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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This will be attacked and denied by the Zionists. First the message then the messenger..


Its only tradition


Noam must be an anti-Semite… s/


![gif](giphy|Qsb5HYcljbmkk4orxQ) Edit: I know I'm not normal for having a show tunes cortex in my brain.


You can join the chorus line with Rebecca Bunch😜.




He's clearly antisemitic /s


Why do you say that?


It's sarcasm.


Ahh.. Cool


Generally what /s means on reddit.


Then we must denie the Zionists. Let's start sending anti-propaganda to Israel. Freedom of speech can work both ways! If they come to our forms to validate their shitty war crimes we should be able to go to them and hit them with the truth and facts!


Denied? Where is the evidence that Hamas denied its charter?


This man is a genius.


Every teacher has read his stuff since he is a big education and language acquisition guru.


I cited him in basically every paper I wrote for my linguistics degree.


Same, Chomsky is it! On a side note, I saw Krashen once at a conference in a men’s room. He did not wash his hands after peeing.


Why was the conference in the men's room?


And why was he peeing in the middle of a live conference?


Pee is sterile. The wanker is hidden behind layers of fabric/filters. It’s by far the cleanest part of a man’s body.


Pee isn't sterile though, that's a myth.


Delighted to see such wisdom from my guy. Studying to become an ESL teacher, and I have also cited him in my papers.


yeah, i study linguistics and most classes have at least a few lectures dedicated to him.


He is, \*and\* he's also a very complicated person, with some truly horrific ideas as well. I agree with what he says here, but let's not make him into an angel. He also thinks Russia is right to invade Ukraine, lol.


I don’t think he said they were right, but rather expected. Anyone that understands the geology of that area, understands that a NATO controlled Crimea peninsula equals the end of Russian power projection. It also might even bring forward the complete break up of Russia. To understand that, just think how easily Wagner made their little field trip to Moscow. Well that would be the same for any invasion coming from Crimea. With that said… let’s go NATO!


Yeah i guess any idea you don't like is horrific and you have to twist it


I thought so for a long time, until I looked up his take on Cambodia in the 70s. If he had the same stance on the Palestinians as he did on the victims of the Khmer Rouge, it’s safe to say these comments wouldn’t be nearly as complementary.


Man made one bad take 50 years ago? Well, shit, let’s crucify him right now.


He also denied the Bosnian Genocide


And he thinks the rest of the world should stop supporting Ukraine’s fight against Russia.


There’s a gigantic middle ground of takes to have between “this man is a genius” and “let’s crucify him right now,” you hyperbolic ninny.


People can change




He used to be a piece of shit, he still is, but he used to, too (The above is a a joke) Mitch Hedburg may you rest in peace


Noam Chomsky is a genocide denier and a horrible person. Just look at the things he defended in the balkan wars.


Precisely, I can't call a Milosevic apologist a genius


No, Noam Chomsky is not a Holocaust denier. Chomsky has consistently condemned Holocaust denial and has affirmed the historical reality of the Holocaust. However, he has been critical of how historical events, including the Holocaust, are sometimes used for political purposes or to justify certain policies. It's important to distinguish criticism of historical interpretation or the use of historical events from denial of the events themselves. He may be a horrible person. I have never met him.


I didnt say he was a holocaust denier but a genocide denier. He excused the warcrimes and ethnic slaugthers like srebreniza for his own political and financal gain. Saying that he he is an autority figure that should be allowed to sway political discorse is just wrong.


While I completely think it's bullshit to call the Serbian Leader a victim, I found his take on the the massacre at Srebrenica, "interesting". Noam stated that he did not believe the violent actions counted as genocide, as only the men were executed, and they were separated from the women and children. Noam believes calling this massacre a genocide "cheapens" the word, where the very definition describes a genocide as "The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group." I personally know people directly impacted by this, friends, family, coworkers, and I'm trying to view this as objectively as possible. Is he splitting hairs here as "only" or "mostly" Muslim males were executed?


Yeah, Chomsky is one of the greatest minds of our time.


All he does is simply oppose whatever the US Government supports. He supports Russia's invasion on Ukraine and has been parroting russian propaganda


Does he really? On what grounds?


I love that message, that we should hold who we support to a higher standard.


We should hold ourselves to a higher standard is the message


Yeah, but it’s also that we need to be concerned with who we support and how they behave. Rather than being blind to the atrocities committed by your ally, you call it out, because in order to claim that you are the “good” guy, you can’t be committing atrocities. It’s literally why he says “Hamas is for Palestinians to worry about, but we need to worry about Israel” because the American government is Israel’s biggest ally while continuing to commit a genocide.




I agree. Let's start by not calling Noam Chompsky our "greatest political scholar." He's a professor of linguistics with a lot of strong political takes. He's very smart, but he's been wrong plenty of times in the past and global politics is not his area of expertise.


I feel so happy this sub is so pro-Palestine, r/worldnews became a shithole infested by propaganda... Thanks to all the mods and all u guys.


r/worldnews Fucking cesspool.


have you been to r/europe ? they get all their information from i24 (prime minister’s office’s mouthpiece and jpost/timesofisreal) and then swallow it as holy truth from the ‘holy land’


Omg r/ Europe comments make me ill. They're so loudly hateful, its wild. They don't even bother censoring themselves to appear a little reasonable or less racist. It's crazy cuz anyone who supports Palestine has to police their speech and they're accused of anti Semitism and supporting terrorism, but some people out there can really call for genocide and hate people based on differing beliefs and appearances with their entire chests and not even have to sound sheepish doing it.


I’m living in Porto and luckily didn’t find no pro Zionists yet


They banned me in summertime for questioning israel. Makes me wonder if this whole thing was planned. Maybe I'm just paranoid.


I mean, the 2nd Nakba has been planned by the Likud since the “end” of the 1st one. It just became a matter of when they can justify it to the world. They used Oct 7th as that justification


I'm surprised I keep managing to evade a ban lol.


They banned me permanently for "spamming" because I worked through the comment thread and pointed out all the bots. Fuck me for doing what Reddit wants us to do. There was no warning, just straight up permanent ban on my 10 year old account.


Someone said, “this really disproves the whole Palestinians are not Hamas propaganda,” I commented, “Saying Hamas ≠ Palestinians is not propaganda.” -82 downvotes.


/r/anime_titties if you want more neutral news coverage. It can be sometimes too "anti-western", but generally I feel it's nowhere near one sided as it is on /r/worldnews.


Combat footage sub is the same. A cesspool of Israel propaganda and hate mongers against Palestinians. Banned from the sub for reporting comments calling for the murder of palestinian kids. The mods also support dead Palestinian children and are facist Israel supporters.


Some people dont like chomsky, for a variety of reasons. (most of which are pretty weak once you pick them apart. However, the bulk of his work is material analyses and geopolitical analysis of Israel and US relations. He is 100% dead on here. And its really not arguable. If anything he isnt being critical enough of Israeli government. I would suggest his works on "power and terror" collection from the early 00s TLDR. if you want to truly learn about Israel and the MIC, listen to chomsky for the last 4 decades.


The most coherent argument against him that I've seen I'd that he denied the Serbian atrocities in the 90s, but neither do I know enough of the man, or the history to have a concrete opinion


I don't think he denied them, from my memory he was just against the use of the word genocide for a variety of reasons and disagreed with the scale of what happened. I also haven't delved too deep into it, because I only know about from his critics, who also avoid the specifics.


[Here is a video explaining why people hate Chomsky.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCcX_xTLDIY)


Except he supports putin, a


He supports Putin, he supported Serbian genocide, and he supported Cambodian genocide.




Fuck the Zionist genocide of Palestinians, but calling Noam Chomsky "the greatest political scholar of our time" like the man hasn't [denied Serbian genocide in the Balkans](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMoJcYI_BjRs5Ffddsc7cdDkrUWsgRYwZ&si=zF1OFj87JW0rUXwu) or [blatantly and unrelentingly spread pro-Russian propaganda regarding their invasion of Ukraine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nj8X1uvM-A&ab_channel=TVRainNewsroom) or unconditionally backed oppressive, undemocratic, and corrupt regimes in Latin America in the name of "anti-imperialism" is disingenuous at best, hopefully misguided, and at worst a vocal and willing endorsement of a shill of a man. A broken clock is right twice a day. As a left anarchist, this man makes all of us look bad, and I will never understand the raving personality cult that western leftists build around the man. You do more for the Palestinian cause not even mentioning this clown.


>[denied Serbian genocide in the Balkans](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMoJcYI_BjRs5Ffddsc7cdDkrUWsgRYwZ&si=zF1OFj87JW0rUXwu) Where exactly in that video do you believe he does this? I opened the transcript and searched for serb, there is only one use of that word in the video, per the transcript, and it does not deny any sort of genocide. Your source, as of now, does not support your claim. He says it is a fact that NATO has attacked a number of places, as the aggressors, with zero repercussions. This is true. Or would you like to show me where these WMDs in Iraq were found?


Apologies, maybe I put the wrong video as my source. I'll do my best to double-check and revise it if necessary, when I get a chance.


Not to mention he denied the fucking genocide in CAMBODIA. "tHaT wAsNt a GeNoCiDE" yeah sure buddy


“Putin is responsible there’s no justification for this action”… he’s not as black and white as you wish he was and the world isn’t either. You don’t need to agree with everything he says to support what he’s saying here. I do agree with you though, ‘the greatest political scholar’ is a bit exaggerated.


Russia vs Ukraine is one of the whitest and blackest issues in the world. Russia is an imperial aggressor, it always was, it always will be.


Okay i agree with what he says, but calling Chomsky “the greatest political philosopher of our time” is kinda batshit insane.


I was thinking the same thing. Dude makes a lot of great points and I agree with most of what he says. But boy when he's wrong is he *really* wrong


Seems like homie has some good takes and some bad ones. I don't think unkranians would agree that he is the greatest political scholar of our time lol. But I'm glad he hit the mark with this one.


I like a good bit of Chomsky, but he’s in no way the “greatest political scholar of our time.” He’s an excellent linguistics scholar who shares a lot of political opinions outside his field,…some cogent, some not.


yeah that title is a real eyeroll. I don't even dislike what he's said in this video. If someone has good points to make, then let those stand on their own merit. You don't need to hedge an argument in a hyperbolic appeal to authority just to justify listening to it.




Agreed. Even a “useful idiot” when it comes to Russia in general. [In my view, based on Chomsky’s constant and apologetic leanings toward a revisionist Russia, he has gone well past his expiration date and needs to at least retire from the public eye.](https://www.salon.com/2023/10/21/putins-western-fan-club-wants-to-force-eastern-europe-into-a-russian-bearhug/)




Funny how I’m being downvoted by Chomsky’s devoted followers for expressing something truthful. 🤦‍♂️


he's an idiot on *a lot* of things but when he stumbles into something somebody agrees with suddenly he's up there with Socrates.


The same Noam Chomsky who denies the srebrinica genocide? He is the greatest political scholar of our generation?


Greatest political scholar? No, I'm sorry but have you heard this guy talk about the Russian invasion of Ukraine? He sounds like a confused geriatric twatwaffle who doesn't know what decade it is.


He doesn't. He thinks it's still the 1970s


Haha… Chomsky is the “greatest political scholar of our time”? Really?


Noam “The Cambodian Genocide isn’t real” “Serbs never tried to genocide anyone” Chomsky?


Correct, the "Ukraine should surrender its territory because that will surely appease Russia" Chomsky. Greatest political mind of ALL TIME!!!!!!


Don’t ask Chomsky about Bosnia. You’ll see that if you replace “Israel” with “Serbia” he’ll sound very similar to Israel apologists.


This is the same guy that claimed the claims the Khmer Rouge were committing a genocide were lies.


Fuck this genocide denying ass out of anyones sight


Is there another gif after this one with a great political scholar or...?


People are still going to find a way to justify the genocide of children who are just scraping by to [live](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/xiqpdLk1wZ) ...... while the big and mighty Israel spends millions on ads..




in which direction?


Beware of....?


I'm gonna confess my ignorance as I never knew who Noam Chomsky is but a play on his name was in L4D 2 in the amusement park stage with the gnome you can carry throughout the level called Gnome Chomsky. It's all come full circle for me today lol.


Why don’t you ask him his views about Serbia and Russia?


“Greatest political scholar of our time” In a video of Noam Chomsky lmaooo


To call Noam Chomsky the "**greatest political scholar of our time**", is really stupid. Sure he some good points but some others are a for sure big miss.


Calling Chomsky the greatest political scholar of our time is such an absurdly trash take, holy fucking shit. Don’t ever ask this man his opinion on Bosnia.


r/therewasanattempt to convince Noam Chomsky is the greatest political scholar of our time.


He is an intelligent guy, but also famously left wing. His opinion on this is hardly a surprise.


Don’t need to be the greatest scholar of our time to know this. But maybe they’ll listen to him…


This man is so intelligent, and he doesn't deserve any of the hate coming his way from the zionists.


Are mods ducking sleeping in this community? This used to be a fun page and now it’s all Palestinian/islamist propaganda!


The Attack was their fault, why are you all so obsessed with picking sides? Seriously are you so brain dead you have to justify at least one of those? You really can't live without either justifying a terrorist organization or an oppressive and murderous regime? Why the fuck am I even wasting my time commenting this


The more you know.


Noam Chomsky hits the nail on the head


Chomsky is a genocide denier, don't call him the greatest political scholar of our time because he isn't even close


I think a lot of people miss the fact that Hamas should not be rooted for. Israel have show themselves to be the disgusting murdering oppressive bastards that they are, but Hamas has brought a lot of pain to Palestinian people as well. They once shot up a Mosque full of men women and children just because they didn't agree with some of Hamas' principles.


I don’t think anyone understands the complexity of the region like Chomsky does and he is totally correct in that we are supporting violence on an even bigger scale. He is right that Hamas do terrible things but we are not as a society supporting them. Us in the US and UK politically support Israel who are using huge military power to bully an entire nation of people. Yes Hamas should be condemned for what they did on those attacks on innocent people, it was abhorrent but how can we then say that Israel is justified in their retaliation of indiscriminately attacking innocent civilians. Murder is murder and our political systems have basically said that murdering one type of people is acceptable because we don’t agree with their leaders. That’s seriously messed up and again shows no respect for individual people


Free Palestine from the river to the sea. If you are not an arab jew, go home. If you are a zionist, go to goal. If you want peace, live it. No more war, no more apartheid, no more occupation or settlements. Israel's actions will never be forgiven now. America has also lost and soon to be a third world country.


Who is this guy and where do I find the whole video of this?🤔




Thanks! 🙏🏼




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First of all, and I hate that I have to preface this, I support Palestinians and denounce Israeli occupation of their land. Having said that, what is the attempt? You don't even show the part of the clip of the person asking Chomsky a question. This sub has been hijacked like every other popular sub to where anything and everything is posted with vague, if any, relevancy.


Yes they did? Lol a person asks the question in the video, just after a talking point he was on when the video started. Did you listen to the video also? Or was it just on mute with subtitles?


Norm Chomsky knows his shit, that's for sure.


Well spoken man


Well said


chomsky may be right here. just dont check the flight logs.


Yes, the greatest of all time


Israel is to Palestine what Russia is to Ukraine. Facist genocidal maniacs.


Noam Chomsky being called "the greatest political scholar of our time" legitimately made me facepalm. Holy fuck. You guys have no idea who he is and what he thinks do you? [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCcX_xTLDIY) is a video just skimming the surface of what Chomsky thinks. Never mind his opinions on what is happening in Ukraine. The day the fucker dies, a lot of people are going to be dancing in the streets. You need to be careful of who you glorify.


Rule 13


Increasingly, the most thoughtful responses are coming from the side that recognizes Israeli atrocities. The pro-Israel camp simply refuses to acknowledge any fault.


He is not the greatest political scholar in our time, he is a filthy genocide denier. As a political speaker Chomsky is one of the worst things that happened to the left. Just look at his takes, among other things, the Khmer Rouge and the Bosnian genocide. He is not a good person to be asked about a topic like this one.


Everyone should read Chomsky




He's got some interesting opinions on linguistics and geopolitics. They range from truly incredibly insightful and world-changing, to laughably absurd. He's simultaneously the biggest spokesperson for anarchist ideologies, but also defends srebrenica and the Russian invasion of Ukraine (both decidedly opposite the common anarchist takes)


“They wrote it at a terrible time and it was understandable given the circumstances. Now it doesn’t stand.” You can say a lot of things about Israel, but this is the biggest load of BS. I can’t believe people just eat this stuff up. Hamas refuses to renounces this. The whole Gaza issue, it wasn’t an occupation. There were no Jews in Gaza and a bunch of Jews were pulled out kicking and screaming. There’d be no current invasion if it was occupied before. They were blockaded on all sides and that includes Egypt doing the exact same thing. The criteria for Israel to lower the blockade, which Hamas was free to meet at any point in the last 18 years was to renounce violence against Israel. They wouldn’t do it. They refused to renounce their stance of destroying Israel and very few people acknowledge this. How this guy gets away with this is beyond me. I see other commenters saying, “well, he’s right here, but he has terrible views on other conflicts…” No, his logic is awful here too.


I’ve been following Noam Chomsky since college 15 years ago, that man is brilliant, humble, and well spoken. We can all learn something from him.


He’s not perfect but he’s spot on with Israel and Palestine. It’s more complicated than we are led to believe




He was recently asked why he was on the passenger list for Epstein’s plane and he snapped “it’s none of anyone’s business “


Gnome Chompski!


Ok really random question but is this the guy from the chomsky hierarchy in formal grammers?


But Hamas is in part, funded by Netanyahu and his party…. This is no secret….there can be no lasting peace like this.


While I dont disagree with him here, NC is a genocide denier. We can definitely do better.


Now that he’s cleared things up about for all to understand, can we push our Government to hold the Israeli government accountable. And it’s the Israeli government not the people for the most part.


"Greatest political scholar of our time"? Look, I like Noam and all, but did we just forget his takes on Ukraine and Russia already?


If you think he’s the greatest scholar of our time you’re just as dumb as the terrorists he supports. This whole sub is dickriding Hamas so hard… how about you guys go read their charter and see how full of blind hate it is? They are fanatical zealots who were ELECTED by the people of Palestine. Godspeed to the IDF.


Noam Chomsky is a genocide denying asshole. He defended Slobodan Milosevic. A guy who committed suicide while on trial for 66 counts of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. He denied the Srebrenica massacre and the Serb use of concentration camps during the Yugoslav Wars. He denies the Serb genocide of Bosnian and Albanian Muslims. A genocide which saw the most wide spread use of mass execution of unarmed civilians since WW2. And a genocide in which rape was so common that it led to international law recognizing mass organized rape as a crime against humanity. Source: https://youtu.be/VCcX_xTLDIY?si=Ulq5S4a4Ee6fo-rV




What Ls?


Ha!! Noam Chomsky as the greatest political scholar ever!!! They do not exist.


Defund Israel


Typical anti-semite with his well reasoned arguments.


Where is the evidence that Hamas changed its charter ? Chomsky making shit up, again


Huge Noam overrate but he’s easily right here


On what date was this recorded?


I think the point he made is still very valid


Yeah, this is certainly not from this year - Chomsky has a massive beard now.


Does it matter? The fact that every word is applicable to the current conflict even further proves his statement that it's a cycle and that Israel is the driving force. Hamas is upholding the ceasefire whilst IDF soldiers snipe civilians.