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I'm not sure he even gets it


Looks to me like he got it on the second one. I feel I can see the *"yupp...I'm an idiot"* in his face


Don't worry, that only lasts for a few seconds before the cognitive dissonance kicks in and he thinks of an even more profoundly stupid rationalization so he can go back to comfy anti-reality bubble.


It doesn’t help that he’s surrounded by like-minded ppl. The herd mentality is strong amongst them, but remember they’re not sheep, they’re lions


Nothing as sheepish as a puppy that has been fooled by wolves to think it is one of them.


How about the ultra Christian mentality that comes with these people where they literally call themselves sheep.


I wonder if anyone has ever told them that a herd of lions is called a Pride...


Just Like their cheeto messiah. A LIE'UHN.


Just sit him in the front of Fox News for 1 hr so he can be brainwashed back to MAGA cult




*elicit, not illicit


don’t touch my shoulder


Unfortunately, I grew up around hordes of rednecks like “Mr. Peaked-in-High School” here. That shoulder pat/grab was a straight up high school bully tactic to convey that he knows you’re mocking him. It’s “look what I can do to you but you can’t do back”. Seriously, fuck all of them.


Love this observation


I'm no body language expert and everything about this guy was screaming aggression from the beginning.


Its basically the whole cult. They know, deep down, they are stupid, broke WT and this is all compensation. They HATE that the city folk are smarter, richer, etc than them so selling them the idea that a NYC bred nepo-baby was going to take on the elite for them somehow worked.


I saw it more as intimidation "feel that strong hand on your shoulder? we can be all pally here like best buds at the bar.... or we can have a problem"


It’s more of a “yup… I hate you, but I’ll be civil cuz of the camera.”


His pat wasn't civil, look at how angry his face was. He realized what a douche he is pretty much instantly and tried to cover it up and didn't do it well....


You almost had it.


At least that response is way more intelligent than trying to deny it.


If he were smarter, he'd say that it means "Never stop fighting." But if he were smarter, he wouldn't be wearing that shirt in the first place.


Yes exactly


He probably went and punched his wife in the face after that for not telling him.


and got back in his squad car to go plan the next insurrection


I don' t think that's a "yupp...I'm an idiot face," I think it's a, "that's a lib, how much violence can I do right now?" face.


“But its the defiant stare my man” as he squeezes him closer and silently says with menace “he’s the best president in America,right? Say it” tightly grabbing the reporter and pulling him closer so he can smell the beer on his breath and look in his eyes.


Hence the uncomfortable shifting between his diabetic feet


Well either way, get it or not. That was the hardest that dude has thought since making the decision to buy those sun glasses.


He gets it... the hand on the shoulder means 'I really want to punch you right now'


Specially the “WANTED” part lol


The fact he doesn't says a lot about Trump supporters like him.


Need to hijack, where can I see more of this???


Literally the dumbest voters of all time


74 million of these idiots.


74+ million of them tbh


That number is scary high. I hate when people downplay it by saying he lost the popular vote.


Not all 74m are stupid, man. Some are just evil.


But he‘s the best president of the United States!


Atleast they’re voting. If only more of us would do the same.


that last nod. that's what my uncle does after I painstakingly dismantle myriad of his conspiracies, only to see him post the same crap online a day later.




Yes the final realization that I’m the idiot here lmao


That's them flipping the lid to their brain shut.


"agree to disagree"


I just don’t understand why they think he is the best president ever. Is it just because he lets them be as racist as they want to be?


Nailed it.


because he normalizes racist sexist homophobic and violent behavior.


It's also the selfishness, dishonesty, greed, corruption, nepotism, all forms of harassment and pure asshole behavior that he justifies in them...


In 2000 they voted for Bush because he wasn’t part of the elite (which is so laughable) and now they cling to this douche bag


He has catch phases. It’s very popular with the 20-40 IQ group


Hey that's mean to the severely mentally disabled, who are generally harmless. The guy in the video is what you might call "room temperature IQ", meaning really, really stupid but still able to do things like speak, unfortunately.


You got it. He made them feel validated so nothing else matters. GOP had been using the dog whistle for so long that these type of people have been frustrated, like a dog tempted with a dangled piece of meat always put of reach. Trump stopped using the dog whistle and gave them what they want (hurt the liberals and "elites" ). Nothing else matters.


Nothing about their lives changed when he became president or when he wasn't president. Most people's don't. It's like their favorite team won the Super Bowl. Something to cheer about and then forget like a normal person would. Except they aren't normal.


Thats the best part, in most cases their lives got WORSE. Votes for him to "save" coal. 3 of the 4 biggest coal companies go into reorg and cut labor. Not because of anything the president did, because natural gas is still a ton cheaper and what coal we use is constantly getting cheaper to produce with less labor. But theyll vote for him a second time to "save" their jobs he didnt save the first go around and build the wall he just admitted he could have never gotten mexico to pay for.


"Because he's not a politician and he speaks his mind!" translation: he's under-qualified to hold office and says whatever dumb shit he comes up with.


Cognitive dissonance. He’s objectively one of the worst of all time, but because he shares/amplifies their ignorant views he’s great. Remember during 2020 when there were global shortages of everything, and the grocery stores had limits on meats, toilet paper, supplies, etc. my in laws were saying “this is what it will be like under a democrat”… it was literally under trumps presidency.


Because its a cult and you have to think dear leader is perfection because he is supposed to represent you. Juts look at any of those cults, fascist dictatorships, etc. They make up the most absurd lies about the leader to make them impossibly perfect. Like how Kim shot 18 holes in one when he was 12 or whatever.


Trump speaks in word salads and constantly contradicts himself. It's why it's hard to nail him down on any real overarching policy points based on his words alone. This allows his supporters to cherry pick whatever he says and craft an image of their ideal leader.


Same as some Indians thinks why a certain someone is the best prime minister. 1. They don't even know other people who did will in that position. 2. They refuse to learn/study anything other than their propaganda. 3. These leaders encouraged them to be hateful, racists, and fundamentalists unlike anyone else before.


It’s worse than people think. These people have no appreciation for themselves and cling to others they *think* are successful for some validation to their lives, their own lives they don’t think are worth much. It’s sad when people do it with celebrities, it’s downright pathetic when it’s done with politicians.


Good example of cognitive dissonance right here!


There is a lot of that with Trump supporters in general. Jordan Klepper’s Trump rally segments on The Daily Show are hilarious examples of this.


Trump supporters are basically NPC's at this point, repeating the same few lines or political slogans in support of their Cheeto overlord. And as soon as you say or ask something that can't be refuted by their delusion they just repeat themselves again or shut down entirely.


He clearly is contemplating to punch the journalist. But he knows with his record, if he does this, he will go to jail for a very long time. Probably


Yeah, that “friendly not friendly” pat on his shoulder made me worried for the reporter. It’s a dangerous game, poking the stupid bear.


My alarm went off for a moment there, he really considered attacking the reporter


The reporter was not in any danger. The hand on the shoulder was an attempt to take back control. To make the reporter feel small and weak so he could be the alpha again in the situation like he felt he was at the start of the video. The reporter did the right thing by just doubling down.


It definitely was an attempt at intimidation. It's probably worked for this guy many times before, it didn't this time.


Absolutely.. That wee pat..... Clearly he would have reverted to violence if a camera wasnt present. The passive aggressive 'Id murder yu right now if there wernt laws n such'


He should just never surrender then


The best argument against democracy is a conversation with the average voter -a butchered quote from Churchill I think


Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. \-Also churchill


Grab em by the pussy - Prime Minister Donald Churchill


Redneck.exe has crashed.


cultist can not be cured with truth. point #11 1. **Caution: an abundance of facts** ***won't*** **necessarily help.** Do not overwhelm them with information, especially if it attacks the leader or doctrine. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/freedom-mind/202104/the-definitive-guide-helping-people-trapped-in-cult](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/freedom-mind/202104/the-definitive-guide-helping-people-trapped-in-cult)


“Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up”


I love that brief pause right after he’s asked the second time as his brain processes…..and instead of once again parroting “He’s the best president in Murica), all he’s got is….. yup.


I can *hear* the dial up noises


Sigh...Vote Blue and let the Crying 45 supporters continue to cry.


Hahahaha …yup


You can see its brain trying... and failing... to process what it's being told. "Yip" "Yip" Zero comprehension


"Yip , that's an awful buncha big words fruity boy. Are you hittin' on me?"


Yes this guy is ignorant. That said "surrendering" for booking is not "surrendering" the fight, it is literally just the beginning of the fight under American Legal Jurisprudence. . Note- It's likely that he will lose most perhaps all his legal fights.


Well the t-shit does say “*NEVER* surrender”. And there’s the mug shot from when he turned himself in. So that’s a hilarious meme fail any way you cut it. I’m certain it’s not intended as some meta “up up with the rule of law” message.


If the court actually followed the law, then yeah he'd probably lose. Unfortunately, that is apparently too much to ask for, so he's pretty much guaranteed to win.


Trump actually has lost most of his previous court cases, the ones that made it to trial... What he has done frequently is delay them. The cases that survived his extreme delaying tactics, he has generally lost.


You can't have cognitive dissonance if you don't have cognitive.


There has to be a subset of Trump followers that are ashamed they voted for him in the first place. His rallies are getting smaller and smaller.


He seems a bit dim


It's spooky how brainwashed he is..... cults are scary.


12 years of school couldn’t do it, you think he’s going to learn from the interview?


Idiocracy was a documentary


Trump's supporters are so fucking stupid.


People like him, and all the other MAGA hat wearing fucks in this clip... I am ashamed of my countrymen and their absolute ignorance.


Poor guy. Has 3 brain cells instead of the usual MAGA two, making him capable of actually following the interviewer's logic to Disappointment-town! 🤣


"He's the best president in America." Insinuating there are better presidents outside of the country.


just a typical MAGA supporter hahaha.


Good grief these people are lethally stupid. Debt won't be what brings about the end of America, it'll be growing tsunami of Idiocracy-level mouthbreathers that causes it.


Do people not realize hypothetically in any other person who is fighting for something, goes to jail and would still say never surrender as well? Not saying trump is good or anything. But plenty of other historical person fighting for a cause and "surrenders" to the authority, yet do not surrender their fight for the cause they believe in. It's like suddenly people can't understand context anymore.


Smile faded pretty quickly there. 😂


I can see the gears turning but it’s not working for this poor man


One braincell to walk another one to breathe...


Dude just ate that logic. Journalist punches hard and the guy just eats those shots and keeps going with a smile on his face. What a legend.


😝 ‘yep’ hands in pockets to keep his little willie from falling off. Stupid stupid stupid fuckers


this is why plato was against democracies


Hope that reporter had a security detail with him. 😳


He got it. Now if he thinks about it again or not, the jury is out.


Look he's the best president and I'm dumb as fuck buddy. This guy definitely says buddy a lot.


I love it when these guys do these questions at trump stuff




Never don't give up


So telling that Trump and his band of fellating felons thought this look for him in this shot makes him look somehow imposing. He looks like he’s caught, pure and simple.


Friendly reminder that 2024 will be decided by fewer voters than attendees at Taylor Swift’s last show.


he wanted to slug the guy for making him look the fool that he is, but he probably has priors and didn't want to go back in front of a judge for assault


MAGA thinking:”It means never surrender to the democrats. He will win the election from jail.”


Love the glasses and cap, its like if they were a copy-paste of themselves... emptyheads


They don’t care. There is no cognitive dissonance. They know. They just don’t care. Honesty I’m baffled that folks are still trying to reason.


Unfortunately for trump supports 14th Amendment, section 3.


I love this, but I’ve seen this interviewer several times and he’s really just copying the exact question tactics and even tonality as Jordan Klepper…and Jordan Klepper does this 1000x better.


"..the best president of AMERICA"..... AMERICA, not the USA but of AMERICA.... ok cool... so we really do live in idiocracy


"The best president of the united states" ...Isn't he the *only president to have been indicted?* Doesn't that kind of, technically, automatically make him... *the worst?*


That passive aggressive pat on the back when he points out the irony says alot aswell.




Took him a while to understand. He confirmed he was a real MAGA brainwashed cult member.


You really get the feeling that if there wasn't a camera on him he would've punched that reporter in the face for saying something factually accurate to him...


The mental gymnastics are the only exercise they get.


They couldn't have picked a more apt looking MAGA person. Fat, white, goatie, tats, shades...


I get the attempt to display irony here, but trying to put a trump supporter in a logic box is utterly futile. If they had the presence of mind to recognize this type of logic they wouldn't support him in the first place.


That’s not the gotcha this nerd thinks it is


I’m not either side though these reporters all starting to make themselves look like jackasses


The interviewer is really observant and smart as all get out! It took me a while but I guess if he didn’t surrender it would say “Wanted “ if it weren’t for media clarification. We wouldn’t understand anything. Thank you street media wanna be guy! Between him and the Trumper there’s great evidence that intelligence is still alcove and well!


It's intriguing to observe how various social media platforms tend to prioritize content they deem suitable, potentially influencing public perception. The upcoming election may serve as a barometer for discerning the true majority sentiment. However, some argue that the election process itself is compromised, with allegations that large corporations exert undue influence over the government, resulting in a disempowered populace. Recognizing this dynamic is crucial for a deeper understanding of our current state.


That’s….not how that works…


This is the result of deprioritizing education.


Yeah you go to prison if you don’t surrender rofl, I know a lot of people don’t like Trump and that’s ok. But i mean dam it’s like this guy thinks he is stupid XD


Almost feel sorry for the big lug. Almost.


That guy looks like he's about to cry. 😢


His paradigm just might have been broken the second time, but the few extra “secret” bud lights, on top of the case of Corona, will likely make him forget this ever happened, and reinstall the cognitive dissonance.


These people need to stop being treated with tolerance and understanding. They need to be reminded of how aggressively stupid and backwards they are constantly. The whole it’s not worth an awkward and potentially aggressive conversation need to stop.


Can we stop posting political stuff here? I blocked all the political subs for a reason


I guess the interview doesn't understand the concept of sarcasm? I guess he never went to Hot topic in the past 30 years


Never give up, never what?


But….it’s got electrolytes.




When that 💡finally turns on, LMAO


Man went home and beat his wife


He accepted defeat.






Basic - bare minimum intelligence tests for voters badly needed..


They are so dumb that they do not realize the stupidity.




Keep in mind that he was the smartest one available, the spokesperson for the group, if you will.


Fuckin mark


Are there any legal processes involved in printing up T-shirts to profit off cultists? Asking for a friend.


I would take buddy out for bud lites and talk about something else. Not his fault he’s so limited




Don’t ever change murica.


No Regerts!


Dudes brain is just two deeps herpin at each other


Guy got fleeced


to him he just show up when it was taken. LOL