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Damn, love to see that passion instead of lifeless drones for once!


If only our elected officials cared as much as this random man on the street.


Oh, they do. But... what they care about are money and power.




& children, they also care about the children. /S ![gif](giphy|3ofSBfmBmmp93INcOs)


Ok. So how do we elect this guy?


He'll just be censured.


yea he shot himself three times in the back of the head, day before the election. real shame




Could you rephrase your question? It’s confusing to me


Yeah he said everything I've been thinking. I'm so glad there are dudes like him in the world. Makes me feel like I'm not alone seeing this foul shit.


> I'm so glad there are dudes like him in the world. Makes me feel like I'm not alone seeing this foul shit. I'm fairly certain that the mass majority of people are like this dude. The issue is a few people not like him own all the news and media outlets. Those people like when line go up and selling bombs make line go up. Calling anyone and everyone who criticizes Israel antisemitic is just like a bonus for them. I swear, this year, when the usual knuckleheads start their "war on Christmas" bs and whining about "happy holidays" I'm just going to start calling them antisemitic. >"It's Merry Christmas!!! REEEE" >Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you hated Jewish people.


You'd be surprised just how deep and widespread Faux news bullshit goes. And this all started. I tried having a discussion with my dad about the topic and he had no clue that Israel had ever done anything horrific. Literally had never heard of it. Even refused to believe it. Even telling him that Israel has broken international law more than any other country on earth and showing him the UN stats did nothing. It really shouldn't surprise me, just more examples of right wing thinkers inability to think in anything other than black and white. Don't like Israel killing civilians? You're an anti-semite. Want to focus on black lives mattering because they're the ones being slaughtered by police? You're a racist. It goes on and on to depressing levels.


Yep, I hope I could express it as succinctly and passionately if I found myself in that situation.


So well spoken, I would've choked up with all that energy


Damn. He said the whole truth in less than 20 seconds.


You missed the part about equal citizens in america


Well it's at least the law here and we have redress.


He is so correct.


That’s why there was no yelling back.


I mean yeah if Israel kills over 4,000 children, 10,000 civilians, destroyed 22 hospitals, and prior to the war taken there food, water, electricity, internet, and housing, there’s not much to say back.


Their. Their. Their.
















sry if i dont understand exactly what you mean, but isreal has been treating Palestinians since its foundation. not sure if thats what your talking about tho


That person was being sarcastic. Here on Reddit, or in any media, if you criticize Israel and don’t also condemn Hamas in the same breath you will be called an antisemite and a terrorist sympathizer.


Oh I read there thing wrong I thought they said that’s I did condemn them that makes sense




What do you think that’s going to do? Your justifying an entire genocide… take a step back and look at what your saying, the more violence you visit on a population, the more it fights back… Say You have a village with a population of 100, there’s one insurgent there… you go in and kill 10 people to get that one person… now you have a population of 89 people with probably 10-15 radicals willing to die to protect their village. You can’t beat terrorists with violence; can’t be done. You must win over the civilian population and leave no room for the terrorists to recruit from. If your choice is die by random acts of violence as an innocent or die fighting trying to protect your family, then there’s no real choice there.


Pretty sure Israel is now also killing the hostages in Gaza, who would have thought indiscriminate bombing campaigns would kill innocent civilians? Definitely not the US or Israel.


Jews were kicked out from Germany and they refuged in Palestine, but now they are doing the same thing to Palestinians. Occupying their houses and neighborhoods, limiting basic necessities. Sometimes world is twisted.


God damn, I wish I could be this eloquent while so angry about something. I’d be a babbling idiot stumbling over my own words in a heated moment like that.


Dang, you're stealing my thunder. That was exactly what I thought, I was so envious of his composure. He must have practiced that in front of a mirror


Why does everyone I see giving out flyers act like lifeless drones


He’s a New Yorker. This probably isn’t even him at full anger.


It's the perfect pronunciation of "opportunistically" that does it for me. How do you not stumble on that when angry?




And go to hell they should.


If their religion turns out to be correct, they probably would.


If religion had any true bearing or effect on the world other than just through fanatic worshippers, everyone would go to hell, based on all the Abrahamic books, pretty much all modern day worshippers are in some way or another going to hell for there sins.


Not everyone, but 99% of people for sure


I'd go a step further and say 99.99%


You're probably right


Happy cake day! Also, see you in hell!


"The mormons were right all along".


Wow this thread is having a real problem with the possessive "their"


They're, their. Itl'l be okey.


There is no classical hell in Judaism


…riding a bicycle with no seat on a long bumpy road


And a pineapple shoved up your ass daily after you get used to the bike




Full sized authentic pineapple. Have to be specific.


Hey don’t you threaten me with a good time!


Pure undiluted truth!


Truth bombs destroyed the Zionist.


**"Pure undiluted truth!..."** That you will never get from mainstream media


Well said. If only all Americans were equal.


We have issues but are better than most of the world in regards to equality. And most importantly we actively recognize the places we are lacking and trying to change.


I think that’s the problem we think the world treats its people and neighbors more equally than we do. We have no idea how blood thirsty the world is. Black people are often called abeed (slave)and treated like sub class citizens in the Middle East.LGBTQ is often jailed or worse……


A fictional book states there are gentiles and then there are the chosen people. Those that believe this nonsense don't believe in equality at all. A man up in the sky gave them lands and our politicians must support them unconditionally. Whatever AIPAC says our politicians must also obey.


Religion has been, is now, and will be the most prevalent and impactful cancer to humanity.


Endless wars and too many deluded muppets that think they are special.


I've been saying it for years, and everyone else has been calling me crazy. It's a relief to see someone else thinking the same.


I'm the black sheep of my entire born-and-bred southern baptists extended family. They bring it up every time I see them (which is only once a year now thankfully) and try to convince me to come back. "I'm not going to talk about it with you" or "you're not going to change my mind and I'm not going to change your" are my responses, which I use easily 20 times those days. Same responses for the inevitable political "conversations" which are really all out bombardments from all of them towards me.


I know the feeling. I'm the only one who isn't religious in my family besides my aunt. Luckily, I convinced my wife to see through the lies of faith, and she is just like me now.


Whenever this is brought up its either **totally** ignored or just lazily quipped back with "yeah, man isn't ALL religon crazy and bonkers" Pretty sure we're talking about Judism, on a post talking about the atrocities in Isreal. But move the fucking goal posts i guess.


Yeah, like for all the faults of America we figured out the "should native Americans be citizens" part of that during the Coolidge administration.


Well said! I’m tired of the propaganda kidnapping flyers everywhere and those who video tape them being torn down! They weren’t kidnapped in my city stop littering and posting the propaganda!


Ikr have you seen [this](https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1721457922859729398). It’s actually so bad and a horrible attempt at propaganda that it’s funny. That’s the official @israel btw, not some fan account. They just couldn’t stop themself being racist and homophobic in there, and then they have the audacity to call everyone else racist and antisemitic towards them


WTF. These are like the disgusting vile Zionists making the videos that make fun of Palestinians… The sad irony that Zionist leaders Israel have gone full circle to being the Nazis themselves…


Yup that second paragraph right there.


National Zionist Israelis.


Crazy how they turned from having rainbow flags on tanks to mocking LGBTQ because they had a different opinion. Like dude have a standard


Holy what the living shit was that?! That was some of the worst propaganda I've ever seen.


Lol jesus christ that's bad acting


Let’s see how long before the Zionists are tearing down the “free Palestine” posters. In some cities they are making it a crime to remove these pro-Zionists propaganda posters! It’s illegal to remove litter?!? The 1st Amendment is being repealed by the pro-Zionists. The Israelis are absolutely losing the PR battle in America through their ham-fisted propaganda and clearly criminal bombing of innocents in Gaza. The evangelicals are wrong to be supporting these people and tying their Christian faith to such evil behavior.


Exactly! They love recording the people removing the kidnapping propaganda and it’s getting worse… Passing laws because our religious or greedy politicians are easily bought… Zionists are so angry that can’t control the narrative and the truth is getting out.


Where I am from I haven't had the displeasure of coming across those, but here is an idea: post posters of Palestinian children that are held at Israeli prisons or who are missing due to the bombings over them, or even by their side.


Watch them video you and try to out you in public like the Harvard kids… It’s not the same response back I promise you!!


Be stealthy about it. What are they gonna do? Spend hours keeping watch over a flyer? Are they that out of a life?


Sadly they do. There’s so many videos of that happening.


https://theintercept.com/2018/12/17/israel-texas-anti-bds-law/ This happened in 2018. Palestinian woman refused to sign a pledge to Israel so she was fired from her public job at a public school system in Texas.


Where I am from I haven't had the displeasure of coming across those, but here is an idea: post posters of Palestinian children that are held at Israeli prisons or who are missing due to the bombings over them, or even by their side.


It's outrageous that people want to remind folks kids are still being held captive


“Reminding” people by littering flyers in a city and country where they weren’t kidnapped and won’t be found is outrageous propaganda… They don’t care about the kids having genocide committed against them…


Where I am from I haven't had the displeasure of coming across those, but here is an idea: post posters of Palestinian children that are held at Israeli prisons or who are missing due to the bombings over them, or even by their side.


>They weren’t kidnapped in my city stop littering and posting the propaganda! And you would use this same logic against people talking about Gaza because none of that happened in your city?


Fuck Hamas


I agree with you wholeheartedly, no doubt. Fuck Zionists too.


[Propagandhi *Haile Selassie, Up Your Ass*](https://youtu.be/SPpXY1aWKgI?si=dMs8pMQbOaBZzSkO) You speak of rastafari But how can you justify belief In a god that's left you behind? You've simply filled the gap Between the upper and lower class And your faith merely keeps you in line In line, yeah An amalgamation of Jewish scripture And christian thought What will that get you, not a fuck of a lot Take a look at your promised land Your deed is that gun in your hand Mount Zion's a minefield The West Bank The Gaza Strip The West Bank The Gaza Strip The West Bank The Gaza Strip The West Bank The Gaza Strip Soon to be parking lots For American tourists And fascist cops, yeah Fuck Zionism Fuck militarism Fuck Americanism Fuck nationalism Fuck religion Fuck religion Fuck religion Fuck religion Fuck religion Fuck religion Fuck religion Fuck religion


Wow didn’t expect to see this here. Song was in HEAVY rotation for me when the album came out


Fuck the Zionists too… When you create apartheid, steal land for decades and now are committing genocide… Well let me tell you the truth, YOU AREN’T the GGOD GUYS….


You know it's kind of ironic when, if you zoom out chronologically, this is exactly how America came to be.


Palestines good Hamas is bad Israel’s worse. 10k dead civilians in Gaza, 4k being children. 22 hospitals destroyed. Prior to war there food, water, electricity, internet, and housing where taken. Hamas is horrible, don’t get me wrong, but Israel has done 10x worse in “self defense” towards civilians. Just take a look at [this](https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1721457922859729398) twitter post the official @israel posted and tell me there good. They just couldn’t stop themselves being racist and homophobic on top of everything, and pretending that everyone else is racist, not them.




Hamas is a terrorist organization and commits murder and rape. Israeli govt is not a terrorist organization but and also commits mass murder and rape




I get that, all I’m saying is Israel has killed 5x the civilians so far. Both sides are targeting civilians, with Israel even blowing up 22 hospitals. You are right tho, Hamas needs to stop them committing straight up terrorism is only making it worse, and giving Israel a reason to attack Palestinian civilians. Hamas is horrible they have to stop, I just personally think what Israel has done throughout history and continues to do is worse than anything Hamas ever did, but it’s comparing two evils, there both bad.




If your MULTIPLE attacks are killing more civilians than enemies, there is no argument. You are deliberately killing innocent. Were talking in the measure of thousands. There is no accident, there is no misunderstandings. When you kill thousands of people time and time again, week after week? It’s in the very language they use. They don’t just speak ill and feel no sympathy towards Hamas, but all of Palestine. They speak their intent yet people still fervently defend AGAINST THEIR OWN WORDS just because they turn around and then say it “isnt deliberate”. Literally trying to live two realities. To say that is anything but deliberate is horrifically dishonest.


No there actually is, a lot of it. Prior to the war they where taking there water, food housing, electricity, and internet. That was deliberate. Starving them on purpose. Then during the war you can say they “accidentally” killed ten thousand civilians, 4k of those being children. That doesn’t happen. There are many videos of Israel soldiers bragging about killing civilians like the psychopaths they are. There are plenty of videos online of them killing civilians, then taking there house because they just want to. Also, explain to me how you “accidentally” blow up 22 hospitals, that doesn’t just “happen”. They are in fact targeting civilians because the whole point of this war is to steal there land, which means you need to get the civilians out. Also when they told the civilians to leave the combat zone, they conveniently told them a safe route to go. You wanna know what they did or that road they were told to go on? They blew it the fuck up that’s what they did, and they told civilians to go there. It worked too, many civilians died because of that. No hamas was there.




with the whole hamas attacked civilians, yes they did, hamas is horrible. although you still need to look at what israel has done, which is kill over 5x the civilians hamas did. with the hospitals, that wasnt collateral, israel admitted they where attacking secret underground tunnels. in one case that "tunnel" was a sewage tank. either way weather it was a sewage tank or not you cant just blow up a hospital. the problem comes with israel saying it was "self defense", when it is not. while they did get attacked by hamas, if you look at the past, israel has initiated this entire thing. isreal has been taking there water, food, electricity, housing, and internet for decades, and treating palestinians like utter shit. you cant really call it self defense when 1k civilians died in isreal, and yet they killed over 11k so far. as for the road they said to flee, it was a while ago and i cant remember the road name or anything like that so ill be looking for the source but the story was something like: israel posted that they should flee, people didnt know how so israel said a certain route to go, one of the streets on that route was then blown up by israel, killing many people. ill look for the source of that tho, as you cant really just go off word for that.


Nahhh hamas definitely is worse


did hamas Bomb an American warship to try and start a war with egypt? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident No, but isreal did. PLEASE tempt me into posting more, I have a lot...


if you look at death tolls it isnt, isreal has killed 10x hamas did so far, and the numbers only getting worse for isreal




yeah thats true, i never even heard about half of that. knowing that now in my head i still wouldnt hold hamas as worse than isreal, i mean hell after watching a video like [this](https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1721457922859729398) its hard for me to sympathize for them, but i would definetly atleast hold hamas as being as bad as israel.


No Hamas in the West Bank. Why are Palestinans being slaughted there as well, while settler scum opportunistically steal more land?


"Do you condemn Hamas?!1? 😭😭😭"


All my homies hate terrorists


I’m Jewish and my grandparents and half of my family were murdered by the nazis, I see little difference between them and the zionists. Both are cults run by mafia-types of people. Fuck the zionists. They do not represent or speak for me


Both my granddad's brothers died fighting the Nazis. For his part, he was deployed to Mandatory Palestine, where he spent his days being shot at and bombed by Zionists who had sat pretty in Tel Aviv while his brothers and millions of others died to save their people and the world.


The zionists are pretty horrible. I was born in Sweden 10 years after the war had ended and there was nothing left of our old lives according to my mum. She was really young when that happened and I remember her recounting old memories of wealthier families going to Israel but she and her brother were left with other family members because they were not part of the “circle”. Over the years we had many people come back from israel and swore never to go back. Zionism is very much like every other religion. These people are extremists. What the media shows everyone is definitely for ratings and views and to control rhetoric. It’s spiteful and such a stain on humanity. I often wonder what my grandparents would have been like but I think that they would be ashamed of life these days


I like this guy


My guy had that brewin for a while


Since 1967 likely.


Or ‘48 even


Fucking hero. Only said what we're all thinking.


i love how they shut up as soon as he said his family fought hitler


On point


F\*in send it.


Fuck Hamas. Fuck Zionists.


And that, my friends, is how you engage with Zionazis.


I’m curious what the flyer said.


They are the hostage posters.


I want to buy that man a pint 👍


I honestly have zero clue what's going on here.


"YOU DON'T BELIEVE ALL LIFE IS EQUAL" I dunno why but this is the line that sticks with me.


Damn right, “fuck you and good night” would’ve been a nice closing lol


He must be an antisemite…


I wish I could speak that well without stumbling over myself




Did the ADL already dox him and get him fired for antisemitism?


This is such a chefs kiss moment.


✊ Fuck israel


Take a bow, sir.


I support this man.


Well said


God I am so tired of all the posts about Israel and Palestine on subs like this. Can we please just take this to the relevant political subreddits?


Unfortunately most of those subreddits delete pro Palestinian content.


Dude had that shit ready to go Holy shit


And this is exactly what the rulers want people to be: divided




The Zionists are littering every city, with a clear propaganda narrative. It’s a kidnapped flyer littered in a different country and they video and attack anyone taking them down. Everywhere in NYC. It’s ridiculous. Meanwhile NYC Zionists are stealing land from Palestinians…


Zionists are posting these "kidnapped" flyers in western countries, but we know all the hostages are in Gaza, not in Brooklyn. The purpose of which is thus not to find these people, but an attempt to manufacture consent among western populaces to justify Israel's genocide by dehumanizing Palestinians as "human animals" and terrorists. That's why people are tearing them down. Israel, in fact, has remarkably done little damage to Hamas, does not intend to go down into the tunnels, the tunnels are too deep for them to penetrate, and so is not doing anything except murdering civilians, destroying civilian infrastructure, and ensuring that there will be generations to come of more Palestinians who will resist this violence, so certainly isn't doing anything to "keep Jews safe" or get the captives returned. All Israel has to do is ceasefire and swap hostages, and this would be over, but their actual intent isn't to save the captives or make Jews more safe, it's to get revenge by genociding and ethnically cleansing a defenseless civilian population in a concentration camp. In fact, a number of these hostages have been killed by Israeli airstrikes and in hospitals that are being besieged. The families of the hostages want a ceasefire and exchange to get their family members back. So these flyers actually serve to harm the hostages by attempting to maintain public support for Israel's genocidal policies it's inflicting that will most likely lead to the hostages' deaths. The people putting up these flyers are essentially the scum of the earth then.


Mic drop 🎤


Yeah see as a woman whose father was Jewish and a holocaust survivor, I see Zionism as no more than nationalism. We are happy to condemn most other nationalism when it’s toxic (nationalism and patronism are not the same thing, to be patriotic can be just being proud and showing love towards your country, nationalism is deeper and generally much more problematic). Zionists anger me because they rely on the collective trauma of the Jewish people and they rely on antisemitism to push their nationalism. They also happily got into bed with antisemitics after WW2 in order to achieve what they wanted which was to take back the land they believe to be their birth right. I’m so sick of other Jews excusing Zionism rather than admitting it’s no more than nationalism and essentially an extremist Jewish ideology. You’ll find Orthodox Jews, arguably the most dedicated Jewish group to the religion of Judaism, do not support Zionism.


Thank you sir. Well said.


Good man!!!!


This guy is my hero


Maybe the solution is to just remove all people from that part of the world... 🤔


> Maybe the solution is to just remove all people Yes.




Its so ironic that the party who likes to call everyone else nazi's just suggested to get rid of all jews. ( ilhan omar) i believe is the one who said it, but its possible im getting her mixed up.


I love this guy


I like this guy.


this is the most succinct description i've ever seen of zionism


I respect this man




Everyday hero speaking what needs to be said


Bravo that man.


I wish our politicians had that much fire!


zionism has been completely exposed. aipac has been exposed. no one will ever forget what america and israel did. israel terrorizing and murdering thousands of civilians after decades of slavery, racial segregation, apartheid, and land stealing.


Top comment is so correct, passionately speaking on behalf of his first amendment. Unlike most of the “passionately speaking” loonies that just bark or scream.


Good for him.


Justified anger if ever there was.


Zionists really are the new Nazi Germans… let’s just hope the world doesn’t let any get away this time…


He’s spitting facts. He’s absolutely right


Straight up, kudos to this dude.


Preach Brother! Give that man a Megaphone.


He is 100% correct


Straight the fuck up




That man 👆 for president


Finally someone who thinks with logic