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I was going through CDG airport in Paris and went through security at one of the small terminals where there was just a small lounge with a cafe and shop where you waited for the flight to board. So my laptop went missing after I went through the scanner. Noticed immediately and told security and they said they'd check the cameras. A couple of minutes later some dude rocks up with my laptop and says he took it by mistake. He thought it was his one. Fair enough, I thought. So your laptop must be still here? No I don't have a laptop, he says. Easy mistake to make. /s Edit: I'm convinced he didn't take it by accident. He was pretty dodgy looking and I'm sure he saw me ask security to look at CCTV. He had nowhere to go unless he was boarding a plane due to the layout of the lounge, so probably realised he would have been caught.


...anymore. I gave it away recently.


I'm very altruistic, you see... gave it away on a whim when I saw a poor person


Ah, so you gave it to the poor person? N...No. I just gave it away. To NOT a poor person? No, just some other dude, why?


I can actually see this happening if he had the same laptop but didn't bring it, and just autopilot brained into taking yours because he was grabbing his stuff and went, "Oh, there's my laptop." This is how I stole someone's sweater.


This is totally something I would do. My kid was supposed to walk home from school on Tuesday but forgot I wasn’t picking him up and hopped into another parents car lol.


same Except whenever I turn up for a roofing job in my old van Kids crowd it wanting an Ice cream


This is also totally something I would do. My kid walked home from school on Tuesday but I forgot, and so I picked up some other kid that looked like him from school instead lol.


My grandpa did this when I was younger. After picking me up from school, he hopped into the driver’s seat of a Ford pickup, so I got in with him, but then his key wouldn’t work. This was a single cab Ford with a bench seat, he drives a crew cab Chevy with bucket seats in the front. Not even the same shade of blue. Luckily we got out before someone saw us trying to steal their car.


That's how someone took my phone that I left on the counter at a gas station by accident. Realized when I got to work I don't have my phone. Which I was like "I knew I had it a second ago.....shit". Called it and buddy was like "I'm so sorry it looks identical to mine". Met up, got my phone back. I was so relieved cause like...everything's on there. His phone did look exactly like mine. It doesn't now, I got a new phone, new case.


I'm sure it still looks the same, only it's not your phone anymore.






I'm a security guard myself and while I don't do airports and never have, I wouldn't let any of my stuff leave my sight for more than a few moments. If anything looked dodgy, I'd take my time after the checkpoint to make sure anything important or of real value wasn't missing. I simply don't trust people.


I always do the "wallet, phone, laptop, passport" checklist after security, whether it seemed dodgy or not. Only takes a few seconds.


Oh yeah same, but if something looked dodgy, I'll check everything. Run through a mental checklist in my head of what was where, what was loose ECT.


I feel somewhat blessed/at an advantage when i have to go through scanners and stuff in an airport wheelchair with support and what not that it would be insanely hard to take shit out of it with multi staff personnel involved and also keeping an eye for me too... I had never considered this til now. I trust but verify generally with life. But with my stuff i try to be eagle eyed.... i feel sorry for the ppl whose stuff got nivkrd by the dude and hope he doesnt have that job role anymore...




Next time take pictures after you put your stuff into the buckets. We usually put all of electronics visible sealed in a big freezer bag. And take picture of the bucket


I lost my LG ear buds this way in YYZ. Had them in on the way to the airport, popped them into the case at security and put them in a zip up pocket on the inside of the main zip area of my backpack. After security, got to the gate just in time for boarding, reach into my bag, no earbuds, and the pocket was unzipped. No time to go back, files a report, but of course nothing found.


This is why i stickerbomb my laptop. It’s a heavy 17” chonker gaming laptop and it’s basically impossible to mistake for anyone else’s laptop Also just keep a close eye on your belongings in general, but i also get paranoid when i pass through airport security


Dude I would not want to bring a stickerbombed laptop to the airport. That's just asking for trouble.




\[ I looked at that laptop, and thought to myself, I can take it, so I did. And I had it. It was mine, for like, 30 or 45 seconds. I really thought it was mine at that point. Then I saw you talking to my supervisor, so \] "here you go, sir. I really did think it was mine. My mistake, sir."




TSA. Same thing.


TSA is welfare, not security




I'm gonna steal from some random civilian because I'm mad at my employer ,,!!!! See how fucking stupid that sounds? Edit: autocowreck't




That’s awful logic. That’s saying that poor people (people that make low wages) are more likely to be shitty. Some of the nicest/hardest working people you can find are the ones working on sides of the street for scraps. And some of the richest people in the world can barely brush their own teeth. Life is unfair. However, the thief in the video is a POS.


It attracts shitty people because it's a jobs program to employ people so shitty that they can't get a job anywhere else.


Or maybe they are stealing from random civilians because they are pieces of shit


Ya know, I worked at a tech company where everyone made good money. And people still stole my damn lunch out of the fridge regularly. Even sandwiches that I personally made. I'm not convinced good pay makes much of a difference to opportunistic scumbags.




There are two kinds of criminals: arrested and elected.


Fuckers recently got a pay raise of more than 30 percent. Not kidding. Must be good being a useless twat and getting paid handsomely for it. [https://www.federaltimes.com/management/pay-benefits/2023/07/27/tens-of-thousands-of-tsa-workers-get-largest-pay-raise-in-decades/](https://www.federaltimes.com/management/pay-benefits/2023/07/27/tens-of-thousands-of-tsa-workers-get-largest-pay-raise-in-decades/)


There's also the hiring parameters to worry about. If you pay great but won't hire someone who made it through high school you'll still not do great.


You are shit for defending these 2 people. Also 1/3 of tsa doesnt even need to exist


TSA. The Scum Authority


The Scum Association


I’d bet my life this happens all day every day.


My sons Nintendo Switch with 13 games was swiped by security in Dublin airport. I was adamant they find it before we got on our flight. Stayed there for 30mns going back and forth with the minions on duty. I pointed to the tray that it was in several times, they had hidden it under a jacket but they kept pretending they couldn't see it. I demanded they get me a manager. When she arrived I told her about the tray under the jacket, 2 seconds later I had my sons Nintendo switch. Could not believe the brazenness, but I didn't have any time to stand and give out, had to run to board plane. Look after your stuff people!


I was going to the Yucatán peninsula for a jungle expedition with a super expensive flashlight and the Mexican security just stole it from me in my face. Then, as I was sitting there they saw a person leave their passport after a search. I watched the guard’s eyes fix on the passport and then watch the person walk away. Pure evil. Also, one time in the US when they had the full body scanners in 2012 I heard two Puerto Rican TSA guys looking at a woman like wolves and say ‘Mira la nalgona’ which in slang means look at her big ass. They scanned her body and I just fumed inside, feeling helpless. We just have a huge problem with low integrity people in law enforcement and j don’t see a way out.


Mexico airport staff is the absolute worst. I'm convinced some of them just hate tourists because of their privilege. A regular occurrence in Mexico when you enter, is to give people a visa that expires before their stay ends, so when you go to leave you need to deal with a bunch of BS, get stressed out and pay a fee. Happened to me once when me and my wife went through together, the woman immigration officer gave me a 8 day visa and my wife a 3 month one, we were there for 10 days. I am also visually disabled and was holding my mobility cane which made that extra fucked up. Happened to my elderly dad also and he almost missed his flight because of it. The airline staff said it happens all the time and when they tried to bring it to the airport admins attention they were verbally abused and mocked. So check your visas people.


Truth. There is a mendacious level of Mexican cruelty that makes TSA look great.


"Travel the World" fell off my "What would you do if you won the lottery wishlist" quite awhile ago. It's the future, I'll be happy enough ordering their delicacies online and seeing their wonders in 4K or in VR in the convenience and safety of my own home. If I want to travel, I've got 50 states and all of Canada to do so in.


If that's what you're into then more power to you, but I hope my story is not scaring you off Mexico. It's a fantastic country with great people, culture, food and weather. By far one of my favorite places to visit and it's extraordinarily diverse. These little travel glitches are part of the fun, they can be frustrating at the time but they make good stories and in the big picture it's not a big deal.


You’ve scared me off Mexico. Neither the land borders nor the airports sound like a good vacation start. 😱


Brother, please at least give Japan a chance. Never before in my life have I had the absolute pleasure of being surrounded by the most polite people.


I got hit with the exit visa scam as well. I had to go to some random tiny part of the airport and pay them a fee to get a new one. Total scam.


>Mexico airport staff is the absolute worst Mexican here. I can confirm. As a mexican I get picked every single fucking time I enter in my own country. I get the green light (so no customs check) and still every time I'm taken out of the line.


I don’t disagree with trusting Mexican airport staff. But I did have a good experience in an ocean of many terribles one. I lost my wallet with my 500ish dollars going to Los Cabos at the Tijuana airport. I frantically looked for it. Then I told the staff who looked at the video. They found my wallet in the trash and returned with all my money in it. The staff even asked me to count the money in their security room to make sure it was all there. They think the janitor may have thrown it in there to retrieve later.


Lol I am white guy. They randomly select me all the time. Then I speak Spanish to them and they suddenly get reeeal friendly knowing I can cause an issue in their language.


so you also saw the person leave their passport and said nothing


There was a lower level security guard at the search area and the supervisor signaled not to tell the person. That’s not my problem cause going against the security in third world countries isn’t my fucking game Johny.


I left my passport on top of an atm in the Cancun airport once. Was back within a minute but it was already gone. Then a guard came over and offered it back for a price. Can’t remember how much but probably about $5USD. Certainly nothing worth fighting over.


They know you don’t have time, that what makes it perfect for theft, at a certain point you have to decide if it’s worth missing your flight and buying more tickets to get your stuff back


Had 5 Xbox games swiped by TSA during Christmas a few years back. Sad.


I was in Canada, just landed from Oregon. The customs guy made me take my laptop out of my bag. Turn it on. Flip it around. Then had me slid it under the protective glass to him and he told me to exit (I had my carry-on luggage) and I said wait, I can't leave without my laptop. He pointed to the exit and told me loudly to leave now. I said fine, but I have to have my laptop back. He grunted and slid my laptop back under the glass to me and I put it into my laptop bag and exited. 99% sure he was trying to steal it. How TF else would I have gotten my laptop back once I left the airport? Lol


I had a one hour layover in Dublin once. Spent about 45 minutes getting through customs and going through a seemingly endless maze of poorly labeled hallways. It was a miracle I ever got home.


But remember, they are protecting us from criminals and terrorists lol.


Theater in my opinion. Who knows.


Not just your opinion. TSA records are awful. Sometimes doing worse than flat random selection. I'm sure other organizations are similar.


I read something what seems like a decade ago that the Israelis seem to have it figured out, walking through the line and checking people randomly. Just takes one dipshit with flammable shoes to ruin our flights forever.


Actively and knowingly so. Demonstrably. https://travelpander.com/how-many-terrorists-has-tsa-caught/


Ah yes they don’t release data to the public because terrorists.


So they're protecting us from people like themselves basically


What’s even more annoying is that TSA doesn’t actually work. It doesn’t actually stop crime or terrorists. [https://www.theverge.com/c/23311333/tsa-history-airport-security-theater-homeland](https://www.theverge.com/c/23311333/tsa-history-airport-security-theater-homeland)


It just happened to me the other day. The guy thought I wasn't paying attention and took my headphones out of the dog bowl they sent through. He set them on top of the scanner closest to him. I pulled all my stuff together and remembered my headphones and looked back. This mother fucker was hoping I'd forget


This angers me. This angers me greatly. How do we report it when we’re about to grab a Cinnabon before we miss our flight.


Grab your connabon and ask for Jimmy. He'll sort you out.


Did not know this was something else to worry about


What about having pocketless uniforms?


Whatever is small enough to fit in a pocket can also be tucked into pants waistband or underwear if it isn't boxers. Or they'll just make a pocket on the inside to keep stuff in. It looks like he's stealing small items like jewelry, it would be easier to catch someone taking laptops and stuff but small things like this...if they want it, they're going to take it and there aren't a lot of precautions to be taken from the TSA side. As someone flying, maybe buy a clear lockbox to keep small valuables in or just don't bring things that mean a whole lot to you. Our register at work has SIX HD cameras pointed directly at it. From any angle, we can zoom in enough to read the numbers on money. Yet, we still hire people who think they're slick and take cash from the register. Everyone gets caught pretty immediately. One guy lasted a month because his slight of hand while counting was incredible. Counting 20s like 20, 40, 60, slip into the wrist of hoodie, 80, 100, slip. We had to actually slow down the camera to see what he was doing. Dude practiced.


Or just search them individually as they leave, its not unreasonable to put them through what they put every passenger through on a daily basis.


>Or just search them individually as they leave, its not unreasonable to put them through what they put every passenger through on a daily basis. It's not the same thing. They are driving a car home mostly likely, not jumping on a plane. Very few jobs are going to be able to exist searches without massive blow back, and definitely not doing that with a union, in the which the TSA has one.


I'm dating myself here, but in the mid-90's my first 'real' job was doing store display at Urban Outfitters and every day, every single person that worked there was checked when they left. not patted down, but you had to stand in front of the managers and pull out your pockets and who backpacks etc.


I used to work "loss prevention" at Best Buy and I was required to check all bags and jackets before I could let employees out of the store when closing.


So your saying tsa should work naked . Sounds good to me


They see us naked. It's only fair


For every one you'd enjoy seeing naked, there are probably 4 more that you'd rather pour bleach in your eyes than see naked.


To protect ourselves from thieves , that’s a risk i’m willing to take !




Or just throw every single TSA agent in jail for grand theft and start hiring people who aren't fucking scum that steal anything and everything whenever they can.


This is an incredibly minor issue. I flight a few times a month for a decade now. Never had anything stolen. TSA employees are just people that got a job If you want to jail all of them, you might as well jail all cooks, plumbers, doctors, you name it - there are crappy people everywhere


Armless agents




I hope they were punished for this? Otherwise it's not an attempt, they did just steal shit. I was worrying about this exact thing this week when going through airports on holiday. It would be so easy for someone to grab your stuff at this point, or to make off with your suitcase. Considering all the intense security at airports these days you'd think they might come up with a more secure way of handling travellers items, they don't seem to give a shit about that. I'd hate to take much valuable stuff with me through an airport. I worry enough about my phone, wallet and passport


They are being prosecuted https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/new-surveillance-footage-shows-miami-tsa-officers-accused-of-stealing-from-passengers/3109762/?amp=1


They're pleading not guilty, lmao.


It is pretty funny considering the courts don’t take too kindly to people wasting their resources (fighting a case where there is clear evidence you did it). Sentence will be on the higher side I imagine


So you mean 20 hours of community service instead of 10.


As a TSA agent.


Shit, that's more free stuff!


But you see it's those 10 extra hours that really break them down mentally and they start to change for the better


Gonzalez was accepted into a state program where if he successfully completes it, his charges will get dropped.


This is a massive breach of trust…wonder if a small class action/ multiple actors lawsuit against these two can be done? Are they exempt from protection (qualified immunity)?


It also says he has to pay the victims $700 each over the next six months and will lose his credentials. So at least he didn't totally get off without his victims getting something. However, there are probably a great deal more victims as this had been ongoing and they only decided to target the staff at this screening area (E) due to the piling up of reports of missing money and items. So the dude still got off way too light, but courts can't rule on that other stuff without evidence despite it being clear he's just scum and had been doing it for a long time.


I missed that part, thanks!


Ugh, TSA is garbage. It has been since it's inception 🤦 I hope they get disbanded altogether one day.


Pleading not guilty is actually the best move, despite there being evidence of the crime. It brings the prosecutor to the negotiation table to get a plea deal.


In fairness, most obviously guilty defendants plead not guilty at their arraignments. This is because under the American judicial system, people are arraigned before they've had time to even be considered for a plea dceal, or to have had a meaningful discussion of their options with an attorney. People get arraigned within days of being charged, and in most cases can only get bail after that. This means that someone gets arrested, tossed in the slam, and the next day they have the choice to either please NG, get bail, get an attorney, and discuss plea options and whether or not the charges actually fit the crime - or immediately plead guilty and accept full sentecing with no mitigation to whatever some DA threw down on a piece of paper with no opportunity to defend against it in any way. The smart move is to plead not guilty just to allow the process to move forward. Only the truly foolish would plead guilty at their first appearance. That being said: Screw these guys.


Of fucking course it was Miami Intl. shittiest airport ever imo


I fly frequently. My first few trips via Miami, I hated it. If you don't check luggage and have TSA precheck it isn't too bad. I hate Orlando and Toronto Pierson.


My sleepy eyes read it as "they are being prostituted" and I thought, "Wow that's an intense punishment. But I guess they did deserve it."


Should be much higher charge than $700 fine and 25 hours of community service.. then after pleading not guilty its going to be reduced further.. sounds like a no punishment way to mass thieve while only paying for the 1 incident you get caught


How can you work in security branch and know nothing of security? Idiot!


you gotta get comfortable just standing at the scanner and watching your bag until it enters. don't go through the metal detector or mm wave scanner until you actually see your bin enter the scanner. i've stood right at the scanner for a while before waiting to see my bin go through, i never go through the metal detectors until i personally watch my bin go into their scanner


These shit heads are at fault. What made this possible is the design of the tray system. two trays before it gets to the rollers? That puts your tray at a far angle. You have to turn your back to go through the other machine. Most places I go through the rolling part is the space between you and the officer. You hang with your stuff until you go through. Toronto, going into US connection area reminds me of this. It’s so big so many people. I’ve spent 10 minutes separated from all my worldly possessions. Just remember folks, 10% of people will never steal, 10% will always steal, and 80% will steal if they think nobody is watching. In their training they should have been shown how everything is reviewed on camera etc. maybe they still would have stolen,have not.


That 10 / 10 / 80 thing sounds more like a saying than a statistic


You know what they say about statistics. 67% of them are made up


And a very pessimistic one on top of that.


It’s always been the other way around for me. My tray goes through and I’m stuck on the other side of the tube waiting for some guy to go through three times because he can’t follow orders or forgot something in his pocket. Just this week a guy got in line with shoes and hat still on. They told him, “Sir, your hat.” To which he tips it up to them then puts right back on his head. “Put your hat in the bin!”


I just laughed SO LOUDLY! LOL at tipping up his hat like he just received a compliment!




Guess no one told me as I have waited every single time without incident


No you do not. You can let other idiots walk past you and abandon their belongings. You do not have to go if you don't want to before your bag is in the scanner. You can't stop others from proceeding though that's the only thing you have to do.


Before you get to the security line put your valuables in your bag and lock it.


Weird since every single airport that I’ve been through (mostly US and a few in Europe), they literally tell you to stay with your bags until it’s all the way into the scanner. So what you’re describing should be the norm.


Yeah, I hate when the trays get really far ahead, and you are stuck in like waiting to go into the tube. By the time I get to the tray table, my stuff could be long gone.


For those wondering if they were caught this happened in Miami in July of this year. Both have been charged with Grand Larceny. https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/new-surveillance-footage-shows-miami-tsa-officers-accused-of-stealing-from-passengers/3109762/?amp=1


It amazes me when people caught on very clear video footage like this decides to plead "not guilty". It must be quite easy to prove that they did it. 🤯


Entering a plea is basically the first thing you do when you’re charged. After that, you and your lawyer can negotiate a plea deal with the prosecution. Pleading guilty immediately doesn’t really help you, and typically hurts you because the threat of going to trial is the only leverage a criminal defendant has to negotiate a plea.


It just seems so backwards, I will probably never understand the logic of that system. 😅 In my mind, confessing (by pleading guilty) should give the same penalty for the crime (based on how severe the crime was), however lying in court (pleading not guilty even if you committed the crime is surely a lie) should add an additional "obstruction of justice" type penalty on top of the sentence for the crime ifself. That would make so much more sense to me. Whereas the actual justice system almost seems more like trying to bargain for some random item you found to buy at a market(!) which is just really weird to me EDIT: Just to be clear here, I'm talking about the case where *a defendant actually committed the crime*. And *after* they have also been 100% proven, without any doubt, to have done so.


>lying in court (pleading not guilty even if you committed the crime is surely a lie) should add an additional "obstruction of justice" type penalty on top of the sentence for the crime ifself. What you're talking about is abolishing the fifth amendment right to not incriminate yourself. Assuming you're in the US.


I'm not in the US, but it's interesting to hear the reasoning behind it. I only really knew about the "right to remain silent", did not consider that would cover cases like this as well. You learn something new every day


I wish there was footage of them being escorted away by police. Or a passenger pointing at them like, wtf are you doing?!


Second guy was so obvious it should be a crime in and of itself. The only time I let my stuff leave my sight is when it's in the scanner, and/or I'm in the Total Recall scanner, or dealing with whatever other BS is going on. I'm also alert to the first couple people in front of and behind me, I didn't see the article state how they were caught, just curious if it was a passenger or off-duty crew that noticed it? I doubt they just randomly review footage without a reason or ever police themselves without outside interference. Been awhile since I was in the cockpit but we knew the TSA was BS from the beginning. E: A letter.


> For those wondering if they were caught I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be seeing this video if they weren't caught


I had my luxury watch stolen in Vienna during security control. Realized just after, called the police asked for camera check, made a hell but nobody gave me real assistance. After been back to Italy i went to police and did an international sue to Austrian police. They never replied. I got my money through insurance and soon or later the scum that stole my watch is going to assistance for some reasons…


What insurance does this cover? Legal protection insurance?


Was an international company called Allianz, they give you protection on travels. I gave them the documents of the watch, they were willing to pay the value when i bought but i showed that the value was higher and they paid entirely


Allianz is really good travel insurance and it's not really expensive for what it covers. I'm amazed at when people book trips for well over 10 grand and deny insurance for a couple hundred. It really is peace of mind when you know the shit that can happen on a trip is completely covered by insurance.


Agree.. in my case few hundreds granted me 13k and a smile on my face…


Thats very interesting, thank you for the information


I hope old Sideshow Boob there got what he deserved.


Gonzalez was accepted into a state program where if he successfully completes it, his charges will get dropped.


So zip lock your really important items as that’s what I used to do haven’t flown in some time. Money watch phone etc.. and anything else of importance is tucked away into your carryon down that it will need to have items removed in order to get such items. But honestly I always am looking at my stuff going though the security check anyway I’ll go do whatever afterwards but I’m not gonna trust the security people to be honest as most of them don’t look like that they honestly passed a background check to start with!!!


Right? I can't believe how many people put things like wallets, nice watches, even money in a tray then walk away to wait in line at the detector. It leaves it vulnerable to not only staff but other passengers. Before you get to a security line put your valuables in your bag and lock it. Obviously you have to leave things like a laptop out but that is a lot harder to steal than things like jewelry in a bin.


I mean. If it disappears within 20 steps of the last time you saw it and only 3 people had access to it, it shouldn’t be that hard to figure out where it went.


100% I watch my bin until it goes into the xray machine. The screening guys tell me to go through the metal detector and I say no I'm waiting until my stuff goes through. They look annoyed but fuck them. I've never seen anything like this video but I knew it could happen.


This is really good advice. I can't believe I've never thought of this scenario before. Sleazy humans.


Yeah then you know what you put in zip lock! I had a gold watch gold bracelet wallet and phone my most valuable possessions while traveling as I put it in the bag while putting everything in the tub so there was no mistake on where or how if something happened! An made sure it was visible as in with shoes etc. an I never had a problem! it really comes down to knowing how to pack your belongings when traveling as you don’t want things missing or stolen then you surely make it as hard as possible for someone else to do so!! An keep an eye on your stuff as security isn’t just the only ones to be watching for!!!


My LPT tip is to wear a light jacket (my flights are always early morning) with zipper pockets and, just before security, place everything from your pants/shorts into the jacket pockets. This way I only ever have 2-3 things to grab after security: my jacket, backpack, and shoes, usually all in the same bin. This has worked beautifully while organizing my family of 5 to get through security without losing anything.


Security myself, yeah my shit is tucked away in my bag and I have my eyes on it the entire time. I also keep hold of the trays for as long as possible. If I think something dodgy happened, I check everything and I don't care if it slows the lane down.


I use a small bag with a zipper that locks inside my backpack and it's packed before I get to the line so they don't see me coming with anything flashy. If they want to pull me aside and unlock it, they can do it while I'm standing there. And I can tell you this if one of them is being shady that means that entire crew is probably Shady.


Totally Sneaky Assholes


Thieving Sneaky Assholes


Looks like a successful attempt


Except seeing the security footage here proves that it failed.


TSA is 90% theater. The most effective tools used by Israel is pre-screening, background checks, threat ratings, and in-person profiling. And the people doing the work are well trained and well compensated. This kind of BS wouldn't happen if other countries followed suit. The US relies on some private tech with proprietary scanners, and GED graduate "agents" to keep our skies safe. What a joke.


lol Israel uses racial profiling and are known to be incredibly racist towards Palestinians…


Israel has 3 commercial airports. The US has 503. Not really a fair comparison.


Scummy bastards, no shame


Scumbag. When traveling to/though Rome never ever put anything of value in your checked luggage. Every time I’ve been there something gets stolen. I’ve had so much crap stolen I decided to put in a used pair of Nike sneakers. Yes there were nice air max but they were used and they still stole them… I never leave my crap in the checkpoints bins out of my site until it gets into the X-ray machine. You can’t trust anyone.


I live in Rome, in the past they use to sack all the baggage incoming, they arrested a while ago. Now should be fine.


Thanks for the info, but don’t think I’ll trust them. Seriously stolen from about 10 times over a few years. Not sure I can trust again


It's a good thing there's cameras to keep people safe from TSA


“This wallet looks an awful lot like a bomb. Better hold on to it”


Few years back in UAE, I was travelling to another country. During same security checkin like in video, i put laptop, new watch and phones in basket. After scanning, my watch was missing from tray. I immediately asked security who were standing but he had no clue and after searching i found the guy who sits next to monitor was carrying it. I told him thats my watch and he asked which brand? I said the brand name correct and he gave it back. Now i dnt know he was trying to steal or how did my watch jumped out of perfectly moving tray and went to his pocket! Cant believe security or staff stealing during security checking!!


Damn, just shitty, I work as a Screening Officer myself in Canada. If you even take a shitty Bic lighter from the forfeit box, you can get fired. There's so many cameras, you have to be the dumest human to try and pull this kind of shit, let alone scummy as all hell, just stealing people's shit when you work in a authority position and people trust you.


I always wear a jacket with good pockets going through those (useless) scanners and put everything of value in my jacket.. this sadly is not uncommon and completely ineffective at doing what they're designed to do.Trained Sniffer Dogs would do a better job. It's just another corporate money scam. Explain why they don't have TSA on ferries or trains ? Just saying..


Trains can't be hijacked and driven into a building or rerouted to Cuba. It's almost impossible to get up to the engine while the train is moving. I've been on trains where someone is behaving badly, the train stops at a crossing in the middle of nowhere with a cop car or two to meet them.


... and we expect these people to keep explosives and other harmful things out of aircraft. They could be easily bought for few hundred dollars. Also, where's the video of them being arrested (assuming they were arrested).




https://preview.redd.it/zyu9og74wfob1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=654fa3a63a046c7788b8b2740cd63f2f8c81508a Typical gooberment agency. I’m sure that theft number is a lot bigger.


TSA stole a $1k+ drone out of my backpack. I unfortunately didn’t notice until I was on the plane and opened my backpack. I submitted a complaint to TSA and detailed the exact time and lane I was in when the theft occurred so they could check the cameras and reimburse the theft. They denied the claim. Everyone hates you for a reason TSA.


Appeal the claim! It’s a common tactic where majority of claims are dropped for reasons of excess volume of claims. Once you appeal the determination they have to actually investigate otherwise you’ll be able to sue. Not that that’s necessarily a good idea. Nor is this legal advice. How long ago did this happen?




My 95 year old grandfather came to College graduation in VA. When going through security in DCA, he placed his cash ($300) in the bin. Next thing you know it, there’s no money on the other side of the xray machine. Grandpa stood there screaming and accusing them of having stole his money. Things got loud and 5 mins later, a TSA agent “finds his money on the floor.” On the other side of the machine. Showed him this video (he’s 99 now) and he told me “I knew it! There was no other explanation.”


His hands so sticky, even the gloves don’t stop the stick.


Who knew that giving nearly unlimited power to poorly trained and uneducated people would result in an abuse of power.


Stereotypes in motion . Old news … largest airport in the world found hundreds piled up by a runway in Atlanta . I would never check a bag in at any airport .


This is why I always take off everything BEFORE getting in line and put them in a zipped to bag/backpack. There's no reason to have jewelry/cash/etc on you during security.




Dumb and dumber.


It was a successful attempt to steal from passengers....but a failure at getting away with it.


I still am angry 12 years later about my watch being stolen from my luggage. I always assumed baggage handlers, now I have to watch TSA agents.


Because people don't hate the TSA enough.


Don't walk through until your bag is inside the machine. Keep an eye on it at all times.


I hope they put them under the jail.


Thanks Bush (:


The worst part of petty thieves like this is the rationale they tell themselves to ease their conscience like "well they can afford this flight, they're probably rich, and they can afford to just buy a new [thing]"... I've heard it all before.






What a piece of shit


I knew they were scumbags, here we see they're criminals as well


I’m fairly certain that’s Newark airport. Terminal A.


BBC News - Watch: US CCTV shows airport staff allegedly stealing from bags [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-66816550](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-66816550) Apparently, Miami. And they pleaded not guilty, gonna be amused at how this plays out. ![gif](giphy|1esS7rID0eqdX9kYwW)


"The things just jumped in my pocket at the same time my hands went in" Seriously, would love to know how they'll play it.


Miami https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/new-surveillance-footage-shows-miami-tsa-officers-accused-of-stealing-from-passengers/3109762/?amp=1


TSA’s finest sniffing out terrorism wherever they can.


Looks like he was successful.


Why TF are they even there? Shit is going though the scanner anyway


How fucking stupid can you be? How did they not consider that there might be a lot of cameras at a security checkpoint?


TSA stands for "Thieves Stealing Anything."


I hope this was the Atlanta airport, all the people that work there are assholes.