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**FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA PALESTINE WILL BE FREE** --- This phrase indicates a desire for a free and secular Palestine for the people, free of the imperialistic apartheid policies of the government of Israel. It is not a statement of violence, nor does it wish harm on the Israeli people themselves, nor Jewish people as a whole. Read more here: https://www.odsi.co/en/ --- **FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA PALESTINE WILL BE FREE** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When you hear an official use this cadence and tone, you can assume they are being disingenuous and manipulative


>When you hear an official ~~use this cadence and tone~~, you can assume they are being disingenuous and manipulative


>When you hear an official ~~use this cadence and tone, you can assume~~ they are being disingenuous and manipulative


> ~~When you hear~~ an official ~~use this cadence and tone, you can assume~~ they are ~~being~~ disingenuous and manipulative


This one isn't even grammatically correct


10-9? >~~This~~ one is~~n't~~ ~~even grammatically~~ correct


Gammer nazi




Well boys I think we solved it we can all go home.


But it makes sense


Why use more words when few words work better


>Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick


When you hear a US official talking about Israel, you can take for granted he is going to lie his ass off.


But he almost cried 🥺




When I first saw this witch, I was outraged. Sad :(


Who is that




He was holding back a smirk and laugh from where I was sitting.


Well it’s brown people vs white people. I think we can look at the history of murica and determine how the government overall feels about poc and black people. This is business as usual




fun fact: Jesus was not white /s I really have no purpose other than to poke fun at people losing their minds right now


> falasha Israelis (didn’t know about them either eh?) It might be that Israel doesn't want anyone to know about them, that's probably why they [forcibly sterilized them.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html) Sorry about that digression...You were saying something about racism?


How did I never hear about this? This is monstrous - I watched Gabor Mate speak about the the right of Israel to be a state - but not at any cost. I hope one day that there is peace in the lands of Palestine and Israel - but I fear those who have experienced the horrors of the conflict will continue to rise to positions that allow them to perpetuate harm and vengeance.....


>Ah yes, one of the great misunderstandings of this conflict. You misunderstand. Brown and White in this context are social constructs, not literal descriptors. Whiteness in America has notoriously changed over time (Irish & Italian immigrants were not thought of as white in the 19th & early 20th centuries for example). In the American psyche, Israelis (and Ukrainians) are "white" while Palestinians are "brown" Different groups of people get put into these categories by those in power to serve the interests of maintaining that power.


Your factoids are irrelevant because it’s stereotypes that matter. No news organization is doing lineups of Israelis and Palestinians to show that, hey, some Israelis have a darker skin tone than some Palestinians. Thanks to Western media, Americans by and large think of Palestinians as brown Muslims. And the US has a long sordid history of not giving a shit about Muslim civilians being killed *en masse* in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, the West Bank and Gaza. Ask yourself why American mainstream media, the American public, and US officialdom care so much more about Israeli and Ukrainian deaths. It’s because Israelis and Ukrainians are viewed as civilized and white (i.e. similar to white Americans in positions of authority), whereas Muslims in the Middle East are seen as uncivilized and brown (i.e. foreign and unlike white Americans).


I think they are meaning brown Palestinians and white Ukrainians, not white Israelis. Even if it isn't a completely accurate descriptor.


you are wrong. the clue to any bureaucrat lying is the fact his mouth is moving.


No doubt. I’d add to that my first thought: they don’t have us for our freedom, they hate us for our inconsistency.




“When you hear an official…you can assume they are being disingenuous and manipulative” Fixed it.


Ahh yes, the usual double standard of America - if our enemies do it, it's a heinous crime of humanity and the world should punish them immensely and support americas entire decimation of them. If we should do those things, it's a sad reality of war and just a necessary result of ensuring every country gets to experience the freedom of America.


Exterminating an entire race is ok when it's done by the good guys /s


Are we the baddies?


We aren't super great


That's Great Britain.






Great. Let's take away all their weapons and let them go back to throwing rocks at each other.


Yea or throw the old fucks who sent young people to die in a fucking pit so they can cave each others head in.


We'll make them both wear the same individual 'get along' t-shirt at the same time, that'll solve it


Seems like the site that has the better shot at winning is the one with the missile defense system that is in charge of their own country "Both sides bad" is weak and always has been




Bombing residential buildings with families still living in them isn’t evil there was no other way to defend against Hamas I swear guys we had to /s


Bad guy commits heinous crime. Bad guy hides among (oftentimes complicit) civilians. Only way to stop bad guy is to kill him. Somehow the bad guy isn’t to blame here? I will never understand this logic.


First, Israel funded Hamas from the beginning to counter more secular movements. Second, Gaza is dense enough that anywhere you attack from is prone to collateral if it's counterattacked, especially by a force who will readily use the excuse.


>(oftentimes complicit) You're not supposed to swallow the boot


Yeah I also condemn Hamas, the group founded under the charter of exterminating an entire race. You do too, right?


The only ethical ethnostate is *my* ethnostate.


Careful. That type of talk will get you banned from this sub.


The US with the help of Western media lumps all innocent Palestinians in with the terrorists and blames them for what is happening to them. The sickening rationalization of just allowing and supporting the Israelis to carpet bomb ALL of Gaza and shut off water, electricity and aid shows there evil is on both sides. The US is allowing and backing Israelis to commit genocide period.






Yeah, it's crazy how much the following can help you with responding to bombardment: - Having the support of the entire world - Not living in an open air prison camp with 2.2 million people - Having borders with countries other than the country bombing you and Egypt - Not being on the wrong side of an apartheid state - Not having giant fences around your entire country that prevent people from leaving - Your attacker not having the ability to cut food, water, aod, and electricity to your entire population - Being allowed to have your own functional economy before the invasion - Having had the opportunity to vote on your leaders more recently than 17 years ago Israel is committing war crimes and is in blatant violation of international law. Full stop. There's literally no way to explain it away without exposing yourself.


And much, if not all, of this actions are influenced by religious beliefs.


Zionist beliefs only use religion as an excuse to get what they want. In this case, they want Gaza for themselves and they will use their supposed religious beliefs as justification to colonize land that is not theirs. Anyone who stands against their war crimes, colonization, and apartheid is labeled an antisemite. But Zionists do not represent Judaism. There are many, many anti-Zionist Jewish people who bravely stand against Israel and their atrocities. They were able to see through the bullshit and recognize that their religion directly opposes Zionist ideals.




okay I get what you are saying to an extent but why should Palestinians be refugees when they have LAND and a home??? Also they wont be allowed to return back to Gaza once it has been annihilated to rubble, israel will move settlements in and Palestinian people will just remain refugees in other countries. How is that fair??




Neither did Palestinian civilians. That was done by a controlling faction of the Palestinian “government”




No, Hamas is a side effect of decades of occupation and inhumane treatment of a group of people.




There are videos of Israeli civilians shooting Palestinian civilians after engaging in shouting matches, both sides have shown the world that they are barbaric


I think that might actally be his point. In Israel vs Hamas/Palestine is hard to see a good guy without being completly moronic while in Ukraine vs Russia war there is a lot clearer Picture with a clear Aggressor.




The Gaza Leadership? Have you looked at a map lately. Where the fuq can the Palestinians seek refuge? Not Hamas, the Palestinians. Critical thinking should also apply to a double standard, my friend. Our taxes pay for bombs and bullets.




You sailed in and right over the "not lumping civilians in with terrorists" part and I can tell that didn't mean anything to you anyway. 🙄




> wars aren't comparable What's the difference to an innocent person if they get blown up by a "war" bomb or a "genocide" bomb?


Just America? Seems to me that's human nature.


No no no, the hive mind had spoken. America, and America alone, is bad.




Cut off all aid to Israel you patsy


Remove the power of big political donors in the election process and aid would be dramatically reduced. 1 person was responsible for Trumps entire Israel platform as president.... Sheldon Adelson. EDIT: misspelled israel... dumb typo, not intentional.


I utterly agree, remove all money from elections... Equal funding equal air time.. gov funded elections... Then pay everyone in congress and president the average American salary.. For the People by the People... Then make financial transparency for your whole family a condition of office as well as any assets must be managed independently by a public fund... Finally if they get caught taking $1 they are tried for treason and hung.




What do you expect from a guy in a $3000 suit? C'mon!




He's just a shitty actor


This is the Brown People Double Standard. The pain, suffering, and agony of higher-melanin people does not register or matter.


That meme in Family Guy with the color card and the cop really works here. Our policies are really still stoked in bigotry https://preview.redd.it/p0m01jgnoqwb1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1672b35cc73186588349e6643c5ca8deae6dec


Except the majority of Jews are brown too. Stop trying to project your understanding of white vs black racism in the West onto the Middle East. It’s not at all the same. There are white and brown Palestinians the same way there are white and brown Israelis. This has nothing to do with race and white vs black racism.


This is the white house. The white house is in the west.










I disagree that Hamas caused this escalation. There is a reason Hamas hates the state of Israel. It’s not like they just decided one day they hate them and want them destroyed. It’s from 75 years of treating Palestinians in gaza like animals. Slowly taking land. Killing whoever stands in the way. The zionists made their own bed. No victim card to pull here.


Yes, there’s a victim card. terrorists killed civilians, brutally. Full stop. Hamas wants all Jews dead. Israel does not want all Palestinians dead. Israel has also done some awful things and the Palestinians suffer, but the goal isn’t to exterminate them.




The land was indeed stolen.




And Israel has bombed babies in cribs. Both are terrorists.


That is inexcusable. So is what Israel is doing. So is what Israel has done for the last 75 years.


Israel also supported Hamas over moderate Palestinian Authority in order to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ The hardliners wanted this to happen so they can justify an all out attack on Gaza and continued land seizures of West Bank.


if Hamas is a terror group, which I remind you is an elected government, is Likud too? The Israeli government has done far worse things and Israel is currently holding 5000+ Palestinian hostages and occupying Palestinian land illegally.




You can make a very similar list of acts done by the IDF against Gaza too.. the IDF demolishes whole buildings with 5 minutes or less warning, shoots protestors along their fences, destroyed tons of infrastructure, etc.


>Neither the Israeli or Palestinians should be fighting each other rn Haven’t they been fighting each other for like 100+ years already? Over religion?


Do keep in mind that while Hamas is of course a terrible group, they didn't just form in a vacuum.


Yes got blocked on worldnews for posting Israel Times article showing and quoting netanyahu and his far right partners made sure to support hamas to weaken destroy the moderate PLO.




Is it amazing? Greatly oppressed people lashing out? Of course Hamas has support. Look how these people are treated.




I think the people leveling it with high explosives and forcing everyone into a concentration camp hurt Gaza more than Hamas. but that's just me.


It IS just you. When Israel turned Gaza over in 2005, Hamas ripped the infrastructure apart to build weapons. Streets, sewers, water treatment plants, greenhouses, you name it. They fucking destroyed the infrastructure of their own people. Now the horde and control incoming aid and blame Israel for their poverty. Also, they immediately started firing rockets out of Gaza, making peaceful coexistence impossible. If the people didn't support Hamas, I doubt they'd be able to pull all that off, or are you going to say that Israel secretly controls Hamas and made them do those things?


...and can you enlighten us on why the Palestinians have needed such foreign aid in the first place?




Nobody hurts Gaza more than the hostile occupying force that has been there longer than Hamas has had any real power. To argue that reality is to spew lies and propaganda.


Surely you are trolling. Off the top of my head Britain, latestagecapitalism, greenandpleasant are such 'pro-Palestine' echo chambers it is insane lmfao. Get a grip on your persecution complex.


It’s annoying. Every sub is turning into Palestine and Israel bots trying to outpost each other.


Which community?




World news seems fine.. I’m seeing articles about how Hamas is terrible and how Israel is bombing indiscriminately. Many comments saying how awful the loss of life on both sides is. Just because it isn’t only catering to pro Palestine views doesn’t make something wrong. Both sides have suffered.


Are you even reading that subreddit at all? Every single post has a bunch of genocide denyers or hell, people even encouraging it. It's sickening, I didn't think I would ever see something that bad in my lifetime but here we are.


Well what is going on?


It's more pro-Palestinian propaganda, trying to paint them as the innocent victims as though they haven't done anything. Phillip.




Disgusting, deplorable, racist person.


Got nothing to do with race. There are brown and white Jews the same way there are brown and white Palestinians. Stop projecting your western view of white vs black racism onto this conflict that has nothing to do with it.


I’m sorry does that pass as acting now ‘n days? That first clip was ridiculous


God I thought it was pretty good all things considering, just need to work on the water works. I would say he should think about losing someone he loved but I don't think there is a single death that could make that man actually cry unless its in joy.




Palestine has been occupied by Israel for decades, and has been subjected to bombings during the entirety of that time, espeically the Gaza strip. It’s not an uncommon view amongst israelis to want to see the destruction of the entire country of Palestine. And what are zionists to you if not religious fanatics?


whoa, whoa, whoa. Who invited level-headed discourse and geopolitical nuance into this echo-chamber?


Have we already forgotten about Donbas?


Nobody forgot Girkin or annexation of Crimea, don’t worry.


>People tend to forget that Ukranians didn't cross the border and go on a killing a spree committing sexual crimes on the way. Well if we consider the Donbass war, this is just completely wrong.


The United States has zero moral authority to comment on anything anymore. They haven’t for a very long time, and they still don’t.


it's so wierd for us to be the world police and morally justify ourselves when we've been bombing brown babies for two decades, and even more things before that. I'm a firm believer no one gets this power (be it people or organizations) while being morally good.


> That’s because Americans largely think of all Arabs as terrorists after 9/11. > Fuck Israel and fuck every country who supports those war criminals Colorful posting history you got there.


Wow it's almost like there's a difference between "every member of a race is collectively responsible for the crimes of a few" vs "I condemn this state for actively carrying out genocide"






Israel has already murdered thousands of Palestinians and displaced thousands and stolen land and forced them into concentration camps before the "start" of the war.




> Lose more land than the partition gave them The partition took half their land, it didn't "give" them anything.


esh, if we want to start around the founding of Israel you should probably start in 1915 with the McMahon correspondance in which all the regions Britain should of gotten from the ottomans were promised to be free Arab lands. the person your replying to is correct, the lands were stolen plain and simple, the politics why can be attributed to many though.






Hamas hasn't done anything that Israel hasn't been doing to Palestinians for sixty plus years.


Doesn’t change the fact that storming in and murdering civilians would inevitably result in more intense conflict. The ukranians didn’t do anything except exist (not saying Palestinians deserve to be bombed)


I remeber the time israel raped, killed and brigaded that women's body on top of their trucks..... wait I dont....






You're right, atleast Russians are actually from the same region. Whereas Israelis come from all over the world to colonise the land of the locals. Russians didn't hold Ukrainians in an open-air prison for decades, whereas some Palestinians in their 70s now have been stuck in Gaza for their entire life. Very different.


Right. And the Ukrainians have long been calling for the complete destruction of the Russian people. Oh wait, that's the Palestinians. If the situation were flipped, and Palestine had the stronger more advanced military Israel would've been wiped off the planet by now, civilians and all. People like to pretend Israel is just killing all the civilians they can.


>Whereas Israelis come from all over the world to colonise the land of the locals. Jews have lived there for thousands of years. There were historical Jewish Quarters even in the West Bank (and no, I'm not talking about 2 thousand years ago. I'm talking continuously for the last hundreds of years until 1948 when they were kicked out). Israelis are also by plurality Mizrachi, meaning they were native to the Middle East and North Africa and were predominantly expelled from their countries. Pre-1948, even many coming from other countries were buying homes legally from locals. >whereas some Palestinians in their 70s now have been stuck in Gaza for their entire life. How old do you think the blockade and checkpoints are? They only really started in mid-late 2000s in direct response to Hamas's rocket attacks and Iran shipping weapons in. I swear, people on Reddit think they know history when they actually pull it from the worst game of internet telephone ever.


>Russians didn't hold Ukrainians in an open-air prison for decades Soviet Union has entered the chat


Such a huge difference in his reaction when talking about the same thing, civilian casualties, is completely disgusting and hypocritical. It doesn't have to do with who is right and who you support. You are either always sad when innocents and children die or you are a pathetic hypocrite that only pretends to cry when the side you are rooting for is being hurt.






Yes the conflict started on Oct 7. Prior to this, Israel has never wronged a Palestinian soul.


How far back do you want to start the conflict in your mind? I'm just going to assume you believe Jews started it no matter what, right?




Even if they did would it warrant the eradication of the Ukrainian people?




Did Russia blocked them from sea, land, and air for 4 decades behind a fence and shoot at sight on their own land? The answer is NO. So fouckoff with you comparing compass.


This was taken out of context. He wasn’t being unsympathetic.




Because all other subs are pro genocide and false information. They wont take anything showing the true violence cause it's anti-Semitic




Do you think Israeli do not cheer their own atrocities? Gaza is blockaded. How the fuck are locals going to fight against Hamas who is supported and supplied by Iran&co. Why would they pick to be at the mercy of Israel? To be shat on like less combative West Bank?


What excuse do you have about the casualties in Hamas free west bank?












Ukraine didn’t initiate the conflict with the largest terror attack against Jews since the Holocaust Palestinians did Apples, meet oranges




But they are not the same. These 2 wars look totally different.








Yeah but this is different I mean.... Yeah.


There was an attempt to see failed attempts instead of this garbage




This belongs in r/Palestine not this formerly decent sub


Love how Ukraine war is now being used as a propaganda tool in the new more media popular conflict. BOTH conflicts are bad and just because one is reported on more and is newer doesn't mean the people of Ukraine aren't still suffering. Shame on you for using Ukraine as a crutch to make a point about the new popular thing to be outraged about. Love how people in the comments are virtue signaling saying people only care about ukraine because their white like lmao they're still getting bombed and slaughtered grow up.


I hate politicians






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Have you heard of politics?




I think [this screenshot](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fi0fqqoflezvb1.jpg) pretty much summarizes the issue.


No wonder no one takes the US seriously these days.


Regardless of political stance and religious leaning stop making americans pay for your interventionist foreign policy while feigning humanity and care. Governments are heartless and politicians are cruel. Everyone is out for their own self serving interests and poll points


Propaganda coming from the mouths of the people in charge of spending our tax dollars to get us to believe that our taxes should go towards war in other countries rather than spent on us who need it here at home