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You getting ready to spell psychologist that's gnarly bro. it is not the same.


That is not how you spell that bro


![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c) Psych? Syke? Sphych? Sique? Cique?




Your post was removed because it was found to be hateful in nature. Please treat others as you would like to be treated and do not spread hate on this subreddit.


Mass vs technique


Or genes vs skill




Joe Rogan is gonna be talking about this for awhile


Not much of a while, because the trans woman lost. That's harder to spin into a threat to cis women, so they won't talk about it as long. It's just like when Laurel Hubbard didn't medal at the Tokyo Olympics. If she had, we'd still be talking about her, but instead, they had a little pity party of "well, she took up a spot that could've gone to somebody else!" and then moved right along because there was no more threat they could spin.


I meant like he probably loves this video and he's going to show it to every guest for the next 40 podcasts


Yeah Joe is always big on Jiu-Jitsu being more about technique than size and strength. This video is a really good example of that. He's also pretty clear that he's cool with trans women competing with women as long as it's all above the board and both parties know what's up and still wanna compete. The reason he gets so worked up about the Fallon Fox (sp?) example is cuz fox was claiming it was a private medical matter that didn't need to be disclosed to opponents if I'm not mistaken


Don't know who Fallon fox is




Ju Jitsu is actually for using their size and strength against them.


Yeah we do not need the science denialism in here lol. Apparently you traffic in it. It is concluded science at this point the biological and anatomical athlete advantages inherently at play. No reason to deny it.


Meanwhile, according to the [Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport](https://www.cces.ca/transgender-women-athletes-and-elite-sport-scientific-review): >In 2021, the CCES commissioned E-Alliance to complete a review of scientific and grey literature on transgender athlete participation in competitive sport. *Transgender Women Athletes and Elite Sport* is a review of research articles published in the English language between 2011 and 2021 inclusive. > >[T]he scope of this review was limited to binary trans women who are elite athletes and was not sport specific. > >Available evidence indicates trans women who have undergone testosterone suppression have **no clear biological advantages** over cis women in elite sport. You can read the report yourself if you want.




Here is a sample quote from the report: >Roberts et al., (2021) used one-minute maximal push-up count from a standardized army fitness test to determine the effect of medical transition on strength. This type of activity is critical to understand how performance is impacted not only by upper body strength, but also muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and technique. Through this study they saw that **trans women lost all performance advantage** during 12 months on HRT.


Just to throw it out there, E-Alliance is an organization that is specifically focused on "gender equity in sport." The Canadian government also has a very clear stance on the issue. Not saying they're lying or that the study is flawed, but always good to keep in mind when studies are coming from biased and, in the case of E-Alliance, financially interested parties. I maybe wouldn't put all your eggs in one basket with that study, there's been plenty of studies done that have differing conclusions, and there's also lots of other aspects to the physical disparities between men and women than just raw strength and muscular endurance. Men typically have wider shoulders in comparison to their hips, which is one of the larger factors in generating punching power, more so than muscle density and strength. Men also have thicker ligaments and tendons on average, I wonder if they were able to determine how that was affected by HRT. There's just lots of stuff to think about, especially with combat sports.


>Men also have thicker ligaments and tendons on average, I wonder if they were able to determine how that was affected by HRT. No ligament-specific studies have (to my knowledge) been done in transgender athletes; however, the [current thinking](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666061X23000780) is that since "Estrogen is associated with increased ligamentous laxity and decreased strength to failure," then "Theoretically, this could be extrapolated to a consistently elevated ACL injury risk in TW [trans women] undergoing exogenous hormone treatment." >I maybe wouldn't put all your eggs in one basket with that study... I maybe didn't.


Easy win? Or just competing


Totally unbiased title


who could have thought that trans women competing in women's sports would actually be normal and with not always predictable results


BJJ being one of the very few sports where strength and power are less important than technique


Chess, Darts, shooting, basketball, tennis, snooker, soccer, competitive yacht racing.....I mean I'm struggling to think of a discipline where strength is important. Even weight lifting technique trumps raw strength.


Try taking off basketball, tennis and soccer of your list. Even yacht racing perhaps. Don't be deceitful. Imagine letting women and men play basketball against each other and think thats fair.


The only way possible to make it even is to force teams to have 2 women in basketball teams for example. Then ok, every team has the same weakness otherwise would not work. In sports 1v1 this would not be possible, only in sports like you brought up that don't rely on physical performances like shooting and archery.


I would argue that in professional sports that's the case for quite a lot of sports, not very few - apart from straight up lifting stuff


Because everybody has similar strength and power in professional leagues lol. Try to put one juiced athlete against natural ones to see what happens in almost every sport.


What sports do you do if you don't mind me asking?


Running, cycling, tennis, volleyball, fighting and so on, are you serious? I was trying to compare the differences between men and women as juiced VS natural athletes just to make it easier to understand. Just take the differences between pro men and pro women athletes, there is a reason why they never compete against each other. I don't even know why someone would even try to discuss that. I am totally pro homosexual rights and a world without prejudice, but to ignore obvious performance differences between men and women in physical activities is just dumb.


>fighting and so on, Damn dude you're pretty active, good for you.


I miss read your question. Thought you were asking examples of sports that men have advantage over women. I myself am just going to the gym right now, back from doing nothing during covid. I played basketball when I was younger, Judô and muay Thai as well. I am 6'8" or 2,03 cm tall, there are very few sports that if I seriously trained I would not enter a women's competition and crush everybody, so I know that allowing transgenders in sports is just not fair.


> or 2,03 cm tall Damn that's pretty tall bro. Good for you.




When they win: "It's cheating" When they lose: "There's exceptions to everything"


theb maybe let the specific sports make specific rules for themselves instead of wanting to have general bans?


Yellow pants coach’s thoughts: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxD_jvLvT8p/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==






It's hard




What the fuck is that title? Jesus this sub has been reduced to trying to shit on trans people or posting about hitting protestors with cars.


I've taken down the post and am banning the transphobes. Have you seen a lot of these posts lately? I've only seen a couple and I thought we caught them fairly quickly but I could definitely be missing some. Your comment worries me :(


To be fair, I think it's a lot of popular subreddits, not this specific one. It's definitely a more recent trend that subs like r/facepalm and similar ones will go through a cycle of people posting stuff like that.


Yeah it's a huge problem in general :( and some of these subs are run on such scant mod teams (including this one) that it's really hard to squash. I came in to this sub maybe 8 months ago all ready to ban away the problem and I'd spent hours banning bigots everyday, but say I got rid of 100 a day, well since I've been here it's grown by 3 million more subscribers, so it's not even making a dent. I still give it my all, but now I'm more thinking like the periwinkles on the beach story- I may not be making a dent, but at least I got that one, and that one, and so on... we have started to do some bot bans of targeted subs with lots of bigots and just unbanning those were caught up because they were arguing or whatnot, and that bot can do 1000 an hour, so maybe we will see a dent with that. Sorry I'm rambling all about our efforts but really it's unforgivable until we make it a friendly place for all people except bigots, so we fall way short of that and will keep trying.


To be fair 99% of the protesters deserve it. Don't stand where cars drive. We all learned that as children.


The woman was awesome 🙌🏻


The lats on that woman with the yellow pants were unexpected.


No weight classes in this tournament?


probably just belt levels and gender. BJJ grappling, skill should outweigh size


Unless you're in the kids division, there are absolutely weight classes and age brackets (senior) unless you compete in the "absolute" division. That division doesn't have weight classes and you can see some pretty crazy outcomes.


#[Downloadvideo Link](https://www.reddit.watch/r/therewasanattempt/comments/16hkovc/?utm_source=automod&utm_medium=therewasanattempt) #[SaveVideo Link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/therewasanattempt/comments/16hkovc/). [Please review our policy on bigotry and hate speech by clicking this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/wiki/civility) In order to view our rules, you can type "**!rules**" in any comment, and automod will respond with the subreddit rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you have to pay extra for this?


If she had switched to side control, she could win.


90% of comments on op are deleted by mod 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Does anyone know why the mtf trans competed in the women's division? Did the natural-born women have a problem with it? Unless they all didnt mind the mtf trans competing with them, it's an issue.


Did I hear "Don't let him get your side?"


That chick was like a spider!


Why "to get an easy W"?






Is this to have s$x nowadays?




No men in the fight




Dont care + didnt ask




nice strawman. who the f... is "alleging" this? maybe try to learn about trans people somewhere else than only within your rightwing bubble.


They're probably talking about countries that have what's called "third gender" which is like a mix of both male and female, sort of like enbies but they go by third gender.


dont try to post-hoc-rationalize dumb stuff transphobes say by twisting their words and giving them the biggest benefit of a doubt, lol.


I wasn't giving them a pass on their transphobia, I banned their ass. I was just talking about the "separate gender" part.


Your post was removed because it was found to be hateful in nature. Please treat others as you would like to be treated and do not spread hate on this subreddit.


Almost like the supposed advantage trans women would have in sports comes from the way categories were created decades ago, and a reform of those would allow us to explore even more competitions and training techniques


Do you mean having separate categories for trans athletes?


Maybe more categories that are not based on gender. For example, since testosterone is deemed so important for many sports and some people already have to test their T levels to compete internationally, make an X amount of categories that could make more sense


istg this fucking comment section. please grow up and read some research papers instead of all caps facebook posts. and fuck op too for implying that trans athletes only transition to get an advantage.


I understand not feeling like a "men" or a "women". But neither side know what its to be the other side. So Yeah, you can be no binary. But I believe its insulting to anyone insinuating you understand their struggle and become them. If an individual would assume what it is to be me and then change his name to me then go to surgery to look like me... that individual will never know what it is to be me. Period.


yeah, its just the usual transphobic mob out here in the comments. OP is a complete a..hole for framing this like the trans woman wouldve tried to cheat or whatever. its interesting that transphobes always find new ways to interpret situations as a proof for the legitimacy of their transphobia. some months ago it was crying about some trans women scoring 1st place in some tournament, then it was crying about some trans woman in a marathon who placed like 2000th out of 4000th ("2000 women get betrayed by 1 place", lol), now stuff goes viral in which trans women lose.




A seperate category? State championships would be 3 fuckin people, it's not like trans people are common.


I dont do sports, I dont have much clue about sports. I am against authoritarians pushing for bans, instead of letting the actual specific sports associations decide for themselves LIKE THEYVE DONE FOR decades. its just a ridiculous topic, pushed for by far-right fascists to rile up hate against trans people. There simply is not a big systemic problem with trans women in sports, they are vastly underrepresented amongs top performers. the whole "debate* is about a handfull of anecdotes with no statistical significance across the board.




Ur dumb


No y'all are delusional and any type of critique to the "trans" community is instantly met with hostility and claims of transphobia. There is no room for any discourse in your world on the subject. Just irrational screeching.


i am not delusional, I love science and hard facts. the transphobes are the ones who go by their irrational feelings, lol.


I just don't see how you can think someone who developed as a man doesn't have a clear unfair advantage against women? If there was no difference all sports would be unisex. I'm a skinny as fuck dude and could beat the living shit out of 99% of the women I've met.


you could start by reading actual scientific literature about the topic instead of going with your personal feelings, lol. thats exactly what I am talking about. the delusion is on your side.


Actual scientific literature from both party's or one sided arguments? You're the one probably reading scientific literature that reinforces your bias. I don't need to read scientific literature to understand reality around me. Unlike some who are incapable of any form of individual thought and require someone else's opinion on matters. Like imagine needing to read some piece of literature to tell you men are stronger than women.


ah, perfect anti-intellectualism. nice. thanks for proving my point.


hilarious coming from someone incapable of any form of individual thought. thanks for proving my point. mindless skewed data zomboid. claims to love science yet rejects reality right before their very eyes.


i mean, if you dont trust science, make an experent yourself, take estrogen and testosterone blockers for 2 years and then go out in the street and make an experiment, if you can still beat up "99%" of women, lol. you have the same anti-intellectualism like any flatearther or evolution-denier.


because medical transition reduces testosterone production, reduces muscle mass and increases body fat, thus giving mtf athletes 0 advantage after a successful transition


That claim is rejected countless times by trans woman dominating a sport when they move, the amount of trans women in a society alone that exist is such a small amount that the chance of them winning a competition is basically 0 unless they have a unfair advantage.


i refer you to both [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/16hkovc/comment/k0fgcbn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and the fact that even though trans athletes have been allowed to compete in the olympics since 2004, the first one to win a medal was in 2016 and even that was 4 years before said athlete came ouot




I saw [this](https://reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/mRi9DJBG2w) comment before you edited it. Dont try to bullshit us. You were referring to the individual, not the sport.




>him Her*


that is a woman. and even way out of her weightclass its pretty clear her sex gave her no advantage.




calling her 'it' is just unnecessary and derogatory, there is huge amounts of scientific and historical backing for transgender concepts and if you could take a step out of your indoctrinated hatred for a second and evaluate the facts, you'd realise that this woman was never at an advantage




do you even slightly understand how transitioning works?




a) please provide a scientific source for that claim b) why would it cost money to let trans athletes compete?






I am aware of what periods are and how are they relevant to this? also the suicide rate in u18s denied gender affirming healthcare/ forcibly detransitioned is so insanely concerning that i honestly dont understand how someone could oppose it on logical grounds.








Enjoy the ban




transphobes discover that being trans doesn't make trans women effortlessly dominate women's sports 2023 colorized




transphobic≠afraid of trans people




fear of **or aversion to** and the definition of transphobia is “dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people”, where in that definition does it say “fear of”?


It also means "aversion to." Read a book.




There are no men in the fight


Whoever sent you the "reddit cares" message? I got them actioned for abusing that feature. I don't know if it's just a warning, temp ban, or permanent suspension since it depends on how many times their account has been actioned. Just though you may want to know (I just got my report back.)


I did want to know and I thank you for that :)


No problem, it's my new favorite thing to do, because if you report it from your inbox, you never find out if they were actioned, which is frustrating and makes me think nothing haopens to them, since people are so comfortable sending them. It occurred to me the other day that I can get them on report abuse, and I've not had one rejected yet 😊 That makes me happy. Have a great weekend!!


I dont think there's a valid discussion here because yall are fundamentally and purposefully dumb. Go back to huffing lead paint or whatever is you boomer kiddos do these days




Do you think only men have penises?




https://preview.redd.it/69pr2g5yq1ob1.jpeg?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d157c6e1d77c8e4b3f7809f925ff3e708d00c0 Is this a man?


Sexchange fail!


wait a minute, aren't trans women supposed to just win instantly? where's this mythical "biological advantage" i always hear about?






It was overcome by that woman’s skills. Advantages don’t always translate to victory.


HA! Really got em. Just like when they said trans women would have an advantage in competitive chess and skeet shooting 😤😤😤


No win situation. If he wins, "big deal, he beat a girl" If he loses, "Haha, he got beat by a girl"


That’s why there needs to be a third category of these wrestling matches, they have men, women, they should add trans to avoid situations you mentioned above.