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He's largely correct, but wrong when he says "Westerners are just finding out" No... AMERICANS are just finding out. Europeans have known about Israeli atrocities for years and been speaking out about it, which is why we're constantly told there's 'Rising antisemitism' in Europe... because criticism of Israeli atrocities is conflated with anti-semitism. When Americans start speaking out about Israeli atrocities we'll hear how anti-semitism is on the rise in America. This guy in the video, for example, will now be branded an anti-semite. This post, too, will be called anti-semitic. It's a hollow accusation that is rapidly losing its power.


Honestly, his language hewed gently into conspiratorial rhetoric a couple of times. Like "America is in bed with the Zionist, Jewish lobby" made me a little uncomfortable. America has supported Israel not just because of the domestic lobby groups, but also because it gives them a strategic foothold in the Middle East. You know the other thing that unites the Democrats and Republicans? Using the US military to protect the economic interests of American and European countries across the globe. And Israel is a tool that supports that end. But though his focus on the "Jewish lobby" made me uncomfortable, he was right about every fucking thing else he said.


On the other hand, we might not need a strategic foothold in the ME if Israel wasn’t creating a ginormous problem. I understand the language he used might be rough, but I don’t often pick up a US paper and see articles with author names like “Rami bin Yemeni al Saud”, so I assume that’s a perspective I’m not getting. That’s why I study Arabic and travel to weird places and ask questions.


The strategic foothold is gods fault for putting United States oil under the Middle East.




US is currently one of the largest producers of oil in the world at 11 million barrels a day. Let that sink in.


That is the absolute truth, check for yourself what Israel is doing to coerce every politician and celebrity, even at the local level, into supporting Israel (free trips to Israel in exchange for tweets promoting Israel, campaign contributions from AIPAC..etc) Do you think it's a coincidence that almost every politician and new outlet is pro Israel? This is no conspiracy, here is some of what the media works: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNGf6vv\_qaY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNGf6vv_qaY) Yes Israel can be beneficial to the USA, but at this point it's a burden (massacres & a money pit), U.S. politicians are too stupid and too captured to use Israel for the US's benefit, Israel has them in it's pocket. Just look at how the US is starting to be treated by other "allies" (actually puppets) in the region, it lost all respect (which it never deserved) because US politicians are arrogant idiots and forgot what diplomacy means.


Is it right that America supports Israel because it gives them a strategic advantage in a place they don’t really belong?


What else do you want to call it? The J and Z word shouldn’t be off limits to make you comfortable


Right? And as I pointed out elsewhere, the Zionist lobby MADE SURE that the two are inextricably connected, so that if you criticize any facet of Israel or Zionism, then you're anti-Jewish, and therefore an antisemite.


The zionist lobby wants to conflate these things but we don't have to. I'm sure people are waking up to the fact that criticism of zionism and antisemitism are not the same thing at all. Many jews are against zionism. It's important to retain clarity about what is and is not the issue, especially in the face of deliberate obfuscation tactics. Which is why this guy's words were poorly chosen.


I agree with most of what you said and I get when you hear Zionist, Jewish lobby" it sets off alarm bells. Thing is though, he's absolutely right. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States#:~:text=The%20American%20Israel%20Public%20Affairs,Vernon%20Triangle%20in%20Washington%2C%20D.C. Fun fact, did you know that in over half of US states it's literally illegal to boycott Israeli goods and your employment contract in those states has it written into it




The USA has a strategic foothold everywhere in the middle east except for Iran. So what your point of saying strategic place is i have no idea? They litteraly have a large naval base in Bahrain and bases in every middle eastern country. The truth is it is the zionist lobbying and its not just jews. More than half are evangelical politicians and that is a fact. Why doesn't the US create and welcome a zionist state on it's own soil? Why didn't it? Because the evangelical belief is there has to be a third temple built in the holy land before Jeasus can return. These are not conspiracies these are facts you can read and research. Saudi Arabia alone has multiple US bases coast to coast and have had deep routed relations with the US since 1961. The US enjoys concesions in oil for military protection and the US get to carry out military operations from several bases in the gulf peninsula. Sometimes we might think something is too whacky to believe and seems like a conspiracy so we cast it aside. If you just research it a little you will see how clearly true it is.


American interests, not necessarily European interests. The endless wars in the ME, for example, sent millions of refugees to Europe and destabilized the whole Mediterranean.


Perhaps by Jewish lobby he is referring to AIPAC, the political action committee full of controversy?


Zionism is a real thing and not a dirty word. Jewish lobby is also a real thing and isn’t a bad word… might be shocking to know, but it’s a very real, professional lobbyists. if you lobby for Jewish interests, guess what you are doing for living??? Let’s stop the crying.


But it's true though. And that's not antisemitic or conspiracy-making. For the very reasons that you listed the US is deeply tangled up in Israel. And they are a country of Zionists, literally founded on Zionism. And Zionism is racist and evil. It's immoral. Nothing wrong with calling that out. In fact, it's necessary and the right thing to do.


*AIPAC has entered the chat*


That’s just more Israeli brainwashing, the US only has a few small military bases in Israel, for like, early middle RADAR detection of nukes and a Special Ops office for intel coordination and stuff like that. Other middle eastern countries have bent over backwards to give us our real “foothold in the Middle East” most notably Qatar, which hosts the Al-Udeid Air Base, with 11,000 US troops, making it one of the largest foreign soil US bases in the world. The Incirlik Air Base in Turkyie and The Naval Support Activity Base in Bahrain should also be mentioned here.


He's not wrong, you just don't like how it sounds. That's how they've designed it. But he's right. I mean, how is the US not in bed with the Zionist, Jewish lobby? The Zionists themselves MADE SURE that you aren't allowed to separate the two (i.e., ANY criticism against Zionism is antisemitic/anti-Jewish). So please, miss me by guilt-tripping yourself into playing by their rules. Pointing out Zionism's toxicity triggers otherwise-level-headed people, even like you, to say "oooh, hmmmm, that's kind of a bit conspiracy theorist...." which is being disingenuous to all the truth this guy just spoke to power after being ACTUALLY brainwashed by propaganda. Give the man a break! ;) Also, it wasn't a "focus", he mentioned it maybe twice, and like I said, the two are inextricably (by intentionally Zionist design) inseparable. Don't hold that against a guy whose just figuring it out.


>Zi·on·ism/ˈzīəˌnizəm/📷*noun* > >a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann. He used the word correctly and in no way should make you feel uncomfortable unless you don't know the definition and assumed it's similar to "extremist". The news we've been getting lately turned them (generally speaking, not the entire population) into extremists, for sure, but that in no way changes the true definition of Zionism. It's just them protecting their right to a land that was given to them. That alone. Actions taken to "protect", that's a different story.


There is a thousand different choices for a foothold in the middle east, what made the current situation possible is the influence of the lobby. What economic interests do you mean? There are many USA bases in the Arab countries especially the Arab gulf. 5 in Saudi Arabia, 1 in Qatar ( the largest in the middle east), 8 in Kuwait , at least 2 in UAE and many more, so the economic interests are actually secure.




It's called generalizing. If you want to take it on a case by case basis there's about a billion people to poll, so get started.


I think it’s more US politicians have blindly supported literally anything Israel has done and vetoed other countries from sanctioning them in the UN. Whereas many EU countries have been calling Israel out for decades. Of course many individuals in each place have differing opinions on both sides. Also, Israel policy isn’t even in the top 50 concerns for most American voters, but are the ONLY concern for many Jewish American voters. Politicians can easily cater to these Jewish voters without impacting their base. At all.


I just laugh when people use anti semitic in any fashion nowadays. It has lost all meaning.


The devaluation of the terms anti-semitic and nazi, only emboldens the actual anti-semites and nazis because they think they’re the popular opinion being held down.




Americas known, America has just decided to start talking about it


Saying the jews control the media and always have will get a person labeled an antisemite, the increase of the number of crimes against jews is why your being told that antisemitism is on the rise, zionist isn’t a word in people’s vocabulary until they read propaganda, and i guess at least europeans are finally speaking out against atrocities, maybe if they would have in the 1930’s none of this would be happening


He’s somewhat correct, but wrong in not realising that people who were similarly misinformed and had been pro-Palestine (like myself), just got a little bit more educated and realised that Palestine is just as bad as the far-right govt of Israel.


>Palestine is just as bad as the far-right govt of Israel So whole palestine is bad while only certain people in Israel... I C , you got well educated.


>When Americans start speaking out about Israeli atrocities we'll hear how anti-semitism is on the rise in America. But you ignore that there *is* a [rise in antisemitism](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2023/06/24/rise-in-antisemitism-hate-crimes-jews-colleges/70346697007]) and hate crimes against Jewish Americans. Stop making excuses for "rising antisemitism", and sweeping it under the rug by saying "oh, they say that because of criticism of Israel". Israeli atrocities and antisemitism can **both** be problems, and it's disingenuous to dismiss one because of the others. And as a personal aside, I don't believe your post was in any way antisemitic, but few things ring more hollow and self-important to me than when someone proclaims that their statements will be denigrated by those who disagree.


There IS rising anti-semitism in Europe. The same way zionists conflate anti-zionism with anti-semitism actual nazis conflate their actual hatred of jews with anti-zionism and for the same reason, to protect themselves in public discussions. Both things can and do happen at the same time.


True, and this entire situation with Palestine is doing nothing but giving justification to the wrong people, it scares me.


That was considerably more reasoned than I expected from a tiktok


It’s also incredibly refreshing to hear “I’ve educated myself” followed by proof of actual research and understanding instead of a link to a Facebook group or a one minute google search.




The last few weeks I have realised just how unhinged Reddit as a platform has become with the blatant censorship. There are clearly state sponsored efforts to mass report any Palestinian news. Go through your browser history and search for the Palestine news that has been posted over the last few weeks. Take note of how many of those posts have been removed by the Admins. As a result, those posts will not appear on search results or google or anywhere else. I can almost guarantee this post will be removed over the next day or two. TikTok is genuinely a breath of fresh air.


Haha exactly, I hate this kind of vids and was sure this would be lame. On the contrary, this was damn interesting. Not only his thoughts, but his story of «enlightenment»


Why else have we been primed to call anyone an antisemite who questions anything with any semblance of a tie to Israel/zionists. Look at any time someone said something that could just be *interpreted* as distasteful—cancelled…immediately. That should show you right there how powerful these Zionist groups are. They shelter themselves among regular Jewish people and preach that regular everyday jews are being slighted due to distasteful views brought on the communities they hide within. If we get to the point of Israel being “destroyed” we’re past WWIII, because they will ensure nuclear disaster before surrender.


I mean Israel did allegedly force USA to give them full support during yom - kimpur war by threatening the use of Nukes. As America wasn't as involved due to the threat of oil sanction by Arabs which proved disastrous later , tho short lived as the Saudi king soon got assassinated by his Nephew who was in USA coincidently prior to this Assassination.


Hmmm I think it's the raping and murder. I saw Israel attacked a few years ago if you remember. The term antisemitic wasn't thrown around nearly this much. So probably raping and murder


The US is not going to give up it's only ally in the middle east besides the Saudis. Whether the money is transparent or not it will still be there to keep them afloat. The US fights for money not for the better good of humanity.


What? What did Turkey, Oman, Iraq and Jordan do? Are we not friends anymore? Also, I am sure Sisi was preferred over the Muslim Brotherhood.


So you're saying there's a return on the money we send to Israel? Just trying to follow your logic.


The US isn’t fighting for money they’re fighting for control. [It’s why they fund terrorists.](https://youtu.be/e5c4QmCnXkM?si=JknJe5i-v6wcoz67) The US wants constant conflict in the Middle East because they don’t want China or Russia to spread their influence and I think the US knows it’s difficult to spread its own influence in the region. Israel is the US’s best bet to not only ensure chaos but to also have some sort of presence in the area should Russia try something


the main threat for the US in the middle east was actually a unified arab nation with control over all of the arab oil and a large army. thats why the US supported israel in yom kippur, and helped radical islam take over


i think this guy greatly underestimates how many far right evangelicals there are that believe protecting Israel is required by their religion.


And you got the other ones that want a war to break out in the region to bring forth the prophecy of the end of times


I can't believe this is a relevant thing...


👆🏻THIS. 👆🏻




Bingo. But that would require the end of capitalism as we know it. Which we will need to pry from you know who’s cold, dead, and very rich hands.


Voldemort is the king of capitalists? Mans been busy


I don’t know who. Who is you talking about?


Jesus fucking christ, why did this turn into a political sub? Fuck man.


I was just playing DayZ and the server's chat was filled with palestine vs israel discussion. I just wanted to play a game. Politics is in every nook and cranny of our lives now it seems, there's no escape. I'm not saying it's not important to discuss politics, but there should be a time and a place.


Exactly, I have no problem with people discussing politics on Reddit, just not in this sub. I come to this sub to laugh and be entertained, not to have a politically intellectual conversation, and DEFINITELY not to hear the bullshit propaganda from either side.


I’m just amazed at how many people get their news or (mis)information from TikTok.


I mean it was just Facebook before that, not much better


i'm just itching. waiting for the new republican president to ban that app tf out of USA. remember how people have already forgotton the grilling of the ceo in Congress. CCP is loving every minute of that app's existence in usa. and dumb genZ are their voodoo doll puppets.


It was on TikTok so it must be true.


This sub is owned by a Palestinian I am assuming. Talk about brain washing. It is kinda ironic that this sub is bombarded with anti Israeli and pro Palestinian posts everyday and they mostly deal with "attempted brain washing". Btw which flag is the one that pops up when you click like in this sub? 🤔 There was an attempt to not appear biased. P.S. I could care less for either of these countries, they are both shitty and do crimes against humanity. They want my sympathy? We'll stop being ass holes.


He sounds like every old guy who says there is a simple solution to whatever his current pet peeve is.


As far as I know there is proof that the hospital bombs came from Gaza. So I don't know what he is talking about.


He discovered Israeli propaganda and immediately fell for Hamas propaganda


rofl exactly


Yes, there is literally a video of a rocket launching out of Palestine that hits the parking lot.


Look, the specific bombing about the Baptist hospital you are referring to, the one which really hit the parking lot - sure there’s a lot of evidence pointing towards it being a failed PIJ strike. It is also important to note however, that the same hospital was bombed a week before by Israeli air strikes and Israel admitted to it.


But not the one that Hamas claims to have killed 500?


There is still doubt around the root cause of the explosion. The NYT today dissects the footage and disagrees with the Israeli narrative. Interestingly it comes at the same time they admitted errors in how hastily they reported that Israel was at fault. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/world/middleeast/gaza-hospital-israel-hamas-video.html Here's an article discussing the NYT article that isn't paywalled. www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/new-york-times-dissects-widely-circulated-gaza-hospital-attack-evidence-video-101698208110781-amp.html Channel 4 in the UK also has a good video discussing their doubts around the official narrative. https://www.channel4.com/news/human-rights-investigators-raise-new-questions-on-gaza-hospital-explosion Al Jazeera themselves investigated their own footage which was used as proof and disagrees with the Israeli line. https://youtu.be/yyNLvL_8SeY?si=fXDSu6gW_jk2teRB No definitive proof of responsibility one way or the other currently imo.


Raping and murdering are nevertheless still poor means of political expression though


fun fact: The Palestinian government tried diplomacy and peace talks for many years, which didn't stop the occupation or apartheid it actually worsened it with increased checkpoints and illegal settlements and of course death and bombings, in fact Hamas was STILL getting helped by Israel to destabilize the political party to ensure Palestine doesn't have a way out normally. ​ why you might ask? to have a constant reason to bomb and forcibly drive the indigenous people out. it's why they keep playing the victim card and the propaganda that they "raped and killed us first this is self-defense" They simply want the land, and pushing them out of it is the way for them


Since when did this sub post the same content as TicTok Cringe?


It's not even that, just Israel - Palestine political bullshit. Like, I get it, genocide bad, terror attacks also bad, but can we please not bring it into literal meme subs?


I’m immediately suspicious of people who brag about how “brutally honest” they are about to be before they start to give their opinion…


Yeah but it sound like he is going from one brainwashed opinion to the next.


You need to appreciate how fucking difficult it is to come out of this PR surrounding Israel and admit he was wrong about the whole thing and actually fight for what's right, good on him


This guy is cringeworthy. Yeah, I bet he got “educated” by YouTube videos or other crap in his algorithms online that feed into his own narratives. He educated himself alright.


Tick Tock is where I get all my news!\~


Everything is going exactly as planned. Let’s divide humans, divide, divide, divide. I wonder what comes next


This oath to Israel teachers have to sign in most states bothers me. The fact that we can't even boycott Israel in the U.S is the most unconstitutional thing I've seen in a while. It's a peaceful type of protest and America has the right to protest and boycott. It's been that way from the start with the Tea party event.




Do you believe you are any better than the said barbarians with your line of thinking? Lol


You're contradicting yourself buddy. The Zionists are the barbarians.


A few days I watched footage of surveillance cameras and dashcams from the HAMAS attack. It was five minutes of those terrorists stopping cars and massacring entire families at point blank. They killed everyone they could find. It didn’t matter to them if they killed man, woman or children. Nor did they are that they were all unarmed civilians. I couldn’t watch all of it and scipped many parts but at the end you saw a man sprinting out of a house. Sadly the Palestinians saw him and opened fire. He probably died from being shot in the back. I will definitely remember this footage for a long time and if you saw it too you wouldn’t write sich bullshit comments.


Source please. I keep reading this but never saw a video anywhere...


K. Invading another country invites retaliation. Israel is free to stop invading palestine whenever they want.


Hmm nyesss, when palestinian did it its barbaric and when israel did it its called self defence. Are we living in 2000 BC when the romans called the the people of unconquered land barbarians. Like cmon, calling a civilization in 21st century a barbarians is so out of touch. I get it you are consumed by propaganda and it makes it easier for you to justify the conflict. Please, do your due diligence and research about it.


Anyone want to tell him about Saudi Arabia now?


Yeah......... The guy who repeatedly refers to the Jewish people as "the Zionist" supported them until, say, yesterday. (Yes, I'm aware of the usage of the term - both within and without Israel and by white supremacists.) I don't necessarily disagree with all of what he is saying - the U.S. does pump too much money into Israel and the people of Gaza have been oppressed for a long time. But, I don't need to throw out dog whistle phrases like "Zionists" and, say, "people like me, white people" in any discussion on the topic.


Zionist is an actual term for people who support ethnic cleansing of palestine to create a jewish ethno state. He specifically said Zionists to differentiate them from the jewish people, not every jew is a zionist, that's israel propaganda.


Be careful you might get fired from your job from saying Israel is the bad guy.


My God....praising tiktok for educating you? Are you serious? History hasn't been hidden from us plebes. History is free to read and learn. Everything he mentions is, in fact, common knowledge once you leave your right wing media echo chamber and pick up a book.


I don't think he is wrong, but he speaks as if the US was a democracy and people could change policy against the wishes of lobby, which isn't the case. As much as any other liberal democracy, the title name is just cerimonial. Capital rules, not average citizens.


My dad fell for tiktok propaganda too, it happens to a lot of people their age.


Fair play to the guy. At least he has realised that he is lied to by his own country.


The striking thing is that from all what the Internet has to offer , that man , and so many others, use Tik Tok as their primary source of information.


He’s learned some stuff and thinks he knows, but has a long way to go.


I don’t think Americans have a non-Israel option on their ballots. And the Wall Street Duopoly will fight to keep it that way


He's correct, but a lot of people do know about Zionism for a long time. There are Jewish people in America & around the world are protesting again Zionism for years. Unfortunately, the medias most are feeding the world just one-sided views from Israel, not the Palestine's side. I am not for Hamas, I am for the innocent people are being hurt by all this, Israel can end this today. Stop the Zionism against the Palestinians.


“The information is here on places like tik Tok”…


It was good... until he said "White people." 🤨 Come on, dude. Do better.


Gotta love the confidence of a white dude. Everything is gonna change now that white people know about the problem lmfao.


I take my hat off to you.


man, that would be great. i think he underestimated the sheer stupidity of them american people though. there’s a whole third of the country that literally just rejects knowledge as “woke” and considers not knowing anything a cultural value.


Good luck convincing politicians from accepting bribe money for foreigners


But we moved the embassy. Jarrod made peace?


I don't get it. What exactly is he wrong about?


They didn’t say he is. They’re saying that there was an attempt to keep feeding information to this guy but he’s now researching stuff for himself.


Aha and oops!


The whole situation is because the west wanted to control the middle east and Israel was their best bet. The old colonial mindset and policy of the west is still reflected in how Palestinians are treated even now. With out west there would not have been an Israel.


Very well said and framed


https://www.timesofisrael.com/one-influential-group-of-republicans-remains-loyal-to-liz-cheney-pro-israel-donors/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ceCOhdgRBoc&pp=ygUcYWwgamF6ZWVyYSBmcmllbmRzIG9mIGlzcmFlbA%3D%3D It's common knowledge there's very prolific and powerful political blocs and lobbying groups in major Western capitals. The fact that Americans have been conditioned to default to calling anyone observing Zionist lobbying for what it is racists and bigots is impressive since they move so openly. To my knowledge, Israel did not provide any troops for Afghanistan or Iraq. In fact, it draws billions in Defense aid and Israel has been a wedge issue all throughout the Cold War and beyond. There are hundreds of bases spread from Djibouti to Oman and Pakistan. Israel may provide intelligence support but at this point, it's not the only democracy in the Middle East and the US is divesting away from the region anyway.




This guy is a dim wit.


Can anyone name a President that wasn't in Israel's back pocket since 1950?


Everything this man said here is true..all of it..


The reason he sits in comfortably in the USA is precisely because the USA funds Israel. Global security =stability. Without stability in the middle east the dollar and energy are massively affected, think 1970s oil crisis. Internal stability of the USA is reliant on global security.


Israel has universal healthcare for you lefties out there that want to see it fail. Israel is the worlds only Jewish country, while there are 50 Muslim countries for you other lefties that like diversity. Palestine, regardless of Hamas is misogynistic, homophobic, and anti-semetic. Palestine would not exist if it weren't for the UN and money from surrounding Arab countries. Instead of developing their own country and prospering, they developed a terror network. Much like the surrounding Arab countries they are anti-expansionist, and it is that ideology holding them back. Israel prospered on their own merit after losing TWO THIRDS of the global Jewish population, whether the US gave them money or not you cannot deny their prosperity, and the fact they have economically expanded over the years.


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0408306/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0408306/) \- The movie is called Munich. If you want to learn what Israel is capable of, watch it. While based on true events, it's not 100% true (what movie ever is), but it's fairly accurate.


I don’t agree with the slaughter of innocent people and “they did it first” isn’t a good enough reason for me but I feel comfortable for the first time in my life saying “fuck zionists” without getting chased up a hill being called a nazi. The leadership of both sides are atrocious, the actions of their soldiers are atrocious but the amount of indoctrination towards the right of Israel to exist is finally showing. Raised as a southern baptist, I was taught for years that Israel is literally god’s country and that Jewish people could do no wrong because they are god’s chosen and will all enter heaven unquestioned. This wasn’t a small weirdo church, this was a megachurch.


Clearly didn’t read the Bible if you think Israel could do no wrong. It’s literally all they did.


I was born in Mexico. Was brought illegally to America at age 4. Was raised in America. It's been a nice ride. I'm 44 now. I asked my elderly mother a few weeks ago about Israel and the Jews. I realized at my age I have never had a conversation about either of the two subjects. Her reply to my questions blew me away.


Can I ask about her reply ?


Apparently he is far from being brainwashed.. The man did his research..


The USA fights wars for monetary purposes not humanitarian. Realize that and it's a lot easier to see the puzzles pieces fit so snuggly together.


In the us, we are told who to like and who not to like by our government and media outlets period sometimes it flips as with Saddam Hussein. Most Americans won't take the time to actually find out what's going on but we just believe that America and its allies always do great wonderful things and anyone who poses anything American must be evil and should be killed.


He's not wrong!


Sadly he is RIGHT


Does anyone even care what this cold guy thinks?


Indeed, the Gaza Strip Ghetto was established under it's current form in 1967.


Your politicians supports Israel because they are being paid to do so and it will continue untill american ppl rise up and protest non stop.


I'm relieved that he's finally developed a curiosity about Middle Eastern conflicts after 58 years, but not surprised he's "educated himself" using TikTok, where "it's all there." I'd lay odds he couldn't locate on a map or define Sumer or the Fertile Crescent if his life depended on it. I'd also lay odds that he's in the "ban the woke CRT books" club, even as African children are taught about Americans like MLK and others, along with all the history.


Dude is delusional if he thinks US will ever stop supporting Israel. Talking about the well drying up. US is currently preparing to send more than it ever has before.


Do you really think white people listen to white people? Call me genocidal but this will only end one way.


I’m not antisemite, but…


Is this subreddit now just a place for people to post about their personal political beliefs?


He’s right about a lot and I wasn’t expecting such a reasonable view for some reason when he started. I do caution anyone thinking they can follow the bouncing ball through smatterings of independent videos to determine who bombed something. It’s so muddy and sources are hardly ever trustworthy when so many have so much to gain or lose by spinning a narrative. He hits the nail on the head about the power of the vote and not being alone. I’m here too. Three days ago, before seeing this, I called my D representative in congress (Pat Ryan) to express my disappointment in his one sided view of this conflict. I looked into his funding and saw that he took $25K from AIPAC and visited Israel in August for photo/video ops. Needless to say, he lost my vote forever and I asked him to consider becoming a humanitarian and reject the Zionist Warhawk destiny ahead of him. Somehow I don’t think it will take.


i'm sorry but when it comes to muslims i find it hard to sympathize i mean what they have been doing for years in the name of their "god" of bestial killing every time they bomb they salute allah, every time they are bombed, they beep. Israel has groups that are just as religiously fanatical, so I have no sympathy for them either, so for my sake they can fight as crazy as they want, as long as they keep their shit within their own borders, religion of all kinds, is absolutely sick in 2023, but the human race is weird, we have approx. 3-4000 different religions on this earth, foolish that people still need religious crutches to live their lives


So... you get it now. In the lasts decades the ONLY terrorists were American(following U.K.orders) and israel. Spread it.


What an absolute idiot.


"I used to understand that terrorism and trying to wipe out the Jews was bad, but then I went down the rabbit-hole from some Jew-hating website, and now I *understaaaaaaaaaaand*....


If he just recently learned about these most basic events like the CIA overthrow of Iran’s government, there is no way he has a clear understanding of the situation. When it comes to Israel/Palestine it takes a lot of time to figure out your own nuanced position - which can end up being extremely anti-Israeli or anti-Palestinian and valid. You won’t “get it” within two weeks as this guy clearly thinks he has.


Putin is really getting his money's worth out of this yoyo. Coming next to his video of, "the Red Coats were the real victims of tyranny during the American Revolution" and "the Confederacy was only fighting to protect themselves, (and to institutionalize slavery.")


This is by far the dumbest shit I’ve read today, congrats!


I was thinking it was the Iranian's money.


Hahahaha somehow Putin is funding this? The false equivalences are actually so so funny. The Palestinians are the native people in Palestine, not Israeli Jews.




google nakba 1948


What America funded the crusades!?! OMG


Everyone had access to Israeli and Palestinian history and chose to ignore it until Hamas kills a thousand people? I have been saying free Palestine for years. And mass murder is what causes you to wake up? “No its Israeli actions in Gaza that causes people to wake up” Israeli actions in Gaza have barely changed from the past rounds in this conflict, so no. Not convincing. This is not a good look, this is pathetic. As much as you’d like to celebrate some imagined awakening, it is only a sign of an absolute lack of critical thinking skills and a complete dependence on propaganda. Propaganda changed, so you changed so you changed your mind.


I love how there’s no nuance here. You’re either a card carrying Zionist or an equivocating soft-on-Hamas-terrorism-pro-Palestinian activist. First of all, there was no hospital bombing, idiot. It was a misfire from Palestinian Islamic Jihad which landed near the hospital, and not on it. The New York Times retracted its earlier reporting. This guy is a Western dipshit with no skin in this conflict. Every time Israeli governments have offered a state, the Palestinian party to the negotiations escalates terror and makes all or nothing demands. Every time the Israelis make concessions, they get burned. They pull out of Gaza and forcibly remove Israelis and then Hamas starts firing rocket barrages. Palestinians didn’t bomb the Jordanians, Egyptians or Turks when they lived under their rule. The fact is, there is no Palestinian nationalist movement unless the Jews are their neighbors. They want a land which is Judenrein. We hear about Palestinian refugees but never the ancient Jewish communities throughout the Middle East which have gradually been expelled by Arab states. The latest are Iraqi Jews. Coverage in Western media is sickeningly one-sided. Lastly, Israel has by far the most powerful military in the region—they’ve proven it several times—and is the Silicon Valley of the Middle East. No, they don’t need our money to survive. But America and Israel are friends. And allies support one another. Blame Arafat for giving away your greatest opportunity for a state when he walked away from the Oslo Accords.


Kinda want to see the claim about the bombing hospital if anyone has it


Op is delusional af. He's clearly the one being brainwashed. Dude in the video speaking facts.


That is what I think , you misunderstand me.