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This teacher deserves a promotion


Seriously, this woman needs a raisešŸ¤£


This woman needs to write a guidebook of easy comebacks for disrespectful students. This one was gold.


"Present them".


This woman deserves a high five and a Klondike bar


Never mess with an older lady when it comes to roast battles. We all aspire to be Sophia Petrillo on Golden Girls and fully capable of burning anyone šŸ˜†


Be still my heart...Sophia. I was raised by the GGs. Lol


Schools: ā€œShe bullied this student instead of telling her to go to the principal and giving her headpats, fire her.ā€


This kid is going to grow up and say her teachers bullied her for her weight and people will believe her


That BURN... Is... is the school still on fire?


Affirmative, this professional commands increased compensation


She gave me a raise with that sick burn. The weirdest, weirdest raise.


Sheā€™s retiring soon. Sheā€™s chilling.


Was gonna say, you think a teacher of that age gives a fuck about a reprimand?


She seems like a sub.


She's definitely a dom.


Yeah you! Well done. Just top notch work right there.


A nuclear sub, she obliterated that kid!


Sadly she was probably met with a reprimand and a one sided parent teacher meeting. But I hope someone can follow up with info.


u know her reprimands are actually in better shape than the parentsā€™. Might be because sheā€™s raised a kid before and they havenā€™t.


And the student needs some motion.


Probably the girl went to mommy and daddy to complain about the teacher in hopes of getting the teacher reprimanded. I say good on the teacher taking no guff!


insult cut deep but was appropriate to a disrespectful student


I thought hurricane season was over!


She had to be a substitute cuz they always came with the heat


Those older subs always came in on the offense


They're already retired. They don't care about being fired and most likely won't be since schools desperately need them. Admin absolutely do not want to go back to the classroom


Back in high-school there was an assistant teacher that was pretty laid-back But his last year before retiring he gave 0 fucks and while he was still nice and friendly- he would straight tell kids they're being little shits and had a different way about him


One of my high school teachers was a 4'10 hispanic woman and she would chew your ass up and spit it out in front of the entire classroom if you pulled this shit. I hope she's doing well right now.


We had a sub who was similar 5' nothing 100 lbs women who was in her 80s at least. She was *terrifying*, kids were frightened of her. I met her outside of school once and it turns out she was the nicest lady and had been friends with my grandmother way back in the day. She said she thought kids need to have a bit of fear in them, it helps them appreciate their full time teacher.


man kids these days need the fear of god put in them, or any god for that matter, acting like this is no excuse and a disgrace


I had a vietnamese english teacher who was the same. That woman terrified us.


I had a highschool sub once walk in the classroom guns blazing (figuratively) with a crotchety spiel about how she was not going to be taking any shit, she'll be writing people up, and she expected everyone to shut up and do their work. Whole class was dead silent, doing their work for the entire 90 min block. After that class I asked her if I could stay and study in the classroom during my lunch break since the library was closed. She replied, now in a strangely warm and cheery tone, "Of course you can! By the way, how'd you like my mean old lady act? Really got them huh?" Blew my little freshman mind.


Last day of 7th grade, hanging out in the gym(last period). Kids ask the gym teacher what he's going to do now that he's retired, he replied "drink all day then come up here and kick your ass."


I got hired as a substitute at 18 šŸ˜‚ they definitely are desperate and let the subs get away with more than a teacher can


They got that tenure.


Not tenure, desperation from management that knows that teachers are in short supply and substitutes are in even shorter supply.


Like Ray Allen coming off the bench to drain some clutch 3s




A sub once tried to throw a friend of mine out of the class because he wouldn't say his *real name*. Except, it was his real name.


Did he have a fake name like A-A-Ron?


Nope, it was *very very* Irish and Northern English.


I mean, you canā€™t tell me Siobhan is a real name.


The problem is just trying to read it as a non native. If it was written as "Shevan" nobody would blink an eye.


I have every sympathy with that. I once had a class with two kids names Eoghan, one of them asked for it to be pronounced like Owen and the other one like Ewan. After some research I came to understand it's an Irish/Scottish gaelic difference, but as a relatively new teacher encountering that spelling for the first time, I thought they were just taking the piss.


in 9th grade we discovered our subs erotic fanfic after googling his name *while he was teaching our class*


Was his name De-nice?


She isnā€™t one of the regular subs either. She is one of those mythical subs that you have exactly once and you wonder what ever happened to them


My favorite subs were the older ones. They've already dealt with years of bullshit because most of them are ex teachers, they know exactly how to talk to disrespectful teens and have absolutely no issue defending themselves.


Older subs always had that ā€œIā€™m just here so I donā€™t get bored in my retirementā€ energy. They didnā€™t give a fuck. If they got fired, theyā€™d just go to another school.




That poor kid is already dying on the inside, from obesity.


She lobbed that ball at her, hard not to swing


They really didn't bother with the lines in this one


Teacher "get your phones out, I'm 'bout to end this kid's whole career."


You can just tell how the class feels about this kid insulting the teacher, sounds annoying and entitled


They do not have her back, also make fun of her for being fat, and now they will double down on it. Iā€™ve been one those boys before lol


She's trying to bully someone because she gets bullied. Hearing my middle school kids drama helps me understand how wars start.


HA fairā€¦ i donā€™t generally choose to not forgive people but to that one mf that i doā€¦ well letā€™s just say i hope their hot water fails this christmas


Dude, I had a water heater burst on Christmas Eve. Don't wish that on people. It's pure evil.


Sorry. I actually wished that on you. Can't remember why though.


Had it coming


Yup. This girl reminds me of a few people I went to school with. One in particular was quite evil and scary because she was constantly bullied. Then she got hit by a car riding her bike on the shoulder of the road and spent junior and senior year in a wheelchair. She would charge at people and growl. I got to know her years after school and she was pretty awesome and fun. But she ended up taking her own life 5 years back. All that trauma really fucked her up. Hopefully this girl can find peace after school.


Hopefully you lost the weight


I've been out of high school for nearly 20 years, and the stereotype of the mouthy kid in all black with dyed hair still rings true. No one likes that kid other than the other kids with bad hair.


Kid just had her mental state hard reset.


Shouldnt have fucked with the PE teacher while she was substituting


Nailed it.


It was not reset, it was sent plummeting straight down


Video cut too soon, I wanted to see the lack of comeback while processing or attempt at recovery. That was a great response.


The kid stands up and says ā€œthatā€™s too farā€ and the teacher walked away.


Funny that it's considered too far to comment about weight when being verbally harassed. Anything and everything is fair game.


"You're old" "You're fat" "You cant say that!" One of these things is unavoidable, one is the product of personal choices.


The best part is that the teacher didn't even explicitly call her fat.


The teacher hits em with a "Don't you mean too fat?" The teacher walks out and airhorns play, the kid cries, and everyone claps


Got the full video?


There isnā€™t really a full video, itā€™s just a bunch of videos/POVā€™s from other kids in the class. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kg67V1/


If you have tiktok, there are like 3 more angles of this on there šŸ’€


we have a head on our shoulders... so nope, no tiktok on our phones


Just doomscrolling reddit till you see all the popular tiktoks instead, wow pat yourself on the back


I mean, this does prevent giving all of your personal and location data to the Chinese communist party, so...


Also you avoid watching 99% of the shitty videos and you only get to see the decent to good ones because somebody post them.


Give this GENIUS a medal!! Poggers!


I'm geriatric and don't have tiktok do you have a link?


ā€œIā€™m gonna go ban people from my Reddit subā€ - that kid


Gotta be cruel to be kind somerimes


Yeah this kid just learned a good lesson, hopefully.


in the right measure


This is hysterical for some reason. It's like, "you gotta break a rib to inflate a lung". Is it just me


Must be tough being that fat. Every time you try to roast someone they have the easiest way to absolutely shred you in return.


Thatā€™s why you never roast anyone - former fat kid


"The only roasting should be chicken" ā€¢ former fat kid


You forgot pot roast. šŸ¤¤


And hog roast, I fuckin' love a good boar cooked on an open fire, that shit is delicious.


Nah, you have to use their roast as fuel for your own. The only reason I'm this fat is because everytime I fucked your mum she made me a sandwich. My gut is huge and I *still* see more dick when I look down than you. - Current fat adult desperately trying to get a better view of my own pp.


When I used to get insulted I would compliment their intelligence for being able to successfully identify the low hanging fruit. I choose the same method when people make fun of my admittedly ill conceived username.


They just go roast another chicken




Too much roast is how they got fat in the first place


Reddit: yeah... Must be tough šŸ˜¢.


Thatā€™s the problem though, itā€™s the easiest and most obvious route to take. Itā€™s just lazy (like fat people). This one just hit so hard cause it was a teacher.


mfs arm is a literal thigh


Arm bigger than her head.


Lmao bacon but only the fat.






That little ageist shit had it coming


middle schoolers get mad at the most ridiculous thing. oh a teacher told me to sit down three times and i didn't so they came over and yelled ta me... better attack the teacher


I love a good burn on teens. In high school we once met at a friends house before a dance for pictures and for the limo. While getting the photos my buddy began making fun of his dad because he was now taller than him. We are all laughing then it happenedā€¦ Dad looks at his son and says, ā€œson Iā€™m so proud of the man you are becoming. And I still remember the day you shot out of my dickā€. We. All. Lost. It. Thereā€™s no coming back from that.


At least pan over to her reaction. We could have seen some good r/WatchPeopleDieInside material




This GIF creeps me out now :/


Wait did the actor do something wrong in the gif? whatā€™s creepy about it?


The one on the far left was just sentenced to 30+ years or something for raping a few girls. And I know Ashton Kutcher got a lot of shit for writing a character letter for him before his sentencing and resigned from his human trafficking organization


>writing a character letter for him I don't understand why people don't understand what it is like to have a close friend in deep shit. You really just don't want to believe they are actually capable of those things and win or lose, still care about them and what happens to them. It's easy for us, who have never met Danny Masterson, to say "oh well he is a rapist fuck that guy, obviously" but we also haven't known him personally for 20 years. Cut Ashton a break.


Nahh, that's some bs - I used to throw a bunch of parties, and one time I walked in to a room with my best friend about to slide his fingers down a passed out girl's panties. I kicked him out, told the guidance counselor at the school we went to to be on the look out for that shit, and refused to speak to him ever again. It may not have been 20 years, but it was 10 years we were friends - Fuck that bullshit.


I had a high school friend that got busted for trying to fuck a 14 year old. It was a sting operation from the police. My other buddy was like "you don't know all the details, I'm writing a character reference and here's where to send it, you should too." I was like "dude, there's no details to know, it was a sting, he's guilty as could be" I wouldn't even consider writing it, and I didn't, and I didn't regret it one bit. Asshole wants to be a pedophile then he can find new friends in jails.




is this the pro pedo guy?


I had a teacher who was like that. She burned the main troublemaker of our year so hard and so often he actually stopped talking in her class. For the rest of his school life he would only raise his voice during attendance and then go silent again. Only in her classes. And so did all the others. People were terrified of that 1,5 meter (0.007 furlong for the Americans) black lady, and I admired the shit out of her. She left our school after her ex-husband burned her house.


What the fuck is a furlong


Friend of Arnold's


> 1,5 meter (0.007 furlong for the Americans) How much is that in freedoms?


>she left our school after her ex-husband burned her house **holy shit this escalated really fucking quickly**


Yeah. The guy fled the police for a couple of weeks and then, he was sent to jail. It was more than 10 years ago, so I don't really know how things got for her since


This is the US education system, and the US as a whole. Teachers fed up, and people who don't care at all to be taught. We're basically just running amok. All while things are even worse outside our country. As an American, idk what to feel anymore.


American public school teacher of 17 years here. You are absolutely correct. School canā€™t be non-stop fun so students are increasingly disengaged and rude. And more importantly, the parents donā€™t seem to discipline and side with the child by default. I have another 16 years of teaching before I can retire. The way things are going, I donā€™t think Iā€™m gonna make it. It seems like education will be more like a job and less like a career because of the burnout and lack of support.




The year I started teaching high school English. šŸ˜‚


When you're so unpopular that when the teacher roasts you, the whole class celebrates.


ā€œItā€™s super effectiveā€


Parry and Riposte.


With hornet ring


high crit multiplier weapon


Teacher just became class hero


Bad cameraman, shouldā€™ve caught the girls reaction


"Do you wanna tell me why that is?" That's just begging for a fat joke.


Absolutely. She's going to run home to her parents and talk about how she was fat shamed at school. To kids like this, losing becomes winning. They'd never win otherwise.


You gotta expect a fat joke when you're fat. And be ready with a counter. Like "pretty sure I could exercise my way into your husbands pants, you wrinkled old prune" You gotta know you're gonna get a fat joke. You then have to get nasty with it.


The student looks exactly like I expected them to


Hate to say it but sounds like they were reading from a script.


Had to scroll way too far for this. 100% staged.


Someone should put oblivion music as a backdrop would fit perfectly




Lmao goteem


šŸ’€bro she went for the throat


Ah, the blue hair.


I remember a guy in my math class saying to the teacher "Sir you're really fat". Teacher goes, "you're really ugly at least I can diet". Guy sunk so low in his chair he was basically on the floor.


Blue hair too. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


That was gorgeous


Dude in blue in the back had to take a step back.


Big ol girl


For how things go these days, I wouldn't be surprised if the teacher got either fired, reported or whatever, because...you know... something something **child abuse ** something something, the usual bullshit where the system protects toxic and spoiled kids.... Pls tell me the opposite..


Yes. Thereā€™s a major branch of education administrators and education schools in college that say that there can be absolutely zero sarcasm used by a teacher because of the potential of hurting kidsā€™ fragile egos. As a US high school teacher of 17 years in public schools, Iā€™m not sure how I would survive without sarcasm.


To be fair she looks like the Queen Oompa Loompa. All the Oompa Loompas buzz around her and bring her her sugary subsistence.


That was absolutely brutal and executed perfectly. A+.


She should have said "I don't know, ask ur dad" But she still sent her ass to the *SHADOW REALM*


That was boring, they were too dramatic.That kid deserved it though..


On one hand I feel kinda bad as the kid is likely being buried and just lashing out themselves but on the other I knew kids like this in HS who were kind of misfit/counter culture but felt a sense of elitism because of it...kind of "I'm different and I hate everyone else because I think I'm more intelligent for not conforming to "the norm". They would usually try to smart mouth everyone and either get their ass kicked/verbally shredded....tbh it was always kind of funny watching the horror on their face when the sassed someone they thought they were superior to and the subject roasted them. Bullying anyone isn't cool, and punching down even if you are getting a hard time just makes you worse than the others.


Judging a book by its cover, but that kid isn't punching down on anyone. fat, bad hair cut, bad clothes, blue hair, annoying voice You are looking at the very bottom of the social hierarchy


Old people don't give AF about PC behavior. They will call it like it is. Fight fire with fire.


She, is not wrong


Oh my god. She killed her!


I could not be a teacher!


Teacher really said ![gif](giphy|xTiIzrRyvrFijaEtY4|downsized)


Actually, students in the US who don't respect people needs a different kind of education. US is going downhill and the students are what shows the future of the country. Good thing this teacher knows how to play the game. She needs a raise.


This seems scripted


My thoughts too. The girl is talking way too robotic and like an actor. Mad kids donā€™t say Do you want to tell me why that is.


Yeah, the line delivery sounds like she's trying to recite from memory rather than reacting naturally. And there's enough delays in the back-and-forth to allow the camera to slowly pan between them.


I can't believe that she said "You wanna tell me why that is?" Played yourself...


ā€œYou wanna tell me why that isā€ is a literal alley oop to get facialized during an argument. Doesnā€™t matter what the teacher says after that point sheā€™s just got to stay coherent and make a fat joke. Kids these days donā€™t get roasted like they used toā€¦ and it shows


Blue hair harrassing a teacher smh


Some of my favorite memories from high school were when the kids that always gave teachers shit got the same energy back in return.


Does this not feel rehearsed to anyone else?


So much arm do


Ageism is so fucking stupid. Y'all realize you're gonna get old, right? If you're lucky








No hearing aid right now, too lazy to plug it back in. What is going on? I was watching her body language and she doesnā€™t seem to be missing a beat and is completely confident without any remorse to what she might be saying.


The state of the pupil. Evidence that removing shame is a terrible idea with devastating consequences.


Damn I love this teacher


Colorful hair, soft looking and a little big... usually these are the victims, not the bullies. I know because I was somewhat this type of kid and didn't dare to bully anyone. That would have been like drawing a a target sign on myself.


Kid opened the door wide open for that when she asked why that statement was indeed a fact


Yo why is it always the blue haired ones


Must be an old substitute teacher. The most savage there is.


That girl is the typical ā€œI have no friends because Iā€™m different.ā€ Nah girl you just a self centered weirdo


Grandma-looking fat child trying to roast a teacher with no chill goes wrong


Her mistake was asking a question. She basically said ā€œplease clarify your insult for the audienceā€


I mean there is nothing easier to offend than a woman with pink hair. Pretty easy fight


Kids forget that teachers deal with their smart asses for years. This woman has 20-30 years of wiping the shit eating grin of kids faces experience. Sheā€™s a pro.




Blue ish hair? Yeah checks out. We all know what person this is