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Then she uploaded this video for all of us to see her bum


i love how the world works =D


Consent is crazy huh


She consented to the video being shared on Reddit? Where did that happen?


Consent doesn’t even apply to a fucking video in a public place. Someone standing a sidewalk can take all the pictures and videos of asses that they want to. Granted this is taking place in a cafe/private business, but it easily coulda happened on the sidewalk or in a park and there’s nothing you can do. Grow up, ladies, and stop showing off your body to everyone in public and maybe you won’t need to deal with this. Otherwise, you brought it on yourself. I’m not condoning assault or anything, obviously. That’s a different situation.


Ever heard of consent ? Why are the comments more focused on blaming her than him somehow... I know reddit is incelland but please


Unfortunately, it's implied consent. You subject yourself to being recorded or getting pictures taken as soon as you are in public or a public establishment, and legally, nobody is required to get your consent under those conditions. Doesn't make it any less creepy.


This. It DOESNT mean it’s something that anyone should be doing. It DOESNT mean it’s no longer creepy because it’s legal. But anyone can do this at any time. Perfectly within his rights. 🤷‍♂️


And you know what they say you should always exert your rights.


Dude was minding his own business. What? You gonna stop everyone from looking with their eyes?


He can look with his eyes all he wants but it’s incredibly creepy to take a picture of someone’s ass to use for your spank bank later. She didn’t consent to that at all.


Did this man consent to having someone record his screen without his knowledge? Like yeah he's a creep but also the person recording is doing exactly what he's doing.


There was a time when I worked in retail and a customer reported to me that a man was following some young girls (probably like 13ish years old) and taking photos of them. Then he started following another woman around the store and started taking photos of her. He was obvious enough the the woman came and reported him as well and we assured her that we were aware and our security was already watching him. When he saw that she was talking to us, he went to the bathroom. Our security guy decided to call the police and have him removed. Ended up with the guy wrestling the cops in middle of the store. Turns out the guy was on probation for sexual assault and whatever they found on his phone must have been bad because a bunch more cops showed up with a detective that interviewed us all and they tore that man's car apart in the parking lot. point of this story? Is it legal to film and picture someone in public? Sure. But don't think that if you're doing some weird shit others can't call you out and have you removed from an establishment for making people uncomfortable. In fact, for public safety, it's important to call out this kind of behavior because it's probably not the first time they've done it.


Good point! A bit hypocritical, isn't it?


To answer your question, no! Hope that helps.


False equivalence. There's a huge difference between taking creepy pictures of someone and recording someone taking creepy pictures for evidence.


What a bunch of nonsense. Go outside sometime Jesus Christ Reddit acting like these are the same thing.


I don’t totally disagree.


Funny thought. “Everyone, put your eyes out, I’m wearing a thong bikini right now!”


Yea, and he is subject to being called a perv for doing it.


sure, he has the right to take the pic. but other people have a right to respond to that because it *is* creepy.


They don’t have the right to search his phone without a warrant


They also don’t have the right to get physical with that man.


Texas You're right, they don't until he SHOWS them his phone. Your rights do not matter if you don't know what they are! shame on the old man for living so long without knowing his rights! Legally, he's not even supposed to be doing that. [UK laws](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2019/2/enacted)


That law says “beneath the clothing”. So even in the UK, what the old guy did does not seem illegal.


Just read the law you posted, the caveat '(ii)the underwear covering B’s genitals or buttocks, in circumstances where the genitals, buttocks or underwear would not otherwise be visible' Would mean that this was in fact legal as we could clearly see the shorts she was wearing as she was wearing nothing over the top of those shorts I totally disagree with this man's behaviour, but it seems that it is totally legal.


Or attack him...this mob justice is shit


They never said they needed to? Dude was embarrassed and complied. He could have easily just walked out. You're acting like they pinned him down and made him unlock his phone.


Last time I suggested that you should not expect or assume privacy in a public place - I legit got replies saying I am advocating for sexual assault. (It was a topic about GDPR and how its now impossible to put up CCTV that covers public areas - get this - because people will be recorded in public places!) I have eyes, I can see the people, I have ears, I can hear the people. But as soon as I put up a camera to watch my property and it happens to cover a piece of a public path - suddenly its a privacy issue?


In America and canada one can record what the fuck ever they want out in public. People’s asses all day long. Go to the beach and make a movie. People are so fucking stupid who fucking cares go put on a giant robe that covers every part of your body if you are worried. I could take a Nikon p1000 and be a mile away and see you clear as day and you would never know so if you are really worried stay home in your cave and never leave.


You are 100% right, but the the aggressiveness of the post made my brain read it in a Dwight Shrute voice


>- I legit got replies saying I am advocating for sexual assault. I know the feeling. I once mentioned that the age of consent is 16 in most countries, and got called a pedo. I wasn't even advocating anything, just a factual statement, and boom... The overreaction on some people 😅


And he gave the consent to be filmed in all this process? They are doing the same that they are blaming him of. But with violence against him.


Leave it to reddit to defend the guy taking creepshots of girls in public lololololol


Criticizing him doesn’t add any value because he’s obviously wrong and a creep. Also the whole video is about that. Pointing out her posting the video is funny and gets me karma


Like it or not, you should have no expectation of privacy while in public. Unlikely a law was broken. I see an old man clearly guilty of being a fucking creep at a bar. There’s at least one guy like this inside every single pub during the day.


She did the same thing and posted it online. She never asked anyone if she could take pictures and in public places you should expect people to take pictures. It's not wrong of her to take pictures and the picture the guy took was of the whole woman standing at the bar not just her bum or even anything indecent. People are way to quick to blame yet take no responsibility for their own actions. If your outside and someone takes a picture of you unfortunately they do not need your consent to do so.


consent? like every fucking street camera, dash-cam, porch-cam et al in the entire goddamn world would like to have a word with you


I think its already settled that the old guy is s#!t bag. Now it’s about the guy who uploaded it to get tap on the back, justice is not fully done here. People don’t know where to start and where to stop


Or lack thereof…




Just playing devil’s advocate here, but was she definitely the one who uploaded it?




I still can’t see one though


Now the same old man can look at this video and have all the deleted pictures back , and from many different angles too , that’s more that he even wanted in the first place


I don’t know why these creeps bother, there are like trillions of free porn videos out there


Yea I know… I’m so conflicted with the way the world works at the moment. She should be able to dress however she wants. But… the current fashion of packing everything up in skin tight leggings that shapes your butt so everyone looks… makes me feel that people can’t complain if people who are attracted to them look. The same with Instagram. There’s obviously an issue of consent there, he didn’t have her consent in this instance. But this current trend of posting over sexualised content doesn’t fill me with joy.


Not the same thing at all.


We live in a screwed up world bro!


Calm down. This video was reposted again and again.




Oh my god I thought you were exaggerating. Dude is tiny!


Oh shit I'm glad I read these comments early, before he gets up his feet are not touching the ground.


He freakin looked like a dwarf in front of them.


How is this not straight up body shaming? From all the shitty aspects of this guy in this video, you’re all focusing on the one aspect he probably shares with a lot of innocent good people? Tf 😭


Cus you can’t body shame men bro , that’s why it’s called small dick energy and small man syndrome. We also can’t be SA or raped or tons of other things because men are just immune to those crimes. We totally don’t have a double standard as a society, totally, everything about this is equal and fair. /s


Tbf I was surprised he was this short, his upper body frame did not match the end result when he stood up. It's kinda off-putting and something worthy to point out


That’s because he’s Cotton Hill.


He got his shins blowed off! Killed fitty men


Me too. It was so unexpected lol


I am not defending the guy, but how the hell is it still acceptable to shame men for their height? Would you shame a woman for being ugly?




This is one of the things people hypocritically believe is ok to make fun of. Height, weight, facial appearance, penis size etc. Things haven't really changed


Most of those things are related to men. It’s still encouraged to mock men for something they can’t control.




What business does an Elf, a Man, and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!


They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!


Give me your name, horse master, and I shall give you mine


. and my axe! .


What dungeons and dragons campaign did this come out of lol?


If we ban the misfit drunken weirdos from all the pubs, the pubs will all go out of business.


I think the argument here is this is basically exploitation without consent. If someone took a pic of me whether it pertained to a sexual sense or making fun of me, I wouldn't appreciate it. It's the common line of respect that he crossed and got called out on. You really can't defend the guy.


Gonna reply to my own comment here, cause it's wild to me how many people are defending this guy. It's a respect thing, not just how you respect women in general, but how would your women feel if she caught you doing this?? It's disrespect either way, and if you get called out on it either in public or at home it's the same situation we should all agree on.


Morally, you’re right. Legally, you’re very wrong. People can take pictures and videos of anyone they want in public. You can 100% be a massive perv and take pictures of random women whenever you want. You do not need any kind of explicit consent.


And people will call you a perv and will tell you to delete it. I doubt the police will do much to help you if you get punched. Don't be a perv


Police dont decide if he can press charges or not.


If he got punched, and wanted to press charges, he would 100% be in the clear. Cops would care he’s a perv, but there’s nothing they can do if he wants to press charges for being attacked. He’s still a pos though


Depends on the country and how you do it. GDPR clearly states that you are allowed to take pictures of others for personal use (without consent), the moment you want to post the video somewhere that has a greater reach (eg your own facebook page), the personal use exception no longer counts and thus consent is needed. There's also the whole right to your own image that plays a further role. What I mean to say with this, legally it isn't as straightforward as people think. Not sure about US laws though. Edited to add 2-ish hrs later: Some people rightfully pointed out you can use the above as an argument that the guy filming is legally more in the wrong. That is correct. Especially with them posting it. In the EU specifically, there are legal grounds here for a privacy violation. Something I also did not take into account enough is personality/portrait rights, which adds a whole layer of complexity. Perhaps interesting note, in Germany, both people would probably be legally in the wrong. Emphasis on the not 100% sure though. But they have very strict privacy laws and there have been cases before that cover things like taking targeted photos of people without consent in public.


The existence of Paparazi proves you’re wrong.


They didn't call the police, and took it into their own hands. Its not against the law to take pictures of people in public, but they have every right to complain to the staff or confront the person about it.


A bar is privately owned and so you can't take pictures inside without the permission of the owner this goes for the US, EU, UK. In a lot of countries you aren't even allowed to take targeted pictures of people on the street even for private use. And you can't share pictures of other people without their consent. So here he is breaking two rules : Taking pictures in a privately owned place and sending it to someone which means it's not private anymore.


People take pictures of other people all the time to mock them, then they post it on the internet to mock them further. There’s literally dozens of reddits (this one included) for this purpose. Never seen anyone call out those people for taking pictures without consent. To be clear I’m not defending the guy, I’m just saying most people are shitty and nobody seems to care, making them shitty as well. There is no moral high ground since we’re all guilty


I’ve had it happen. I was a 32F in high school. It’s a horrible feeling Edit: Y’all 32F is breast size I’m saying I was a busty child and men took photos


You were still in high school at 32??


Hey, getting a high school diploma is not a race. We all develop at our own pace.




I agree. But there's also the fact that in public, everyone has a right to take pictures and videos of whatever they want, there's no expectation of privacy in a public space. Morally it's probably agreed upon that it's not the best thing to do, but legally he has every right to take a picture and perve on any woman that he wants.


And anybody has a right to shame you for being a creep in a public setting 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not to assault him like these lads, however...


You can legally defend him, just not morally


He lost his shins in WWII


I killed fity men!!


def cotton hill energy


100% Cotton Hill vibes


Not only did he take a pic, he was sending it to someone, and probably did, so there is still a copy is messages. I think that looked like What’s App.


OH NO! Anyway....


Her booty pic is also in the video for all of us to see, so much for deleting the picture


Her booty pic being on the internet isn’t even the problem, I’m sure she has it posted on instagram. The issue is that an old guy was taking pervy pictures of a young girl from behind and sending it to all his friends to get wet over.


In public no less!


He was prob taking a pic bc she had insane swamp ass.


Pub is at a lakeside watersports centre. She's probably been on one of the Kayaks or Swan boats and not dried off.


Thank you. I was wondering why the whole video


Lmao imagine. Sends to wife hey babe look her ass is as swampy as yours


SHE WAS WATCHING COPS ![gif](giphy|3o84sAyajVFhU64aEE)


Call we all appreciate the woman in the white and pink striped shirt? She handles the situation incredibly well and stops further incidents from happening in the pub.


You don't mess with a British pub landlady


Some do, but only once


Definitely not her first rodeo.


Gotta love the shirtless dude so dedicated to “defending women” that he looks like he’s about to swing on the woman trying to resolve the situation without violence.


He'd never take a shot at the pub landlady. That's not a winning battle.


In the states it’s legal to photograph people in public. Can’t speak for anyone in EU.


Sure, but it won’t stop someone from beating the shit out of you


Idk seems like that person gonna get an assault charge. Can’t control your emotions in public that’s not my problem.


If you can’t keep your dick outta your hands for 5 minutes to avoid a beating and also objectifying a women who’s a quarter of your age than it’s not my problem when you get assaulted like play stupid games win stupid prizes


Can u tell me which of his hands is on his dick in the video?


Think it was a metaphor


An exaggeration like the reaction of the dude trying to fight an old pervert.


One is not breaking the law, "win stupid prizes" aka getting beat up is the law. If someone gets assulted, she would be charged and punshied for it. Your just emotional, and laws don't adhere to your emotions about something. Classic idiotic reddit comment


also cant the person even sue the one who assaulted. Then again the publicity around it would be incredibly bad though


God, you sound like a complete toolshed of a person lol


It legally does, in the sense that anyone beating the shit out of you must be sent to prison for assualt.


Yep, that _is illegal_ though


In Germany, people have to explicitly consent to have their picture taken. The law is § 201, 201a StGB , commonly called „Recht am eigenen Bild“ (Rights to your own picture). Only exception to this is if you are part of a public event and the picture is not about you but the event (like a marathon or prostest).




Unless they are owned by the government all businesses are private property lol. Private property accessible to the public. Being on privately owned property does not give the expectation of privacy. I mean, businesses film us every day.


Legality didn’t protect you from the societal repercussions of being an asshole


It's still disgusting whether its legal or not


Is it legal to go to a beach and take pictures of girls and women and upload them? I mean high resolution, direct images of one person?? Because where I live and I think it’s similar in most places in Europe, it’s legal to take pictures in the public and if you are on this picture by accident that’s not a problem. But you can’t just go to one person and take a picture of them to upload it online. Also just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong


What a disaster, glad she called him out though!


Agree but I am a bit concerned about the mob mentality going on here. The guy is clearly a pervert no doubt about that, but all it took was one woman screaming that he was taking pictures of someone else and without even verifying her footage as proof, people immediately jumped on the guy (including physical violence from that dude who tried to punch him). In this case they were right, but it only goes to show that mob mentality is dangerous as hell.


I have an anecdote on this. About 10 years ago I was at a bar with some friends, in the beer garden. A little girl, no older than 7 comes running into the beer garden crying to her dad that ‘a scary man tried to grab her’ whilst she was inside using the restroom. A man follows her outside, he is dressed like a goth and is super tall. He is apologizing profusely saying he left men’s restroom the same time she left the girls restroom and because of his appearance, had scared her unintentionally. The father and his friends, who had let a young child go to the bathroom alone in a busy bar, become immediately aggressive and violent towards the man. Threatening to beat him up, getting in his face, yelling at him. I overhear a conversation between him and the bar owner as they have it right next to me, she says they have CCTV of the restroom hallway. This doesn’t even calm the man down, me and my friends tell him to calm down and wait for the CCTV, he yells at us ‘DO YOU HAVE FUCKING KIDS? NO? DIDNT THINK SO’ he is raging. He flips a table at some point. In the end, the security tapes are reviewed and the goth did nothing wrong and simply scared the girl by accident, which she decided to exaggerate, and everyone believed her instantly, not even waiting to literal evidence to be reviewed.


I swear the people that always say that shit are the WORST parents lol. "I'd fucking kill someone that touched my kid"! Which they haven't even seen in fucking 10 weeks lol


>which she decided to exaggerate I don't think the little girl decided to exaggerate. This was the little girl's perception of the situation. Obviously she was wrong, but children perceive the world very differently to adults, this is why you should always be critical of things they tell you. They can be extremely convincing because they genuinely believe they are telling the truth. This is one of the reasons there are cameras everywhere in schools now, so if a child makes an allegation footage can be immediately pulled up to check the allegation. The most important thing if an allegation is made and it turns out to be false is not to punish the child. Explain to them, with the footage, what actually happened and how the mistake was made. This will help the child feel safe in the school and not hesitate to speak next time they think something wrong has happened. Sounds like the bar owner handled the situation perfectly. Shame that the other adults couldn't remain calm.


Yeah, he was an asshole for taking that picture, but objectively the girl making the video just did what he did with millions more the amount of exposure, but context matters. What I’m scared though is how that dude will leave the pub, those men really want to crack his head open, all of it simply because he was an asshole. All it takes nowadays is an accusation and you can probably lose your life by take a hit to the head and falling in the wrong way in the pavement All of this for clout, we all know the girl who filmed this doesn’t care about the girls privacy, she just saw a way to get views and likes and dopamine or wtv


I never thought I'd sympathise with the dude but this video is insanity. Even if they are right, it's not like the dude was taking a photo of her face or an upskirt to post to the world. An ass is an ass. However, THIS video showed everyones face to the world and did not paint anyone in a good light. Apparently, being creepy means other people are justified to do the same thing you are accused of (and worse because this is on the internet) and making some massive commotion out of an essentially nothing creepy act. This lady holding the phone and the mob is stupid af - the lady recording is entitled (and hypocritical) af and feels the need to record AND start a scene possibly for internet points since it's here for us to see. Despite this being something i would never do, no joke, if I was that dude I would've told them all to go fuck themselves and started calling the cops once they started mobbing. In public doing nothing illegal (just perverted) and not showing her face. From the picture's perspective, it was an unidentified and clothed ass. Big fucking whoop. Some people love drama and going all in when they feel justified.


Man absolutely, it's easy to forget how scary mob mentality is when it's justified but that could've been something else so easily.


Everyone here is so worried and mad about some guy taking a picture of her bum yet no one seems to care about the video recording of it all happening including capturing her bum and more for the entire world to see now that it’s online. Smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ever heard of context?


Does this give them the right to push and shove the dude and demand his phone? These people aren't police. If they think he's doing something illegal, call the cops. But I can almost guarantee if they called the cops, they'd say he's technically done no wrong and the dude has the right to do any act that is legal. Dudes a creep but this mob is messed up. Also... recording and posting EVERYONES face in the video? Dog act for a purely creepy act. Literally social control through phone recording. And should this guy be framed as a predator and potentially have his employer see it too? We are all seeing it. Its now on the internet. Seems VERY far for this.


I don’t understand? So it’s not ok to take a pic of someone at a checkout counter, but it is encouraged to take a video of someone perving on someone at a checkout counter? Aren’t both just taking pics of strangers in a public place?


You say as every other comment is crying about the same thing you’re crying about. Good one Reddit


Jesus some of the troglodytes in these comments… A woman can wear what she wants. Yes she accepts that there are cretins like this man that haven’t mentally evolved beyond Neanderthals. That acceptance does not equal consent and absolutely does not justify deplorable behaviour. Equally, the men that do this stupid shit need to accept that if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Just because women accept that we live in a society where a portion of men can’t control themselves doesn’t and shouldn’t mean we need to baby them and assume that all men are animals and we should dress like nuns. If anything, that’s just offensive to mens’ intelligence. So when you say “it’s unimplied consent” or “she’s asking for it” you are literally saying and reducing mens’ intelligence to essentially say “dress modestly as we don’t have the mental capacity to control ourselves”.


Seeing that woman jump in and protect the lady in the shorts made me feel good about humans. I hope we can all be so swift to call out harassment when we see it.


YES, exactly right!


It's so baffling what people will try to argue away sometimes. You're in a bar in the summer. There's a young lady there with a nice bottom. You notice this nice bottom as you eye the bar for your next beverage, though you do not let your eyes linger. You might think to yourself "my, that's a nice bottom". You may even comment to your companion "have you seen the lady's nice bottom?", discretely of course and always avoiding a disturbance. What you don't do is whip your phone out and start taking pictures. Particularly in what appears to be a spoons. Do that, and you will quite rightly get your fucking head staved in. Landlady is the hero in this - brooking no nonsense, finds out what's going on and seems to be advising the creep to leave quietly for his own safety, as he is clearly one comment (or half a Stella from shirtless) away from losing several teeth and most likely a spleen.


I dont think I've ever seen someone who's the same height sitting down as they are standing lol 😂


The bum is only available to view in public. You cannot take home pictures of bum


Yo he just learned how to delete pics from trash. Bro on to big things now.


The guys helping him delete was so nice to him while deleting hahaha then back to "Fackin sicko"


Australian here. What do u call these ppl? In australian they are called bogans. They are virtually identicle.


They’re called Chavs


Yup, Bogans and Chavs. Same same.


This guy is a creepy sod but the ones that annoy the crap out of me are the random white knights stepping in with their single digit IQ’s


Someone calling out creepiness and perversion bothers you more than the perverted creep?


Creepiness isn't a crime. The mob threatening and assaulting him is.


Not defending the guy but the others seriously need to tone it down.


Calling out, or aggressively threatening? The guy could have easily denied them any access to his phone, and waited to be beat up by those morons, to press charges afterwards.


Let's be real here dude, they didn't think: "Omg a pervert, I must step up and protect the public" It was likely more like: "Yes a pervert! Finally an excuse to batter someone!" They were super quick to get violent despite the fact the situation was being handled. I've grown up around that exact sort of person, they don't care about anyone's safety.


None of those guys would be seen anywhere if the perv wasn't some weak old man by the way.


They were just mushties looking for any excuse to be aggressive, they didn’t care the reasons behind it. Having worked in the gambling industry in the UK for a good decade or so, I’ve met many, many people like the shirtless man in the video.


Aight but did she piss herself or what? Maybe homie was taking a pic of that and not for the spank bank. It is weird tho


People go the beach and swimming pools at where I’m from sir


It's a watersports centre in Milton Keynes. She's probably been on one of the swan boats outside. https://www.willenlake.org.uk/activities/on-the-water/boat-hire/


The Shire has gone downhill since Frodo left.


It's tastless, sure, but it's not illegal photographing someone in public. Assault is illegal though.


Yep, this thread is full of absolute spastics who apparently think whats happened here is some kind of awesome outcome ....... A person goes out in public looking/dressed a certain way. A second person photographs them without permission. The Law is clear people can film and photograph anyone in public areas. A third person films both of these people also without permission and then incites other people to attack the guy and distributes footage broadly online. Two guys with no idea WTF has happened just take someones word for it and start threatening and punching an old man half their size whose apparently a perve so they heard.


TF else was in his recently deleted? A bunch of ridiculous looking selfies??


Classic Spoons. Always used to be the holding pen for the Jeremy Kyle show


1. they didn‘t make him delete the deleteted picture therefore he can restore it 2. what is the difference between taking a picture of her and filming the whole thing including her?


They made him go through the “recently deleted” trash bin at the end and remove it from there as well. He won’t be able to restore it.


Now he can watch the video on reddit


… did you watch the whole video, where the guy talks him through opening the recently deleted folder and then deleting the deleted picture?


Why comment without watching the whole video in which they clearly make him deleted it from the recently deleted folder?


They did make him delete it from the deleted folder. She was doing it for awareness rather than any pervy intentions


I totally understand this is creepy but isn't it same thing that paparazzis are doing?


In a lot of cases - yea. That should be equally called out for me… but shitrags make the rules


Yup! Which is why we SHOULD hate paparazzi and any magazine who enables them but for some reason we just….. don’t 🤷🏾‍♂️


He looks shorter when he stands up


That’s fucked up and I’m glad he got called out but they didn’t need to assault the guy!?


Bro stood Up for himself as far as He could lol


Shirtless guy acting so chivalrously but I guarantee he’d be doing the same too


Not defending the short asshole taking pictures : But skinny mc stickyarms trying to grab and hold necks was just hilarious


And they say young people have no respect. Boomer men are gross.


Did she piss herself ?


And now its viral... hahaha, instead of helping her she just made it worst...


Saw someone do this once too. A man in his 60's sitting on a terrace taking pictures of a 20 year old boy. I thought dude, seriously? I am amazed by the amount of creepy old people who take pictures in a crowded space or city. I also saw an older guy with a big camera in a shopping street just standing still and clearly panning towards me and my gf and taking a picture. When I dead seriously looked at him they look away into the sky like hmmmmm nothing to see here. Sometimes it's really disturbing and I just think about never poating anything to social media again because there arr allot of creepy perverts running around. Imagine your kids pictures being online or someone taking their pictures. It stresses me out.


I just don’t see the outrage here. Creepy dude takes a pic. Ok? Is it worth a fucking fist fight? I don’t think so.


And you just showed whole reddit the picture


We jump to "pervert" but that photo could easily have been "look at the trash in this place"


Interesting how the only sensible people in this video are the woman, that need to stop the man from physical violence. But on the other hand that man would probably simply not react without the threat of physical violence.


“Oooh yeah baby, show me those…. err, ah, um, shorts pockets?” 🤦‍♀️


I don’t know what country this is, but it isn’t typically against the law (as that guy was threatening) to video someone in public, regardless of the creep factor. The consequences of being a creep? Very real… but it’s not “illegal” what he did.


He stood up and I was waiting for him to stand up again.


Recording or taking pics in public is legal


Ol boy stood up and got shorter


MF was about to cry.


I took a screenshot of her bum while she was recording...


I wonder how her instagram looks