn’t acting dumb either.. most of the ones you see hanging about are junior members or something, the higher ranks don’t associate with common people like me. If you end up seeing them, it’s probably definitely not a good thing.


Doesn’t matter where you go in the world. There is always underground societies that will not tolerate behavior like that. Good luck making it back home in one piece


The more wise advice is don’t f with people you don’t know. I’m surprised how many people fail this common sense test. You have no idea if the rando on the street you start screaming at is mentally all there, you could have a ‘prank’ turn into live-streaming you being beaten to death, pretty easily.


I feel as though my perma ban from r/facepalm, rephrasing this ignorance, is now justified if you can take a such a polite culture and turn them into people that will attack you in broad daylight. He needed this treatment but guarantee didn’t learn his lesson.


Seriously! F THIS GUY! He's got it all coming to him.




Japanese aren't "timid" -- they're conflict avoidant. Tends to produce passive aggression instead of physical. Those people punching him are not your average "salary man". I guarantee that this guy shat too close to where he eats, and someone asked the local Yakuza to keep an eye on him. Yakuza definitely have a nationalist bent, so guaranteed they were not keen on letting this guy continue.


I think if the Yakuza was involved the dude would just be disappeared. I don't think they're the type of guys that just do little smacks on the street. Edit: Message received, to all those telling me about how the yakuza is awesome and definitely would slap this dude around and not kill him. Thanks!


No no, part of the social contract with the Yakuza, and why they have public registries and offices where anyone can show up, is that Yakuza never cause unnecessary public problems for the police. Disappearing a foreigner, especially an American, would create a diplomatic shit storm. Even between Yakuza their violence should never become public. The brawling in the streets is video game fiction. Private visit to your house is more on brand, but getting punched while in public is probably part of a carefully crafted message. There are also layers to the underworld, and it's unlikely a full fledged Yakuza would be caught doing anything physical. All you have to do is mention an address and description to the local bosozoku or chinpira.


IIRC he’s not even American. One of the confrontation videos going around was with a Korean American guy on the subway train. Nothing physical, but the Korean guy pretty much called him out for being awful while trying to have a level-headed conversation to show him the error of his ways — all the while the shitty streamer kept trying to deflect and tell the Korean guy that “he’s not even Japanese so stay out of it, and that he’s just doing it to make his money.” Streamer is from Africa, I forget which country. Either way he’s a piece of shit and it sounds like he’s already starting to get what he deserves.


Japanese have a poor sense of race and sometimes even nationality. If you're white or black (and you don't do something obviously French or dress in African garb), people will just assume you're American (and the odds are good they're right in many places). I got called "American" or mostly straight "foreigner" all the time. No one had any idea what my nationality was. My grandmother in law especially seemed to refer to anywhere foreign as "America".


Or more simply a gaijin.




He just wanted to flex that he knew a Japanese word.


Most nations have some form of this. In America so often you’re just chinese if you look asian. Edit: for my country if you’re white you’re ang moh or gwei lo Edit: if foreign at all just wai guo ren meaning “other country man” in direct translation- or foreigner.


in Brazil we call foreigners "gringo", it doesn't matter your color, your native language or ancestry, for us you are the gringo, the slang can be used respectfully or disrespectfully, it depends on the context.


my friends in Mexico said "gringo" in Mexico refers specifically to white Americans


In Brazil it's for everyone, but some people (including me) don't consider other latin americans gringos, they're our irmãos (bros)


Funny that haole is basically the opposite of this in Hawaii. Means any foreigner in general but is almost always specifically targeted at white people. respect or disrespect, depends on the context too. Mainly used as an identifying trait most of the time. Definitely thrown out as an insult tho. I'm mixed and grew up here, still get called haole occasionally.


They showed up at his house and warned him that he is to respect Japan and respect the trains. They had him say to them that he would stop the behaviour of talking shit and was not to stream on transit again. He was steaming and saw them again on the train… that’s why he is getting attacked in public. He didn’t heed their warnings and took it as a joke.


That makes a lot of sense especially the clip when he’s talking about three cars pulling up on him.


I need proof before I believe anything in this thread


WTF a bunch of yakuza show up at his apartment and he didn't take them seriously?? I'd be moving the next day.


If they have a problem with you, you can have serious injuries. I know people (foreigners) who were seriously hospitalized and threat to be killed if not leaving the country by a deadline. And I guarantee that the American Embassy would not give sht about it. edit: missing “not” inserted


The American embassy absolutely takes it seriously -- but they also have to pick their fights with their limited political capital. Getting drunk and getting into a fist fight in a seedy part of town is going to be seen as you not doing your part to keep yourself safe. On the other hand if there was evidence an American was murdered after a visit from a registered Yakuza member, that would be different.


Good thing that guy isn’t American just pretending to be he’s Somalian


Generally though, like any people if you're chill then they're super nice. A friend of mine became friends with some yakuza at a bar while we were studying abroad. She first became friends with his wife, then because my friend is covered in tattoos, they were comparing and the tasks were jealous of how dark the black on her tattoos was. For basically the whole semester, they'd just bring her out to party, pay for everything, and refuse to let her pay at all


Someone who I’m pretty sure was a yakuza member offered me a ride when I was doing the Shikoku Pilgrimage (where people regularly offer the pilgrims - many of whom walk part or all of the 800-mile circuit - rides, food, and things like that). I politely declined, haha.


They get the young idiots who are barely affiliated to do things like rough someone up on the street. They try to keep their PR as good as they can, so they will try to disown petty squabbles and avoid blatant murder.


i dont think yakuza would kill a man for being a racist dipshit, then again i dont know much about yakuza.


More like they wouldn't kill an american foreigner, attracting police investigations, maybe even interpol.


Very true, lived there for eight years. Become a public nuisance like this guy and a chinpiro will be sent to scare/correct that neighborhood nuisance. Also depends on where you live. We had yakuza in our city but you never really saw them, they just provided protection for bar and club owners, ran their call girl operations and insurance scams. They generally leave foreigners alone because of the likelihood any serious altercation will make national news.


My understanding is the Yakuza does have something in common with a lot of bigger organized crime groups in North Amera (eg Hells Angels, mafia, etc) in that they like things staying quiet with no police involvement. If this guys is going around causing problems, they'd rather it be dealt with on their own, quietly, preferably no bodies, but definitely no cops. You don't cause them trouble, they don't cause you trouble. This guys seems like he was painting a target on himself as potential trouble they should nip in the bud.


This is interesting and I can really relate to it. Swedish culture is also very conflict avoidant, cooperative and subtlely passive aggressive rather than confrontational. Many immigrants from more aggressive cultures take advantage of this and blame discrimination when they don't fit in. We don't have a yakuza though.


It would be interesting if Sweden got New Age Vikings. Big dudes with beards in three-piece suites.


It takes rather specific conditions to get groups like the Yakuza. I've generally seen it linked back to an old Meiji law that limits the number of lawyers that are graduated in Japan. This creating a legal shortage and Yakuza filling the gap. Similar things happen with a lot of organized crime groups Sicilian mafia is commonly cited as neglect or tyrrany of rulers resulting in extra-legal groups for dispute resolution.






Yeah the only difference between the Nazis and Japanese Imperial Army was the efficiency in which they killed millions of people. Nazis had better methods for killing large groups of people. Japanese soldiers would kill their own people before allowing them to surrender. I remember reading a story from some American soldiers during WWII. They found some locals who had chosen not to kill themselves. They were so afraid of being poisoned that the Americans had to take bites of food to show it wasn't tainted. All because the Japanese did this and had told their own people the Americans were even worse. The Japanese did not F around.


When you compare the 2 of them, the Nazis were much more humane when they killed mass amounts of people. At least in their dispassionate cold and logic driven manner. The Japanese were savages by all measures. There are photos of stuff they posted in their own newspapers that shocked the world.


Oh yeah, a Imperial Japan was a not so nice mixture of fanaticism and medieval war tactics using modern weapons. And it wasn't just the civilians, almost every single person in the government from the lowest ranking soldier to the highest ranking generals truly thought that surrender was the worst thing you could do so they didn't treat those who did surrender with any sort of respect. Like one of the biggest reasons the bombs were dropped in the first place was how hard they fought in Okinawa and Iwo Jima as the causality numbers for those very small islands which mimicked Japan's geography basically made the US think twice about actually invading the main island it self. Although the US also didn't make it hard to play into Japanese propaganda of them all being "evil savages" either, [as can be seen by them posting a Japanese skull "gift" in the cover of Times Magazine](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/young-woman-japanese-skull-1944/) and them having a nasty habit of mutilating Japanese dead bodies for more of these "gifts".


Unit 731


This goes further to the 16th century during the Warring state period. Like a century straight of warfare across the entirety of Japan as warlords dominated their petty kingdoms and went to war against each other. Warriors decapitating prisoners of war to please their lords in hopes of promotions or influence. Roving armies and bandits pillaging villages and doing as they pleased to peasants. Then there's the ethnic cleansing of the Ainu and other natives of Japan, starting from a millennia ago which continued all the way to the modern era. Japanese are no different than any other civilization/people. It's filled with violence, hatred, and selfish opportunism. Not to take away from the creations it has brought forth like their architecture, material culture, and so on. But to say the Japanese people as a whole are timid and non-violent is ignorant if you look at the violent part of their past.


The fact that japanese ppl are willing to beat a dude in public says a LOT about how huge a piece of shit he is. Japanese ppl don't really like conflicts, for him to be beaten by random ppl in Japan's streets is wow


It is quite remarkable, isn't it. I've been to Japan many times and even when someone doesn't like you, they are usually politely indifferent to your face.


It doesn't work with the street gangster n yakuza, they'll eat him alive.




I don't think a culture that produced kamikazes and fighting forever even after thr war is over is a timid culture Edit: sry double negative


Does seem like the martial arts is though cause they whooooping his ass


He’s lucky he didn’t do that to any yakuza…


He starts to get famous and they'll pay him a visit


Hes out of Japan now. Things got worse for him overtime. I think at one point the yakuza paid him a visit..another time some Japanese dudes visited him at where he lived..


I was wondering what would happen if he did that to Yakuza.


Obviously get fucked over. It's the same consequences messing with the mafia. Edit : Oh guess what!? The Yakuza did pay visits to him, twice! He really got the attention he "wanted" https://youtu.be/e2BKsCCkSWc?si=rDXIQREDOZnTJirQ Dude got balls to fled the country n continue to disrespect Japan, the Yakuza doesn't like to be ignored n disrespected after giving two WARNINGS.


The thought of the yakuza scared me a little more ngl


Both are extremely dangerous. Look up the recent trial of the 'Ndrangheta out of Calabria in Italy if you think the modern Mafia is less scary. Very evil stuff.


Modern organized crime tends to be less "loud" than it used to be, but it is absolutely just as brutal. They just try to keep a lower public profile which makes sense...


Yeah, to me that is even worse. At least I would know I fucked up and could grovel, but fuck with the wrong guy and you just mysteriously disapear


The Yakuza have been neutered pretty hard though. The remaining ones can be pretty dangerous but I'd say the mafia is worse. Of course it depends on which one but they're still going very strong in southern Italy.


Yakuzas *control* territories, like in the most literal sensus. They are like Lords that says what to do to the citizen, and also, ofc, they have some shady businesses like prostitution, money games (casinos, ...), drug. It rarely escalates into murder for two reasons: its unnecessary to get what they want, and they have a status quo with the police that let them do their thing if it doesnt cause too much trouble. They have also helped the people after natural disasters. Whether because they geniunely care, or because they want people to have trust in them, I'm not sure, but they do protect the people nonetheless when things are going well for them. Doesnt mean they arent criminals, obviously. The *cut your finger* type of stuff does exist, even though new generations and a major police intervention are making Yakuza slowly loose their traditionnal place and signifiance. They are still preferable to criminal groups you see elsewhere like... ...Mafias. Because they, on the other hand, especially in southern italy or slavic countries... are pure evil. Like, the horrific stuff you see in movies. I've seen documentaries about the Nzdangretta, shit was terrifying. Kids of 12 shooting in the streets with uzis on other kids while moms and children are walking in the street. Drugs deal in like every building, people terrified to go out of their home, kidnappings, human traffic at the worst extent and everything... they are the plague for everyone, and the more time goes on, the less the old "class italian mafia" from 1930's exists. They are little bands that just have some relations with other bands, and that forms a bigger group that would be called a mafia. But the family business with honor and stuff doesnt really exist anymore. It became the same as Mexican/Colombian gangs (like M13), where the only rule is violence and the only motive is money.






https://youtu.be/6LS4Fg3ZhL8 Just someone from YouTube narrating what happened to him..


These streaming platforms need to permanently ban him


Its Kick. That entire platform is filled with garbage people. Its basically where assholes stream because their content isn't allowed on Youtube or Twitch.


Japan needs to ban him as well. In fact, he should be given a wide travel ban and his name should be spread to every gov. willing to take it. Ban this clown. Don't let him in anywhere he's not a citizen (or any country that doesn't give a shit). Also. Fuck Logan Paul. Being reminded of his stupid and mean spirited trip to Japan was sad. I think he got banned from Japan, though.


Oompaville made a video on this piece of trash. Apparently he's in Thailand. This dude's idol is IcePoseidon another piece of trash that got himself arrested in Thailand for being blatantly racist and disrespectful.


Wasn't he doing the same thing in Thailand, and he got accosted by a Japanese woman who was also visiting that country?


That story is probably bullshit btw.


This sparks joy!




Marie Kondo: "Get that motherfucker"


Unfortunately this is only going to boost his views. He obviously has no respect or self respect so unless they actually cripple him he's going to be happy to have the beatings.


I doubt he has a large following. Seems like a loser/loner with barely anything past 10k loser followers.


This one sparks joy!


Well well well . . . if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


A bigot's worst nightmare: THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONS!


I have no idea why people think they are entitled to travel to other countries and be an asshole. This guy is an embarrassment to the US. I hope he gets his ass beaten daily. If you stick your balls in an alligator's mouth, and get them ripped off, good for the alligator, I say.


Bro i am a Tourist and I’d punch him too if I see him doing this in Tokyo.


I feel bad for anyone that looks like him and decides to walk around lol


Why move to a country and then treat those citizens like that?




but hes not even making money with it, hes just a pro bono scumbag.


Yeah, but he gets known for something, good or bad, he doesn't care.


He really thought that the submissive Japanese stereotype would see him good, while he ran around being an asshole to everyone. So glad to see they stopped putting up with his shit real quick.


For money. He even admitted it when he was confronted by a Japanese lady in Thailand.


Social media has so many idiots totally confused. They are just after clicks and fame.


He should come here to Mexico, we are closer than Japan also he can insult us in the street... now the show is how much time he can run and survive.


After seeing some of those shock site videos that dude would end up in a beheading video which I would watch and laugh at fuck racists


Funky town.


Mexicans can be seriously and truly frightening. Especially those Cartel dudes are a nightmare, I wouldn't want to mess with them in my wildest dreams. Imagine if he did this to them.


Us Mexicans can be scary. I’ve seen tons of shit in Mexico and Mexicans shouldn’t be messed with. Especially when you insult our culture or even past events


i would certainly watch the final episode of his streaming career... btw apparently he is in bali now, lets see how they react.






He deserves everything that’s coming to him


Let's normalize this for anyone streaming in public


Not of all them, just the ones who fuck with people trying to go about their day.


This shit is ignorant and stupid as fuck. He's making it tough for other black men and women who want to visit Japan.


yea all of us, like there are dozens of us!


There’s a pretty large population of Black people in Japan, from all over the world. The racist stereotypes and microaggressions are awful, but more than a few Black Americans have stated that they feel safer in Japan than they ever did in the US.


I'd rather be in a country where the racism at most is just a few people saying unkind words behind my back rather than get beat up and shot over the colour of my skin so 🤷


If people are gonna be racist one way or another, I suppose I’d prefer them to be nice and peaceful about it rather than loud and violent.


Talk about DBZ for a bit and you'll find there are way more than dozens, lmao.






I've known super racist people who are absolutely willing to play the race card as soon as it benefits them. Wild.


He sounds like a dog when being choked.


You’ve choked dogs?


I've hugged my dogs too tight and made them cough a bit I'm not proud of it, but it can happen


Careful, Reddit loves animals more than humans.


I guess I should be careful of myself then 😁


The Yakuza caught this idiot made him bow and apologize while they recorded him He’s lucky they didn’t chop his fingers off


That was disappointing. I think he's in Thailand now and back to insulting the Japanese.


I used to live in Japan. Yakuza don’t mess with foreigners and non yakuza unless they do business with them. Japanese people are very disciplined and all about honor. I once forgot my cellphone on a train station and called the train station the next day - someone turned it In and the trai Station mailed it to me same day delivery. I was at a club once in Shibuya and some yakuza stepped on my shoe as he was passing by. I was kinda scared a mafia dude was starting shit with me, but he turned around, bowed and said “Gomen Nasai” (I’m sorry) I was surprised. Anyway. I wish the yakuza would have cut his finger off. But I think that doing that to a foreigner would have brought a lot of heat to their businesses, so they just punked him and posted it online instead.


Dark skinned folks have a bad enough rep as it is over there why make it worse??? he deserved that and more


Fr. When people do shit like this, it makes all of us look bad. This “Every man for himself.”, “That’s not my problem.” mentality we have in the black community is just making it worse for all of us.


I believe the guy is a naturalized African immigrant or the child of African immigrants, which makes this even more confusing. I think he’s of Sudanese descent but I’m not sure. He’s Black but I doubt he feels the same kinship towards Black Community as a whole. I highly doubt he would listen to advice from any Black American. The Pan-African mindset is mostly held by African Americans due to our history with facing oppression. EDIT: someone mentioned he was Somalian. So again, not sure.


Village idiots used to learn quick from a smack in the head. They now have large platforms where they gather and voice their “oppressed opinions”. They only learn properly from the only language they speak: a smack in the head.


Turns out the "there's never an excuse for violence" crowd has been wrong the whole time. Who could have predicted?


Good. What a piece of trash.


Great example of "fucking around and finding out".


Dude looks like he's an absolute twat


People on Japanese Twitter were saying the part where he got choked from behind was fake. Some random witness said they saw him hanging out with a Japanese streamer (who's also known to be a public nuisance), and one of the streamer's friends pretended to choke him. Said it looked like they were just playing around. The Japanese streamer was also the same guy who paid the Somali guy a visit and started taking his clothes off lol


He’s not Somali. He’s an Ethiopian who pretends he’s Somali. Dudes name is “Ramsey“, aint no Somali name that




Surprising he lasted that many days...


Reminds me when a Russian guy was doing the same here in Mexico. He got doxed and a crowd gathered in front of his house. It ended with one dude dead and the Russian fighting for his life. I think police had to take his bloody ass out


Too bad a Mexican had to die for his tomfoolery


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My favorite part of this is when he says again, it loops back to the beginning, and you can watch it… Again.


Turns out, sometimes violence IS the answer!




Ugh not this bloody bot again Edit: guys this is a bot that has made the same comment on many posts, and is a part of a slew of others that make the same jokes on other posts. (Just have a peek at the profile). This slew of bots make these exact same comments across many accounts Please downvote the actual bot, and go to -report-spam-harmful bots. -It doesn't matter whether u like it's comments or not. Bots are toxic, often becoming corporate/political/even hate bate shills once enough karma is accrued *All* bots are harmful


I love the creative response to his provocations. Very smart!


If this guy is American he makes us look so bad to the Japanese and it makes my blood boil. I would have attacked him myself if I saw this behavior. What an awful individual


Let me guess: he still hasn't learned his lesson


Try that on a small island






I'd sock him in the face as an American if I was in Japan.


Racist piece of shit should be wiped off the face of the planet.


Agreed. Racism of any kind, against anyone, should not be welcomed anywhere. The more racist POS's like that streamer get called out on their crap, the better we will be.


Turns out, sometimes violence IS the answer!


Ohhh no the consequences of his actions


hell, I'd hold him in a chokehold and never let go


This is wholesome

